Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, September 06, 2001
by Team Compendium

[EDITORS NOTE: Per opening announcements, any rules made from this week's Chat are not to be considered valid for play. Player discretion is advised. - CHRISBO]
darkmt_mike says, "Ready! Set! here we go! It's the Gengar and Dark Master Show. The other Mt's my Gengar said...he locked them in a Foil Mew shed! So get ready for a wild ride as I let all Rules questions slide. I promise to not answer right, much to your fright and delight! If you have other questions I'll do my best to answer them more or less."
darkmt_mike smirks.
darkmt_mike says, "Okay first quetion is a hard one!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #1 from siroblack:lobby
darkmt_mike says, "Bobby! Word association...I love it!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #2 from zoink300:join tcg
darkmt_mike says, "Watch MTV! Two down!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #3 from crazy_nut_man:Any *hot GENGAR* news??
darkmt_mike says, "Much more difficult..."
darkmt_mike says, "He say's he knows what #39 is."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #4 from crazy_nut_man:Response from last week "If I'd play with a Sabrina's Alakazam as active. I'd attach a Sabrina's ESP to Sabrina's Alakazam. Geodude was painted Psychic by Smeargle. Then you Psylink it's stone barrage (i'd have 2 figh on Sabrina's Alakazam). I'd flip 5 heads in a row. And miss the 6th. But I'd have Sabrina's ESP attached. How many more coins do i get to re-flip. You said "You have to reflip all of the coins." What do you mean by that?
darkmt_mike says, "Yikes! A rules question...."
darkmt_mike says, "It means you flip all of them over again unless it's Thursday. Whew!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #5 from crazy_nut_man:You say that Ditto opposite Brock's Ninetales with an evolution would be like the evolution. Since the evolution on Brock's Ninetales cannot use its Pokemon Power, can Ditto use the Pokemon Power?
darkmt_mike says, "Anither one! And a Cursed Purple Slug one at that!"
darkmt_mike says, "You can use it if your opponent is wearing a baseball cap. But not in August or September."
darkmt_mike says, "Got that one too!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #6 from crazy_nut_man:Can we use Southern Islands in WCSTS, since on your website we can use sets after Neo Discovery but, Southern Islands isn't a set. So the question is can you use Southern Islands or not in WCSTS?
darkmt_mike says, "Gengar says....he thinks so."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #7 from sd_pokemom:Can you (...pleeeese!!!) tell us the format for WCSTS yet?
darkmt_mike says, "Sure...."
darkmt_mike says, "We will be playing with Pok�mon cards...."
darkmt_mike says, "and you will not be able to use DCE's."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #8 from pojo_glitch:Hi Dmtm. LTNS
darkmt_mike says, "Hi!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #9 from pojo_glitch:How is League Year 3 going?
darkmt_mike says, "Not well since it's still 2."
darkmt_mike says, "It will be fine!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #11 from zoink300:any sts info this week?
darkmt_mike says, "Tons. There will be one!"
darkmt_mike says, "It will be in San Diego"
darkmt_mike says, "It will have all kinds of side Events like Drafts and alternative formats."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #12 from pojo_glitch:Where is MTM and Raichu(MTP)
darkmt_mike says, "Locked in the Foil Mew closet."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #13 from charwolf:Nows your chance! What's the new DARK code phrase?
darkmt_mike says, "You are the weakest link....Goodbye!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #14 from crazy_nut_man:Planning on a Gengar structure?
darkmt_mike says, "No he's all shadow so he does not structure well."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #15 from pkmnx:Any news on the Indianapolis qualifier? =/
darkmt_mike says, "Sorry I don't have any."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #16 from pojo_glitch:Is Sneasel banned from The QT tour? I have 3 in my deck and I am going to the Tour
darkmt_mike says, "I think he is. Hmmm. not sure on that one!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #17 from pojo_glitch:Are you going to the Tour?
darkmt_mike says, "Only in Seattle I'm afraid!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #18 from soslowpoke:What's season 8's promos?
darkmt_mike says, "Their cards with Pok�mon on them."
