Can you attach Energy cards or Tools to Robo Substitute?
Yes, you can. For purposes of attaching cards you treat Robo Substitute as a Pokemon while it's in play.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Can you put Robo Substitute on your Bench or make it your Active Pokemon during game startup?
No, you cannot. This is an Item card before it is in play, so you cannot put this card out as a Pokemon when you are preparing for battle.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
When playing the AZ supporter, do I put all Pokemon stages into my hand, or just the Basic or highest stage?
You put all of the Pokemon cards into your hand, including all Stages and Mega cards.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
When Dimension Valley is in play, if Mew EX uses its "Versatile" Ability to copy an attack from another Pokemon, will the attack's Energy cost be reduced by (C)?
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Can you play Professor Juniper or Fiery Torch, or any draw Trainer, with no cards in your deck?
No, you cannot play a Trainer when it is known that it will have no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Is the damage bonus from Fighting Stadium applied to all Defending Pokemon-EX, or only the opponent's Active Pokemon-EX?
It will apply only to an opponent's Active Pokemon-EX, not to any Benched Pokemon-EX.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I play Lysandre's Trump Card and I have a Lysandre's Trump Card from a previous turn in the Discard pile does that card get shuffled back into my deck?
No, the wording on Lysandre's Trump Card that says "except for Lysandre's Trump Card" is referring to all Lysandre's Trump Cards in the Discard pile.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
I am playing a Robo Substitute from my hand to my Bench, but my opponent used Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack last turn. Do I have to flip to play it?
Yes, Robo Substitute is a Trainer card when it is played.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)