Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, May 03, 2001
by Team Compendium

darkmaster_steve says, "Welcome all to another exciting day of Pokechat! MEOWTH!!!"
darkmt_mike says, "Hello! Welcome to this weeks Chat. This week I decided to have MTM, and MTP feel what it is like to be put in that box Dark Apprentice Steve is always in. So I let DAS out of the box and put the other two Master Trainers in. He and I will be answering your questions today. But first the announcements!"
darkmt_mike says, "We are putting together a complete list of ALL Pokemon card rulings we have ever made. The fine folks at Team Compendium have kept some of it recorded for you and we are taking their accumulated rules as well as our internal rulings and combined them into a user-friendly tournament document for our judges. We will work on making it available for the public soon."
darkmt_mike says, "Now for the new rulings (yesterday was the rules meeting). First plenty of Ditto rulings."
darkmt_mike says, "Ditto's Transform Pokemon Power overrides any effects on Ditto that change any of the basic aspects of the Pokemon (HP, Weakness from Polygon's Conversion, etc). This also means that if Ditto was a copy of Venomoth and Shifted itself to a new color, when Ditto Transforms into another Pokemon, this will be overridden and Ditto will be the color of the new Pokemon it Transformed into. This is NOT the same case as with Smeargle's Paint counters as this is an outside continually applied effect (like Char or damage counters). So Ditto Transforms into the new Pokemon but still is affected by the Paint counter."
darkmt_mike says, "Ditto copying a Shifted Venomoth becomes Venomoth of the same color that it is Shifted to. Shift effectively rewrites the color on the card."
darkmt_mike says, "Ditto, when it Transforms, copies what is written on the Defending Pokemon (its written HP, Weakness, etc.). It does not copy changed values on the other card (if the Defending Pokemon is painted into another color, or has more HP from attached energy like Sabrina's Gastly)."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. If Focus Band is attached to Giovanni's Machamp, and it is Knocked Out, what effect comes first? It's Pok�mon Power or the Focus Band? A. You would choose, as they have the same effect, you choose the order of resolution. (Dec 21, 2000 WotC Chat) This has been verified."
darkmt_mike says, "Defender only prevents 20 damage from any one attack. If an attack has 2 components to it that can do damage (like Dark Weezing's Mass Explosion) Defender will still only reduce the overall attack total damage by 20, NOT each component by 20."
darkmt_mike says, "If Entei gets benched, then the Protective Flame effect ends. So now none of your benched Pokemon would be protected in this case."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. If I have a Koga trainer in play, and I use Koga's Weezing's "Toxic Cloud" attack, would I get to choose which poison condition to use (single or double), or does one condition take precedence over the other? (Step E or Step J of the rules?) A. Since both effects take place at the same time, the controlling player gets to decide what order to resolve them."
darkmt_mike says, "Important Errata for this card. Damage from Shock Blast will NOT trigger any Shock Blast Pokemon power (either its own or a defending Lt. Surge's Electrode or Ditto as Lt. Surge's Electrode)."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. Does Jungle Electrode apply weakness and resistance for benched Pokemon (it doesn't say not to...)? A. If it doesn't say then you wouldn't apply Weakness and Resistance (the default for benched Pokemon is to NOT apply Weakness and Resistance). (Apr 26, 2001 WotC Chat) This has been verified."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. What happens when you attach a Rainbow Energy to Blaine's Ninetales when it has 10 HP left? Does it get knocked out or not? A. It would get Knocked out. Rainbow energy only counts as all types when it is already in play. You do the 10 damage from Rainbow when you attach it, which takes place before it is in play, and before the Healing Fire Power would trigger."
darkmt_mike says, "And last but not least I would like to inform you that the Lugia �Coin� from the Pokemon 2000 movie video is not going to be legal in any sanctioned event. It is not even really a coin folks. Just because something is round and flat does not make it a randomizer."
darkmaster_steve says, "Whew..."
darkmaster_steve says, "That is a lot of stuff!"
darkmaster_steve says, "MEowth.."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #12 from daytongl:Any ideas what the Meowth project is going to be?
darkmaster_steve says, "Don't know yet, still looking for idea's, but still looking foward to it!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #13 from samling12:people at Zeo Forums have been wondering about the Hitmontop promo 37. There have been 2 prototype images, suspected to be fake. Any comments on this?
darkmt_mike says, "No comment."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #14 from unown_master:Any promo news?
darkmaster_steve says, "Nope nothing there."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #15 from unown_master:Whats the phrase of the day?
darkmt_mike says, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few Togepi's"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #16 from pikabruce:If you play "The Rocket's Trap" and flip heads, can you look at the 3 selected cards before your opponent shuffles them back into his deck?
darkmaster_steve says, "No you may not look at them."
darkmt_mike says, "Yes."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #17 from pikabruce:Can you play Super Energy Retrieval, even if there are no energy cards in your discard pile?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes again!"
darkmaster_steve says, "He just thinks everyone read's mind's like him! That's why he answer's before he presents the question."
darkmt_mike says, "LoL"
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #18 from pikabruce:Can you play Max Revive even if there are no Pokemon in your discard pile?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, you can not, you must be able to do what it says. You can't get the pokemon, so you can't play the trainer."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #19 from pikabruce:If Croconaw does Jaw Clamp against Entei (and Entei is not knocked out), can Entei's Bolt still activate?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, bolt will still work."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #20 from pikabruce:If Murkrow with 2 Darkness Energy does Feint Attack against a defending Erika's Dratini, how much damage will Erika's Dratini receive?
darkmt_mike says, "40."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #21 from chrisbo:If Brock's Ninetales has a coloring counter on it (from Smeargle's Paint) and then uses its Shapeshift power to *attach* an evolution card, would the coloring counter be retained or would it then become the type of the new attached card?