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #19 from crazy_nut_man:Re: 4 What do you mean by reflip all of them, is that a situation that we will never know?
darkmt_mike says, "That you need to re-flip them all unless it's raining.."
darkmt_mike says, "Which is quite a lot here!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #20 from pojo_glitch:What happens if a Ditto Vs. Ditto for the first turn? I have always wondered
darkmt_mike says, "They look at each other for a long time until one decides to turn into something else...like a Maple Bar for instance."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #21 from pkmnx:On Erika's Oddish, assuming the power is still on, could you use a DCE to pay for the GG attack?
darkmt_mike says, "No. But you could use it toi pay off that charge card that Gengar keeps buying Krispy Kreme's with."
darkmt_mike says, "Remember all rules questions answers are wrong unless their right by accident today!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #23 from soslowpoke:Smoochum and Wooper promos??? Who came up with that silly idea?
darkmt_mike says, "I don't know. We have not made them."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #24 from aaron_the_great:Where do you get maple bars?
darkmt_mike says, "And the great Maple Bar King said "Let there be Mple Bars" and the East was sad because they didn't get any. But the West rejoiced and sang the Maple Bar Jingle."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #25 from pojo_glitch:Does Suthern Islands count as a Promo set or REAL set for the Tour? Can you use Suthern Islands for the tour?
darkmt_mike says, "Which ones? Fiji or Bora Bora?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #26 from yoshi1001:Will sets be usable in modified tournaments as soon as they come out, or will we have to wait until you say we can use them in chat or on the site?
darkmt_mike says, "We usually like to make them usable right away. So that would be my guess. We could modify that for Pok� but I cannot think of why we would."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #27 from crazy_nut_man:So Flying Pikachu is Season 8 Year 2 Promo?
darkmt_mike says, "I tried to ask him but he's tired from all that flying...although I think it's more apprpriate to call him "Floating Pikachu" He's not really flying at all."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #28 from charwolf:Forgive me for being blunt, but are you serious about that format??! you must be delirious. Did gengar eat all the Maple Bars before you got yours??
darkmt_mike says, "I'am delirious. And I'm very much not serious."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #29 from pojo_glitch:Can you use energy from Base Jungel Fossil for the WCSTS? Thats the only kind I have. lol
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. You can also use it if it has been in a Savana or a Rain forest. but not if it's been used in a Desert unless there was an oasis."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #30 from rocketelectabuzz:can u take notes during tournament play?(while u are playing)
darkmt_mike says, "Only certain things. Look it up under the Floor rules."
darkmt_mike says, "On our site."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #31 from pojo_glitch:Do you use Apprentice or CCGpro?
darkmt_mike says, "I use Dial."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #32 from rocketelectabuzz:were there any announcements?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. Gengar has taken the MT's hostage and I will not answer any rules questions correctly today...if I can help it."
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. Gengar ate all of them for breakfast."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #33 from pojo_glitch:Any news on A Reverse Holo Charizard card? =/ There is new floating around! Aah! The love of Gosip.
darkmt_mike says, "Insert prior answer here!"
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #34 from yoshi1001:since De-evolution counts as evolution, does it trigger events caused by evolution?
darkmt_mike says, "Only in the Jurassic period."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #35 from pojo_glitch:Who translates cards for WoTC? Also, How much does it take to make a pack?
darkmt_mike says, "We have translator like people. It takes two to make a pack."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #36 from soslowpoke:Will there be a promo in addition to Flying Pikachu in season 8?
darkmt_mike says, "It's the Pikachu formally known as Flying Pikachu. He is now "Floating Pikachu"."
darkmt_mike says, "8 or 9."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #37 from onederlnd:Hiya Mr. Man =D In question #11, you mentioned Drafts, does that mean MBI is going to happen? or are you talking about Professor_Maple's drafts?
