Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, August 15, 2002
by Team Compendium (with special thanks to Lance313 and Magmar2000)

master_trainer_mike says, "La plume de ma tante est sur la table!"
master_trainer_mike says, "4 years of french in school and that is one of the few things I remember....."
master_trainer_mike says, "Hi gang!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Welcome back to another exciting episode of"
master_trainer_mike says, "(looks around)...(where am I again??)"
master_trainer_mike says, "Oh yeah!"
master_trainer_mike says, "The Pokemon Chat!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Sorry guys, with Worlds and Gen Con and Gen Con UK coming up I'm a bit tired and confused."
master_trainer_mike says, "So what else is new?!?!?!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Ba dump dump"
master_trainer_mike says, "Anywhooo, it's just me today."
master_trainer_mike says, "MT Pat is away on vacation."
master_trainer_mike says, "DMTM went home early (its good to be the king)"
master_trainer_mike says, "and DMT Steve..."
master_trainer_mike says, "I have no idea where he is."
master_trainer_mike says, "So, it's just me and the bad jokes."
master_trainer_mike bows gracefully.
master_trainer_mike says, "So on with the show."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #340 from lance313:Any news on projected release date on Expedition?
master_trainer_mike says, "Hmmm, the date isn't set yet."
master_trainer_mike says, "You will see the cards in September but exactly when I'm not sure."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #341 from lance313:How many cards in Expedition?
master_trainer_mike says, "Gaang, you know we don;t talk these sorts of specifics before a set is released."
master_trainer_mike says, "If you made it to worlds though, you should have had a chance to see some mock ups of the set."
master_trainer_mike says, "I hope to bring them with me to Gen Con UK in 2 weeks as well."
master_trainer_mike says, "So if you can make it there, you'll make it"
master_trainer_mike says, "ANYWHERE!"
master_trainer_mike says, "IT'S UP TO YOU!"
master_trainer_mike says, "GEN CON!"
master_trainer_mike says, "GEEEEEENNNNN!"
master_trainer_mike says, "COONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!"
master_trainer_mike says, "................."
master_trainer_mike says, "I did mention the tired and confused thing right??......"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #342 from lance313:How many rares/holos?
master_trainer_mike says, "see previous answer (minus the bad singing.....)"
master_trainer_mike says, "Having the usual computer troubles today....."
master_trainer_mike says, "grrrrrrr"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #343 from matthewssandslash:Can Super Energy Removal work with a non-foil Legendary Dog and remove two energies from the opponent while removing none from your Pok�mon? And if so, do you have to have an energy on the non-foil Dog?
master_trainer_mike says, "This question was asked and answered back in April of this year."
master_trainer_mike says, "Discarding the energy card from your Pokemon is part of the cost of playing Super Energy Removal."
master_trainer_mike says, "If you don;t remove an energy form your Pokemon, then you can't play this card."
master_trainer_mike says, "So, this would not work."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #344 from pokesensei:hey Mike,how was GenCon?Wish I coulda helped ya but there are bills to pay...:(
master_trainer_mike says, "It was fairly hectic."
master_trainer_mike says, "The TCG room, the Miniatures room, and the Board game room were all combined into one."
master_trainer_mike says, "It was VERY crowded and hard to find space to play."
master_trainer_mike says, "But the Pokemon events went fine."
master_trainer_mike says, "70+ people played in the league."
master_trainer_mike says, "Lots of smaller tournaments and 22 teams played in the Team Seled event."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #345 from sd_pokemom:Just wanted to say that I had a great time judging at Worlds; thank you so much for the opportunity. I really learned a lot from everyone. The VIP tour of WotC was a lot of fun; thank you all!! :-) :-)
master_trainer_mike says, "Once again, thank you to all of the Professors who came and helped at Worlds."
master_trainer_mike says, "Also thanks to Jarrod, Joe, and Steve who came and worked with Mike teh TO as judges for Gen Con."
master_trainer_mike says, "Keep up the great work!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #346 from yoshi1001:Clarify Prophecy in TMP. Can I A. Play it on my partner ("either player") B. Let my partner look and reorder ("you like?")
