Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, September 28, 2000
by Ka-Lok Fung - Scrye Contributing Editor
Contributions by CHRISBO - Team Compendium Member

Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Hi gang. Not much new to tell you of (yet). I did dig up some more details about the upcoming Birthday Pikachu web promotion though. The Wizard's web site is going to be completely redesigned and up on Dec 1st. Starting that day you will be able to try and answer some Pokemon trivia contests, once you get the correct anserws you will need to print it out and mail it in. The first of a set number we receive with the correct answers will get a holo Happy Birthday Pikachu mailed to them. The number released (initially) will be limited so be sure to hop on the first day if possible."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Remember we will be announcing the East Coast STS Main Tournament Deck format starting Oct 9th. It will be on our web site and you will also be able to call customer service at 1-800-324-6496 for details. We will also be taking pre-registartion for the main event starting later in October. Seating will be limited so we recommend you pre-register if you plan on competing."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "MT Pat had a great time meeting many of you at the Chicago Mall Tour stop. I will be going to the stop near Boston in Braintree on Oct 7th and Dark Mater Mike will be at the Florida stop as well. Hopefully we will also get to meet and talk with many of you at the East Coast STS as well."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "So Pat, how was it??"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Hi everybody! I'm back from the Chicago Mall Tour event which was a blast. Thanks for everyone who stopped by the league area to say hi or challenge me to a duel. It was cool to finally be able to place a face to each of your online names."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Here's a question that was asked by Jason at the Mall Tour this weekend. I think it deserves posting... If player A has a promo Eevee in play with 2 damage counters on it, and player B evolves Zubat into Dark Golbat on their turn, can promo Eevee use it's Chain Reaction P-mon Power before Dark Golbat's P-mon Power puts another damage counter on promo Eevee?"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The answer is yes. Promo Eevee gets to evolve before Dark Golbat's power applies it's damage."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Better ask more questions or I'm gonnna haveta sing :)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #1 from ThaMasta:
          i know i asked this the other week but i didnt see the answer so again: if you launch an american vending set will i be able to participate even though i live in england?...or not?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We have no concrete plans on the vending set yet, sorry"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #2 from Chrisbo:
         Last week you said (Q44) that you can't "Damage Swap" to Clefairy Doll because it would KO that card. However, in previous rulings (May 11 Q4 & Aug 3 Q55) you said that you can because Clefairy Doll doesn't count as a KO'd Pokemon. Which is correct?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We will check into it, its unclear since it would take the Cledfairy Doll out of the game but it does NOT count as a Knocked Out Pokemon. We will check with R&D."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "sorry :)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #3 from soslowpoke:
         Is Sabrina's Abra in the October Nintendo Power?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I think it's in the December issue, when that hits the streets, I don't know."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #4 from Mew365:
         what are the challenge sheets for?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "They are extra activities for League members to do after they have already earned their badge (since TM's are goining out)."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #5 from soslowpoke:
         Are Max Reive and Masterball uncommon cards in Gym Challenge?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "yeah"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #6 from Chrisbo:
         Scenario: It's down to one prize each, it's your turn with 10HP left, and you're poisoned. You attack and KO your opponent to draw your last prize. But you take poison damage and would be KO'd now too. Do you win or does it go to Sudden Death?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Our guess is that you would win, but we'll doub;e check w/ R&D on that one"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #7 from soslowpoke:
         will WOTC make neo and/or the vending sets or Southern Islands?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We have nothing new to announce...yet."What's the next set after Challenge?

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #9 from soslowpoke:
         Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Same answer sorry. :)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #8 from IMAKUNI_00:
         if clefable does body slam do u flip for paralyzation if not what do u do? because it says do not appy stuff do the attack
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, you would still flip for Paralyzation"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #10 from EEVEE2001:
         What are the current formats (other than prop15) being considered for the STS?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Hmmm, make you play with Magic cards......"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Play blindfolded......."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Highlander-only one of each card other than basic energy."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Or maybe have to play with 59 energy cards :)"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We can't really give out too much of that sort of data, sorry :)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #11 from soslowpoke:
         IS the Victory Road Cool Porygon in a wrapper?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We don't know the ones we've seen are not in the wrapper"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #12 from gooman:
         do u know how the birthday pikachu will be released and when (this is the real gooman Pat)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Hi gooman- check out the opening announcement for details. It will also be available through the first season of year 2. ( say hi to your bro for me.)"Why isn't there a prerelease card for Gym:Challenge?

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #13 from soslowpoke:
         If a player quits the game and no longer plays in DCI tournaments, will his or her ranking go down?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We just really didn't plan one for this set. I don't know if it's because the 2 Gym sets are like one whole set together or if it's because we're on the tail end of the leagues for this year or what."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #14 from EEVEE2001:
         could u tell us about any new promos?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Eventually."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #15 from ThaMasta:
         Do oyu know of any new promos?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Not yet."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #16 from Meowth52:
         Would a heads on Dark Arboks Stare prevent final beam. I'm guessing no because of the oreder of effects.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No it wouldn't, the Final Beam would be triggered when the damage KO's it, before the other effects of D. Arbok's attack occurs."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #17 from soslowpoke:
         Any new promo news?
Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #18 from Paokkk:
         Any sets news?
Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #19 from Paokkk:
         Any news on Neo or Vending?
Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #20 from EEVEE2001:
         Any plan on neo?
Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #21 from Paokkk:
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Nothing to say yet gang........"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Challenge is comin out soon..."
Master_Trainer_Pat smiles.

