Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, April 17, 2003
by Team Compendium

master_trainer_mike says, "Hello gang!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Welcome to another Pokemon chat!"
master_trainer_mike says, "That is if anyone is here but me."
master_trainer_mike says, "I mean I oculd chatter on and on by myself for a while if need be."
master_trainer_mike says, "I've done it before."
master_trainer_mike says, "I can do it again!!!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "As a qucik announcement, you may have noticed that another SBZ location was added in Westminster, CA."
master_trainer_mike says, "The Wizards of theCoast store there sounds like they may need some help running the event. They plan on running 3 different age group tournamen"
master_trainer_mike says, "tournaments"
master_trainer_mike says, "Due to space limitations"
master_trainer_mike says, "I believe they will NOT be running them at the same time."
master_trainer_mike says, "If any of you are in that area and want to volunteer or offer help, please contact them when you can."
master_trainer_mike says, "That is also true of ALL SBZ locations."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1212 from farbsman:With Aquapolis Blissey, can you use Happy Healing more then once per turn if you have more then one active?
master_trainer_mike says, "You could do it once per turn for each Blissey in play."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1213 from m_p_douglas:hey only one Master Trainer ... we got you outnumber... think fast MTM
master_trainer_mike says, "Ha ha , Pat just showed up."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1214 from lizardotc:Just so I understand, what were the purposes of the Pok�mon Delegate Program?
master_trainer_mike says, "To have you help us get the word out about Pokemon and Pokemon Organized play."
master_trainer_mike says, "Of course, this was set up before we learned of the contract situation."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1215 from the_mystery_thing:do we know for sure if dark venusaur is next month's BZ promo? (did you say that and i just missed it? ^_^')
master_trainer_mike says, "mmmmmmmaybe"
master_trainer_mike says, "mmmmmmmmaybe not"
master_trainer_pat says, "Skyridge will be released on May 5th...Happy Cinco de Mayo!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1216 from farbsman:When the professor program started, I believe we were told that we would have inside info on new sets and get to playtest stuff for you, is that done since WotC no longer has the right to make the cards after your set?
master_trainer_mike says, "You did help us create the Team Multi Play rules. Thank you!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Past that, we have been limited due to the fact that we do not own Pokemon."
master_trainer_mike says, "I know, it gets old hearing that again and again but you have no idea what sort of issues go on."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1217 from pokemonfighter:is there a spoiler for skyridge and if there is where can i find it
master_trainer_mike says, "No, it hasn't been relkeased yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1218 from farbsman:Any chances of us getting energy cards to use in leagues in the future battlezone kits?
master_trainer_mike says, "I will be sending out an email to the Prof list soon with directions on how Professors can get energy cards for events they run."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1219 from farbsman:Re:1218 so I take it's delayed from the April 23rd date the stores were given?
master_trainer_pat says, "That';s just the date we were told today..."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1220 from the_mystery_thing:what sort of backs will jamboree be on (we'll assume you still get it out..)?
master_trainer_pat says, "It's too early to assume anything about Jamboree..."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1221 from pokemonfighter:what is going to happen to the professor program
master_trainer_mike says, "All Organized Play programs will continue to be supported throughout Wizards involvement with Pokemon."
master_trainer_mike says, "Once we are done, those programs will be done."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1222 from farbsman:Will we have any other chances to earn reverse professor Elm cards or the blue delegate shirts?
master_trainer_pat says, "MT Mike has told me that the Professor Championship will be _the_ spot to score those."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1223 from lizardotc:Will Pok�mon be decertified by the DCI on Sept. 1st? If so, what benefit does sanctioning events now provide?
master_trainer_pat says, "It won't be de-certified...but I don't think it's going to continue to be sanctioned past the end of the year."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1224 from m_p_douglas:It's Patman to the rescue. By the way, I hear some distant earthquakes being made by people who are distressed about double gust and its future in the new modified modifing modidemost format. Seem to me they should wait to find out what is going into LC2 and company before starting a riot. Only so many good but not broken cards in Neo to reprint anyway...
