Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, June 07, 2001
by Team Compendium

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1 from thundrchld:test
master_trainer_pat says, "testing...testing..."
darkmaster_steve says, "1...2....3"
master_trainer_pat says, "1.2.3."
master_trainer_pat says, "Yup It works!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "So...."
master_trainer_pat says, "ready to ask some Discovery questions?"
master_trainer_pat says, "OK..."
master_trainer_pat says, "let's go."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #2 from thundrchld:Hey MTs on the neo 2 Scizor, there is a misprint there, are you gonna errata it?
darkmaster_steve says, "It is played on the wording, it is played has it is 20X not 20+ ...."
master_trainer_pat says, "Right. It's a misprint, just play it as though it says 20x for the damage."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #3 from thundrchld:On neo 2 's houndoom, does the crunch effect go away if the defending pokemon is becnhed and then comes back?
darkmaster_steve says, "Correct the effect would go away."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #4 from paokkk:Let said, I have a Murkrow, and I used Feint Attack. And I have 4 Darkness Energy attached to Murkrow. How much damages will it do, 20 or 60?
master_trainer_pat says, "20 to a benched P-mon, 60 to a defending P-mon."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #5 from d_paulius:Do you know when Neo Discovery will be released in Europe?
master_trainer_pat says, "We're not sure of the European release dates for Discovery."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #6 from thundrchld:any new promo news...(ya always gottaask every week ; ))
master_trainer_pat says, "Nothing new this week."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #7 from lance313:Hyper Devolution Spray. Why?
darkmaster_steve says, "because it puts the evolution in your hand, This is great for guys like Typhlosion's fire boost power to get him charged up.'"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #8 from paokkk:Let said I have a Sprout Tower in play, and my opponent have a Ditto as his active Pokemon. I have a Hitmonchan as my active Pokemon. He copy my Hitmonchan and Jab me. Does that attack from Ditto do nothing or does it do 2o damage?
darkmaster_steve says, "It does 20, because he is now a hitmonchan..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #9 from thundrchld:you think houndoom will become a new archetype?=/
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth still beats him up!"
master_trainer_pat says, "That's hard to say...we don't think he's super powerfull here."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #11 from paokkk:Anything new on the Pokemon Cross Trainer set?
master_trainer_pat says, "No comment at this time."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #12 from thundrchld:this week's phrase?
darkmaster_steve says, "Stilll Sodo Mojo,, Meowth!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm still partial to sodo.mojo"
master_trainer_pat says, "That's what you feel when the Mariner's break open the game in the 8th inning."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #14 from pikabruce:If your opponent has 3 Forretress in play, and you make active a Pokemon with 1 Metal energy attached, is all Spike damage prevented? (Is each Spike separate?)
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes each of the Forretress is a diffrent source, so you would take 0 damage."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #16 from master_o_pokemon:wasabi!!!
master_trainer_pat says, "Waasaaabiiiii!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #17 from lance591:you know thw Space Weedle and all those other projects like that? I have a friend who's making something similar, and he wants me to ask if it's possible to send you a picture or two when it's done.
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure, send it to us at Wizards Customer Service. The address is on the booster packs"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #18 from chrisbo:With Scizor's False Swipe attack, if the opponent only has 10 hp remaining, does that mean that you start with half of 10 (which is 5), round it *down* to the nearest 10, and it ends up with a net result of zero damage done to the opponent?
darkmaster_steve says, "Correct, if they only have 10 hp's you do nothing....absolutly nothing!!!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #19 from samantha_129:Okay, I've waited (I asked this before and you told me to wait for the set). Can you have, for example, four Unown A AND four Unown E in a deck, or just four Unown period?
master_trainer_pat says, "Just 4 Unown."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #21 from chrisbo:If Sprout Tower & Unown-N (Normal) are both in play, is that a cumulative effect that reduces the damage done by colorless Pokemon by 60? (30+30) And what about self-damage, like Chansey's Double-Edge attack?
master_trainer_pat says, "The damage reduction is cumulative in both cases."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #22 from kakkaroto7:So, for the sts what should I do with my 3 rounds of byes on saturday and sunday?
darkmaster_steve says, "Eat breakfast, walk around... Take a nap...whatever...."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #23 from zoink300:For Neo Discovery Eevee, can you attach and energy and using its power(if heads) and evolve first turn?
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #25 from kakkaroto7:Can we earn any cool promo cards like at the QTs?
darkmaster_steve says, "Sure I have lot's of Team rocket Meowths to give out!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #26 from magmar2000:Can't stay today, but I have to get this out of the way. What are those Mariners now? 46-12? :-D
master_trainer_pat says, "Thanks Magmar 2k...we're watching like hawks here."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #27 from arcanine21:What is the ruling on Syzor. Is the attack 20+ 20 for each heads or 20 for each heads?
darkmaster_steve says, "(2) it is played has 20X, not has the 20+"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #28 from chrisbo:With an Unown-D (Darkness) on the opponent's bench, if I try to use Umbreon's Feint Attack it will do zero damage, right? This is because the Unown-D cancels the 30 damage, and since no damage was done the extra benefits of Darkness are ignored, righ
master_trainer_pat says, "Correct unless Unown D is the opponent's active P-mon"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #29 from purity1:i've heard some debate on this....do unowns d, m, and n reduce damage done to 1 as in any or 1 as in a particular poikemon?