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #22 from Mystix20:
         any news on the sts
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Just what was posted in the opening announcements."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #23 from Paokkk:
         How holo are going to be Gym
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Let me translate: How are the holos going to be in Challenge?"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Just like in Heroes. The only repeats will be the 4 Gym Leaders"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #24 from Chrisbo:
         There have been some reports that the Sabrina's Abra promo #19 is currently being shipped to Nintendo Power subscribers. Can you confirm or deny this at all? That's OK if you don't know.
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Sorry but we don't know. We were originally told the Decemeber issue but it is possible that Nintendo bumped that up."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #25 from soslowpoke:
         Is the list of Gym Challenge cards I have up on the PokeGym accurate?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, I havn't checked it."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We can neither deny nor confirm that Senator."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #26 from ECC2000:
         Is ancient Mew rare?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "sorta"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "a promo"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #27 from EEVEE2001:
         If I take my last prize, but in doing so I run out of pokemon, does the game go to sudden death?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I believe that would be a tie."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #29 from Hi_Jynx:
         Misty's Tentacool vs. Charmander R w/Defender: if Tentacool uses Crystal Beam and gets heads, can Charmander use Gather Fire? Would Blastoise's Rain dance work under the same conditions?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "You would NOT be able to use the Rocket Charmander as it states "attach"."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Same for Blastoise as it states "attach" as well."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Tentacool says you cannot "attach" any energy if you get heads. This would stop a whole bunch of things like Mewtwo's Energy Absorption attack, Rocket Zapdos's attack, etc."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #30 from BuIbasaur:
         When Sabrina's Abra said the second attack does 40 only if the defending Pokemon has the same amount of energy cards attached to Sabrina's Abra, does it allow you to use the attack when you have only 1 Psychic energy card and the defending Pokemon have only 1 energy card?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "No, you still have to havethe required amount of energy to do the attack (1 colorless and 1 psychic)."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #31 from guest44:
         do you apply weakness/resistance for kadabra's life down atttack?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Tune in after Challenge comes out for answers on Life Down."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #32 from Paokkk:
         Will there be any promo holo trainer in the future?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Not that we know of yet."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #33 from Hi_Jynx:
         Ditto vs. Clefairy Doll: If Ditto has any damage on him, he will be knocked out, but will the owner of the Clefairy Doll get a prize? Is it the same situation with Mysterious Fossil?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No he wouldn't get a prize"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #34 from Rainbow_Trainer:
         Will challenge be available at the Wiards store earlier... as Heroes was...??
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "There's already a early notice about ordering Challenge up there..."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #35 from Paokkk:
         Why did last week you said that 2001 will the greatest year for Pok�mon?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dark Master Mike said that, he has been punished..........."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "hee hee hee"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #36 from gooman:
         people said they got promo abras in the october nintendo power how is that
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Gooman, the issue that ships in October could be the December issue...I don't know ."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #37 from ECC2000:
         On jungle clefables metranome attack can you chose benched pokemon's attacks?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nada. Nope. Napes"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #38 from ThaMasta:
         i know that jap cards are made by a differant company but they still get a holo in every pack and maybe a rare aswell! so why dint u do that too , after all u have the power to do that!!!
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "First of all, entirely different markets, there is NO comparison, so please stop trying to do so."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Second of all, there is a strong secondary market here that is NOT as prevelant in Japan. Do you want so many Charizards on te market that they become worthless?"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We print 100 times as many cards as Creatures does (we supply the rest of the world), can't use the same logic."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "And PLEASE do NOT shorten japanese or we will NOT answer your questions!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #39 from BuIbasaur:
         Is the Cool Porygons still going to be in the leagues for victory road? I heard Cool Porygon is not going to be given out anymore because collectors ruined it for us...
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, it will be in the Leagues"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #40 from Mew365:
         will there be a prerelease promo for challenge?if yes, who is it if not,why?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No. I mentioned earlier why."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #41 from Meowth52:
         Say I had a Ditto active, and a Ditto and 2 Dodrio's on my bench, and my opponent has a Fossil Gengar active. Can I use my Dodrios' Retreat Aid to keep retreating and advancing Ditto to use Gengar's Curse multiple times?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "No you cannot. Each Ditto could do it once but each Ditto can ONLY do it once per turn, regardless of it TRansforming or not."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #42 from soslowpoke:
         how will we get NON HOLO B-Day Pikachu?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Do you know anybody at the Olympics?"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #43 from Brocks_Onix:
         hey this isn't the best question but oh well what are the coins found in the gym heroes boxes i ha ve starmie so far
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Misty's Starmie."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #44 from IMAKUNI_00:
         is evolvotion the point of the pokemon game really? i mean is that why u made the 15 trainers rules? because it was a uneven game?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "It's not so much just evolution, but Pokemon themselves. NOT playing 35 trainer cards........"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "It's part of it. Certainly we'd like to see other P-mon used as opposed to prop45 decks..."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We have discussed the game's imbalance many many many times."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #45 from soslowpoke:
         What will the symbol for gym CHallenge be?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Same as Heroes, but black."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #46 from BuIbasaur:
         If Gym Challenge is going to be coming out in October, how will we ever play with those cards since most leagues are off for 3 months?!
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Go to the East Coast STS!!!!!!!!!"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "There will still be many local tournaments held as well."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #47 from Dark_Espeon_101:
         Are there any plans to use Prop15 as a DCI tournament system, kind of like the Limited or Extended in Magic?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We cannot discuss exact future tournament rules yet. Still in discussion."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #48 from gooman:
         hey pat if the abras are out when do u think the next time u'll be in chicago so i can play ya for one hehe
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Don't know Gooman...hopefully soon. If ya think ya have a deck that can beat me"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #49 from rob_cat_pz:
         what do u think of the new koga's weedle soon to come out?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "It rocks!!! Of course ANYTHING Weedle does!!!"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Uber Weedle!!!!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #50 from BuIbasaur:
         Is Chaos Gym really called Chaos Gym in America?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #51 from Mystix20:
         can you repeat the opening announcements for people who got here just a minute or two late?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We'll repeat them at 4 pm."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #52 from Brocks_Onix:
         hey i've never seen one before and I"m just curios are there dark farfetch'd?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Not that we've seen or heard of.."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #53 from Paokkk:
         How many holos are going to be Gym Challenge?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "20."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #54 from IKendall:
         i think Q23 was how MANY holos are in Challenge. Well?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "20."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #55 from Mew365:
         i heard that the neo 2 holo magnemite automatically paralyzes will it be banned or change text if it is true?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Neo 2???? Who said we have that????"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #56 from Morning_Star:
         Is this place always this crowded?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Plenty of room for everyone..."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #57 from Brocks_Onix:
         pardon my dumbness whats so big about first editions they are the same exept it says first edition right?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "They are just limited in supply. And you are pardoned :)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #58 from PokeDoc_Rabideau:
         Would you please give us any information you are authorized to distribute concerning the "Mr. Yuck" deck configuration?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Howdy Poke Doc!"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Mr. Yuk involves alot of Poison effects and Pokemon that make it difficult to retreat."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #59 from kis21x:
         How does Misty's Poliwirl's Water Punch work? can I flip 3 coin if I have only 3 Water energy?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Yup! You can. So it does 30 plus up to 30 more, cool huh????"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #60 from EEVEE2001:
         If Tentacool used a successful Crystal Beam, would you be able to use Gather Fire to return the energy card to your hand?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Gather Fire doesn't let you return the card to your hand. You wouldn't be able to use it if Crystal Beam was in effect"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #61 from guest45:
         will you sendme a cool porygon for free
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nope"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "nice try"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #62 from IKendall:
         Is it true that Brock's Ninetales wont be able to use Pok�mon powers of the cards it evolves into?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Righty right right!!"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #63 from Meowth52:
         Are you familiar with sudden death? If both players win/lose at the same time, then you play a game with one prize. Is it possible for sudden death to ever happen though? Say I had a Chansey with 80 HP left and used double edge on a charmander. I would still when, because I knocked out the Charmander before I did 80 to my self, right? So could sudden death ever happen?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Wrong!! YOu do not remove Knocked out Pokemon or draw Prize cards until the entire attack sequence is done. So in this case, you would do enough to Knock out the Charmander then do the rest of the attack and Knock your Chansey out, then both of you would actually remove them and draw your final prize cards. A draw would ensue."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #64 from rob_cat_pz:
         just to make sure, all effects of a card dont inactivate till they are played, so a fire energy wouldnt count as a water energy on ditto for raindance, or a clefairy doll wouldnt count as a basic since its in ur hand right?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Confusing wording, but yes. The Fire energy would not count as water until it is actually on Ditto. So you wouldn't be able to Raindance it on, even if Ditto was copying a Water P-mon."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #65 from kis21x:
         how come I got 2 Sbrina's Venonat in 1 booster?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I don't know. Sometimes that happens, though very rarely, I'm sure."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #66 from Paokkk:
         What do you think is the hardest promo to get (I know that now Cool Porygon is not the harest to get anymore)?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Probably the most difficult to find english promo card is the 1st edition Promo Pikachu (promo #1) that was accidently stamped 1st ed. and inserted into Jungle packs."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #67 from rob_cat_pz:
         any info on what the prerelease card will be for gym2, or if theres going to be a prerelease tourny, or when the set wil be released?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, pre release card for Gym 2. I'm afraid no pre release event either."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The set is due Oct. 10th, however."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #68 from guest48:
         my league still hasn't gotten the Victory Road season in, will they get it and if they do, will they still have to close at the end of October?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We sent the kits out weeks ago to every single Tots R Us and all other League locations. Some leagues have decided not to do it and are telling their customers otherwise. If they have not received it yet (which is doubtful) they MUST contact us right away."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #69 from soslowpoke:
         Are the art on the holo/nonholo cards of the Gym Leaders on Challenge the same? (ex: Does the Koga card holo have the same art as the non holo?)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The art looks the same to us though, we could have early images of the cards and it might yet be changed"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #70 from pokemaster1000:
         will their be a neo and neo 2 american st?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno, nothing to say yet."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #71 from Paokkk:
         When I cheched the Beckett price guide why didn't I see the Pikachu 1999 Tour card price? Do you know much it would be worth at a auction?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No. That certainly is a hard one to get though."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #72 from BuIbasaur:
         If Vending Machine ever comes out, how and where will you put the machines? Will it also be in Booster Pack form if not possible?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "If it ever comes out, it would come as an expansions."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "What no vending machine pre-release??\"ine :("

