Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, June 28, 2001
by Team Compendium

master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Hey Ho everybody!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Welcome Back..."
master_trainer_mike says, "On with da' show!"
master_trainer_pat says, "D'oh!"
master_trainer_mike says, "that phrase is in the Oxford english dictionary now!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Chrisbo, can't you let us warm up with a few easy ones first!"
master_trainer_pat shakes her/his head.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #2 from chrisbo:There was a ruling last week about Magby's Sputter effect ending if it gets KO'd or benched. Could you please confirm and elaborate on this. Thanks.
master_trainer_pat grins evilly.
master_trainer_mike says, "Yup it's confirmed :)"
master_trainer_mike says, "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #3 from chrisbo:Can you use two Hyper Devolution Sprays on the same pokemon during a single turn? For example, can you use a HyperDevo on your Blastoise to devolve to Wartortle, and then use a second HyperDevo to devolve it to Squirtle all within the same turn?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, you can...I'm still hazy on exactly why you can but Mike is assuring me that you can."
master_trainer_pat says, "Yea, that's it."
master_trainer_mike says, "Chrisbo! Aren't you tired from the ESTS like us?!?!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Do we have to work you HARDER next time??? :)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #4 from chrisbo:If Smeargle uses Sketch to do say 20 damage, then on the opponent's turn they bring up their Smeargle to do Sketch also, does it to 20 damage reflected from the previous Sketch or does it do nothing at all?
master_trainer_pat says, "It does nothing because now Sketch is just copying a Sketch. Which will do nothing on it's own."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #5 from chrisbo:When Koga's Ninja Trick is on the defending pokemon, does the attacker have to declare *which* attack they're going to use before the Ninja Trick takes place? Or can they say "I'm going to attack" and then the choice for Ninja Trick must be made?
master_trainer_pat says, "No. They don't have to announce which attack they're using."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #6 from chrisbo:What happens when you attach a Rainbow Energy to Sabrina's Gastly Lv.10 that only has 10hp left? Does the Rainbow damage kick in before or after the Gaseous Form power comes into effect, or do you get to choose the order? Think carefully on this one
master_trainer_mike says, "Rainbow Energy places 10 damage on a Pokemon as it is attached. It does not count as a psychic energy until it is play at which point the Sabrina�s Gastly would have already been KLnocked out."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #7 from articjedi:Any news on the WCSTS?
master_trainer_pat says, "As soon as we get some concrete info about it we'll let you know"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #8 from turbocharizard:What is season 6 promo? No hints or stupid remarks, just the name of the card.
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope, we prefer stupid commenst so we won't tell you."
master_trainer_pat says, "Ichiro's Hitmochan"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #9 from turbocharizard:My gym leader, from Toys R Us of York, PA, says he has repetedly e-mail [email protected] about needing a new stamper, but he got nothing. Would you look into this?
darkmt_mike shakes his head.
master_trainer_mike says, "First of all, he should tell his store manager about needing supplies. That is the process (they get them form their corporate headquarters)."
master_trainer_pat says, "There really isn't much we can do about this at Wizards Customer Service."
master_trainer_mike says, "If he is getting nowhere then he can send the meail to custserv. All of them are passed on to me."
master_trainer_mike says, "I have not received any from New York, sorry."
master_trainer_pat says, "If I had a nickel for everybody who called wanting a stamper..."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #10 from peekachoo1:MTM, last week you said that Darkness Energy counted toward the 8 in the Darkness Gym, but when I got my deck checked I found that wasn't true and I was disqualified!
master_trainer_mike says, "I am very sorry, I made a mistake. You had to have 8 Dark named or Darkness Pokemon for that Gym. It was written on the Gym form you were using."
master_trainer_mike says, "I apologize for making a mistake."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #11 from slowking_man:How'd the ECSTS go?
master_trainer_pat says, "I think most people would say it was a huge success..."
darkmt_mike says, "Groovy! Excellent."
master_trainer_mike says, "Great! Saw lots of original decks, the largets tournament turnout for Pokemon in North America, lots of laughing and tarding!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Other than being extremely tired after the event, everything went really well."
master_trainer_mike says, "Just a bit long :)"
master_trainer_pat says, "We did start late on Saturday though."
master_trainer_pat says, "Sunday seemed to go great."
darkmt_mike says, "I had a great time!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #12 from chrisbo:Since Houndoom's Crunch lasts "until end of my next turn", I get to add 20 if I damage them this turn, the opponent adds 20 for any self-damage on their turn, and then I still get to add 20 on my following turn as long as they're still active. Right?
master_trainer_mike says, "You are partially correct. You do NOT add extra damage on the turn you do Crunch as all text from an attack takes place AFTER damage is already applied."
master_trainer_mike says, "But you are correct about self damage and attacking on your next turn."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #13 from scrye_fung:CAn you please explain the ruling for question #2? Thanks!
master_trainer_pat says, "Magby is the originator of the effect...in other words the effect of the attack 'resides' on Magby."
master_trainer_pat says, "If Magby leaves play or is benched or evolved. Pokemon Powers turn back on."