darkmt_mike says, "Hello Wonderland. I mean at the actual STS."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #38 from pojo_glitch:Can you play Fake Cards(Pokemon AAAh! or Pokemon Zeo) in the tour EXCEPT for the main event? I like GLitcH's Weedle
darkmt_mike says, "No. We would be in big trouble with the PMC and Nintendo of Japan who owns the Liscense."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #39 from puritys_echidna:so how many pr dark gyaradoses are under YOUR desk?
darkmt_mike says, "None. I have Promo #39 under my desk right now."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #40 from charwolf:Oh yeah. I forgot why I came back! Did you put my question with the Unown and Erika's Dratini past the Rules Committee yet? What was the outcome?
darkmt_mike says, "We did...but I'm sorry I can't remember what happened with it. We may have had to ask the Japanese what they intended."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #41 from zoink300:If Clefable metronomes Murkrows Feint Attack with Sprout Tower in play, would it do nothing, or 20, if sprout tower is considering an effect on all pokemon, also that is a fake glitch ;x
darkmt_mike says, "It would do the Bump."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #42 from pkmnx:Re: #21: why not? would the DCE only provide one G? you know the power turns all energies to grass...
darkmt_mike says, "Yes..but only on Christmas and boxing day in Canada."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #43 from crazy_nut_man:So we shouldn't asked any card rulings???
darkmt_mike says, "I think he's got it!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #44 from pojo_glitch:Is there a specific reason for banning Sneasel, Base 1 2 Jungle Fossil? Also, Are Booster Drafts aloweed at the WCSTS?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. They were not very nice during negotiations on their contracts. And Ditto demanded more rules time! Sheesh!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #45 from chrisbo:You said in Q4 that you flip them all over again unless it's Thursday. But then in Q19 you said to re-flip when it's raining. What are you supposed to do if it's raining on Thursday? :-p
darkmt_mike says, "Well okay. So youve stumped me. Do you feel better now!"
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike smiles.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #46 from rocketelectabuzz:can u listen to music during a tournament game??(like headphones, not a stereo)
darkmt_mike says, "You can. But only "The right of Spring" by Copeland."
darkmt_mike says, "And of course anything by Hanson"
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #47 from ferilagator:If you are playing Ditto as active pokemon and ditto a chancey with 50 damage already on him. then double edge does your opponent get a prize??
darkmt_mike says, "He gets a prize if he's figured out why you are playing the single most confusing card in all of POK�MONdom!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #48 from purity1:i actually managed to locate a maple bar when i was in utah...i ate it....i think it tastes just like a donut
darkmt_mike says, "Bless you my child. *sniff* That is the single most kindestest thing I have heard all day!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #49 from onederlnd:All your answers seem kinda... uhm, off the wall... are you bored?
darkmt_mike says, "No I'm DMTM. What a silly question!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #51 from ferilagator:Once again if you are playing a Ditto, you are playing against a 80 hp pokemon, and you take over 50 damage and retreat is it a self destruct? And does the opponent get a prize?
darkmt_mike says, "He gets a prize if he figures out why you would retreat a Ditto!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #52 from chrisbo:I thought that the DCI Floor Rules for Pokemon were supposed to get an update on Sep. 1, but it looks like they have not been updated yet. Any ideas on why?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. Gengar ate the DCI. Were hiring more."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #53 from michel1be:any news about the official rulebook ?
darkmt_mike says, "No. It is being edited...Snzzz. takes forever!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #54 from ferilagator:Is there an English version of black star promo #25?
darkmt_mike says, "WoW! which one is that? Can't remember."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #55 from onederlnd:Whats the meaning of life?
darkmt_mike says, "Easy. 42."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #57 from aaron_the_great:I'm sure the Grinch is responsible for your rogue Gengar as well as your love of Maple Bars.
darkmt_mike says, "Yes as well as cacti. It's a little known fact!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #58 from puritys_echidna:"what is the pokemon represented on the promotional pokemon tcg card numbered 39?" (lets see him get out of THIS one...
