If my opponent KO's my Active "Robo Substitute", would I get the extra benefits from Terrakion's "Retaliate" Attack or Toxicroak's "Revenge" Attack?
Yes, you would. Even though Robo Substitute does not give up a prize card, it still counts as a KO'd Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-12-04)
If I use Kyogre EX's "Smash Turn" or Celebi EX's "Wind Whisk" or Gengar EX's "Dark Corridor" attack, can I switch it with my benched Sigilyph that has the "Safeguard" Ability?
Since the attacking Pokemon is the target of the switch effect, Sigilyph can be moved in this situation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-01-31), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
I am playing a Robo Substitute from my hand to my Bench, but my opponent used Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack last turn. Do I have to flip to play it?
Yes, Robo Substitute is a Trainer card when it is played.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I used Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack and my opponent plays a Tool and flips tails, is it discarded?
Yes, even though it would not normally be discarded.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Does Mega Gengar EX have to have the correct types of Energy attached to it to do an attack that is copied by "Phantom Gate"?
No, it just needs the Energy required by Phantom Gate.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I move Yanmega from being an Active Pokemon to the Bench, and then back to Active again in the same turn, does it get the bonus damage?
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I use Hypno's "Hand Control" attack and I find a Supporter that searches my opponent's deck, can I choose to use it to search their deck, find a valid target in their deck, and fail that search?
Yes, you can have the opponent search their deck (within the game's time limits for a search) and you can choose for them to fail that search.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I use Hypno's "Hand Control" attack and I find a Supporter that searches my opponent's deck, do I have to let my opponent see the deck while I'm searching through it?
Technically speaking it is the opponent who searches through the deck, but since you are the one making the choice you are allowed to see the deck contents while they are searching.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Does retreating get rid of the effect from Drowzee's "Sinister Suggestion" attack?
No. The effect is on the Player, not on the Active Pokemon.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
I attack my opponent's Burned and Asleep Pokemon with Drowzee's "Sinister Suggestion". When my opponent flips for Burned and Asleep, are those flips automatically tails?
No. Those flips are between turns, not during your opponent's turn as required by the attack.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)