Last edited: Friday, June 20th, 2003 (Added June 19th Chat Rulings) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 This edition of the Rulings Compendium includes: | | | * June 19th 2003 WotC Online Rules Chat -- (*) -- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON POWERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == NEUTRAL SHIELD (Mew - Promo) Q. If I have a Skyridge Ledian active, and use its Swift to attack a Lily Pad Mew, would Mew's Neutral Shield protect it, or would Swift ignore the power and do damage? A. Yes, it would. Swift cuts through ALL Pokemon Powers and does the damage. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1990) == PURE BODY (Entei - Aquapolis Expansion) Q. Since Rainbow Energy counts as all types while being attached (allowing Energy Evolution Eevee to use its power) would it also count for Aquapolis Entei's Pure Body? A. Yes. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q2008) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. If you attach a Rainbow Energy to Aquapolis Entei, do you still have to discard an energy? A. No. Remember that Rainbow energy does NOT provide any energy UNTIL it is already attached. So Rainbow COULD be attached to these cards. (Jan 16, 2003 WotC Chat, Q532 & Q545) == RAIN DANCE (Blastoise - Base Set) Q. Will Rain Dance trigger Dark Ampharos' Conductivity Pokemon Power or Crobat's Triggered Poison attack effect? A. They both would be triggered. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q2018) == TRANSFORM (Ditto - Fossil Expansion) // Sabrina's Alakazam Psylink Q. Ditto opposite Sabrina's Alakazam (both powers working). Ditto would only have the attacks of the psychic pokemon on its own bench, right? A. Yes. Self referencing rule makes Ditto now a Sabrina's Alakazam, its power says it has a copy of all of the attacks of the Psychic Pokemon on YOUR bench. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q2043) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. Sabrina's Alakazam vs. Ditto. Obviously Ditto gets to use any Psychic Pokemon's Attacks from his bench, but does he copy Sabrina's Alakazam's Bench's attacks that are copied by it, thx to it's PP? A. Sure, the answer lies in the wording of Sabrina's Alakazam's Psylink power. It states that Sabrina's Alakazam always has a copy of all attacks your Psychic Pokemon in play have. Therefore, a Ditto copying that S. Alakazam has those attacks too. The Pokemon power effectively adds those attacks to the card, just like Shift effectively changes the color of a card. This one's right from R&D. (May 24, 2001 WotC Chat, Q125; May 31, 2001 WotC Chat, Q51 & Q100 & Q103 & Q150) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. Re: Ditto vs. Sabrina's Alakazam - so then if Sabrina's Alakazam were to be confused, Ditto would no longer have the Psylinked attacks, right? A. BOOYAH! Right, if Sabrina's Alakazam lost its Pokemon power (in any way), then Ditto copying it would NOT have those additional attacks as the Sabrina's Alakazam would NOT have them. Simple really. (May 31, 2001 WotC Chat, Q146 & Q192) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON ATTACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == TRIGGER POISON (Crobat - Neo: Revelation Expansion) Q. Will Rain Dance trigger Dark Ampharos' Conductivity Pokemon Power or Crobat's Triggered Poison attack effect? A. They both would be triggered. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q2018) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. Trigger Poison again; would a Rain Danced energy card trigger the poison? A. Nope. (Apr 25, 2002 WotC Chat, Q16) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UNOWN CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAINER CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == MEMORY BERRY (Aquapolis Expansion) Q. Three Ampharos are in play. Using Memory Berry to use Mareep's Static will NOT let you get energies. The self-referencing rule doesn't apply; Static says to search for "each Mareep" in play. A. It would mean, "for each Mareep in play, search for a lightning card and attach it to Ampharos. Only the second part (the self-referencing part would change). So unless you had some Mareeps out, you would not dig for a lightning energy. The first part of the attack is NOT about the card using the attack (though it happens to be the same type). You only use the self-referencing rule when it is SPECIFICALLY talking about itself. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q2068 & 2072 & Q2077) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. Scenario: I have 3 Ampharos in play. My active amphy which, evolved from the neo1 Mareep, has a Memory Berry attached. can it perform Mareep's static to search deck for 3 L energy and attach them to itself? re: self-referencing principle, correct? A. Yes, correct. (Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q814) == MIRAGE STADIUM (Skyridge Expansion) Q. Since Mirage Stadium's effect takes place before energy is discarded, and the confusion retreat flip happens after energy is discarded, shouldn't you always flip for Mirage Stadium first when trying to retreat? A. Yes, that is correct. We are clarifying it. Mirage stadium states checking before removing energy, Confusion states checking after. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q2030 & Q2045) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. If a confused pokemon attempts to retreat while Mirage Stadium is in play, do you flip for Confusion first or flip for the Mirage Stadium first? A. This one is going to come down to who controls the stadium. If your opponent does, you will have to check for your Confusion retreat first because when two events happen at the same time, the active player's effects go first. If you controlled the stadium, since they both trigger at the same time and you control them both (in this example), you would choose the order of their effect. (May 15, 2003 WotC Chat, Q1573) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == HYPER DEVOLUTION SPRAY (Neo: Discovery Expansion) Q. In Team, Player B can play Hyper Devo Spray on Player A and then the next turn (Player A's) they can revolve that Pokemon- correct? A. Yes. (Jun 19, 2003 WotC Chat, Q2004) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8