Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, July 20, 2000
by Ka-Lok Fung - Scrye Contributing Editor

Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Here's today's announcements: First, the scoring for the STS is as posted on our website, _not_ as MT Mike told you last week. Rest assured he has fewer donuts today as a result."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Soory 'bout that, slight 'bit o trouble with the mic today"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Second, there has been a slight change to the rules regarding when time is called at the end of a round. When time is called, the current active player will finish his or her turn and that will end the round. Previously, it was written that there would be a chance for the inactive player tohave one more turn as well."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Finally, as many of you already know MT Mike, myself and a very dedicated group of friends(who put up with our hair-brained ideas) worked until the wee(dle) hours of the morning to complete the Space Weedle Project."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "So, I imagine you're loaded with question pertaining to the STS and promo cards we havn't released yet."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "so let's go."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #135 from guest68:
         If I have a ditto as my active and the other person has voltorb as their active, why can't I transform into electrode when he evovles to electrode???
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Ditto will transform into Electrode if that's still your opponent's active P'mon. Is there something I'm missin?"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #136 from Poko_TCG:
         Will the Gym Heores Prerelease Tournament Promo be available at all Pokemon league locations?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "It will not. The list of Pre-Release locations is onour website."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #137 from pikachu89:
         Will all three age categories be playing at the same time at the STS? Will the Legendary Birds promo cards be legal to play at the STS?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, to the first. No, on the second."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Because the Legendary Birds should _not_ have been released yet officially, by this weekend."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #138 from Chrisbo:
         If your opponent has no benched pokemon and you use Pigeot's Hurricane attack, will you win immediately due to the empty bench rule?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, you can."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #140 from Chrisbo:
         If an opponent's Dark Wartortle used Mirror Shell, and I attach a PlusPower to my active pokemon, does the PlusPower damage get reflected back to me too or just the normal attack damage?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Mirror Shell will reflect the total amount of damage done to Wartortle due to the attack."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I'm going to hold off for a few minutes on the evololution on the first turn questions, we're trying to pin down a answer from R&D atthe moment."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #142 from zoink300:
         Will there be an East STS in NJ?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That's still up in the air, I have some tetative dates , but I really don't want to say anything yet."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #139 from Scrye_Fung:
         As R & D believes now, is it POSSIBLE to EVOLVE on the FIRST turn? For example, you ruled that a Pokemon Revived will be allow the turn it comes into play. Does this mean that if I discard my Squirtle in my hand (from Computer Search), Revive the Squirtle, and play Pokemon Breeder (ALL on my first turn), I would be able to evolve the Revived Squirtle to Blastoise? Please clarify.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "It is not possible to evolve on the first turn."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #141 from Scrye_Fung:
         You ruled that Team Rocket's Magikarp can be used the turn those Pokemon come into play. Does that mean that if I had played TR Magikarp down on the first turn of the game, I could evolve him (I know that this is not possible, i.e., I cannot get 3 [W] Energy on Magikarp but if we ignore this limitation)? Wouldit be possible since Rapid Evolution ignores the normal evolution rule?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, if you could get three water energy on TR Magikarp"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #143 from Chrisbo:
         When Mirror Shell's recoil refers to the "defending pokemon", does thatmean the opponent currently in the active slot or does it mean the one that wasdefending at the time the Mirror Shell was invoked?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "the 'defending' pokemon, that means the one that is defending at that time."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #144 from smekle_mew:
         do you have any info on the UK league?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No info that you cannot get from Wizards UK."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #145 from Scrye_Fung:
         Is there a DIFFERENCE between the normal evolution rule and how one's Pokemon must be in play for at least one turn before evolving?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Scyre, you're going to have to be more clear with your question. I don't understand where you're going with this."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #146 from guest49:
         im asking this question for a friend:any info about the pokemon league in isreal?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, I really don't know anything about the PokemonLeague in Isreal."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Israel.?"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I knew I should have studied more...."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #147 from will94:
         if you go to pokemon the movie 2000 tommorow and don't get any cards can you get them in any way?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "You'll want to get them at the theater because they'll only give them out while supplies last."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "If they don't give you one, ask for one."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #148 from Haymaker:
         can you tell us if the sedra promo mentioned last week is a prerelease?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "It is a prerelease from what I understand."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #149 from Scrye_Fung:
