Last edited: Thursday, January 23rd, 2003 (Added January 23rd Chat Rulings) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 This edition of the Rulings Compendium includes: | | | * January 23rd 2003 WotC Online Rules Chat -- (*) -- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == LANTURN (Aquapolis Expansion) Q. Is Lanturn in Aquapolis supposed to have a poke body or is it just a misprint? A. No. It is a misprint. The water version should not have that pokebody symbol. The Lightning one is OK. (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q660) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON POWERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == MIRACULOUS WIND (Light Dragonite - Neo: Destiny Expansion) Q. If I attach a Boost Energy to my active Light Dragonite, does it stay attached as long as the Light Dragonite is active and its Power is on? A. Yes. (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q644 & Q647) Q. Light Dragonite is active and Warp Energy is attached. Would this work the same way as Potion Energy and Full Heal Energy with Light Dragonite. The effect takes place as the card is attached and then the Pokemon Power "erases" the text on the card. A. Correct...also the same as Rainbow Energy. (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q648) Q. I attach Boost Energy to Light Dragonite which uses its power to keep Boost attached at the end of my turn. Later, Light Dragonite's power is somehow turned off (i.e., Muk's power, Magby's attack, special condition, Light Dragonite is benched). Does the Boost Energy stay attached to Light Dragonite? A. Preliminary concensus is yes it stays. It says to discard at the end of the turn it was attached; so quite literally it would stay on since it does not meet that criteria [Ed.Note: this is only if the power is disabled *after* the turn on which it was attached]. WOW! That looks like that is the case...the Boost would stay attached. We'll have to run that by the R&D crew. The key is with the wording on Boost Energy; we'll have to check to see if that is a typo and that's how they want it to work. (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q655 & Q678 & Q696) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON ATTACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UNOWN CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAINER CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == BOOST ENERGY (Aquapolis Expansion) Q. Can I attach Boost Energy to Ditto while it is copying an evolved Pokemon? A. You can't. It is not "Evolved". (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q663) Q. If I attach a Boost Energy to my active Light Dragonite, does it stay attached as long as the Light Dragonite is active and its Power is on? A. Yes. (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q644 & Q647) Q. I attach Boost Energy to Light Dragonite which uses its power to keep Boost attached at the end of my turn. Later, Light Dragonite's power is somehow turned off (i.e., Muk's power, Magby's attack, special condition, Light Dragonite is benched). Does the Boost Energy stay attached to Light Dragonite? A. Preliminary concensus is yes it stays. It says to discard at the end of the turn it was attached. So quite literally it would stay on since it does not meet that criteria [Ed.Note: this is only if the power is disabled *after* the turn on which it was attached]. WOW! That looks like that is the case...the Boost would stay attached. We'll have to run that by the R&D crew. The key is with the wording on Boost Energy; we'll have to check to see if that is a typo and that's how they want it to work. (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q655 & Q678 & Q696) == WARP ENERGY (Aquapolis Expansion) Q. Light Dragonite is active and Warp Energy is attached. Would this work the same way as Potion Energy and Full Heal Energy with Light Dragonite. The effect takes place as the card is attached and then the Pokemon Power "erases" the text on the card. A. Correct...also the same as Rainbow Energy. (Jan 23, 2003 WotC Chat, Q648) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8