master_trainer_pat says, "Similar to Dark Arbok's Stare."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #15 from professormaple:Sneasel uses Beat Up, opponent's Smeargle comes up to Sketch Beat Up... Could my own benched Smeargle switch into the active position and Sketch the Smeargle's Sketched Beat Up?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, this is similar to the previous question. Sketching a Sketch just gets you a copy of an attack that does nothing."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #16 from articjedi:at the seattle qualifier for the WSTS, are you bringing the thread the weedle deck?
master_trainer_mike says, "Sure, I only got to test it a few times on Friday night."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #17 from articjedi:Is Rocket on going to be part of a permanent format?
master_trainer_pat says, "Not at this time. Though I will say I really enjoyed seeing what decks people came up with."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #18 from plasma_your_dead:WHen will Neo 3 come out? (2001 or 2002?)
master_trainer_mike says, "2001"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #19 from plasma_your_dead:Is promo 37 really Hitmontop?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."
master_trainer_pat says, "Whoops!"
master_trainer_mike says, "grrrrrrr"
master_trainer_pat says, "Did I say that out load!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Yea...OUT LOAD."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #20 from chrisbo:Hey sorry about not letting you guys "warm up" with a few easy ones, but I wasn't here last week and felt I had to make up for it. :-)
master_trainer_mike says, "we'll remember that the next time we see you................................"
master_trainer_pat smirks.

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #21 from plasma_your_dead:When will Southern Islands Gift Set come out?
master_trainer_pat says, "We're expecting to see it out this fall"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #22 from apoc11:Why is pokemon in more stores then Magic the Gathering when magic has been around for a longer time and has a lot more cards?
master_trainer_mike says, "Ummm..because Pokemon sells a lot more than Magic?"
master_trainer_pat says, "grrrr."
darkmt_mike says, "Mass appeal."
master_trainer_pat says, "raaar."
darkmt_mike says, "Their cute?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #23 from calathon:You have Unown N, D, or M on the Bench and Erica's Dratini active. Would E's Drat take any damage from a Colorless, Dark, or Metal Pokemon (which power gets figured first)?
master_trainer_pat says, "That's a tough one."
master_trainer_pat says, "hold on..."
master_trainer_pat says, "Since both effects trigger at the same time the controller of E. Dratini and the Unown gets to decide what order they happen in."
master_trainer_pat says, "Of course, this will only stop attacks from basic P-mon though."
master_trainer_pat says, "That's cool."
master_trainer_mike says, "bye bye Sneasel!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Oww."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #24 from mechachu:If you drive down from seattle to the wcsts, think you could pick me up?
master_trainer_mike says, "drive? we are carried :)"
darkmt_mike says, "We would just lose you somewhere."
master_trainer_pat says, "Aren'y we going to have that mini-Weedle blimb by then?"
master_trainer_pat says, "Whooops. I mean Blimp."
master_trainer_pat says, "Can't type today..."
master_trainer_pat says, "My fingers are all swollen."
master_trainer_pat says, "My hands were stung by Beedrills"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #26 from professormaple:Were you satified with the Rocket On format with the decks that made their appearance in the top 8? Do you feel that the format did its job to widen out the number of deck styles?
master_trainer_mike says, "Very much so. It was much more fun than watching the typical ER, SER, Oak, Oak , 4 pluspowers I win games of old."
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes. We didn't have to see the same deck all day. Sure some decks showed up alot, but come on. Would a E. Weepinbell deck have made it into the finals last year?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #30 from turbocharizard:True of False: Season 6 promo is #37 Hitmontop.
master_trainer_pat says, "Partly true. There is another promo too."
master_trainer_pat says, "While MT Mike's gone I can tell you...it will be the Snap Pikachu #26."
master_trainer_pat says, "Everybody knows it as the Snap Pikachu from Japan."
master_trainer_pat says, "That's all I've ever heard it called."
master_trainer_mike says, "Trainer Pikachu."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #31 from mechachu:Say we were battling and you played the weedle zeo made for you and then i played a Mechachu card, would you say i was cheating using a fake card even though you are too?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #29 from slowking_man:So, what madness is MTM thinking of this week?
master_trainer_mike says, "How about more sleep?"
master_trainer_mike says, "Is that wacky enough?.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
master_trainer_pat says, "mmmm...Sleep is good. Naps are good."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #32 from articjedi:When houndoom does crunch, does the opponent do 20 extra damage as well?
master_trainer_mike says, "only if they attack themselves."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #33 from turbocharizard:How will we get the remaining world set Pikachu's the US has not gotten yet?
master_trainer_pat says, "Hold you horses, they'll be out soon enough"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #34 from bbspoon:What about the shining pokemon seen in neo3 and 4...will you release them as promos or just make them really rare?
master_trainer_mike says, "Wait and see :)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #35 from ecasudarkwaters:What is the promo for Season 6, Hitmontop?
master_trainer_pat says, "Hmmm. I forgot."
master_trainer_mike says, "someone already leaked it! (glares at Pat).............."
master_trainer_pat says, "shhh"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #36 from plasma_your_dead:When will Neo 4 be out?
master_trainer_mike says, "Numerically , fater Neo 3."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #37 from scrye_fung:so is it safe to assume that if a particular attack effect neither mentions the defending pokemon or current pokemon then then the efffect of that attack resides on the pokemon which casts that attack?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, generally. Some cards may break this rule though."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #38 from ecasudarkwaters:What would work first, Igglybuff's pokemon powe toward Muk, or the Muk one that get rid of other pokemon powers?