darkmt_mike says, "Hmm.."
darkmt_mike says, "Purple!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #59 from bigdaddysnorlax:Is it true that you and Gengar take seperate vacations?
darkmt_mike says, "Would you want to be stuck with him for a week in Hawaii?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #60 from soslowpoke:Will we get promo 39 by the end of the year?
darkmt_mike says, "Yes!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #61 from soslowpoke:Is promo 39...steelix?
darkmt_mike says, "No!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #62 from bigdaddysnorlax:Mike, the doctor just called. They got your perscription wrong. Are you feeling OK?
darkmt_mike says, "Again!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #63 from onederlnd:If I am playing Ditto, am I allowed to rip it up for an instant win? or will I get in trouble...?
darkmt_mike says, "Only if I'm the Judge.,,,J/K."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #64 from rocketelectabuzz:Hanson, what is wrong with u?
darkmt_mike says, "Where to start..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #65 from pkmnx:Nice Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy quote there, DMTM ;)
darkmt_mike says, "Thank you Zaphod!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #66 from pkmnx:I played in a Pokemon tournament last saturday, but my rating hasnt been update yet. how long does this normally take?
darkmt_mike says, "It usually takes quite a while the oraganizer has to send the data in and then it has to be recorded. Then updated on the site!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #67 from puritys_echidna:purple?! O_o i thought purple was 40....
darkmt_mike says, "It's Purple."
darkmt_mike says, "39 that is."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #68 from purity1:re #59 if it will get me to hawaii for a week, sure, i wouldn't mind being stuck with genagar
darkmt_mike says, "You have no idea what your saying. It is not a fun time. He snores and has extremely bad breath."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #69 from soslowpoke:Is promo 39 Unown R?
darkmt_mike says, "No!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #70 from aaron_the_great:Is promo 39...Unown?
darkmt_mike says, "No."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #71 from puritys_echidna:awww... promo 39 is gengar isn't it?! (hugs dmtm's gengar until its eyes bug out)
darkmt_mike says, "No. But that would be cool."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #72 from rocketelectabuzz:is promo 39 gengar in hawaii??
darkmt_mike says, "LoL"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #73 from chrisbo:So #39 is "Purple"? I've never heard of a Pokemon named "Purple" before. Maybe it's TR equivalent could be called "Deep Purple" (please don't start singing "Smoke on the Water").
darkmt_mike says, "It is Purple and nothing we have released yet!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #74 from soslowpoke:Is promo 39 Murkrow?
darkmt_mike says, "Murkrow is Purple?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #75 from aaron_the_great:Will it be Magikarp? Please??
darkmt_mike says, "Again...PURPLE!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #76 from purity1:promo 39 seems pretty unknown to me....
darkmt_mike says, "Yes I guess you could say that!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #77 from soslowpoke:Is promo promo 39 none other than...Slowpoke?
darkmt_mike says, "At least he's purple...but alas no!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #78 from yoshi1001:Re: 73 is the card or the pokemon puurple
darkmt_mike says, "Is there a difference?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #79 from soslowpoke:ooh oooh!! Promo 39 is Slowking!
darkmt_mike says, "No. Interesting fact about Slowking though...."
darkmt_mike says, "..in Japan his PP only works if he is active."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #80 from arcanine21:is it slowbro
darkmt_mike says, "Nope!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #81 from aaron_the_great:This is what you get for not answering rules questions.
darkmt_mike says, "Yeah! It's much more fun. I didn't say I wouldn't answer them just that the answers would not be right!"
darkmt_mike says, "Still there are lot's of things you can ask me about the Company and such!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #82 from puritys_echidna:isn't this purple promo guessing infanitle?
darkmt_mike says, "Do you feel that it is?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #84 from rocketelectabuzz:is it even a pokemon, hah I got it its a psychic energy!
darkmt_mike says, "Thats......."