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #74 from pokemaster1000:
         will there be a team rocket 2 with the gold/silver pokemon
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Huh??"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "No idea."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #75 from Paokkk:
         Will the trophy Pikachu even be brought to US?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Dunno."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #76 from rob_cat_pz:
         iv gotten like everything for the league, did victory raod start yet, or what?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "It should have started last weekend or soon."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #77 from IKendall:
         I heard a rumor that league Cool Porygons will be non hollow. Rumor or fact?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Rumor"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #78 from sas66:
         Do fisrt edition Team Rocket cards have the first edition logo to the left side of the cards?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "They do."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #79 from Paokkk:
         How long does it take to translata a set?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Sorry that is proprietary information."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #80 from rob_cat_pz:
         i thought of another format, just to let u guys know. a level format inwhich you can use pokemon in a certain level range, like pokemon level1-20
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Neat idea but it would be too hard to police the decks. Judges would have a tough time."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #81 from rob_cat_pz:
         why didnt we get REAL damage counters, instead of those paper ones thatwe could easily make. i mean, everyone loves the original WAYYYY better
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Those glass ones get stuck in your nostrils way too easy...just kiddin"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #82 from Paokkk:
         How long will the 9-card Pikachu set be selling?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Until they are gone?? Limited print run."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #83 from BuIbasaur:
         I have saw a screen shot of the american Birthday Pikachu. Is it really going to be _____'s Pikachu?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "It is."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #84 from Articuno21:
         What cards are most awaiting/not wanting to come out from Challenge?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Koga's Weedle!!!!!!"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Yeah baby!!!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #85 from rob_cat_pz:
         any NEW info on the sts(im so excited, i just cant hide it, cause meadowlands is sooo close to where i live)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We're waitin' til Oct. 9th to announce any format changes for the STS. That's the next thing we'll find out."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #86 from Paokkk:
         Well as I can see now we can get the Cool Porygon easy so does that mean that later on we'll be getting the 9 card Pikachu set easy too. Am I right everyone?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "First its not that easy to win a Cool Porygon, second we are releasing all of the cards from that set through various ways netx yeear, check our web site."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "But unlike the Cool Porygon, the 9 card promo set with the foil stamp will _not_ be released in another way."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #87 from Gurtman:
         After its release will Challenge be legal for play in the remaining qualifiers and the STS?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Yup."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #88 from guest48:
         How come you are distributing Pika B-day in Austrailia but NEED to put Cool Porygon in the league to "give everyone a chance to collect it?" Or is B-day Pika coming to the new league?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We are NOT distributing that set, that is ENTIRELY Nintendo of Australia's baby."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "B-day Pikachu is coming out in the US, just in a different way."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Through a web promotion in December as well."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #90 from pokemaster1000:
         will thei be other trainer's cards in challenge that were not mentionedin advertisements just like heros?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #91 from Brocks_Onix:
         y do u like weedle so much?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "He's the underweedle. The Space Weedle was built tocommemorate his heroic nature."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #93 from Paokkk:
         Is there any other way to get the Basic American 1st edition agian?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Only if you find a store that still has some for sale."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #92 from Articuno21:
         In response to question #50, Is Weedle really called Weedle in America?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Not "Weedle in America", just "Weedle" in America. hee hee hee"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Message recieved gooman.."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #96 from Paokkk:
         How does each set stand in print?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #97 from BuIbasaur:
         Is the First Editions going to be hard to find in Gym Challenge like inGym Heroes?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Similar numbers printed but I heard the distributionmay be improved a bit."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #98 from Paokkk:
         Is the Fossil in the Thunderstrom worth anything because it has a newerholo pattern?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I don't think so, though it's unusual, isn't it?"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #99 from kis21x:
         How come you guys love Weedle so much?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Why not???"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #100 from Paokkk:
         Why can't you tell any promo news?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Oddish is better"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Cuz then we'd have to kill you.........."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Hey!!!!"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "D'oh!"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #101 from Ninetales2000:
         I've heard a rumor ONCE AGAIN that we can use Poke Powers from B's Ninetales. True or not?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #102 from Paokkk:
         When will there be a first and will always be ture American promo card?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Probably never, though you _never_ know"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #103 from Ninetales2000:
         What are your favorite Pokemon? You can guess mine more or less... ;-)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Scyther/Oddish/D.Vileplume"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Hmmm let me guess..........................."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #104 from sas66:
         If I do damage to a defending pokemon and knock it out, does poison, asleep or confusion then affect the new defending pokemon replacing the previous one?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, it doesn't."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #105 from Articuno21:
         Do you keep playing sudden death until someone wins? I just have never seen this demonstrated before. Could you go into, like, 2nd Sudden Death or 3rd,or 4th.......
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Yup."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #106 from Ninetales2000:
         What is the next NP promo?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sabrina's Abra"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #108 from Brocks_Onix:
         i wanted to say thanx for givind me sabrina's ghastly in one pack aand sabrina's haunter and gengar (hole gengar) in the next was this really a mistake?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Well, if you want to think it is, sure."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "You got lucky babe. (Tom Petty)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #109 from Paokkk:
         It is possible to get two holos in one pack?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "No."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Anything's possible"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #110 from rob_cat_pz:
         my friend has one, yes its real, and he paid in the triple digits, how much do YOU think its worth, remember YOU, not wotc
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Sorry we do not talk about secondary market values here."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #111 from Brocks_Onix:
         Is that promo pikachu i think no 1 still in jungle boosters?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Possible though very unlikely, it was in the first printing ya know."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #112 from Ninetales2000:
         There's no Gym Challenge Prerelease card? I am sad :(.
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Sorry, there wasn't one for Base Set either."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #113 from Paokkk:
         How will a First Edition Gym Challenge box cost? Please give me a prices.
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Suggested retail will be 118.49 but it will be up toa store to decide how much they will charge you."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #115 from PokeDoc_Rabideau:
         I'm doing a little bit of research and I was wondering if you would please tell me what your guys' standpoint on archetypical deck configs is? Thanks :-)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "You're kinda vague there Poke_Doc. Do you mean whichones do we like?"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Do we support them?"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "What do you mean? Org play has told us that a healthy game will have at least 3 arhcetypes of equal strength wsith more possible."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Do we want to see them go away?"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Currently Pokemon is dominated by the boring wiggly hay variants."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #116 from pokemaster1000:
         will there ever be a set of cards containing dark versions of the new pokemon?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno yet."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #117 from guest48:
         you have released the one vending Pika in the first movie. WHY not the other ones?...
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "promo cards don't follow the same release rules."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #118 from soslowpoke:
         Is Furret a real Pokemon?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, I did see him in a preview copy of Pokemon Gold/Silver last weekend at the Mall tour."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #119 from TheHuss:
         Will a promo card be included with the G/S player's guide?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #120 from Articuno21:
         Did you know that the vending ditto is even more complicated than the fossil one? Can't you just wait for it to come out? :-)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Joy!"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "yeah..........woooopeeeeeee."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #121 from Mystix20:
         what should we do if our pokeleague is just giving one psyduck and coolporygon to everyone, instead of earning it?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Report it to us right away PLEASE!!!!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #122 from soslowpoke:
         Is Sabrina's Haunter a rare card in Challenge?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #124 from BuIbasaur:
         Is there anyway to go to the Super Trainer Showdown without acually driving there? My area is just plain far away from all the STS! Can you tell me how we can go without going that far? I really love that Promo Jigglypuff...
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Teleportation????"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Magic carpet maybe???"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Fed Ex"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "make sure to give yourself enough air holes though....."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #125 from Paokkk:
         How many _______'s Pikachu can we use? Can we use more than 4 if we write a different name for each card?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "You can't use ANY if league or dci play, not a legalcard."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #127 from guest48:
         I've heard alot about someone being ranked 8th Pokemaster in the world.HOW can I get ranked of my abilities as a Pokemon player?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, that's not a possiblity at this point."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #128 from Paokkk:
         Will there be another promo set you have to buy at only one in the future?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Not if we can help it."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #129 from guest48:
         Are you planning on releasing any cards exclusive to Corocoro comics?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Not that we know of."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #130 from gooman:
         if we still subscribe to nintendo power now, do we still get sabrina's abra?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "You would have to ask Nintendo that one."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "1(800)422-2602"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #131 from BuIbasaur:
         In the Victory Road, is it possible to get 2 Cool Porygons by winning 10 times in the road (5 once, 5 next time)? And is it also possible to get 2 Promo Psyducks from Victory Road?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Technically yes, but sup[plies may be limited."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #132 from lugia_2001:
         What is the next english jumbo card?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "They have not told us yet." presents room :) come mingle ;) And WELCOME TO UNCON!!!"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #134 from Articuno21:
         Last time you said you know about new promos a year in advance. Why do you always say "dunno" when asked about promos, though?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Because while we may know, we certainly can't tell you until it is absolutely finalized."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We can't talk about them until our donut providors say that it's ok."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #135 from gooman:
         is there any way you guys are goin to fly people to new jersey? You know like you did last sts to LA (me being one of them which was cool)
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "We are not providing trips for te East Coast STS butthe prizes have gotten much better for the qualifiers and the event itslef."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #136 from lugia_2001:
         Any news on Base Set 3?

