Mt. Moon should read: "Any Pokémon (both yours and your opponent's) with maximum HP of 70 or less can't use any Poké-Powers." This errata replaces text of "less than 70" with "70 or less". If a Pokémon has a maximum HP of 70, that Pokémon cannot use a Poké-POWER while this Stadium card is in play.
Source: PUI Announcement (2004-10-01)
For purposes of proper Pokémon names, treat all cards referring to "Drowsee" as "Drowzee". For example, you cannot have four "Drowsee" plus four "Drowzee" in your deck.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-09-02)
EX Hidden Legends Machamp is receiving errata for its "Brick Smash" attack to bring it in line with the Japanese version of the card. Weakness should be applied to the damage that Machamp deals. It should read, "This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon."
Source: World Championships Announcements (2004-08-21)
EX Hidden Legends Feebas is receiving errata for its "Ascension" attack to bring it in line with the Japanese version of the card. It should read, "Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a card that evolves from Feebas and put it on Feebas. (This counts as evolving Feebas.) Shuffle your deck afterward." Please note that this only affects Feebas; Vulpix's "Ascension" attack does not require a coin flip.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-07-22)
Does Darkness Chant require the owning player to count either Basics OR Evolutions in the discard pile, or can both be counted together?
The attack is intended to count both Basics AND Evolutions, not one or the other.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-06-17)
The wording on the "Pokémon Reversal" trainer changed significantly between the Expedition version and the EX:Ruby/Sapphire version. How should we play this card? Do we play each one "as written", or should we play them all the way the latest (or older) version of the card says?
It should read like the Expedition version, with a slight tweak to make it 2-on-2 applicable. "Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent switches that Pokémon. with 1 of his or her Defending Pokémon." The opponent chooses the defending, but the person playing the card chooses the benched.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-04-08)
I have an Italian-language Sharpedo, and its Poké-BODY says it puts 1 damage counter if it's hurt in an attack. English-language Sharpedo's say 2 counters. How do I play the card?
Play the Sharpedo as if it did 2 damage counters. It didn't get weaker as it swam the Atlantic.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-02-26)
I got a Reverse Holo Magnemite, and the resistance symbol is an empty white circle (like the colorless symbol without the star in the middle).
It's just a grey circle (means nothing) where the foil is normally cut out for Resistance. However for clarification, there should not be any Resistance on that particular card - the non-foil of that version doesn't have a Resistance either.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-11-20)
In the Japanese card, there is a text saying "If Balloon Berry is attached to one of your Pokémon, the Pokémon.'s retreat cost is 0". So, you should play Balloon Berry as if it negates the Pokémon's retreat cost while attached to that Pokémon, not just when it actually attempts to retreat. For example, Muk-EX's "Slimy Water" attack damage will be reduced to only 40 against a Pokémon with Balloon Berry attached to it.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-11-13)
In the EX:Sandstorm set, there are 2 identical versions of Marill, but one has a retreat cost and one does not. Which one is the correct version and how shall the 2 different versions be played?
This appears to be a fairly common mistake in the set. Play the card as written; if you have the Marill with the free retreat you may play it as such.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-11)