darkmt_mike says, "not it!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #85 from arcanine21:is it slowbro?
darkmt_mike says, "Still a no on the Bro!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #86 from soslowpoke:You already said that promo 39 was NOT smoochum correct?
darkmt_mike says, "Why yes I did."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #88 from soslowpoke:If it isnt Smoochum...is promo 39 Jynx?
darkmt_mike says, "Not released yet!"
darkmt_mike says, "No unowns either!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #93 from aaron_the_great:How about a Lugia promo?
darkmt_mike says, "Yeah thats it he's Purple!"
darkmt_mike smirks.
darkmt_mike says, "Sorry no. PURPLE!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #94 from puritys_echidna:you're not answering my questions with more questions are you?
darkmt_mike says, "Do you feel like I'm answering your questions with more questions?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #95 from arcanine21:is it misdreaveus?
darkmt_mike says, "Er... ah..."
darkmt_mike says, "Should I lie Gengar?"
darkmt_mike says, "*Gengar says yes!*"
darkmt_mike says, "It's not that one either."
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #96 from pkmnx:Oh come on...we all know...promo 39 is Promo Bill!
darkmt_mike says, "My favorite Promo..and the rarest!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #97 from sd_pokemom:Is it a trainer card? Or a special energy?
darkmt_mike says, "It is a special Energy Trainer Pok�mon!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #98 from yoshi1001:Does the promo use a species Pokemon never put on a US card?
darkmt_mike says, "Do Pok�mon have species?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #99 from soslowpoke:So is promo 39 lugia?
darkmt_mike says, "er...ah..No."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #100 from purity1:the neo3 promo sneasel? i think he was purple.....
darkmt_mike says, "No Sneasel!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #101 from puritys_echidna:should i feel like you're answering my questions with more questions?
darkmt_mike says, "Are questioning my answers now?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #102 from arcanine21:re:95 so your lying when you say no, so it is misdreavus?
darkmt_mike says, "Hmm. Do you believe I'm lying?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #103 from aaron_the_great:So it's not an extra rule or pass card.
darkmt_mike says, "No. It is not."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #104 from rocketelectabuzz:arghhhhhhhhhhhh give us a clue............................(not that it is purple though)
darkmt_mike says, "It's ........Purplish?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #105 from soslowpoke:So promo 39 is Misdreavus
darkmt_mike says, "Are you sure. I'm quite confused about the lying thing."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #106 from puritys_echidna:why... aren't i answering your questions?
darkmt_mike says, "Because ..if I let you answer my quetions you would just give away that # 39 is Misdreavus."
darkmt_mike says, "Oops!"
darkmt_mike says, "I mean that it's Purple!"
darkmt_mike smirks.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #107 from akukami:IS it the mewtwo that came with the PKMN TCG 2 game for GBA in Japan?
darkmt_mike says, "I don't know if it has made it there or if we were allowed to put it into that Market."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #108 from yoshi1001:You realize MTM will kill you for answering not questions after he gets flooded with questions next week.
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. I'm happy about how upset he will be because of the big mess I have caused...I'm a stinker!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #109 from arcanine21:re:95 yes i do
darkmt_mike says, "Okay."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #110 from soslowpoke:Will we ever get cards from the Japanese vending set(other than that pikachu)?
darkmt_mike says, "Good question. It is being considered. The biggest issue is how to release a set like that or what the timing would be. It is not out of the question!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #111 from akukami:How do you guys put up with all these questions
darkmt_mike says, "I have a force field between me and the questions. I just delete the ones that are inappropriate or to silly.."
darkmt_mike says, "...with me too silly is a stretch though."
