Does my active Sylveon's "Safeguard" Ability prevent Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon's "Demolish" attack?
No. Safeguard is an effect on Sylveon, and Demolish ignores effects on your opponent's Active Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2025-01-16)
Say Mew ex used its "Genome Hacking" attack last turn to copy Sylveon ex's "Angelite" attack. If I use "Genome Hacking" this turn to copy the same attack, can I shuffle 2 of their Benched Pokemon into their deck again?
Yes, you can. Mew ex used "the effect" of Angelite last turn, but the "attack" it did was Genome Hacking, so the restriction of Angelite does not apply.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2025-01-09)
If Festival Grounds stadium is in play and my Dipplin with the "Festival Lead" Ability attacks and KO's my opponent's Active Flutter Mane with the "Midnight Fluttering" Ability, can Dipplin attack a second time?
Yes you can, because Festival Lead is no longer disabled after Flutter Mane is KO'd.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2025-01-09)
If I have an Ancient Pokemon in the Active Spot that attacked last turn and I use Thorton to switch it for a Koraidon with "Unrelenting Onslaught" attack, would I get the bonus damage for "Unrelenting Onslaught"?
No, all effects carry over when using Thorton, so the game sees Koraidon as the same Pokemon for all intents and purposes, including having attacked last turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-12-19)
If I use Lumineon V's "Aqua Return" attack against a Defending Pokemon with a Handheld Fan attached, does the Handheld Fan move an Energy from Lumineon V to one of my Benched Pokemon or does the Energy get shuffled into the deck due to "Aqua Return"?
Aqua Return puts Lumineon V into the deck as part of its attack before the Energy can be moved for Handheld Fan's effect. The order of operations is that effects of the Pokemon's attack happen first, and then any triggered effects on the Defending Pokemon happen next.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-12-19)
At the end of my turn, both players' Active Pokemon are Poisoned. During Pokemon Checkup my opponent's poisoned Pokemon gets KO'd, and they bring up a Pecharunt with "Toxic Subjugation" Ability. Does my Active Pokemon then receive additional damage counters for poison placed on it?
Both Poisoned Pokemon receive damage counters during Pokemon Checkup, then you check to see if any Pokemon are Knocked Out. A new Active Pokemon is promoted after the check for Special Conditions. So when Pecharunt is promoted Pokemon Checkup is already over and Toxic Subjugation would not apply.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-12-19)
If Dusknoir is Active and uses its "Cursed Blast" Ability to KO a Togekiss with "Wonder Kiss" Ability, would Togekiss still get to flip for Dusknoir being KO'd or not?
Yes, you would get to flip for Wonder Kiss. All effects have to be resolved before resolving KO's.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-12-12)
Does the Errata for Lucky Egg from May 2010 apply to the newest version of Lucky Egg (SW:Sword & Shield, 167/202) even though the new version was released several years after the Errata and still contains the same text as the pre-Errata version of the card?
No, the newer version of the card should be played as written.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-12-12)
If I use Koraidon's "Unrelenting Onslaught" attack, can I get the extra bonus damage if my different Ancient Pokemon attacked while confused and flipped tails?
No. A failed attack attempt while Confused does not count as an attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-14)
If I use Ceruledge's "Cursed Edge" attack while Temple of Sinnoh is in play, do I get to discard my opponent's attached Special Energy cards?
Yes. While their effects may be turned off, they are still considered Special Energy cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-14)
If Dusknoir or Dusclops is in the Active Spot and uses its "Cursed Blast" Ability to KO a Togekiss with "Wonder Kiss" Ability, does Togekiss get to take an extra Prize Card or not?
If the Dusknoir or Dusclops is active when they use Cursed Blast, Wonder Kiss will apply.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-14)
If I have 4 Togekiss with "Wonder Kiss" Ability in play when my opponent's Active Pokemon is Knocked Out, do I get to flip 4 times even though I can only take one extra prize, assuming one of the flips is heads?
No, you only get to flip once. "The effect of Wonder Kiss does not stack" means that you can only use the Ability once regardless of how many Togekiss are in play. The coin flip is part of using the Ability, so you can't "stack" the flips.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-14)
Does Gravity Gemstone add to the Retreat Cost of my Pokemon while I have Latias ex with "Skyliner" Ability or Archuladon with "Metal Bridge" Ability in play?
Nope, if a Pokemon is set to have no Retreat Cost by an effect such as Skyliner or Metal Bridge, it cannot be increased.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-14)
If I play Tyme, can I put a Ceruledge ex face down and say "Ceruledge"?
No, you have to state the full card name. In this case, "Ceruledge ex".
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I have no Pokemon on my bench can I play Surfer?
No way, dude! You must be able to switch a Pokemon from the Bench in order to play Surfer.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
Can I use Surfer to switch my Active Pokemon with a benched Pokemon, even if I have no cards left in my deck?
Sure thing, bro!
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
Can I use Megaton Blower if there's a Stadium in play but my opponent doesn't have any Tools or Special Energy cards in play?
Yes, you can. Discarding the Stadium is not reliant upon discarding any other cards in this case.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
What happens if I play Megaton Blower and there's not a Stadium, a Tool, or a Special Energy in play?
You can't play the card for no effect, but if there is at least one of those types of cards in play you do as much as you can.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
For Energy Search Pro, can I search for multiple Basic Energy cards of different types, like 3 Grass and 2 Fire and 4 Water?
No, you can only put ONE card of each energy type into your hand.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I play Brilliant Blender but don't want to discard any of the cards in my deck, can I choose to discard no cards?
No, you must discard at least one card from your deck if you play Brilliant Blender.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I have only 1 card left in my deck and my Pokemon with the Amulet of Hope tool attached is KO'd do I have to take that card and put it into my hand?
Yes. You must take at least 1 card with Amulet of Hope when it applies.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I use Koraidon's "Unrelenting Onslaught" attack, can I get the extra bonus damage if I attacked last turn with a different Koraidon?
Yes. Unrelenting Onslaught only cares about whether a different Ancient Pokemon attacked during your last turn.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
Terapagos' "Prism Charge" attack can attach energy to "Tera Pokemon", but can I attach that energy to this Terapagos?
No, although Terapagos' *category* is literally "Tera Pokemon" that doesn't count for the purposes of this attack which only counts for Pokemon with the "Tera Pokemon" attribute.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I use Stunfisk's "Paralyzing Crackle" attack and flip tails, do I still get to discard an Energy card from my Opponent's Active Pokemon?
No, the coin flip is for both Paralyzing the Pokemon and discarding the Energy card.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If a Pokemon has no Weakness to begin with, does Oranguru's "Now You're in My Power" attack give it a Weakness to {C}?
Yes. If a Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Oranguru's attack will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness of Colorless.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
Does Oranguru's "Now You're in My Power" attack mean the Defending Pokemon is now weak to all types?
No, not all types. It only makes it weak to Colorless Type Pokemon.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I use Walrein's "Frigid Fangs" attack and on my opponent's turn they somehow move Walrein to the Bench, do they still need more than 2 Energy attached to their Pokemon to attack?
Yes. The effect resides on all of the opponent's Pokemon, not on Walrein, so moving Walrein to the Bench does not get rid of the effect.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
Can I use Vivillon's "Evo-Powder" attack to evolve Basic Pokemon that I just put into play this turn?
Yes, you can.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I Knock Out my opponent's Active Pokemon with Wo-Chien's "Entangling Whip" attack and take my last prize card but also discard the last cards in my deck, do I win or lose because I have no cards left in my deck?
You win. You lose if you can't draw a card at the start of your turn, but since you took your last prize the game ends before that happens.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, do I do 40 damage to their Active Pokemon when I use Braviary's "Drag Off" attack?
No. Damage is only done to the "new Active Pokemon". If there is no switch, then no damage is done.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I use Rotom's "Crushing Pulse" attack, may I choose to not discard certain Item or Tool cards from my opponent's hand?
No, you must discard all of them.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I use Armarouge's "Crimson Blaster" attack but my opponent has no benched Pokemon, do I still discard all my {R} energy?
Yes, but it would not do any damage to the Active Pokemon.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
In Prereleases where we start the game with 4 Prize Cards each, how much damage does Gouging Fire's "Blazing Charge" attack do?
Blazing Charge would do 170 damage (100+70) since each player starts the game with 4 Prize Cards.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If my opponent put a Stage 1 Pokemon directly into play using Tatsugiri ex's "Cinnabar Lure" attack, and I use Paldean Tauros' "Spirited Tackle" attack while that Pokemon is Active, would it do 90 or 180 damage?
It does 180 damage. Although the Stage 1 Pokemon is not an "Evolved Pokemon" in this scenario, it is still considered an "Evolution Pokemon" (Stage 1) that meets the requirements for Spirited Tackle.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I put a Skeledirge (Stage 2) directly into play using Tatsugiri ex's "Cinnabar Lure" attack and I also have a Victini with "Victory Cheer" Ability in play, will Skeledirge's attacks do 10 more damage?
Yes. Although Skeledirge is not an "Evolved Pokemon" in this scenario, it is still considered an "Evolution Pokemon" (Stage 2) that meets the requirements for Victory Cheer.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I use Tatsugiri ex's "Cinnabar Lure" attack, can I choose to put Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokemon cards directly onto my Bench?
Yes, as long as there is room on your Bench to put them.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I have Togekiss with "Wonder Kiss" Ability in play and my opponent's poisoned Active Pokemon only has 10 HP left, do I take an extra prize when it is KO'd during Pokemon Checkup if I flip Heads for "Wonder Kiss"? What if Togekiss is in play and my opponent's active Pokemon knocks itself out?
The KO can be during either player's turn or during Pokemon Checkup, and it doesn't have to be from an attack. Wonder Kiss only looks at your opponent's Active Pokemon.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
Can I use Quaquaval's "Up-Tempo" Ability to put a card from my hand on the bottom of my deck if I have 6 or more cards in my hand?
No, you cannot. You have to be able to draw a card when using this ability.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If Pikachu ex has full HP and a Lively Stadium is in play, and Roaring Moon ex uses its "Calamity Storm" attack and discards the stadium, will Pikachu ex's "Resolute Heart" Ability prevent it from being KO'd leaving it with 10 HP remaining?
No, it won't. Calamity Storm does 220 damage and that many damage counters are placed onto Pikachu ex, so it no longer has full HP at this point due to Lively Stadium and the "Full HP condition" is not met in order to trigger Resolute Heart; then the stadium is discarded, returning Pikachu ex's maximum HP to 200, and therefore Pikachu ex is KO'd. However, if Calamity Storm does 230 damage (for example, if Roaring Moon ex has a Vitality Band attached), Resolute Heart would work; the attack places 230 damage onto Pikachu ex, thus meeting the "Full HP condition" in order to trigger Resolute Heart; then the Stadium is discarded, and Pikachu ex survives with 10 HP remaining (190 damage on it).
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
If I use Tatsugiri ex's "Surprise Pump" attack against my opponent's Kecleon with "Expert Hider" Ability and they flip Heads, does it do 100 damage or no damage?
Surprise Pump will do 100 damage. The attack ignores the damage reduction because Expert Hider is an effect.
Source: Surging Sparks FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-11-07)
The original text for Venusaur & Snivy-GX's "Shining Vine" Ability was: "Once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, when you attach a Grass Energy card from your hand to it, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with their Active Pokemon." The new card text for Venusaur & Snivy-GX's "Shining Vine" Ability will be: "During your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, whenever you attach a Grass Energy card from your hand to it, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with their Active Pokemon."
Source: (Nov 07, 2024 TPCi Announcements []; Nov 07, 2024 TPCi Rules Team)
The original text for Minior's "Far-Flying Meteor" Ability was: "Once during your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench, when you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon, you may switch it with your Active Pokemon." The original intention was to be able to use this Ability whenever you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon, not just once per turn. It is possible to use this Ability more than once per turn. The new card text for Minior's "Far-Flying Meteor" Ability will be: "During your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench, whenever you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon, you may switch it with your Active Pokemon."
Source: (Nov 07, 2024 TPCi Announcements []; Nov 7, 2024 TPCi Rules Team)
What happens if I use Area Zero Underdepths to replace Sky Field, or vice versa? Does either player need to discard Pokemon because the Sky Field/Area Zero Underdepths stadium left play, or is the transition instantaneous?
As long as you meet the required criteria of the new stadium you would not have to discard any Benched Pokemon since one stadium's effect is replacing the other simultaneously.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-26)
If my opponent flips heads for Shuppet's "Enveloping Shadow" attack, can I still play Antique Dome Fossil or Antique Helix Fossil since they say to "Play this card as if it were a 60-HP Basic {*} Pokemon"?
No you cannot, because it is still considered to be an Item Card while in your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-26)
If I use Grand Tree to evolve from Charmander into Charmeleon and then into Charizard ex, can I use Charizard ex's "Infernal Reign" Ability or not?
No, you cannot use Infernal Reign because Charizard ex was not played from your hand to evolve Charmeleon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-26)
Say my opponent and I each have 1 prize card left, then I use an attack like Pumpkaboo's "Reckless Charge" that KO's my opponent's Active Pokemon but also KO's Pumpkaboo due to "Reckless Charge's" recoil effect. However, my opponent has only one benched Pokemon with 20HP left, while I only have Iron Valiant ex on my bench. Does our game go to a tiebreaker since we both have a Pokemon on the bench, or will I win the game since Iron Valiant ex would be promoted as Active and then "Tachyon Bits" will be activated resulting in the KO of my opponent's last Pokemon?
All effects have to finish resolving before the winner is determined, so you could activate Tachyon Bits to KO the opponent's last Pokemon. You would win the game as you have achieved two win conditions but your opponent has only achieved one.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-26)
If Roaring Moon ex's "Calamity Storm" attacks a Pokemon without a Rule Box and chooses to discard the Neutralization Zone stadium, is the damage neutralized before discarding the stadium, or does the damage happen after discarding the stadium?
The *choice* is made to discard the Stadium and damage is calculated, however Neutralization Zone stadium prevents that damage from being done. After that the Stadium is discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If Haxorus uses its "Bring Down the Axe" attack while Temple of Sinnoh is in play and there is a Mist Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon, does it knock out the Defending Pokemon?
Yes. Even though Temple of Sinnoh turns off the text portion of Mist Energy, it still remains a Special Energy Card and meets the requirement for Bring Down the Axe.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If my opponent has a card with "Colress" in its name in their Discard Pile and Pokemon League Headquarters is in play, can I use Kyurem's "Trifrost" attack with only one energy attached due to its "Plasma Bane" Ability?
Kyurem's Plasma Bane ability sets Trifrost's attack cost to one. Since the attack cost has been set to a specific number, Pokemon League Headquarters does not add to it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
My Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex has a Sparkling Crystal attached and only one Double Turbo Energy on it. If I use its "Torrential Pump" attack, can I shuffle the Double Turbo Energy back into the deck and do damage to a benched Pokemon?
Yes, this is a case of doing as much as you can. You would get to do the bench damage even though you can't detach 3 energy, but you must shuffle in SOME energy in order to get the bonus. You shuffle the two energy that are attached back into the deck, and do 80 to the active and 100 to the bench (remember, damage is still reduced for the DTE since the detachment happens after damage is done).
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Can I use Grand Tree to search my deck if I don't have any Pokemon in play that can evolve further?
No, you may not. There must be a known valid evolution path in order to use Grand Tree.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Can I use Grand Tree to find a Stage 1 Pokemon that has no known Stage 2 (i.e. using Grand Tree to evolve Scyther into Scizor)?
Yes, you can search for a Stage 1 Pokemon that has no subsequent Stage 2.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
My Opponent & I each have one prize card left and no benched Pokemon, and my Active Pokemon has only 100 HP left. If I Knock Out their Defending Pokemon that has a Deluxe Bomb attached, does the game end before they get to place 12 damage counters on my Pokemon to take their last prize card?
No, they get to take a Prize card. Everything, including all effects, have to be resolved before the game is considered as finished.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Crispin and I only get one Basic Energy from my deck, can I attach it to one of my Pokemon?
No, if you only get one Basic Energy card you have to put it in your hand.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
I have Area Zero Underdepths in play, a Tera Pokemon-ex as my Active Pokemon, and 8 Pokemon on my Bench, none of which have the Tera Trait. My Opponent uses an attack that allows them to Knock Out my Active Tera Pokemon-ex and also two of my Benched Pokemon. Once my Tera Pokemon-ex has been Knocked Out and discarded, am I able to discard my two Benched Pokemon that have taken full damage before I count them as KO'd, or do I have to KO them first?
You have to KO them first and your opponent gets to take Prize cards for them. After they have been KO'd, you would then discard one final Pokemon from the bench due to Area Zero Underdepths and then choose a new Active Pokemon.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If my Grimmsnarl uses its "Goad 'n' Grab" attack and my opponent's Active Pokemon has a Mist Energy attached the switch out effect will be prevented, but will it still do 160 to the unchanged Active Pokemon?
No, it will not do any damage because there isn't a NEW Active Pokemon.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Falinks' "Form Ranks" attack while Area Zero Underdepths stadium is in play and I already have 4 non-Tera Pokemon on my Bench, how many Pokemon can I put on the Bench if the first one I place is a Tera Pokemon?
Only one. Since there were no Tera Pokemon in play when the attack was used, there is only one space available to fill on the Bench.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If Falinks used its "Form Ranks" attack during my last turn, then if I retreat it and switch it again into the Active Spot, how much damage will it do if I use "All-Out Attack"?
It will do 120, since it's a game state check that the attack was used last turn and not an effect on the Pokemon.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Does Drifblim's "Everyone Explode Now" attack count or do damage to the Drifloon that are underneath evolved Drifblim?
No, you only count the most evolved stage of a Pokemon in play. The previous stages are now part of that Pokemon.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I have a Luminous Energy attached to Alcremie, can I use its "Colorful Confection" attack to search my deck for any Energy type of Pokemon?
No, while Luminous Energy provides all types of Energy at the same time, it is not a Basic Energy card.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I have multiple Basic Energy cards of different types attached to Alcremie, can I use its "Colorful Confection" attack to search my deck for more than one Energy type of Pokemon or do I have to choose only one Energy type?
You can search for more than one type of Pokemon as long as they match any Basic Energy card types attached to Alcremie. And if you want, more than one of them can be the same Energy type.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Can I use Eldegoss' "Breezy Gift" attack if I have no cards left in my deck?
Sure. You may not have any cards in your deck when you play it, but you will once you shuffle the Eldegoss and all attached cards into it.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If my Fidough was damaged, and I evolve it to Dachsbun ex and use the "Time to Chow Down" Ability, does that Dachsbun ex also get healed of all damage?
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Dachsbun ex's "Time to Chow Down" Ability, can I choose which of my Evolution Pokemon to heal so I don't have to discard Energy from one of them that has just one damage counter on it?
No, you choose to use the Ability or not. Once you choose to use it, you have to heal all of your Evolution Pokemon and discard Energy from all of them that were healed.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Can I use Cradily's "Selective Slime" Ability if my opponent's Active Pokemon is already Burned, Confused, and Poisoned?
No, you cannot. The only exception is if one of those is an "enhanced" Special Condition, such as Poisoned that places 2 damage counters instead of 1 during Pokemon Checkup.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Hydrapple ex's "Ripening Charge" Ability to attach a {G} Energy to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, do I get to also draw a card because of "Teal Dance"?
No. You don't get to combine the effects of two Abilities at the same time; each one must be done separately.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
If I use Tauros' "Destructive Horn" attack, flip heads, and discard the only {M} Energy attached to my opponent's Orthworm ex, does my Tauros take damage from the Orthworm ex's "Pummeling Payback" Ability or not?
Since there are no {M} Energy attached when the effect of Pummeling Payback is triggered, no damage counters are placed on Tauros.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
Would Crabominable's "Food Prep" Ability reduce the attack cost of cards like Technical Machine:Crisis Punch?
Yes, any attack used by Crabominable would have its attack cost reduced for each Kofu in your discard pile.
Source: Stellar Crown FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-12)
How much damage does Diancie's "Diffuse Reflection" attack do if I also have an evolved Pokemon with a Reversal Energy providing three energy?
The damage is calculated based on the number of Special Energy CARDS, not the amount of energy the card provides. So in your example it would only do +40 damage for Reversal Energy, not +120.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-05)
How many energy does Reversal Energy provide when its effect is not triggered? There are 3 energy symbols at the top of the card.
The single colorless energy symbol in the statement, "As long as this card is attached to a Pokemon it provides {C} energy" indicates the number of energy it provides when its effect is not triggered.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-05)
If Ting-Lu attacks with "Ground Crasher" against a 30 HP Cleffa with Bravery Charm attached while Jamming Tower is in play, would it do the damage first and KO Cleffa, or would Jamming Tower be discarded first and Cleffa survives due to its Bravery Charm reactivating?
The damage is indeed done first and then Jamming Tower is discarded, but lucky for Cleffa the check for KO does not happen until all damage and effects have been resolved. Cleffa would have 80HP and is not KO'd by Ground Crasher.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-05)
Say my opponent has Flutter Mane with the "Midnight Fluttering" Ability active and I have Palafin with "Zero to Hero" Ability active. If I switch or retreat Palafin to the bench, does "Zero to Hero" activate and allow me to search my deck and swap it with a Palafin ex or not?
Zero to Hero is used when Palafin has moved to the Bench. Therefore, it is not blocked by Midnight Fluttering.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-09-05)
If Jamming Tower stadium is in play, do I discard any of my attached Technical Machines at the end of my turn or not?
The discard text on Technical Machine tools is an effect, so the tool is not discarded at the end of the turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-25)
If I use Regidrago VSTAR's "Legacy Star" Ability, can I choose to discard less than 7 cards from my deck?
No, you must discard 7 cards if you are able to do so.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-25)
Can I use Regidrago VSTAR's "Legacy Star" Ability if I have less than 7 cards remaining in my deck?
Yes, if you have less than 7 cards in your deck you must discard them all.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-25)
Can I use Regidrago VSTAR's "Legacy Star" Ability if I don't have any cards remaining in my deck?
No, you cannot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-25)
If an effect prevents Sinistcha ex's "Re-Brew" attack from placing damage counters onto the target Pokemon, do I still shuffle the Basic {G} Energy cards into my deck?
No, if you don't place any damage counters, you don't shuffle the Energy into your deck.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23); TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-25)
If I discard a Double Turbo Energy when using Greninja ex's "Mirage Barrier" attack, does it do 120 damage or 100 damage to two of my opponent's Pokemon?