         So NO Pokemon can evolve, at all, by ANY means, on the first turn OR the turn they come into play?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Not quite...I'll let MT Mike post something about it as I'm sure you're all curious to hear how R&D ruled."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Here is the latest ruling from R&D on the whole evolution question. First, Ditto CANNOT evolve whether he is a copy of TR Magickarpor promo Eeevee as it states on Ditto he cannot evolve and so that takes precedence. Second, Clefairy/Clefable COULD evolve if you metronomed an attack tat ineffect evolves a Pokemon like TR Magickarp's Rapid Evolution. This is of course, assuming that you have a Gyarados in your deck. Third, the whole Revive a Pokemon and then evolve it in one turn has been ruled NOT possible. Basically REGARDLESS of how a Pokemon is brought into play, it CANNOT be evolved normally on that turn (meaning you play an evolution card from your hand). You COULD Revivea TR Magickarp, Rain Dance 3 water energy on it, switch it up as the Active Pokemon and then use its Rapid Evolution attack to pull a Gyarados from the deck and place it on the Magickarp. This is allowed as you are NOT normally evolving the Pokemon but using an attack to do so."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Lastly, it is possible for you to have a Pokemon evolve BEFORE your 2nd turn but NOT on your first turn. An example, your opponent plays first, on your turn you play or already have promo Eevee out. On his second turn he evolves a Pokemon, you could now use promo Eevee's Chain Reaction to pull out an evolution card and put it on Eevee. This is BEFORE your second turnbut AFTER your first turn."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "OK, I know you'll have tons of questions for us aboutthis, but please try to read through MT Mike's post before questioning us on it."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #150 from zackarino:
         Any info on space weedle.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "What would you like to know? We're puttin some finishing touches on it right now."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #151 from Scrye_Fung:
         If an attack that Knocks Out Dark Gyarados also Paralyzes him, does he get to use his Final Beam or not? I've gotten conflicting in past chats. Dary Gyarados SHOULD be able to do Final Beam because Pokemon Powers are applied BEFOREattack effects such as paralysis right?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Final Beam will go off before Paralysis is applied."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #152 from pikachu89:
         Who is the winner for Week 10 of the Win A Trip to the STS?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "You'd have to find out from the website, sorry."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #153 from BigDaddySnorlax:
         When energy that has been transformed by a Pokemon or Pokemon Power, such as Ditto or Energy Burn, is transferred to another Pokemon, when does it revert to its original type?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That depends how it was changed. For instance, Energy Burns changes energy to Fire energy until the end of the turn."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #154 from andrew14:
         what are the promos #18 and #19 gonna be
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "They have not told us yet, so it must be good."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Also, we confirmed some plans to have a follow-up season to the Pokemon League after season 8 is finished."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "This Final season will be called 'Victory Road' and it will give trainers who got a late start at earning their badges a chance to earn the ones that they missed."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We've also found out that during "Victory Road" trainers will have a chance to earn a Cool Porygon."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Earning one will not be a walk in the park however, as it will take quite a few points to get."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Furthermore, as I'm sure you're all wondering, the Cool Porygon that you can earn during Victory Road is _exactly_the same as the onethat was included with the Nintendo 64 bundle pak."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Wheew!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #155 from guest53:
         How is the Misty's seadra obtained? does it take the slip from the movie promo? or can it be gotton though the league/.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The Misty's Seadra can be obtained by doing a League activity that involves translating the Ancient Mew that you will be able to get at the movie."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #156 from MewtwoX:
         Will the ancient Mew card be playable? All advertisements I have seen say yes.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, it is playable, though you _must_ use opaque backed card sleeves if you use it in your deck."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That's so that you can't tell what card you're drawing due to Ancient Mew's distinctive back."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Whoa. Whoa."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I'm mistaken about the Misty's Seadra. My fault, I've been away from the Pokemon fire for too long."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I'll get a concrete answer for you in a moment."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #158 from guest61:
         Will Chaos Gym be in Gym Heroes?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes...don't even think about it though...grin."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #159 from Chrisbo:
         When figuring weak/resist for DkWartortle's Mirror Shell recoil, does this mean to use the weak/resist of the attacking pkmn or from the Dk.Wartortle?Scenario: after a MirrorShell, MP Mewtwo does 40 damage to D.W.; does Mewtwo get 40 or 80 damage?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Use the weakness/resistance from the Pokemon that is being attacked. In your scenario MP Mewtwo would take 40 damage from a water pokemon."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #160 from Chrisbo:
         Aside from our decks, will we need to bring our own damage counters, coins, and stuff like that to the STS or will any of that stuff be provided?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Trainers should always be prepared. Bring along whatever you need to play."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #161 from guest61:
         Someone posted a whole list of Gym Heroes cards on Poke Gym message boards. Is that list real?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I can't say because I havn't checked it really closely."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #162 from Psychic_Master:
