If your Pokémon has been Smokescreened on the previous turn, and you choose an attack that requires you to do something (such as discarding Energy) in order to use the Attack, do you pay the attack costs before you flip for the Smokescreen Effect?
Yes before, you still attempt the attack; the Smokescreen might just stop it from having any effect.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-13), WotC Chat (2001-04-05)
Say you are using a Golduck (from the Fossil set) and you use his Psybeam. Would this be a Psychic or Water attack?
A Water attack as Psyduck is a Water Pokémon. [Ed. Note: This answer can be generalized further: When a Pokémon attacks, that attack is considered to be an attack of that Pokémon's type; it's not dependent on the energy requirement.]
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-31)
When a card's attack "does damage to itself", is this damage considered to be an ATTACK against the Defending Pokémon? Let's say you had an Electabuzz versus a Team Rocket Porygon and Team Rocket Porygon switched Electabuzz's Weakness to Lightning. You Thunderpunched with Electabuzz and flipped tails. Would Electabuzz receive 10 or 20 damage? Furthermore, would Defender prevent this damage? (Defender prevents damage from attacks).
1) 20, it is considered an attack. 2) Well, assuming it was an attack that did damage to itself, then Defender would help with that damage.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-03)
If my Pokémon uses Agility and get heads then on my opponent's next turn he benches his Pokémon, does that [Ed. Note: Agility's effect] end? If that Pokémon was Knocked Out, would Agility still be on the next Pokémon that he sends up?
Since the Agility Attack references Rapidash, only Benching or Evolving him ends the effect. Also since it only refers to Rapidash it would still be in effect if the other player benched.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-30)
When using Raichu's Agility attack it states that if heads, Raichu will not receive damage until after the opponent's turn. If Raichu is poisoned and then gets heads, will he take damage from poison at the end of his turn?
Yes, Agility is referring to effects of attacks on Raichu during your opponent's next turn.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-01)
What about cards that do not state when the effect ends? Like Fossil Magmar's Smokescreen? I think for only one turn (the opponent's next turn), but some Apprentice people say it lasts until Magmar is Benched!
The effect says tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, so it only works on the next turn after you use the attack.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-04)
When Smokescreen stops an attack, does it stop all effects of the attack, even those that might be done to the attacking Pokémon?
Yes, it stops all effects.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-04)
If you use Smokescreen then retreat the Pokémon that is Smoke screened or if Magmar Retreats is it still in effect?
Smokescreen references the defending Pokémon, so if you bench that Pokémon the effect ends. If you bench Magmar then Smokescreen is in effect.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-06)
If Magmar's Smokescreen Knocks Out the Defending Pokémon, does the new Active have to flip to see if its attack is effective?
No, it only effects the Defending Pokémon the attack was done against.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-24)