darkmaster_steve says, "all of them, every single one."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #30 from gymleaderphil_pojo:Well, I just read the Team Compendium Chat Log for May 24th and found out that when Ditto is against Sabrina's Alakazam, your Ditto gets to copy the attacks of your opponent's bench as well! PokePop said it was the other way around. Ditto should NOT b
master_trainer_pat says, "Well, your ? got cut off there...but S. Alakazam _has_ a copy of every attack your Psychic P-mon have."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #31 from arcanine21:Does poisin go away when bench because its a status effect or does it stay because poisin is represented with a counter?
darkmaster_steve says, "Poison goes away if you get to the bench, (all status effects go away on the bench)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #32 from paokkk:why was Beedrill and Butterfree in the Neo Discovery only in the non-holo version?
darkmaster_steve says, "Because they are not Meowth!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Dunno."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #34 from arcanine21:Does Unown N prevent damage Chansey does to itself?
master_trainer_pat says, "If it's on your bench."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #35 from pikabruce:Chaos Gym is in play. Opponent plays Giovanni, flips tails for Chaos. Can you use Giovanni (since it isn't "your turn")?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, you can't evolve, so you couldn't do anything with it."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #36 from gymleaderphil_pojo:What if I attach a Rainbow energy to Neo Discovery Eevee and flip heads on Energy Evolution? Can I treat that energy as any energy and then search my deck for an Eeveelution of any type?
master_trainer_pat says, "You may search for one evolution for Eevee of any type you choose."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #37 from chrisbo:With Politoed's "Frog Song" power, does it do any damage if you get zero heads for the "Doubleslap" attack? The Frog Song text says "...that attack does 40 more damage (no matter how many heads you get)".
darkmaster_steve says, "No, you must get some damage to have the increased damage done."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #38 from chrisbo:If a confused pokemon tries to retreat after an Umbreon attacks it with Pursuit, does it take the +10 damage from Pursuit regardless of whether the flip for confusion is head or tails? Or does it not take the Pursuit dmg if the confusion flip is tail
master_trainer_pat says, "No, it will only take the pursuit damage if it actually retreats."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #40 from arcanine21:I heard there is a promo Tyrouge. Is this true?
darkmaster_steve says, "Not theat I have ever heard of.."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #42 from bigdaddysnorlax:It's your turn and you have an Unown in play with a Power that reduces damage done by a particular type of Pok�mon (such as D, M or N). Will that Power reduce self-damage or damage to your own bench by one of your own Pok�mon of that type? Example - can I avoid bench damage from my Tyranitar's Trample attack if I have an Unown-D on my bench?
darkmaster_steve says, "MeoOUCH!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "That works..."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #43 from dbd127:RE: Omanyte's PP Revive Fossil: "Treat that card as a Basic Pok�mon." If I use this power to lay down, say, Aerodactyl, does that mean it can only do 10 damage to Erika's Dratini?
darkmaster_steve says, "Correct, it will count has a basic for reasons like that."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #44 from bigdaddysnorlax:The Unowns with Powers that reduce damage done by a particular 'type' of Pok�mon (such as D, M or N), say "whenever a 'type' Pok�mon damages 1 of your Pok�mon..." Will the Power reduce damage on multiple Pok�mon during the same turn? An example would be an attack that could damage each of your Benched Pok�mon.
master_trainer_pat says, "Right..we just covered that one."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #45 from dbd127:Kadabra vs. Wobbuffet: If Kadabra does Super Psy for 50 x 2 (weakness) = 100 damage, and if Wobbuffet flips heads because it Countered last turn, does it do 100 to Kadabra or 100 x 2 = 200 to Kadabra?
darkmaster_steve says, "It would do the 200, because it is a new attack, and then gets the weakness."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #46 from bigdaddysnorlax:Could Promo Smeargle's Paint attack affect a Mysterious Fossil or Clefairy Doll?
darkmaster_steve says, "Why bother?"
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure"
darkmaster_steve says, "But yes it would work."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #47 from phoenixaudubon:Have any of you played Dance Dance Revolution?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, at Gameworks in Seattle"
darkmaster_steve says, "You think "I" can dance?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #48 from master_o_pokemon:I like yanma. Its sOOOOO cute
master_trainer_pat says, "Yeahh...."
master_trainer_pat shakes her/his head.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #49 from gymleaderphil_pojo:Do will still have time to send in Meowths? I heard Steve still needs some...
darkmaster_steve says, "I hope so... I still need lots more!! I don't know what I can do with them, thank you all that have sent them in already!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #50 from unown_master:Any neo3 news yet?
darkmaster_steve says, "yeah, its not out yet."