master_trainer_mike says, "While Muk is in play, no other Pokemon powers work."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #40 from ecasudarkwaters:If we lost something at the STS is their anyway of getting it back?
master_trainer_pat says, "Unfortunately, not."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #41 from haymakermaker:If a Rapidash or any other Pokemon uses Agility and flips heads, what happens if the Defending Pokemon uses Swift the next turn?
master_trainer_pat says, "Swift(my favorite attack name) overrides the Agility."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #42 from ecasudarkwaters:Is it true that some of the winners from the STS got Souther Island Cards in English?
master_trainer_mike says, "nope"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #43 from ecasudarkwaters:What is WoTC oppinion about Pokemon VS?
master_trainer_pat says, "Scyther should have a Swift attack"
master_trainer_mike says, "we don;t have one, we haven't released that product"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #44 from articjedi:when is promo 37 coming out?
master_trainer_pat says, "Season ^ starts June 30th"
master_trainer_pat says, "Season 6."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #45 from pokesensei:RE#13.If that is true,then why can you not use Sabrina's Alakazam's Mega Burn if you retreat it or it gets benched? Please explain for all the Master Trainers out there! :-)
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok, this one has connotations that need to be cleared up at a rules meeting. Pat and I are rememebering different answers and we don't want to give you bad information. So we will answer this, next week."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #46 from peekachoo1:Why couldn't you pre-register for Qualifier tournaments in the past STS's?
master_trainer_mike says, "we have never preregistered for QT's"
master_trainer_pat says, "We don't pre-register for qualifiers now."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #48 from plasma_your_dead:Is there any way to become an official judge for Pokemon?
master_trainer_pat says, "No."
master_trainer_pat says, "Not right now."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #49 from benjita:Last week, you ruled that you said that attaching a Fire Energy (using Blaine), Elming, then attaching another Fire was permissible. Is that correct?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, that is what I _thought_. MT Mike clarified my misunderstanding last week"
master_trainer_mike says, "we stated many times later in the chat that that was incorrect."
master_trainer_pat says, "You can use Blaine, then use Elm to get the two energy you need and then attach them."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #51 from peekachoo1:I don't understand all the different rulings for Feint attacking the opponent's Pokemon when they have Unown D in play, can you explain them?
master_trainer_mike says, "It's very simple, if you use Feint against the Defending Pokemon, then no other effects (including Unown's) can reduce the damage done. If you use Feint against a benched Pokemon, then all other effects apply."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #52 from plasma_your_dead:Were the judges at the ECSTS mainly Wizards employes?
master_trainer_mike says, "I would say about 1/3 were."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #53 from soslowpoke:If LtSurge's Electrode damage's Machamp, will their PokemonPowers constantly go off provided LtE's Power flip is successful?
master_trainer_pat says, "The P-mon Powers won't trigger more than once each."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #54 from soslowpoke:DO you have any announcement about what you are doing at GenCon?
master_trainer_pat says, "We'll be setting up a sort of Pokemon Gym at Origins and Gen Con"
master_trainer_mike says, "Sure! At both Origins and Gen Con, Pat, DMTM, and I will be there running the Pokemon Gym at these events."
master_trainer_pat says, "Mike and I will be working the Origins one next week."
master_trainer_mike says, "For $4.50, you get a booster pack of cards and a great badge you were the whole time."
master_trainer_mike says, "As you find someone else wearing a badge you can challenge them to a game."
master_trainer_pat says, "Basically, while you enjoy the event, if you run into someone who is also wearing a Gym badge you can battle for points and we'll keep track of rankings at the main table."
master_trainer_mike says, "You get 2 points for a win and 1 point for a loss. When you report the match to one of us, you get to pull a card from our special card stacks."
master_trainer_mike says, "It might be good for a booster pack, a foil card, or maybe even a promo card!"
master_trainer_mike says, "After you each pull the card (you both come up and report the match together), the winner gets to decide which of the 2 cards to keep and the loser of the match gets the other."
master_trainer_pat says, "That should be located in the center of our Wizards booth. I will be working that one and MT Mike should be working a table outside the main convention area."
master_trainer_mike says, "At the end of each day, the players with the 3 highest scores get cool prizes!"
master_trainer_mike says, "The player who has the highest overall score form the whole event gets even GREATER prizes!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "It should be alot of fun and we really encourage people to bring their favorite deck to battle"
master_trainer_mike says, "Look for us in the booth or in the TCG room!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #55 from soslowpoke:what's the suggested retail price for the Southern Islands gift set?
master_trainer_pat says, "That hasn't been announced yet."
master_trainer_pat says, "DASteve wants to say hi to everyone and thanks for all the Meowths."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #56 from benjita:Butterfree's Hyper Reverse: If Wild Growth is being used to double Grass Energy on the Defending Pok�mon, is that included in the total damage calculation?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes a slong as it is your opponent who has the Meganium."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #58 from soslowpoke:how many/what boosters will be in the Southern Islands gift set?
master_trainer_pat says, "We'll see what tidbits we can announce for next time. OK."