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #137 from lugia_2001:
         Any new info an Neo or Neo2?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nothin' on that yet."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #138 from guest48:
         I just subscribed to Nintendo Power and heard that Sabrina's Abra was already released this month, is this true or is it still comin' in December?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno, we were told December but it sounds like nintendo changed the rukes (again)."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #140 from Articuno21:
         How do you arrange cards to be sent from your store on the 'net? I usually get wierd patterns of Rares. (ex. Holo Dark Arbok, Then in the next pack, a non-holo Dark Arbok)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "There's no real pattern, though I have also noticed that you often get a non-holo version of a holo you got earlier in the same box."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Probably just coalation at the factory."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #141 from lugia_2001:
         Do u have any info on English southern islands or vending cards yet, ifso, what?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, not yet."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #142 from guest45:
         when is the next major tournament going to occur near the monterey area?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Check out our tournament locator on our web site."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #143 from guest48:
         is it true that Heroes was not printed in 1st edition as much as other sets?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I heard that it was printed in a smaller amount thanRocket was (which was overprinted)."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #145 from Supra:
         can you attach basic and non-basic energy on the same turn?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #146 from lugia_2001:
         Do U think that cool porygon's value will decrease cause it is avaliable in the league?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Maybe, the laws of supply and demand you know."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #147 from Mystix20:
         you told us you would repeat the opening announcements for people who missed it at 4!!!!!!
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Sure."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Hi gang. Not much new to tell you of (yet). I did dig up some more details about the upcoming Birthday Pikachu web promotion though. The Wizard's web site is going to be completely redesigned and up on Dec 1st. Starting that day you will be able to try and answer some Pokemon trivia contests, once you get the correct anserws you will need to print it out and mail itin. The first of a set number we receive with the correct answers will get a holo Happy Birthday Pikachu mailed to them. The number released (initially) willbe limited so be sure to hop on the first day if possible."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Remember we will be announcing the East Coast STS Main Tournament Deck format starting Oct 9th. It will be on our web site and you will also be able to call customer service at 1-800-324-6496 for details. We will also be taking pre-registartion for the main event starting later in October. Seating will be limited so we recommend you pre-register if you plan on competing."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "MT Pat had a great time meeting many of you at the Chicago Mall Tour stop. I will be going to the stop near Boston in Braintree on Oct 7th and Dark Mater Mike will be at the Florida stop as well. Hopefully we will also get to meet and talk with many of you at the East Coast STS as well."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Here's a question that was asked by Jason at the MallTour this weekend. I think it deserves posting... If player A has a promo Eevee in play with 2 damage counters on it, and player B evolves Zubat into Dark Golbat on their turn, can promo Eevee use it's Chain Reaction P-mon Power before Dark Golbat's P-mon Power puts another damage counter on promo Eevee?"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The answer is yes. Promo Eevee gets to evolve beforeDark Golbat's power applies it's damage."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #149 from Chrisbo:
         If I have a possible deck idea that I'd like to submit to you (Wizards)for playtesting, where's the best place to send my decklist?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Email it to [email protected] and put it to attention MT MIke or MT Pat."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #150 from guest48:
         Is there a promo comin' in Pokemon G/S or Hey You Pikachu? Rumor or Truth?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Rumor"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #152 from guest48:
         Are there any Basic Rares in Challenge. Ones that can evolve I mean.
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "You'll have to wait and see..."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #154 from BuIbasaur:
         What is your favorite site other than www.pojo.com and www.pokegym.com? And Master_Trainer_Mike, why don't you appear as captian weedle in www.pokeschool.com anymore?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I have been too busy as of late. Pokeschool is anpother great web site though and I do recommend you all check it out."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #155 from pokemaster1000:
         how many promos from the challlenge set will there be
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Dunno"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #156 from Hi_Jynx:
         Different people play different ways sometimes...what is the correct usage of a Double Colorless Energy?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "It's a non-basic energy card that counts as 2 colorless energy."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #157 from Articuno21:
         What the heck exactly is your UNCON thingy?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "It's an online convention that Wizards is holding this weekend. Check out our web site for full details (including come to the Pokemon Challenge I will be helping with on Saturday)."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Message received from Novi, MI. We will pass it on."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #160 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         Any news on Vending?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #162 from BuIbasaur:
         Inside Year 2 of Pokmon League, what would be the goal of Year 2 after we have gotten all the old 8 badges?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "New badges for everyone!!!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #165 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         If a Lt. Surge is used to put a Ditto in the active slot, can it use comes-into-play pokemon powers?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sure."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #166 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         Any info on prop15?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Is that the attempted law against wearing socks in california???"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #167 from FeralShade:
         How much longer do you estimate it will take for the american Neo negotiations to conclude?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Longer than we like."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We're getting tired of donuts used to stall us out."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #168 from lugia_2001:
         Are Base Set and Jungle out of print yet? If so how come there are sooomany Base and Jungle packs avaliable in stores?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Base and Junbgle have been out of print in the US for some time now. Some stores horded them though and may be rereleasing them or they might be importing them from the UK."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #169 from Ninetales2000:
         About getting Bday Pika, is it hard to get? What is the number of them that will be sent? and I heard it will be available at league. True?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I'll assume you read the announcements Ninetales2000. We can't tell you how many are being made."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #170 from guest48:
         are you thinking of changing card text on any cards?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I like to scrawl Weedle on all of mine :)"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #172 from ECC2000:
         Can I chose benched pokemon on my opponents bench with clefable's metranome attack?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #173 from lugia_2001:
         So, pertaining to ? #156, can u attach a DCE under a pokemon if there rno other energies under that pokemon even though it is a non-basic energy?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yeesss."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #174 from Mystix20:
         how do we get to the uncon thing?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Go to http://www.wizards.com/uncon/"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #176 from FeralShade:
         Are both effects of texture magic voided if only one of the two active pok�mon are retreated (or KO'ed)?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Cool Porygon says: Benching either Pokemon ends the effect on that P-mon"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #175 from Chrisbo:
         MTMike, can you give us an example of one of the trivia questions you will be asking on Saturday?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Sorry but no."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #177 from Mystix20:
         will the new badges for pokeleague year 2 be from the gyms in pokemon gold/silver
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, I've seen what they will look like, but not what they will be.( The badges look more like buttons)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #178 from guest48:
         Have you gotten rights to anymore cards like Dark Riachu which came in English first? hehe
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nothing yet, that we know of."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #179 from lugia_2001:
         Are there going to be new badges in the 2nd year of the pokemon league?if so, what are they: orange league of jolt/jhoto leage?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Like I said, I don't know what they'll be quite yet.That's the truth."
Master_Trainer_Pat smiles.