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok, it won;t come up much I think as Xatu isn't a very good card BUT after some discussion to make it easy"
master_trainer_mike says, "When YOU use Prophecy YOU choose 1 player's deck (it can be any players deck in the game) and YOU ca rearrange the cards as you see fit."
master_trainer_mike says, "You cannot let your teammmate use this ability."
master_trainer_mike says, "Only the owner of the Xatu (or other Pokemon with this attack) looks at the 3 cards and reannages them."
master_trainer_mike says, "Consider that official errata for Team Play :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #347 from marril2000:on the chat on the first, mt pat said there would be more details on battlezone this week, so any details?
master_trainer_mike says, "Oookay, well what has already been said?"
master_trainer_mike says, "It is planned to start in November this year."
master_trainer_mike says, "It is more of an event support program than a weekly league though it could be usd as a weekly league if a store wanted to do that."
master_trainer_mike says, "It is less expensive, more flexible, and comes with prize support."
master_trainer_mike says, "It will change every month."
master_trainer_mike says, "Once I know specifics (start dates and such) I will let you all know."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #349 from sd_pokemom:Just wanted to warn everyone: I got another virus on the professor list: a 138K file called "click here" with a return address of "pokeprofessor"...which is incorrect. Please be careful, all!!
master_trainer_mike says, "Never open any attachments from the Professor list!"
master_trainer_mike says, "I rarely send them and will probably never send them now."
master_trainer_mike says, "With the number of viruses going around, you should always be careful about opening attachements."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #350 from matthewssandslash:Will Expedition's release coincide with the Card-E reader, or will it come beforehand? And do you think that some Expedition cards may come packaged with the Card-E reader?
master_trainer_mike says, "We make the cards, Nintendo makes the reader."
master_trainer_mike says, "Last I heard the reader may come out a little after the cards initial release but I'm not sure, sorry."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #351 from caseyboyd:if you have a base set electrode with no damage and you use buzzzap does your opponent get to draw a prize? the card does say knock out electrode.
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes they do. Electrode is Knocked out so your opponent draws a prize."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #352 from matthewssandslash:For those who weren't at Worlds, there are about 180 cards in Expedition...
master_trainer_mike says, "There ya go."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #353 from yoshi1001:You gus did a really good at GenCon this year (which was awesome) vs. last year (which was okay). Thank you!
master_trainer_mike says, "Thank you!"
master_trainer_mike says, "All the banners did look pretty cool didn't they :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #354 from oldman_405:Any cinfirmed date on when Battlezone will start?
master_trainer_mike says, "Hopefully in November, when it is set in stone, we will announce it."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #355 from hartwig_bill:What are the rares in the Expedition decks?
master_trainer_mike says, "Wait and see grasshopper :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #357 from hartwig_bill:Are the theme decks going to cost more?
master_trainer_mike says, "Not that I've heard."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #358 from articjedi:I just wanted to say thanks for the neo destiny box at worlds
master_trainer_mike says, "You are welcome, thank you for coming and working the event."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #359 from articjedi:if dark gengar pulls in a muk, does the muk player have to flip twice to wake up?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yup, while Muk is Asleep, its Toxic Gas is not stopping Dark Gengar's Pokemon Power."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #360 from prof_kris:In Expedition, is it possible to get a reverse foil basic energy in a booster?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope. Basic Energy isn't in the set (I don't think). Foil Energy will come out again in the upcoming Pokemon Player Rewards program."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #361 from articjedi:is the TMB run using Japanese rules (slowking only works if it's active)
master_trainer_mike says, "Probably."
master_trainer_mike says, "In the past they always ran it using the Japanese rules on the cards."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #363 from yoshi1001:Have you considered subtitling Battlezone "The New Pok�mon League" since it can be used that way and to help people make the switch?
master_trainer_mike says, "No, we really don;t want to call it a league."
master_trainer_mike says, "Most retail locations have made it clear that they won't run a league anymore."
master_trainer_mike says, "But they will run tournaments and single events. Hence the change."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #364 from articjedi:can you do rulings on the expedition cards, considering they appeared at worlds?
master_trainer_mike says, "Definitely not, sorry."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #365 from caseyboyd:can a metal or darkness energy now be counted as a basic energy. someone told me and i want to make sure
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope, there are not any Basic Metal or Darkness energies available though Darkness and Metal are considered basic energy tytpes (which is why Rainbow energy provides these colors)."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #366 from prof_kris:I heard something about the translation rule for sanctioned tournaments, is it true that rule will be eliminated for the new DCI season? Any info on that?
master_trainer_mike says, "That is correct. The translation rule, the source of much confusion is being changed."
master_trainer_mike says, "Starting September 1st, it is the responsibility of the players and the judges to know what the cards do."
master_trainer_mike says, "A player can use a Japanese or Italian card in their deck without providing an outside english card."
master_trainer_mike says, "We will post a full text list of all of the cards in english on our web site that you can use."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #367 from oldman_405:I know you have all been busy, but is there any chance to get a copy of the Worlds event that was recorded & we watched? I bothered you there with it & was wondering if any progress has been made on it.