master_trainer_pat says, "We won't be here for the chat next week, so please come see us in Columbus, OH. if you can make it(that's at Origins)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #59 from flareonfire:Why do you think Sneasel is over when Unown D is on bench? Sneasel is too strong. It wouldn't really matter if Sneasel gets 30 damage taken away from Beat Up. But I guess that's your opinion. :-) I still lost against a Sneasel when my Unown D was ther
master_trainer_mike says, "Actually the situation was Sbeasel was facing an Erika's Dratini with Unown D on the Bench. In this case Sneasel's Beat Up does NO damage at all."
master_trainer_mike says, "Otherwise you are right, reducing it by 30 is only so so."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #60 from babayaga:Question about base Alakazam's Damage Swap: is the amount of damage that can be moved per turn essentially unlimited? If there is a limit, what are the limiting factors?
master_trainer_pat says, "The only thing that limits the amount you can Damage Swap is that you cannot KO one of your Pokemon this way."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #61 from mechachu:Any news on a promo reverse holo charizard?
master_trainer_mike says, "nope"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #62 from soslowpoke:Do you know what promo was sent to Toys R Us stores for their Discovery Day event this week?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, we don't."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #63 from plasma_your_dead:Could you not have just blocked out certain cards at the ECSTS (like COmp Search, Oak) so we could have used Hitmonchan and Electabuzz and stuff like that?
master_trainer_mike says, "Then there is an argument about which cards should be removed. ER? SER? Wiggly? Ditto? What?!?!"
master_trainer_pat says, "I really want to say that if you have not tried the format, give it a shot. It's very fun."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #64 from ninetales2000:How do you get Promo #26?
master_trainer_pat says, "I think it will be part of a league activity. Hey Mike, can you confirm that?"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #67 from soslowpoke:True or False: Unown J is a Warner Bros. Store promo.
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes it is."
master_trainer_pat says, "Not the answer, sorry."
master_trainer_pat says, "MT MIke was confirming that the promo 26 is a league activity."
master_trainer_pat says, "The Unown J is _not_ a Warner Bros. store promo. At least, I've never heard of it being one."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #66 from jay_lv99:are you doing neo4 also
master_trainer_mike says, "later on yes"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #68 from soslowpoke:Any SI cards that will be good in game play?
master_trainer_pat says, "The Mew is pretty cool. Exeggutor"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #69 from soslowpoke:Will Cross Trainer be released next year?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, we're afraid not. Crosstrainer will not be released."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #70 from mechachu:Why wasn't the snap Pikachu released with Pokemon snap all thoe months ago?
master_trainer_pat says, "Dunno"
master_trainer_mike says, "Ask Nintendo that one....."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #71 from slowking_man:Have you guys ever considered forming a singing group?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well, I do a mean yodeling :)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #74 from jay_lv99:if Tyranitar uses trample does the bench damage take 10 more for each dark energy?
master_trainer_pat says, "The Darkness energy will only add additional damage to the Defending P-mon"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #75 from soslowpoke:Have you guys seen the Dratini E-card that was on display at E3? Do you gots any info on it?
master_trainer_mike says, "nuthin to say..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #76 from articjedi:Are the Gym sets out of print?
master_trainer_pat says, "They are still widely available"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #77 from soslowpoke:True or False: There will be a promo included in the Pokemon move3 VHS/DVD.
master_trainer_pat says, "True...True"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #78 from slowking_man:Regarding question #38: But I thought the "Baby Rule" wasn't considered a "Pokemon Power", because it doesn't say "Pokemon Power" before it. Is it really a Power?
master_trainer_mike says, "He wqs asking about Igglybuff's Gaze Pokemon Power, NOT the inherent baby POwer."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #79 from mechachu:Wasn't an English Dratini at the E3 convention along with the gameboy scanner, Did wotc make that dratini up?
master_trainer_pat says, "Dunno, I wasn't there."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #80 from articjedi:What happens when all of the seasons end?
master_trainer_mike says, "Springtime comes again!!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "The hills are alive..."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #81 from soslowpoke:Did you guys stop making those checklists to go into your binder? I remember getting 1 for Gym Heroes at the Chicago STS2000 qualifier.
master_trainer_mike says, "Sorry we haven't made any since then."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #83 from jay_lv99:will you change the backs of pokemonvs cards when they come out?
master_trainer_mike says, "no idea"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #84 from ecasudarkwaters:What are the requirements for hosting a league?
master_trainer_mike says, "You must be a retail location that sells our products, you must have space for game play...."
master_trainer_pat says, "You must own a foam banana hat."
master_trainer_pat says, "Just kiddin about the banana hat."
master_trainer_pat grins evilly.

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #85 from jay_lv99:how many sets are being released after neo3? and when are they going to?

