Due to a localization error in the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Squawkabilly ex card (SV:Paldea Evolved, 169/193), the text of the "Grasnar e Aproveitar" Ability will be updated. The original text of this Pokémon's Ability was, "Uma vez durante o seu turno," ("Once during your turn,"). This Ability was intended to be used only on a player's first turn of the game. The Ability text must be updated to ensure that "Grasnar e Aproveitar" functions as intended, and must align with the original Japanese text. The new text for Squawkabilly ex's Ability will be, "Uma vez durante o seu primeiro turno," ("Once during your first turn,). The change will take effect immediately, and all Brazilian Portuguese versions of Squawkabilly ex (SV:Paldea Evolved, 169/193, 247/193, and 264/193) will use the updated Ability text.
Source: (Jun 21, 2023 TPCi Announcements [https://www.pokemon.com/br/errata-de-squawkabilly-ex-escarlate-e-violeta-evolucoes-em-paldea-169-193-do-pokemon-estampas-ilustradas]; Nov 9, 2023 TPCi Rules Team)

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