Would Genesect EX be able to attack with "G-Booster" if the Defending Pokemon has Silver Mirror attached?
G Booster gets through because it ignores all effects on the Defending Pokemon, including Silver Mirror.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
In a prerelease or booster draft tournament where each player starts with only 4 prize cards, will Iris add 20 damage even if no prizes have been taken?
No, it does not. Limited format tournaments may start out with fewer prizes than the standard six, but that does not mean those fewer prizes count as being taken.
Source: Plasma Blast FAQ (2013-08-15), TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
What happens if you play Ghetsis but your opponent does not have any Item cards in their hand?
Your opponent shuffles their deck (even though they did not put any cards into it) and you do not get to draw any additional cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-06-20)
If I already have four Fire Energy cards in my Discard Pile, can I use Superior Energy Retrieval to discard two Fire Energy cards from my hand and retrieve the other four from my Discard Pile?
Yes, you may retrieve the other four. The restriction is you cannot return any of the cards to your hand that you used to pay this card's cost.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
How does the stadium card Frozen City interact when a player attaches Double Colorless Energy to a non-Team Plasma Pokemon?
You only place 2 damage counters because there was just one attachment, even though the attachment provided multiple energies.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
If my opponent has no cards in their hand, and I only have 1 Colress in my hand, and neither player has any Benched Pokemon, am I allowed to play Colress or not?
Yes, you can. You would shuffle your "hand of zero cards" into your deck and draw nothing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-03-07)
If a Pokemon has a poison condition that places more than one damage counter per turn, like from Crobat's "Ultra-Toxic Fang" attack, does Virbank City Gym work or not?
Yes, it works. You place 4 damage counters for Crobat's "Ultra-Toxic Fang", then you place 2 more for Virbank City Gym making a total of 6 counters placed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-28)
If the Defending Pokemon is already Asleep & Poisoned with a condition that places more than one damage counter in between turns, can you use Hypnotoxic Laser to change the number of counters to be placed?
Yes, the new single-counter Poison condition replaces the multi-counter Poison condition.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-21)
If my Active Pokemon is Snorlax with the "Block" Ability, what happens to my opponent's Active Pokemon if I play Escape Rope?
Escape Rope causes the Pokemon to switch, but Block only prevents Retreating. The opponent switches their Active Pokemon when Escape Rope is played.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)