Pokemon Chat Report - Thursday, May 01, 2003
by Team Compendium

master_trainer_mike says, "Howdee gang!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy! Howdy! Howdy!"
master_trainer_mike says, "So..ummmmmm."
master_trainer_mike says, "HOWDEE!"
master_trainer_mike says, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"
master_trainer_mike says, "a beautiful day....."
master_trainer_mike says, "errrrr.........."
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "MTM here and feeling a bit silly."
master_trainer_mike says, "Must be the nice weather"
master_trainer_mike says, "it is so rare here"
master_trainer_pat says, "Howdy!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy Pat!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy everybody!"
master_trainer_pat says, "It is nice weather!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy howdy howdy!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy doo!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdee doo de doo!"
master_trainer_pat says, "I would like to be saying that I just ran in from outside but..."
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy outside!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdee doo!"
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm sitting here answering _snail mail_"
master_trainer_pat shakes her/his head.
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy snail mail!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy howdy howdy!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy dooooo!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Shush!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok......that's enough of that."
master_trainer_mike says, ".................."
master_trainer_mike says, "HOWDY!!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Fer cryin' out load!"
master_trainer_mike smiles.
master_trainer_pat grins evilly.
master_trainer_mike says, "Anyway, a few starting announcemnet.s"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "....sorry"
master_trainer_pat says, "What's up...do we have any good questions?"
master_trainer_mike says, "First, as some of you may have heard as Wizards will not be releasing the LC2 and Jamboree sets, the Modified format will not be changing."
master_trainer_mike says, "So, please use the existisng Modified format for the the upcoming events."
master_trainer_mike says, "HOWDEE!!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Second....(howdy)............ the Professor email listserv is finally working again!"
master_trainer_mike says, "So all Professors that want to request energy for local events, can write in again."
master_trainer_mike says, "Third, I just confirmed that I will be coming down to the San Diego Comic Con in June and will be running Risk 2210 and Pokemon events there."
master_trainer_mike says, "I will certainly need some help so local Professors that want to assist should write in to the email list and let me know"
master_trainer_mike says, "I will throw a local fan appreciation event with lots of goodies there for those of you that can't make it to Origins or Gen Con"
master_trainer_mike says, "Last..."
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy howdy howdy!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "Lots o' goodies!"
master_trainer_mike says, "And I was just corrected that the San Diego Comic Con is in July not June."
master_trainer_pat says, "Kewl!"
master_trainer_mike says, "I will work on getting details up soon."
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Also, you may have noticed (HOWDY!!!) that the promo card list was updated (howdy!) as well as the Aquapolis list (howdy!!!) was added to the Complete Card Refernce online."
master_trainer_pat says, "How -do pardner!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Finally, there are several hard working Professors out there working on updating the Master Rules document for you all!"
master_trainer_mike says, "They rock!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Yay!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy howdy howdy!!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "phew"
master_trainer_mike says, ".............."
master_trainer_mike says, "howdy"
master_trainer_pat says, "Lil' rockin'profs!"
master_trainer_pat says, "wouldn't be prudent..."
master_trainer_mike says, "So, on to the howdy doo dee day questions!"
master_trainer_mike says, "at this juncture"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1378 from indigomaster33:Is the a definite or approximate date for skyridge you can give us?
master_trainer_pat says, "junct ture."
master_trainer_mike says, "Should be out next week."
master_trainer_pat says, "Next week."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1379 from indigomaster33:Do we have assurances that events at Origins/Gencon aren't going to be pulled like LC2/Jamboree was
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes you have complete assurances."
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes, you do."
master_trainer_pat says, "We're going to do them."
master_trainer_mike says, "Events are up to us. While TPC chose to not allow us to release those sets, we promised you the final championships and fan appreciation events, and by gum, we will hodwy doodely be doing them!"
master_trainer_pat says, "pilgrim."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1380 from wizo_pokemom:What is appropriate judge attire for those of us judging our SBZ? Delegate shirts or *coughDCIzebrastripescough* for those of us who have them? ;-)
master_trainer_mike says, "I would wear mine Professor shirt if I had one."
master_trainer_mike says, "Wait I have a of them!"
master_trainer_mike says, "yay!!!!!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1381 from gym_leader_blaine:since the other two sets are now not going to be released now, does that mean you are going to cut show BZ also or are you still planning for it to contiune till the end of August?
