Last edited: Friday, August 24th, 2001 (Added August 23th Rulings) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 This edition of the Rulings Compendium includes: | | | | * August 23th 2001 WotC Online Rules Chat -- (*) -- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON POWERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON ATTACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == GAZE (Igglybuff - Neo: Discovery Expansion) Q. Can you clarify Igglybuffs Gaze power? A. you don't have to use it, even though it doesn't say 'you may' on it. (Aug 23, 2001 WotC Chat, Q138) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UNOWN CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAINER CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == SAFFRON CITY GYM (Gym: Heroes Expansion) Q. I'm playing a Sabrina's Gastly (40 HP) and a Saffron Gym. My Gastly has 5 P energy attached. It also has 8 damage counters. Since Saffron Gym says that you may remove Psychic enery from Sabrina's Pokémon, can you remove all 5 at the same time or do you only get one and Sabrina's Gastly is knocked out. A. The answer to your question is you would not be able to return all 5 at once. You have to do them one at a time. So as soon has you remove the first one, your pokemon is knocked out. (Aug 23, 2001 WotC Chat, Q6) == FOCUS BAND (Neo: Genesis Expansion) Q. If an Attack's effect caused a Pokemon to be KO'ed would that trigger Focus Band? Example: A Ditto with 6 Damage Counters is put to sleep by Wigglytuff. A. No, that is not a direct effect of the attack. (Aug 23, 2001 WotC Chat, Q173) == SPROUT TOWER (Neo: Genesis) Q. Can a Clefable metronoming Murkrow's Feint Attack do any damage if Sprout Tower is in play? A. The damage would still be reduced, the effect is not on the defending pokemon. (Aug 23, 2001 WotC Chat, Q41) (remove this next one:) Q. A Clefable metronomes a Murkrow's Feint attack with Sprout Tower in play. Would Fable do 20 damage (not considering Dark energy) or 0 damage since Feint Attack says ignore all effects of the Defending Pokemon considering Sprout Tower be an universal effect for all pokemon in play? A. I believe it would do zero...but we'll check. (Aug 9, 2001 WotC Chat, Q337) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == DARKNESS & METAL ENERGY (Neo: Genesis Expansion) Q. when would you place a Damage Counter for Darkness Energy; at the end of the turn (per the card) or between turns (per the rule book)? A. It goes on at the end of the turn then. (Aug 9, 2001 WotC Chat, Q171, 175) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8