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #86 from ecasudarkwaters:Whats the guys name who was on the stage at the STS?
master_trainer_mike says, "guys, why do you keep asking about future stes, you know we won;t answer"
master_trainer_mike says, "which guy?"
master_trainer_pat says, "Which guy are you talkin about?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #87 from plasma_your_dead:How could I become a judge there (at the ECSTS)?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well, we use employees and a few other people whoi have been VERY active in the Pokemon environment."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #88 from benjita:What day is Origins going to be?
master_trainer_pat says, "July 5th-8th"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #89 from purity1:overall, did you think most players at the sts played a sportsmanlike game? did particular age groups hold up better than others?
master_trainer_mike says, "Everyone was great! There are always a very few minor instances when you get a crowd of people but it was a lot of fun!"
master_trainer_mike says, "And thank you for my Weedle card :)"
master_trainer_pat says, "There were a couple incidents, but we hope that most folks had a good experience."
master_trainer_pat says, "Yea, thanks Purity!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #90 from peekachoo1:What do you win at this GenCon event?
master_trainer_mike says, "Mucho pizes!"
master_trainer_pat says, "and Ech. too."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #91 from ninetales2000:Where is Origins going to be held? Gencon?
master_trainer_mike says, "Origins is at the Greater Columbus Conevtion Center in Columbus, OH July 5th-8th."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #92 from mechachu:Im not sure if you were asked this already, or how many times its been asked, but. With Arcade game, if the 2 of the 3 cards are the same, do i get all the cards from my deck with that name in them or the ones out of the 3?
master_trainer_mike says, "Gen Con is held in Milwaukee, WI on Augsut 2-5thy."
master_trainer_pat says, "You get the ones from the 3 that match."
master_trainer_mike says, "8/2-8/5"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #93 from soslowpoke:so what you told us applies both to GenCon and the other event?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yup!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #94 from soslowpoke:can we battle you at GenCon?
master_trainer_mike says, "If we have the time...."
master_trainer_pat says, "We may be busy running the booth, but if we have time...you bet!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #95 from soslowpoke:So for the GenCon thingy we get 1 card from the stack for EVERY game we report- right? And the card will be good for either a holofoil, pack, or promo- anything else?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes you pull 1 crad, it will either be a regular Pokemon card OR a promo card OR a card good for 1 booster pack OR a foil card."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #96 from plasma_your_dead:Will there be a chat next week?
master_trainer_mike says, "Sorry there will not. All 4 of us will be at Origins."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #97 from peekachoo1:Can we win trips to the Origins?
master_trainer_pat says, "No."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #99 from articjedi:If a Neo 2 butterfree uses its hyper reverse attack on a pokemon with a DCE attached, how much damage does it do?
master_trainer_pat says, "20."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #100 from peekachoo1:I know you aren't going to be here next week, but are other master trainers going to be here?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope they will all be at Origins too."
master_trainer_pat says, "We're all going to be in the same place for once!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #101 from mechachu:If Wubbeffet got heads on counter would the damage a rocket mewtwos Juxeplex attack go back to the rockets mewtwo?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, it won't."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #102 from articjedi:What is the discovery day event?
master_trainer_mike says, "No idea...."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #103 from ecasudarkwaters:What are you going to do with all those cards people donated at the STS by the store?
master_trainer_pat says, "Bring 'em to the next event."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #104 from soslowpoke:What kind of booster do we get for signing up at the Gencon pokemon gym?
master_trainer_mike says, "wait and see."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #105 from articjedi:how do you get unown J?
master_trainer_pat says, "Well, wait and see."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #106 from ninetales2000:Will the rest of the Pikas (Flying, Surfing) be for Activities too?
master_trainer_mike says, "most likely"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #107 from mechachu:Will a holofoil ______ Pikachu be available through the Pokemon league for the people who didnt get there forms sent in on time? mainly because the store got them 2 weeks after the deadline
master_trainer_mike says, "Sorry, the forms were due by the end of April."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #108 from haymakermaker:Could you get the website publishers to post a Promo checklist?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yea, we'll see what we can do."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #109 from ninetales2000:If you don't release Cross Trainer do you plan to release the Vending cards sometime?
master_trainer_mike says, "no plans at this time"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #110 from soslowpoke:Do you know what the times for the GenCon Thursday event are?
master_trainer_mike says, "it is all day and everday while Gen Con runs, which is August 2-5th."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #111 from benjita:What day(s) does Origins take place?
master_trainer_pat says, "July 5th-8th"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #113 from pkmnx:Hey guys! Sorry I'm late. The STS was a blast! Thanks for running it.
master_trainer_mike says, "Your welcome :)"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #114 from soslowpoke:What day do u think would be best to go to GenCon? I can only go one day. Is it possible to play in the tourney AND do the Pokemon Gym?
master_trainer_pat says, "The P-mon Gym goes on the whole time...so you could do that."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #115 from articjedi:Are you going to reprint any of the old expansions?
master_trainer_mike says, "No plans yet."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #116 from charwolf:Thank you so much for holding the ECSTS! It was good to meet you DMTM! Do we know anything at all about the WCSTS this year? Even the chances of Neo 3 being used there?
master_trainer_pat says, "No problem, thanks for coming."
master_trainer_mike says, "Oh so DMTM is your favorite huh??? (sniff sniff)..................."
master_trainer_pat says, "As for the rest:"
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm sorry, but that information is not available at you current level of security clearance."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #117 from flareonfire:RE #88: July 5-8 at what location?
master_trainer_mike says, "At the Columbus Convetion Center on 500 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #118 from soslowpoke:Will the grand prizes for the Pokemon Gym at Origins and Gen Con events be given each day or only after the convention itself?
master_trainer_pat says, "Daily prizes will be given at the end of each day, yes. The overall winner will have their prize sent to them."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #119 from slowking_man:Why have I never heard of this Origins or GenCon stuff?