master_trainer_mike says, "We are working out our closing schedule so that we do not overlap or interfere with Nintendo's plans."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1382 from michel1be:Do you have news about Neo Pets ?
master_trainer_mike says, "Coming out in September."
master_trainer_mike says, "Details to come on the web site."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1383 from lizardotc:If we buy plane tickets for Origins or GenCon now, are we assured that the scheduled Pok�mon events will take place?
master_trainer_pat says, "You are good to go..."
master_trainer_mike says, "Yup! I am putting together QUITE the prize packages."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1384 from farbsman:ok wasn't sure how to rule on this last week in league, I had one player that used an elm and then played a few pokemon and then his energy. this took about 2 minutes for him to get set up, retreat, ect. well then he used the trainer which lets you vi

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1391 from farbsman:continue #1384 view your opponents hand and shuffle a trainer into there deck, after shuffling they both realized he couldn't have used that trainer because of elm, what should have been done?
master_trainer_mike says, "Depends on the rules level of the event."
master_trainer_pat says, "Most likely he had already looked at his opponent's hand at that point..."
master_trainer_pat says, "right?"
master_trainer_pat says, "hmmm."
master_trainer_mike says, "If it could be fixed (assuming Rel 1), I would have fixed it and given him a Warning due to the fact that that player gained additional knowledge of the other players hand."
master_trainer_mike says, "But you should choose what works best in your environment."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1385 from mysterioustrainer:any sneak info about prizes at events at Origins and/or Gencon?
master_trainer_mike says, "I hope to get the initial list up soon. LOTS of stuff!!!!!"
master_trainer_pat says, "I can only say I've seen Mike's cube and it is buried in cardboard boxes that are all prizes for those events."
master_trainer_mike says, "let alone all the pallets of goodies at the warehouse that will be sent out"
master_trainer_pat says, "I wouldn't want to be checking in with him at the airport...the amount of foil in his suitcases is going to break their new scanning equipment"
master_trainer_mike says, "HOWDY Mr. Scanning officer!!!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1386 from pokemonfighter:so what is the format going to change or is it going to stay the same because of wizards just relasing skyridge
master_trainer_mike says, "Stay the same, as listed in the above howdy doo dee anoouncements."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1387 from marril2000:Can you attach a Pok�mon card to the Ditto that has Transformed into Brock's Ninetales? If so, what happens when Ditto is no longer Transformed into Brock's Ninetales?
master_trainer_pat says, "I believe that the ruling on this was that all attached cards would be discarded if the Ditto changed back."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1388 from tehairyclefairy:Can Rainbow Energy be moved from an Active Pok�mon to a benched Pok�mon using Aquapolis Kingdra's Water Cyclone power?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1389 from pokemonfighter:im so happy to that thanks for the info
master_trainer_pat says, "That will work"
master_trainer_mike says, "Yay!! Howdy howdy howdy!!!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1390 from mysterioustrainer:Do you know if Skyridge has started being shipped and how many Maple Bars will DMTM need at Origins?
master_trainer_mike says, "Hmmm, he can eat quite a lot......."
master_trainer_mike smirks.
master_trainer_pat says, "2 or 3 will hold him off for several minutes."
master_trainer_pat says, "We're not sure if Skyridge has started shipping yet, but it should be close if it hasn't started yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1392 from teamrocket4life:Do you happen to know when information on GenCon and Origins events will be posted on the website?
master_trainer_mike says, "I am finishing it off today and hope to get it up tomorrow."
master_trainer_mike says, "Tommorow!"
master_trainer_mike says, "I'll post it!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Tomorrow!"
master_trainer_mike says, "It's only"
master_trainer_mike says, "a hodwy doo dee doodedly day"
master_trainer_mike says, "Away!!!!"
master_trainer_mike grins evilly.

