Last edited: Thursday, September 26th, 2002 (Added September 26th Chat Rulings) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 This edition of the Rulings Compendium includes: | | | * September 26th 2002 WotC Online Rules Chat -- (*) -- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON POWERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == CHAOS MOVE (Gengar - Expedition Expansion) Q. Is the new Gengar's power cumlative? A. Yes, though you do know that you can only move a counter from one of your Pokemon to one of your other Pokemon...or from one of your opponent's Pokemon to one of your opponent's other Pokemon. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q514) == DARK AURA (Tyranitar - Expedition Expansion) Q. Which overrides Charizard's "Burning Energy" Poke-Power, or Tyranitar's "Dark Aura" Poke-Body? A. The Poke-Body Power [continuous] will override the "Burning Energy" Poke-Power [activated]. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q519) == JET STREAM (Blastoise - Expedition Expansion) Q. Any new ruling on the expedition Blastoise's pokemon power? You will go to TPC with this right? A. The way this one should work (if it was translated correctly) is that "you must successfully discard an energy card from Blastoise in order to discard one from your opponent's active Pokemon". Yes, TPC will post it. I mean they verified it. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q520 & Q535) == MIRACULOUS WIND (Light Dragonite - Neo: Destiny Expansion) Q. If I attach a Full Heal energy to my confused Light Dragonite then Confusion is removed, correct? A. Yup. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q573) Q. Light Dragonite retreats and discards a Recycle Energy in the process. According to the rulebook, the energy must be discarded before the pokemon is placed on the bench. Recycle Energy does not come back to your hand? Is this correct? A. Correct. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q566) Q. An active Light Dragonite faints with a Recycle Energy attached. Both the Recycle Energy and Light Dragonite hit the discard pile at the same time. Is this a case of two things happenning at once - Light Dragonite's Pokemon Power being turned off and Recycle Energy hitting the discard pile at the same time? So the controller could choose which happens first? A. Good question, yet another example of what the rules DON'T cover. My first answer would be that it would not come back as you discard all of the cards (Pokemon, Tools, Energy, etc) all at once (according to the rule book). (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q561) Q. Light Dragonite is on the bench and the active pokemon faints with a Recycle Energy attached to it. The active pokemon must be discarded before the benched Light Dragonite would become the active Pokemon so the recycle energy would hit the discard pile and return to your hand before Light Dragonite becomes active and its pokemon power turns on? Is this correct? A. Dude, you are making my head hurt. Yes, that should be correct. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q568) == PHOTOSYNTHESIS (Erika's Oddish - Gym: Heroes Expansion) Q. Like Tyranitar ["Dark Aura"], does Erika's Oddish's "Photosynthesis" power now supersede Light Dragonite's ["Miraculous Wind"] power? A. Yup. I KNEW someone would bring that one up. I just KNEW it! (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q567) == ROCK BODY (Golem - Expedition Expansion) Q. The new Golem, its power says "all damage done by attacks to Golem is reduced by 10". Is this power cumulative if you have multiple Golems out and one Golem is active and taking damage? A. Nope. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q527) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON ATTACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UNOWN CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAINER CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == STRENGTH CHARM (Expedition Expansion) Q. Does Strength Charm add damage done to benched Pokemon? So if Magneton does "Self Destruct" with a Strength tool on does it do 10 more to EACH benched poke? A. Yes, as Strength Charm is worded, it adds 10 damage to the attack. That includes damage being done to the benched Pokemon. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q505 & Q523) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == SPECIAL CONDITIONS / STATUS EFFECTS / EFFECTS OF ATTACKS Q. Does "Burned" replace any other special conditions (like "Paralyzed" removes "Asleep"), or does it coexist with them (like "Poison")? In theory, one could be Burned, Poisoned, and Confused (plus non-special "Charred" too) all at the same time, right? A. OK, the only effects that replace each other are Asleep, Paralyzed, and Confused. If your Pokemon has one of these and gets hit with another, the new one replaces the old. Poisoned and Burned can be stacked with those first 3 effects. They can be stacked together. You could be Charred, Burned, Poisoned, Smokescreened, AND Confused all at once too! (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q551 & Q555 & Q560) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == TEAM PLAY IN GENERAL Q. What is the minimum number of teams to run a sanctioned TMP tournament? 4? A. Four...Four...Four it is! (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q545) == HARVEST BOUNTY (Venusaur - Expedition Expansion) Q. In TMP, Can you use your Venusaur's Harvest Bounty power on your turn to allow your teammate to play energy from his hand to his pokemon? Could you make Harvest Bounty target your teammate, so that they can use it instead of you? A. No, once during your turn, still means _once during your turn_. You can't help out your teammate with this Power. (Sep 26, 2002 WotC Chat, Q500 & Q518 & Q537) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8