If a player has some face up prize cards from using Blacephelon's "Blazer" attack and then takes a multi-prize knockout, do they take their prizes one at a time or must they take all of them at once?
Whenever you take more than one prize in a single action, each prize can be taken one at a time.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
If a player earns a penalty for "failing to set up Prize cards at the beginning of the game", would playing Acro Bike or Great Ball count as a search for escalation purposes?
A search is classified as an action that occurs following the direction of card text "Search your deck...". It does not include "drawing cards" for things like Acro Bike, nor "looking at the top/bottom X cards" for things like Great Ball, due to the drastically reduced portion of the deck that is accessed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-28)
If Black Market {*} is in play, and an Active Darkness Pokemon with up to 3 Darkness energy and a Wishful Baton is Knocked Out by damage from an attack, can the player move all of the Darkness Energy from that Pokemon to another Pokemon and still get Black Market {*}'s effect?
Sorry, but no. Taking prizes is the last step when a Pokemon is knocked out; so after all the Darkness Energy is moved, the opponent would not take one fewer Prize card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-28)
If I attack with Naganadel GX's "Stinger GX" attack, how would it work if my opponent has received a "Double Prize Loss" or a "Quad Prize Loss" penalty earlier in the game?
For a "Double Prize Loss" you only need to take one more prize from the remaining three to win the game. If your opponent received a "Quad Prize Loss" you win the game because you have less than four prizes remaining.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-09)
Can I decline to take the benefit of a "Double Prize Loss" or a "Quad Prize Loss" penalty given to my opponent?
No, it simply changes the number of prizes needed to be taken to achieve a win condition. You and your opponent MUST sign any required Prize Card Penalty Slips, keep track of the new number of remaining prizes needed to win, and anything else necessary to implement the penalty.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-26)
If my opponent receives two "Double Prize Loss" penalties and I only have four prizes left in a six prize game, what happens?
As soon as the number of prize penalties meets or exceeds the number of remaining prizes needed to win, the game is over. In this situation you win.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-26)
In the case where both players have Pokemon Knocked Out simultaneously, which player takes their prizes first?
The player whose turn would be next takes their prizes first and then the other player takes their prizes. Then the player whose turn would be next promotes a new Active Pokemon if needed, followed by the other player if they need to promote a new Active Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-05)
When an Active Pokemon is Knocked Out, does the opponent take their prize first or does player have to promote a new Active Pokemon first?
When a Pokemon is Knocked Out prizes are taken first. Then if there is no Active Pokemon a new one is moved up from the Bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-05)
If one of my opponent's Pokemon is Knocked Out in the middle of a turn before the attack, can I take my prize(s) right away or do I have to wait until the end of the turn?
No matter when a Pokemon gets Knocked Out during a turn, the opponent takes their prize(s) as soon as all triggered effects have finished resolving. You do not wait until the end of the turn to resolve KO's and prizes.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-05)