After using Unown VSTAR's "Star Cipher" attack while Path to the Peak is in play, I then use Spiritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack to change the Defending Pokemon's Weakness to {D}. If my opponent removes Path to the Peak from play, what will that Pokemon's Weakness be?
The Weakness will be {P}. Once Path to the Peak is removed from play Star Cipher's effect will reapply, and the most recent Weakness-changing effect takes precedent.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I use Unown VSTAR's "Star Cipher" attack while Dunsparce with "Mysterious Nest" Ability is in play, are my opponent's colorless Pokemon's Weakness set to {P} or do they have no Weakness at all?
The Star Cipher attack would switch your opponent's Pokemon's weakness to {P}, but then Dunsparce's Mysterious Nest would change all colorless Pokemon to no weakness.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If my opponent has no Weakness and I use Unown VSTAR's "Star Cipher" Ability, will my opponent's Pokemon become weak to Psychic?
If an opponent's Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Star Cipher will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness to Psychic.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)