If I use Falinks' "Form Ranks" attack while Area Zero Underdepths stadium is in play and I already have 4 non-Tera Pokemon on my Bench, how many Pokemon can I put on the Bench if the first one I place is a Tera Pokemon?
Only one. Since there were no Tera Pokemon in play when the attack was used, there is only one space available to fill on the Bench.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If Falinks used its "Form Ranks" attack during my last turn, then if I retreat it and switch it again into the Active Spot, how much damage will it do if I use "All-Out Attack"?
It will do 120, since it's a game state check that the attack was used last turn and not an effect on the Pokemon.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Does Drifblim's "Everyone Explode Now" attack count or do damage to the Drifloon that are underneath evolved Drifblim?
No, you only count the most evolved stage of a Pokemon in play. The previous stages are now part of that Pokemon.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I have a Luminous Energy attached to Alcremie, can I use its "Colorful Confection" attack to search my deck for any Energy type of Pokemon?
No, while Luminous Energy provides all types of Energy at the same time, it is not a Basic Energy card.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I have multiple Basic Energy cards of different types attached to Alcremie, can I use its "Colorful Confection" attack to search my deck for more than one Energy type of Pokemon or do I have to choose only one Energy type?
You can search for more than one type of Pokemon as long as they match any Basic Energy card types attached to Alcremie. And if you want, more than one of them can be the same Energy type.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Can I use Eldegoss' "Breezy Gift" attack if I have no cards left in my deck?
Sure. You may not have any cards in your deck when you play it, but you will once you shuffle the Eldegoss and all attached cards into it.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Tauros' "Destructive Horn" attack, flip heads, and discard the only {M} Energy attached to my opponent's Orthworm ex, does my Tauros take damage from the Orthworm ex's "Pummeling Payback" Ability or not?
Since there are no {M} Energy attached when the effect of Pummeling Payback is triggered, no damage counters are placed on Tauros.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
How much damage does Diancie's "Diffuse Reflection" attack do if I also have an evolved Pokemon with a Reversal Energy providing three energy?
The damage is calculated based on the number of Special Energy CARDS, not the amount of energy the card provides. So in your example it would only do +40 damage for Reversal Energy, not +120.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-05)
If Ting-Lu attacks with "Ground Crasher" against a 30 HP Cleffa with Bravery Charm attached while Jamming Tower is in play, would it do the damage first and KO Cleffa, or would Jamming Tower be discarded first and Cleffa survives due to its Bravery Charm reactivating?
The damage is indeed done first and then Jamming Tower is discarded, but lucky for Cleffa the check for KO does not happen until all damage and effects have been resolved. Cleffa would have 80HP and is not KO'd by Ground Crasher.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-05)
If an effect prevents Sinistcha ex's "Re-Brew" attack from placing damage counters onto the target Pokemon, do I still shuffle the Basic {G} Energy cards into my deck?
No, if you don't place any damage counters, you don't shuffle the Energy into your deck.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23); TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-25)