You do 100 damage to the two. You first CHOOSE the energy you're going to discard, then do the damage (which is reduced for Double Turbo), and THEN discard the energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-11)
If Pokemon League Headquarters stadium is in play, how many energy are needed for energyless attacks like Cleffa's "Grasping Draw" attack?
Any attacks that normally cost no energy now require at least one energy to be attached when Pokemon League Headquarters is in play. However, if an effect like Cramorant's "Lost Provisions" Ability sets an attack's cost to zero energy, Pokemon League Headquarters does not add an additional energy requirement to it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-11)
For Kyurem's "Plasma Bane" Ability, does "Colress's Experiment" or "Colress's Tenacity" in the discard pile count as having "Colress" in their name?
Yes, and the Trainer Card "Colress" counts too.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-11)
If I use Rabsca's "Revival Blessing" attack to put Charizard ex onto my Bench, can I use the "Infernal Reign" Ability to search for and attach up to 3 Basic {R} energy?
No you cannot, because Charizard ex is not being played from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-06-27)
If I use Rare Candy to evolve Charizard ex, can I use its "Infernal Reign" Ability to search for and attach up to 3 Basic {R} energy?
Yes, because Charizard ex is still being played from your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-06-27)
If my opponent has an Abomasnow with "Freezing Disaster" Ability in play, can I use Munkidori's "Adrena-Brain" Ability to move damage counters off one of my Pokemon or would that count as "healing"?
Yes, you can do that. Moving damage counters off a Pokemon is not the same as healing damage (similar as to how moving damage counters onto a Pokemon is not the same as doing damage to it).
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-06-27)
If Iron Hands ex with Heavy Baton is KO'd by Quaquaval ex's "Exciting Dance" attack which pushes it to the Bench after doing damage, does Heavy Baton move energies attached to Iron Hands ex since it is on the bench by the time KO's are checked?
Yes. Heavy Baton checks for two things here: Iron Hands ex was damaged by an attack while it was your Active Pokemon, and Iron Hands ex was Knocked Out by that attack. So even though you don't check for a KO until the attack is completed, the criteria for using Heavy Baton has been met, so it can be used. This holds true for any similar Ability that triggers when the Pokemon is Active and gets damaged by an attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-06-20)
Can you use Iron Leaves ex's "Rapid Vernier" Ability while Klefki's "Mischievous Lock" Ability is active?
No, you cannot. Rapid Vernier does not activate until Iron Leaves ex is on the Bench, at which time it is considered "in play" and therefore blocked by Mischievous Lock.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-06-20)
If Radiant Jirachi with the "Entrusted Wishes" Ability is KO'd by Quaquaval ex's "Exciting Dance" attack which pushes it to the Bench after doing damage, do you still get to search your deck for up to 3 cards or not since Radiant Jirachi is on the bench by the time KO's are checked?
Yes. Entrusted Wishes checks for two things here: Radiant Jirachi was damaged by an attack while it was your Active Pokemon, and Radiant Jirachi was Knocked Out by that attack. So even though you don't check for a KO until the attack is completed, the criteria for using Entrusted Wishes has been met, so it can be used. This holds true for any similar Ability that triggers when the Pokemon is Active and gets damaged by an attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-06-20)
Can I have 4 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, and 4 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex, etc. in my deck?
Yes. They are all different names.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If I have Teal Mask Ogerpon ex in play, am I allowed to use Ogre's Mask to swap it with a different Teal Mask Ogerpon ex in my discard pile?
Yes, that is allowed.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
Can I play Carmine on any turn?
Yes, although Carmine allows you to play this Supporter on your first turn it does not restrict you to playing it only on your first turn.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If I play Accompanying Flute and find only one Basic Pokemon, do I have to put it onto their bench?
No, since Accompanying Flute says "you may choose any number", you don't have to choose any Basic Pokemon if you don't want to.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
Can I play Accompanying Flute if my opponent's Bench is full?
No, you cannot.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
Can I place 9 damage counters on Walking Wake using its "Undulating Slice" attack if it would result in enough damage to knock itself out?
Yes, you can put up to 9 damage counters on Walking Wake even if it doesn't have that much HP remaining. Undulating Slice will do 20x each damage counter that was placed, and at the end of the attack Walking Wake will be knocked out.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
Can I only use Illumise's "Slowing Perfume" attack on my first turn if I go second?
Yes. That attack is restricted to that one and only time.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If Pinsir uses "Slow Crunch" and retreats or is KO'd on the opponent's next turn, does the opponent's active Pokemon still get Knocked Out?
Yes, the effect is on the Pokemon that was attacked with Slow Crunch.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If I use Pinsir's "Slow Crunch" attack and the Opponent's Active Pokemon retreats or evolves, is it still Knocked Out?
No. Evolving or moving to the bench removes all attack effects.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If I use Greninja ex's "Shinobi Blade" attack and choose to search my deck for a card, do I have to take a card and put it in my hand if I don't find one I want?
You don't have to search, but if you do you must take a card and put it into your hand.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
Can I only use Volbeat's "Quick Sign" attack on my first turn?
You can use it on any turn, not just your first turn.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
When I use Palafin's "Zero to Hero" Ability, do I shuffle both Palafin and the Basic Finizen cards into my deck, or just the Stage 1 Palafin card since it says to shuffle "this card" into the deck?
Only the Palafin goes back into the deck. Finizen stays in play, going underneath the Palafin ex.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
What happens if I use Drakloak's "Recon Directive" Ability and I only have one card left in my deck?
You put that card into your hand, and there is no other card to put back into your deck.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
Palafin ex's "Hero's Spirit" Ability is very literal. You can put it into play only with the effect of Palafin's "Zero to Hero" Ability; you can't put it into play any other way. The only exception would be if something like Hex Maniac or Garbotoxin are used, which remove Abilities of Pokemon that are in the hand.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If I have a Technical Machine attached to Goldeen that has the "Festival Lead" Ability, can I use its "Whirlpool" attack first and then attack with the TM attack?
No, Festival Lead does not work with TM's; it has to be an attack that the Pokemon has printed on the card.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If I have a Technical Machine attached to a Pokemon that has the "Festival Lead" Ability, can I attack with the TM twice?
No, Festival Lead does not work with TM's; it has to be an attack that the Pokemon has printed on the card.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
I have a Pokemon with the "Festival Lead" Ability in the Active Spot. If I have more than one Thwackey in play, can I use more than one "Boom Boom Groove" Ability in the same turn?
Yes. Each Thwackey can use their Ability once.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If my active Pokemon with 30HP remaining has a Rescue Board tool attached, making it have no Retreat Cost, does Ariados' "Big Net" Ability affect its retreat cost?
Nope, if a Pokemon's Retreat Cost is set to zero by an effect such as Rescue Board, it cannot be increased by Big Net.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
Does the extra retreat cost placed by Ariados' "Big Net" Ability increase the damage done by Ariados' "String Bind" attack?
Yes, it does.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If I have Fezandipiti with the "Adrena-Pheromone" Ability as my Active Pokemon and it only has a Legacy Energy attached, can I attack with "Energy Feather" on my turn and also get the protective effect of "Adrena-Pheromone" during my opponent's turn?
Yes, although Legacy Energy only provides one unit of energy, it is providing all energy types all the time.
Source: Twilight Masquerade FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-05-23)
If Miss Fortune Sisters discards 5 Item cards from the top of their opponent's deck, does the opponent shuffle the deck since there are no cards to shuffle in?
Yes, you would still shuffle the deck.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-04-18)
Can I use Forest Seal Stone's "Star Alchemy" Ability if Garbodor's "Garbotoxin" Ability is activated?
Yes, you can. Star Alchemy is not an Ability the Pokemon has, but it's an Ability the Pokemon has access to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-04-18)
Can I use Cursed Shovel to discard cards from my opponent's deck if they have Bibarel with "Reassuring Dam" Ability on their Bench?
Yes, since Cursed Shovel is a Tool card and not an attack, Ability, Item card, or Supporter card its effect would not be blocked.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Can I use Salvatore to search my deck for a card that is not legal for play in the current tournament format? For example in a Standard format tournament, could I use Salvatore on a Raichu to search for Raichu BREAK?
No, a card has to be legal for play in the designated tournament format in order to be searched for by Salvatore.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Can I use the old ACE SPEC Master Ball from Black & White - Plasma Blast?
Yes, you can. However, you cannot use any previous versions of Master Ball that are not considered ACE SPEC cards because the only Master Ball currently legal in Standard format (as of 2024) is an ACE SPEC.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Boxed Order and don't find any Item cards, does my turn still end?
Yes, it does.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Reuniclus' "Summoning Gate" attack says to look at the top 8 cards of your deck and put any number of Pokemon you find there onto your Bench. Does this allow you to put more than 5 Pokemon on the Bench?
No, Summoning Gate does not allow you to exceed the normal limits of the game. You can put any number of Pokemon you find onto your Bench up to the maximum size of the Bench. In fact, if you use this attack when your Bench is full, the attack does nothing; you can't even look at the top 8 cards of your deck.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Reuniclus' "Summoning Gate" attack says to look at the top 8 cards of your deck and put any number of Pokemon you find there onto your Bench. Does this allow you to put non-Basic Pokemon directly onto the Bench?
Yes, you can do that.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If my opponent used Iron Boulder ex's "Repulsor Axe" attack, will my Attacking Pokemon with Mist Energy attached receive the 8 damage counters from "Repulsor Axe" if I attack and do damage to Iron Boulder ex?
No, it will not receive the 8 damage counters. Mist Energy prevents all effects of your opponent's attacks done to the Pokemon where it is attached, and Repulsor Axe's damage counters are an effect of your opponent's attack.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Ribombee's "Plentiful Pollen" attack, do I still get to take 2 more Prize cards if the Defending Pokemon is switched out and then I KO it next turn?
Nope, if the Defending Pokemon is switched with a new Pokemon or evolves the effect of Plentiful Pollen goes away.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, do I do 30 damage to their active Pokemon when I use Mawile's "Invite and Strike" attack?
No, damage is only done to the "new Active Pokemon". If there is no switch, then no damage is done.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Sableye's "Damage Collection" attack, can I move damage counters from more than one of my opponent's Benched Pokemon, or can I move damage counters from only one of them?
You can choose as many Benched Pokemon as you like, but all of the damage gets moved to the opponent's Active Pokemon.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If my opponent uses Shiftry's "Expelling Tornado" attack and I have Rabsca in play with 5 Benched Pokemon, would the 2 Benched Pokemon not chosen get shuffled into my deck or would Rabsca's "Spherical Shield" Ability protect them?
Even though the other Pokemon are getting chosen, the effect of Expelling Tornado is still being done to the remaining two Pokemon; so they would be protected by Spherical Shield and would NOT get shuffled into the deck.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Feraligatr's "Torrential Heart" Ability and then use Prime Catcher to bring my opponent's Flutter Mane into the Active Spot, would my Feraligatr's attack damage still be boosted?
Yes, even though Flutter Mane is disabling Feraligatr's Ability the Torrential Heart effect was already applied until the end of the turn.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
What happens if I play Iron Leaves ex and use its "Rapid Vernier" Ability to move to the Active Spot while my opponent has an active Flutter Mane with "Midnight Fluttering" Ability? Can I not move to the Active Spot? Or can I move to the Active Spot but not move any Energy to Iron Leaves ex?
Rapid Vernier becomes active when Iron Leaves ex comes into play, and because its Ability is initiated on the Bench you get to complete all of its actions before Midnight Fluttering deactivates it.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Baxcalibur's "Super Cold" Ability while my opponent has Gengar ex with "Gnawing Curse" in play, do I put 2 damage counters for each Energy card attached from "Super Cold"?
Yes, you do.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Metang's "Metal Maker" Ability while my opponent has Gengar ex with "Gnawing Curse" in play, do I put 2 damage counters for each Energy card attached from "Metal Maker"?
No, Metal Maker does not attach Energy cards from your hand so Gnawing Curse does not apply.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
Can I use Pidove's "Emergency Evolution" Ability during my first turn or during the turn I put it into play?
Yes, as long as its remaining HP is 30 or less.
Source: Temporal Forces FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-21)
If I use Hypno's "Pendulum Influence" attack to use Ampharos ex's "Thunderstrike Tail" attack, can I do the extra damage even if I don't have 2 Energy to discard?
Yes, Thunderstrike Tail is somewhat unique in that it has you choose whether or not you want to do the extra damage, and then you discard 2 Energy if you can. If you only have 1 Energy attached to Hypno and choose to do the extra damage, you would discard 1 Energy. Even if you were able to use Thunderstrike Tail with 0 Energy attached to your Pokemon, you could choose to do the extra damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-03-07)
Can a player use Moonlit Hill stadium's effect to discard a Basic Psychic energy from their hand even if there are no damage counters on any of their Pokemon?
No, the Psychic energy discard is a cost in order to do the effect of healing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-15)
If I use Shining Jirachi's "Stellar Reign" attack against a Stage 2 Pokemon that evolved from a Stage 1 which was put directly into play via Pokemon Research Lab, would my opponent put both the Stage 1 & Stage 2 cards into their hand (since both cards are "evolution cards") or does the Stage 1 card remain in play (since you can't "devolve" into nothing)?
Since you can't devolve into nothing, the Stage 1 card would remain in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-15)
If my opponent used Hisuian Zoroark's "Doom Curse" attack to KO my active Great Tusk ex at the end of my next turn, would I still have to discard the top 5 cards of my deck for Great Tusk ex's "Quaking Demolition" Ability or not?
If there's an effect that KO's Great Tusk ex at the end of the turn Quaking Demolition will still trigger. All end-of-turn effects process first, then you check for any KO's afterward.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-15)
If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack and they have already used their VSTAR Power for the game, what happens if I choose a VSTAR attack to be copied?
Since they've already used their VSTAR Power you may not choose that attack, you must select a different attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)
If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack, what happens if I choose Pincurchin's "Follow-Up Kerzap" attack and the Mime Jr. didn't use "Stun Needle" during their previous turn?
Even if Mime Jr. had used Mimed Games to copy Stun Needle on the previous turn it did not use Stun Needle, it used Mimed Games. Therefore you cannot choose Follow-Up Kerzap if its conditions haven't been met; you must select a different attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)
If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack and they don't have enough cards in the Lost Zone, can I choose Sableye's "Lost Mine" attack and if so what happens?
No, you may not choose that attack, you must select a different attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)
If my opponent uses Mime Jr's "Mimed Games" attack and I also have a Mime Jr. in play, can I choose my "Mimed Games" attack, and if so what happens next?
No, you may not select Mimed Games if your opponent attacks with Mimed Games; you must select a different attack. And if your only Pokemon in play is Mime Jr., then your opponent's Mimed Games won't do anything.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-02-01)
If I receive cards in a Prerelease prior to the expansion set's release date, can I use cards from that set in a sanctioned tournament as long as those cards are reprints of already legal cards?
Per the current Play! Pokemon Tournament Rules Handbook you cannot use any new cards until the set is considered legal for tournament play (currently the 2nd Friday following that expansion's US market release date), however you can use a newer version of a reprinted card that is currently playable in the Standard or Expanded format immediately upon its official release.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-08-04); TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-25)
If I use Boost Shake to evolve Togetic into Togekiss, can I use Togekiss' "Precious Gift" ability, or does the effect of Boost Shake prevent me from doing so?
Precious Gift takes place at the end of the turn, so you still get to do it after using Boost Shake.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-11)
If Veluza with the "Fillet Memento" Ability gets Knocked Out and has a Splash Energy attached to it, can I move the Splash Energy but still use its effect to return Veluza to my hand?
If you choose to move Splash Energy with Fillet Memento, Veluza will not be returned to your hand since it no longer has Splash Energy attached.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-11)
In a Standard Format game I use "Technical Machine: Evolution" and the two Pokemon I choose are both Raichu. Does the game still recognize that Raichu BREAK exists despite it not being legal for play in that format, therefore allowing me to search my deck?
No, since Raichu BREAK is not currently legal in Standard Format you cannot attempt to search for it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-04)
I have Pokemon that were put into play during the turn I use Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack. I immediately get another turn from "Yoga Loop". Can I evolve those Pokemon during that new turn?
Yes, absolutely! If you take another turn after using Yoga Loop you have to do everything you would normally do as part of your turn, including evolving any Pokemon that were in play on the previous turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-04)
I use Psyduck's "Overthink" attack to cause flips to be treated as Tails whenever your opponent flips a coin on the next turn. But if my opponent plays Will, which allows the player to choose the outcome of the first coin flip required for an attack, does my opponent get to choose heads for their first coin flip or is it still tails due to "Overthink"?
Overthink will cause the flip to be treated Tails regardless of Will, since Overthink is in effect whenever your opponent flips.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-04)
If Wo-Chien's "Binding Greed" attack knocks out the Defending Pokemon does the attack effect apply to the new Active Pokemon?
No, the effect of Binding Greed happens to the Defending Pokemon prior to checking if it has been KO'd. It does not pass along to the next Active Pokemon; only the Pokemon that received the attack is affected.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-04)
If I have Deoxys (SWSH170 Promo) with all three "Fusion Strike", "Single Strike", and "Rapid Strike" properties in play, how much is Drapion V's "Dynamic Tail" attack discounted by for its "Wild Style" Ability?
While Deoxys is all three types of Strike Pokemon, it is still just one Pokemon and gives only one {C} reduction for Wild Style.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-04)
If I use Umbreon's "Feint Attack" on an opponent's benched Charizard ex, would the damage be blocked by Charizard ex's "Tera" trait or would it go through since "Feint Attack" ignores all effects on the opposing Pokemon?
Tera traits are considered effects on that Pokemon, so Feint Attack would get through it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-01-04)
If my opponent has Tool Jammer activated, do I discard any of my attached Technical Machines at the end of my turn or not?
The discard text on Technical Machine tools is an effect, so the tool is not discarded at the end of the turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-12-14)
Can Mew ex's "Genome Hacking" attack copy an opponent's VSTAR attack that has already been used?
Yes, Genome Hacking can copy an opponent's VSTAR attack, even if the opponent has already used up their VSTAR attack for the game. However, if you have already used your own VSTAR Attack you cannot choose to use a VSTAR Power attack with Genome Hacking; you must select a valid attack to use.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-12-14)
If we are in a Tiebreaker or Sudden Death game, can I use Squawkabilly ex's "Squawk and Seize" Ability on my first turn?
Even though the Tiebreaker or Sudden Death is used to resolve a game where "Squawk and Seize" may have already been used, the Tiebreaker/Sudden Death is considered a separate game on its own so "Squawk and Seize" may be used on each player's first turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-12-14)
If it is your first turn going second and you attack with Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack, are you allowed to use Squawkabilly ex's "Squawk and Seize" Ability during that additional turn?
No, you cannot. The second turn is a new turn and no longer your first turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-12-14)
How does Skater's Park work if I have Toedscruel with the "Slime Mold Colony" Ability active?
Slime Mold Colony only affects your opponent's discard pile. However, while Skater's Park is in play, the basic Energy that would be discarded when your opponent retreats never makes it to the discard pile, so those cards would go into their hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-12-14)
How does PokeStop work if I have Toedscruel with the "Slime Mold Colony" Ability active?
Slime Mold Colony only affects your opponent's discard pile and their Abilities or Trainer cards (it doesn't do anything to its owner), so the behavior of the PokeStop stadium depends on which player owns it. For example, if I have Toedscruel and my opponent uses their own PokeStop, they would be able to discard 3 cards from the top of their deck but they wouldn't be able to put any of those discarded Item cards into their hand. However, if I have Toedscruel and my opponent uses *my* PokeStop, it works normally because Slime Mold Colony does not affect *my* PokeStop.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-12-14)
When using Golurk V's "Rewind Beam" attack against an evolved Pokemon, does my opponent get to put the highest Stage Evolution card into their hand if Golurk V does enough damage to KO it?
All effects of attacks must be completed before checking for KO's. So yes, the highest Stage Evolution card is put into their hand before it is KO'd.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-16)
If my opponent has a Ting-Lu ex with "Cursed Land" Ability active and a Gapejaw Bog stadium in play, when I put Spiritomb with the "Fettered in Misfortune" Ability into play is there a brief moment where Spiritomb's Ability is active before the damage counters from Gapejaw Bog are placed onto Spiritomb which in turn triggers "Cursed Land"? For example, making Honchkrow V with the "Boss Pockets" Ability discard all but one of its Tools before "Fettered in Misfortune" turns off?
The order of effects in this scenario are as follows: 1) When Spiritomb is played onto the Bench its Fettered in Misfortune Ability immediately cancels out the Boss Pockets Ability of Honchkrow V, thus causing all but one of the Tool cards attached to Honchkrow V to be discarded. 2) Gapejaw Bog's effect puts damage counters on Spiritomb. 3) The Cursed Land Ability of Ting-Lu ex cancels out Spiritomb's Fettered in Misfortune Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-16)
Say Gapejaw Bog stadium is in play and Ting-Lu ex with "Cursed Land" Ability is in the Active Spot. If I put Pumpkaboo onto the Bench, can I use its "Pumpkin Pit" Ability to discard Gapejaw Bog before it places damage counters on Pumpkaboo?
Since Pumpkin Pit and Gapejaw Bog are simultaneous effects, it is up to the player to choose the order in which they will be applied. If the Stadium discard effect is resolved first, no damage counters will be placed on Pumpkaboo. However, if the player chooses to put the damage counters from Gapejaw Bog first, then Pumpkin Pit won't work because Ting-Lu ex's Cursed Land would shut off Pumpkin Pit.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-16)
If I attach a TM like Technical Machine: Blindside to my Snorlax Doll, can it use its "Blindside" attack?
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If I Knock Out my opponent's Snorlax Doll that has a Luxurious Cape tool attached, do I draw a Prize Card for it?
No. Snorlax Doll says that you cannot draw ANY Prize cards when it is Knocked Out.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If I draw Snorlax Doll when drawing cards for my opponent's Mulligan, can I play it to the Active position?
No, by that time, you have already placed an Active Pokemon. But you can still play it onto your Bench if there is room.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If I play Erika's Invitation and put a Basic Pokemon onto my opponent's Bench would they put two damage counters on that Basic if I have Gapejaw Bog in play?