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes! Hmmm...as far as Double Gust goes...we'll have to see."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1225 from farbsman:Any hints on what the box toppers will be for Aquapolis?
master_trainer_mike says, "Those already came out."
master_trainer_mike says, "You mean Skyridge?"
master_trainer_mike says, "They are going to be SUPER COOL!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "And that's all I'll say :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1226 from lizardotc:Has there been any decision regarding the futre of the Pok�Gym Boards?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nothing specific yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1227 from pokemonfighter:so there will be no more professor program once your done with pokemon will nintindio take over and still have a professor program
master_trainer_mike says, "All Wizards of the Coast Organized Play programs are propietary to Wizards of the Coast."
master_trainer_pat says, "I imagine they will want to put their own programs in place as well."
master_trainer_mike says, "You would have to ask Nintendo what they plan on doing. They have not told us anything yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1228 from the_mystery_thing:is there a specific order for between-turn flips (or counter placement if no flip) for char, burn, poison, and darkness damage?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes there is. It is explained in the back of the Rule book. Can get that in the Theme decks or off of our web site."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1229 from the_mystery_thing:re 1222 and the holo elms, what about those of us who cant get to the prof championship? is that the only place, or the big place to get them?
master_trainer_mike says, "As Pat said, there will be other ways coming out as well. Don't worry."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1231 from gym_leader_blaine:I heard at the TO convention in Las Vegas it was talked out WOTC being under contract to contine OP after Nintendo takes over. Is this true or something that is being looked at?
master_trainer_mike says, "That is not true."
master_trainer_mike says, "sorry"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1233 from gym_leader_blaine:MTM what is the longest Risk game you have played?
master_trainer_mike says, "You mean Risk 2210? 5 hours because some of the players were new."
master_trainer_mike says, "Regular Risk? 14 hours and we all quit as no one had won yet."
master_trainer_mike says, "Of course we had added our own house rules (tanks, artillery, subs, Numkes, Killer Satellites)"
master_trainer_mike says, "Combined Risk and Risk 2210 and Axis & Allies rules back in the early days......"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1234 from pokemonfighter:do you have any idea what is going to be rotated out in the new modified format or can you give us a hint what might be rotated out please
master_trainer_mike says, "Wait and see...."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1235 from farbsman:I know this is the Pokemon chat, but I was wondering how we could get involved with the Simpsons TCG and/or Neopets when it comes out as judges or something more?
master_trainer_mike says, "We will acvtually be contacting you all at some point in the next few months to ask you some questions about that sort of thing."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1236 from lance313:Do you know whether R2210 is going to be demoed at the JSS Chanpionships?
master_trainer_mike says, "Not sure. I know Star Wars and MLB are usually there."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1239 from purity1:what was your lowest risk 2210 score ever? :D
master_trainer_mike says, "Let's see. I got taken out of the game earlier this week on turn 3 when we were playtesting a new board......"
master_trainer_mike says, "So that would be zero."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1240 from gym_leader_blaine:killer satellites, have not played with those before
master_trainer_mike says, "They could be used to take out the missiles."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1241 from m_p_douglas:Does DMTM have a dark battle duck?
master_trainer_mike says, "?????"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1242 from gym_leader_blaine:so will professors be offered anything with the Star Wars TCG? I know you have sent out a email to the pro list about help judging at a tournament this summer, any other things in the future that you know about?
master_trainer_mike says, "Again, we will be contacting you all in the next few months about that sort of thing. The exacts are still being worked out."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1243 from purity1:risk will be like pokemon for you all, in that you can't compete in sanctioned events, right?
master_trainer_mike says, "Correct."
master_trainer_mike says, "The tournament rules and sanctioning application should be up live today."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1244 from the_mystery_thing:aqua scizor is poisoned while its body is off thanks to ol' muk. when muk leaves played, does scizor remained poisoned, or does its body get rid of it for him?
master_trainer_pat says, "When the Muk leaves play and the Pokemon Body Power comes back on the Scizor won't be poisoned any more."