darkmt_mike says, "No. The paint counter would be retained."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #23 from chrisbo:With the Blaine trainer do you have to attach both energies immediately after playing the Blaine, or can you attach them later on in the turn (i.e. after playing an Oak)? Also, do both energies have to be attached simultaneously to the same Pokemon?
darkmt_mike says, "You do not have to attach the Energies right after playing the Trainer..."
darkmt_mike says, "You can oak or Elm or play other tainers...."
darkmt_mike says, "..but you must attach both energies at the same time."
darkmaster_steve says, "You could even go get a class of milk and come back and still be able to put two energies down. |)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #24 from oldman_405:This probably isn't the place to ask but, I applied online a month ago for a couple of sanctioned tourneys & have yet to hear of confirmation. Who do I need to contact? Also Is there any way to set up the DCI reporter so that it will keep the ages separate from one another instead of mixing them?
darkmt_mike says, "[email protected]"
darkmt_mike says, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few Togepi's"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #25 from samantha_129:What's the quote/word/phrase/thing of the week?
darkmt_mike says, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few Togepi's"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #26 from bloodix:Hey I sent In my create a card activity about 9 weeks ago and still haven't goten it in yet. Why is that?
darkmaster_steve says, "Those are just taking a while, if you haven't gotten it by the end of June, then call us we will have lists."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #27 from metal_entei:will WCSTS have QT in Calgary?
darkmt_mike says, "Dunno yet."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #28 from michel1be:what can a player do at a tournament if the judge, after having read the compendium, takes a decision that is in contradiction with the compendium ?
darkmt_mike says, "The Head Judge always has final say."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #29 from metal_entei:How are the judges choosen for the STS/Mall Tours, when there are no DCI judges?
darkmaster_steve says, "Well, for the STS it will be your's Truely! (The Master trainers......and me....) at the tours they have other wonderful people judging the contests."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #30 from metal_entei:DMTM will you be giving out Pokemon Packs this year Holloween, if so imagine my soul went to your house and mail me some packs! ^_^
darkmt_mike says, "Must be there to get a pack!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #31 from oldman_405:aaarrrrgggg Ditto - Ditto is active with a gold berry attached. The attacker to Ditto does damage & Ditto now has 50 or more damage to it. The attack also causes paralysis or confusion or sleep. Does the gold berry activate first saving Ditto or does the effect knock out Ditto?
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible"
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, because he would turn back into ditto before the gold berry could save him."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #32 from purity1:if you use mp mewtwo's energy absorption to pull 2 d energy from your discard, does it take the damage from the dark energy it absorbed?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes it does!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #33 from kakkaroto7:So, for Murkrow, does a metal energy apply? What is the most damage it can do?
darkmaster_steve says, "If Murkrow has Metal energy attached his damage is reduced. if it is on the defending pokemon then it would not be, (because of his attack ignoring that.)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #34 from point8:What do you think about the Jumpluff line?
darkmt_mike says, "My parents won't let me use scissors."
darkmt_mike says, "I think that it is just fine for some things!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #35 from point8:What will 15 and lolder people get to do at he one-day qualifier tournament?
darkmaster_steve says, "There are events for 15+ at the one day's, there are prizes but no free trip, you should get cards and other cool prizes."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #36 from gunterl:what is the offical stating date for season 5 of the league? Last I checked it was May 26th.
darkmt_mike says, "That is correct!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #37 from daytongl:DMTM, are you guys goign to be making an appearance at Origins in Columbus, OH this year?
darkmt_mike says, "Sorry we can't make it!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #38 from kajio:What does a Togepi omelette taste like?
darkmt_mike says, "I don't eat them! I just like to break them!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #39 from gunterl:when will promos 25,26, and 28 be released? I know it will be through the league, I want season numbers
darkmaster_steve says, "No, Comment"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #41 from michel1be:could you, once again, confirm two rules : 1 rainbow energy can be used as a metal energy for the purpose of an attack but without additional effect (no 10 more)
darkmaster_steve says, "Umm let me think long and hard on this one....YES! |) you have it exactly."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #42 from daytongl:How do you get rid of a Char Counter without having the pokemon knocked out/scooped up/etc?
darkmaster_steve says, "Evolve, that is about the only other way."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #43 from michel1be:second ... if whooper makes amnesia on Sneasel for example, Sneasel retreats for Cleffa, Cleffa retreats for the same Sneasel, the effect of amnesia is canceled
darkmaster_steve says, "Correct. Benching a pokemon ends the effect one them."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #46 from daytongl:How much damage does Murkrow's Feint attack do wit two Dark Energies attached, 20 or 40?
darkmaster_steve says, "It would do 40 to the defending pokemon, 20 to any benched pokemon."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #44 from chrisbo:Last week you said that Jungle Electrode's "Chain Lightning" does not apply weakness & resistance to the benched pokemon. However, since it doesn't say "not to" on the card, why should we not apply them? Please confirm & elaborate, thanks.
darkmt_mike says, "It has been ruled that W/R does not apply to the bench unless specificly mandated by the card. Period. That is a meta-game rule. It was never intended that the W/R would apply to the bench unless specificly stated. Yes we do know that some Pokemon say not to apply W/R to the Bench."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #45 from chrisbo:If Entei has a Focus Band attached, and an attack knocks out Entei, but the Focus Band flip is heads, will this trigger the Bolt Pokemon Power? I mean, the "attack" would've KO'd it (no Bolt), but Focus Band (not the attack) is what affected the damag
darkmt_mike says, "No it could not. Bolt specificly says: "unless that attack Knocks out Entei""
darkmaster_steve says, "Wha... I think he is testing me again...."
darkmt_mike says, "No it could not. Bolt specificly says: "unless that attack Knocks out Entei""
darkmt_mike shakes his head.
darkmt_mike says, "It will not. The key word here is" would" be knocked out. It is not "Knocked Out.""
darkmaster_steve says, "Don't you mean that it would trigger bolt."
darkmaster_steve says, "He is testing me again."