Yes, since the Pokemon is coming from their hand onto the Bench Gapejaw Bog places 2 damage counters onto it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If I Knock Out my opponent's Active Pokemon with a Cursed Duster tool attached, do they get to discard a random card from my hand before or after I draw my Prize Cards?
They would discard a random card from your hand before you take your Prize Cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
Can Antique Old Amber evolve into the old Aerodactyl ex since it says "evolves into Aerodactly ex" on the card?
No, it cannot. You need to look at the "evolves from" info on the Evolution Pokemon. Aerodactyl ex from Sandstorm evolves from Mysterious Fossil, so it cannot evolve from Antique Old Amber.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If I attack with Golurk V's "Rewind Beam" and do enough damage to KO my opponent's evolved Pokemon that has the Vengeful Punch tool attached, does Golurk V take 4 damage counters?
No. Rewind Beam devolves the Defending Pokemon, and when its earlier stage is Knocked Out that is no longer the Pokemon that had taken damage from the attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If I use Tinkaton's "Alloyed Hammer" attack with only one Luminous Energy attached, does it do 60 or 180 damage?
The Luminous Energy pays the {P} attack cost but also counts as all energy types including {M}, so you would do the bonus damage for a total of 180 damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
What happens if I use Cresselia's "Moonglow Reverse" attack to move a bunch of damage counters from my Pokemon to one of my opponent's Benched Pokemon while they have a Jirachi with the "Stellar Veil" Ability in play?
Moonglow Reverse would remove two damage counters from each of your Pokemon in play, but the opponent's Benched Pokemon would not receive any of them because it is protected by Stellar Veil.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If my opponent attacked with Magby's "Scorching Heater" attack last turn and I evolve into Espathra with "Stance" Ability this turn, will my Espathra receive the 6 damage counters from "Scorching Heater" if it attacks and does damage to Magby?
No, it will not receive the 6 damage counters. Stance prevents all effects of your opponent's attacks, and Scorching Heater's damage counters are an effect of your opponent's attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If Aegislash uses its "Hard Bashing" attack against an Espathra with "Stance" that evolved last turn, will I damage it or not?
Yes. Hard Bashing gets through all effects, including Stance.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
Can I play Superior Energy Retrieval while my opponent has Toedscruel with the "Slime Mold Colony" Ability active?
If you do that you would discard two cards for Superior Energy Retrieval, but you would not get to retrieve any energy cards from your discard pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
If I have Klefki with "Mischievous Lock" Ability active and switch or retreat it to an Iron Valiant ex with "Tachyon Bits" Ability, can I use Tachyon Bits?
Yes, when Iron Valiant ex switches in Klefki is no longer there, so Mischievous Lock does not prevent the use of Tachyon Bits.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
Can Cramorant with the "Lost Provisions" Ability use an attack from a Technical Machine such as TM:Blindside for no energy cost if there are 4 cards in the Lost Zone?
Yes, that will work.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-09)
Due to a localization error in the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Squawkabilly ex card (SV:Paldea Evolved, 169/193), the text of the "Grasnar e Aproveitar" Ability will be updated. The original text of this Pokémon's Ability was, "Uma vez durante o seu turno," ("Once during your turn,"). This Ability was intended to be used only on a player's first turn of the game. The Ability text must be updated to ensure that "Grasnar e Aproveitar" functions as intended, and must align with the original Japanese text. The new text for Squawkabilly ex's Ability will be, "Uma vez durante o seu primeiro turno," ("Once during your first turn,). The change will take effect immediately, and all Brazilian Portuguese versions of Squawkabilly ex (SV:Paldea Evolved, 169/193, 247/193, and 264/193) will use the updated Ability text.
Source: (Jun 21, 2023 TPCi Announcements []; Nov 9, 2023 TPCi Rules Team)
Due to a localization error in the Brazilian Portuguese version of Weavile (SV:Paldea Evolved, 134/193), the text of the "Caçada Ofensiva" Ability will be updated. The original text of this Pokemon's Ability was, "...você poderá mandar 1 dos Pokémon no Banco do seu oponente..." (" may send 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon..."). The text must be updated to match the intended effect of this Ability, which must be in line with the original Japanese text. The new text for Weavile's Ability will be, "...você poderá mandar 1 dos Pokémon Básicos no Banco do seu oponente" (" may send 1 of your opponent's Benched Basic Pokemon..."). The change will take effect immediately, and all Brazilian Portuguese versions of Weavile (SV:Paldea Evolved, 134/193) will use the updated Ability text.
Source: May 11, 2023 TPCi Announcements []; Nov 9, 2023 TPCi Rules Team
Can I play Snorlax Doll at any time besides during setup?
No, Snorlax Doll can’t be played normally; it can only be played when setting up to play.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
Can I play Shauntal if either I or my opponent don't have any Benched Pokemon?
Yes, as long as one player has a Benched Pokemon, you can play it.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If I use Professor Turo's Scenario on one of my evolved Stage 2 Pokemon, do I put all three Pokemon cards into my hand?
Yes, all three cards count as the Pokemon. Any other cards attached would be discarded.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
When I use Crobat's "Echoing Madness" attack, do I have to name specific cards like "Switch" or "Professor's Research" that my opponent won't be able to play?
No, you just choose the class of card, either "Item cards" or "Supporter cards". You don't name any specific cards.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If my opponent has been able to place a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokemon directly into play without evolving it from a Basic Pokemon, would it do 100 less damage to Crustle if Crustle used its "Crag Bash" attack last turn?
Yes, even though it is not an Evolved Pokemon, it is still an Evolution Pokemon.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If my Spinda is Confused and I attack but flip tails for the Confused effect, do I then flip again for its "Tangled Feet" Ability to try to prevent that damage?
No. When you flip tails for Confusion you don't do damage, you place damage counters, which does not trigger Tangled Feet.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If my Espathra with the activated "Stance" Ability protection is moved to or from my Bench during my opponent's turn by a switching action such as Boss's Orders is it no longer protected?
It is still protected. It is an effect from an Ability, not from an attack, and so is not removed by moving to or from the bench.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If my Maushold ex with the "Solidarity" Ability is active and damaged by an attack and I have an evolved Maushold on my Bench, do I count the basic Tandemaus underneath the evolved Maushold when adding damage counters for "Solidarity", or do I just count the top Evolution?
No, you only look at the most evolved stage of a Pokemon in play. The previous stages are now part of that Pokemon.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If I have Froslass ex with the "Evanescent" Ability as my Active Pokemon and it is KO'd due to Poison, how many prizes does my opponent take?
As long as you flip heads for Evanescent, they take one prize less no matter how it is Knocked Out.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
Can I use Absol's "Drawareness" Ability to discard until I only have 5 cards in my hand and draw nothing?
No, you aren't allowed to discard any cards if it doesn't result in you having 4 or fewer cards in your hand. For example, you can't discard down from 6 cards to 5 cards; you would have to go from 6 to 4 at least.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If I have 4 or fewer cards in my hand, can I use Absol's "Drawareness" Ability without discarding any cards and draw cards until I have 5 cards in my hand?
Yes, you can do that.
Source: Paradox Rift FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-11-02)
If I use Grabber, do I have to put one of the opponent's Pokemon from their hand on the bottom of their deck?
Yes, if you find a Pokemon in their hand you must do it. Grabber does not say "you may".
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
When using Erika's Invitation can I choose to NOT put any Basic Pokemon onto my opponent's bench, or do I have to put at least one down if I'm able to?
If you find a Basic Pokemon in your opponent's hand you must put it onto their Bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
Can you play Erika's Invitation if your opponent's Bench is full?
No. It's public knowledge that you can't put down any additional Basic Pokemon on your opponent's Bench, so you cannot play the card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
When I play Daisy's Help can I rearrange my Prize Cards after looking at them?
No, you cannot. You need to return the cards to their original positions.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
If I'm using Scizor's "Punishing Scissors" attack and one of my opponent's V Pokemon has Forest Seal Stone attached, does my attack do an extra 50 damage for it?
No, the V Pokemon does not *have* the Star Alchemy Ability, it only can use it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
Say my opponent has 3 Genesect V on the bench and Path to the Peak is in play. If I attack with Scizor's "Punishing Scissors" attack, do I do 10 damage or 160 damage?
When Path to the Peak is in play Genesect V has no Abilities, so Punishing Scissors would only do 10 damage in this situation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
Do I have to meet the energy requirements for the attack I choose with Mew ex's "Genome Hacking" attack?
No, you do not have to meet the energy requirements for the attack. However, if the attack says you must do something or the attack does nothing, that part still has to be done.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
Can Mew ex's "Genome Hacking" attack use Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack to repeatedly get extra turns?
Yes, Genome Hacking on Yoga Loop could work infinitely, if you're able to pull it off!
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-28)
After time is called at the end of a match, what happens if I use Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack during the "plus three turns" part?
If you use Yoga Loop when time is called during your turn, you would then get "Turn 1" instead of your opponent. Likewise, if you use it during Turn 1 you would also get Turn 2 and your opponent would get Turn 3, and so on... However, if you use it on the final turn of the match you do not get an extra turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-07)
If my opponent flipped heads for Nymble's "Slight Splash" attack on their previous turn, what happens if I use Quaquaval ex's "Exciting Dance" attack? Does Nymble get switched out to the bench or not?
The effect of Exciting Dance is done to the protected Nymble, so Exciting Dance would not move it to the bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-07)
If I have 5 Pokemon on my Bench and Lunatone with "New Moon" Ability and Solrock are in play, what happens if my opponent plays Collapsed Stadium? Would I have to discard any Benched Pokemon or does "New Moon" prevent that?
The effect of Collapsed Stadium is being done to the player's bench size, not to the Pokemon on the bench; so New Moon would not protect them and you would have to discard Benched Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-07)
Would a Solrock coming into play on the bench receive damage counters from Gapejaw Bog if a Lunatone with "New Moon" Ability is in play but the Ability is not active yet (it requires Solrock to also be in play)? Or what if you put that Lunatone onto the bench while Solrock is already in play?
New Moon activates immediately when it's condition is met, so in either case the 2 damage counters from Gapejaw Bog would be prevented.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-07)
If Lost City stadium is in play and Lunatone's "New Moon" Ability is active, what happens if multiple Pokemon including Lunatone & Solrock are KO'd?
All KO's are evaluated simultaneously, so if the New Moon ability was active all KO'd Pokemon would go to the discard pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-09-07)
If Grant ends up in my discard pile during the first turn of the game, can I use its effect if I'm going first?
Yes you can. The part about "if this Grant is in your discard pile" is not part of the Supporter's action.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-31)
If I use Mawile's "Tempting Trap" attack to place an effect on the Defending Pokemon where it takes +90 more damage from attacks on my next turn, what happens if I use Duraludon VMAX's "G-Max Pulverization" attack on my next turn? Does it still do the +90 damage or not?
G-Max Pulverization says its damage isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokemon, so the extra +90 damage would not be done. Bad move dude...
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-31)
If I use Radiant Alakazam's "Painful Spoons" Ability to move two damage counters from one of my opponent's Pokemon to a Fusion Strike Pokemon with Fusion Strike Energy attached to it, what happens to the damage counters?
Since the opponent's Fusion Strike Energy prevents all effects of Abilities done by your Pokemon, if you choose to move the damage counters to a Fusion Strike Pokemon with Fusion Strike Energy attached the damage counters would be discarded rather than moved onto that Pokemon. However, if you choose a Fusion Strike Pokemon with Fusion Strike Energy attached as the source of where the damage counters would be moved from, they simply are not moved and the Painful Spoons ability stops there.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-31)
If I have a Klawf ex with "Counterattacking Pincer" Ability and Rugged Helmet attached to it, what happens if it gets damaged by an opponent's attack from a Fusion Strike Pokemon that has a Fusion Strike Energy and a Double Turbo Energy attached to it?
The Counterattacking Pincer ability and Rugged Helmet are triggered simultaneously, so you may choose the order in which they are applied. If you choose the Counterattacking Pincer ability first it will fizzle due to Fusion Strike Energy. However, if you choose to use Rugged Helmet first you can put the Fusion Strike Energy into the opponent's hand and then you can use Counterattacking Pincer to discard the Double Turbo Energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-31)
Are colorless Pokemon considered a 'type' in regards to Toxtricity’s "Loud Mix" attack?
Yes, Pokemon may be of a "Colorless" type.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ Addendum; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If I use Palafin's "Justice Kick" attack after I move it up to replace a Pokemon that was KO'd by an opponent's attack, does it do anything?
No, Palafin was moved to the Active Spot during the opponent's turn, not during "this turn".
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ Addendum; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
Do I use Togekiss' "Precious Gift" Ability before or after taking prize cards at the end of my turn?
Precious Gift is used at the end of your turn after attacking and checking for a KO but before Pokemon Checkup. So if your attack causes a KO you would take Prize cards first, and then you can use Precious Gift.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ Addendum; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
Do I have to attack in order to use Togekiss' "Precious Gift" Ability?
No, the "(after you attack)" text is just a reminder that your attack happens before the end of your turn. You can still use Precious Gift even if you don’t attack.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ Addendum; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
Does a Pokemon with multiple types such as Scovillain with the "Double Type" Ability count for two different types of Pokemon for Toxtricity's "Loud Mix" attack?
Yes, Loud Mix checks for the number of types of Pokemon on your Bench, not how many Pokemon there are.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ Addendum; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
Can I evolve the Cleffa from Obsidian Flames into Clefairy?
No. Cleffa doesn't say that it can evolve into Clefairy, and Clefairy doesn't say that it evolves from Cleffa.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If one of my Pokemon was knocked out by an effect of an attack or an Ability, would I still be able to play Letter of Encouragement?
Yes, there is no restriction on how the Pokemon was Knocked Out. However, a KO during Pokemon Checkup such as from Poison or Burn would not count.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
Do I include Brassius in the count of my hand?
No, by the time you are counting the cards in your hand Brassius is already in play; it is no longer in your hand.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If my Active Pokemon was attacked by Tsareena's "Queenly Heel" attack, can I evolve it if I switch or retreat?
Yes, going to the Bench removes the attack effect so you can evolve what was your Active Pokemon, and also your new Active Pokemon, if they are normally able to evolve.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If I use Ninetales' "Nine-Tailed Dance" attack which Pokemon can't attack next turn, Ninetales or the Pokemon that was attacked?
Ninetales can't attack.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If I use Houndstone ex's "Last Respects" attack, would I count each piece of Mewtwo V-UNION in my discard pile as a separate Pokemon?
Yes, each piece will add to the damage.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If I use Seismitoad's "Echoed Voice" attack three turns in a row, would I do 320 damage on the third turn?
No, the bonus damage doesn't keep stacking. It is only applied for each next turn, so you would do 120, 220, 220, etc.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If I use Lampent's "Alluring Fireball" attack or Elektross' "Suction Shock" attack and my opponent has no Benched Pokemon, do I do damage to or get to flip to paralyze the current Active?
No. The attack specifies that the damage and effect are only done to "the new Active Pokemon"
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If Pokemon League Headquarters is in play and I have Lunatone with the "New Moon" Ability and also Solrock in play, do my Basic Pokemon have an extra {C} cost to their Attacks?
No, but your opponent's Pokemon do.
Source: Obsidian Flames FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-08-10)
If I have both a Lucky Energy and a Gift Energy attached, what happens to a Pokemon if it receives enough damage to be knocked out? Do I get to choose the order of effects, or does one happen before the other.
You do not get to choose the order of effects. Lucky Energy's effect happens when damage is placed onto the Pokemon. Then Gift Energy's effect happens later when checking to see if the Pokemon is KO'd or not.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-07-13)
What happens if I play Worker and cannot draw any cards? Do I still get to discard a Stadium or not?
Yes, they are two separate sentences so you do as much of it as you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-07-13)
If my opponent has Spiritomb with the "Fettered in Misfortune" Ability in play, does attaching a Fusion Strike Energy to my Genesect V allow it to use its "Fusion Strike System" Ability or not?
Fusion Strike Energy protects Genesect V from the effect of Fettered in Misfortune, so yes it would be able to use its Fusion Strike System Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-07-13)
Say Gapejaw Bog stadium and Ting-Lu ex with "Cursed Land" Ability are both in play. If I put Lumineon V onto the Bench, can I use its "Luminous Sign" Ability or will it be blocked because it has damage counters on it?
Since Luminous Sign and Gapejaw Bog are simultaneous effects, it is up to the player to choose the order in which they will be applied.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-07-13)
If I attach a Basic Fighting Energy to Eevee, can I use its "Energy Evolution" Ability even though it's known that there's no Fighting type Pokemon that evolves from Eevee?
No, since it's known that there is no Fighting type Pokemon that evolves from Eevee, the Ability cannot be used.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-22)
My opponent has Malamar with the "Contrary" Ability in the Active Spot. On my turn, I attach Blunder Policy to my Fuecoco and use its "Spacing Out" attack and I flip heads. The coin result will be treated as tails, but since the physical coin flipped heads do I get to draw 3 cards with the effect of Blunder Policy?
There is no distinction between the actual result of the coin flip vs. what the outcome is treated as. Regardless of what the physical coin shows the flip was tails, so you would get to draw 3 cards from the effect of Blunder Policy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-22)
My opponent's Active Pokemon is Eternatus VMAX with the "Eternal Zone" Ability working, and they have 8 Pokemon on their Bench. I use Quaquaval ex's "Exciting Dance" attack, doing damage to Eternatus VMAX and then sending out Ting-Lu ex. Will Ting-Lu ex's "Cursed Land" Ability shut off "Eternal Zone" before the entire effect of "Exciting Dance" completes?
Yes. The switch effect of Quaquaval ex happens, and then with Ting-Lu ex entering the Active Spot, Eternatus VMAX's Ability gets shut off, meaning that player must immediately discard Pokemon until they have 5 Benched Pokemon. Then, Eternatus VMAX switches with a Benched Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-22)
If I use Tropius' "Tropic Breeze" attack and I don't have any benched Pokemon, what happens to the energy that is attached to Tropius?
It stays attached to Tropius.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
If my opponent used Quaxly's "Apply Gel" attack against Tinkatuff on their turn, could I use Tinkatuff's "Pulverizing Press" attack and ignore the requirement to flip?
No, as long as the Apply Gel effect is on Tinkatuff you would have to flip heads in order to even start your attack.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
If Annihilape ex only has 10HP left, can I use its "Angry Grudge" attack and place all 12 damage counters onto it?
Sure, ka-boom!!! You can put up to 12 damage counters on it even if it doesn't have that much HP remaining. Annihilape ex will do 20x each damage counter that was placed, and at the end of the attack Annihilape ex will be knocked out.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
Can I use Squawkabilly ex's "Squawk and Seize" Ability if I have no cards in my hand to discard?
Yes, you always have a hand even if it has zero cards in it.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
Can I use Dedenne ex's "Tail Swap" attack to move damage counters around if Abomasnow's "Freezing Disaster" Ability is in play?
Yes you can, since "moving" damage counters is not the same as "healing" damage.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
If I use Forretress ex's "Exploding Energy" Ability, can I attach any of the Energy cards that I searched for to Forretress ex before it is knocked out?
Yes. They would then be discarded with the Forretress ex.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
Does Tinkatuff's "Pulverizing Press" attack do damage if Skiploom's or Jumpluff's "Drifting Dodge" Ability flips heads?
Yes, it does. Technically speaking you still flip the coin but regardless of the flip's outcome the damage is not prevented.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
If I use Bramblin's "Ride the Wind" attack and flip heads, can I bring up Weavile and use its "Assaulting Hunt" Ability?
Yes, that'll work because the Assaulting Hunt Ability is still happening during your turn.
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
If I bring up Weavile with the "Assaulting Hunt" Ability after my opponent KO's my Active Pokemon, can I switch in 1 of their Benched Basic Pokemon to the Active Spot?
No, because Assaulting Hunt only works "during your turn"
Source: Paldea Evolved FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-08)
Can you use Lost Vacuum to put a card into the Lost Zone if there is no Stadiums or Tools in play?
No, you cannot. Putting a card into the Lost Zone is a cost not the effect, and you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-01)
Can you use Manaphy's "Pulling Currents" attack when your opponent has a full bench?
It's public knowledge that you can't put down any additional Basic Pokemon on your opponent's full Bench, so although the attack can be used you cannot look at your opponent's hand and you cannot put any additional Basic Pokemon on your opponent's Bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-01)
If my opponent has Duraludon VMAX with the "Skyscraper" Ability in play, when I use Inteleon VMAX's "G-Max Spiral" attack and choose to return the only Special Energy card attached to Inteleon VMAX to my hand, does "Skyscraper" prevent the damage or not?
The choice to remove the Special Energy card is made first, but then damage is done and finally effects of the attack. So removing the Special Energy card is an effect that doesn't happen until damage has been done and therefore blocked by Skyscraper.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-06-01)
If I have Venusaur with the "Jungle Totem" Ability in play, and I use Typhlosion's "Blazing Energy" or Charizard's "Energy Burn" Ability while it has a Basic {G} Energy attached, how much {R} Energy would be provided?
A. Each Basic {G} Energy provides {R}{R} Energy. Even though the Energy type provided changes from {G} to {R}, the card name is still Basic {G} Energy, so Jungle Totem still works.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-05-11)
If my Lumineon V attacks with "Aqua Return" to take my last prize card, but Lumineon V is my only Pokemon in play, do I win because I took my last prize before shuffling Lumineon V into my deck or do I lose because Lumineon V get shuffled in before taking my last prize?
Everything has to resolve before you check for win conditions, and in this scenario both players have achieved one win condition; the game would then be resolved by either Sudden Death or a Tiebreaker Game. However, if the opponent also has no remaining Benched Pokemon then they would lose due to 2 win conditions vs. only 1!
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-05-04)
When using Radiant Greninja's "Concealed Cards" Ability, can I discard an Energy card from my hand if there are no cards left in my deck?
No, discarding an Energy card is a cost (as identified by the "in order to" phrase) so you can't do it if you can't do the actual effect of the card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-05-04)
If I have a Honchkrow V with "Boss Pockets" Ability and 190 damage on it and three Emergency Jelly tool cards are attached, do all of the tool cards trigger at the same time or do they trigger sequentially?