         any new bannings/restrictions
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "nope."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #163 from guest61:
         Is Sabrina's Slowpoke gonna be in Gym:Heroes?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I'm not going to continue commenting on what is or isn't in Gym:Heroes. There should be a special in an upcoming issue of Top Deck."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #164 from guest61:
         Could you please explain the 4 Japanaese Gym sets ? (how they were obtained, what cards etc....)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I've heard how they were released but I really don't want to over it, because it was very different from the way we think of releasing card sets."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "By that I mean that there was not one date when the whole set was released. It was done a little at a time through PCD's and boosters and the whole Gym series itself was spread out among several sets and release dates."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #166 from Lazarus9:
         what is the promo for the Aug 5th prerelease tourny?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We don't know yet, sorry."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #167 from guest61:
         Do you know anything else about the prerelease tournement?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Only that it will be limited to 36 people per location, you'll start with a PCD and 2 boosters(which you can use to change you PCD ifyou want) and that it will not be happening at all League locations."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #169 from Psychic_Master:
         What's your favourite comedic movie?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Anything with Bill Murray, Caddyshack comes to mind."WizO_Ruffle says, "Excellent choice pat ;)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #168 from gunterl:
         what is the season 8 promo?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "MT Mike is on the case, we'll have an answer for you soon."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #174 from Supra:
         when a pkmn power says once during your turn, does it mean you could only use it once or you could use it once every turn?�?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Well, 'once during your turn' would seem to me to mean only during 'your' turn."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #175 from guest61:
         Is Ancient Mew tournement legal yet?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Is Pokemon 2k out yet?"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #176 from Zoey_:
         If you use Dark Jolteon's Lightning Flash, and your opponet's active pokemon faints, or they switch it, will they still have to flip a coin to see if the attack works?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, benching or evolving the defending P'mon will endthe effect."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #177 from gunterl:
         what is the promo card you get for completing the ad in the movie promopack?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "If you mean the one printed on the cards, I believe that will be Misty's Seadra, but I'll let Mike give you the answer when he shows up in a few minutes. He's off trying to track down the defacto answer."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #178 from DoTheWave:
         Can basic energy attached to Ditto be treated as non-basic energy?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nope, that'd be nice though, huh?"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #179 from Poko_TCG:
         is ancient mew able to use in the Pokemon League
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, in fact, at the Leagues there will be some activities to translate the actual text of Ancient Mew."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Does anyone know what the translation is yet?"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #180 from Prof_Utsugi:
         if i have a ditto as my active, and the opponent has a paralyzed ditto as his, what is the ditto? The ditto would transform and the power would be disabled, but when he demorphed, he can change back.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Why would your(unparalyzed) Ditto not copy your opponent's? Ditto will not copy effects of attacks on your opponents active P'mon"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #181 from guest61:
         Is Misty's Seadra gonna be in the league? (you can't hide from us!)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Do'h! I let MT Mike take it from here."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Ok, here is some hard earned info for you all (whichis interupting me from finishing the Space Weedle for you, looks like another late night for me)..."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "More news for you and a correction. When you go to the movie starting July 21st you will get an Ancient Mew card (while supplies last). This will also come with an ad card that sends you to your local Pokemon League to get the special Ancient Mew play mat which also helps you learn the transaltion of Ancient Mew. You do NOT earn any extra promo cards with this. The Ancient Mew is your promo card."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Starting July 28th, they will be giving away the 3 legendary birds promo cards at the theater (again while supplies last). There will be an ad card that comes with them that sends you to your local Pokemon League. If you complete that ad card you can get a Misty's Seadrea promo card from the league. You will also be able to earn a Mistys' Seadra during Season 8 of the Pokemon League by completing one of the League activities."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Season 8 of the Pokemon League (starting August 5th in most locations) will also give you the opportunity to earn promo # 18 the Team Rocket's Meowth promo card. You can get a point grid sticker put into your book and you can earn up to copies of this card, 1 at 250 points, and 1 at 500 points (just like the promo Eeevee was done this season)."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Also, more new for the league. After Season 8 ends,the Voctory Road Season starts. For those of you who won't have earned all 8 badges yet, you would continue to work on them. If you have earned all 8 of yourbadges then you get a special Voctory Road Point book. You will keep track of your wins and losses against other League members (trainers) in this book and each match will be verified by your Gym Leader. For a win, you earn a number of points equal to the opponent's number of badges. For a loss, you would SUBTRACT 1 point."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "When a Trainer accumulates 20 points in your VictoryRoad booklet you will receive 1 #20 Promo Psyduck card. When you win 5 games IN A ROW in your booklet, you will receive 1 Cool Porygon promo card (promo #15). Trainers can continue to fill their booklet and/or receive a new one upon completion of the first one for the remainder of the Voctory Road season."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We are also working out the details for the second year of the league as well. So be rest assured, it will continue."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #182 from zackarino:
         Are the gym hero boosters at the pre-release thing 1 st edition
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We don't know if they'll be 1st ed."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #183 from andrew14:
         is ancient mew a playable card if you know what it says?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, but like i said before, you'll have to use opaque backed card sleeves."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #184 from guest77:
         {Will there be a USEABLE Ancient Mew card?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The one you get at the movie _is_usable."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #185 from gunterl:
         does ancient mew have a #?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, it doesn't. You can tell it's a new one though due to the copyright date."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #186 from Chrisbo:
         Will there be enough time to be in both the STS main event and the sideevents too?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "How good of a trainer are you?"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "In other words, there may be time if you get knocked out of the Main Event early, but if you do well..."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Well, you won't be worried about it then, will ya?"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #187 from guest61:
         Is there gonna be a rare Brock's Zubat in Gym Heroes?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Hmmmm, I...don't...know. ;)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #188 from will94:
         What will the special promo card you get from the puzzle in the legendary birds be?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That one, will lead you to getting Misty's Seadra. Misty's Seadra may also be earned in the regular way."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #189 from odairu13:
         how do you get the three birds jumbo card
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I believe that's something that Warner Bros. is doing. I suggest checking their website or asking at one of their stores."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #190 from gunterl:
         when will cool porygon be re-released at the league?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "During 'Victory Road' the final season after season #8"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #191 from guest61:
         Are there any Ninetales in Gym Heroes?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Must..not..give away...any more secrets..."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #192 from pikachu89:
         Is there a limit to the number of participants in the main event at theSTS for each age category? If not, how will you handle a large number of competitors?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We have a limit as to how many people we can have on the Queen Mary. We will handle as many competitors as we get."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #193 from guest66:
         Will ancient mew be legal at the STS?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, it will. Though if any of you know what the translation is, I don't really know why you would choose to use it."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #194 from guest61:
         What's gonna be on the Gym Heroes booster packs?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "They're cool lookin' (almost as cool as Team Rocket, IMHO). The booster's basically have the Heroes on the front and they're kind ofRainbow colored. Like a rainbow was hit be a Mack truck."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #195 from guest61:
         Can tell us any info on the Gym theme decks?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I can tell you that the PCD's will be geared around aspecific Hero, similar to the Japanese Gym decks."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #197 from Pikachu73099:
         is there going to be another league promo like eevee before the pre-reales mistys seadra
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That one and the TR Meowth."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #198 from gunterl:
         will ancient mew be playable 'cuz the translation i got at pojo.com sezits not a real card.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The Ancient Mew is playable."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #199 from odairu13:
         can i evolve a dark stage 1 from either basic like dark charmelelon from base char mander
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #200 from guest61:
         Will there be Brock, Misty,Lt.Surge,and Erica cards in Gym Challenge?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I'm not tellin' pffbtt!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #201 from gunterl:
         can you recommend any good pokemon news sites other than pokegym.thedojo.com and pojo.com
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, those are two that I would recommend. There are others..."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #202 from pikachu89:
         Do you have an official release date for Gym Heroes? Will theme decks be available at the same time? Could we receive 1st Edition boosters at the Prerelease Tournament?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "August 14th. Yes, on the Theme Decks, but no on the 1st ed boosters."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #203 from gunterl:
         how will ancient mew be packaged? will it be in a program like the Japanese one?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Ancient Mew will come packaged just like the movie promos from the last movie."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #204 from andrew14:
         do you know about the release date for the Gym Challenge set yet?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, I can't be more specific than October."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #205 from MewtwoX:
         On Dodrio's Pokemon Power, Do I have to pay 1 less for each Dodrio in play?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Retreat Aid is cumulative, so 2 Dodrio's on your bench will let you pay 2 less to retreat."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #206 from gunterl:
         how many weedles did you get?

