If Sigilyph with the "Toolbox" Ability has Plasma Badge and Reversal Trigger attached, do I get to search my deck for a card when it is KO'd by an attack?
Yes, you can. The tools are still present on the Pokemon when it's KO'd (assuming the attack does not discard the tools first), so you would get to use the effect of Reversal Trigger since Plasma Badge makes Sigilyph a Plasma Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
Can you attach more than one tool of the same name to Sigilyph with the "Toolbox" Ability? And if so, do the effects of the tools stack?
Yes to both questions.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If Sigilyph with the "Toolbox" Ability gets attacked with something that discards a Pokemon Tool who gets to choose which tool gets discarded?
If an attack says to discard a Pokemon Tool it will discard all tools attached to that Pokemon, not just one. So poor Sigilyph would lose all of his tools.
Source: Plasma Blast FAQ (2013-08-15), TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If I have Virizion EX in play and use Hydreigon's "Dark Trance" ability to move a Blend Energy GPRD onto a Pokemon affected by a status condition, will Virizion EX's "Verdant Wind" Ability remove the Special Condition?
Yes, it does. Any time a Grass Energy card becomes attached to a Pokemon while Verdant Wind is enabled causes Special Conditions to be removed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If I have Virizion EX on the bench and my Active Pokemon has a Grass Energy attached, would my opponent be able to play Hypnotoxic Laser since the Pokemon with Grass Energy attached "can't be affected by special conditions"?
The opponent can play Hypnotoxic Laser, but its effect would be blocked.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If I use Victini-EX's "Turbo Energize" attack but choose to attach the two Basic Energy cards from my deck to Sigilyph with "Safeguard", what happens?
Sigiliph is a valid target for the choice of Benched Pokemon, but since Safeguard prevents all effects of attacks done by Pokemon-EX the energies would be discarded rather than attached to Sigilyph.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-06-20)
Is Umbreon's "Dark Shade" Ability stackable?
Yes, it is. Your Team Plasma Pokemon get +20 HP per each Pokemon with the Dark Shade Ability you have in play.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Is Glaceon's "Freeze Zone" Ability stackable?
Yes, it is. Your Team Plasma Pokemon's Retreat Cost is two less energy per each Pokemon with the Freeze Zone Ability you have in play.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Deoxys EX's "Power Connect" Ability refers to "your Team Plasma Pokémon's attacks (excluding Deoxys-EX)". Does that mean to exclude ALL of your Deoxys EX in play, or just one with the "Power Connect" Ability?
It refers to all of your Deoxys EX in play.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)