Last edited: Thursday, December 6th, 2001 (Added December 6th Chat Rulings) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 This edition of the Rulings Compendium includes: | | | * December 6th 2001 WotC Online Rules Chat -- (*) -- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON POWERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == CRYSTAL BODY (Suicune - Neo: Revelation Expansion) Q. Would Weakness/Resistance apply when Suicune is defending? A. Yes, damage being raised or lowered due to resistance or weakness is not effect of an attack. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q401) Q. Is the "don't apply weakness and resistance" in Pichu's attack an effect? ie: for calculation purposes vs. Suicune. A. Pichu wouldn't do any damage to Suicune. It is all an effect of Pichu's attack to do 20 damage to all pokemon with a power. Damage is the number in the right side, everything else is effect, (unless the damage has a + or X sign on it then the text may have something to do with it). Since there really isn't a damage amount printed to the right of the attack, Pichu's attack and thus damage is an effect. It is not damage, it is an effect, (yes an effect that would do damage, but still an effect that is prevented). Crystal Body ignores everything in the attack's text other than the number part, and since Pichu's Zzzap doesn't have a number, that's why it gets blocked. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q329 & Q337 & Q339 & Q349 & Q405) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. Okay. Now you're saying Suicune doesn't block any damage, but before you said it blocks bench damage. Which is it? A. Suicune does not prevent damage in any way, whether damage done to it or to the bench, my apologies for not being clear about it. (Nov 15, 2001 WotC Chat, Q199) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN REINSTATED; See Above ***** Q. Does 'Crystal Body' prevent bench attack damage? A. Yes. (Oct 18, 2001 WotC Chat, Q76) Q. Eh, then what about Feint Attack against Suicune [with Crystal Body power]? No damage at all? A. That is correct. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q352) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN PARTIALLY OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. Would Suicune etc. not prevent bench damage from Feint Attack? A. Suicune doesn't stop damage anyway, so it would not stop the Feint damage done. It only stops all other effects of an attack. It also does NOT prevent any self inflicted effects, only those done by your opponent. Otherwise, it stops ALL non-damage attacks done by the defending Pokemon, period. (Nov 15, 2001 WotC Chat, Q173 & Q190) Q. With a Suicune defending, would an attack like Double Claw or Stone Barrage do any damage? So what do you do? 10 with Geodude, and 20 for Scizor, or do you flip to see how much? A. Attacks that have 20+ or 20x or things like that do damage, the text tells you how to come to that damage, (normally flipping coins,) but since that number is there, you will do damage. You would flip to see how much damage. Here is how this works: Suicune prevents all text EXCEPT things that say, flip a coin this attack does X damage + X damage, or just X damage, or this attack does 20 times the number of heads. That is checking for damage, (just like it doesn't prevent the damage Gator does with riptide, just the effect of reshuffling). (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q356 & Q374 & Q379) Q. Would Raticate's HyperFang (Lt. Surge or Base) effect Suicune?? A. Does it have a number? Well, not quite, it has a ? which still counts, so yes, it would do damage. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q400) Q. What about attacks like the new Lugia that give the player a choice of that number on the right or a coin flip? Is the new "discard [whatever] or does nothing" an effect or attack requiremnt in terms of Suicune? A. You can't make the usual choice that you would for Lugia. It just does the listed damage to the right of the attack. If you are refering to Raichu's ability to discard all of his energy to do more damage, that would be an effect; so it can and will only do the damage that is written, not what you can choose to do. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q357 & Q409) Q. So against Suicune, Misty's Psyduck's ESP can't do anything, right? Actally, what if Misty's Psyduck got 3 heads on ESP and tried to copy Suicune's attack? A. Nothing, Misty's psyduck would do nothing. All of it is effect, (there is no number on the right side, then no damage). (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q379 & Q386) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON ATTACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == FEINT ATTACK (Murkrow - Neo: Genesis Expansion) Q. Eh, then what about Feint Attack against Suicune [with Crystal Body power]? No damage at all? A. That is correct. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q352) Q. Does Murkrow's Feint attack get through Agility? A. Nope. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q364) == TRIGGERED POISON (Crobat - Neo: Revelation Expansion) Q. Does a Buzzaped Electrode trigger Triggered Poison? What about things like Fire Recharge and Electric Current? A. No for all of those...Triggered Poison will only trigger on your free energy attachment for that turn. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q481) == ZZZAP (Pichu - Neo: Genesis Expansion) Q. Is the "don't apply weakness and resistance" in Pichu's attack an effect? ie: for calculation purposes vs. Suicune. A. Pichu wouldn't do any damage to Suicune. It is all an effect of Pichu's attack to do 20 damage to all pokemon with a power. Damage is the number in the right side, everything else is effect, (unless the damage has a + or X sign on it then the text may have something to do with it). Since there really isn't a damage amount printed to the right of the attack, Pichu's attack and thus damage is an effect. It is not damage, it is an effect, (yes an effect that would do damage, but still an effect that is prevented). Crystal Body ignores everything in the attack's text other than the number part, and since Pichu's Zzzap doesn't have a number, that's why it gets blocked. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, Q329 & Q337 & Q339 & Q349) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UNOWN CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAINER CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == FOCUS BAND (Neo: Genesis Expansion) Q. Last week you made some changes on what triggers Focus Band. Poison and Char still don't trigger it, right? A. Correct. (Dec 6, 2001 WotC Chat, 342) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8