They trigger in sequence, so the first Emergency Jelly would remove 120 damage and get discarded, but the second & third Emergency Jelly would not trigger since there is now more than 30 HP remaining and no more damage would be healed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-13)
Here's some info regarding Pokemon ex: • Older cards that refer to Pokemon-ex should include modern Pokemon ex. Pokemon-ex and Pokemon ex are the same. For example, "Gardevoir ex" from EX Sandstorm has the same name as "Gardevoir ex" from Scarlet & Violet. • Pokemon ex from the SV series have a Rule Box, but Pokemon ex from the original EX series do not have a Rule Box. • Pokemon ex are not Pokemon-EX. For example, "Gardevoir ex" from Scarlet & Violet does not have the same name as "Gardevoir-EX" from XY-Primal Clash. Case-sensitivity matters.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-06)
If I have 6 cards in my hand and use Mimikyu's "Impersonation" attack to discard Erika's Hospitality from my hand, can I use the effect of Erika's Hospitality?
Since you have 5 cards in your hand after discarding the Erika's Hospitality you can use its effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-06)
If Temple of Sinnoh is in play, can I attach a Rapid Strike Energy from my hand to a non-Rapid Strike Pokemon?
No, you cannot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-06); TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-06)
If Temple of Sinnoh is in play, can I use Archeops' "Primal Turbo" Ability to attach a Rapid Strike Energy from my deck to a non-Rapid Strike Pokemon?
Yes, you can use Primal Turbo to attach Rapid Strike Energy to a non-Rapid Strike Pokemon. Normally Rapid Strike Energy would be discarded immediately, but Temple of Sinnoh removes all effects of Special Energy attached to Pokemon, so Rapid Strike Energy would not be discarded. But if Temple of Sinnoh's effect goes away, then Rapid Strike Energy would be discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-06)
What happens if Klefki with "Mischievous Lock" and Empoleon V with "Emperor's Eyes" Ability somehow both become active at the same time, like at the start of the game?
If Abilities activate at the same time, the Abilities of the player whose turn it is activate first.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-06)
If Empoleon V with "Emperor's Eyes" Ability is in the Active Spot and my opponent brings up a Klefki with "Mischievous Lock" into their Active Spot, whose abilities are turned off?
Since Emperor's Eyes was in effect before Klefki became active, it takes precedence and Mischievous Lock does not activate as long as Emperor's Eyes is in effect. The converse is also true, if Klefki were active first and Empoleon V is brought up, Emperor's Eyes would not activate.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-06)
Can I use Porygon-Z's "Crazy Code" Ability or Archeops' "Primal Turbo" Ability to attach Spiral Energy to a Pokemon that isn't a Rapid Strike Pokemon?
Yes you can, but then it would get discarded immediately. However, if that Pokemon was Paralyzed, Spiral Energy would remove the Special Condition.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01); TPCi Rules Team (2023-04-06)
Beginning with the Scarlet & Violet expansion, cards like Pokemon Catcher will now say "switch in 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon" to make it clear that the effect is on the Benched Pokemon. Likewise, the phrase "switch out" will be used if the effect is on the Active Pokemon. Older prints of these cards with different text that have the same game effect will therefore remain legal.
Source: Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
If my opponent's Florges used its "Moonblast" attack last turn, would my Kilowattrel's "Skill Dive" attack only do 20 damage to a Benched Pokemon?
Yes, all attack damage is reduced by 30. This damage reduction applies to all Defending Pokemon (including Benched Pokemon), and also applies to any self-damage done to your own Pokemon.
Source: Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
If I use Indeedee's "Expert Nurturer" attack, do I have to declare what card I am getting before I look through my deck?
No. You can look through your deck before deciding on which Pokemon to evolve.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
Can I use Indeedee's "Expert Nurturer" attack to evolve a Pokemon on the first turn of the game, or on the first turn that Pokemon came into play?
Yes, it can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
If my opponent used Banette ex's "Everlasting Darkness" attack on their last turn, can I attach Vitality Band to my Pokemon on my turn?
Yes, Vitality Band is a Pokemon Tool card, not an Item card.
Source: Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
If my opponent's Dolliv attacks with "Apply Oil" then on my turn I switch to a new Active Pokemon, do I still have to flip a coin to successfully attack?
No. Even though the effect references the opponent it was placed on "the Defending Pokemon", so the effect went away when you changed your Active Pokemon.
Source: Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
If I use Medicham's "Acu-Punch-Ture" attack and the opponent switches to a different Active Pokemon that has the same attack as the one I chose for "Acu-Punch-Ture", can they use that attack?
The effect was on the Pokemon that was attacked, so if that Pokemon switches out the new Active Pokemon can use their attack of the same name.
Source: Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
If my opponent has Arcanine ex or Gyarados ex on the Bench, will its "Tera" attribute prevent me from placing damage counters on it with Drifblim's "Curse Spreading" attack?
No, placing damage counters is different than dealing damage, so it won't be prevented.
Source: Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
Can I use Rare Candy on a Scatterbug the first turn of the game or the turn that Scatterbug is played, since "Adaptive Evolution" says it can evolve in those cases?
No, you can't use Rare Candy to evolve in either of those conditions because the text on Rare Candy specifically prevents it.
Source: Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
Beginning with the Scarlet & Violet expansion, "Pokemon Tool" will be its own category of Trainer card; Pokemon Tool cards will no longer be printed as Item cards. Pokemon Tool cards from all previous series will receive errata to align with this change, meaning that older Tool cards are no longer considered as "Item cards".
Source: TPCi Announcements (2022-12-12) []; Scarlet & Violet FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-30)
If I use Escape Rope and my opponent brings up Galarian Weezing with "Neutralizing Gas", if I bring up my Wyrdeer V with "Frontier Road" Ability would it get to use "Frontier Road" or not?
Neutralizing Gas would turn on before Wyrdeer V becomes active, so Wyrdeer V would not get to use its "Frontier Road" Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-02-09)
If I use Sky Seal Stone's "Star Order" Ability and then my Basic Pokemon V's attack knocks out my opponent's Active Mew VMAX with a Fusion Strike Energy attached, do I take an additional prize card or not?
Fusion Strike Energy prevents all effects of your Pokemon's Abilities done to the opponent's Fusion Strike Pokemon the energy card is attached to; but the effect of Star Order is not on the opponent’s Pokemon, so you get to take the extra prize.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-01-26)
If Sky Seal Stone is attached to my Active Pokemon V, can I use its "Star Order" Ability if my opponent's Active Pokemon has Tool Jammer attached?
No, you cannot
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-01-26)
Does Sky Seal Stone's "Star Order" Ability apply if my Active Basic Pokemon V is not the one with Sky Seal Stone attached?
Yes, using Star Order applies to ANY of your Basic Pokemon V for the rest of your turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-01-26)
When I use Oranguru's "Primate Acting" attack and I realize I don't want to use any of the Supporter cards in my opponent's discard pile, can I choose not to use any?
No, you cannot. If you use the attack, you must choose a Supporter card if there are any in the discard pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-01-19)
Can I use Oranguru's "Primate Acting" attack if I have already used a Supporter this turn?
Yes, you are not playing a second Supporter, you are just using the Supporter's effect as the effect of the attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-01-19)
If I use Zamazenta VSTAR's "Shield Star" Ability, does it still reduce the damage by your opponent's attacks if Zamazenta VSTAR is removed from play (e.g. Path to the Peak) or if abilities are turned off (e.g. Aerodactyl VSTAR's "Ancient Star")?
The effect of this Ability remains if Zamazenta VSTAR is removed from play or if abilities are turned off.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-01-19)
If I have no cards in my hand, can I use Rotom VSTAR's "Conversion Star" Ability?
You must have at least 1 card in hand and 1 in your deck to use the ability. If you do, you can discard as many cards from your hand as you want.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2023-01-19)
Any effect that alters the cost of a Pokemon's attacks is intended to alter the cost of ANY attack that Pokemon uses, not just the ones printed on the card. This means any attack that the Pokemon is given access to, such as Earthen Seal Stone's "Star Gravity" attack when attached as a tool, can be used at the altered cost when effects such as Galarian Zapdos V's "Fighting Instinct" Ability are in play. For example, Fighting Instinct says, "This Pokemon's attacks cost {C} less for each of your opponent's Pokemon V in play"; however a more accurate description would be, "Attacks that this Pokemon uses cost {C} less for each of your opponent's Pokemon V in play." This applies to effects that reduce or increase attack costs, and goes all the way back to the Black & White series thru current series.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-12-01)
Can I evolve my Unown [V] from the Neo or Diamond & Pearl series into Unown VSTAR?
No, you cannot. Unown [V] is a different card name than Unown V.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
When using Worker, can I draw 3 cards if there is no Stadium in play?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
Can a player use Serena's first option if they would still have 5 or more cards in their hand even after discarding 3 cards?
The main effect of Serena's first option is to discard cards from your hand; so as long as you can discard at least 1 card from your hand you can use it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
Can I use Forest Seal Stone's "Star Alchemy" Ability if Path to the Peak is in play?
Yes, you can. It's not an Ability the Pokemon has, but it's an Ability the Pokemon has access to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
After using Unown VSTAR's "Star Cipher" attack while Path to the Peak is in play, I then use Spiritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack to change the Defending Pokemon's Weakness to {D}. If my opponent removes Path to the Peak from play, what will that Pokemon's Weakness be?
The Weakness will be {P}. Once Path to the Peak is removed from play Star Cipher's effect will reapply, and the most recent Weakness-changing effect takes precedent.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I use Unown VSTAR's "Star Cipher" attack while Dunsparce with "Mysterious Nest" Ability is in play, are my opponent's colorless Pokemon's Weakness set to {P} or do they have no Weakness at all?
The Star Cipher attack would switch your opponent's Pokemon's weakness to {P}, but then Dunsparce's Mysterious Nest would change all colorless Pokemon to no weakness.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I have Galarian Zapdos V with "Fighting Instinct" Ability active and an Earthen Seal Stone attached, and my opponent has 3 Pokemon V in play, can Galarian Zapdos V use Earth Sealing Stone's "Star Gravity" attack for free?
Yes, you can
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If my opponent has Milotic with "Dew Guard" Ability is in play, what happens if I play Sordward & Shielbert from my hand?
Since the opponent cannot answer the question due to the effect of Dew Guard, Sordward & Shielbert fizzles and nothing happens.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I have multiple V Guard Energy cards attached to a single Pokemon, will they each prevent 30 damage from my opponent's Pokemon V's attacks?
No, V Guard Energy does not stack. It specifically says on the card, "this effect can't be applied more than once at a time to the same Pokemon".
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I have multiple Regenerative Energy cards attached to a Pokemon-V, will they each heal 100 damage when I evolve that Pokemon?
Yes, Regenerative Energy will stack.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If you somehow get 4 Quad Stone back into your hand, can you play them all to heal all your Pokemon again?
Yes, you can.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
Can I use the VSTAR Powers of Earthen Seal Stone or Forest Seal Stone if they are attached to Pokemon-V that have not evolved into a Pokemon VSTAR yet?
Yes, that is correct. But keep in mind that you still can't use more than one VSTAR Power in a game, even if you evolve the Pokemon V into a Pokemon VSTAR later.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If my opponent has no Weakness and I use Unown VSTAR's "Star Cipher" Ability, will my opponent's Pokemon become weak to Psychic?
If an opponent's Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Star Cipher will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness to Psychic.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
When I use Skuntank V's "Pursuit Blast" attack, do I get to do 120 damage if the opponent's Benched Pokemon I choose was switched out of the Active Spot or no?
No, Pursuit Blast only does 120 damage if the chosen Pokemon *retreated* during the opponent's last turn.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
For Cobalion's "Follow-Up" attack, can I choose a Benched Pokemon, search for a basic Energy card and attach it, and then choose my second Benched Pokemon and search my deck for a basic Energy card to attach to it?
No, you need to choose both (or choose only one) of your Benched Pokemon first before making any searches of your deck.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I have multiple Regieleki VMAX with the "Transistor" Ability in play, will my Basic {L} Pokemon's attacks do +30 more damage for each one?
Yes, the Transistor Ability will stack.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
Can I use Lugia VSTAR's "Summoning Star" Ability to put a Colorless Stage 2 Pokemon from my discard pile directly onto my bench?
Yes, Summoning Star can put any Stage of Colorless Pokemon onto the Bench from your discard pile as long as it doesn't have a Rule Box.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I have multiple Chesnaught V with the "Needle Line" Ability in play, will each of them put 3 damage counters on the Attacking Pokemon, or does "Needle Line" only work for the Active Chesnaught V?
Each separate Needle Line Ability will stack to add 3 more damage counters to the Attacking Pokemon, but only when the Active Chesnaught V is damaged by an attack.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
If I have multiple Rapidash in play can I use each one of their "Heat Boost" Abilities once per turn, or do I only get to use a maximum of one "Heat Boost" per turn regardless of how many I have in play?
Each Rapidash can use its own Heat Boost during the turn, but only one time each. And when you use Heat Boost multiple times you have to discard a separate {R} Energy card for each one and your {R} Pokemon's attacks do +30 more damage per Ability used.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
When Radiant Jirachi is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack, using its "Entrusted Wishes" Ability is mandatory. You must search your deck, and you must take at least 1 card if you are able to.
Source: Silver Tempest FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-11-10)
Are you able to play Spicy Seasoned Curry when your active Pokemon doesn't have any damage on it or is already Burned?
If your Active Pokemon does not have any damage on it AND it is already Burned, you cannot play Spicy Seasoned Curry. But if it is not Burned OR if it already has damage on it, you can play Spicy Seasoned Curry and do as much of it as you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-13)
When Lost City stadium is in play and an evolved Pokemon is knocked out, does the Basic and all of its evolution cards go to the Lost Zone, or only the top evolution card goes into the Lost Zone and the rest of the Pokemon cards go to the discard pile?
Yes, all of the Pokemon in the evolution chain go into the Lost Zone. All other cards are "attached" and are discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-13)
If I have 2 {P} Energy and an Aurora Energy or a Rainbow Energy attached to a Galarian Articuno and I use its "Psylaser" attack, do I have to discard the Aurora or Rainbow Energy since I'm not using them as {P} Energy?
Yes. Aurora and Rainbow Energy provide all types of Energy all the time when they are attached to a Pokemon, even if you don't want them to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-13)
If I have Virizion V with "Verdant Wind" Ability in play, can I play Spicy Seasoned Curry to heal 40 damage from one of my Pokemon with {G} Energy attached and not get Burned?
Yes that would work, even if there's no damage on the Pokemon with {G} Energy attached. It's a valid target to be Burned, but the Burn condition is blocked by Verdant Wind.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-13)
When I try to attack, does Marowak's "Bodyguard" Ability prevent me from having to flip a coin if my active Pokemon was attacked last turn with Silicobra's "Sand Attack"?
The effect of Sand Attack is on your Pokemon that was attacked, not on you. So, Bodyguard does not prevent you from having to flip a coin to see if the attack goes through
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-13)
If Temple of Sinnoh is in play and a player has a Basic Rapid Strike Sobble with a Rapid Strike Energy attached, and the player evolves to a Drizzile which is not a Rapid Strike Pokemon, does the Rapid Strike Energy get discarded or not?
Since the Rapid Strike Energy is already attached, it stays attached to Drizzile while Temple of Sinnoh is in play; however, it would be discarded from the Drizzile when Temple of Sinnoh leaves play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-06)
If Barbaracle with "Lost Block" Ability gets knocked out, do the opponent's Prize cards go into their hand or into the Lost Zone?
When Barbaracle is KO'd it goes to the discard pile; Lost Block is no longer in effect, so your opponent gets to take the Prize card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-06)
Can I use Comfey's "Flower Selecting" Ability or Colress's Experiment if I have only 1 card left in my deck?
You can play either of them with only one card left in your deck; but you have to put the card into your hand, you cannot discard it or put it into the Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-06)
If my opponent has an Empoleon V with "Emperor's Eyes" Ability active, and I have both an Eevee with a Memory Capsule attached and an Eevee with the "Resonant Evolution" Ability in play, if I evolve the Eevee with a Memory Capsule into a Jolteon with "Thunderous Awakening" Ability can I use "Resonant Evolution" or not?
Yes, that will work because Emperor's Eyes has been disabled.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-10-06)
Does a poisoned Fusion Strike Pokemon with Fusion Strike Energy attached take additional damage counters from Radiant Hisuian Sneasler's "Poison Peak" Ability?
No, because Poison Peak is an Ability and Fusion Strike Energy prevents all effects of your opponent's Pokemon's Abilities.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
If I use Fantina and then my Flying Pikachu V with Big Parasol attached uses its "Fly" attack and successfully lands heads, would my opponent's Giratina V's "Shred" attack do any damage to Flying Pikachu V or not?
Shred isn't affected by "any effects on the Defending Pokemon"; so the effects from Fantina and Big Parasol and Fly would all be ignored, and Shred would do damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
If I have a heavily damaged Basic Pokemon V in play, can I use Thorton to switch it with a regular one-prize Basic Pokemon from my discard pile?
Yes, and if the new Basic Pokemon has less HP than the amount of damage counters it is immediately KO'd and will relinquish only one prize to your opponent.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
If I have Comfey in play and I use its "Flower Selecting" Ability, can I then use Thorton to switch it with a different Comfey and use "Flower Selecting" from the new Comfey?
No, that won't work. Even though the new Comfey is a different Pokemon than the first one, it remembers the Flower Selecting Ability was already used this turn so you cannot use it again on that Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
Can I use Thorton to put a Shedinja with "Shell Survival" Ability onto my bench?
No, you cannot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
Can I use Thorton to put a non-Dark Basic Pokemon from my discard pile onto my bench if I have Eternatus VMAX with the "Eternal Zone" Ability in play?
No, you can't play Thorton at all if there aren't any Basic {D} Pokemon in your discard pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
If I have Milotic with "Dew Guard" Ability in play, what happens if my opponent plays Riley?
Your opponent reveals the top 5 cards of their deck but you would not choose 2 cards, and they get to put all 5 cards into their hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
If I have Milotic with "Dew Guard" Ability in play, what happens if my opponent plays Choy?
Dew Guard prevents you from revealing your hand, but your opponent still reveals their hand and draws 3 cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-29)
What happens if a Pokemon with Splash Energy attached is Knocked Out by an attack while Lost City stadium is in play?
The order of resolution for the effects can be decided by the owner of the Pokemon with Splash Energy attached to it. So the Pokemon can either go to the Lost Zone and stay there, or use Splash Energy to return the Pokemon to your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
Can I play Single Strike Mustard if my Bench is full?
No, you cannot play the card. Since the Bench is full you cannot search your deck, and since you did not search your deck you do not get to draw 5 cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If my Snorlax is affected by its "Thumping Snore" attack but then on my opponent's turn they use an effect that puts Snorlax to sleep, does the 2 coin flip effect of "Thumping Snore" get replaced by the regular 1 coin flip effect during Pokemon Checkup?
The newer sleep condition would replace Thumping Snore’s sleep condition, so you would now only have to flip 1 coin instead of 2.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
When Snorlax uses its "Thumping Snore" attack, how long does the effect of having to flip 2 coins during Pokemon Checkup while Asleep last?
The effect lasts either until Snorlax wakes up or it moves out of the Active Spot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I use Malamar's "Synchro Kinesis" attack and the only card that each of us have in common are Basic Energy cards, do I get to do the extra damage or not?
If you and your opponent both have Basic Energy of the same type in your hands, it's a match. Professor's Research and Boss's Orders with different characters on them also count as matches.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
Do I have to have Tool cards in my discard pile in order to use Rotom V's "Scrap Short" attack? Or if I have Tool cards in my discard pile, do I have to choose at least one of them to put into the Lost Zone?
You can use Scrap Short if you don't have any Tool cards in your discard pile. Scrap Short does not require you to put any Tool cards into the Lost Zone; if you cannot or choose not to put any Tool cards into the Lost Zone it only does the base amount of damage.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
When using Delphox V's "Magical Fire" attack, do I still have to put 2 Energy attached to that Pokemon if my opponent doesn't have any Benched Pokemon?
Yes, you must still put 2 Energy into the Lost Zone when using Magical Fire.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I have 5 cards in my Lost Zone and my opponent has 5 cards in their Lost Zone, can I use Sableye's "Lost Mine" or Giratina VSTAR's "Star Requiem" attack or Fantina?
No. Each player has a separate Lost Zone above their Prize Cards that they put cards into. You yourself must have 10 cards in your Lost Zone in order to do either of those attacks or to play Fantina.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I have a Poliwrath on my bench that evolved from a Poliwag and a Poliwhirl do I get all of the damage bonuses for each of them?
No, you only look at the most evolved stage of a Pokemon in play. The previous stages are now part of that Pokemon.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I have multiple Poliwag on my bench, does Politoed's "Lordly Songleader" attack do additional damage for each of those Pokemon?
You only get the additional bonus once per Pokemon named in the attack. For example, if you have two or more Poliwag on the bench you only get to add +60 once.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I have a Poliwag and a Poliwhirl and a Poliwrath all on my bench, does Politoed's "Lordly Songleader" attack do additional damage for each one?
Yes, you get the additional bonuses once per Pokemon named in the attack, which you have on your bench.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I use Shiftry's "Fan Tornado" attack and my opponent has an Active Pokemon that used its "Swim Freely" attack on their last turn, can I still choose to have them switch their Active Pokemon with a benched Pokemon if they flipped heads for "Swim Freely"
No, the effect of Fan Tornado is targeting the Active Pokemon (not the Benched Pokemon), and therefore is prevented due to the effect of Swim Freely.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I use Hisuian Zoroark's "Doom Curse" attack and my opponent switches or retreats and brings up a new Active Pokemon, which of their Pokemon will be Knocked Out at the end of their next turn?
Neither! The effect of Doom Curse was on the attacked Pokemon and going to the bench removes all Attack Effects. So after the switch/retreat the Doom Curse effect is gone.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
Aerodactyl VSTAR retains the effect of its "Ancient Star" attack even if it goes to the Bench or becomes Active. If an effect like Path to the Peak stadium shuts off Abilities then Ancient Star is turned off, but if that effect goes away, the Ancient Star Ability returns. It will also count toward the number of Pokemon with an Ability in play.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
When putting Banette into the Lost Zone with its "Puppet Offering" Ability, do you also put the underlying Shuppet card into the Lost Zone too?
Yes, the underlying card is part of the Pokemon; it is not "attached to" the Pokemon.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
After using Clefairy's "Moon-Watching Party" Ability, if I switch or retreat for a benched Clefairy can I use its "Moon-Watching Party" Ability too?
