Last edited: Thursday, March 6th, 2003 (Added March 6th Chat Rulings) xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 This edition of the Rulings Compendium includes: | | | * March 6th 2003 WotC Online Rules Chat -- (*) -- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERRATA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON POWERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == BURNING ENERGY (Charizard - Expedition Expansion) Q. With Exp Charizard's "Burning Energy" power, can you turn Special Energy cards (like Metal or Darkness) into Fire energy or does it have to be a Basic Energy Card? Can you turn Colorless energy cards (like DCE) into Fire energy or does it have to at least provide a basic energy type? A. Has to be Basic Energy...says so right on the card... Dbl colorless is not basic. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q329 & Q330) == CONDUCTIVITY (Dark Ampharos - Neo: Destiny Expansion) Q. Opponent has both Dark Ampharos with Conductivity and Pokemon Park in play; when I attach an energy to my Pokemon which effect comes first? Does the opponent get to choose? And if I only have 10hp left, would Conductivity KO it before Park could heal it? A. Same answer as was done with Chaos Gym and Slowking. The player whose turn it is has their effects (the ones they own) go off first, then the opponent's effects. If you control both, you choose the order. If your opponent controls both, he or she chooses the order. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q356) == CRYSTAL TYPE (Kingdra, Lugia, & Nidoking - Aquapolis Expansion) Q. When you attach a Crystal Energy or Rainbow Energy to a pokemon with "Crystal Type" power, do you get to choose what type of Pokemon it becomes? Or does the Pokemon stay colorless because "Crystal Type" only mentions Basic Energy A. It stays colorless, the Crystal Type Power only works when you attach basic energy cards. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q353) ***** PREVIOUS RULING: THIS ONE HAS SINCE BEEN OVERRULED; See Above ***** Q. What happens when a Crystal or Rainbow Energy is attached to a Crystal Pokemon. The Crystal Pokemon have a Pokemon Power that says when you attach certain colors of energy to that Pokemon, then the Crystal Pokemon Becomes the same type as that energy until the end of the turn. A. You would choose when you attach it (if there was other Energies attached) if not than you wouldn't get to choose, it just provides colorless. (Jan 30, 2003 WotC Chat, Q758) == FLOWER SUPPLEMENT (Bellossom - Aquapolis Expansion) Q. If you use Aquapolis Bellossom's power and flip a heads, can you attach a fire energy to an Aquapolis Entei without discarding another energy card? A. Good question. It says from your hand on both... So I would say no. You have to discard the Energy from Entei. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q305) == PURE BODY (Entei - Aquapolis Expansion) Q. If you use Aquapolis Bellossom's power and flip a heads, can you attach a fire energy to an Aquapolis Entei without discarding another energy card? A. Good question. It says from your hand on both... So I would say no. You have to discard the Energy from Entei. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q305) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- POKEMON ATTACKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == SPIRAL AURA (Hypno - Aquapolis Expansion) Q. If the Active Pokemon uses an attack like Hypno's Spiral Aura that forces a switch if the Defending Pokemon is not KO'd, what happens if the Defending Pokemon is saved by Focus Band? Does the switch still take place or is it past that point already? A. The switch still takes place. Focus Band triggers as soon as it would be Knocked out (from damage). It saves the Pokemon and you go back into the turn order from whence you came. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q331) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UNOWN CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAINER CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- == FOCUS BAND (Neo: Genesis Expansion) Q. If the Active Pokemon uses an attack like Hypno's Spiral Aura that forces a switch if the Defending Pokemon is not KO'd, what happens if the Defending Pokemon is saved by Focus Band? Does the switch still take place or is it past that point already? A. The switch still takes place. Focus Band triggers as soon as it would be Knocked out (from damage). It saves the Pokemon and you go back into the turn order from whence you came. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q331) == POKEMON PARK (Aquapolis Expansion) Q. Opponent has both Dark Ampharos with Conductivity and Pokemon Park in play; when I attach an energy to my Pokemon which effect comes first? Does the opponent get to choose? And if I only have 10hp left, would Conductivity KO it before Park could heal it? A. Same answer as was done with Chaos Gym and Slowking. The player whose turn it is has their effects (the ones they own) go off first, then the opponent's effects. If you control both, you choose the order. If your opponent controls both, he or she chooses the order. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q356) == UNDERSEA RUINS (Aquapolis Expansion) Q. If someone uses Undersea ruins to de-evolve one of their evolved pokemon, can they still evolve the same pokemon that turn providing that they didn't evolve that same turn already (there is no text on the card that says they cannot)? A. The rules say no I believe. (Mar 6, 2003 WotC Chat, Q301) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY CARDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM GAMEPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxx7xxxxxxxxx8