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #180 from Zapdos_6669:
         Could you guys send email reminders to people on a mailing list to remind them on the day of the pokemon chats? I keep forgetting which days are thursdays >sigh<
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, we can't do that for you."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #181 from Haymakermaker:
         Can you use Energy Flow to pick up a DCE, Rainbow Energy, Full Heal or Potion Energy?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #182 from Mystix20:
         are you guys considering any other propositions instead of prop15/prop2t
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #183 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         With Blaine's Last Resort, isn't "no cards except Blaine's last resort"a self reference, so you can't use it if there are other Blaine's Lasts Resortsin your hand?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Not quite. R&D has told us that you can make use of Blaine's Last Resort if all you have in your hand is 2 or 3 Blaine's Last Resorttrainer cards."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #184 from Articuno21:
         Who are your Donut Suppliers?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That would be our bosses."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #185 from Haymakermaker:
         Is Fossil out of print yet?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "As far as we know, it is not. Though I wouldn't be surprised if it goes out of print soon. Stock up now."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #186 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         What is your favorite kind of doughnut?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "glazed old-fashioned."
Master_Trainer_Pat nods solemnly.

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #187 from ECC2000:
         Have Base set and jungle set gone out of print?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, they have."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #189 from pokemaster1000:
         woll there ever be ash's pokemon in a future set?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I don't know, though I've heard that Ash makes an appearance in Pokemon Gold/Silver for the Game Boy"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #190 from lugia_2001:
         is Misty's Tears going to be printed in English/
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #191 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         How big is the Space Weedle?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "7 1/2 feet taal"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #192 from Mystix20:
         what is the MOST annoying question you have ever been asked?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "beyond this one?????"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "why don't you do the same thing as is done in japan?"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "that one really ticks us off............................"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "the most annoying question we get asked is "why isn't pokemon sold/released/etc the exact same way in the sates as the japanese product is?""
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "to clarify"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #193 from Ninetales2000:
         Sorry but I sent the question "How terrible" I forgot to finish it. That day [Dec. 1] is a Weekday >_<...why did you choose that day?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Simple, we didn't."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #194 from Mystix20:
         what is the "stupidest" question ever been asked on this chat(no offense to the person who wrote it)?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "we used to get a lot of questions about nacho pokemon................."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "stupid................"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #195 from ECC2000:
         Have they stoped printing scyther and weedle?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, they're still in Base Set2"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #196 from guest48:
         What's the most CONFUSING card- that you get the most questions about?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "ditto"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Ditto."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "metronome a close second"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #197 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         Do you have rights to Imakuni? cards yet?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "nope"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #198 from FeralShade:
         Since the Neo release won't occur until at least next year and the GB Gold/Silver is already being released, will the badges in Year 2 reflect both theOrange League _and_ the Joto League? (You said there would be another eight butthe Orange League only has four)
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Zip."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm mmm mmm mmmmmmmmm"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Zipple"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #199 from pokemaster1000:
         how did u guys get ur job
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "begging and pleading seemed to help.................."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Playing lots of games and looking good in a suit and tie(for the interview, silly)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #200 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         Why was question 171 skipped?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "It was probably too silly."
Master_Trainer_Pat grins evilly.

