- Say my opponent uses Trevenant & Dusknoir GX's "Pale Moon GX" attack on my Keldeo GX with "Pure Heart" while Power Plant stadium is in play. If I replace the Power Plant with another stadium during my next turn, does Keldeo GX get knocked out at the end of the turn or not?
- If Keldeo GX remains the Active Pokemon it will be Knocked Out. Keldeo GX's Pure Heart Ability *prevents* effects, but it does not *remove* existing effects. If an attack like Pale Moon GX places an effect directly on Keldeo GX, that effect cannot be removed by reactivating Pure Heart; in other words, effects that are removed when returning to the Bench can't be removed by Pure Heart.
TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Relevant cards
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