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1393 from m_p_douglas:Thanks for sending us some rain--twice this week--we needed it. Florida cannot last nearly as long as other places without it..Next time though, put a little bit less spin on it when you toss it across the county..it picked up a lot of lighting in it....
master_trainer_mike says, "It was a sort of beyblade kind of launch"
master_trainer_pat says, "Our pleasure...it's been really nice here."
master_trainer_mike says, "I will be going through and getting together all requests for Energy tomorrow as well now that the Professor list is finally working"
master_trainer_mike says, "You all might want to resubmit if you'd like."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1395 from lizardotc:WIll Pok�mon event sanctioning end sooner now that LCII and Jamboree are cancelled?
master_trainer_mike says, "Again, finla plans are still being worked out. Not sure of the end date yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1396 from m_p_douglas:June when, where, and how???
master_trainer_mike says, "Actually the weekend before Gen Con in July. San Diego Comic Con is a huge comic, sci fi, game event."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1397 from mysterioustrainer:Today's Chat has been brought to you by the word howdy right?
master_trainer_pat says, "Howdy had something to do with it, yes."
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1398 from drpoke:can you give us the 800 number where to order the BZ kits.
master_trainer_mike says, "The direct sales number (which should only be called by a store owner or manager) is 1-800-564-1636"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1399 from lizardotc:Will the Pok�gym be included in the boards upgrade, and if not, what are the plans for WizPoG?
master_trainer_mike says, "Discussion is still going on"
master_trainer_mike says, "Some folks don;t want it to go down during the upgrade"
master_trainer_mike says, "so we'll see"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1400 from just_dutch:What about Skyridge in Europe, same date or later
master_trainer_pat says, "I'm not really sure..."
master_trainer_mike says, "Still on schedule last I heard"
master_trainer_pat says, "ok"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1401 from pokemonfighter:so since the format isnt going to change we use the current format that is in right
master_trainer_mike says, "Correct!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1402 from gym_leader_blaine:is there a list of all the fan appreciation events?
master_trainer_mike says, "We have one at Gen Con"
master_trainer_mike says, "there is athe Profesor Championship at Origins"
master_trainer_mike says, "now there will be one at San Diego Comic Con"
master_trainer_mike says, "I know Belgium is planning one, as is Italy"
master_trainer_mike says, "and I have heard about others in Europe and the rest of the world as well"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1403 from lepi1962:Wendy's will have a Pokemon promotion starting May 19. The promotion includes 15 new Pokemon cards. Did WOTC create these cards?
master_trainer_mike says, "nope"
master_trainer_mike says, "never even heard about it"
master_trainer_pat says, "hmm\"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1404 from drpoke:what extra stuff are you planning on sending for the last BZ kits?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well certainly some of that foil energy for starters"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1405 from farbsman:will there be another sbz like you had said something about for LC2 or since that set has been canceled will this next sbz be the last, I was hoping to get one in my area
master_trainer_mike says, "At this point, the next SBZ is the last one. But the last season of BattleZone will have all sorts of extra goodies for ALL BattleZone locations."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1406 from m_p_douglas:could a nonjudging professor wear a blue delegate shirt to an event thereby confusing some people whether they were really staff or not????
master_trainer_mike says, "I dunno, not a great idea as it can confuse the players.........."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1407 from pokemonfighter:what kind of events are going to be at gen con can you tell us please
master_trainer_mike says, "A team Modified, several constructed, the Team Championship on Friday, and the Fan Appreciation event on Saturday."
master_trainer_mike says, "Also the final Pokemon League."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1408 from lepi1962:Can you tell us what cards were included in Jamboree?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1409 from teamrocket4life:RE: #1381 Has Nintendo shared any of their plans with you yet, or are you just waiting for them to tell you?
master_trainer_mike says, "We have have not heard anything fomr them yet."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1410 from wizo_pokemom:what is the REL of the SBZs?
master_trainer_mike says, "Should be Rel 2."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1411 from chrisbo:Yay, San Diego!! So will there be a full roster of Pokemon tournaments like at Origins/GenCon, or will it be a smaller scale?
master_trainer_mike says, "There will be several. Perhaps not quite as many, but depends on how much help I get."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1412 from hypnosprojecthq:If your opponent has Mew (Blackstar Promo #47) and I were to have Forretress (Neo Discovery) active, would I still be able to switch, even though Mew would go back to the bench?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope, that would still be affecting Mew."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1413 from marril2000:I was wondering this on Monday, what would be the suggested procedure at a DCI sanctioned event, if during a middle of the round, a table accidently flipped over?
master_trainer_mike says, "What?????"
