For Electivire's "Tag Team Spark", do you count the energy on each of your Magmortar, or do you choose only one of them?
You count the energy attached to all of your Magmortar.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I use Tornadus' "Push Down" attack, who chooses which Pokemon to switch?
Your opponent chooses.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Servine uses the attack "Wring Out" and flips heads against a Virizion EX with a single Grass Energy attached. It deals 30 damage, and the Grass Energy is discarded. Can the paralysis Special Condition be applied?
The Paralysis condition occurs within the attack text before discarding the energy. Since Virizion EX's Verdant Wind ability is still active the Paralysis is prevented, and then the energy is discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-01-02), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Emolga with a Grass energy attached is poisoned and uses its "Call For Family" attack to get Virizion EX with "Verdant Wind" ability. Does it take poison damage or not?
No, because Virizion EX is in play before the end of the turn and Poison damage is taken between turns.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-01-02), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
If my opponent has no deck and I use Luvdisc's "Heart Wink" attack and flip heads on my turn, does my opponent lose or does the game continue?
Regardless of whether Luvdisc's attack permits them to draw or not, if a player has no card to draw at the start of their turn they lose the game.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Can I search for Special Energy Cards like "Double Colorless Energy" or "Rainbow Energy" with Heliolisk's "Parabolic Charge" attack?
Yes, you can.
Source: Flashfire FAQ (2014-05-08), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Arbok's "Gastro Acid" attack says the Defending Pokemon has no Abilities until end of your next turn. Does retreating get rid of the effect so you can use Abilities?
Yes, it does.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Arbok's "Gastro Acid" attack says the Defending Pokemon has no Abilities until end of your next turn. Is that referring to the opponent's next turn or the attacking player's next turn?
It refers to the end of the next turn of the player who used Arbok's attack.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Can you use Devolution Spray or Golurk's "Devolution Punch" attack against a Mega Pokemon, and if so what happens to the Mega Pokemon?
Mega Pokemon are evolved Pokemon, so the Mega Pokemon card is removed, but the underlying Pokemon and all other cards attached stay in play (unless the Pokemon is KO'd, of course).
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Is Rock-Paper-Scissors played by pumping my arm 2 times then throwing my choice, or pumping 3 times then throw?
According to the current "Play! Pokemon TCG Tournament Rules and Formats" document, the procedure is a three-count priming and then the simultaneous throw of the choice, for example, "Rock-Paper-Scissors-Shoot" with the choice thrown on "shoot".
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-10-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)