A Vespiquen that used its "Mach Wind" attack on my previous turn was hit by Grimer's "Sticky Liquid" attack during my opponent's turn. In this instance, what is Vespiquen's retreat cost during my next turn?
It has no Retreat Cost. When effects that increase something like Retreat Cost by a particular amount are stacked on top of effects that make something like Retreat Cost vanish, the vanishing effect takes priority.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
If I choose 4 damage counters on my Pokemon with Espeon's "Solar Suggestion" attack, can I then place 3 or fewer damage counters on my opponent's Pokemon?
No, you can't. You must place the same number of damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon as you removed from your own Pokemon.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When using Espeon's "Solar Suggestion" attack, do I have to move all four damage counters from one of my Pokemon to one of my opponent's Pokemon, or can I split the damage counters from multiple different Pokemon on each player's side?
You can choose up to 4 counters from as many of your own Pokemon as you like, and can split them up on your opponent's Pokemon in any way you want.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When Muk attacks with "Sludge Drag", who chooses which of the opponent's Benched Pokemon get brought forward?
The attacking player gets to choose.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
If the damage dealt by Gliscor's "Ninja Fang" attack is reduced to 0 by damage-reducing effects like Special Metal Energy or the Trainer card "Defender", does the Defending Pokemon become Paralyzed or not?
No, it does not. The Defending Pokemon can only be Paralyzed if Ninja Fang does 10 damage or more after all other affects have been evaluated.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
If I attach Memory Berry to Mareep, evolve it to Ampharos, then attack with "Static Electricity", would I search my deck for energies based on the number of Mareep or the number of Ampharos in play?
In the latter part of the Static Electricity attack Where the English card says "attach them to Mareep", the Japanese card actually says "attach them to this Pokemon". So, you would count the number of Mareep in play and attach that many Lightning energy to Ampharos.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-07-15)
Can I apply Jirachi's "Time Hollow" attack to a Stage 2 Pokemon and also the Stage 1 underneath it?
No. You only remove the highest stage evolution from the Pokemon you choose at the start of the attack. You cannot choose the same Pokemon more than once in order to remove additional Stages.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If Spearow has less than 4 damage counters can I use its "Roost" attack?
Yes. You do as much as you can to perform the effect of the attack; in this case remove all the damage counters.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
Can I use Dunsparce's "Return" attack with 6 or more cards in my hand?
Yes, it will do 10 base damage and you will not draw any cards.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
What happens if I have no cards in my hand and use Manaphy's "Deep Sea Swirl" attack?
You always have a hand, even it you have zero cards in it. So you shuffle your deck and draw 5 cards.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)