master_trainer_pat says, "You must be kinda new to gaming...GenCon and Origins are huge gaming releated conventions...non-stop gaming and fun stuff to do all day."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #120 from marril2000:mike, do you have any plans in the future to create a larger and better verson of the Mini Unown Tower that was seen with the space weedle at the ecsts2?
master_trainer_mike says, "I don't, but if someone else were to build one, we would let it be displayed with ours.........."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #121 from calathon:LSSP doesn't say anything about turing the card over due to Energy Card effects. What happens at the end of a turn if you have a Darkness Energy attached to an LSSP'd card?
master_trainer_pat says, "You would have to flip over the card to find out whether or not it was a Darkness Pokemon or a P-mon with Dark in its name."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #122 from chrisbo:re Q90 So you can win Ech at GenCon too? Does he know about that? @_@
master_trainer_mike says, "Well...he did say we could :)"
master_trainer_pat laughs hysterically.

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #124 from purity1:you're welcome for the weedle...now we got to do a scyther, meowth and gengar...
master_trainer_mike says, "Thank you!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Yee Haw!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #125 from soslowpoke:Sorry I flooded you with all the GenCon questions- I just asked my dad if i could go and he's yea of course so I'm a lil hyper right now. LOL.
master_trainer_mike says, "See you there!"
master_trainer_mike says, "BTW, are you aware that there is a fee to get into Gen Con or Origins? Info about these huge conventions is available on our web site. Clcik on events."
master_trainer_pat says, "I hope that doesn't ruin your plans to go though."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #126 from pkmnx:Because of the way Blaine's Charizard's Roaring Flames is worded, if you had, say, two Buzzaped electrodes on it(fire), then you would do 80 extra damage, right?
master_trainer_pat says, "Right."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #127 from pkmnx:In regards to the promos at gencon/origins, can you just get black-stars? or W-stamped and such as well?
master_trainer_pat says, "We have all sorts of promos"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #128 from pokesensei:Mike,did you get any phrases at the STS or were you too busy and forgot?
master_trainer_mike says, "I was mucho busy BUT I have the footage that Tyais shot and am working with it now................."
master_trainer_pat says, "Here's one of the funniest questions I received in the 10 and under group:"
master_trainer_pat says, "Is it ok if I continue to retreat my Pokemon until the game ends?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #129 from slowking_man:Why is DMTM so concerned about maple bars?
master_trainer_pat says, "No kiddin'"
master_trainer_mike says, "He's from Alaska....."
master_trainer_pat says, "He is the head of the Maple Bar preservation society"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #130 from peekachoo1:Could you try to have trips for the 15+ Qualifier Tournaments?
master_trainer_mike says, "Most likely not................."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #131 from benjita:Where are the Men of Dark today?
master_trainer_mike says, "doing dark deeds........."
master_trainer_pat says, "They're workin on their tans..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #132 from metal_entei:will Unown J will available to the leagues??
master_trainer_pat says, "hmmm...I'm sorry, but that information is not available at you current level of security clearance."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #133 from ninetales2000:Do you know what the season 7 or 8 sticker promos are? If so, are any holos?
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm sorry, but that information is not available at you current level of security clearance."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #134 from charwolf:Wait one sec! Just because I like DMTM doesn't mean I don't want to meet the rest of you?!! I don't remember saying that... besides, I looked for you MTM and you were nowhere to be found! Suffice to say I was dissappointed... I wanted you to sign a Weedle card for me!
master_trainer_mike says, "Sorry I was the overall tournament manager and quite busy. I still ended up signing lots of cards though. Sorry I missed yours."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #135 from jay_lv99:We're makin s'mores, want us to make s'more for you guys? ;^)
master_trainer_mike says, "too full of donuts................thanks though"
master_trainer_pat says, "mmm...sticky gooey s'mores. Aren't those best served while camping?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #136 from pkmnx:Oh yea, if you guys see steve, tell him I'm sorry for making him autograph...a spinarak...:D
master_trainer_mike says, "ok"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #137 from benjita:Since Neo2's Eevee's Energy Evolve power "counts as evolving", does that mean, even if it's the first turn, you can then use Promo Eevee's "Chain Reaction" also to search your deck for more evolutions, for a possible total of 4 first turn?
master_trainer_mike says, "Sure!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #138 from ecasudarkwaters:With Scyther from Neo Discover, if you get all 4 coins flipped does it do 80 or 90?
master_trainer_pat says, "90"
master_trainer_mike says, "Good answer Scytherboy!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #139 from purity1:ech is panicking....he has no idea where gen con is. where is he supposed to be, so someone can win him?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well there goes that plan........................."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #140 from plasma_your_dead:Which one of you had the blue shirt on Sunday (wearing it)?
master_trainer_mike says, "That would be me."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #141 from professormaple:Mad Props and Kudos to all of the MT's at the ECSTS... It was a well organized event... I could not think of a more deserving group of individuals (Team Compendium) to judge the events... BTW, FEAR TURBO-JIGGLY! =) How about a 2001 West Coast Maple Syrup Open? ;)
master_trainer_mike says, "Ummm...ok...I''m really..............scared?"
