If I have a Pokemon with the "Top Entry" Ability in my starting hand at the beginning of the game, can I put it onto my Bench?
No, you may not. In order to use Top Entry it has to be drawn from your deck at the beginning of your turn, but your turn has not started while you're setting up at the beginning of the game.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
What happens if Cinderace V with the "Field Runner" Ability is in play while Galar Mine is also in play?
Cinderace V would have no Retreat Cost. When effects that increase something like Retreat Cost by a particular amount are stacked on top of effects that make something like Retreat Cost vanish, the vanishing effect takes priority.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
If my opponent has Jirachi GX with "Psychic Zone" Ability, does Golurk's "Theta Stop" Ancient Trait bypass "Psychic Zone" and apply Weakness?
Psychic Zone will not be applied to Golurk because of Theta Stop, so any attacks done to Golurk would still apply Weakness. Attacks done by Golurk wouldn't be affected
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
When using Mawile GX's "Captivating Wink" Ability to put Pokemon onto my opponent's Bench, are they allowed to evolve those Pokemon on their next turn since they just came into play?
Yes, as long as it's not the opponent's first turn of the game they can evolve those Pokemon if they are able to do so. It is a basic game rule that neither player can normally evolve any Pokemon on their first turn of the game, even if they are going second.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
I understand if I use Phione's "Whirlpool Suction" Ability and target my opponent's Pokemon with Stealthy Hood attached the effects get blocked. But what happens if later in that turn I use Tool Scrapper to remove Stealthy Hood. Would I then be able to use Phione's "Whirlpool Suction" Ability or has it already been used up at that point?
Sorry, even though Stealthy Hood blocked the Whirlpool Suction Ability it's considered to be already used. You attempt to use the Ability and the effect doesn't work, but you have still used the Ability and cannot try again.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
Does Carracosta's "Ancient Custom" Ability negate Stealthy Hood? Or does Stealthy Hood prevent "Ancient Custom" from affecting the Pokemon Stealthy Hood is attached to?
Stealthy Hood prevents Ancient Custom's effect on the Pokemon Stealthy Hood is attached to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
Does Aerodactyl GX's "Primal Winds" Ability add {*} to the cost of an attack used by Mewtwo & Mew GX's "Perfection" Ability if it tries to use an attack from a non-Basic Pokemon?
Yes, it does. Mewtwo & Mew GX is still a Basic Pokemon; it doesn't matter whether Perfection uses the attack from a non-Basic Pokemon or not.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
Is there an order to Oranguru's "Primate Wisdom" Ability? For example, can a player look at the top card before picking a card from their hand to put on the top of your deck? Or do they have to pick the card from their hand first?
The text of Primate Wisdom says to switch the card. This happens at the same time, so no you do not get to look at the top card of your deck first.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-27)
Can you use Naganadel & Guzzlord GX's "Violent Appetite" Ability to discard a Pokemon if Naganadel & Guzzlord GX is not damaged?
Yes, you can. The main effect of this Ability is to discard a Pokemon from your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-27)
If I use Phione's "Whirlpool Suction" Ability and target my opponent's Pokemon with Stealthy Hood attached I know the Pokemon with Stealthy Hood does not move. But would I be able to discard all cards attached to Phione and put it on the bottom of my deck?
No. Since Stealthy Hood blocks the move effect of Whirlpool Suction, the "if you do" clause fails and Phione stays in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-13)