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #201 from lugia_2001:
         Are u going to print the Lucky Stadium Trainer cards in English or perhaps the VERY rare holo Porygon (which is a new promo in Japan that u can get after earning 700 points) or any other japanese rare promos?if so, what?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "the lucky trainer stadium was given out as a bilingual card at this years TMB. No plans on those other cards."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #202 from Articuno21:
         Did you ever think the Pok�mon TCG would come this far? Did you ever think that you would be idolized by millions? How long have you been working at Wizards?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "It caught us by surprise."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yes, No, and 1 1/2 years."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "As for being idolized I always knew I would be infamous, but will settle for being well known in this area :)"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I've been here over a year."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #203 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         Are you going to have different art on the vending cards?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "We really don't know much about that set."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #204 from guest58:
         I'm sorta new at battling... I'd like to know, can I mix sets when making my own decks (i.e: using Base 2, Fossil, and Rocket)?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Sure :)"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #205 from Zapdos_6669:
         Can you give us some examples of other formats you are considering?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Sorry, we can't"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "making you play checkers instead has come to mind :)"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #206 from Porygon_of_Borg:
         Do you support the banning of socks? (see an earlier question)
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Depends on whether they are the itchy kind or not."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #207 from Articuno21:
         How 'bout Proposition Weedle? Every player must have at least 3 Weedlesin his/her deck. Would you guys be able to do that?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Only 3?!?!?!?!"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #208 from FeralShade:
         Do you have an estimated completion date for the Space Weedle...if so can you guys invite me to the ribbon-cutting party?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "The Space Weedle is complete and will be making it's debut at the East Coast STS"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #209 from FeralShade:
         What is prop 15...How does it relate to Pok�mon?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "On eof many possible tournament formats being testes(no more than 15 trainers in your deck)."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #210 from Mystix20:
         can u tell us what props they are( refrence to question#182)
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "The no sock wearing prop comes to mind."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #211 from pokemaster1000:
         why in the neo and neo 2 did they change pokemon like poliwhirls types to say water to fighting in poliwhirls case
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "did they?"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #212 from rob_cat_pz:
         i didnt see my question get answered...so....will u guys be a king of prussia pencil mania qualifiers?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "WE did answer, sorry but we won;t be at that one."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #213 from guest58:
         Is Base set coming back to print?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nope"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #214 from lugia_2001:
         Could you make a set that pertains ONLY to like; ash's, professeor oaks, tracy's, gary's, etc... pokemon? Pleeeease!
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "How about an alll Weedle set!?!?!?"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #215 from FeralShade:
         Where on the WOTC site is the info. for UNCON? It's getting hard to navigate there.
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "It's at http://www.wizards.com/uncon/"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #217 from larta:
         does this work?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #218 from lugia_2001:
         Why did u choose a weekday for the release of Challenge?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "start of a new month"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #219 from Mystix20:
         what's a nacho pokemon?question 182
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I warned you, that is a stupid question!!!!"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Spicy little guy, goes well with cheeze"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #220 from Articuno21:
         Do you guys get to see all the questions? even the skipped ones?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "yuppers"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #221 from FeralShade:
         When do foresee "Super Energy Retreival" being released here?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no idea"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #222 from ppiikkaacchhuu:
         will there be an american mew?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "there already was right? promo mew"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #224 from Zapdos_6669:
         could you re announce the announcements please
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "at the end, we will"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #225 from ppiikkaacchhuu:
         will there be a pokemon trading card game for gameboy with gym leaders?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That's a Nintendo question."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #226 from ppiikkaacchhuu:
         how can u guys anwer all these questions?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "they beat us with sticks if we don't."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #227 from lugia_2001:
         Do u think that you are gonna change the rule about having more than 4 of the same cards in a deck, like maybe 6????
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "oh yeah, that would really help the game......................."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Cool 6 Scythers!!"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #228 from FeralShade:
         will there be other "Cool" cards? Does Porygon have that title because his mechanics or is it just a coincidence?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "cool weedle!!!"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #229 from rob_cat_pz:
         i think u havent noticed weedle could die in one hit, so why not something like chansey?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "pokemon don't die............."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #230 from Mystix20:
         how can i get a job for WotC
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "living in seatlle helps.............."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "bathe regularly and eat your carrots"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #232 from Zapdos_6669:
         what is the release date of challenge?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "10/10/2000"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #234 from ECC2000:
         Why did they make Gyrados's weakness grass? In the game boy gamehe is weaker to electric.
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "you would have to ask creatures that one."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #235 from Mystix20:
         is it true that Hasbro forced WotC to make those common pokes in heroes(misty's tentacool, etc.)?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #237 from lugia_2001:
         do u play magic?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "yes"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Yea. Lots."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #241 from ECC2000:
         Why didn't they include Poision type in the trading card game?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "They just didn't include all the different types, I don't know why."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #238 from Articuno21:
         What kind of sticks do they beat you with?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "ones with donuts on the end, its called tough love."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Donuts on a stick. Sounds like a carnival treat."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Are they dipped in Caramel"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no maple bars allowed"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #240 from BuIbasaur:
         This may be a funny question to ask but if inside Misty's Duel, can youpertend to not know how to play Paper-Scisor-Rock, then say heads, you win, tails, you win?!?! Silly question but maybe fun to answer... :D
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "ummmmmm, no"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #242 from ppiikkaacchhuu:
         is it true now youre only allowed 15 trainers and 2 per turn??
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #243 from rob_cat_pz:
         i like carrots
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "then you are on your way young skywalker."
Master_Trainer_Pat bows gracefully.