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, big thanks to Team Compendium for helping us through the craziness that was a two day STS!"
master_trainer_pat says, "You guys were great!"
master_trainer_mike says, "They were great!"
master_trainer_mike says, "ggggggrrrrrRRRRRREEAAAT!"
master_trainer_mike says, "we are gtaeful you were so great"
master_trainer_mike says, "great"
master_trainer_mike says, "great"
master_trainer_mike says, "great"
master_trainer_pat says, "Special thanks to Pokepop and IPGeek who helped out in the 10 and under area."
master_trainer_mike says, "is this grating yet?"
master_trainer_mike says, "great"
master_trainer_mike says, "great"
master_trainer_pat says, "grate"
master_trainer_mike says, "GRAT GREAT GREAT!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #142 from pkmnx:I only have one bad thing about the STS: I never got to show DMTM the Maple Bars are Not Donuts movie :(
master_trainer_mike says, "He would have crumbled in sadness if you had. Allow him his petty illusions......"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #143 from pokesensei:Need any help at Origins.....:-)
master_trainer_mike says, "Nice try!"
master_trainer_pat says, "You're nuts, buddy."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #144 from ninetales2000:If DMTM is the head of that society, are you head of the Anti-Maple Bar Foundation? :-p
master_trainer_mike says, "Nothin' wrong with maple bars, they just aren't donuts."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #145 from professormaple:He's from Alaska? Quote from Blast From The Past! =) What other movies are in MTM's collection?
master_trainer_pat says, "You don' wanna know..."
master_trainer_mike says, "They are simple gardeners and farms, they are NOT tomato men!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #146 from articjedi:MTP what is your favorite donut?
master_trainer_pat says, "mmm...Glazed Old-fashioned."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #147 from articjedi:MTM what is your favorite donut?
master_trainer_mike says, "chocolate cream filled"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #148 from pkmnx:Hehe...thanks for signing my weedle BTW, MTM..."Big glasses and a little bit of hair, that's me!"
master_trainer_mike says, "True!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #149 from yoshi1001:Neo G Pichu Vs. Fossil. Muk: How can Pichu ignore a power, then say it has one?
master_trainer_pat says, "It doesn't have a power. Pichu has an attack. That's not affected by Muk"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #150 from ninetales2000:Do you know what the promos for season 7 and 8 are? (Yes or No answer here)
master_trainer_mike says, "yes"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #151 from metal_entei:is Hitmontop Season 7 Promo, 'cause they are on Yahoo Auction!!
master_trainer_pat says, "No. It's season 6. Don't waste you're money when you can get it soon..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #152 from yoshi1001:Murkrow VS active Unown D: Wouldn't any effect from the power on benched Pokemon cease if the power is ignored by feint attack
master_trainer_pat says, "No."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #154 from charwolf:As it stands now, would the Power'd eevees be the only thing that could get around a First Turn Aerodactyl?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, the Giovanni trainer does it also."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #156 from benjita:When will the winners of the Neo Discovery contest be announced?
master_trainer_mike says, "emails are just starting to go out."
master_trainer_mike says, "Sorry Ech, guess the plan didn't work :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #157 from yoshi1001:What is the ruling if a coin lands on its side (don't say it can't happen)?
master_trainer_mike says, "Reflip"
master_trainer_pat says, "Turn sideways."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #158 from ecasudarkwaters:What do you think was the best card at the STS? Which one should everyone used?
master_trainer_mike says, "Prof Elm in every deck"
master_trainer_pat says, "I'll give a second nomination to Cleffa."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #159 from slowking_man:Would it be okay if I drove up there and held a mass burning of Maple Bars in front of WOTC HQ?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, that wouldn't be a good idea since the Fire Department headquarters is right accross the street."
master_trainer_pat says, "They'd be on you in seconds"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #161 from pokesensei:Thanx for all the memories you guys and all of TC enjoyed working with you.It was an honor and we look forward to the WCSTS.
master_trainer_mike says, "Thank you too! We will be in touch about the WSTS soon........................"
master_trainer_pat says, "Thanks for the memories..."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #162 from articjedi:is it true that you guys get complete expansions 6 months in advance?
master_trainer_mike says, "no"
master_trainer_pat says, "not."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #163 from ninetales2000:Are the promos for season 7 and 8 holo? (also Yes or No Answer) : )
master_trainer_mike says, "not gonna tell ya!"
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm sorry, but that information is not available at you current level of security clearance."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #164 from yoshi1001:Re 149 I know, Pichu does damage to Pokemon with powers, but the powers are ignored
master_trainer_pat says, "Powers are ignored but the Pokemon still _has_ them."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #165 from articjedi:why can murkrow/umbreon do damage to the defending pokemon if unown d is in play?
master_trainer_mike says, "Read what Feint attack says."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #167 from articjedi:if a dark pokemon is confused and unown d is in play, does flipping tails for confusion do damage to the dark pokemon
master_trainer_pat says, "It would depend on who controls Unown D."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #168 from benjita:Does Feint Attack ignore the Darkness power against any Defending Pok�mon (opponent's active), or only when Unown D is the active (Defending)?
master_trainer_mike says, "It doesn't matter where Unown D is. Whethe is is the Defending Pokemon or not. feint ONLY ignores effects ofv powers, trainers, etc that are ON the Defending Pokemon."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #169 from slowking_man:Has MTM suggested banning every card except Weedle at future STSs?
