If Temple of Sinnoh is in play, does Meloetta's "Melodious Echo" attack still do 70 damage for each Fusion Strike Energy attached?
Yes. Temple of Sinnoh removes all effects and provides 1 Colorless energy, but it does not change the card name to be something other than "Fusion Strike Energy". So Melodious Echo still does 70 damage for each attached Fusion Strike Energy you have in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If Lunala uses its "Lunar Pain" attack on a Pokemon that already has two damage counters on it, does it place four more damage counters on that Pokemon for a total of six?
No, that's not now it works. Lunar Pain counts how many damage counters are already on the Pokemon and places the same number of additional damage counters on it. So in your example a Pokemon with two damage counters would now have a total of four on it, not six.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
Does my opponent get to take a prize if I use Golduck's "Entangled Dive" attack to discard each player's Active Pokemon?
No neither player takes any prizes; Entangled Dive doesn't count as a KO.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
If my opponent has a Galarian Cursola V's "Gnawing Aura" Ability in play, if I use Zarude V's "Jungle Rising" attack and attach any energy cards to one of my Benched Pokemon, do I place the damage counters for "Gnawing Aura" first and then heal, or vice versa?
The player using Jungle Rising gets to choose which order to place damage first and then heal, or heal first and then place the damage counters for "Gnawing Aura".
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-05)
If Mew VMAX uses its "Max Miracle" attack against the opponent's Fusion Strike Pokemon while the opponent has an Oricorio with the "Lesson in Zeal" Ability in play, does "Max Miracle's" damage get reduced or not?
The damage reduction of Lesson in Zeal is considered an "effect on the Pokemon". Max Miracle ignores ANY effect on the opponent's Active Pokemon, so therefore Max Miracle would be able to overcome the effect of Lesson In Zeal.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-04-28)
My Arceus V is active and I have Dunsparce with "Mysterious Nest" Ability on my bench. If my opponent uses Spritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack does Arceus V now have {D} weakness, or does "Mysterious Nest" keep it with no weakness?
The Ticking Terror attack would switch Arceus V's weakness to {D}, but then Dunsparce's Mysterious Nest would change Arceus V back to no weakness. However, since Ticking Terror says "Until the end of your next turn..." Arceus V would become weak to {D} if Dunsparce were to leave play or have its Mysterious Nest ability shut off.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-31)
Can I use Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX's "Max Lance" attack to discard 2 Double Colorless Energy cards?
Yes, you can select 1 Energy of each Double Colorless Energy to discard both of them. And it would do 240 more damage because you discarded 2 cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-03)
If I use Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX's "Max Lance" attack to discard a Double Colorless Energy, does it do 120 or 240 more damage?
The additional damage is done per each card discarded, so if you discard only one card it only does 120 more damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-03)
If I use Spiritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack against the Defending Pokemon and their owner moves it to the Bench during their next turn, does its Weakness return to normal?
Yes, since it is an attack effect, moving that Pokemon to the Bench removes it.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If my opponent has no Weakness and I use Spiritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack, will I do extra damage on my next turn due to Weakness?
If a Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Ticking Terror will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness to Darkness.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)