Can I use Forest Seal Stone's "Star Alchemy" Ability if Garbodor's "Garbotoxin" Ability is activated?
Yes, you can. Star Alchemy is not an Ability the Pokemon has, but it's an Ability the Pokemon has access to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-04-18)
Can I use Cursed Shovel to discard cards from my opponent's deck if they have Bibarel with "Reassuring Dam" Ability on their Bench?
Yes, since Cursed Shovel is a Tool card and not an attack, Ability, Item card, or Supporter card its effect would not be blocked.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Can I use Salvatore to search my deck for a card that is not legal for play in the current tournament format? For example in a Standard format tournament, could I use Salvatore on a Raichu to search for Raichu BREAK?
No, a card has to be legal for play in the designated tournament format in order to be searched for by Salvatore.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Can I use the old ACE SPEC Master Ball from Black & White - Plasma Blast?
Yes, you can. However, you cannot use any previous versions of Master Ball that are not considered ACE SPEC cards because the only Master Ball currently legal in Standard format (as of 2024) is an ACE SPEC.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Boxed Order and don't find any Item cards, does my turn still end?
Yes, it does.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Feraligatr's "Torrential Heart" Ability and then use Prime Catcher to bring my opponent's Flutter Mane into the Active Spot, would my Feraligatr's attack damage still be boosted?
Yes, even though Flutter Mane is disabling Feraligatr's Ability the Torrential Heart effect was already applied until the end of the turn.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Can a player use Moonlit Hill stadium's effect to discard a Basic Psychic energy from their hand even if there are no damage counters on any of their Pokemon?
No, the Psychic energy discard is a cost in order to do the effect of healing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-15)
If I use Shining Jirachi's "Stellar Reign" attack against a Stage 2 Pokemon that evolved from a Stage 1 which was put directly into play via Pokemon Research Lab, would my opponent put both the Stage 1 & Stage 2 cards into their hand (since both cards are "evolution cards") or does the Stage 1 card remain in play (since you can't "devolve" into nothing)?
Since you can't devolve into nothing, the Stage 1 card would remain in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-15)
If I use Boost Shake to evolve Togetic into Togekiss, can I use Togekiss' "Precious Gift" ability, or does the effect of Boost Shake prevent me from doing so?
Precious Gift takes place at the end of the turn, so you still get to do it after using Boost Shake.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-11)
In a Standard Format game I use "Technical Machine: Evolution" and the two Pokemon I choose are both Raichu. Does the game still recognize that Raichu BREAK exists despite it not being legal for play in that format, therefore allowing me to search my deck?
No, since Raichu BREAK is not currently legal in Standard Format you cannot attempt to search for it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-04)