master_trainer_mike says, "now there's an idea.............."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #170 from baboon:In the Beginning of the game, if your opponent has no Basics, and you do, do you place yours first, then draw the 2 cards, or draw, then place the Basic?
master_trainer_mike says, "You should not place yours until both playes can start."
master_trainer_pat says, "Right."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #171 from yoshi1001:How far are you guys from NOA?
master_trainer_pat says, "about 25 minutes...I grew up right down the street from them."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #173 from yoshi1001:Re: 164 If you ignore the problem, you don't say there is a problem.
master_trainer_mike says, "What are you talking about? Read the cards. Just because Unown D is the Defending Pokemon, if you use Feint against the Bench it does NOT ignore any efects from the Defending Pokemon."
master_trainer_mike says, "It states EFFECTS from powers NOT the powers themselves!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #174 from peekachoo1:Do you think Neo 2 Omastar is better than Exegutor?
master_trainer_mike says, "I lie awake at night tossing and turning over that one....."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #175 from articjedi:Re: #167 if the player that controlled the dark pokemon controlled and unown d, then would no damage happen?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #176 from yoshi1001:Re: 168 But if Unown D is actvie, won't it's power always be ignored by FA since all attacks are against the DP?
master_trainer_mike says, "See previous answer only EFFECTS form powers are ignored on the Defending Pokemon, NOT ignore Powers that are ON the Defending Pokemon."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #177 from the_wizard_of_odd:What do I have to do to become a Master Trainer like you guys?
master_trainer_pat says, "We're not currently accepting applications...don't call us, we'll call you."
master_trainer_pat grins evilly.

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #178 from plasma_your_dead:Will there ever be a Canadian STS?
master_trainer_pat says, "hmmm."
master_trainer_pat says, "No plans to at this time."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #179 from plasma_your_dead:Will you hold any non-STS tournaments in Toronto (not just QT, some other type of tourney)?
master_trainer_mike says, "We won;t but you certainly can. Anyone can hold sanctioned tournaments. Info on doing so is on our website."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #180 from slowking_man:Why do you think people are so interested in Murkrow and Unown D all of a sudden?
master_trainer_mike says, "Because Darkness is on the rise."
master_trainer_mike says, "Especially with the new Umbreon."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #181 from ecasudarkwaters:I'm making a Grass Deck, what do you rate Neo Discovery Weedles? 1-10 (Best)
master_trainer_mike says, "as a basic Pokemon I give them a solid 7, low HP but the possibility of taking a baby Pokemon out with 1 energy (2 heads though in that case)."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #182 from ninetales2000:Do you guys regularly sit on the roof of the WotC Headquarters? That should be fun...
master_trainer_pat says, "Nope."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #184 from plasma_your_dead:Is there any way to privately talk to you guys (private message?)
master_trainer_mike says, "sorry but no"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #185 from yoshi1001:Which comes first E. Dratini's Power or Unown N/M/D's?
master_trainer_mike says, "Same time"
master_trainer_mike says, "The controller gets to choose what order the effects resolve"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #186 from peekachoo1:Re: #175 But I thought your own Unown only reduces the opponent's dark Pokemon's power?
master_trainer_pat says, "No, check the wording on Unown D. It clearly states that anytime a Darkness Pokemon damages one of your Pokemon, reduce that damage by 30. It doesn't specify that it has to be an opponent's Darkness Pokemon."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #187 from ecasudarkwaters:Why did Wizards ask movie theaters to return the Entei's afterward?
master_trainer_mike says, "That was a Warner Brothers promotion so they made that call."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #188 from pkmnx:Speaking of first-turn baby killers, has anyone tried Giovanni's Nidoran M/Digger/Rainbow Energy? It's fun!
master_trainer_pat says, "ok"
master_trainer_mike says, "nope, can't say we have."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #189 from ecasudarkwaters:Will their be promo for the 4th movie if the 4th movie comes to the US?
master_trainer_pat says, "Too early to say."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #190 from ecasudarkwaters:Does Wizards ever plan on bringing any of the Vending machine cards over?
master_trainer_mike says, "no plans at this time"
master_trainer_pat says, "Once again thanks for helping to make last weekends STS such a success"
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok, don't forget there won't be a chat next week! We will be at Origins!"
master_trainer_pat says, "We won't be here next week because we'll be working a Origins Game Convention"
master_trainer_mike says, "Come and play at the Pokemon Gym!"
master_trainer_mike says, "'Win prizes! Show you are the Top Dawg!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #191 from yoshi1001:Is there a way we can give you a suggestions without making legal problems for you to use them?
master_trainer_pat says, "Unfortunately, no."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #192 from ecasudarkwaters:Were those the final translations for the SI gift box at the STS?
master_trainer_mike says, "Those were mock-ups"
master_trainer_pat says, "Don't think that that is what the SI set will look like...it has not been finalized yet"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #193 from peekachoo1:I saw Southern Islands Mew at the STS, would Rainbow energy be a good combo with him?
master_trainer_pat says, "Sorry, no comment ...yet."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #194 from metal_entei:why the Origins Game Convention is not in Canada?? but in the states
master_trainer_pat says, "Only because it's been in Columbus for a long time."
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok gang! Thanks! See you in 2 weeks! Or look us up in Columbus, OH!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Take it easy...hope to see you at Origins if you can make it."
master_trainer_pat says, "Bye Bye."