master_trainer_mike says, "Is that it? Anymore questions??"
master_trainer_mike says, "I figure you will have more once Skyridge comes out in a few weeks."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1245 from farbsman:Can we run Risk 2210 as a mass market league type thing? are there league kits or anything like that?
master_trainer_mike says, "Not yet. For now, you can just sanction and runn your own tournaments."
master_trainer_mike says, "More coming later including Championship events at Origins and Gen Con this year."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1246 from trekiev:can battlezone thats just started order kits from the months they have missed?
master_trainer_pat says, "If they contact their rep. then I'm sure they will see what they can do."
master_trainer_pat says, "Providing of course we have more of that particular season left."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1247 from the_mystery_thing:aqua espeon's power: does that include buzzaped electrode?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, but you will just get the Electrode card itself back into your hand"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1248 from steelixownzu:Hey, any announcements? Just got here...
master_trainer_pat says, "No, announcements per se..."
master_trainer_pat says, "Skyridge will be out on May 5th though"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1249 from m_p_douglas:dark battle ducks are a neopets battledome item...figure any dark master should have one of them...
master_trainer_mike says, "Don't think DMTM is on Neopets."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1250 from farbsman:since nobody is asking questions, I wanted to take this chance to thank both of you for all you have done for all of us throught the years and will continue to do throughout the remaining time you have with pokemon. Also, is Pat gonna be at either of
master_trainer_mike says, "We still have a few months to go. You guys have all been great and we are working on some thank you stuff."
master_trainer_mike says, "More details to come."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1251 from farbsman:continue #1250 the events this year for pokemon? how about DMTM?
master_trainer_pat says, "Thank you guys...we certainly wouldn't have been as involved if you were not here."
master_trainer_mike says, "DMTM may be. We still haven't scheduled all the staff yet."
master_trainer_pat says, "I will not be at either of the big summer conventions at this time...if that was your question"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1252 from the_mystery_thing:aqua vileplume: addictive pollen. if i choose the opponent to my right (so not the one about to play), will they be allowed to use supporters on their turn?
master_trainer_mike says, "No, that effect lasts until the end of THAT player's turn."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1253 from trekiev:just wanted to say thanks for giving Los Angeles another SBZ
master_trainer_mike says, "Not a problem. Wanted to, just had trouble finding a good location. One of the Profs wrote in with some good suggestions. :)"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1254 from m_p_douglas:Thanks for giving Atlanta an SBZ things wouldn't seem right if the war room didn't have one..
master_trainer_mike says, "They were hard to get a hold of... Finally was able to though."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1256 from trekiev:when will the master professor list be updated?
master_trainer_mike says, "Early next week. I have been busy writing materials for RISK 2210 these last 2 weeks. I pan on caqtching up on Poke-work next week."
master_trainer_mike says, "Pat had to go as cust serv is busy."
master_trainer_mike says, "Any other questions my friends?"
master_trainer_pat says, "On that note I'm going to log-off...we're getting kinda busy on the phones"
master_trainer_pat says, "and there is only 3 of us here today."
master_trainer_pat says, "Later gang!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1258 from m_p_douglas:I tried Dodrio LC+ Blissey AQ + LC Venasaur for a free retreat heavy healing deck, it was interesting..
master_trainer_mike says, "Cool!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1259 from rire_grist:Can you de-evolve a pokemon and evolve it the same turn?
master_trainer_mike says, "Normally yes you can."
master_trainer_mike says, "While de-evolving counts as evolving, this just means it removes Special Conditions and status effects. It is NOT evolving."
master_trainer_mike says, "So you can still evolve on that turn."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1261 from rire_grist:If the other player has a slowking out and I play a Prof. Oak Research,do I have to shuffle my hand into the deck before the coin flip?
master_trainer_mike says, "No, it is not a cost of playing the card, it is an effect."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1262 from m_p_douglas:hyper devolution spray says on the card ".....(you can't evolve a Pokemon the turn you devolve it.)"
master_trainer_mike says, "There are always exceptions ot every rule."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1263 from trekiev:will there ever be a jumbo version of best promo 3, professor elm?