darkmt_mike says, "Sorry. It would trigger it!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #47 from jdg6248:Can you earn a Dark Arbok On the first day of day 2 events?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes you can!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #48 from jdg6248:Will all neo discovery's rares be holo,like the Japaness set
darkmt_mike says, "Dunno."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #49 from point8:What does Smeargle's Paint attack do? Does it have any good uses?
darkmaster_steve says, "Try using it on a sneasel, if they have a dark enegry attached to a pokemon that is no longer dark, then he starts taking damage... doh that hurts!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #50 from misawa:Japanese have been prolific w/promo cards, will WOTC catchup
darkmt_mike says, "We will try!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #51 from jdg6248:Any news on the release date for Neo discovery?
darkmaster_steve says, "Mid June."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #52 from daytongl:In my Season 5 kit, we were told to give out the # to get the promo B-Day Pikachu cards. There was no start date attached to say when calls would be accepted. Is the Hune 30 date still firm for this?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yeah, if you don't have the BD Pikachu by the end of June call us."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #53 from unown_master:In your phrase, Togepi is a Pok�mon, and Pok�mon don't pluralise, Therefore you phrase should be 'You can't make an ommlette without breaking a few Togepi'
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #54 from misawa:Will there be a "Promo" card set because of the lg
darkmt_mike says, "lg?"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #55 from jdg6248:Is it too late to send in Happy B-day Pikachu forms?
darkmaster_steve says, "Has long has you can get one you can still send it in."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #56 from misawa:question 54 continued..large number of Japanese promo cards?
darkmt_mike says, "Oh. I see. But you will have to wait and see!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #57 from samling12:what card do you feel will dominate the upcoming STS?
darkmaster_steve says, "ENERGY! every deck will have it!!! OR MEOWTH!!! I vote for MEOWTH!"
darkmt_mike says, "Sneasel?"
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #58 from misawa:Will Neo2 Japanese promo cards not yet seen be in amer Neo2?
darkmt_mike says, "Dunno."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #59 from cokomon:Is the Hitmontop promo pic that has been circulating the internet fake?
darkmaster_steve says, "Dunno, (I am learning from my master.)"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #60 from cokomon:Entei's Protective flame attack only protects the bench, right? Not Entei, too?
darkmaster_steve says, "Entei does not protect himself, so you do not become invincible from with this attack...."
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #61 from bloodix:What will be some of the diffrences in the Neo 2 cards in English and Japanness?
darkmaster_steve says, "The writing, maybe...."
darkmaster_steve says, "spelling....."
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #62 from pikabruce:You say Super Energy Retrieval can be used even if there's no energy in discard pile, but Max Revive cannot be used if there's no Pokemon in discard pile. Please explain the difference.
darkmaster_steve says, "Simple, one says take all of them if there are fewer then four, the other says to bring out one pokemon, So with the SER you could bring back 0 (because that's fewer the four) however with a MR you couldn't bring back 0 pokemon, (that is not 1)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #63 from point8:My friend says that you may choose to Entei's Bolt Pokemon Power, is this ture (i don't think so)?
darkmt_mike says, "No choice!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #64 from zapdos24:what was Today's Announcements?
darkmt_mike says, "Will go through them later!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #65 from zapdos24:Apprentice Steve: Mind if we send you Japanese Meowth for your Special Meowth Structure?
darkmaster_steve says, "Sure, I love any Meowth, and that way I can study more Japanese!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #66 from michel1be:what's the penalty if one of the players forgets to put his prices and wants to put ther after 2 or 3 turns ?
darkmt_mike says, "Bye Witches. Thanks for not eating me!"
darkmt_mike says, "The price is free!"
darkmt_mike says, "A warning or a prze award. Most likely."
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #67 from bloodix:When will the Igglybuff cards be sent in?
darkmaster_steve says, "Season 4. They should be there now."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #68 from warrior_sneasel:When can we register for the next STS?
darkmt_mike says, "Soon young Skywalker."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #69 from cokomon:Any cards in Neo Discovery that you think will change the environment?
darkmt_mike says, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few Togepi's."
darkmt_mike says, "Sure. Lots!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #70 from trovtwo:WIll southern islands be in the binder like at toy fair or a gift box?
darkmt_mike says, "Not ready to say yet!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #71 from cokomon:Is the STS gonna rock this year?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, because all the Master's will be there, and me...... And a special guest, a friend of mine, (although he won't admit it) Baby Jbake."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #74 from trovtwo:HAs Wizards gotten rights for neo 4+?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #75 from trovtwo:So June is only how many days away?
darkmaster_steve says, "a couple..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #76 from kajio:So what grade did DMTM pass with in English?
darkmt_mike says, "I was supposed to take English?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #77 from kakkaroto7:So, can my DCI store make rules for tourneys? Or no?
darkmt_mike says, "Not sure what you mean. If it is sanctioned then they must follow the DCI policies for tournaments. if not they van do what they want."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #78 from trovtwo:Will thier be any more kool ways to earn promos besides the grids?
darkmt_mike says, "Of course!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #80 from trovtwo:Okay dmtmike you are not a simpsons character.Your not yellow your simply DMTM!
darkmt_mike says, "My parents won't let me use scissors."
darkmt_mike says, "I'm from Idaho!"
darkmt_mike says, "Bye Witches. Thanks for not eating me!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #81 from marril2000:when will phone regestration for the East Coast Super Trainer Showdown Two start? Any info on it?
darkmt_mike says, "Soon."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #82 from marril2000:How may players is wizards expecting at the East Coast Super Trainer Showdown Two this year?
darkmt_mike says, "Many"
darkmt_mike grins evilly.
darkmt_mike says, "Lot's."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #79 from soslowpoke:If Narrow Gym is in play, and I use Sabrina's Hypno's Invigorate attack, does your opponent have to return one of his/her pokemon to their hand or does the attack not work?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, the bench is considerd full, so you could not do the attack. (the attack would fail.)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #83 from cokomon:Will we ever get any more news about Cross Trainer?