Moon-Watching Party can be used by multiple different Clefairy if you get them into the Active Spot. However, if you bring up a Clefairy that has already used its Moon-Watching Party Ability this turn, it cannot use it a second time.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I use Parasect's "Lethargy Spore" Ability after a Pokemon has been attacked by Dustox's "Nadir Powder", how many counters are placed on the poisoned Pokemon during Pokemon checkup?
Lethargy Spore resets any specific number of damage counters for Poison to 1, therefore overriding Nadir Powder's effect of 8 damage counters for Poison.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
If I use Drapion VSTAR's "Hazard Star" VSTAR Ability to poison my opponent's Pokemon with 3 damage counters during Pokemon Checkup, and I have Radiant Hisuian Sneasler with the "Poison Peak" Ability in play, does my opponent put 3 or 5 damage counters on their poisoned Pokemon during checkup?
Five damage counters. Poison Peak adds 2 damage counters to whatever the current number of damage counters are being placed for poison.
Source: Lost Origin FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-09-08)
Can I make an entire deck with jumbo sized cards to be used in a sanctioned tournament as long as they are all the same uniform size?
No, you cannot. You may only use cards that have been released for TCG play in the standard size. Jumbo cards are artistic representations of the legal card's art.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-08-04)
Do I use Radiant Venusaur's "Sunny Bloom" Ability before or after taking prize cards at the end of my turn?
Sunny Bloom is used at the end of your turn after attacking and checking for a KO but before Pokemon Checkup. So if your attack causes a KO, you would take Prize cards first, and then get to use Sunny Bloom.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-08-04)
Can I play Kamado if there are no cards in my deck?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-07-07)
If I play Kamado but only have one other card in my hand to choose from, do I get to draw 4 cards even though I don't discard any from my hand?
Yes, you can. Since you were able to choose a card in your hand, you get to draw 4 cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-07-07)
If my opponent KO'd one of my Pokemon and then on my next turn I use Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR's "Star Chronos" attack, or if I KO one of my opponent's Pokemon with Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack, can I play Raihan on the second of my two turns from either of those attacks?
Yes, you can. Your Pokemon was KO'd "during your opponent's last turn" regardless of how many turns you take since then.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-07-07)
If my Radiant Greninja has already used its "Concealed Cards" Ability during my turn but then goes out of play, if I bring it back into play can I use "Concealed Cards" again on the same turn?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-16)
If Temple of Sinnoh is in play do I still need to discard a card from my hand in order to attach an Aurora Energy card?
Yes, because the discard is required in order to play Aurora Energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-09)
Can I play Gutsy Pickaxe if I have no Benched Pokemon?
No, you cannot. Since it is mandatory to attach a Fighting Energy if you draw one, you have to have a Benched Pokemon in order to play the card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-09)
On my last turn I attacked with Zebstrika's "Coordinated Bolt" attack. If Zebstrika gets KO'd or otherwise leaves play and on my next turn I use Zoroark's "Phantom Transformation" Ability to bring the Zebstrika back onto the Bench, can I use that Zebstrika's "Coordinated Bolt" attack with additional damage.
Yes, you can. Although Zebstrika left play and came back it is considered a different Pokemon on the previous turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-09)
Can Gutsy Pickaxe attach Single Strike Energy if one is revealed as the top card of my deck?
No, it cannot. Single Strike Energy doesn't count as a Fighting Energy while in the deck.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If I use Single Strike Style Mustard to put Duraludon VMAX directly onto my bench, can I later use Cheryl to remove damage counters from it despite it not having evolved into the VMAX?
Yes, it is still an "Evolution Pokemon" since it has an Evolution box printed on it. It would not be an "Evolved Pokemon" but that is not what Cheryl requires.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If Temple of Sinnoh is in play, does Meloetta's "Melodious Echo" attack still do 70 damage for each Fusion Strike Energy attached?
Yes. Temple of Sinnoh removes all effects and provides 1 Colorless energy, but it does not change the card name to be something other than "Fusion Strike Energy". So Melodious Echo still does 70 damage for each attached Fusion Strike Energy you have in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If Lunala uses its "Lunar Pain" attack on a Pokemon that already has two damage counters on it, does it place four more damage counters on that Pokemon for a total of six?
No, that's not now it works. Lunar Pain counts how many damage counters are already on the Pokemon and places the same number of additional damage counters on it. So in your example a Pokemon with two damage counters would now have a total of four on it, not six.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If I attach a Grass Energy to Skiploom with the "Solar Evolution" Ability but there are already 4 Jumpluff either in play or in the discard pile, can I still search my deck for that Pokemon and fail?
You cannot use Solar Evolution to search your deck since it is public knowledge that you won't find any Jumpluff if all four copies of the card are in known areas.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If my Kecleon with "Chromashift" Ability is knocked out while it had a Fairy energy attached, would I be able to use Diantha during my next turn?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If I have a Kecleon with the "Chromashift" Ability in play and two basic Water Energy and a basic Fighting Energy attached, and my opponent has a Jolteon with the "Thunderous Awakening" Ability and a Memory Capsule attached, would Kecleon still be considered a Fighting type Pokemon?
No, it would not. Thunderous Awakening would turn off Kecleon's Chromashift Ability completely, therefore Kecleon would be a Colorless type.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-06-02)
If Temple of Sinnoh is in play, does Double Turbo Energy provide one energy or two.
It would only provide one {C} Energy and would not reduce the Attack damage.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
If I play "Canceling Cologne" and then somehow switch out the opponent's Active Pokemon, does the new Active Pokemon have its Abilities or not?
The effect of Canceling Cologne is on the opponent's Active Pokemon position rather than on the Pokemon itself. So if the opponent's Active Pokemon changes after Canceling Cologne has been played, the new Active Pokemon would have its Ability removed and the previous Pokemon would have its Ability restored.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
Does my opponent get to take a prize if I use Golduck's "Entangled Dive" attack to discard each player's Active Pokemon?
No neither player takes any prizes; Entangled Dive doesn't count as a KO.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
Can I use Hisuian Samurott's "Wily Stance" Ability if there are no cards in my deck, just to discard an Energy?
No, you cannot.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
If I have Kricketune's "Swelling Tune" Ability in play, do my Kricketune Vs get +40 HP or not?
Swelling Tune is specifically referring to Kricketune, but "Kricketune V" is a different card name so it would get +40 HP.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
Can I use Hisuian Typhlosion's "Supernatural Orb" Ability if my opponent's Active Pokemon is already both Burned and Confused?
You may use Supernatural Orb if your opponent's Active Pokemon is either Burned OR Confused (or neither), but not if it is already both Burned AND Confused.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
Can I use Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR's "Star Portal" Ability to retrieve Wash Energy or Rapid Strike Energy from the discard pile?
No, Star Portal can only get basic {W} Energy, but Wash Energy and Rapid Strike Energy do not count as {W} Energy in the discard pile (nor in the deck, etc.).
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
When using Darkrai VSTAR's "Star Abyss" Ability, can I use the Ability first, and then later put 2 Item cards into my hand?
No, you must take the 2 Item cards immediately when using Star Abyss. "During your turn" simply means you cannot use this Ability multiple times during the same turn.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
If I have multiple Eevee with "Resonant Evolution" in play, can each of them trigger if I evolve one other Eevee? Or do I have to evolve a separate Eevee for each one?
If you have multiple Eevee in play, playing a card from your hand to evolve 1 of them would trigger every Resonant Evolution.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
If I have multiple Regidrago in play, can I use each of their "Dragon's Hoard" Abilities during my turn?
No, you may not.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
When using Radiant Greninja's "Concealed Cards" Ability, can I discard an Energy card from my hand, and then later during my turn draw 2 cards?
No, you must draw the 2 cards immediately after discarding the Energy card. "Once during your turn" means you cannot use this Radiant Greninja's Concealed Cards Ability multiple times during the same turn.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
Can I use Regirock V, etc. to satisfy the requirements for Regigigas' "Ancient Wisdom" Ability?
No, you cannot. Ancient Wisdom is checking for exactly those card names, so Regirock V etc. wouldn't count.
Source: Astral Radiance FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-26)
Can I use Acerola's Premonition to look at my opponent's hand if there are no cards left in my deck?
No, you cannot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-05)
If I play Phoebe while my opponent has a Dunsparce with "Mysterious Nest" Ability in play, do my Pokemon VMAX's attacks calculate Weakness if applicable or not?
The term "any effects" does not include effects that alter Weakness and Resistance. So Phoebe does not allow you to ignore Mysterious Nest's effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-05)
If my opponent has a Galarian Cursola V's "Gnawing Aura" Ability in play, if I use Zarude V's "Jungle Rising" attack and attach any energy cards to one of my Benched Pokemon, do I place the damage counters for "Gnawing Aura" first and then heal, or vice versa?
The player using Jungle Rising gets to choose which order to place damage first and then heal, or heal first and then place the damage counters for "Gnawing Aura".
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-05-05)
When you attach "Rainbow Energy" from your hand to Skiploom with the "Solar Evolution" Ability, do you place the damage counter onto it before or after evolving to Jumpluff?
The owner of Skiploom can choose the order of the effects. They can choose to place the damage counter from Rainbow Energy before evolving; however, if they choose to use Solar Evolution first the effect of Rainbow Energy is ignored because Jumpluff is not the same Pokemon the energy was attached to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-04-28)
While the opponent's Galarian Cursola V's "Gnawing Aura" Ability is working, if you attach an energy from your hand to your Skiploom with the "Solar Evolution" Ability, do you place the 3 damage counters onto it before or after evolving to Jumpluff?
The owner of Skiploom can choose the order of the effects. They can choose to place the damage counters from Gnawing Aura before evolving; however, if they choose to use Solar Evolution first the effect of Gnawing Aura is ignored because Jumpluff is not the same Pokemon the energy was attached to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-04-28)
If Mew VMAX uses its "Max Miracle" attack against the opponent's Fusion Strike Pokemon while the opponent has an Oricorio with the "Lesson in Zeal" Ability in play, does "Max Miracle's" damage get reduced or not?
The damage reduction of Lesson in Zeal is considered an "effect on the Pokemon". Max Miracle ignores ANY effect on the opponent's Active Pokemon, so therefore Max Miracle would be able to overcome the effect of Lesson In Zeal.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-04-28)
If you use Peonia and put a Treasure Energy or Dream Ball from your prizes into your hand, can you use the Treasure Energy or Dream Ball effect to attach it to one of your Pokemon?
Sorry, but Treasure Energy and Dream Ball only trigger when you are taking it as a face-down prize card, not when you are trading it with another card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-10-07); TPCi Rules Team (2022-04-07)
If I play Repeat Ball and choose a Pokemon that already has 2 in play and 2 in the discard pile, can I still search my deck for that Pokemon and fail?
You cannot search your deck since it is public knowledge that you won't find one because all four copies of the card are in known areas. If you have another valid target in play you must choose one of them; however, if you don't have a valid target the Repeat Ball goes back to your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-31)
If I have a confused or poisoned Genesect V with 2 Fusion Strike Energy attached, and my opponent has a Cradily with the "Swaying Strangle" Ability in play, would I be able to Retreat after I have discarded the 2 Fusion Strike Energy cards as the cost, or would I no longer be able to Retreat?
Since you began the Retreat process while Swaying Strangle was prevented by the Fusion Strike Energy, you get to complete the action and Retreat even after discarding the 2 Fusion Strike Energy cards. The behavior is also similar with Flygon's "Labyrinth of Sand" ability or Snorlax's "Block" ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-31)
My Arceus V is active and I have Dunsparce with "Mysterious Nest" Ability on my bench. If my opponent uses Spritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack does Arceus V now have {D} weakness, or does "Mysterious Nest" keep it with no weakness?
The Ticking Terror attack would switch Arceus V's weakness to {D}, but then Dunsparce's Mysterious Nest would change Arceus V back to no weakness. However, since Ticking Terror says "Until the end of your next turn..." Arceus V would become weak to {D} if Dunsparce were to leave play or have its Mysterious Nest ability shut off.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-31)
If I have Galarian Weezing with "Neutralizing Gas" active and my opponent brings up a Wobbuffet with "Bide Barrier" Ability, does "Bide Barrier" turn off "Neutralizing Gas" or vice versa?
Since Neutralizing Gas was in effect before Wobbuffet became active, it takes precedence and Bide Barricade does not activate as long as Neutralizing Gas is in effect. Whichever one comes into effect first would take priority in this situation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-31)
Can I use Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX's "Max Lance" attack to discard 2 Double Colorless Energy cards?
Yes, you can select 1 Energy of each Double Colorless Energy to discard both of them. And it would do 240 more damage because you discarded 2 cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-03)
If I use Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX's "Max Lance" attack to discard a Double Colorless Energy, does it do 120 or 240 more damage?
The additional damage is done per each card discarded, so if you discard only one card it only does 120 more damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-03)
If my Jumpluff with the "Fluffy Barrage" Ability attacks and KO's my opponent's Active Galarian Weezing with "Neutralizing Gas" Ability, can I attack a second time?
Yes, you can because Fluffy Barrage is no longer disabled.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-03)
If my Jumpluff with the "Fluffy Barrage" Ability attacks and KO's my opponent's Active Pokemon, do I get to attack again if my opponent promotes a Galarian Weezing with "Neutralizing Gas" Ability before the second attack?
No, because Neutralizing Gas disables Fluffy Barrage before Jumpluff can attack a second time.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-03)
What happens if my opponent has Malamar with the "Contrary" Ability active and I play Will?
Will lets you choose the first flip for an attack as Heads, but then Malamar's Contrary will treat it as Tails.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-03-03)
If I use a VSTAR Ability can I also use a VSTAR Attack in the same game?
When you use a VSTAR Ability or Attack you flip over your VSTAR marker. Once that marker is set, you cannot use another VSTAR Attack or Ability during that game.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
What kinds of Pokemon are considered to be "Pokemon V"?
Pokemon V includes Pokemon V, Pokemon VMAX, Pokemon VSTAR, and Pokemon V-UNION.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I have 2 Double Turbo Energy Cards attached to one of my Pokemon, would its Attack damage be reduced by 20 or 40?
It would be reduced by 40 since each card's reduction would apply.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I use Spiritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack against the Defending Pokemon and their owner moves it to the Bench during their next turn, does its Weakness return to normal?
Yes, since it is an attack effect, moving that Pokemon to the Bench removes it.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If my opponent has no Weakness and I use Spiritomb's "Ticking Terror" attack, will I do extra damage on my next turn due to Weakness?
If a Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Ticking Terror will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness to Darkness.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I use Dracovish V's "Slosh 'n' Crash" attack against Honchkrow V with its "Boss Pockets" Ability, do I get to do 120 more damage for each Pokemon Tool attached to Honchkrow V?
No, Slosh 'n' Crash only does 120 more damage regardless of whether one or more tools are attached.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If Breloom gets sent to the Bench after using its "Spore Ball" attack, can it still use its "Powdery Uppercut" attack on the next turn?
Yes, because it is a game state check and not an attack effect.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Can I use Clefable's "Moonlit Miracle" attack if the only Pokemon I have in play cannot evolve?
You can use the attack no matter what, but after flipping coins if you have no Pokemon that can evolve the attack stops there. You wouldn't get to search your deck since you know there won't be any effect.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
For Clefable's "Moonlit Miracle" attack, if I flip two or more Heads can I search for a Stage 1 card that evolves from one of my Pokemon and then search for the Stage 2 card and evolve it again?
No, you must choose your Pokemon first, and then search your deck to evolve those Pokemon
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I attack with Wormadam's "Matron's Anger" and I have 3 parts of a V-Union Pokemon in my discard pile, does that count as three Pokemon for adding to the attack damage?
Yes, in this case "Pokemon" in Matron's Anger's attack text means "Pokemon Cards".
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Does Probopass' "Magnetic Pull" attack do 40 damage if the opponent cannot switch their Active Pokemon to the Bench or if the Bench is empty?
If you cannot switch the opponent's Pokemon there is no "new Active Pokemon" to be damaged, so no damage is done.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Do I apply Weakness for Moltres' "Inferno Wings" attack if I do the extra 70 damage?
Inferno Wings will not apply Weakness, regardless of whether you do the extra 70 damage or not.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I use Castform's "Hurricane" attack and I have no benched Pokemon, do I have to discard an Energy card?
No, if you have no Benched Pokemon all Energy remains attached to Castform.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Can I use Raichu V's "Fast Charge" attack during the game other than on my first turn?
Yes, you can. The text about "if you go first" is in addition to any other turns during the game.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Can I use Liepard's "Trade" Ability if there are no cards in my deck, just to discard a card?
No, you can't use Trade if there aren't any cards left in your deck. Discarding a card from your hand is a cost to use the Ability, and drawing cards is the effect.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I use Dusknoir's "Special Transfer" Ability to move an Aurora Energy to another Pokemon, do I have to discard a card from my hand per Aurora Energy's text?
Special Transfer is "moving" the Special Energy to another Pokemon, not "attaching" it like you would from your hand. So since the Aurora Energy is already in play you do not have to discard a card from your hand in this situation.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Can I use Dusknoir's "Special Transfer" Ability after I attack but before my turn ends to move Special Energy cards (such as Double Turbo Energy) off of my Active Pokemon?
No, once your attack ends, your turn ends.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I play Garchomp with the "Sonic Slip" Ability to evolve my Active Pokemon and then Garchomp moves to the Bench, does the effect from "Sonic Slip" get removed?
No. It is an effect from an Ability, not from an Attack, so moving to the Bench does not remove it.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Does Cherubi's "Lively Fruit" Ability prevent an attack from moving or placing damage counters?
In the steps of resolving an attack, moving or "placing Damage Counters" counts as an Effect of the attack; it is not part of "doing damage". Therefore, as an Effect it would be prevented by Lively Fruit.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I use Entei V's "Fleet Footed" Ability and retreat it for another one on my bench, can I use the new Entei V's "Fleet Footed" Ability too?
Yes, you can. Once per turn applies to the Pokemon that uses the Ability.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I put Empoleon onto my Bench using its "Emergency Surfacing" Ability, does Torterra's "Evopress" attack add 50 to its damage for the unevolved Empoleon?
Yes, even though Empoleon doesn't have any lower stages attached to it, it is still considered an Evolution Pokemon.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
Can you attach more than one tool of the same name to Honchkrow V with the "Boss Pockets" Ability? And if so, do the effects of the tools stack?
Yes to both questions.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
If I have Alcremie with the "Additional Order" Ability in the Active Spot and then play Cafe Master, does my turn end immediately if I retreat Alcremie?
No, your turn does not end because Alcremie was active when you played Cafe Master.
Source: Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
The original intention of this [Sonic Slip] Ability was to provide protection only from the opponent's attacks, not from your own. The new text will say, "When you play this Pokemon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon during your turn, you may prevent all damage from and effects of attacks from your opponent's Pokemon done to this Pokemon until the end of your opponent's next turn."
Source: TPCi Announcements (2022-02-09) []; Brilliant Stars FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2022-02-24)
When Welder is used to attach 2 Fire energy, does Old Cemetery trigger once or twice?
Any energies attached from the hand would trigger Old Cemetery, once for each energy card being attached. So in this case you would put 4 damage counters total.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-01-20)
I have 5 Pokemon on my Bench, and 2 of them have the "Omega Barrier" Ancient Trait. If my opponent plays Avery and I choose the 2 Pokemon that have "Omega Barrier", do they get discarded or is the effect of Avery blocked?
Yes, they get discarded. The discard effect of Avery is on you, the player choosing the Pokemon, not on the Pokemon with Omega Barrier.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2022-01-20)
If Dusknoir with the "Spectral Breach" Ability is already in play and then Fusion Strike Energy is attached to a Pokemon (either mine or my opponent's), does Fusion Strike Energy prevent "Spectral Breach" from affecting it, or does "Spectral Breach" disable Fusion Strike Energy's effects?
When Fusion Strike Energy gets attached to a Pokemon it prevents the effect of Spectral Breach, therefore providing every type of Energy and preventing all effects of your opponent's Abilities done to that Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-12-23)
If I have an Alolan Raichu with Speed Energy attached or a Starmie with Wash Energy attached, if I use their "Electro Rain" or "Multishot Star" attacks and discard those Special Energy cards would it get through Duraludon VMAX's "Skyscraper" Ability or not?
Because you don't know how many targets to select until you discard all the Energy, the process is to discard the Energy first, then choose which Pokemon take damage, and then apply damage. Since for those particular attacks the discard happens first and THEN damage is applied, as long as there are no other Special Energy cards attached to Alolan Raichu or Starmie the damage would not be blocked by Skyscraper.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-12-02)
If Path to the Peak is in play and I play four Missing Clover to take a Jirachi {*} from my face down prizes, will I be able to use its "Wish Upon a Star" Ability?
Yes, you may. You are taking a Prize Card and the Ability is activated before it is in the hand or in play, so Path to the Peak does not stop it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-18)
Can I search for any Pokemon VMAX or V-UNION with Adventurer's Discovery?
Yes you can, because Pokemon VMAX or V-UNION are a type of Pokemon V.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I use Tsareena V's "Queen's Orders" attack, can I choose to discard zero Benched Pokemon?
Yes, you can. The attack will then do 20 damage.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I use Tsareena V's "Queen's Orders" attack and discard a Stage 2 Pokemon from my Bench, does it count as three Pokemon including the Basic & Evolution cards underneath that also get discarded?
No, the Basic & Evolution cards are all part of a single Pokemon while in play.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If my Active Pokemon was knocked out by my opponent's attack and I replace it with Accelgor, can I use Accelgor's "Ninja Tornado" attack for {G}?
No, the replacement of your Active Pokemon happened at the end of your opponent's turn, not during your new turn.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I use Mew VMAX's "Cross Fusion Strike" attack and choose an attack with a cost of more than just {C}{C}, can I do it even if I only have two of any energy attached to Mew VMAX?
Yes, you only have to pay the attack cost of Cross Fusion Strike. Ignore the attack cost of the copied attack whether it is more, less, or the same; regardless of the type or amount of energy required for the copied attack.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I use Virizion's "Bail Out" attack, can I choose to put zero Pokemon into my hand if I have any Pokemon in my discard pile?
