Can I attach a Team Flare "Pokemon Tool F" card to my opponent's Pokemon-EX if it has the "Omega Barrier" Ancient Trait?
Yes, you can. The text of Omega Barrier says its effect excludes Pokemon Tools and Stadium cards.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Can I use Sceptile's "Nurture and Heal" ability to attach a {G} Energy to a Pokemon that doesn't have any damage on it?
Yes, you can.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I use Sceptile's "Nurture and Heal" ability, is that an extra Energy card attachment or does it count as my one attachment for the turn?
It is an extra Energy attachment. You still get to attach one other Energy card as your normal attachment for the turn.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
What happens if Mew EX uses its "Versatile" ability to copy Xerneas EX's "X Blast" attack? Can it use "X Blast" again the following turn or not?
When Mew EX attacks, Versatile uses the attack name specified. So when it attacks with X Blast, Mew EX cannot use that attack twice in a row.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Are Omega and Alpha effects considered Abilities? Will things that affect Abilities affect them too?
They are neither Attacks nor Abilities. They are something different called "Ancient Traits". Effects that apply to Attacks or Abilities don't apply to Ancient Traits.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
What happens if Kecleon with "Color Change" and Wobbuffet with "Bide Barricade" end up as Active Pokemon opposite each other? Does Kecleon change to Psychic, or does Wobbuffet shut off its power and Kecleon stays Colorless?
If Kecleon starts out as Psychic and then Wobbuffet becomes Active, Kecleon stays Psychic. But if Wobbuffet is Active first, or if they both become Active at the same time (including as the starting Pokemon), then Kecleon stays Colorless.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-12-04)
If I have an opponent's Pokemon Tool F card attached to my Pokemon-EX, does its effect stop working if I evolve into Togekiss with the "Bright Veil" ability and make it my Active Pokemon?
Bright Veil only affects the play of an Item. That means the act of playing it. If it is already in play, enabling Bright Veil has no impact on it. It will stay in play and keep doing what it is doing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20)
If my opponent has Togekiss with the "Bright Veil" ability Active, does that prevent me from attaching Pokemon Tool F cards like Jamming Net or Head Ringer to their Pokemon?
No, Bright Veil does not prevent you from attaching the Pokemon Tool F card to your opponent.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20)
If I use Kyogre EX's "Smash Turn" or Celebi EX's "Wind Whisk" or Gengar EX's "Dark Corridor" attack, can I switch it with my benched Sigilyph that has the "Safeguard" Ability?
Since the attacking Pokemon is the target of the switch effect, Sigilyph can be moved in this situation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-01-31), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I or my opponent have Goodra with "Slip Trip" in play, can I still attach a Team Flare Tool to my opponent's Pokemon?
Yes. It does not prevent a player from attaching a Tool to another player's Pokemon.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)