Does a Pokemon with multiple types such as Scovillain with the "Double Type" Ability count for two different types of Pokemon for Toxtricity's "Loud Mix" attack?
Yes, Loud Mix checks for the number of types of Pokemon on your Bench, not how many Pokemon there are.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ Addendum; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If Pokemon League Headquarters is in play and I have Lunatone with the "New Moon" Ability and also Solrock in play, do my Basic Pokemon have an extra {C} cost to their Attacks?
No, but your opponent's Pokemon do.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If my opponent has Spiritomb with the "Fettered in Misfortune" Ability in play, does attaching a Fusion Strike Energy to my Genesect V allow it to use its "Fusion Strike System" Ability or not?
Fusion Strike Energy protects Genesect V from the effect of Fettered in Misfortune, so yes it would be able to use its Fusion Strike System Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-07-13)
Say Gapejaw Bog stadium and Ting-Lu ex with "Cursed Land" Ability are both in play. If I put Lumineon V onto the Bench, can I use its "Luminous Sign" Ability or will it be blocked because it has damage counters on it?
Since Luminous Sign and Gapejaw Bog are simultaneous effects, it is up to the player to choose the order in which they will be applied.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-07-13)
If I attach a Basic Fighting Energy to Eevee, can I use its "Energy Evolution" Ability even though it's known that there's no Fighting type Pokemon that evolves from Eevee?
No, since it's known that there is no Fighting type Pokemon that evolves from Eevee, the Ability cannot be used.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-22)
My opponent has Malamar with the "Contrary" Ability in the Active Spot. On my turn, I attach Blunder Policy to my Fuecoco and use its "Spacing Out" attack and I flip heads. The coin result will be treated as tails, but since the physical coin flipped heads do I get to draw 3 cards with the effect of Blunder Policy?
There is no distinction between the actual result of the coin flip vs. what the outcome is treated as. Regardless of what the physical coin shows the flip was tails, so you would get to draw 3 cards from the effect of Blunder Policy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-22)
My opponent's Active Pokemon is Eternatus VMAX with the "Eternal Zone" Ability working, and they have 8 Pokemon on their Bench. I use Quaquaval ex's "Exciting Dance" attack, doing damage to Eternatus VMAX and then sending out Ting-Lu ex. Will Ting-Lu ex's "Cursed Land" Ability shut off "Eternal Zone" before the entire effect of "Exciting Dance" completes?
Yes. The switch effect of Quaquaval ex happens, and then with Ting-Lu ex entering the Active Spot, Eternatus VMAX's Ability gets shut off, meaning that player must immediately discard Pokemon until they have 5 Benched Pokemon. Then, Eternatus VMAX switches with a Benched Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-22)
Can I use Squawkabilly ex's "Squawk and Seize" Ability if I have no cards in my hand to discard?
Yes, you always have a hand even if it has zero cards in it.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
Can I use Dedenne ex's "Tail Swap" attack to move damage counters around if Abomasnow's "Freezing Disaster" Ability is in play?
Yes you can, since "moving" damage counters is not the same as "healing" damage.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
If I use Forretress ex's "Exploding Energy" Ability, can I attach any of the Energy cards that I searched for to Forretress ex before it is knocked out?
Yes. They would then be discarded with the Forretress ex.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)