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure, but nothing we can announce."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #51 from bigdaddysnorlax:If you use Houndoom's Crunch attack, and your opponent uses a self-damaging attack during their turn (while Crunch is in effect), a) will the self-damage be increased by 20? B) will you still get the +20 effect during your next turn if you do damage to that Pok�mon?
master_trainer_pat says, "a) Yes."
master_trainer_pat says, "B)Yes."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #52 from bigdaddysnorlax:If you have multiple copies of Forretress out, is the "Spikes" Pok�mon power cumulative? For example, if you had three out, would the Powers do 30 damage (10+10+10) if your opponent moved a benched Pok�mon to the active slot?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, but they are all seperate 10 damage..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #53 from dbd127:Sabrina's Gastly w/Fade Out vs. Wobbuffet. If I Fade Out, and Wobbuffet flips heads, does it do damage to my Sabrina's Gastly or my next active taking the Gastly's place?
master_trainer_pat says, "I think it will attack the S. Gastly back, but we'll have to ask about that one."
master_trainer_pat says, "It certainly won't damage the Pokemon that you move up."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #54 from pikabruce:Your Ditto is opposite your opponent's Forretress. Your opponent does Rapid Spin. Will your Ditto do Spike damage? (I assume not, since Ditto stops being Forretress before Forretress is switched.)
darkmaster_steve says, "You are correct, ditto is switched first, so no spikes for him!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #55 from bigdaddysnorlax:Does Neo:Discovery Eevee's "Energy Evolution" Power get around Aerodactyl's "Prehistoric Power" and the normal rules of evolution (can't evolve on the turn played) due to the fact that you are pulling an evolution card from your deck, not your hand?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #57 from dbd127:True of False, If Erika's Dratini attacks Wobbuffet, and Pok�mon Powers are still working, there is no way, not even with Plus Powers, that Wobbuffet can hurt Erika's Dratini?
master_trainer_pat says, "Right."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #59 from daytongl:what's quote & song of the day?
master_trainer_pat says, "sodo mojo is the phrase of the week."
master_trainer_pat says, "You'll have to find MT Mike to ask him what the song is...he seems to have disappeared."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #60 from gexico:Any thing new about the East STS that we should know? Besides bring extra Maple Bards?;)
darkmaster_steve says, "And Meowth cards!!!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #61 from lance313:Dark MASTER Steve? All right, you have been promoted?
darkmaster_steve says, "Nope, sadly not yet, that is just what they have me to taunt me."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #62 from onederlnd:Okay, Not a N:D question, sorry -_- There are a few cards, that read "until the end of your next turn". So does this mean that you will not be able to play trainers on your next turn (the turn after my opponents)?
master_trainer_pat says, "Correct."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #64 from phoenixaudubon:Do you guys know how many people have preregistered for ECSTS?
darkmaster_steve says, "2...maybe 3....."
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, but we aren't sayin'"
darkmaster_steve says, "or more..."
master_trainer_pat says, "it's alot."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #65 from darkcrobat:if i have 2 Slowking in play, and my Opp. play a trainer and is allowed to play it, can i use the other Slowking to try and make him not be able to [play the Trainer?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #66 from arcanine21:Unown D says it protects 1 of your pokemon from dark attacks what if you were attacked by tyranitar that damaged more than 1? What if the tyranitar was yours?
darkmaster_steve says, "It protects all of your pokemon."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #67 from phoenixaudubon:What's "sodo.mojo"?
darkmaster_steve says, "A cool new website?!"
darkmaster_steve says, "A new car?"
darkmaster_steve says, "Perhaps a food dish?"
master_trainer_pat says, "It's that feeling you get when you're watchin' Jeff Nelson throw those nasty sliders to those righties."
master_trainer_pat says, "Sodo Mojo is about watching the Mariners play baseball at Safeco Stadium."
master_trainer_pat says, "Normally sane people go nuts."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #69 from gymleaderphil_pojo:Will you guys be doing ECSTS Event Coverage like last time?
master_trainer_pat says, "I hope so."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #70 from samantha_129:Hey...where's Mike? Did I miss somehting here?
darkmaster_steve says, "It's his turn in the box"
master_trainer_pat says, "Where is that box anyway."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #71 from michel1be:if I play Dark Hypno with 2 psy and 1 dark energies, will the Bench manipulation attack make 30 for each tails, or (20 x number of tails)+10 ?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, Darkness energy specifically states that it will only increase damage to the _defending_ P-mon. It's very clear about this."
darkmaster_steve says, "GO AWAY! BACK TO THE BOX WITH YOU!"
master_trainer_pat says, "OK, MT MIke has clarified the whole Wobuffet/S. Gastly question." [Q53]
master_trainer_pat says, "The answer is just as I had thought...Wobuffet attacks S. Gastly back before the S. Gastly gets returned to the player's hand."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #72 from arcanine21:Meganium doubles grass energy so if a rainbow energy counting as grass would be doubled, right?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, but only as grass energy."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #75 from phoenixaudubon:What do the Unown spell out?
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't know what order did you put them in?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #73 from gymleaderphil_pojo:Hey Mike, do you think you will get your Neo Rules Song out or is Media Factory appaled by your "Beautiful Singing"?
master_trainer_mike says, "Hey gang! You do realize that it's not me singing right?"
master_trainer_mike says, "Computer generated and all that. I didn't submit it as they always ixnay songs."
master_trainer_mike says, "That is why it is the unofficial theme :)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #76 from lance591:there's absolutely no chance whatsoever of changing this session's time by an hour, is there? here in Ireland it's eleven when it starts, which is hard to make, but ten would be fine. <:-D
darkmaster_steve says, "Sorry, thats a little out of our power....."
master_trainer_mike says, "check out team compendium for a log of the chat though"
master_trainer_pat says, "No, there's a chance whatsoever, we'll keep your request in the file marked: 'folks who want to have the chat moved by an hour'"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #74 from dbd127:What is the web site that shows the Space Weedle, The Leaning Tower of Pika, and the Pok�mon Chat theme song? I forgot to mark it....