master_trainer_mike says, "How would it accidently flip over???"
master_trainer_mike says, "It all depends on too many variables."
master_trainer_mike says, "As a judge, you should decide if it was deliberate, if games can be recreated or should start over, etc."
master_trainer_pat says, "Whoa"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1414 from gym_leader_blaine:will the SBZ prize kits have extra stuff in them also now? Maybe some foil energies? mmmm maybe? please
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope, foil energies being saved for the Cons and the final BattleZone season"
master_trainer_mike says, "also wil be sending some overseas for the fan events there too"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1415 from farbsman:re:q1391 the event was a normal league (luckily) but since he had viewed the other players hand and the other player shuffled his deck, how would this be fixed at say a SBZ or a bigger tournament, I really don't see a way to fix it without screwing t
master_trainer_mike says, "You should make your own decision based upon what you feel is the appropriate penalty."
master_trainer_mike says, "We can't tell you every solution."
master_trainer_mike says, "Read through the penalty guidelines, make your own rational choice, and stick with it."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1416 from lepi1962:What are the 3 entry gift promos for the May SBZ?
master_trainer_mike says, "pppppiiiieeeeeee"
master_trainer_mike says, "that was fomr howdy doo dee Kierin"
master_trainer_mike says, "wait and see"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1417 from marril2000:Re: 1413: Say a playing table is flipped over during round 1, and cards get mixed from decks (same sleeves...). During round 2 or 3, a random deck check is run, and one being checked was a victom of the table incedent. What penaltiy should be given if
master_trainer_mike says, "Dude! Use the same rules as if an asteroid hit your building."
master_trainer_mike says, "Just use your best sense."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1418 from just_dutch:? Alakazam Exp Psymimic - how do i translated energy costs. is it the amount energy's needed for the attack of your opponents attack but do they also need to be the same type. (which is hard if you have most likely only psy nrg on alakazam)
master_trainer_mike says, "Have to be the same type as wlel. Use Rainbow energies to make it easier oir play with mutliple colors, like the Echo theme deck did."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1419 from farbsman:the game up more, should a prize be rewarded and added and play as if it hadn't happened?
master_trainer_pat says, "Use your best judgement"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1421 from m_p_douglas:Howdy -- Is Skyrigde SBZ maybe the last SBZ by WotC?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes it is."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1422 from lepi1962:Skyridge release date is?
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy next week!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1423 from gym_leader_blaine:since WOTC is not putting out Jamboree, does Nintendo or TPC have the right to release this set at a later date or is it gone forever?
master_trainer_mike says, "I dunno."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1425 from davechri:"I have a question about Expedition Machamp. It says you do 10 more damage for each of your Pokemon with damage on them. In team, do you count just your Pokemon with damage or do you include those of your partner as well."
master_trainer_mike says, "Since it says "you have in play" you would choose whether that meant you OR your team mate."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1427 from m_p_douglas:LC2 was reprints and I am not sure what Jamboree was going to be. I would hate to think of TPC calling up WotC next year and asking people busy with Magic the Gathreing exactly what they meant when they designed a card?!?!?
master_trainer_mike says, "That would be entertaining."
master_trainer_pat says, "Not worried about it."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1428 from farbsman:other then possibly the big events, is there any other ways to earnm the professor blue shirts, I would like to get another somehow
master_trainer_mike says, "They will be given out to staff that help me at the Cons and as prizes for the Professor championship"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1429 from michel1be:Other Prof events in Europe ? Do you have more information ?
master_trainer_mike says, "I do not, Contact the belgium office, I know they are planning a fan event."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1431 from teamrocket4life:As far as requesting Basic Energy cards for limited events goes, does the event have to be DCI sanctioned in order to recieve the cards?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1432 from farbsman:will we still recieve prof elm fiols cards for running battlezones, or was that idea scrapped?
master_trainer_mike says, "I will work on that soon."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1433 from marril2000:for professors who lack blue delegate shirts, what would the recommended attire be for DCI sanctioned events/SBZ?
master_trainer_mike says, "Well, don;t run aroun in clown shoes for starters.........."
master_trainer_mike says, "Just dress up nice is all."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1435 from just_dutch:? My son earned a Hitmonchan Winner last week when we were over in the States, do you know if Europe will end up with all the same promo's as the USA.(even if it takes longer)
master_trainer_pat says, "Not sure..."