darkmt_mike says, "Yeah there will be news about it sometime."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #84 from marril2000:has Wizards of The Coast started any progress on Neo 3 and/or 4?
darkmt_mike says, "Sure. lot's."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #85 from trovtwo:Will the Neo2 rulebook have any updated changes in it when released?
darkmt_mike says, "Dunno."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #86 from trovtwo:WIll all future promos feature the "NEo Desighn"on them?
darkmt_mike says, "Can't go there."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #87 from marril2000:do you know when store.wizards.com will start taking orders for Neo Discovery?
darkmt_mike says, "They are now. Right?"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #88 from misawa:will there be a victory road again this year?
darkmaster_steve says, "Don't know, yet...."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #89 from haymakermaker:In the badge book, there are 8 spaces for those promo stickers. Could that possibly mean one for each season?(It's done that so far)
darkmt_mike says, "Impressive! Yes!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #90 from gold_gyarados:i came with an idea to build with the meowth cards im gonna send in: the meowth mobile
darkmaster_steve says, "Ok,, Um... I will think about it, but anything with moving parts will probably not work.... and there is the whole engine problem... and hairball problems..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #91 from daytongl:Me loose brain? Uh-oh!
darkmt_mike says, "LoL!"
darkmt_mike says, "Bye Witches. Thanks for not eating me!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #92 from trovtwo:Whatcha Super tranur shoebown?
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible."
darkmt_mike smiles.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #93 from cokomon:Hey DMTM, what's you favorite epsiode of the Simpsons?
darkmt_mike says, "To many to choose!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #94 from trovtwo:Will the neo2 cards have the same rarity (common,rare etc.) as the Japanese ones?
darkmaster_steve says, "For the most part..... Can't be certain until they come out."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #95 from marril2000:has wizards tried to get the rights for an American Imakuni (such as MTM and/or, MTP, and/or DMTM, and/or even darkmaster steve) yet?
darkmt_mike says, "We would like to!"
darkmaster_steve says, "No player may have more than 4 Pokemon on his or her Bench. When this card is played, if a player has more 5 Pokemon on his or her Bench, that player chooses 1 of them and returns it and all cards attached to it to his or her hand. (If both players have to return a Pokemon, your opponent returns a Pokemon first.)"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #96 from daytongl:If I had 5 Pok�mon on my bench and my opponent plays a Narrow Gym, what are the implications on my bench?
darkmt_mike smirks.
darkmaster_steve says, "No player may have more than 4 Pokemon on his or her Bench. When this card is played, if a player has more 5 Pokemon on his or her Bench, that player chooses 1 of them and returns it and all cards attached to it to his or her hand. (If both players have to return a Pokemon, your opponent returns a Pokemon first.)"
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible."
darkmaster_steve says, "Try that again."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #97 from cokomon:Will there be news on Cross Trainer some time soon?
darkmt_mike says, "Er I don't know!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #98 from trovtwo:Is there an invisible wall behind you guys watching our every questions?
darkmaster_steve says, "None that we see!"
darkmt_mike shakes his head.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #99 from trovtwo:Statue of liberty?Ahhh this is earth it's become Planet of the Doughnuts!RUN!
darkmt_mike says, "Planet of the Apes?"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #101 from daytongl:Here's an idea for the Meowth Project, the Sphynx with Meowth's face
darkmaster_steve says, "Thats good, Now, I just have to figure out how to do it..... hmmmm...."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #102 from kakkaroto7:Whats your favorite deck?
darkmaster_steve says, "Poker deck's are nice too...."
darkmt_mike says, "I like a control Blue myself!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #104 from trovtwo:So has te whole "shiny rarity" been worked out yet?
darkmt_mike says, "Of course we always work things out!"
darkmaster_steve says, "We are beating you guys on questions vs answers..... |)"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #105 from hyperflame:If I have a Ditto active, and my opponent has a Feraligatr that has evolved from the 40 HP Totodile and then Breedered, can I use Recall on my Ditto to make it remeber Totodile's Rage techniques?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, ditto is not an evolved form, so you couldn't recall anything..."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #106 from gold_gyarados:is the meowth mobile a good idea?
darkmaster_steve says, "Sure, if I can get it to work.."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #107 from haymakermaker:Meowth Structure Idea: The Team Rocket Balloon
darkmaster_steve says, "I like that one! Anyone got a small meowth I can put in it?"
darkmaster_steve says, "MEOWTH!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth likes it too!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #108 from magmar2000:I'm organizing my cards and I have ALOT of Meowths waiting. ;-) What's the address again?
darkmaster_steve says, "Wizards of the Coast - ATTN Dark Apprentice Steve PO Box 707 Renton WA. 98057-0707"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #109 from gold_gyarados:would you rather play a raindance deck or a psychic deck?
darkmt_mike says, "Gengar says Psychic!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #111 from the_mystery_thing:if i have a wild growth meganium on my bench and a ditto active with a water energy on it, can i count that water energy as a grass (meaning two grass) for the sake of an attack that ditto may have copied?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, you can't treat the energy attached has anytime, but it's not actually a grass energy..."
darkmaster_steve says, "Any type."
darkmaster_steve says, "sorry..... |("

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #112 from trovtwo:WHere's Mike o pat?CAn you guys sing?
darkmt_mike says, "Only sing if there are no questions!"
darkmt_mike says, "They are in box today!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth! Sorry Meowth, I didn't mean it!!!!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #113 from hi_jynx:If you atach a defender to a pokemon and retret it to the bench what happens to the deffender? if it stays whit him does it protect him fron damage?
darkmt_mike says, "For one turn it would protect them!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #114 from hyperflame:What in your opinion is the best stalling pkmn? I personally use Jungle Lickitung, since it Paralyzes and does 10 for only 1 colorless
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth! Because no one would dare attack him, or face his wrath!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #115 from chrisbo:Do either of you guys play TCG on the GameBoy? I wanna Card Pop! *pop*
darkmt_mike says, "I wish I had time!"