master_trainer_mike says, "It is at http://home.earthlink.net/~seawolven"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #78 from lance591:the Nintendo Power promos are pretty much unavailable this side of the atlantic. Any chance of the british Official Nintendo Magazine running them?
master_trainer_pat says, "That's actually a question for Nintendo."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #82 from arcanine21:If a wobbuffet had a focus band and had used counter and had 70 damage then on your opponents turn it got hit with 30 damage and focus band worked, would wobbufet do 10 because thats how much it took or 30 because thats the amount it defended itself against?
master_trainer_pat says, "IT would be 30."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #83 from onederlnd:Okay, there are a few cards (I am using Rockets Secret Experiment as an example) that say "until the end of your next turn". So does this mean that I won't be able to play trainers on my next turn (after my opponents) or just the end of this turn?
darkmaster_steve says, "the end of your next turn, so you use the RSE, fail, can't play trainers that turn, or the next one..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #85 from arcanine21:what is the address to send meowths to? by when? can we send in Giovannis meowth? what is going to be built?
darkmaster_steve says, "Wizards of the Coast/Dark Apprentice Steve Po Box 707 Renton WA 98057-0707.. And thank you!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #87 from onederlnd:I know this question has been asked many times, so I appologize. Swift says to ingnore any effect on the defending Pokemon. From my knowledge, the Baby rule does not count as an effect, it is a Rule. So Swift will _not_ go through the Baby rule, correct?
master_trainer_pat says, "Swift will not cut through the Baby Power"
master_trainer_mike says, "BTW, there has been some people asking about running some unofficial Pokemon events at the STS space. We will allow you to organize such events if there is space available and these events MUST be free."
master_trainer_mike says, "If you want to run any events and charge for them they CANNOT be held at the STS space, this includes booster drafts, etc. You would have to run those veents off the property."
master_trainer_mike says, "Keep in mind that these events are subject to space limitaions and they could be asked to be moved if the situation dictated it."
master_trainer_mike says, "Also no disruptive events or behavior will be tolerated at the STS itself."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #81 from thundrchld:hey if master trainer mike is there, hey mike will you be playing any games after the main tournament at the STS? I'd love to play against your thread the weedle deck
master_trainer_mike says, "SURE! I'll be bringing it but none of us will be participating in te main tournament. That is for you guys!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #88 from darkcrobat:What happens first the effects of a PokeTool or Poison, i ask this because if i had a pokemon that is about to get KO'd with poison but has a GoldBerry on it, what would happen first?
darkmaster_steve says, "You would get to choose the order, so you would want to use the berry first and then do the effects of pokemon."
darkmaster_steve says, "poison"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #89 from onederlnd:Would the attack Paint affect a Mysterious Fossil or a Clefairy Doll?
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure. Why?"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #90 from y2ace:If I use arcade game and I see that 2 of the top 3 are grass energies Do I get to search my whole deck for all the grass energies and put them in my hand or just those 2 in the top 3?
darkmaster_steve says, "Wow, the toise deck.... Oh my gosh... NO."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #92 from marril2000:DMS, will we be able to see the Meowth structure you are going to buld, or will it not be done in time?
darkmaster_steve says, "Well, it may not be a structure, and I don't think I will have enough in time to do anything yet..."
darkmaster_steve says, "I am trying!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #93 from skilled_apprentice:if I play a rainbow energy on a skarmory, will it be considered steel energy without the perks?
master_trainer_pat says, "You can use Rainbow energy to provide Metal or Darkness without the perks."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #94 from arcanine21:hyper devolution spray says you cant evolve the same turn you devolve. so does this mean you cant evolve then devolve, vice versa, or both?
darkmaster_steve says, "It means that you can't play the devolution, and THEN evolve, you could evolve first, and then use the hyper Dev."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #95 from pkmnx:Sorry if this was already asked, but on Discovery Scizor's second attack, does that mean 2o times, or 20 plus? Was this a misprint?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, it's a misprint. It's 20 x."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #96 from master_o_pokemon:Whats your favorite card from each set?
darkmaster_steve says, "MEOWTH!!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Scyther"
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth, Meowth..."
darkmaster_steve says, "and maybe Umbreon."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #97 from arcanine21:what is the Dance Dance Revolution metioned in question 47
master_trainer_pat says, "IT's a dance video game."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #99 from soslowpoke:How come there are no holos of Beedrill and Butterfree
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't know."
darkmaster_steve says, "Mecause they are still...not Meowth"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #100 from pkmnx:Can you get back a Shapeshifted evo on Brock's Ninetales with Hyper Devolution Spray?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, because it's not considered evolving when you use Shapeshift."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #102 from gold_gyarados:hey darkmaster steve i was the one with the idea to build something with the meowth cards will i get credit?
darkmaster_steve says, "Umm, what do you want? A gold star?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #104 from pkmnx:Again, sorry if this was already asked, but what happens when you attach a Rainbow energy to Discovery Eevee?