master_trainer_mike says, "They were sent the cards, I believe they will still release them."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1436 from m_p_douglas:Looking forward to SKYRidge :) As the "last set" we should see greater interest in it now that the "lost sets" have been cancelled..
master_trainer_mike says, "Yay!!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1437 from pokemonfighter:is there going to be a toury for older ppl to play in at gen con
master_trainer_mike says, "There will be tournaments for players of all ages."
master_trainer_mike says, "Older players can play in the Team Championship event and in the fan appreciation event."
master_trainer_mike says, "While there are a few 14 and under constructed events schedule, all the rest are open to all ages."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1438 from lugiasforce:Is there going to be a SBZ in Kansas? C & R Comics (Wichita) didn't hold theirs last time :(
master_trainer_mike says, "Not unless the store I keep trying to contact there answers!!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "And it will not be C&R comics."

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1440 from yoshi1001:If I have a promo mew on my bench and my opponent uses rapid spin, can I intentionally choose mew so I don't have to switch Pokemon?
master_trainer_pat says, "Yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1441 from wizo_pokemom:Mike, you said SBZ is REL-2...but still single game matches, right? game loss penalty = prize swap, right?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1442 from m_p_douglas:Never had a table flip over, almost always somebody spills a coke though...sigh I bring lots of paper towels..
master_trainer_mike says, "All drinks should be on the floor. Never allow them on the game tables."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1443 from m_p_douglas:What?!?!? Is MTM telling us to Think? That maybe, we have learned infinate truth and wisdom from him, and we must go out into the world and use it?!?!?
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy howdy howdy!!!!!"
master_trainer_mike says, "pie!!!"

master_trainer_pat presents the speaker with question #1444 from marril2000:Re: 1413; Re: 1417: Say an asteroid was to hit the building in which a DCI Sanc.... Mike, did you take part in the creation of theme deck ideas for LC2/Jamboree before they where scrapped?
master_trainer_mike says, "Yes I did."
master_trainer_pat says, "1) you're in trouble"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1445 from gym_leader_blaine:ref #1423 I guess what I am asking is if they wanted to release Jamboree, could they?
master_trainer_mike says, "Dunno, I am not privy to that sort of thing."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1446 from chrisbo:So if we're still on schedule for Skyridge to be released next week, how come we haven't seen any sneak peeks or "Card of the Day" or such? Is DMTM slacking again [j/k]?
master_trainer_mike says, "He has been pretty busy."
master_trainer_mike says, "I may email a few of them to the Prof list tomorrow though......"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1449 from just_dutch:? Is there a minimum age for playing big events like Stadium challenges.
master_trainer_mike says, "No. A player should just be mature enough to be able to participate."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1451 from wizo_pokemom:is there a recommended staffing level for the sbz? head judge, obviously...but how many others, per number of players?
master_trainer_pat says, "Bye gang...sorry, the phones are going nuts."
master_trainer_mike says, "I would recommend roughly a judge for every 16 players could work."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1452 from michel1be:Mike, will you be in Antwerp ? Would be nice to see you here !
master_trainer_mike says, "I wish I was."
master_trainer_mike says, "Unfortunately no."
master_trainer_mike says, "Is that all the questions?"
master_trainer_mike says, "Is it time for howdy pie?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1453 from marril2000:Mike, i have you picked up a copy of Ruby/Sapphire?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope. I never finished my copies of Red of Silver. Actually the only time I play my GBA is on flights and the movies have been getting better."
master_trainer_mike says, "I saw Lilo & Sticth 6 times last year!!!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1454 from michel1be:Neo Pets released in September ... is it a Worldwide release or is it just in the USA ?
master_trainer_mike says, "Don't know the interantional release dates yet, but I believe they should be close to the same."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1455 from just_dutch:If i buy you a ticket for Antwerp will you bring the extra goodies to Europe?
master_trainer_mike says, "You guys fly me there and house me and I will come with the goodies."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1456 from wizo_pokemom:would the event at SDCC be on Sat, or Sunday (which is traditionally 'kids day'?