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #112 from soslowpoke:If you asked gengar if you could lie, maybe gengar was lying about you lying so that you werent really lying
darkmt_mike says, "I'm dizzy!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #114 from puritys_echidna:yeah.. but you gave me false information.... ;)
darkmt_mike says, "That is why I'm the Dark Master my friend!"
darkmt_mike says, "I did not do so on porpise."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #115 from akukami:Well how well this promo be given out?
darkmt_mike says, "with a smile! and a hardy congratulations!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #116 from soslowpoke:Now how do we go about earning this here misdreavus promo?
darkmt_mike says, "Which Misdreavus promo."
darkmt_mike says, "No one said any thing about that promo..."
darkmt_mike says, "...*looks at the record*"
darkmt_mike says, "GULP!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #117 from akukami:So how do you guys feell about the whole 15 & up thing. Personaly. Dont give me no corprate answer.
darkmt_mike says, "LoL"
darkmt_mike says, "What other answer would you have me give. I take what you say back to the people who make the decision..."
darkmt_mike says, "..it is my job to represent your views. It would be inappropriate for me to give you my personal opinion one way or another. No matter what haooens it is my job to relate that information back to you."
darkmt_mike says, "So there you have your answer."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #119 from puritys_echidna:re: 34 - do you really think so?
darkmt_mike says, "I'm confused now."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #120 from onederlnd:[re: #108]phew! yeah, thats for sure! :�
darkmt_mike says, "I can't see #108 so I don't remember what your phewing about!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #123 from soslowpoke:Here's a suggestion for the Vending Set- if Nintendo ever plans to release PkmnTCG game boy 2 in america, release vending to tie in with it cause alotta vending cards are in that game
darkmt_mike says, "Thanks for the input!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #124 from akukami:The Tropical Islands set was GREAT!!!! So what well the next set be?
darkmt_mike says, "Neo 3."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #125 from puritys_echidna:(sniff) until you talked to sensei, i could have been a dark master too... (kicks a straw paper)
darkmt_mike says, "Yes well we can't all be Dark Masters....it's a lonley life really. In that cave all the time and the Zubats everywhere!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #126 from purity1:how about with a laurel, and a hearty handshake?
darkmt_mike says, "Blazing Saddles! a Classic!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #127 from soslowpoke:Is Misdreavus season 8's promo?
darkmt_mike says, "Some peole think so."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #128 from soslowpoke:There is a Prerelease Raichu
darkmt_mike says, "Have you seen it soslowpoke?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #129 from soslowpoke:Do you think we'll get all 26 Unowns printed in Englsih cards?
darkmt_mike says, "Eventually...maybe."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #130 from soslowpoke:will there be any promos past #40 that we'll get this year or will we have to wait till janurary
darkmt_mike says, "I think they are due out in the new year!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #131 from yoshi1001:It's your job to represent our views? We're doomed!
darkmt_mike says, "LoL. Thanks. That is funny."
darkmt_mike smiles.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #132 from magmar2000:I know Pat is locked up with the foil mews and all, but 100 wins is pretty cool. So.... What are those Mariners now? 100-40? =D
darkmt_mike says, "SODO MOJO! Go Mariners! Hi Magmar how are things south of Seattle?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #134 from espeonx:Is there or will there ever be any american promo trainer cards?
darkmt_mike says, "I shouldn't say."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #135 from onederlnd:And I quote "Yes. I'm happy about how upset he will be because of the big mess I have caused..._I'm a stinker!_"
darkmt_mike says, "That ones gonna hurt me next Thursday. *Cringes*"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #136 from soslowpoke:so ur gonna pass down my vending idea?>
darkmt_mike says, "I hope you mean pass up. Because when I pass something down it goes into the garbage."
darkmt_mike says, "Yes."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #137 from sd_pokemom:Once again, a very happy belated birthday. Thank you for all the hard work you and the other MTs do for us! So just *how* old are you (betting you're younger than most of us Pok�Adults...)
darkmt_mike says, "*Blushes* Thank you I'm......almost 6 in Dog years."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #138 from soslowpoke:RE;127- do you think so?
darkmt_mike says, "Well I might if I remembered what 127 was."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #139 from akukami:Well we get the shiney pokemon as Super rare cards? I hope so.