master_trainer_pat says, "You get to go get an Eevee evolution from your deck and put it one Eevee. You can choose any evolution type you like."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #105 from gold_gyarados:why did you bring back the non-foil/foil of the same card in neo discovery? for example scizor
darkmaster_steve says, "because the set would be about 58 cards in the set otherwise...."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #106 from pikabruce:Your upside down card on your bench (due to Lt. Surge's Secret Plan) has 1 Metal Energy attached. Opponent has a Forretress. Your upside down card becomes active. Do you have to turn it over (since the Metal energy prevents the Spike damage)?
master_trainer_pat says, "Oh yea."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #107 from kakkaroto7:Will I see you MT's at the STS??
darkmaster_steve says, "Yep... Hopefully...Meowth!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't know. We'll be in disguise as regular people."
master_trainer_mike says, "BOOYAH!!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #108 from phoenixaudubon:Who is Jeff Nelson?
master_trainer_mike says, "nelson rockefellers cousin?"
master_trainer_pat says, "He's one of the Mariner's pitchers."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #109 from kakkaroto7:With my 3 round byes could I play you MTs?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, if we are there, we will have to judge, Sorry..."
master_trainer_mike says, "right!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth could play...but he cheats!"
darkmaster_steve says, ""

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #110 from thundrchld:whens the expected release of neo3 ?
master_trainer_mike says, "(steve cheats!)"
darkmaster_steve says, "Ouch!"
master_trainer_pat says, "later"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #111 from crazy_nut_man:Can you give me any info about Cross Trainer, release dates, cards, etc?
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm afraid not."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #112 from thundrchld:will you guys have like a ecsts cam that will like update every minute on your website so people can see whats going on during the STS(ya know maybe have 4 or 5 in different locations)
darkmaster_steve says, "If we had the money for that.... that would just be too cool...."
darkmaster_steve says, "I don't think it would happen even if we could afford it.. Sorry."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #113 from pkmnx:OK, so if a Tyranitar was Painted Colorless, and it Trampled with a Sprout Tower in play, it wouldn't do any damage to Benches, right?
darkmaster_steve says, "You can't paint something to colorless."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #114 from crazy_nut_man:Say I have 2 Dark Energies on Murkrow, does Faint Attack (I've believed that is the right way it is spelled) do 40 or 20?
darkmaster_steve says, "It woudl do 20 to the bench and 40 to the active (depending on which one you attack.)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #115 from kakkaroto7:If rocket's Zapdos had a darkness energy (or any self-damaging pokemon), would it do an extra 10 damage for the self-damage of the attack?
master_trainer_pat says, "once again...if you read Darkness energy, it says only tthe 'defending' p-mon"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #117 from arcanine21:Dark Hypno would be a great pokemon vs. Sneasal if you have a resistance gym and a darkenergy or 2 on him. Dont you think?
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth would be a great pokemon vs sneasel if he had 4 metal energies on him and a Unown D, and they didn't have any other pokemon....."
master_trainer_pat says, "Anythings good if you put enough stuff on it. Except for liver maybe..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #118 from sneswhiz:Last week, you stated that Brock's Onix's Tunneling effect would not go away after benching. You gave Farfetch'd as an example of a similar card. Could you clarify why the effect does not go away (Farfetch'd mentions as long as it stays in play, while Brock's Onix only has the usual self-referencing rule)? (And how do we know which other cards do not lose their effects even when they self-reference themselves?)
master_trainer_pat says, "We were wrong about B. Onix first of all. The effect would go away."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #119 from onederlnd:Will a Dark Energy attached to a Dark Gyardos do 10 extra damage for the 'Final Beam' Pokemon Power? (The Power says "this power does 20 damage...".)
darkmaster_steve says, "No, it is not an attack, thus it will not do extra damage"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #120 from pkmnx:OK, if you have Unown F, N, and D on your bench, and your active Ditto is copying an Unown I, could you use FIND?
darkmaster_steve says, "Correct... Not likely, but correct."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #121 from gymleaderphil_pojo:Have we done any planning for the WCSTS yet or is it too early to say (its 12:00 AM in the UK) :)
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't know if _you've_ done any planning, but we sure have."
master_trainer_pat says, "We just can't talk about our plans yet, sorry."
master_trainer_pat grins evilly.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #122 from phoenixaudubon:Are the Unown supposed to spell anything when put in a certain order, or do the letters have a specific meaning all their own?
darkmaster_steve says, "It says on the card if they have a certain deal with spelling something out or whatever."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #123 from lugia_401:Is there still time 2 get ready for the STS? i feel all disorgnized and all messed up i dunno what do do and what to start with! fix deck, get cards ready, money and all that! so do u think thrse still time left?
darkmaster_steve says, "MONEY! Definately....Oh wait....sorry"
darkmaster_steve says, "Time for what? Smell the roses?"
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, there is time."
master_trainer_pat says, "You have 15 days...til the STS weekend."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #124 from theneoguy:on smeargles "sketch" attack it says smeargle has to be in play last turn does that mean on the bench and on the active spot or only active?
darkmaster_steve says, "Just in play..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #125 from onederlnd:Do you know if the WoTC version of the Compendium will be available before the STS?
master_trainer_pat says, "No idea."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #126 from xvssgohanvx:I have an Discovery Eevee in play, I attach a Rainbow Energy to it. I flip a coins, and i get heads, Can I search for any evolution?
darkmaster_steve says, "Deja vu."
master_trainer_pat says, "No, only one evolution for Eevee of your choice."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #129 from theneoguy:on unown D do you have to have Unown A R K with it? same with Unown M do you have to have unown E T A L with it?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, you don't have to have the others, in fact you couldn't even do Metal...."
darkmaster_steve says, "They have the effect on the card, if they say you need to spell something you need to."
darkmaster_steve says, "otherwise they are fine."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #128 from marril2000:what is the address for the space weedle site, i lost the link
master_trainer_pat says, "Hopefully, you can get it from the chat logs later...I don't have the link ready."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #127 from gold_gyarados:for the last badge do you have any special ideas or plans since it requires somayn points to earn?