No, if you choose to do the attack and you have a Pokemon in the discard pile, you have to choose at least one of them. But remember, you can always choose to pass and not attack.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
Is Rillaboom VMAX's "G-Max Drum Solo" or Cloyster's "Aqua Split" attacks' bench damage amount split between the two chosen Pokemon (20+20 or 10+30, etc.) or does it do 40 or 30 damage to each of them?
The attack does 40 or 30 damage to each of the two chosen Pokemon.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If my opponent used Turtonator's "Shell Trap" attack and I have Espeon VMAX with the "Solar Revelation" Ability in play, will my Attacking Pokemon with energy attached receive the 8 damage counters from "Shell Trap" if I attack and do damage to Turtonator?
No, it will not receive the 8 damage counters. Solar Revelation prevents all effects of your opponent's attacks, and Shell Trap's damage counters are an effect of your opponent's attack.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
When my opponent has Goodra with the "Slimy Room" Ability in the Active Spot, if I try to attach an Aurora Energy to one of my Pokemon and I flip tails, do I have to discard a card for the cost of Aurora Energy too?
No, since the flip happens before it is attached, if Aurora Energy is discarded you do not have to discard another card along with it.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If my opponent has Goodra with the "Slimy Room" Ability in the Active Spot, do I still have to flip a coin to attach an Energy to one of my Pokemon that already has a Fusion Strike Energy card attached to it?
Yes you still have to flip a coin, because the Slimy Room Ability is acting on you the player not on a specific Pokemon; and Fusion Strike Energy's effect applies to the Pokemon it is attached to, therefore it does not block Slimy Room's effect.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
While Goodra's "Slimy Room" Ability is active, if I use an Ability or card effect like Swampert's "Muddy Maker" Ability to attach an Energy card from my hand but flip tails, can I use that ability or effect when I try again with another energy?
No. The Ability has been used and the energy is discarded even though your regular Energy attachment for the turn has not been used up.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
While Goodra’s “Slimy Room” Ability is active, if I try to attach an Energy card but flip tails and have to discard my energy instead of attaching, can I try again?
Yes, as long as you can get another Energy card in your hand.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I have multiple Toxtricity with the "Maximum Downer" Ability in play, will my opponent's VMAX Pokemon have -30 HP for each one?
There is no restriction about multiple Maximum Downers being in effect; in other words, yes it stacks.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
Can I use Inteleon VMAX's "Double Gunner" Ability if my opponent only has 1 Benched Pokemon?
Yes you can, but not if they don't have any Benched Pokemon.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
Does Chandelure VMAX's "Cursed Shimmer" Ability prevent Maractus' "Ditch and Shake" attack from discarding any number of Pokemon Tool cards?
No, Cursed Shimmer only prevents the opponent from playing Pokemon Tool cards from their hand; that is not the same thing as discarding Pokemon Tool cards for Ditch and Shake.
Source: Fusion Strike FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
Can I play Plus Power or Electropower or Power Tablet on my first turn if I'm going first and am not allowed to attack?
Yes you can play those. Keep in mind there are some Pokemon (like Latios-EX with "Fast Raid" attack) that are allowed to attack on first turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-11-11)
If I have Hiding Energy or Snow Leaf Badge attached to my Active Pokemon, would my opponent's Leafeon VMAX's "Grass Knot" attack do any damage to it or not? If yes, would "Phoebe" remove the effect of Hiding Energy or Snow Leaf Badge for the damage calculation of "Grass Knot"?
The effects of Hiding Energy and Snow Leaf Badge are not blocking any damage from the attacking Pokemon, they are changing the stats of the Pokemon they are attached to. So they are not really affecting the damage done by Grass Knot; it is still 60x the Retreat Cost, but the Retreat Cost is now effectively zero. And since those cards are not affecting the damage being done (they're only affecting the Retreat Cost), Phoebe will not help it do more damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-10-07)
Can I choose one or more parts of Greninja V-UNION with Vaporeon VMAX's "Bubble Pod" attack, and play it on my Bench?
Bubble Pod cannot put Greninja V-UNION into play because Bubble Pod will only get one card of the V-UNION, and one piece of a Pokemon V-UNION cannot be brought into play alone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can I use Heavy Ball or Level Ball to search for a Pokemon V-UNION card?
No you can't. Even if a Pokemon V-UNION has a Retreat Cost of 3 or more when it's fully assembled, you still can't search for any of the parts with Heavy Ball. And even though some of the parts don't have any HP listed, you still can't search for them with Level Ball.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can I use Mysterious Treasure to put a Mewtwo V-UNION card in my hand?
Yes. When not in play, each piece of a Pokemon V-UNION still retains its Energy type, its card type (Pokemon), and its name.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can I use a card like Sonia or Quick Ball that lets me search for Basic Pokemon to search my deck for Pokemon V-UNION cards?
No, because they are neither Basic nor Evolution Pokemon; their Stage is V-UNION.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can I use cards that search for a Pokemon, like Ultra Ball or Poke Ball, to get a Pokemon V-UNION card from my deck or discard pile?
Any effect that lets you search your deck or discard pile for "a Pokemon" will let you use that effect on a Pokemon V-UNION card; but remember, you cannot put a single Pokemon V-UNION card into play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can I have less than four pieces of a Pokemon V-UNION in my deck? Or can I put multiple copies of the same piece as long as I do not exceed four total cards of the same name?
Yes you may have less than four pieces of a Pokemon V-UNION in your deck, and you can have multiple copies of the same card; although without all four pieces that will make it impossible to get it into play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can I play a Pokemon V-UNION as my Active Pokemon or on my Bench during setup?
A Pokemon V-UNION is not considered a Basic Pokemon, so you can't put it out while setting up to play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Do Pokemon V-UNION count as one Pokemon or four for purposes of bench space or other effects?
While in play a Pokemon V-UNION is made up of four Pokemon cards, but it counts as a single Pokemon occupying only one bench space or the Active Spot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-30)
Can Zoroark's "Foul Play" attack use Medicham's "Yoga Loop" attack to repeatedly get extra turns?
Yes, Foul Play on Yoga Loop could work infinitely, if you're able to pull it off!
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-23)
If I use Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack to KO one of my opponent’s Pokemon, per the effect I get to take another new turn. If I then play Pokemon Ranger, can I use "Yoga Loop" again?
No, Pokemon Ranger won't bypass the repeat limitation of Yoga Loop because that is not an Attack Effect, it is a Game State Check. Yoga Loop is checking what the game state was in the past (did you use it last turn?), and Pokemon Ranger has no effect on that.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-23)
Can I use two Boost Shake to evolve my Basic Pokemon to a Stage 1 and then evolve it again to a Stage 2?
Since Boost Shake ends your turn immediately after using it, you cannot use two of them in the same turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-09)
Boost Shake says it can be used during my first turn or on a Pokemon that was put into play this turn. What if my Basic Pokemon was in play last turn but I evolve it into a Stage 1 this turn; can I use Boost Shake on that Pokemon to search for a Stage 2 and put it onto that Pokemon?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-09)
If I have Milotic with the "Dew Guard" Ability in play and my opponent plays Avery, do I have to discard Pokemon from my bench until I have 3 or not?
Milotic's Dew Guard prevents all effects of your opponent's Supporters that are done to you, so you would not discard any Pokemon from your bench for the second part of Avery.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-09)
Can I use Rayquaza VMAX's "Azure Pulse" Ability if I have no cards in my hand?
Yes you can, just simply draw 3 cards from your deck.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-09-09)
If I Knock Out a Pokemon that has Spirit Mask attached, do I draw my Prize card(s) before or after discarding a card from my hand?
The effect of Spirit Mask happens before Prize cards are taken.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Can I attach Single Strike Scroll of the Fanged Dragon to a non-Single Strike Pokemon?
Yes, but that Pokemon won't be able to take advantage of its Superstrong Slash attack.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
When I use Rescue Carrier, can I take 2 Pokemon that each have 90 HP or less, or does their total HP have to be 90 or less?
You can take 2 Pokemon that have 90 HP or less. The total amount of HP doesn't matter.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Can I attach Rapid Strike Scroll of the Flying Dragon to a non-Rapid Strike Pokemon?
Yes, but that Pokemon won't be able to take advantage of its Meteor attack.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Can I use Raihan if I don't have any basic Energy cards in my discard pile to attach to 1 of my Pokemon?
No, the main effect of Raihan is attaching a basic Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokemon, so you can't play the card if you can't do that.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I use Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack and take another turn, do I get to draw a card for that extra turn?
Yes, absolutely! If you take another turn after using Yoga Loop you have to do everything you would normally do as part of your turn.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I use Medicham V's "Yoga Loop" attack and KO one of my opponent's Pokemon I get to take another turn, but "Yoga Loop" also says if 1 of my Pokemon used Yoga Loop during my last turn, this attack can't be used. Is the second part about my last turn referring to the turn before I used Yoga Loop the first time or the second turn after using Yoga Loop?
If you take another turn after using Yoga Loop you cannot use it on that second turn.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If my opponent attacks with Dracozolt V's "Primeval Beak" attack, then on my turn I retreat the Pokemon that was attacked, can I attach Energy cards to that Pokemon?
Yes you may. The effect of Primeval Beak is removed when that Pokemon retreats, evolves, is switched to the Bench, etc.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If my opponent attacks with Dracozolt V's "Primeval Beak" attack, can I still attach Energy cards to my benched Pokemon during my turn?
Yes you may. Primeval Beak only affects the Pokemon that was defending when Dracozolt V attacked.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Can I discard a combination of {R} and {L} Energy for Rayquaza V's "Spiral Burst" or Rayquaza VMAX's "Max Burst" attacks?
No, you must choose either only {R} or only {L}, not a mix of the two Energy types.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I reveal 5 {R} Energy with Smeargle's "Live Painting" attack, does it do 30 more damage for each one?
No, you only count once for each type that's revealed. Even if you reveal 5 {R} Energy, it would only add +30 damage because it's only one type.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Do I have to attach all of the Energy cards that I find using Cryogonal's "Element Chain" attack?
No. Since you are not revealing the cards to your opponent, you can choose not to attach any Energy cards if you don't want to and put them back into your deck.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Can I use Golurk V's "Rewind Beam" attack to put a Stage 2 Pokemon that was put into play via Vaporeon VMAX's "Bubble Pod" attack into my opponent's hand?
No, because while the Stage 2 is considered an "Evolution Pokemon", it is not an "evolved Pokemon" as required by the Rewind Beam attack.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Vaporeon VMAX's "Bubble Pod" attack says "put a {W} Pokemon from your discard pile onto your Bench". Does that allow me to put a Stage 2 or VMAX Pokemon directly onto the Bench?
As long as it's a {W} type yes, that's how it works.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I attach an Energy card to Skiploom on the same turn it came into play, can I use its "Solar Evolution" Ability to evolve it right away?
Yes, you can.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I use Zoroark's "Phantom Transformation" Ability to put a Stage 1 Pokemon from my discard pile in its place, may I evolve it into a Stage 2 Pokemon right away?
The Stage 1 Pokemon you're putting in play is completely new; nothing carries over, and you can't evolve a Stage 1 that came into play that turn.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I use Zoroark's "Phantom Transformation" Ability to put a Stage 1 Pokemon from my discard pile in its place, what happens to any damage counters or Special Conditions or effects that were on the Zoroark?
The damage counters and any Special Conditions and any effects will be removed from the newly swapped in Pokemon.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
What happens for "Fluffy Barrage" if Jumpluff is Confused?
You need to flip for Confusion twice if you choose to attack twice. One flip for the first attack, then flip again if you decide to attack again.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I attack using Jumpluff with the "Fluffy Barrage" Ability, can I do things like attach an Energy or play a Trainer between attacks?
No, you would resolve all effects from the first attack and then either perform your second attack or pass. You don't get to go back into the main part of your turn again.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I use Ludicolo's "Enthusiastic Dance" Ability and then play down a new Basic Pokemon after I use the Ability, would that new Pokemon do 100 extra damage this turn?
Yes, it doesn't matter when the Pokemon came into play.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
Does Milotic's "Dew Guard" Ability prevent Supporter cards from removing Tools or Energy from my Pokemon?
No, Pokemon in play are not part of "you or your hand". But it will prevent your opponent from using something like Marnie to make you put your hand on the bottom of your deck and draw a new hand.
Source: Evolving Skies FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-08-26)
If I have four Plasma Energy in play, either on the field and/or in the Discard Pile, can I use Colress Machine to search through my deck, find nothing, and shuffle my deck?
No you cannot. Since the location of all four Plasma Energy cards are known, there's no way Colress Machine would be able to find one during a deck search.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-28); TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
If a player attacks with Gengar & Mimikyu's "Horror House GX" attack, will the opponent be able to attach an energy card from their hand via Eternatus V's "Power Accelerator" attack or Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX's "Underworld Door" Ability?
No, you can't do anything that takes a card from your hand and puts it in the play area after your opponent uses Horror House GX. That includes Abilities, card effects, and attack effects.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
If a player uses Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack and the opponent tries to play a U-Turn Board during their following turn and flips tails, does U-Turn Board go back into their hand or stay in the discard pile?
If the opponent flips tails U-Turn Board is discarded and does not return to your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
If a player uses Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack and the opponent tries to play a Stadium during their following turn and flips tails, will they have used up their Stadium for the turn? And what happens to a Stadium already in play, does it get discarded or not?
If the opponent flips tails that card is discarded and doesn't count as being played, so they can still attempt to play another Stadium. The existing Stadium would remain in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-12-04); TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
If a player uses Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack and the opponent tries to play a Supporter during their following turn and flips tails, will they have used up their Supporter for the turn?
If the opponent flips tails that card is discarded and doesn't count as being played, so they can still attempt to play another Supporter.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20); TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
If I attacked with a Rapid Strike Pokemon last turn, then use Ninja Boy to swap it with Zeraora V, would the Zeraora V's "Cross Fist" attack do damage to a Benched Pokemon?
No, all effects carry over, so it would be considered the same Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
Say I played Mimikyu V and used its "Dummy Doll" Ability on my turn. Then on my opponent's next turn, they play a Path to the Peak stadium. Does that cancel the effect of "Dummy Doll"?
Since the Dummy Doll Ability activated and placed an effect before Path to the Peak came into play, its effect remains.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
Can I use Porygon-Z's "Crazy Code" Ability to attach Impact Energy to a Pokemon that isn't a Single Strike Pokemon?
Yes you can, but then it would get discarded immediately. However, if that Pokemon was Poisoned, Impact Energy would remove the Special Condition.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
If I have Greedent in play, will its "Brazen Tail" Ability prevent Faba from putting my Special Energy into the Lost Zone?
No, Brazen Tail does not protect against the Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-07-01)
Can I use Urn of Vitality to shuffle the card Impact Energy from my discard pile into my deck?
No, you cannot. Urn of Vitality is only able to target a specific card named "Single Strike Energy". Although Impact Energy is a "Single Strike" Energy card, it is not "Single Strike Energy".
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Can I use Houndoom's "Single Strike Roar" Ability to search my deck for the special energy card Impact Energy?
No, you cannot. Single Strike Roar is only able to target a specific card named "Single Strike Energy". Although Impact Energy is a "Single Strike" Energy card, it is not "Single Strike Energy".
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
When using Peonia, do the cards I take count as "Prizes taken" for effects that count how many Prize cards you have taken?
No, it does not.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
When using Peonia, do I have to randomize my Prize cards after putting them back?
Rearranging the prize cards is not part of Peonia's effect, so wherever you put the new prize card is where it should stay until some other action causes the prize cards to be rearranged.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Can I play Peonia if there are no other cards in my hand?
Sure. In that case, you still put up to three Prize cards into your hand and then put them back down.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
If I choose to take a face up Prize card with Peonia, do I have to put its replacement prize face down or face up?
The replacement prize goes back face down.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Do I get to look at the Prize cards I'm drawing with Peonia before choosing them?
No you may not, unless the Prize cards are already face up.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Can I play Flannery if my opponent only has a Special Energy in play but no Stadium, or vice versa?
Yes, you can play Flannery as long as there's at least 1 thing to discard. However, it's not optional, so you must discard a Special Energy and a Stadium if both are in play.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Both players have 1 prize left. Player-A uses Galarian Slowking V's "Word of Ruin" attack. Player-B attacks Galarian Slowking V with enough damage to KO it with the same Pokemon that got hit by "Word of Ruin". Who wins? Or is it a tie?
The KO from Player-B's attack happens before the end of their turn, so the game is over before Word of Ruin's effect gets to happen. Player-B wins.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
When I use Galarian Slowking V's "Word of Ruin" attack, is my opponent's Pokemon still Knocked Out if they retreat it during their next turn?
Since it is an attack effect on the Defending Pokemon, the effect is removed if that Defending Pokemon is no longer Active.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
When using Banette's "Resolute Spite" attack, can you put more damage counters on Banette than it has remaining HP?
Yes, you can.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
If you use Spiritomb's "Ghostly Cries" attack, can you put more damage counters onto a Pokemon than it would take to Knock It out?
Yes, you can. You place all the damage counters for Ghostly Cries first, then resolve any Knock Outs from the attack.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
For Spiritomb's "Ghostly Cries" attack, do you put any Pokemon Knocked Out by the attack into the discard pile before or after shuffling all the Pokemon in their discard pile back into their deck?
After. Shuffle the discarded Pokemon into the deck first, then resolve any Knock Outs from the attack.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
On my last turn, I attacked with Zeraora V's "Cross Fist" attack. If I use a different Zeraora V's "Cross Fist" this turn, will it do extra damage?
Yes, that would work.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
On my last turn, I attacked with Zebstrika's "Coordinated Bolt" attack. If I use a different Zebstrika's "Coordinated Bolt" this turn, will it do extra damage?
Yes, that would work.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
On my last turn, I attacked with Blitzle's "Thunder Spear" attack. If I evolve it into Zebstrika this turn and use "Coordinated Bolt", will it do extra damage?
Yes, Zebstrika is not the Pokemon that attacked last turn; Blitzle was your other Rapid Strike Pokemon that used an attack on the previous turn.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
On my opponent's last turn, they flipped heads for Diglett's "Dig" attack. If I use Blissey V's "Blissful Blast" attack on my turn, would I be able to attach Energy cards from my discard pile?
No. Since Blissful Blast did no damage due to Dig, you cannot get any Energy cards from the discard pile with Blissful Blast.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Can I use Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX's "Underworld Door" Ability if there are no cards left in my deck to draw from?
Yes, you can. Attaching Psychic Energy is the main effect of the Ability, which means it can be used even if you have 0 cards in your deck.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
If I use Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX's "Underworld Door" Ability, do I have to draw 2 cards?
Yes, it is not optional (it does not say "you may"). You must draw 2 cards if you are able to; you can only draw a single card if it's the last card in your deck.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Does Passimian's "Throwing Coach" Ability work if my Active Pokemon's attack doesn't do any damage to the opponent's Bench?
No, Throwing Coach only adds +30 more damage when you actually do damage to your opponent's Benched Pokemon. In other words, you have to do some bench damage in order to have "+30 more" done.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Can I use Galarian Slowking's "Mysterious Potion" Ability on a Pokemon that isn't damaged?
Yes, you could try to damage your own Pokemon if you really wanted to.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Can I choose to search my deck for zero cards if Gengar with the "Last Gift" Ability is Knocked Out (for example, if I don't want to empty my deck)?
Since the search is not optional (it does not say "you may") you must take at least one card if you are able to.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
If Path to the Peak is in play, can I use Liepard V's "Hidden Claw" Ability when I play it from my hand onto my Bench?
No, Liepard V is considered in play by the time Hidden Claw activates, so it won't work due to Path to the Peak.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
If Kecleon has no Energy attached and I attach a Psychic Energy to it when Old Cemetery is in play, will Kecleon's "Chromashift" Ability kick in before checking for Old Cemetery or will Kecleon get 2 damage counters?
Old Cemetery's effect will happen first, so Kecleon will receive 2 damage counters.
Source: Chilling Reign FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-06-17)
Effects of Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, and Abilities do not end when a Pokemon is moved from Active to Bench and vice-versa.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2009-02-26); TPCi Rules Team (2021-05-13)
Player A attacks and flips a heads for "Agility". Then Player B uses Single Strike Urshifu VMAX's "G-Max One Blow" attack; would this ignore Agility?
In this case, Agility would be considered an "effect on the Defending Pokémon" and therefore G-Max One Blow would be able to overcome Agility.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-02-17); TPCi Rules Team (2021-05-13)
If my opponent uses Guzzlord's "Red Banquet" attack and my Active Pokemon with Big Parasol attached gets KO'd, does my opponent get to take an extra prize for "Red Banquet" or not?
Big Parasol prevents all effects of attacks from your opponent's Pokemon done to your Pokemon; but taking an extra prize is a game effect, not "an effect done to your Pokemon", so your opponent gets to take the extra prize.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-04-08)
What happens if both Corviknight VMAX with "Lustrous Body" and Galarian Weezing with "Neutralizing Gas" are in play? Do they cancel each other out or what?
Lustrous Body takes precedence over Neutralizing Gas. It doesn't matter which one comes into play first.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-04-08)
Say Team Magma's Secret Base and Mimikyu with "Shadow Box" Ability are both in play. If I put Dedenne GX on the Bench, can I use its "Dedechange" Ability or will it be blocked because it has damage counters on it?
Since Dedechange and Team Magma's Secret Base are simultaneous effects, it is up to the player to choose the order in which they will be applied.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-04-08)
If my opponent takes a prize and then I use Naganadel GX's "Injection GX" attack to add a prize to my opponent's Prize Cards, would my Dubwool V's "Revenge Blast" attack do only 120 damage because the number of prizes in my opponent's Prize Card area has increased? Or does it do 150 damage (120+30) because the opponent has already taken that prize (even though it is now back in the prize pile)?
Revenge Blast is based on the number of prize cards TAKEN, so even though the Prize Card gets put back into the opponent's area it still counts as +30 damage for Revenge Blast.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-25)
Can I use Houndoom's "Single Strike Roar" Ability if all four Single Strike Energy cards are in play or in the discard pile?
No you cannot. Since the location of all four Single Strike Energy cards are known, there's no way Single Strike Roar would be able to find one during a deck search.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-25)
You can have four Single Strike Urshifu V and four Rapid Strike Urshifu V in your deck because "Single Strike" and "Rapid Strike" are part of the card name for these cards. Also, Single Strike Urshifu VMAX must evolve from Single Strike Urshifu V (and vice versa for the Rapid Strike ones).