darkmt_mike says, "Which car?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #116 from gold_gyarados:how do you guys entertain yourself all day?
darkmt_mike says, "We are very busy. Not much time for entertainment!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #117 from trovtwo:Are fossil,gym and base set STILL in print!?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, they are not..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #118 from cokomon:I miss the Great Maple Bar War...
darkmt_mike says, "It's no War. The Maple Bars won!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #119 from spago_:who is DMTM favorite pasta-related person?
darkmt_mike says, "Black Adder?"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #120 from gold_gyarados:does meowth abuse you dark trainer steve?
darkmaster_steve says, "Only when he is mad.... OWE! (Like now)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #121 from puritys_echidna:so who would win in a battle? Steve's Meowth or Dark Mike's gengar? (sits back and watches as the two mt's duke it out)
darkmaster_steve says, "I am still an apprentice, so I still couldn't even face DMTM,"
darkmt_mike says, "Gengar is more Evolved and cultured!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #122 from lance313:Is location in San Diego set; when will plans start to become finalized for WCSTS; do you need any local help?
darkmt_mike says, "It is set. I would like a cheese burger and a dozen Maple Bars please..."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #123 from zapdos24:What happended to our Non Dark Master Trainers?
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth dug out the box that I was in (it got buried in the Earthquake) and we put them in that box!"
darkmt_mike says, "They are in the Dark now!"
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #124 from trovtwo:SO now Steve is ,making a M.O.M(Monument of Meowth)?
darkmaster_steve says, "I am going to try, They say that it might be my.......test......"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #125 from trovtwo:DId you know,that the maple bar was invented by a farmer?
darkmt_mike says, "No! Thats great!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #126 from pokemaniacbill:If a Baby Pokemon, Cleffa, is considered a Basic Pokemon, and A basic Pokemon can't evolve into a basic pokemon, then would a Basic be considered a Stage One Pokemon and a Normal Stage 1 would be a Stage 2, correct? So would it be possiblte to Pokemon Brreder Cleffa into Clefable?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, you can not breeder a cleffa to clefable, Clefable is still not considerd stage to from your hand."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #127 from gold_gyarados:why why why????????????? why did you ban sneasel????????????????
darkmt_mike says, "Because. Because because. He was broken in that environment."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #128 from puritys_echidna:Re: 117: you said that base/fossil/gym were out of print. Is this ia change from last week when you said that gym was still being printed? (starts hoarding Gym Packs)
darkmt_mike says, "Base Fossil and Jungle. If you said Gym I did not catch it."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #129 from gold_gyarados:tell him i said behave or i'll use my gyarados's dragon rage on him
darkmaster_steve says, "I can't do that, and I wouldn't suggest threatening him, he gets even more Mad..... Sigh....uggg."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #131 from daytongl:has Dark Gengar taken up Cohibas yet along with Maple Bars?
darkmt_mike says, "It is an aquired taste."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #132 from trovtwo:DMTM WHat are your thoughts on the new Dark Gangar card?
darkmt_mike says, "My thoughts are blocked."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #133 from magmar2000:I know Pat's not here, but I gotta. :-D What are those Mariners now? 21-6? ;-)
darkmaster_steve says, "Yea!! They are doin great! Even meowth likes em!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #134 from pokemaniacbill:Did Dark Master Trainer Mike go to the pokemasters UBB? I am speaking on behalf of the board...
darkmt_mike says, "I have been there...."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #135 from chrisbo:Re. Q111, Are you sure that if there's a Meganium on the bench, my Ditto copying another grass pokemon can't treat it's energies at GG when using "Wild Growth"?
darkmaster_steve says, "Don't hurt me! I am just an apprentice..."
darkmt_mike says, "You can. DAS was confused and poisoned when he answered that one."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #136 from hyperflame:is this a weekly occurence? Do people always bash Maple Bars? I just had a few Maple Bars a few days ago, and yes, everybody who is concerned, they are doughnuts :)
darkmt_mike says, "Some people are just uneducated."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #139 from lance313:Re: 122 - You stated location in San Diego for WCSTS was set. Did you mean just that San Diego was set, or the specific venue was chosen/confirmed? If so, when will it be announced?
darkmt_mike says, "Just the site. Venue is a long way away."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #140 from purity1:can you use recall with sabrinas alakazam's psylink, to use one of your other pokemons previous stage ayttacks?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, because it says that your active may take any attack on ITS basic or evolution form."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #141 from gold_gyarados:do you guys watch hockey?
darkmt_mike says, "I play hockey, but don't watch it much!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #143 from unown_master:Any word on what will happen to the Shining Magikarp/Gyarados Cards?
darkmt_mike says, "They will go the way of all things!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #144 from trovtwo:Will Mike sing songs at the STS?
darkmt_mike says, "We sure hope not. Have you heard him!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #145 from tyais:Should I try and disguise my self-promotions this week or not? Eh, I'll do it blantant... remember to check out Wizards PokeGym. Along side that, look for articles and such from some new Scrub Master Trainer I heard that Wizards hired! (He has a funny name from what I hear....) Lastly, if you have any rulings questions, etc. make sure you check out www.pkcompendium.com for a listing of all the rulings the MTs make.
darkmt_mike says, "We hired Tyais to do some work for us! Welcome to the Company Tyais!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #146 from theneoguy:what does it mean on dark vileplume's pokemon power :hay fever that no more trianer cards can be played? does that mean for your oponnent or for bolth you and your oponnent?
darkmaster_steve says, "Wow, if it said your opponent could not play trainers that would be gross. But it says that no trainers, your's and your opponents."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #148 from pokesensei:OK.We keep getting a biased view of Maple Bars since MT Mike isn`t here.We all know they ARE NOT DONUTS!!!You put MT Mike captive.Admit it!!! :-)
darkmt_mike says, "You poor thing. You must be delerious."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #149 from trovtwo:WHen will the Vending macjines givce out good prizes?