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure, just do all the bonus battles you can and hope for the best."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #131 from arcanine21:Can Giovannis Meowth be sent to steve?
darkmaster_steve says, "YES! Any Meowth!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #133 from theneoguy:DMS why maybe umbreon?
darkmaster_steve says, "I love the holo art, it is amazing!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Very cool."
darkmaster_steve says, "WHACK!! But Meowth is good too!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Hey!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Better even!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #136 from spago_:i just found out today that neo2 has been out.... am i random or what?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #137 from kakkaroto7:What is 20+20?
darkmaster_steve says, "Good vision?"
master_trainer_pat says, "40"
master_trainer_pat says, "A news show?"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #138 from theneoguy:what happens if you attach a DCE to discovery eevee
darkmaster_steve says, "You now have a discovery eevee with two colorless energy on it."
darkmaster_steve says, "Self destruction."
master_trainer_pat says, "Eevee's power triggers but it doesn't know what to do so it get's KO'd automatically."
master_trainer_pat says, "Just Kidding folks..."
darkmaster_steve says, "please don't take that serious!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #139 from marril2000:any new plans to garentee the Space Weedle will survive this trip to the East Coast Super Trainer Showdown Two?
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth keeps thinking it's a scratching post..."
darkmaster_steve says, "looks like one at least..."
master_trainer_pat says, "As many of you are aware how difficult it's been for us to actually get the Space Weedle to the STS itself, we can't guarantee it's arrival. However, MT Mike assures us that we will do everything wwe can to get it there"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #140 from samling12:what's the deal with the scizor card? it says 20+...considering the fact that you have to flip coins, i find that...uh...error-like. XD I dunno if this has been asked before...but hey.
darkmaster_steve says, "hmm... Have we answerd this one yet today?"
darkmaster_steve says, "sigh I can never remember....."
darkmaster_steve says, "It's played has 20X, not 20+"
master_trainer_pat says, "IT has been asked about 121 times today."
master_trainer_pat says, "We're not getting tired of it though...really."
master_trainer_pat smiles.

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #141 from onederlnd:Re: A89 - For instance, can I paint a Mysterious Fossil, and let it be Raindance to, or be effected by attacks such as Blaine's Growlithes Shake or Pupitar Dust Devil?
darkmaster_steve says, "Sure....ummm, still why bother? Are you that afraid of a fossil?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #143 from gold_gyarados:hey darkmaster steve why does meowth hit you?
darkmaster_steve says, "Because I called Umbreon a better looking pokemon, when by far and away Meowth is much better.... "

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #145 from xvssgohanvx:If I have an Active Onix[Neo: Genesis] and I do Screech on Murkrow, My Oppnent Retreats Murkrow for another Murkrow and Retreats back to the old murkrow, Will Murkrow still recive the 20 more damage next turn? (sorry about the discovery eevee question
master_trainer_pat says, "No, the effect is removed when the Murkrow is benched."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #163 from gold_gyarados:i think darkmaster steve is my favorite master trainer
darkmaster_steve says, "I just had to post this one early!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Thanks!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Just don't forget about Meowth!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #146 from pkmnx:Once again, sorry if this was asked. Energy evolution gets around the first-turn evo rule, then?
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, it has already been answerd.. and yes it does work.."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #148 from pkmnx:Wait...question #119...I thought Dark Energy said 'whenever this Pok�mon damages a Pok�mon'..not just attacks...did I remember this wrong?
master_trainer_pat says, "Right, but then it says: 'this attack does 10 more damage'"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #149 from the_mystery_thing:re 120. i beg to differ. Unown F's power states that "Once during you turn yadda yadda yadda on your BENCH." so there. :o)
master_trainer_pat says, "You're right. They would have to be on your bench."
master_trainer_pat says, "Just goes to show you how much we use Unowns..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #150 from dbd127:Would S. Kadabra w/ Life Drain and a Dark Energy attached be an automatic KO if you flip heads?
master_trainer_pat says, "No. S. Kadabra moves damage counters, not damage."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #151 from w00tyman:how much do you sell packs for neo2 on average at WOTC Stores? and boxes?
darkmaster_steve says, "I think our stores have them at $3.29 a pack, + tax.... I will sell you 3 for $10 though.. (Just kidding)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #152 from thundrchld:will all judges at the ECSTS have booklets with like all the rulings from teh conpendium so they can look em up, or should each player bring their own copy
master_trainer_pat says, "We don't know, but I highly recommend that you do not bring your own copy of the Compedium as that is not official tournament rules documents."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #154 from kakkaroto7:Can I send a "dream card" meowth to steve??? ;)
darkmaster_steve says, "Sure...."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #155 from gold_gyarados:i think it is pretty cool that you put the promo espeon and the promo umbreon(japanese movie) in neo discovery
master_trainer_pat says, "Thanks."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #156 from gymleaderphil_pojo:What is your guys favorite Ice Cream flavor? If you say Meowth Dark Master Steve I'll give you such a smack...:)
darkmaster_steve says, "Meoh....wait.. Um Jamocha, (anything with Caffine. I think overall favorite is Kaluha blast from Baskin Robins..)"
master_trainer_pat says, "Mmmm...Ice Cream is good."
master_trainer_pat says, "Do I have to pick a favorite flavor though?"
master_trainer_pat says, "I like 'em all."