master_trainer_mike says, "no plans to do so"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1264 from m_p_douglas:I don't think Devolution spray addressed that issue on the card at all.
master_trainer_mike says, "Right."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1265 from chrisbo:Re Q1259 Are you sure? I thought that you were not allowed to evolve a Pokemon that had been Devolved that same turn (see Devolution Spray / Hyper Devolution Spray). Q:Are we not men? A. We are Devo.
master_trainer_mike says, "Right, as the text on Hyper Devolution says, you can't evolve the same turn you devolve."
master_trainer_mike says, "My bad... I was on the phone while trying to do the chat..........."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1266 from farbsman:Are we still able to send stuff to the Professor emailing list? I haven't seen any questions come through it lately other then your updates
master_trainer_mike says, "Not much email is coming in and to be honest I haven't been able to keep up with it the last 2 weeks. I will get back onto Pokemon stuff (last of the Delegate cards, Master Professor update, membership card order, last few SBZ sites, and so on) next week."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1267 from rire_grist:so,can you evolve a pokemon the turn you de-evolve it?
master_trainer_mike says, "No."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1268 from trekiev:so, with the stadium card ' underground ruins' , pokemon devovled with it could evolve same turn, but not with any of the devolve sprays?
master_trainer_mike says, "Correction. If YOU devolve a Pokemon on your turn you cannot EVOLVE that same Pokemon."
master_trainer_mike says, "You can certainly evolve a different one though."
master_trainer_mike says, "As devolving does not count as your one evolution per turn."
master_trainer_mike says, "So you could devolve all of your Pokemon if you have the trainers for example."
master_trainer_mike says, "But you could not evolve one you devolved that same turn."
master_trainer_mike says, "This would also mena you could not DEVOLVE a Pokemon you just EVOLVED on a turn."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1269 from m_p_douglas:I almost put Old Rod in some of my decks, then I needed room for something or other. It is not a bad card though. 25% chance to get any trainer out of the discard pile. 25% chance to get any Pokemon out. If you didn't have lots of Gold berries and stage 2 holos, one might use it in a deck.
master_trainer_mike says, "Cool."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1270 from the_mystery_thing:woah woah woah... we're only allowed one evolution per turn total?
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok, I obviously have not been playing Pokemon enough lately."
master_trainer_mike says, "Forget EVRYTHING I have type anbout evolving....."
master_trainer_mike says, "Just follow what is written on Hyper Devolution Spray."
master_trainer_mike says, "You cannot evolve a Pokeon you just devolved."
master_trainer_mike says, "And vice versa."
master_trainer_mike says, "been playing too much Risk lately.............."
master_trainer_mike says, "As Pokemonm reminded me: you can evolve as many times as you like; you just can't evolve from pichu to pikachu to raichu all in the same tur"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1272 from m_p_douglas:I was going to use underground ruins with neo3 Blissey, but then I saw Blissey goes into the discard pile instead of my hand :( Sigh think of all the broken possibilities...

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1271 from trekiev:what if you devolved, and also played the giovanni trainer?
master_trainer_mike says, "Then you could evolve it."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1273 from m_p_douglas:I told you we had you outnumbered...we got you cornered as soon as Patman left :]
master_trainer_mike says, "Should just have you all chat amongst yourselves. You all know the answers anyway."
master_trainer_mike smiles.

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1274 from purity1:no, if you let us chat amongst ourselves we will miss you!
master_trainer_mike says, "Thanks"
master_trainer_mike smirks.

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1275 from farbsman:Kinda off subject, but how long does MLB showdown league run?
master_trainer_mike says, "It runs all year and each Season is 3 weeks long."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1276 from farbsman:Who told Lisa Bradshaw she could take a vacation?
master_trainer_mike says, "You have no idea how much work that poor woman does..............."
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok, I need to start digging out all of the stuff piled up on my desk."
master_trainer_mike says, "Thank you all for coming!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Lots of Pokemon updating next week!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Have a great weekend!!!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "bye"