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible."
darkmaster_steve says, "What is a Macjines? and why would it gicve prizes/"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #150 from gold_gyarados:when the shining cards come out in the us will they be extra rare?
darkmt_mike says, "What shining cards?"
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #152 from gold_gyarados:what is meowth doing now?
darkmaster_steve says, "sitting on top of my computer yelling at me!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Don't provoke him please...."
darkmt_mike says, "Sure send your Card to attention Master Trainers"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #153 from gold_gyarados:can i get an autograph?
darkmt_mike says, "PO Box 707 Renton WA 98057-0707."
darkmt_mike says, "We will be happy to all sign one for you!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #154 from kajio:Which sounds better: Mike's singing or the Tortured Cat Trio?
darkmaster_steve says, "I vote for the Tortured cat trio!"
darkmaster_steve says, "And since MTP and MTM arn't here, they can't vote!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #155 from mad_maxx:Re:143 You said they will go the way of all things, what did you mean?
darkmt_mike says, "It means Ashes to Ashes!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #160 from tyais:Any new info on the Cross Trainer set?
darkmt_mike says, "Tyais! YOU KNOW BETTER!"
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #161 from pokemaniacbill:How can I become a master trainer?
darkmaster_steve says, "Practice, focus, Practice, and concentration...."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #162 from unown_master:Your meowth can talk too?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes... He can.. Didn't you know, all Meowth's can talk..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #163 from theneoguy:does raimbow energy count as darkness and metal but without the effects because everybody is yelling at eachother and getting mad because no one knows if it does or not
darkmt_mike says, "Yes it does count as both. But does not give you their affects."
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible."
darkmaster_steve says, "don't you mean effects."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #164 from gold_gyarados:ok sorry
darkmt_mike says, "No problem!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #165 from crazy_nut_man:Sts News...Promo News...Neo News?
darkmt_mike says, "There will be an STS."
darkmt_mike says, "There are Promo's."
darkmt_mike says, "Neo is coming to a store near you!"
darkmt_mike smiles.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #166 from magmar2000:So Steve, your Meowth, I take it in can talk? Does it have an annoying accent? ;-)
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, it sounds a lot like Japanese... |)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #167 from daytongl:Sensi's delerious from lack of Maple Bar DONUTS! Is Gengar's Pok�mon Power cumulative?
darkmt_mike says, "If you had two you could do it twice. But it is not cumulative."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #168 from mad_maxx:If the shining pokemon cards come out, would Wizards make them promo's?
darkmt_mike says, "We might...we might not!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #169 from trovtwo:Can you do an impretion of MTMikse's new album?AAAAAHHHH yyyaaaa u ya u yaaa.....
darkmt_mike says, "WE would be afraid to."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #170 from gexico:Will Promo Psyduck be usable at the STS?
darkmt_mike says, "I'm not sure but I think he may not be now because he is a reprint of an existing."
darkmt_mike says, "I will find out and let you know for sure."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #173 from gold_gyarados:may i have meowth's autograph/
darkmaster_steve says, "Sure, if you send in something to be signed by the MT's, I will have Meowth sign it to.... (If I get to sign it has well, since I am just a lowly apprentice.)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #171 from unown_master:Are the discontinued set still being printed in other countrys? Therefore, if she weighs the same as a duck...
darkmt_mike says, "Some of them are. Then She's a Witch!"
darkmt_mike says, "Bye Witches. Thanks for not eating me!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #175 from crazy_nut_man:So only DarkMaster Steve & Mike is running the show??
darkmt_mike says, "Yeah! Scary isn't it!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Yep, we thought you would want to have some fun today!"
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike says, "Oh good slam on the other two MT's!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #176 from crazy_nut_man:Sorry about this question, but what is up with this meowth??
darkmaster_steve says, "He keep's beating me up, and yelling at me, sigh... he is mad.. That is the way he is...."
darkmt_mike says, "Not a loop hole. It would count as any "one" of those but not all three for the purposes of discarding them."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #177 from pokemaniacbill:Re:161 Haha. I am serious. I would like to be a Master Trainer. Also, a Rainbow Energy Card counts as all types of energy at once, correct? If so, then an attack like, say, Lugia's Elemental Blast would work with one Rainbow energy, counting for one electric, one fire, and one water. Loophole, but still, am I not right?
darkmaster_steve says, "Whooops. There goes that mind reading ability."
darkmt_mike says, "OOps! Ahead of myself again."
darkmt_mike grins evilly.
darkmaster_steve says, "If you had a gengar you could understand him"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #178 from gold_gyarados:where did meowth come from?
darkmaster_steve says, "Japan."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #179 from trovtwo:What's the estimate that there might be a season3 league?
darkmt_mike says, "The estimate is 20."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #180 from pokesensei:I`m delirious?I`m not the one that`s answering the questions out of order.....See,Maple Bars are not donuts!!! ;-)
darkmt_mike says, "You want order with to Dark Masters!"
darkmt_mike says, "Are you insane."
darkmt_mike says, "We are!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #181 from tyais:MT Mike and MT Pat have bothed assured that the Promo Psyduck will be legal for play.
darkmt_mike says, "I'm their Boss and I say we will see!"
darkmaster_steve says, "I think it is,,,, (don't hurt me)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #183 from crazy_nut_man:Sorry about that question, but have u seen Pok�mon 3: The Movie? If you did prove it
darkmt_mike says, "Er there is this scene with a Dragon that is breathing on a Mouse named CHU CHU Trainer!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Yeah, and I think that Ash is in it!!!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #184 from trovtwo:So how come Steve dosn't have a picture on his article?
darkmt_mike says, "You really don't want to see his picture..."
darkmt_mike says, "..why do you think we keep him in a box!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Gee thanks...."