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth's favorite is probably Ratata Vanilla."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #157 from kakkaroto7:RE-"What is 20+20?": Darkmaster_steve got it correct, Good Vision.
darkmaster_steve says, "WooHOO what's my prize...."
master_trainer_pat says, "I guess that's like a quiz or something..."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #158 from kakkaroto7:If you attach a DCE to a Discovery Eevee, it will plot world domination.
darkmaster_steve says, "To late, Meowth has already done that."
darkmaster_steve says, "Haven't you seen Cat's VS Dogs...Meowth co wrote it."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #160 from gold_gyarados:how do you diciplin your meowth drkmaster steve?

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #162 from w00tyman:how ,many holos in neo2?
master_trainer_pat says, "17"
darkmaster_steve says, "I don't...He just beats me up."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #164 from gold_gyarados:how big is the space weedle and thhe leaning tower of pika?
master_trainer_pat says, "about 6-8 feet tall"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #165 from w00tyman:What Card do you think is real fun to make a deck around... plz pick one thats not archetype and very obvious =( me and some friends online are trying to get pkmn alot funner... like back in the day
darkmaster_steve says, "You already know what I have to say...Meowth...."
darkmaster_steve says, "Birds deck."
master_trainer_pat says, "Build a deck around Miltank."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #166 from arcanine21:Unown O says Once during you turn.... by you turn it means your turn
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes,"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #167 from w00tyman:whats your fa pkmn power in neo2
darkmaster_steve says, "Meowth!"
darkmaster_steve says, "Then Umbreon."
darkmaster_steve grins evilly.
master_trainer_pat says, "Umbreon is a favorite around here"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #168 from pkmnx:Why does pat keep saying IT like he's from Wrinkle in Time?
master_trainer_pat says, "I Just do that alot"
master_trainer_pat says, "LIke capitalize the first two letters of a response."
master_trainer_pat says, "It's just bad typing habits"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #169 from crazy_nut_man:hey what is up with the weak little Weedle in Neo Discovery? can we expect a better one for Neo 3?? BTW, Beedril rocks for Neo 2!!
darkmaster_steve says, "Weak!? Weak!? what?!"
darkmaster_steve says, "That whole family is so strong!"
master_trainer_pat says, "It's the best one out."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #170 from gold_gyarados:if meowth is the topcat howcome it always get blasted on the tv show? i dont think meowth is a good battler on the show hes been shocked by pikachu about 500 times maybe more and hes been frozen by a vaporeon
darkmaster_steve says, "Well, he just has an electric personality.. and besides that is the team rockets Meowth..... Not MY meowth!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #171 from gold_gyarados:meowth is my 3rd favorite pokemon
darkmaster_steve says, "Well, he should be moving up to #1 soon enough!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #173 from arcanine21:Meowth is the coolest pokemon by far!
darkmaster_steve says, "Yep..."
master_trainer_pat says, "Sounds like a fan club..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #174 from crazy_nut_man:Did you spell Feint Attack wrong? Isn't it Faint Attack?
master_trainer_pat says, "Look up Feint the dictionary my friend, it's spelled correctly."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #176 from kakkaroto7:any chance we can hook up on apprentice and play? ;)
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, I will be at the ECSTS, perhaps we can play sometime there..."
master_trainer_pat says, "None of us here use Apprentice."
darkmaster_steve says, "Whooops. I got confused with the whole apprentice thing..."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #177 from crazy_nut_man:Can you please clear out the rule for Unown O??
darkmaster_steve says, "It is suppose to say YOUR....."
darkmaster_steve says, "so aside from that..."
darkmaster_steve says, "that is how it works,"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #178 from gymleaderphil_pojo:You guys and TC must be so very happy that Ditto isnt poking its head into any decks in the STS Tournament, right?
master_trainer_pat says, "It certainly easier to judge an event without Ditto in the environment."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #179 from pkmnx:Hey, would I be allowed to get the winning decklists from the finalists in the ECSTS after the first day? I need to collect it for a site. It's not copyright protected or anything, is it?
master_trainer_pat says, "I don't think it will be available that soon after the first day."
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes a site huh? Called SundayECSTSGame.com?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #180 from thundrchld:can we somehow appeal a judges decision to the head judge if we believe it is not right?(at the ECSTS that is...)