master_trainer_mike says, "Right now everyone is out of the office in Australia at the Magic Worlds so I have not been able to talk to anyone about it."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #369 from yoshi1001:Re: 363: But retail locations should be sure to make sure people know about the change, of course.
master_trainer_mike says, "Of course, this will be covered in the materials we send to stores. Relax, we've been doing this for years :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #370 from matthewssandslash:Re: 365, I think that they'll be basic energies the second that every Pok�mon in the world that has "Dark" in its name or is a Darkness-type Pok�mon or a Metal-type Pok�mon or one that does self-damage is banned. =/
master_trainer_mike says, "Right, which is.....never? :)"
master_trainer_mike says, "So what do you guys think of Team Multiplay or the upcoming Modified format?"
master_trainer_mike says, "Feedback is always welcomed."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #371 from yoshi1001:Me, relax, since when? ;) I'm going off to college in a few days. Any tips on starting a Pok�mon club?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well dressing up as your favorite Pokemon night probably wonouldn't fly well at college :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #372 from roonman:Have you seen any all-foil decks in the constructed events at Worlds, Gencon or Origins
master_trainer_mike says, "Not yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #373 from oldman_405:TMP rules need to be completely clarified before I'll be comfortable with it.
master_trainer_mike says, "Such as?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #374 from marril2000:i never actually got around checking, but i have been hearing a few different things about table talk between the players, what is the actual ruling on that?
master_trainer_mike says, "Players are allowed to talk during Team Multiplay."
master_trainer_mike says, "The only rule is that they must communite in an obvious and clear fashio (meaning no whispering)."
master_trainer_mike says, "You can use codes, signals, or other languages but it must all be done obviously."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #375 from pokesensei:I thought that the Professor event rocked but woulda been more fun if it was MMF.What are your plans for the next big Professor Event?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well, once we know the schedule for the next Challenge series I will move on with that."
master_trainer_mike says, "Probably a mixed tournament, combining constructed and booster draft."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #376 from snorlaxstampede:If you use a rainbow energy and two Darkness energies on a dark amphroas would you have to discard the rainbow for his attack or not?
master_trainer_mike says, "You would have to discard the Rainbow as it says discard all lightning energy or this attack does nothing."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #377 from lance313:Will Expedition have the regular Wizards Pok�mon backs? Or will we need to use solid backed sleeves to combine the cards?
master_trainer_mike says, "We are not changing our card backs. I know there has been some confusion about this but the card backs are remaining the same."
master_trainer_mike says, "In Japan they changed their card backs and the preview cards at E3 accidently had that back on them but our are staying the same."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #378 from roonman:Is there going to be a way to get mass quantities of holo energy cards?
master_trainer_mike says, "You will be able to earn them through the upcoming Pokemon Player Rewards program."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #379 from oldman_405:New modified, or Neon as I call it, makes for so much diversity in decks that it's hard to know what to play, & that's a good thing!
master_trainer_mike says, "As of 9/1 it will just be called Modified :) Glad you like it."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #380 from prof_kris:Any cards into consideration of being banned for TMP with results from the team event at Worlds?
master_trainer_mike says, "There is still discussion going on."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #381 from articjedi:are the QT's starting again for the next Worlds?
master_trainer_mike says, "Schedules and plans are being worked out. Once anything specific is known, it will be posted online."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #383 from yoshi1001:With all due respect to KYDAD and LAB, I'm worried about poison (especially multiple poison) in Team Sealed where there may not be counters for it in the sets involved.
master_trainer_mike says, "Nidoking is pretty strong in Team Sealed. Anytime I see one I immediatlely try and Knock out the Nidoran."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #384 from prof_kris:Will the next Challenge series start in October as listed on the WotC Pokemon site?
master_trainer_mike says, "It is still being worked on. Once I know, you'll know :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #385 from oldman_405:clarification on more attacks, powers, (who can use them & who can't) etc. Plus I've never been happy with the seating. I'd prefer the team to sit diagonally across from each other
master_trainer_mike says, "Understood, it won;t be everyone's cup o' tea. :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #386 from toysruskid:Sorry if this was already mentioned or you already answered this...When is the expected street date for Expedition?
master_trainer_mike says, "It keeps changing, look for it in early September is all I can say."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #387 from marril2000:could you possibly explain the Pokemon Player Rewards program, or is it too early to comment on that?
master_trainer_mike says, "Basically it will be modeled upon the Magic Player Rewards program."
master_trainer_mike says, "Anyone will be able to sign up for this free program."
master_trainer_mike says, "Once you play in a certain number of sanctioned events you will earn Free foil energy cards."
master_trainer_mike says, "You will also be able to look at your complete match histories online."
master_trainer_mike says, "I hope to start this program soon."