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from gunterl:
         how many people sent in weedles?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I don't know exactly how many people, but we've received 688 Weedles as of today."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from odairu13:
         does rapid evolution get canceled byaerodactyl
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from gunterl:
         if i use rapid evol. with the tr magikarp can i use icebeam on the sameturn w/gyarados?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, Rapid Evolution is an attack. That would be yourattack for that turn."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Zoey_:
         {If you use Dark Jolteon's Lightning Flash and the opponets active pokemon faints, or they switch pokemon, will they still have to flip a coin to see if their new pokemon can attack?}
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nope."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Eprise1701e:
         Does the Promo Eevee, using its Pokemon Power evolve during your opponents turn, if your opponent is the one who evolves, or do you wait unitl your turn?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, on your opponent's turn(if they evolve something.)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from MewtwoX:
         Will Ancient Mew be playable?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yep."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from gunterl:
         will there be 2 versions of ancient mew like there was in Japan?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, not that I know of."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Pkmn61:
         Hey Pat, I've been bugging Mike about this for the past few weeks. I have a petition for a STS stop in North Carolina, and if you could "convince" the people who make decisions on that, some certain donuts will appear in the mail :) The URL for this petition is http://pokegym.thedojo.com/ubb/Forum11/HTML/001585.html Thanks
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Your plug has been posted. Whether that will increase the chances of you getting a East Coast stop or not I don't know."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from pokemon_freak:
         What are u planing to do with Imakuni's Dodou and ____ Chansey?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, no plans yet."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Scrye_Fung:
         Question regarding the bilingual Exeggutor. Is it allowed to be in tournament decks? If i can recall correctly, DCI rules state that if a Pokemon card has been PRODUCED by WotC in English are only allowed to be in decks. The Biligingual Exeggutor was produced by Media Factory. So it WOULDN'T be allowed in tournament decks then, right? You've given different answers in the past so please give a right one today .
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "If it wasn't produced by Wizards, it would not be legal. I have not seen one with my own eyes, so I can't tell you for sure who produced it."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Fromando:
         Do you know where the Space Weedle (all 7 1/2 feet of it) is going to be displayed on the Queen Mary?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We'll see when we get there."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from andrew14:
         are you gonna have a nother ticket stub send in if the movie theaterruns outta cards? if so could you get an ancient mew?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That would be a question for Warner Bros. It's up tothem."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Scrye_Fung:
         Last week, MTM ruled that if you REVIVED a Pokemon (maybe a Pokemon that was discarded to pay the cost of Computer Search), you could evolve the turn that you play it. Does this INCLUDE the FIRST TURN? In other words, by Reviving aPokemon, can I evolve it on the turn it is played, INCLUDING the 1st turn?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "MT Mike has recanted that in his earlier statements."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from guest61:
         When will the Ancient Mew play mat and the Misty'd Deadra card be released?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Starting July 21st League locations should start getting those."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from guest68:
         has Wizards gotten the right to print the neo set???
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I can't comment on that, sorry."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from guest66:
         Second turn, i revive a pokemon, can i immediatly evolve it? Is this official yet?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from zackarino:
         How come they're arnt any new transcripts on your site
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "They take awhile to get posted."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from gunterl:
         is wizards still planning to put out those damage dice?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, we won't be making those at this time."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Earthbound410:
         Okay, say I have a Venomoth in play and a Hitmonchan, and I shift into Fighting, and then Hitmonchan is knocked out, if I were to put another Venomoth into play, could I shift it to fighting because of the first Venomoth?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, you can."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Earthbound410:
         Does Swords Dance go away if Scyther is benched?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes,"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Marril2000:
         Will there be continued activitys at the league after the 8th badge?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, the final season will be called Victory Road."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Earthbound410:
         Does Venomoth changed type (like say if I shift to Psychic) go away if it's benched, paralyzed, etc.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Marril2000:
         Why when I got tickets today for the Movie I got a Zapdos card?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Shouldn't have.."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from pikapikajoe_123:
         is the ancient mew that your giving away printed backwards cause its backwards on the commercial and is it holofoil all over like ancient mew
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, but it is holo on the front and foily on the back."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with a question from Earthbound410:
         What do you think in your opinion is the best archetype out there rightnow?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "You're asking MT Pat right now you know I'm going to say Haymaker/Insanity."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That will bring us to a close for this week, I hope we got to the important questions for the STS and any other issues that needed resolving."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We'll see you next week, unless of course you'll be at the STS. In which case, we'll see you on Saturday."