darkmt_mike says, "No. Super rare cards are to rare."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #140 from chrisbo:So do you think Dark Apprentice Steve will ever reach the grand rank of "Dark Master"?
darkmt_mike says, "Not with that Meowth of his Mouthing off all the time!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #141 from soslowpoke:re 128: Aack! you know my name..
darkmt_mike says, "Yes. Be afraid be very afraid!"
darkmt_mike smiles.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #142 from puritys_echidna:well now... isn't this interesting... mr. sensei just called you a quote/unquote ^&@#*&^!@^&%#@" >:D
darkmt_mike says, "Hey! he can't say that here! this is a Family show!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #143 from aaron_the_great:I don't know if there are maple bars in the East, but there are "Maple Logs" which unlike maple bars... ARE DONUTS
darkmt_mike says, "Making friends I see."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #144 from yoshi1001:Re 131 Thanks. I try.
darkmt_mike says, "Your welcome!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #145 from puritys_echidna:(gets out his blackmail made EZ book) tell ya what mike... if you tell us what promo 40 is, we won't tell mtm that you 'accidentally' gave you promo 39 info. >:D
darkmt_mike says, "I didn't...did I?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #146 from akukami:Just thought Id say that I am a Dark Trainer to. Akukami Means Evil God. The only diff between me and darkmt_mike Is that im a betteer Triner. Oh yea and He gets paid for working with this
darkmt_mike says, "You are better then the Dark one himself!"
darkmt_mike says, "I challange you!"
darkmt_mike says, "Bring on your best/worst!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #147 from onederlnd:I say that the next "American Only" (like Dark Raichu was) card should be a *long pause* GROWLITHE! whatcha think?
darkmt_mike says, "Growlithe? We might as well use Weedle."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #148 from sd_pokemom:OMG....just a *baby*!!! [grin, j/k}
darkmt_mike says, "Yes a mere pup!"
darkmt_mike grins evilly.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #149 from magmar2000:Things south of Seattle are pretty good... There is that whole back to school thing - but oh well, what are you going to do? ;-) Wait for summer - that's what! =D
darkmt_mike says, "I feel for all you back to school people."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #150 from soslowpoke:Oh yes, Happy Birthday, It must have been hard for your family to find a numeral candle that said 100 ;)
darkmt_mike says, "Hardy har har!"
darkmt_mike smiles.

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #151 from soslowpoke:OK 127 was u said some people think that misdreavus is season 8's promo- are you one of those people
darkmt_mike says, "Sorry.."
darkmt_mike says, "Lost you all for a moment!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #156 from soslowpoke:does wizards have any plans on releasing promos by means other than league or movie promotions. I'd want some new way to earn promos
darkmt_mike says, "We may do some othe promotions. But nothing is final yet."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #157 from yoshi1001:Don't feel too bad, I practically tricked MTM into revealing the WCSTS QT format at gencon.
darkmt_mike says, "Oh. Thats good. Very good!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #158 from akukami:*Walks in carrying 6 poke balls, two gunblades, A deck of cards and a gameboy* I accept! Ok on what?
darkmt_mike says, "Bacarat. Bond James Bond."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #159 from onederlnd:Do you have info on this booster draft at the STS?
darkmt_mike says, "Only that they will be side events for about 8. Using cards from two different setds usually!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #160 from spago_:Has the WCSTS format been announced???
darkmt_mike says, "No."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #161 from chrisbo:Is there any chance of a Nintendo Power promo Pokemon card in the foreseeable future?
darkmt_mike says, "I don't see one."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #162 from akukami:And just how does that prove triner skills?
darkmt_mike says, "It dosen't I just like saying it!"
darkmt_mike says, "No more questions!"
darkmt_mike says, "I have a poem then."
darkmt_mike says, "If Pok�mon is to survive."
darkmt_mike says, "I think that we all here must strive."
darkmt_mike says, "To find the common groud that mkes"
darkmt_mike says, "Our tournament scene the biggest case."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #163 from chrisbo:Oh no, he's going to start singing!!! Aaahhh!!!