darkmt_mike says, "Sowwwy!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #185 from feralshade:is discovery still scheduled to be released in June? If so do you have a more precise date?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, Mid June, (little better)"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #186 from samling12:why have you not made any white star or uncommon cards?
darkmt_mike says, "We are not interested in making cards quite that rare."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #187 from gold_gyarados:hey dasteve you are the coolest guy to talk to in lycos chat
darkmaster_steve says, "Thanks, but Meowth tells me what to say...."
darkmaster_steve says, "ALL HAIL MEOWTH!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #188 from daytongl:What is the airspeed of a swallow carrying a coconut?
darkmt_mike says, "African or European?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #189 from tyais:What is with all the Ralph Wiggum quotes this afternoon?
darkmt_mike says, "Bye Witches. Thanks for not eating me!"
darkmt_mike says, "My parents won't let me use scissors"
darkmt_mike says, "Me fail English? That's unpossible"
darkmt_mike says, "I'm Idaho!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #190 from crazy_nut_man:is it true that hitmotop is promo number #37?
darkmaster_steve says, "Maybe...."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #192 from gold_gyarados:can't you calm meowth down?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, he got into the Cat nip again! Sigh. No stopping him now!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #193 from royalcharizard:I found a way to get Meowth to stop beating ya up...
darkmaster_steve says, "Good! HELP!! !!!"
darkmaster_steve says, "OW!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #194 from trovtwo:what if Meowth was one of usssss?
darkmaster_steve says, "Just a slob like all of us?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #195 from trovtwo:So will the Unkowns in NEo2 be the promos as well?
darkmt_mike says, "Dunno."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #198 from unown_master:Why isnt the promo Psyduck Legal?
darkmt_mike says, "Just got the official answer. It is legal. The MT's were right this time. But I will get them next time."
darkmt_mike smirks.
darkmaster_steve says, "Gengar confuses DMTM sometimes, take's him a while to recover... Don't MIND him..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #199 from gexico:Any new STS news?
darkmt_mike says, "This just in! The STS will be in NJ this June!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #200 from feralshade:a card idea for Creatures: 'Double Rainbow Energy' (can only attach to active Pok�mon; active pok�mon is now poisoned) What do you think?

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #201 from gold_gyarados:can you give meowth something to calm him down?
darkmaster_steve says, "A Pikachu toy."
darkmt_mike says, "Good luck!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #202 from toonpark:I have heard that Dicovery will have a simultaneous release in the UK and the US, if this just a nasty rumor ?
darkmt_mike says, "We are trying to do that."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #203 from pokemaniacbill:Again, is it possible to be an MT? Because if so, I would like to know. It would be a good idea to maybe have more MTs, cause I know alot about the cards. I can think of every loophole and trick and every way to get around a loophole. Please respond by whispering, if it is possible to become a MT.
darkmt_mike says, "You need to work here to be an MT."
darkmt_mike says, "But first you must go through a rigorous training reiment."
darkmt_mike says, "regiment"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #204 from daytongl:If someone wins the trip package at one of the STSQTs, can they play in STSQTs at other locations?
darkmt_mike says, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few Togepi's."
darkmaster_steve says, "No, prize per person...."
darkmaster_steve says, "ONE PRIZE...sigh..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #205 from pokesensei:If I have a Rocket's Minefield Gym in play and put a Mysterious Fossil into play, do I have to flip for Rocket's Minefield Gym? I would assume not since it isn't considered a Pokemon until it is in play, not as it comes into play.
darkmt_mike says, "It counts as one as it is coming into play. So you would flip."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #206 from gold_gyarados:my fav pokemon is bellossom(better then meowth on gameboy)
darkmaster_steve says, "But in real life, Meowth would easily win, (with catnip he is unstopable)!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #207 from feralshade:how many times can we enter the Discovery Contest? (The rules say once per week, the confirmation email says once period)
darkmt_mike says, "Once period."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #208 from daytongl:What? I didn't know that! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
darkmt_mike says, "LoL"
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #209 from unown_master:What is your facination with my forbidden Closet of Mystery? Sorry, with all the Ralph quotes I couldn't resist one from his Dad...
darkmt_mike says, "Ibeat the smart kids! I beat the smart kids!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #213 from metal_entei:what kind of Paper does WotC use to print out Pokemon Cards?
darkmt_mike says, "Paper made fro trees."
darkmt_mike says, "From"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #214 from gold_gyarados:is meowth lazy?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, but he keeps running around screaming!"
darkmaster_steve says, "MEOWTH!!!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #215 from marril2000:"I'm peddling backwards!" -Ralph Wiggum
darkmt_mike says, "LoL"
darkmt_mike says, "You're Deceptive!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #217 from spago_:who do you think will win SURVIVOR tonight (it's on in 20min for us EC peeps)? i want keith to win, but i think that colby will win.. =p
darkmt_mike says, "Gengar?"
darkmaster_steve says, "I think it will be a surprise guest MEOWTH!"
darkmt_mike says, "Sven?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #220 from gold_gyarados:could i become a dark apprentice along with steve and hae a talking bellssom?
darkmaster_steve says, "Bellossom can't talk..."
darkmaster_steve says, "Only Meowths..."
darkmt_mike says, "No. We would not wish that on anyone!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #221 from hyperflame:so where are the wizard Co. buildings located?
darkmt_mike says, "Right next to each other."
darkmaster_steve says, "Near Safeway."
darkmt_mike says, "Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #223 from feralshade:any way to unpoison Koga's Arbok immediately after doing Poison Power (besides using miracle berry)?
darkmaster_steve says, "Nope, that would be the only way."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #224 from lucky_cal:Sorry if you've been asked this before, but why are you keeping Fossil cards out of the STS? I can understand Base and Jungle...
darkmt_mike says, "Ditto. Ditto And again Ditto."