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
Can you have four Rapid Strike Style Mustard and four Single Strike Style Mustard in the same deck?
Yes, you can.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
When I play Cheryl, can I choose not to heal one of my Pokemon that only has a few damage counters on it so I can avoid discarding the Energy attached to it?
No, there is no choice. All of your Evolution Pokemon that have any damage counters on them will be healed and have to discard their energy when you play Cheryl.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
If my opponent used Lickilicky's "Selickt" attack, can I choose the option to discard from my hand if I have less than 3 cards in my hand?
If you have no cards in your hand, you must discard cards from your deck. But if you have at least 1 card in your hand, you can choose either option.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
If I use Cacturne's "Pull" attack, who chooses which Pokemon becomes Active?
The attacking player chooses which of the opponent's Pokemon becomes Active.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
If I use Victini V's "V Bullet" attack or Victini VMax's "Max Victory" attack and my opponent’s Active Pokemon is a VMax Pokemon, does the attack do more damage?
Yes, per the Rule Book, Pokemon VMAX are always considered to be Pokemon V.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
Does going to the bench reset Kricketune V's "Exciting Stage" Ability?
No. Even if it leaves play and comes back, you can still only use one Exciting Stage Ability per turn even if you have 2 different Kricketune V in play. It is a Game State check, not an effect.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
Does the box regarding taking prizes for KO'ing a Pokémon-ex from the EX-era (like EX Ruby & Sapphire) count as a "Rule Box" for the purpose of Empoleon V's "Emperor's Eyes" Ability?
No, the term Rule Box does not apply to anything prior to Black & White. As of the date of this ruling these things are covered by Rule Box: Pokémon V, Pokémon VMAX, Pokémon-GX, TAG TEAM, Prism Star, Pokémon-EX, Mega Evolution, and Pokémon BREAK (any future cards that may have a Rule Box are also covered.)
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
If my Mimikyu V with the "Dummy Doll" Ability protection is moved to or from my Bench during my opponent's turn by a switching action such as Boss's Orders is it no longer protected?
It is still protected. It is an effect from an Ability, not from an attack, and so is not removed by moving to or from the bench.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
If I play Mimikyu V with the "Dummy Doll" Ability to my Bench and then make it Active, does it keep the protective effect of "Dummy Doll", or is that removed when it moves from the Bench to the Active Spot?
You keep the protective effect of the Ability; it's not like losing an attack effect when moving from the Active Spot to the Bench.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
If I have Kingdra with the "Deep Sea King" Ability on the bench and my opponent uses Heatmor's "Burning Licks" attack that discards energy cards from my Active Pokemon and also knocks it out, can I move those energy cards to Kingdra before they are discarded?
No, the discard effect of the attack happens first, but you don't move energy for Deep Sea King until after you resolve the Knock Out.
Source: Battle Styles FAQ; TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
The wording of Energy Recycler is now as follows, "Shuffle up to 5 basic Energy cards from your discard pile into your deck."
Source: TPCi Announcements (2021-03-04); TPCi Rules Team (2021-03-18)
Wally says "you can use this card on your first turn or on a Pokemon that was put into play this turn". Does that mean I can use Wally on the very first turn of the game when I am not allowed to play Supporter cards?
No, Wally does not override the game rule of the player going first not being able to play Supporter cards on their first turn. You can only play Wally on your first turn if you are going second.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-02-04)
Can you play Roxie to discard Pokemon from your hand if you have no cards in your deck?
No, you cannot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-02-04)
Due to an error in naming the German version of the card for Samson Eich (aka "Samson Oak"), the name of this card will be changed. The original name for this Supporter card was "Samson Eich". The card name must be changed to match the original name of the character, which should fall in line with the animation and video game series. The new card name for Samson Eich will be "Heinrich Eich".
Due to an error in the German version of the card text for Gewöhnliche Angel (aka "Ordinary Rod"), the first part of the card will be changed. The original text for the Item card says, "Wähle 1 aus:" ("Choose 1:"); the new text for Gewöhnliche Angel will say, "Wähle 1 oder beides aus:" ("Choose 1 or both:").
Source: TPCi Announcements (2020-03-12) []; TPCi Rules Team (2021-02-04)
Due to an error in naming the German version of the card for Enekoro (aka Delcatty), the name of this card will be changed. The original name for this Pokemon card was "Kaguron" (aka Celesteela). The card name must be changed to match the correct name of the character, which should fall in line with the animation, card game, and video game series. The new card name for Kaguron (Darkness Ablaze 142/189) will be "Enekoro".
Due to an error on Cinderace (Sword & Shield, 36/202), the Retreat Cost will be changed. The Retreat Cost printed on the original card was {*}, but it should be {*}{*} instead. This change is to reflect the original intent of the card, which was to have a Retreat Cost of {*}{*}.
Source: TPCi Announcements (2020-12-23); TPCi Rules Team (2021-02-04)
Drone Rotom says, "Your opponent reveals their hand. If they do, look at the top card of your opponent's deck." But what happens if the opponent doesn't have any cards in their hand?
If there are no cards in your opponent's hand, you can't play Drone Rotom in the first place.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-01-21)
My opponent has Galarian Weezing with "Neutralizing Gas" Ability in play. Is the "Top Entry" Ability still allowed as a method of benching a Pokemon, or can it not be benched?
You can still bench it. The Top Entry Ability is used before the Pokemon with that Ability is "in play".
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-01-21)
Is a Pokemon put into play via the "Top Entry" Ability deemed Stage 1 regardless, and not a "Basic" Pokemon as they're technically a Stage 1 Evolution?
It retains its Stage, but it is not an evolved Pokemon ("a Pokemon in play that has another Pokemon under it") even though it remains an "Evolution Pokemon" ("a Pokemon card that evolves from a lower stage Pokemon"). Note this difference in terms because it is important in some interactions.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-01-21)
If I play a Pokemon with the "Top Entry" Ability and it goes to the bench as a Stage 1, what happens if I then use Devolution Spray Z?
You can't use Devolution Spray Z on it since although it is an "Evolution Pokemon", it is not Evolved because there is no Basic underneath it. Either you can't play the card, or if it has already been played (it's no longer in the hand) another target will have to be chosen. If there are no other legal targets, then the play has to be reversed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2021-01-21)
When using Alolan Raichu's "Electro Rain" attack or Hoopa GX's "Devilish Hands GX" attack with a Telescopic Sight tool attached, would Telescopic Sight boost the damage to Pokemon-GX and Pokemon-V each and every time I choose that Pokemon?
Per the rule book you make all your choices first, calculate the damage, then apply modifiers (such as Telescopic Sight), and then apply damage to the chosen Pokemon. So you would not get to add +30 more than once if you choose the same Pokemon again and again; however if you choose multiple Pokemon-GX or Pokemon-V, you would get to add +30 to each of those.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-12-10)
If Dusknoir with "Spectral Breach" Ability is in play, does Rainbow Energy's effect of placing a damage counter get blocked?
Yes it gets blocked, you do not place a damage counter.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-12-10)
Would I be able to discard cards from my hand for the effect of Guzma & Hala when my opponent has Shiftry's "Shifty Substitution" Ability in effect?
No, all you can do is draw 3 cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-12-10)
If I play Lysandre {*} when my opponent has Shiftry's "Shifty Substitution" Ability in effect, does Lysandre {*} go to the Lost Zone or not after it has been played?
Shifty Substitution does not affect the Prism Star rule, so Lysandre {*} would go to the Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-12-10)
Can you use Nest Ball to put a Shedinja with the "Shell Survival" Ability directly into play from your deck since it is a Basic?
No, you cannot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
If my Beast Energy {*} gets discarded while my opponent has Dusknoir's "Spectral Breach" Ability in effect, does it still go to the Lost Zone?
Yes, Spectral Breach does not affect the Prism Star Rule.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
If Dusknoir with "Spectral Breach" Ability is in play, does Capture Energy's effect of searching for a Basic Pokemon work?
No, it does not.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
If Dusknoir with the "Spectral Breach" Ability gets Knocked Out while Recycle Energy is attached to it, does the Recycle Energy go back to my hand or not?
No, Spectral Breach is still in effect when the cards are going to the discard pile, so the Recycle Energy would be discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
When using Moomoo Cheese, can I choose to heal less than 30 damage from my Pokemon?
If the Pokemon has 30 or more damage on it you must heal 30 damage, but if it has less than 30 damage you do as much as you can and heal all of it.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
Does Moomoo Cheese allow you to heal 30 damage each from up to 2 of your Pokemon, or does it heal a total of 30 damage between the two (like 20 on one and 10 on another)?
Each Pokemon you choose for Moomoo Cheese gets to heal 30 damage.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
If I play Nessa on my turn while my opponent has “Shifty Substitution” in effect, do I still get to Paralyze the opponent’s Active Pokemon if I use Drednaw’s “Vise Wave” attack?
Yes, because even though Shifty Substitution replaces Nessa’s usual effect the Supporter card still has the same name, so Vise Wave will still paralyze your opponent.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
If my opponent uses Exeggutor’s “Head Crack” attack, then my Active Pokemon retreats for another Pokemon that has the same attack name that was blocked, can my new Pokemon use that attack or is it blocked?
Head Crack places the effect on your Pokemon that was Active when attacked, so when that Pokemon is benched the effect of Head Crack ends.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
When using Celebi’s “Amazing Bloom” attack, can I search for a Stage 2 Pokemon and put it onto a Basic Pokemon if they’re in the same evolution line, for example from Charmander to Charizard?
No, Amazing Bloom does not let you skip stages.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
Can you move Stone Energy or Rainbow Energy with Galarian Sirfetch’d V’s “Resolute Spear” Ability?
Yes, while attached those energies provide {F} energy.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
If Dusknoir’s “Spectral Breach” Ability is active, does Double Colorless Energy provide one energy or two?
It would only provide one {C} Energy.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
There’s a new deck building rule with Shedinja from Vivid Voltage. Shedinja with the “Shell Survival” Ability cannot be the only Basic Pokemon in your deck. You must have at least 1 other Basic Pokemon in your deck besides Shedinja with “Shell Survival”.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
Can you use more than one Orbeetle VMAX’s “Eerie Beam” Ability per turn?
If a different Orbeetle VMAX becomes active you can use its Eerie Beam Ability, but each Orbeetle VMAX can only use its Eerie Beam Ability once per turn.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
When using Electrode’s “Buzzap Generator” Ability, can I attach the 2 {L} Energy cards to Electrode before it is KO’d?
Yes, you can.
Source: Vivid Voltage FAQ (2020-10-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-11-12)
For Billowing Smoke, since prize cards are discarded when the Pokemon it's attached to gets KO'd, how does this interact with Dubwool V's "Revenge Blast" attack that "does 30 more damage for each Prize card your opponent has taken"?
Revenge Blast does not count any prizes that were discarded due to Billowing Smoke.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-10-22)
If I play the Will supporter that lets me choose heads or tails for my first coin flip of an attack, do I get to use Will's effect again if I use Glimwood Tangle stadium to reflip the coins?
Yes, if you use Glimwood Tangle, Will lets you choose heads/tails for the first coin of the reflip.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-09-24)
Can I use both Victini's "Victory Star" Ability and Glimwood Tangle stadium to reflip coins from an attack twice?
No, you cannot. You can use either the ability or the stadium, but not both of them. As a general rule, you can't use more than one reflip effect at a time.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-09-24)
If I have Eternatus VMAX with the "Eternal Zone" Ability in play, can my opponent use Mawile GX's "Captivating Wink" Ability to play any non-Darkness Pokémon onto my bench?
No, if Eternal Zone is working, your opponent cannot force you to put any non-Darkness Pokémon into play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-09-24)
If my already-poisoned Pokemon is hit by Dragalge's "Poison Cultivation" attack then I use Switch while Dust Island is in play, is my new Active Pokemon poisoned with a regular condition (only one damage counter in between turns) or with the effect from "Poison Cultivation" (ten damage counters in between turns)?
If the Poison effect places more than one damage counter during the Pokémon Checkup phase between turns, then switching the Pokémon out using a Trainer card while Dust Island is in play will retain the modified Poison effect of placing multiple damage counters on the new Active Pokémon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-09-24)
I know using Darkrai {*}'s "Nightmare Star" Ability is optional, but can I choose to attach only one Darkness Energy card if I have two in my hand?
Since the contents of the hand is not public knowledge, you may attach only one if you wish.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-09-17)
If my only Eternatus VMAX with "Eternal Zone" Ability is Active and gets KO'd, do I reduce my bench size down to 5 Pokemon before or after promoting one to the Active Slot?
You discard down to 5 Benched Pokemon before promoting a new Active Pokemon in this scenario.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-20)
If I use Devolution Spray Z to devolve Eternatus VMAX with "Eternal Zone" Ability with enough damage already on the devolved Eternatus V to knock it out, is it KO'd before having to reduce my Bench down to 5 Pokemon, or if I discard it to reduce my bench is it not KO'd?
Well if the Eternatus VMAX is active it would get KO'd after reducing the Bench, but if the devolved Eternatus V is on the bench you could discard it as part of the bench reduction to avoid a KO.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-20)
If I have Eternatus VMAX with "Eternal Zone" Ability in play and I use Devolution Spray Z to devolve one of my benched Darkness type Pokemon to a non-Darkness type Pokemon with enough damage already on the devolved Pokemon to knock it out, is it KO'd before having to reduce my Bench down to 5 Pokemon, or if I discard it to reduce my bench is it not KO'd?
You would discard your Bench down to 5 first, then check for a KO. That means you could discard the newly devolved Pokemon to avoid a KO, even if Eternatus VMAX is the one being devolved!
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
What happens if I play Bird Keeper but there aren't any Pokemon on my bench?
If you only have one Pokemon in play, you cannot play Bird Keeper.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
How does Billowing Smoke work with Greedy Dice or Jirachi {*} and its "Wish Upon a Star" Ability?
If you KO a Pokemon with Billowing Smoke attached, you do not get to use Greedy Dice nor Wish Upon a Star since neither of those cards would be going into your hand. Any Prize cards that would be taken for a Pokemon that has Billowing Smoke attached are discarded, not taken.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
Does Poweful Energy stack?
Yes, it does.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
Does Galar Mine add {*}{*} to the Retreat Cost of a Darkness Pokemon with Hiding Energy attached?
Nope, if a Pokemon's Retreat Cost is set to zero by an effect such as Hiding Energy, it cannot be increased by Galar Mine.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
Say Zoroark GX has Unit Energy {F}{D}{Y} and Rainbow energy attached and uses its "Trickster GX" attack to copy Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX's "Altered Creation GX" attack. Can Zoroark GX use the extra effect of +1 prize for every KO from Altered Creation GX?
Nope, the two energy attached to Zoroark GX are used to pay for the Trickster GX attack (regardless of how much energy is required for the attack being copied), so in this case there is no "extra Water Energy" to permit the extra +1 prize effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
When using Carnivine's "Return" attack, do I have to draw until there are five cards in my hand, or may I stop with less than five?
You do not have to draw any cards, but if you choose to do so you must end up with exactly five cards in your hand; no more, no less.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
When using Centiscorch VMAX's "G-Max Centiferno" attack, do I get +40 more damage for the Fire energy I attach during the attack?
No, the attachment of Fire Energy from the discard pile takes place after the damage calculation of the attack is done. Also, you don't get to attach the Fire Energy if the attack didn't do any damage.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
When using Centiscorch VMAX's "G-Max Centiferno" attack, can I get a Heat Energy from my discard pile?
No, you may not. Heat Energy only counts as a Fire Energy card while it is attached to a Pokemon, not when it is in the discard pile or anywhere else.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, does their Active Pokemon become Confused when I use Delcatty's "Captivating Tail" attack?
No. Confusion is only done to the "new Active Pokemon". If there is no switch, the Active Pokemon is not Confused.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If I use Steenee's "Captivate" attack while Spikemuth stadium is in play, does the opponent put any damage counters on their Pokemon?
No, Captivate would not trigger Spikemuth since it was not moved during the opponent's turn.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If I use Hoopa's "Assault Gate" attack after I move it up to replace a Pokemon that was KO'd by an opponent's attack, does it do anything?
No, Hoopa was moved to the Active Spot during the opponent's turn, not during "this turn".
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
Can you use Pokemon Breeder's Nurturing to evolve Pokemon if Dracovich's "Primal Law" Ability is active?
Yes, you can still use Pokemon Breeder's Nurturing since the Pokemon is coming from the deck and not from your hand.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If you have 8 Darkness Pokemon on your bench including a Weavile, and you devolve it into a Water type Sneasel, can you discard just the Sneasel and stop, or do you have to continue discarding benched Pokemon down to 5?
Once you begin discarding Pokemon you must complete the full action of getting down to 5 benched Pokemon, even if you don't have any non-Darkness Pokemon on your bench any more.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If you have 2 Darkness Pokemon on the bench and an Eternatus VMAX with the "Eternal Zone" Ability, can you play a non-Darkness Pokemon onto your bench?
No, you cannot put any non-Darkness type Pokemon into play. This includes things that would put Darkness type Pokemon directly into play, not just playing them from your hand!
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If I have an Eternatus VMAX with "Eternal Zone" Ability and less than 8 Pokemon (all Darkness type) on my bench, can I use Giratina's "Distortion Door" Ability to put it from the discard pile onto my bench and use its effect before it is discarded?
No, you cannot even put it onto your bench because it is a non-Darkness Pokemon.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
Can a dual-type Pokemon like Bisharp from Steam Siege (being both a Darkness type and Metal type) be played onto the bench while Eternatus VMAX's "Eternal Zone" ability is on?
Yes, as long as the Pokemon is Darkness type it can be played onto the bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If I have Eternatus VMAX with "Eternal Zone" Ability in play and my opponent uses Celebi's "Time Spiral" attack to devolve one of my benched Darkness type Pokemon to a non-Darkness type Pokemon with enough damage already on the devolved Pokemon to knock it out, is it KO'd before having to reduce my Bench down to 5 Pokemon, or if I discard it to reduce my bench is it not KO'd?
You would discard your Bench down to 5 first, then check for a KO. That means you could discard the newly devolved Pokemon to avoid a KO, even if Eternatus VMAX is the one being devolved!
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If I use Rhyperior V's "Drill Run" attack against a Darkrai with "Darkness Guard" Ability and only one Darkness Energy card attached, does Darkrai take 20 less damage before discarding the Darkness Energy or is the energy card discarded before the damage is reduced?
If an attack discards energy from the Defending Pokemon, the damage reduction happens first and then apply any attack effects.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
If I play Crobat V to the bench and use its "Dark Asset" Ability, can I use Super Scoop Up to bring it back to my hand then put it down to use "Dark Asset" again on the same turn?
Sorry, but the ability says that you may use ONLY ONE Dark Asset per turn, this applies regardless of whether any other Pokemon have used it.
Source: Darkness Ablaze FAQ (2020-07-31), TPCi Rules Team (2020-08-13)
Can you get Speed {L} Energy with Volkner?
No, you cannot. Speed {L} Energy only counts as Lightning Energy when it is attached to a Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-05-07)
When using Diggersby's "Mining Rush" attack, can I discard cards one at a time or do I have to discard them all at once?
You may discard cards one by one for Mining Rush and stop any time before you reach the maximum amount specified in the attack. You do not have to declare up front how many cards you're going to discard.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-05-07)
Are Pokemon VMAX considered as "Pokemon V" for the purposes of Boltund's "Fighting Fangs" attack?
Yes, Pokemon VMAX are always considered to be Pokemon V.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-05-07)
Does Cinderace VMAX's "Counter" attack do extra damage if Cinderace VMAX goes to the Bench and then returns to the Active Slot?
It doesn't matter where Cinderace VMAX was when it was damaged during your opponent's last turn, nor whether it has switched in or out of the Active Slot. If it was damaged by an attack during your opponent's last turn Counter will do that much more damage. This is not an effect to be removed when the Pokemon goes to the bench. Counter is performing a game state check asking if something happened; since it did, it uses that game state information to calculate how much damage Counter will do.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-05-07)
Am I allowed to use Gossifleur's "Call for Family" attack if my Bench is already full?
You can use the attack, but since it's public knowledge that you can't put any Pokemon onto your Bench the entire effect of the attack fails; you can't even search your deck.
Source: Supreme Victors FAQ (2009-08-27), PUI Rules Team (2009-08-27), PUI Rules Team (2020-05-07)
When using Sonia can I get one Pokemon and one Basic Energy card?
No, you can get up to two of one kind or the other; you cannot mix & match.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
When playing Scoop Up Net, do I put all Pokemon stages into my hand or just the Basic or highest stage?
You put all of the Pokemon cards into your hand, including all Stages if applicable.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
Lysandre and Boss's Orders cannot be included in the same deck. This is similar to the rule that says Professor Juniper, Professor Sycamore, and Professor's Research cannot be included in the same deck.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-04-16), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
When using Ninetales V's "Nine-Tailed Shapeshifter" attack, do I need to have the correct amount and types of energy that match the opponent's Active Pokemon's attack that I'm choosing?
No, you do not. You only need the energy required by the Nine-Tailed Shapeshifter attack.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
What happens if I use Bronzong's "Gyro Ball" attack but I don't have any benched Pokemon?
You have to switch Bronzong if you are able to; the "if you do" part refers to when you have no Benched Pokemon. So if Bronzong doesn't switch the opponent's Active Pokemon doesn't switch either.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
If I have a Pokemon with the "Top Entry" Ability in my starting hand at the beginning of the game, can I put it onto my Bench?
No, you may not. In order to use Top Entry it has to be drawn from your deck at the beginning of your turn, but your turn has not started while you're setting up at the beginning of the game.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
If I draw a Pokemon with the "Top Entry" Ability during my first turn of the game, can I put it onto my bench right away?
Sure, but remember you must do this BEFORE it gets into your hand.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
Can I use Hatterene's "Mind Hat" Ability if I don't have any cards in my hand? Or if my opponent doesn't have any cards in their hand?
As long as either player has a card in their hand, you can use Mind Hat.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
When using Falinks V's "Iron Defense Formation" Ability or Falinks' "Team Attack" attack, do I get to count any Falinks V I have in play too?
Yes, because Falinks V has "Falinks" in its name.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
What happens if Cinderace V with the "Field Runner" Ability is in play while Galar Mine is also in play?
