The original text for Venusaur & Snivy-GX's "Shining Vine" Ability was: "Once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, when you attach a Grass Energy card from your hand to it, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with their Active Pokemon." The new card text for Venusaur & Snivy-GX's "Shining Vine" Ability will be: "During your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, whenever you attach a Grass Energy card from your hand to it, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with their Active Pokemon."
Source: (Nov 07, 2024 TPCi Announcements []; Nov 07, 2024 TPCi Rules Team)
The original text for Minior's "Far-Flying Meteor" Ability was: "Once during your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench, when you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon, you may switch it with your Active Pokemon." The original intention was to be able to use this Ability whenever you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon, not just once per turn. It is possible to use this Ability more than once per turn. The new card text for Minior's "Far-Flying Meteor" Ability will be: "During your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench, whenever you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon, you may switch it with your Active Pokemon."
Source: (Nov 07, 2024 TPCi Announcements []; Nov 7, 2024 TPCi Rules Team)
If I use Grand Tree to evolve from Charmander into Charmeleon and then into Charizard ex, can I use Charizard ex's "Infernal Reign" Ability or not?
No, you cannot use Infernal Reign because Charizard ex was not played from your hand to evolve Charmeleon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-26)
Say my opponent and I each have 1 prize card left, then I use an attack like Pumpkaboo's "Reckless Charge" that KO's my opponent's Active Pokemon but also KO's Pumpkaboo due to "Reckless Charge's" recoil effect. However, my opponent has only one benched Pokemon with 20HP left, while I only have Iron Valiant ex on my bench. Does our game go to a tiebreaker since we both have a Pokemon on the bench, or will I win the game since Iron Valiant ex would be promoted as Active and then "Tachyon Bits" will be activated resulting in the KO of my opponent's last Pokemon?
All effects have to finish resolving before the winner is determined, so you could activate Tachyon Bits to KO the opponent's last Pokemon. You would win the game as you have achieved two win conditions but your opponent has only achieved one.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-26)
If my opponent has a card with "Colress" in its name in their Discard Pile and Pokemon League Headquarters is in play, can I use Kyurem's "Trifrost" attack with only one energy attached due to its "Plasma Bane" Ability?
Kyurem's Plasma Bane ability sets Trifrost's attack cost to one. Since the attack cost has been set to a specific number, Pokemon League Headquarters does not add to it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If my Fidough was damaged, and I evolve it to Dachsbun ex and use the "Time to Chow Down" Ability, does that Dachsbun ex also get healed of all damage?
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Dachsbun ex's "Time to Chow Down" Ability, can I choose which of my Evolution Pokemon to heal so I don't have to discard Energy from one of them that has just one damage counter on it?
No, you choose to use the Ability or not. Once you choose to use it, you have to heal all of your Evolution Pokemon and discard Energy from all of them that were healed.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Can I use Cradily's "Selective Slime" Ability if my opponent's Active Pokemon is already Burned, Confused, and Poisoned?
No, you cannot. The only exception is if one of those is an "enhanced" Special Condition, such as Poisoned that places 2 damage counters instead of 1 during Pokemon Checkup.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Hydrapple ex's "Ripening Charge" Ability to attach a {G} Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, do I get to also draw a card because of "Teal Dance"?
No. You don't get to combine the effects of two Abilities at the same time; each one must be done separately.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Tauros' "Destructive Horn" attack, flip heads, and discard the only {M} Energy attached to my opponent's Orthworm ex, does my Tauros take damage from the Orthworm ex's "Pummeling Payback" Ability or not?
Since there are no {M} Energy attached when the effect of Pummeling Payback is triggered, no damage counters are placed on Tauros.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)