master_trainer_mike says, "Again, once I know, you'll know :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #388 from pigdeon_of_death:Exactly how many formats are sanctioned right now?
master_trainer_mike says, "Hmmm, starting 9/1 there will bbe the two Constructed Formats: Unlimited and Modified."
master_trainer_mike says, "There are 3 Limited Formats: Booster Draft, Sealed, and Rochester Draft."
master_trainer_mike says, "There will also be 2 Team Formats: Constructed (Modified only) and Limited (Sealed only)."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #389 from prof_kris:at the next challenge series, will there be Professor events at Stadium Challenges as like the ones this year, and will the format be different?
master_trainer_mike says, "That is what I hope to do, yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #390 from pokesensei:How did the TMP go at GenCon,Mike?Any cards that seemed "broken" like your meowth? How did Meowth factor at this event?
master_trainer_mike says, "We didn't end up running any Team Constructed events at Gen Con, only a Team Sealed event."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #391 from oldman_405:Are any of the Master Professors being considered to run any of the challenges this next season? If so, is it in our favor any that we have 3 Master Professors & 2 other Professors?
master_trainer_mike says, "Experienced TO's and people that we have worked with and have a good relationship with are always our first picks whether they are Professors or not."
master_trainer_mike says, "The events staff in is Australia right now so I don;t know any more details than that so far."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #392 from yoshi1001:Have you guys considered making TMP playmats, att least to demonstrate the game. Some layout standardiztion would be nice.
master_trainer_mike says, "Not a bad idea, not sure if there is a budget for it though. I'll look into it."
master_trainer_mike says, "BTW, for any of you that are planning on going to Gen Con UK at the end of this month, I will be there and will be bringing the Expedition mock ups with me so you can take a look at this set before it comes out."
master_trainer_mike says, "I've been asked to come over and help run Professor and Team events so I will be there."
master_trainer_mike says, "Stop by and say hi if you can :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #393 from steel_claw:This may have been asked earlier, but can you tell us what has happened to the Harry Potter chats? At first the speaker doesn't show up, then the wizos stopped showing up, has it been cancelled for good?
master_trainer_mike says, "Prefect Adam is a manager in the customer service department and is a rather busy guy."
master_trainer_mike says, "I know he missed a chat or two and feels bad about it."
master_trainer_mike says, "I believe the number of people that came tto those chats was rather small and it was decided that the best way to get answers about Harry Potter was to call or write to customer service instead."
master_trainer_mike says, "Any other questions my friends?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #394 from steel_claw:If a neo2 non holo umbreon used pursuit against me, and say I retreat my pokemon and must discard a metal for it, does pursuit do the damage to my pokemon before or after metal is discarded?
master_trainer_mike says, "Good question, made me think for a moment."
master_trainer_mike says, "According to the rule book, To Retreat, you must discard from the Retreating Pokemon Energy equal to its Retreat cost."
master_trainer_mike says, "So, you must discard the Metal Energy in this example to Retreat."
master_trainer_mike says, "Now that you are trying to Retreat (already discarded the energy) the Umbreon's effect does the 10 damage."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #395 from lance313:Fewer questions with Chrisbo gone. ;)
master_trainer_mike says, "hee hee"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #396 from articjedi:so does that mean harry potter is dying?
master_trainer_mike says, "No, it just means that Adam is a busy guy and with the smaller number of people that came to the chat, it was decided that calling or wiritng customer service was more cost effective :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #397 from pigdeon_of_death:When does BattleZone start?
master_trainer_mike says, "Hopefully later this year."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #398 from pokesensei:Could you enlighten everyone as to the possible Promo`s available in Battlezone other than the already stated foil energies?
master_trainer_mike says, "Foil Energis are part of the Pokemon Player rewards program, not BattleZone."
master_trainer_mike says, "As for BattleZone, you'll just have to wait and see :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #399 from marril2000:hmm... well any info about the format of challenge series 2003 (any changes, like more or less stadiums/gym's) or is it too early to tell?
master_trainer_mike says, "We have what we want to do, what we can afford to do, and what time and licensing issues will allow us to do."
master_trainer_mike says, "Once they converge we will let you know :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #400 from articjedi:what is the rewards program previously mentioned
master_trainer_mike says, "Just talked about it."
master_trainer_mike says, "It is a program that you can join for free that rewards you for playing in sanctioned events."
master_trainer_mike says, "Details to come when we are able to announce and start it soon."
master_trainer_mike says, "Okay day, mesa thanks you for comin' here!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Mesa gots lotsa work ta do!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Thanki' you for comin' here!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Mesa be seein' you nextsa week!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Okay day?"
master_trainer_mike says, "Bye bye!"
master_trainer_mike bows gracefully.