darkmaster_steve says, "ditto ditto ditto, and still ditto."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #225 from daytongl:
darkmt_mike says, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few Togepi's.".....break a few Togepi's what
darkmt_mike says, "Missing something?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #226 from tyais:Tell me about rigorious! I was forced to say that Maple Bars werre donuts... trust me children... wanting to be an MT is a foolish thing... So foolish your knowledge of donuts will be completely destroyed!
darkmt_mike says, "Yes I do admit to making people say things against their will. Or the little Tyais has!"
darkmt_mike smirks.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike nods solemnly.
darkmt_mike shakes his head.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #227 from toonpark:If Rockets Minefield Gym is in play do you have to flip for any Pok�mon you put on your bench by playing revive or max revive ?
darkmaster_steve says, "It says when you put a pokemon on your bench from your hand, So no."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #229 from kajio:What kind of animal exactly is an Arcanine?
darkmaster_steve says, "ROVER!"
darkmt_mike says, "A Canine. A Doggy. A Woofer!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #230 from tyais:Ralph to Bart, pointing towards the end of his sanbox, "That's where the Leprachaun told me to burn things!"
darkmt_mike says, "Thats sooo 1991"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #236 from puritys_echidna:more pokemon can talk than just meowth! what about Mewtwo, and Lugia. Then there's Slowking... and in Japan PIkachu talks...
darkmt_mike says, "Great!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Can you understand them?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #237 from kakkaroto7:Can I become an apprentice too? I want a gengar (hee hee) or even *Gasp* SNEASEL!!!
darkmt_mike says, "A Sneasel would eat you up like a cupcake!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Gengar taken, and sneasel has a worse temper then Meowth,, (not by much)"
darkmaster_steve says, "MEOWTH!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #239 from michel1be:if both players have one prize left and one of the players makes an attack that kills both pokemon, the attacking player wins, right ?
darkmt_mike says, "Wrong you play sudden death!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #240 from bloodix:Why does Darkmt_mike keep saying "Me fail English? thats unpossible."?
darkmt_mike says, "Watch the Simpsons!"
darkmaster_steve says, "I think that is it everyone!"
darkmt_mike says, "Well that's it I will post the announcements. Bye All!"
darkmt_mike says, "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few Togepi's."
darkmaster_steve says, "All hail MEOWTH!"
darkmt_mike says, "Hello! Welcome to this weeks Chat. This week I decided to have MTM, and MTP feel what it is like to be put in that box Dark Apprentice Steve is always in. So I let DAS out of the box and put the other two Master Trainers in. He and I will be answering your questions today. But first the announcements!"
darkmt_mike says, "We are putting together a complete list of ALL Pokemon card rulings we have ever made. The fine folks at Team Compendium have kept some of it recorded for you and we are taking their accumulated rules as well as our internal rulings and combined them into a user-friendly tournament document for our judges."
darkmt_mike says, "Now for the new rulings (yesterday was the rules meeting). First plenty of Ditto rulings."
darkmt_mike says, "Ditto's Transform Pokemon Power overrides any effects on Ditto that change any of the basic aspects of the Pokemon (HP, Weakness from Polygon's Conversion, etc). This also means that if Ditto was a copy of Venomoth and Shifted itself to a new color, when Ditto Transforms into another Pokemon, this will be overridden and Ditto will be the color of the new Pokemon it Transformed into. This is NOT the same case as with Smeargle's Paint counters as this is an outside continually applied effect (like Char or damage counters). So Ditto Transforms into the new Pokemon but still is affected by the Paint counter."
darkmt_mike says, "Ditto copying a Shifted Venomoth becomes Venomoth of the same color that it is Shifted to. Shift effectively rewrites the color on the card."
darkmt_mike says, "Ditto, when it Transforms, copies what is written on the Defending Pokemon (its written HP, Weakness, etc.). It does not copy changed values on the other card (if the Defending Pokemon is painted into another color, or has more HP from attached energy like Sabrina's Gastly)."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. If Focus Band is attached to Giovanni's Machamp, and it is Knocked Out, what effect comes first? It's Pok�mon Power or the Focus Band? A. You would choose, as they have the same effect, you choose the order of resolution. (Dec 21, 2000 WotC Chat) This has been verified."
darkmt_mike says, "Defender only prevents 20 damage from any one attack. If an attack has 2 components to it that can do damage (like Dark Weezing's Mass Explosion) Defender will still only reduce the overall attack total damage by 20, NOT each component by 20."
darkmt_mike says, "If Entei gets benched, then the Protective Flame effect ends. So now none of your benched Pokemon would be protected in this case."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. If I have a Koga trainer in play, and I use Koga's Weezing's "Toxic Cloud" attack, would I get to choose which poison condition to use (single or double), or does one condition take precedence over the other? (Step E or Step J of the rules?) A. Since both effects take place at the same time, the controlling player gets to decide what order to resolve them."
darkmt_mike says, "Important Errata for this card. Damage from Shock Blast will NOT trigger any Shock Blast Pokemon power (either its own or a defending Lt. Surge's Electrode or Ditto as Lt. Surge's Electrode)."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. Does Jungle Electrode apply weakness and resistance for benched Pokemon (it doesn't say not to...)? A. If it doesn't say then you wouldn't apply Weakness and Resistance (the default for benched Pokemon is to NOT apply Weakness and Resistance). (Apr 26, 2001 WotC Chat) This has been verified."
darkmt_mike says, "Q. What happens when you attach a Rainbow Energy to Blaine's Ninetales when it has 10 HP left? Does it get knocked out or not? A. It would get Knocked out. Rainbow energy only counts as all types when it is already in play. You do the 10 damage from Rainbow when you attach it, which takes place before it is in play, and before the Healing Fire Power would trigger."
darkmt_mike says, "And last but not least I would like to inform you that the Lugia �Coin� from the Pokemon 2000 movie video is not going to be legal in any sanctioned event. It is not even really a coin folks. Just because something is round and flat does not make it a randomizer."