If I use Tsareena V's "Queen's Orders" attack and discard a Stage 2 Pokemon from my Bench, does it count as three Pokemon including the Basic & Evolution cards underneath that also get discarded?
No, the Basic & Evolution cards are all part of a single Pokemon while in play.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If my Active Pokemon was knocked out by my opponent's attack and I replace it with Accelgor, can I use Accelgor's "Ninja Tornado" attack for {G}?
No, the replacement of your Active Pokemon happened at the end of your opponent's turn, not during your new turn.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I use Mew VMAX's "Cross Fusion Strike" attack and choose an attack with a cost of more than just {C}{C}, can I do it even if I only have two of any energy attached to Mew VMAX?
Yes, you only have to pay the attack cost of Cross Fusion Strike. Ignore the attack cost of the copied attack whether it is more, less, or the same; regardless of the type or amount of energy required for the copied attack.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I use Virizion's "Bail Out" attack, can I choose to put zero Pokemon into my hand if I have any Pokemon in my discard pile?
No, if you choose to do the attack and you have a Pokemon in the discard pile, you have to choose at least one of them. But remember, you can always choose to pass and not attack.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
Is Rillaboom VMAX's "G-Max Drum Solo" or Cloyster's "Aqua Split" attacks' bench damage amount split between the two chosen Pokemon (20+20 or 10+30, etc.) or does it do 40 or 30 damage to each of them?
The attack does 40 or 30 damage to each of the two chosen Pokemon.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If my opponent used Turtonator's "Shell Trap" attack and I have Espeon VMAX with the "Solar Revelation" Ability in play, will my Attacking Pokemon with energy attached receive the 8 damage counters from "Shell Trap" if I attack and do damage to Turtonator?
No, it will not receive the 8 damage counters. Solar Revelation prevents all effects of your opponent's attacks, and Shell Trap's damage counters are an effect of your opponent's attack.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
Does Chandelure VMAX's "Cursed Shimmer" Ability prevent Maractus' "Ditch and Shake" attack from discarding any number of Pokemon Tool cards?
No, Cursed Shimmer only prevents the opponent from playing Pokemon Tool cards from their hand; that is not the same thing as discarding Pokemon Tool cards for Ditch and Shake.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I have Hiding Energy or Snow Leaf Badge attached to my Active Pokemon, would my opponent's Leafeon VMAX's "Grass Knot" attack do any damage to it or not? If yes, would "Phoebe" remove the effect of Hiding Energy or Snow Leaf Badge for the damage calculation of "Grass Knot"?
The effects of Hiding Energy and Snow Leaf Badge are not blocking any damage from the attacking Pokemon, they are changing the stats of the Pokemon they are attached to. So they are not really affecting the damage done by Grass Knot; it is still 60x the Retreat Cost, but the Retreat Cost is now effectively zero. And since those cards are not affecting the damage being done (they're only affecting the Retreat Cost), Phoebe will not help it do more damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-10-07)
Can I choose one or more parts of Greninja V-UNION with Vaporeon VMAX's "Bubble Pod" attack, and play it on my Bench?
Bubble Pod cannot put Greninja V-UNION into play because Bubble Pod will only get one card of the V-UNION, and one piece of a Pokemon V-UNION cannot be brought into play alone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can Zoroark's "Foul Play" attack use Medicham's "Yoga Loop" attack to repeatedly get extra turns?
Yes, Foul Play on Yoga Loop could work infinitely, if you're able to pull it off!
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-23)