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #182 from gold_gyarados:darkmaster steve will you take japanese meowths? (ive only sent american meowths because i didnt know)
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes, any Meowths..."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #183 from w00tyman:um steve.... i think meowth is scaring the children.... *Runs off*
darkmaster_steve says, "WOO HOO! Oh wait...."
darkmaster_steve says, "Umm, Well, I don't control him...."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #184 from lizardotc:In you opinion, would Scizor be too powerful if it's text gave it 20 base damage?
master_trainer_pat says, "No."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #185 from phoenixaudubon:MTM, I haven't heard you say "Minty Fresh, Baby!" in a while...
darkmaster_steve says, "Show him a weedle, that will give him something to smack,"
master_trainer_pat says, "Minty Fresh...we'll say it for him."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #186 from puritys_echidna:...where have all the mikes gone? O_o
darkmaster_steve says, "TO THE BOX!"
master_trainer_pat says, "To the box with them!"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #187 from onederlnd:DMS, what HASN'T Meowth done?
darkmaster_steve says, "Snorkaling, he doesn't like water to much...."
master_trainer_pat says, "Stay in his box."
darkmaster_steve says, "And there is that..."
darkmaster_steve says, "Sky dive....Bungie jump..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #188 from w00tyman:whats ya fave unown?
darkmaster_steve says, "those he has done"
master_trainer_pat says, "The one that protects against Darkness."
darkmaster_steve says, "Fav.... hmmmmm...... Unown X! I don't know what it does yet, but I bet it will be cool1"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #189 from kakkaroto7:Darkmaster_steve your prize for knowing what 20+20 is, is..... A DREAM CARD FOR YOU (meowth!!) Dark Apprentice Steve's Meowth. And meowth should have plotted with Discovery Eeveeotted wit
darkmaster_steve says, "Cool! I wonder when I get that!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #191 from oldman_405:On Discovery's Eevee can it use it's power and legally evolve the turn it was put into play?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #192 from gold_gyarados:do you think yanma is a good card to build a deckaroun with scyther/scizor/
master_trainer_pat says, "He's ok, yeah."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #193 from oldman_405:If you have 2 Igglybuff's in play can you choose 2 powers of the opponent?
master_trainer_pat laughs hysterically.
darkmaster_steve says, "Yes... 2 = 2 right?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #195 from thundrchld:i always have trouble finding the ecsts section on your website, where on teh wizards site is the ECSTS section?
master_trainer_pat says, "www.wizards.com/pokemon"
master_trainer_pat says, "then click on STS tour, then STS details"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #198 from arcanine21:in the description of tyranitar it says "Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack...." so why can it faint?

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #197 from oldman_405:On attacks that say to ignore effects on the defending pokemon, when you attack it does this mean any damage done ignore metal energy attached to it?
darkmaster_steve says, "Correct, if it ignores things that change damage, then you go right through metal."
master_trainer_pat says, "For 198...it's just flavor text, it can be KO'd as normal"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #199 from oldman_405:If I have 3 Forretress's in play & my opponent retreats for a baby pokemon it would still take the damage right?
darkmaster_steve says, "Correct."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #200 from lizardotc:If you have multiple Evo Eggs, you can get out several Aerodactyls on T1, right?
master_trainer_pat says, "Sure."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #202 from oldman_405:When an opponent plays switch then the new pokemon would not take any damage from my Forretress's in play correct?
darkmaster_steve says, "No, they still take damage, it doesn't say if they retreat, it just says if their pokemon becomes their active."

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #203 from w00tyman:birds deck????????
darkmaster_steve says, "Legendary birds...its fun."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #205 from jbawesome:How many rounds do you think there might be for the ECSTS?
master_trainer_pat says, "We don't know for certain(it will depend on how many people show up). My guess is 6 or 7 rounds, maybe more"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #208 from gymleaderphil_pojo:If Meowth, Top Cat, and the Sigfred and Roy's Tigers were in a Pokemon Battle who would win????
darkmaster_steve says, "I have actually tested this, and the Tigers were to afraid to fight Meowth, (sigfried and Roy's act was never the same..)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #212 from jbawesome:At the ECSTS will you guys be playing your decks in the Rocket on format? Will you also be playing in the actual ECSTS tournament?
darkmaster_steve says, "I am just warning you that Meowth cheats...thats all I am saying!"
master_trainer_pat says, "We'll play any of our decks(many of us have several). Because we are Wizards employees we can't play in sanctioned tournaments."
master_trainer_pat says, "Right now most of us have Rocket On decks and Rocket On(w/Neo 2) as well as some open decks"

darkmaster_steve presents the speaker with question #228 from onederlnd:Re: A208 - Did you add Tony the Tiger in there?
darkmaster_steve says, "Well, have YOU seen him in an add lately? No? hmm, coulnd't imagine why......."
darkmaster_steve grins evilly.
darkmaster_steve laughs hysterically.

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #219 from arcanine21:On Unown D the pokemon power has the unown spell dark on it but yet the power is called darkness. Why?
master_trainer_pat says, "Probably because our name for Dark energy is Darkness."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #222 from chrisbo:If I have two Igglybuff's in play, is the Gaze power cumulative? In other words, can I shut down two of the opponent's Pokemon powers?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #223 from sd_pokemom:what, please were the announcements this week (if any)?
master_trainer_pat says, "Nothing to announce this week, we figureed there would be alot of Discovery questions"
darkmaster_steve says, "Thats it..."
darkmaster_steve says, "its 5..."
darkmaster_steve says, "Time to go back to bed."
darkmaster_steve says, "ZZZZzzzzZZZZ"
master_trainer_pat says, "See you guys next week...."
darkmaster_steve says, "Bye bye all, Meowth!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Back to your box Meowth!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Get in there!"