If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack and they have already used their VSTAR Power for the game, what happens if I choose a VSTAR attack to be copied?
Since they've already used their VSTAR Power you may not choose that attack, you must select a different attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)
If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack, what happens if I choose Pincurchin's "Follow-Up Kerzap" attack and the Mime Jr. didn't use "Stun Needle" during their previous turn?
Even if Mime Jr. had used Mimed Games to copy Stun Needle on the previous turn it did not use Stun Needle, it used Mimed Games. Therefore you cannot choose Follow-Up Kerzap if its conditions haven't been met; you must select a different attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)
If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack and they don't have enough cards in the Lost Zone, can I choose Sableye's "Lost Mine" attack and if so what happens?
No, you may not choose that attack, you must select a different attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)
If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack and I also have a Mime Jr. in play, can I choose my "Mimed Games" attack, and if so what happens next?
No, you may not select Mimed Games if your opponent attacks with Mimed Games; you must select a different attack. And if your only Pokemon in play is Mime Jr., then your opponent's Mimed Games won't do anything.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)