Can you use Rare Candy to evolve a Mysterious Fossil into an Omastar or Kabutops, or use it on a Root/Claw Fossil to evolve into Cradily/Armaldo?
It can. It counts as a basic Pokémon while in play. Omastar, Kabutops, Cradily, and Armaldo are Stage 2 Pokémon; you could use Rare Candy on the Fossil trainer to skip to them.
What does "This counts as evolving that Pokémon" mean, in game terms?
It counts towards the one evolution per turn for that Pokémon (with exceptions for Trainers and Pokémon Powers that break that rule) and removes Special Conditions on that Pokémon.
Can Pokemon be Knocked Out partway through completing the Trainer card?
A Pokemon cannot be Knocked Out partway through the Trainer card. You must complete all of the actions of a Trainer card BEFORE you check for game state checks (to see if a Pokemon is Knocked out for example).
When you use a Trainer that requires you to shuffle your hand into your deck does that Trainer get shuffled back into the Deck too or does it go to the Discard Pile?
No, the trainer that you play doesn't go back into your deck. {When you played it, you put it down on the table. It is no longer in your hand]
Last week you said that many cards (Lass, etc.) don't require shuffling their deck if they don't have any cards in their hand (Nov 30, 2000, Q4 & Q15). But, a previous ruling for Gambler said that you DO have to shuffle (May 11, 2000, Q131). Please clarify & confirm. Thanks.
Read every card...on Gambler it specifically states 'shuffle your hand into your deck'. Since your 'hand' can be a 'hand' of zero cards you could shuffle if you had no cards in your hand in this case. However, cards that say trade a card in your hand for one in your deck, and you don't have one to trade; you can't shuffle in that case. Lass says 'shuffle all Trainer cards in your hand back into your deck. If you have no trainers, you can't shuffle your deck.
If I use Pokémon Trader or Energy Search and there aren't any Pokémon or Energy in my deck, do I have to show my deck to my opponent? If there isn't any in my deck, do I get to put the Pokémon Trader or Energy Search back in my hand either?
You don't have to show your deck and you don't put the trainer back in your hand [Ed. note: It goes into the discard pile].