If I use an attack that Knocks Out a defending Gengar with the "Castastrophe" Poke-BODY, but it also knocks itself out, does the attacking Pokemon go to the Lost Zone, or is "Catastrophe" no longer in effect when Gengar is KO'd?
Since both Pokemon are KO'd at the same time, Gengar's Catastrophe Poke-BODY is still working at the point when Knock Outs are evaluated. So the attacking Pokemon would go to the Lost Zone.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If my Active Pokemon does an attack that Knocks Out an opponent's Pokemon, but also switches my Active Pokemon to the Bench, would the Knocked Out Pokemon go to the Lost Zone if I bring up Gengar with the "Castastrophe" Poke-BODY?
Yes. Gengar is active at the end of the attack when Knock Out conditions are evaluated.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
What happens if I attach a Rainbow Energy to Roserade with the "Energy Signal" Poke-POWER? Do I get to use both effects?
If the Energy card you attached provides all types (for example, Rainbow Energy), then both effects would trigger. Energy Signal would both Confuse and Poison the Defending Pokemon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-09-30)
When I use Smeargle's "Portrait" Poke-POWER to look at my opponent's hand, can I terminate the power's effect without choosing a Supporter card?
No, you cannot. You must choose a Supporter card when you use the effect if the opponent has one in their hand.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I still play Supporters or Stadiums while Vileplume's "Allergy Flower" Poke-BODY is in effect?
Yes. They are not Trainers.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I use Rotom's "Mischievous Trick" Poke-POWER when I have no cards in my deck, to put a Prize card into my deck?
No, you can't. That would be far too mischievous.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When I switch a Prize card and a card from my Deck with Rotom's "Mischievous Trick" Poke-POWER, can I look at either card?
No, you cannot. Keep both cards face-down when you switch them.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When using Slowking's "Opponent's Choice" Poke-POWER, do you have to show your opponent what the cards are since it says 'you may reveal the top 2 cards'?
Of course you have to show the opponent what the cards are. The "you may" refers to using the power, not to being able to use it without showing them the cards.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I use Smeargle's "Portrait" Poke-POWER if I have already used a Supporter this turn?
Yes, you are not playing a second Supporter, you are just using the Supporter's effect as the effect of the power.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When I use Shaymin's "Celebration Wind" Poke-POWER, can I move my energy cards in play around to any and all of my Pokemon that I want, or just to one Pokemon?
You can move the energy cards from more than one Pokemon and move them to more than one Pokemon, as desired. However, once you have taken another action, like playing a Pokemon card onto your bench, attaching an energy card from your hand, retreating your Active Pokemon, etc. you can no longer move any energy cards around.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)