Do I have to meet the energy requirements for the attack I choose with Zoroark's "Foul Play"?
No, you do not have to meet the energy requirements for the attack. However, if the attack says you must do something or the attack does nothing, that part still has to be done.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
If Zoroark uses "Foul Play" to copy Reshiram's "Blue Flare" attack, what happens if I don't have have any Fire Energy attached to Zoroark?
The damage amount is done regardless of whether Zororark has any Fire Energy attached to it or not, but if you have one or two Fire Energy attached to Zoroark you must discard them.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
Can I pick up old pre-Black & White style Trainers, Supporters, or Stadiums with Lillipup's "Pickup" attack?
You can get pre-Black & White "Trainer" cards, but not "Supporter" nor "Stadium" cards.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
If I have a Double Colorless Energy attached to Tangrowth, will its "Grind" attack do an extra 20 or 40 damage for that energy card?
It will do an extra 40 damage. Grind looks at the total amount of energy attached, not energy cards.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
If I use Bronzong's "Legend Ceremony" attack, can I choose halves from different Pokemon LEGENDs?
No, both halves must be from the same Pokemon LEGEND.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-02-03)
If I use Bronzong's "Legend Ceremony" attack, can I search my deck for only one Pokemon LEGEND half?
No. If you cannot find both halves, you can't get any Legend pieces. It's both halves or nothing.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-02-03)
Can I use Murkrow's "Switcheroo" attack to move an opponent's "Energy Gain" to a non-SP Pokemon?
Yes you can, but if the Pokemon you move the Energy Gain to is not a Pokemon-SP then the tool would be discarded after it gets moved.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-11-18)
In a game that goes to time and is tied, if I add prizes to my opponent's field with Palkia & Dialga LEGEND's "Time Control" attack on my next turn, do I win?
Yes. After regulation time (plus any additional turns) is completed, once you have fewer prizes remaining than your opponent, you win.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If the opponent has already drawn 2 prizes in the game, and then I use Dialga & Palkia LEGEND's "Time Control" attack to add two more prizes, how much damage would my Mismagius [GL]'s "Grudge" attack do on the following turn?
Even though the Time Control attack added two prizes to your opponent's pile, they have still taken two prizes during the game. So Grudge would do 20 damage plus 10 more for each of the prize cards they have already taken.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
In a Sudden Death game, if I add prizes to my opponent's field with Palkia & Dialga LEGEND's "Time Control" attack, is the game won by the next player to take a prize, or the first player to take their last prize?
A Sudden Death match is complete when a player has taken all of their prizes, regardless of whether there is more than one or not. So adding prizes in this scenario makes it more difficult for the opponent to win.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)