master_trainer_mike says, "Probably on Saturday as it will be a longer event. Though I will have goodies for kids on Sunday as well."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1457 from m_p_douglas:I liked DMTM's new article. It inspired me to build two new versions of gatr Roaring Ripetide:] Been working up lots of decks. I have yet to find the magic perfect one yet. Players skill and fine tuning seem to be more important lately :) Lots of deck variety at our SBZ :)
master_trainer_mike says, "cool"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1458 from teamrocket4life:What are the ingredients for a Howdy Pie?
master_trainer_mike says, "Apple howdees"
master_trainer_mike says, "and howdy sugar"
master_trainer_mike says, "and lots of howdy happiness"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1459 from lepi1962:The theme deck in Skyridge that contains all basic energies will be the only source to collect Skyridge energies?
master_trainer_mike says, "Mais oui!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1460 from calathon:I'm sorry to say that my son has been bitten by the neopets bug. Help!
master_trainer_mike says, "Hey my Gelert can beat your Kau!!!!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1461 from gym_leader_blaine:how do you feel about Chewie coming back in Star Wars EPIII?
master_trainer_mike says, "I think Lucas is desperate to make us think these new films are even close to being as good as the classics."
master_trainer_mike says, "But thats just me."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1462 from lepi1962:Re #1459 Are energies numbered and have a Skyridge expansion symbol?
master_trainer_mike says, "I dunno. Haven't seen them yet."
master_trainer_mike says, "Is that it? Is that every last pair of shoes in the place?"
master_trainer_mike says, "Unless you want to try"
master_trainer_mike says, "THE CRUEL SHOES!!!!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1463 from gym_leader_blaine:Ref #1461. I agree with you on that. I think Lucas is trying to pull as much of the old fans in after the first two did not live up to the hype of what we expected
master_trainer_mike says, "Smeel the desperation."
master_trainer_mike says, "Eat the pie."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1464 from just_dutch:Are there also reverse foil energy's coming in Skyridge
master_trainer_mike says, "I don't think so."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1465 from tehairyclefairy:will the symbol for Skyridge be a can of Mountain Dew?
master_trainer_mike says, "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
master_trainer_mike says, ".........no"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1466 from teamrocket4life:If you know the expansion symbol for Skyridge, could you describe it?
master_trainer_mike says, "I would if I could, but I don;t so I can't."
master_trainer_mike says, "howdy"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1467 from lepi1962:Well the Skyridge list on WOTC does not have energies...
master_trainer_mike says, "the energies might be fortm Expedition"
master_trainer_mike says, "mmmmmmmmayve"
master_trainer_mike says, "anything else?"
master_trainer_mike says, "anyone?"
master_trainer_mike says, "Bueeler? Bueller?"
master_trainer_mike says, "no?"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1468 from teamrocket4life:Don't work too hard. ;)
master_trainer_mike says, "Oh don;t worry about me :)"
master_trainer_mike says, "I'll work as hard as you do."
master_trainer_mike grins evilly.

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1469 from wizo_pokemom:what is in the sbz kits , same as last time?
master_trainer_mike says, "Similar. There will not be badges or table numbers, but instead there will be 3 trophies, 1 for each age group."
master_trainer_mike says, "Also promos and product for prizes."

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1471 from gym_leader_blaine:Can you tell up what the three cards are in the promo packs?
master_trainer_mike says, "Nope, want it to be a surpirse"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1472 from teamrocket4life:Can we wear our badges from the last SBZ just for kicks?
master_trainer_mike says, "sure"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1473 from just_dutch:Is the pokemon game growing again in the USA, because here is a run on Aquapolis cards
master_trainer_mike says, "I can't really give sales figures, but it is doing swell"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1474 from m_p_douglas:Enjoyed Pokemon 4 Ever and Return to Neverland on DVD last week--both were done very well
master_trainer_mike says, "Cool!"

master_trainer_mike presents the speaker with question #1475 from just_dutch:Last time i was in the USA playing league there were little players, last week there were plenty so that's why i wondered.
master_trainer_mike says, "Ah, each location is different. But lots of great Professors and other folks have been working to keep it thriving."
master_trainer_mike says, "Ok gang, time for me to howdy doodely doo go!"
master_trainer_mike says, "See you all next week!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Watch the web for updates coming as soon as I can finish them!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Buh bye!"
master_trainer_mike says, "Howdy!!!!"