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #244 from FeralShade:
         Do you answer questions at toll free Game Support line too?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "maaaybe"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "maybeee"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #245 from IMAKUNI_00:
         i thought it was the 7th is 10/10/2000 the right date?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "sonewhere around there, dates sometimes fluctuate a bit"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #246 from lugia_2001:
         Could you take some rules from Magic, and apply them to the Pokemon TCG, like tapping mana?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Nope"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #247 from ECC2000:
         Why didn't they seperate fighting type into 2 types? (ground and fighting)
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "cuz ice cream has no bones."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #248 from ppiikkaacchhuu:
         is it only mike and pat, dont u have any helpers?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Just us."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "just us, we are the entire company"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "hee hee hee"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #249 from larta:
         why don't you answer my questions?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "They're terrible."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "hmmm cuz they are silly?"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #250 from lugia_2001:
         Are there going to be NEW types of pokemon in the future?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I am leaning towards low fat ones myself."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Spongey Creme-filled Pokemon hopefully."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #251 from Chrisbo:
         Is Oct.10 the official release date for Challenge? I thought it was supposed to be Oct. 7th (or was it 14th?).
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "sorry not sure of exact date"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #252 from Mystix20:
         can team rocket's meowth evolve(i believe he cannot as there are rocket's pokemon, no team rocket's pokemon other than meowath)?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Not yet."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #253 from guest58:
         Has or will there be any promo cards made as regulars?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "dunno"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #254 from FeralShade:
         Do you know the color types of the Challenge PCTs yet?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "There's a spoiler in Top Deck # 11"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #255 from Mystix20:
         how come it takes you guys forever to post chat transcripts?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "cuz there are only 2 of us in the entire compnay, didn't you see the earlier answer??? :)"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "And we only use half of the same keyboard"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "(stay on your side Pat!!!!)"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #256 from ppiikkaacchhuu:
         answer my ? number 239
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "nope"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #257 from larta:
         why is your name Mike?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "parents liked the name"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #258 from Turonik:
         Wil WoTC make thier own cards again like dark raichu?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Possibly..."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #259 from SuperTrainer_Tim:
         Will there be a pre-release for challenge?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #260 from SuperTrainer_Tim:
         What is your favorite card pat?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Scyther's my favorite Pokemon. Favorite card is ...currently Tickling Machine. It so funny when it works."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #261 from rob_cat_pz:
         i know this is off topic, but why arent there any more wcw nitro chats?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Good to chat with you guys, my computer keeps tossing me offstage."
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I don't know."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #262 from Mystix20:
         are you guys ever going to creat an online way to play the pokemon tcg(other than apprentice which stinks!)
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I hear something might be in the woirks but no specifics."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #263 from Articuno21:
         Why are there so many Newbies here?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Everyone's welcome here."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #264 from FeralShade:
         Anything new learned of the Vending card development?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "nuthing to say, sorry"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #265 from SuperTrainer_Tim:
         Where did u go to MT Mike?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "my computer's memory keeps locking up"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "MT Mike keeps fallin offstage, maybe it's these banana peels..."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "pat, keep your day job........"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #266 from lugia_2001:
         Could you make a new pokemon, like a donut pokemon? (which is mentionedin a pokemon episode, where ash gets primeape)
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "with a creamy center???"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #267 from balloonman17:
         what does the aincent Mew CARD ACTUALLY do?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Ancient Mew is most useful for signaling planes when you're lost in the woods."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "also good to carry when you walk at night, makes a good reflector"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #268 from Mystix20:
         if there are ever enough promos, would you guys rerelease them in an expansion?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "probably not but not sure"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #269 from ShiningDarkness:
         Why is it taking you guys so long to get the rights for Neo?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "we keep running out of crayons."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #270 from Ninetales2000:
         If you poll people on Prop15 on your site wouldn't it be better for youto decide [easier too]?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no it would not as the overall metagame and its effects is beyond most casual players."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #271 from lugia_2001:
         Do u know if there is going to be a pokeomn league season 3?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "dunno yet"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #276 from sunyoshi:
         What sets will be usable in the East COast Qualifiers / STS?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "all that have been released in english at that time"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #277 from IMAKUNI_00:
         is there any plans for any other anime card games u will make?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Loony Tunes counts as Anime doesn't it?"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #278 from ECC2000:
         Are all the jungle cards in Base Set 2?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "no, a few didn't make the ark"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #279 from IMAKUNI_00:
         was u at the queen mary for the sts? if so was u at the erika's challenge? what was u wearing?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "we wasses there"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #280 from Gurtman:
         Will you two be at STS New Jersey?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "yup"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #281 from SuperTrainer_Tim:
         Why arn't you making a challenge pre release?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Gym is one big set."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #282 from Turonik:
         where can I find a deck listing of ThunderStrom?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "thunderstrom? as in Strom Thurmond??"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #283 from rob_cat_pz:
         guest67 wants to know your opinions on archetypes
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "they go well with a nice side salad"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "and beans"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #284 from Mystix20:
         you guys gonna be at the king of prussia, PA sts qualifier? if ur not, who is?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "pat and I won't be, but the gerat DSL folks will be there"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #285 from rob_cat_pz:
         since i already eat carrots, what else do i have to do?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "bathe and live near seatlle for starters"

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #286 from FeralShade:
         Anything new in Gym Challenge or will it just be a "Gym Heroes part 2"?Has WOTC changed the card list translation---as they did with mew in Fossil andDark Raichu in TR?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "there might be a card or two you won't be expecting"

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #287 from pokemaster1000:
         is it true there will be a neo 3
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "I know there will be in Japan, but who know for here."

Master_Trainer_Mike presents the speaker with question #297 from Mystix20:
         how will the preregistration for the sts work?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "you will be bale to call us here at customer servicestarting late in october and as long as yo have earned 5 badges you can pre-register for the main tournament for the East Coast STS as it will have limited seating."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #290 from sunyoshi:
         I've heard of younger kids (11-14) taking spots in the 15+ tourns at the Qs. Is this true?
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "No, you could not at the Chicago Mall Tour."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I have heard that you can move up an age group if they have room but you CANNOT move down an age group, ever."

Master_Trainer_Pat presents the speaker with question #292 from SuperTrainer_Tim:
         Why is pats picture messed up on the team compendium site?
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "go ahead pat"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "That was taken from a spy photo"

Master_Trainer_Mike says, "now for the announcements again"
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "I did dig up some more details about the upcoming Birthday Pikachu web promotion though. The Wizard's web site is going to be completely redesigned and up on Dec 1st. Starting that day you will be able to try and answer some Pokemon trivia contests, once you get the correct anserws you will need to print it out and mail it in. The first of a set number we receive with the correct answers will get a holo Happy Birthday Pikachu mailed to them. The number released (initially) will be limited so be sure to hop on the first dayif possible."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Remember we will be announcing the East Coast STS Main Tournament Deck format starting Oct 9th. It will be on our web site and you will also be able to call customer service at 1-800-324-6496 for details. We will also be taking pre-registartion for the main event starting later in October. Seating will be limited so we recommend you pre-register if you plan on competing."
Master_Trainer_Mike says, "MT Pat had a great time meeting many of you at the Chicago Mall Tour stop. I will be going to the stop near Boston in Braintree on Oct 7th and Dark Mater Mike will be at the Florida stop as well. Hopefully we will also get to meet and talk with many of you at the East Coast STS as well."

Master_Trainer_Mike says, "Ok, that is it for now, see you all next week!"
Master_Trainer_Pat says, "Later Guys and Gals"