darkmt_mike says, "I don't sing!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #164 from yoshi1001:why was there such a long gap between Neo Genesis and Discovery (relative to say, Gym challenge and Neo Genesis)?
darkmt_mike says, "Hmm. well there are many reasons and they are pretty complicated. I wish I could go into them but I can't. Lets just say that we can't always get what we want out of life. It is very difficult to put a product out sometimes."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #165 from akukami:Then what ind of battle shall we have?
darkmt_mike says, "Pistols at 50 paces?"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #166 from firefighter095:hey
darkmt_mike says, "Word association again. Great!"
darkmt_mike says, "Horses."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #167 from firefighter095:which hotel will the master trainer be staying at this year??
darkmt_mike says, "One with a huge Jacuzzi I hope!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #168 from akukami:Mmm I think I get it. We need to prove that pokemon is for everyone not just lil kids.
darkmt_mike says, "We need to make things reflect what many people are doing to support this brand. Those who run leagues and tournaments and put in that extra effort need to be rewarded. as well as making a great playing environment for the future."
darkmt_mike says, "This is my opinion."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #169 from onederlnd:If I worked for WoTC could I get a free trip to the STS? *cross' fingers* d-_-b
darkmt_mike says, "If you call working day and night all weekend free..."
darkmt_mike says, "It is hard work. But very rewarding!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #170 from chrisbo:Are you still working on getting your release dates closer to the Japanese release dates? How's that coming along?
darkmt_mike says, "There may be some issues with that. Particularly if we plan on putting out some things and not others. Vending for example would reall put that schedule off. No decisions yet though."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #171 from akukami:Deal. Im useing my gunblades! Get your weapon!
darkmt_mike says, "I have a Blaster from the original Star Wars!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #172 from calathon:Can you use Potion Energy in a Harry Potter Game? :-)
darkmt_mike says, "AHHHHHHHH! Run! ..."
darkmt_mike says, "..Crosss....TCG....platforms...must get ...to the...safety pods...self ...destruct... count down in effect!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #173 from firefighter095:this is not a question. we giotta be happy taht we ahve teh sts okay. so will you be holding teh MBI3 this STS??
darkmt_mike says, "I reall don't know yet."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #174 from aaron_the_great:If I support this brand will I be rewarded?
darkmt_mike says, "Reward for me is simply playing the game. So if you are like me and enjoy it you will be rewarded.."
darkmt_mike says, "..the rest is all just icing on the cake."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #175 from puritys_echidna:ooooh.... jacuzzi..... one in every room i hope. :D
darkmt_mike says, "Yeah. Not going to happen Judge ECH."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #176 from yoshi1001:DMTM, if you had a star wars blaster, you should keep it or sell it on ebay.
darkmt_mike says, "Thanks. I will look it up!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #177 from akukami:*Stands with his back to yours* Ready!
darkmt_mike says, "I think so..."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #178 from onederlnd:Where do I sign up for the job!?
darkmt_mike says, "LoL. I wish I had one for all of you!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #179 from chrisbo:Hey Mike, is it one of those stormtrooper blasters? They can't hit the broad side of a bantha.
darkmt_mike says, "LoL. It is and I know they were horrible even at close range!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #180 from akukami:Set! GO!
darkmt_mike says, "I give! Yikes!"

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #181 from firefighter095:will they ahve this sts boosterdrafts like teh one professor maple had back in june?? That was awesome.
darkmt_mike says, "If i can sponsor one I will."

darkmt_mike presents the speaker with question #182 from akukami:1..2..3..45678910! *Turns around and firs at you!!! Two of them hit!*
darkmt_mike says, "The Dark Master has left the Building."
darkmt_mike says, "Thanks for a very enjoyable chat everyone...and remember if you think you got a rules question answered today...then think again!"
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike laughs hysterically.
darkmt_mike says, "Good night!"