Cinderace V would have no Retreat Cost. When effects that increase something like Retreat Cost by a particular amount are stacked on top of effects that make something like Retreat Cost vanish, the vanishing effect takes priority.
Source: Rebel Clash FAQ (2020-04-18), TPCi Rules Team (2020-04-30)
Does Carracosta's "Ancient Custom" Ability negate Stealthy Hood? Or does Stealthy Hood prevent "Ancient Custom" from affecting the Pokemon Stealthy Hood is attached to?
Stealthy Hood prevents Ancient Custom's effect on the Pokemon Stealthy Hood is attached to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
I understand if I use Phione's "Whirlpool Suction" Ability and target my opponent's Pokemon with Stealthy Hood attached the effects get blocked. But what happens if later in that turn I use Tool Scrapper to remove Stealthy Hood. Would I then be able to use Phione's "Whirlpool Suction" Ability or has it already been used up at that point?
Sorry, even though Stealthy Hood blocked the Whirlpool Suction Ability it's considered to be already used. You attempt to use the Ability and the effect doesn't work, but you have still used the Ability and cannot try again.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
If my opponent has Jirachi GX with "Psychic Zone" Ability, does Golurk's "Theta Stop" Ancient Trait bypass "Psychic Zone" and apply Weakness?
Psychic Zone will not be applied to Golurk because of Theta Stop, so any attacks done to Golurk would still apply Weakness. Attacks done by Golurk wouldn't be affected
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
Does Aerodactyl GX's "Primal Winds" Ability add {*} to the cost of an attack used by Mewtwo & Mew GX's "Perfection" Ability if it tries to use an attack from a non-Basic Pokemon?
Yes, it does. Mewtwo & Mew GX is still a Basic Pokemon; it doesn't matter whether Perfection uses the attack from a non-Basic Pokemon or not.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
When using Mawile GX's "Captivating Wink" Ability to put Pokemon onto my opponent's Bench, are they allowed to evolve those Pokemon on their next turn since they just came into play?
Yes, as long as it's not the opponent's first turn of the game they can evolve those Pokemon if they are able to do so. It is a basic game rule that neither player can normally evolve any Pokemon on their first turn of the game, even if they are going second.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-03-12)
If a Pokemon was attacked with Lunala GX's "Moongeist Beam", does that block Mallow & Lana from healing it?
The first part of Mallow & Lana says to switch your Active Pokemon with one of your Benched Pokemon. When your Pokemon is switched the effect of Moongeist Beam is removed, so then you can heal the Pokemon once it is on the Bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-27)
Can you use Naganadel & Guzzlord GX's "Violent Appetite" Ability to discard a Pokemon if Naganadel & Guzzlord GX is not damaged?
Yes, you can. The main effect of this Ability is to discard a Pokemon from your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-27)
Is there an order to Oranguru's "Primate Wisdom" Ability? For example, can a player look at the top card before picking a card from their hand to put on the top of your deck? Or do they have to pick the card from their hand first?
The text of Primate Wisdom says to switch the card. This happens at the same time, so no you do not get to look at the top card of your deck first.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-27)
If I use Phione's "Whirlpool Suction" Ability and target my opponent's Pokemon with Stealthy Hood attached I know the Pokemon with Stealthy Hood does not move. But would I be able to discard all cards attached to Phione and put it on the bottom of my deck?
No. Since Stealthy Hood blocks the move effect of Whirlpool Suction, the "if you do" clause fails and Phione stays in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-13)
Say Sky Field is in play and I have 8 Benched Pokemon, then I use Marshadow's "Resetting Hole" Ability. Do I discard Marshadow first and then discard down to 5 Benched Pokemon for the removal of Sky Field, or do I discard down to 5 Benched Pokemon first and then discard Marshadow?
The player who owns Marshadow can choose the order of discarding Benched Pokemon, either before or after the removal of Sky Field.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
If an attack would KO a Pokemon, can you use Sitrus Berry to heal it first?
No. KO's have to be resolved before the end of the turn, and Sitrus Berry heals at the end of the turn after KO's have been evaluated.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Can I use Sitrus Berry to heal damage received from Poison/Burn in between turns?
No, you cannot. Sitrus Berry only works at the end of a turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Say I have Keldeo GX already in play, and my opponent uses Latios GX's "Clear Vision GX" attack with Power Plant in play. If I play a different Stadium to get rid of Power Plant, can I use Keldeo-GX's "Resolute Blade GX" attack now?
Yes, you can. When Power Plant is removed Keldeo GX's Pure Heart Ability turns back on, and Keldeo GX is no longer hit by the global effect of Clear Vision GX. If an attack does not place an effect on Keldeo GX directly, like an attack that puts an effect that isn't removed when returning to the Bench, it can be removed by reactivating Pure Heart.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Say my opponent uses Trevenant & Dusknoir GX's "Pale Moon GX" attack on my Keldeo GX with "Pure Heart" while Power Plant stadium is in play. If I replace the Power Plant with another stadium during my next turn, does Keldeo GX get knocked out at the end of the turn or not?
If Keldeo GX remains the Active Pokemon it will be Knocked Out. Keldeo GX's Pure Heart Ability *prevents* effects, but it does not *remove* existing effects. If an attack like Pale Moon GX places an effect directly on Keldeo GX, that effect cannot be removed by reactivating Pure Heart; in other words, effects that are removed when returning to the Bench can't be removed by Pure Heart.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Does a player need to offer a cut when shuffling something other than their deck, such as when playing Marnie?
Yes. The purpose of a cut is to reduce the opportunity for cheating; that applies anytime a player is randomizing their cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Can I use Hyper Potion to heal a Pokemon with less than 120 damage on it or if I have less than 2 Energy attached to it?
You have to heal at least 10 damage to play the card. You must also have at least 2 Energy attached to the Pokemon you're healing; if there are less than 2 Energy attached you cannot use this card.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
The discard cost on Aurora Energy only applies when attaching the card from your hand. If you attach it from somewhere else, you don't have to discard a card from your hand.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Can you use Frosmoth's "Ice Dance" Ability to attach Aurora Energy?
No. Because Aurora Energy does not count as any type while it is in your hand.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Grapploct's "Octolock" attack says its effect can't be applied more than once. What does that mean?
It means that if the Defending Pokemon is already under the effect of Octolock you cannot do it again for an additional {C}{C} cost. In other words, it does not stack.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Can I use Grapploct's "Octolock" attack to a new Defending Pokemon if the previous one switches out?
If you use the attack again, yes. You just can't apply more than one Octolock effect to the same Defending Pokemon.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
What happens if I use Morpeko V's "Electro Wheel" attack but I don't have any Benched Pokemon?
You still have to discard an Energy if you can, but since there are no Benched Pokemon to switch with, Morpeko V stays in the Active Spot.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
If I used Sandaconda's "Coil" attack and my opponent retreats their Active Pokemon, do I still do an extra 120 damage to the new Defending Pokemon?
Yes. The attack states "your opponent's Active Pokemon". That is referencing any Pokemon that is in their Active Spot.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
If I use Cramorant V's "Beak Catch" attack, can I choose to fail to get any cards from my deck?
Only if there are no cards left in your deck. Since you can get any type of card, and it is known that you have cards in your deck, you must take at least 1 card if you are able to.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
If I use Rare Candy to play Galarian Obstagoon, can I use its "Untamed Shout" Ability to place 3 damage counters on my opponent's Pokemon?
Yes, because it is still being played from your hand.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
If I have two Toxicroak in play with the "More Poison" Ability, will my opponent put 4 more damage counters on their Poisoned Pokemon?
Yes, because the Ability says to "put 2 more" and not "instead of".
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
For Cinccino's "Make Do" Ability, can I use it when I'm discarding a card as part of some action or effect?
No. Discarding a card from your hand is part of the cost of using the Ability. You can't use a discard done from some other effect or game action.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Can I use Cinccino's "Make Do" Ability to discard a card, then do other game actions such as play a Cynthia, and then finally draw the two cards later in my turn?
That's not how it works. You have to perform all of the actions of the Ability before moving on to other game actions.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
Can I use Cinccino's "Make Do" Ability if there are no cards in my deck, just to discard a card?
No, you can't use Make Do if there aren't any cards left in your deck.
Source: Sword & Shield FAQ (2020-01-24), TPCi Rules Team (2020-02-06)
The wording of Quick Ball is now as follows, "You can play this card only if you discard another card from your hand. Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck."
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
The wording of Energy Retrieval is now as follows, "Put up to 2 basic Energy cards from your discard pile into your hand."
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
Does Channeler negate the effects of Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX's "Altered Creation GX" attack?
It depends on who is playing the Channeler. If the player who used Altered Creation GX uses Channeler then the effects are removed; the player's Pokemon no longer do +30 damage and the player does not get to take any extra prizes from the effect. However, if the player's opponent plays Channeler, then Altered Creation GX effects are not removed as they reside on the other player (who did not play Channeler).
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
If a player has some face up prize cards from using Blacephelon's "Blazer" attack and then takes a multi-prize knockout, do they take their prizes one at a time or must they take all of them at once?
Whenever you take more than one prize in a single action, each prize can be taken one at a time.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
The wording of Sitrus Berry is now as follows, "At the end of each turn, if the Pokémon this card is attached to has 3 or more damage counters on it, heal 30 damage from it and discard this card."
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
In the Expanded format, there's already a rule that says you can't include Professor Sycamore and Professor Juniper in the same deck; players must choose one or the other. The same rule applies to Professor's Research, meaning it cannot be in the same deck as Professor Sycamore or Professor Juniper.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
The wording of Pal Pad is now as follows, "Shuffle up to 2 Supporter cards from your discard pile into your deck."
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
The wording of Lum Berry is now as follows, "At the end of each turn, if the Pokemon this card is attached to is affected by any Special Conditions, it recovers from all of them, and discard this card."
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
The wording of Hyper Potion is now as follows, "Heal 120 damage from 1 of your Pokémon that has at least 2 Energy attached. If you healed any damage in this way, discard 2 Energy from it."
Source: TPCi Announcement (2020-01-09), TPCi Rules Team (2020-01-09)
Can you use N's Resolve if you have no Dragon Pokemon on your Bench?
No. You have to have a Dragon Pokemon in play in order to play this card. The intention is that the main effect of the card is to attach basic Energy cards to your Benched Dragon type Pokemon, so if you don't have a Dragon type Pokemon on your Bench, you can't play the card. (You also can't play the card if you have 0 cards remaining in your deck.)
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-12-05)
When using Mimikyu's "Impersonation" attack, can I discard a Supporter like Green's Exploration or Morgan and bypass the requirement that says you can only play the Supporter if you do such-and-such?
You can discard those types of Supporter cards with Impersonation, but if you don't meet the Supporter card's requirements you cannot do what is says.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-12-05)
If I use Mimikyu's "Impersonation" attack to discard an opponent's Whitney, does that Whitney count for the "draw 2 cards for each other Whitney in your Discard Pile" because you're not actually playing that Whitney, just using its effect?
No, you still cannot count that Whitney towards the number of cards to be drawn because its text only includes any OTHER Whitney in your Discard Pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-12-05)
What happens if I put a Keldeo GX with "Pure Heart" Ability into play after my opponent has used Latios GX's "Clear Vision GX" attack? Would my Keldeo GX be able to use its "Resolute Blade GX" attack or not?
As long as the Pure Heart ability is not blocked or turned off when Keldeo GX comes into play, it would be unaffected by Clear Vision GX.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-12-05)
If I have a single Rainbow Energy attached to Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX, can I use the extra effect of its "Sky Legends GX" attack?
No, even though Rainbow Energy provides all energy types simultaneously, it only provides one unit of energy. You can use it for either the Fire or the Water or the Lightning, but you still need additional units of energy for the other required types.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-11-14)
Can I use Mimikyu's "Copycat" attack to copy an attack like "Flare Strike" that says "this Pokemon can't use Flare Strike during your next turn" and then on my next turn use "Copycat" to copy that same attack again?
Attacks like Flare Strike put an effect on the Pokemon that prohibits using that particular attack on your next turn. But Mimikyu's Copycat attack doesn't have that restriction; so yes, you can use Copycat to copy Flare Strike multiple turns in succession.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-11-14)
When I use Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX's "Altered Creation GX" attack do I take a Prize card if I Knock Out Lillie's Poke Doll?
No, you have to be able to take a prize card in order to take "an extra prize card".
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-11-14)
If my Pokemon is Confused, can I use the effect of Will to choose Heads for the Special Condition?
No, that isn't something that Will can affect.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
If my opponent used Magnemite's "Mirror Shot" attack last turn, can I use the effect of Will to choose heads for the effect of the attack?
Yes, that is considered an effect of an attack, so that works.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
You can do any part of Red & Blue as long as there's a Pokemon in play that can evolve into a Pokemon-GX AND there's at least 1 card in your deck.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
You can play Misty & Lorelei for the base effect as long as there's at least 1 card in your deck. You can always play it by discarding 5 cards from your hand.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
When I play Misty & Lorelei, can I discard one or more of the 3 {W} energy I searched for as part of the 5 cards discarded to get the re-use of my GX attack on this turn?
No. You have to discard 5 cards "when you play this card". That is before you search for the {W} energy cards.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Can I use the second part of Misty & Lorelei to discard 5 cards if I have not already used my GX attack for the game?
No, you cannot. If you haven't used your GX attack yet, you can't discard 5 cards from your hand.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
You can play Mallow & Lana as long as you have a Benched Pokemon. But if your Active Pokemon is not damaged, you cannot discard 2 cards from your hand.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Does Lysandre Labs stop U-Turn board from going back to your hand when discarded?
Yes, that is correct.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
If I attach Island Challenge Amulet to a Pokemon-GX that has less than 100 HP left and it's Knocked Out, does my opponent take only 1 prize?
No. You only get the reduction in Prize Cards taken if it is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
You can do any part of Guzma & Hala as long as there's at least 1 card in your deck.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
When I play Guzma & Hala, can I discard the Stadium I searched for as one of the 2 cards discarded to search for the Tool and Special Energy?
If you want to do the second effect you have to discard 2 cards "when you play this card", that is before you search for the Stadium.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
When I play Guzma & Hala, after I search my deck for a Stadium, do I have to shuffle first if I'm also going to search for Special Energy and a Tool?
You can skip the shuffling after the Stadium search as long as you clearly tell your opponent you're doing the second part of the card. So if you're doing both parts you first discard two cards from your hand, then search for any Stadium you're going to take, then search for the Tool and Special Energy, then shuffle your deck.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Can I play Erika if both I and my opponent decide not to draw any cards?
Yes, because it is not known by you or the game whether your opponent will draw cards or not.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
You can play Cynthia & Caitlin as long as there's a Supporter card in your discard pile. You can also play it by discarding a card from your hand if there's at least 1 card in your deck. But if you have no cards in your deck, you cannot discard a card from your hand.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
If I try to play a Stadium card but it is discarded by the effect of Chaotic Swell stadium, can I play another one?
No, it was immediately discarded without effect, but you already played a Stadium card which can only be done once per turn.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
You can play Bellelba & Brycen-Man as long as there's at least 1 card in either player's deck. It can also be played by discarding 3 cards from your hand if at least 1 player has more than 3 Benched Pokemon. But if at least 1 player doesn't have more than 3 Benched Pokemon, you cannot discard cards from your hand.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Can I play Acro Bike if there's only one card left in my deck? And if so, do I put that one card into my hand or discard it, or do I get to choose?
You can play Acro Bike with only one card left in your deck; but you have to put it into your hand, you cannot discard it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Can you choose the order of effects when playing a Tag Team Supporter, or do you have to do them in the order stated on the card?
You must do them in the order stated on the card. However, you don't have to meet the criteria for the first effect in order to do the second effect; for example, if the first effect says to search your deck but you don't have any cards in your deck you can still do the second effect as long as you meet its criteria.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
If I use Charizard's "Recall" attack to use Charmeleon's "Slash" attack, do I need to have the required energy cost to use "Slash"?
No, Charizard just needs the one energy required to use Recall. You do not need to meet the energy requirement from the previous Evolution's attack, but if that attack requires you to do something with energy (like discarding an energy card) you must follow that attack's instructions.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11), Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-31)
If my opponent used Magnemite's "Mirror Shot" attack last turn, and I try to use my GX attack this turn and flip tails, do I lose the ability to use a GX attack for the rest of the game?
No, because since you flipped tails the attack "doesn't happen".
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
What happens if my bench is full when I use Wishiwashi GX's "Massive Catch GX" attack? Can I put down more Pokemon than I would normally have space for on my bench?
Sorry, but no. You can't put more Pokemon on your bench than you are allowed to.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
If I'm not allowed to play a Supporter card for some reason, can I still use Mimikyu's "Impersonation" attack to use the effect of a Supporter?
Sure. You are not playing the Supporter, just using its effect.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
If I use Mimikyu's "Impersonation" attack, do I get to use the "when you play this card" part of Tag Team Supporters or not?
Impersonation gets to use all effects of the card; you still do the entire part of the card even if you're not "playing" it (but you still have to pay any required costs).
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Do I have to take any cards from my deck if I use Charizard & Braixen GX's "Brilliant Flare" attack?
It says "may", so you can choose to not search your deck; but if you do search you must take at least one card from it.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
When I use Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX's "Altered Creation GX" attack do I take an extra Prize card only if I Knock Out that Active Pokemon with an attack, or do I take an extra Prize for ANY of my opponent's Active Pokemon that get KO'd by my attacks during the rest of the game?
You get to take an extra prize if your Pokemon's attack Knocks Out ANY of your opponent's Active Pokemon during the rest of the game, not just the one that was the Defending Pokemon at the time of the Altered Creation GX attack.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
For Wishiwashi's "Scatter" Ability, when does this check for damage counters happen, before "in between turns" when Poison counters are placed or afterward?
After your opponent concludes their end of turn actions including all effects of attack and cleaning up any KO, then before in between turns you check for any damage counters on Wishiwashi that would trigger Scatter to shuffle Wishiwashi and all cards attached into your deck.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
With Florges' "Flower Picking" Ability, can I use it when my opponent only has one card in their hand? Or can I use it to shuffle in only one card instead of two if my opponent has two or more cards?
If the opponent only has one card in their hand you do as much as you can, so they reveal & shuffle in the one card. But if your opponent has two or more cards in their hand you must choose two of them, not just one.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
If my Lillie's Poke Doll was Knocked Out by my opponent, can I use Oricorio GX's "Dance of Tribute" Ability?
Yes, even though they didn't take a prize, Lillie's Poke Doll was still considered a Knock Out of one of your Pokemon.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
When I use Roxie to discard two Pokemon that each have the "Blow-Away Bomb" Ability, do those abilities stack so I can place two damage counters on each of my opponent's Pokemon?
Yes, each of the Pokemon gets to use their own "Blow-Away Bomb" Ability when discarded by Roxie.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Using Lanturn's "Blinking Lights" Ability, may I repeatedly look at the top card of my opponent's deck, even if the deck has not changed?
Yes, as long as it does not waste time or interfere with your opponent's play.
Source: Cosmic Eclipse FAQ (2019-10-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-10-31)
Let's say I have two copies of Garchomp & Giratina GX in play, and one of them has a Double Dragon Energy and a basic Psychic Energy card attached to it. If I play Tag Switch, am I able to select only one of the Energy being provided by Double Dragon Energy, so that I may also move the Psychic Energy too? Or if I had two Double Dragon Energy cards attached, could I pick one Energy from each Double Dragon Energy for Tag Switch and move both cards?
Yes, you can either select 1 Energy from each Double Dragon Energy to move both cards, or you could select 2 Energy from one Double Dragon Energy to move just one card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-09-12)
Can I use Sabrina's Suggestion to copy an opponent's Green's Exploration in their hand if I have a Pokemon in play with Abilities?
Nope sorry, you still have to obey the restrictions on the copied Trainer card. Since you have a Pokemon with Abilities in play you cannot use Green's Exploration even from your opponent's hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-09-12)
If my opponent used Latios GX's "Clear Vision GX" attack on me, could I use Bonnie to allow my Zygarde-GX to use its GX attack?
No, you cannot. Although Bonnie would normally let Zygarde-GX re-use its GX attack, the effect of Clear Vision GX is on Zygarde-GX and that still prevents using *ANY* GX attacks.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-09-05)
If my opponent used Latios GX's "Clear Vision GX" attack on me, could I use Channeler to remove that effect?
Yes you could, because Channeler removes effects from both you and your Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01), TPCi Rules Team (2019-09-05)
If my opponent has used Latios GX's "Clear Vision GX" attack, would my Keldeo GX be able to use its "Resolute Blade GX" attack?
Yes. The effect of Clear Vision GX is placed on each of the opponent's Pokemon, and since Keldeo GX's Pure Heart Ability prevents all effects of attacks done to it by your opponent's Pokemon GX, it is unaffected by Clear Vision GX.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-09-05)
If my opponent has used Latios GX's "Clear Vision GX" attack, do I get to draw 7 cards if I use Hala?
If you already used your GX Attack before Clear Vision GX, then yes you get to draw 7 cards for Hala. Otherwise no, getting hit by Clear Vision GX doesn't mean you have used your GX attack for the game.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-29)
Does Gengar & Mimikyu GX's "Horror House GX" attack prevent me from using Viridian Forest?
No, it does not. Discarding a card from your hand is not the same as playing a card from your hand; the card goes to the discard pile, not "in play".
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-22)
Can you use Greninja GX's "Elusive Master" Ability while Power Plant is in play?
Yes, you can. You get to put Greninja GX onto your bench AND draw three cards because Elusive Master activates while it is in your hand before it comes into play, and therefore is not blocked by Power Plant.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-22)
Can you use Dusk Stone to evolve directly from Litwick to Chandelure, or from Honedge directly to Aegislash?
No, because Chandelure & Aegislash (Stage 2) do not evolve from Litwick or Honedge (Basic); but you could use Dusk Stone to evolve them from Lampent or Doublade.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-22)
If I used Poipole's "Knockout Reviver" attack, but then on my opponent's next turn they play Channeler, would that allow them to take a prize for KO'ing Poipole?
No, it would not. The effect of Knockout Reviver resides on Poipole, and the opponent's Channeler only clears effects on the opponent or their Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-22)
Can you use the "Dedechange" Ability when you play Dedenne GX from your hand while Power Plant is in play?
No, you cannot. Dedechange does not activate until Dedenne GX is on the Bench, at which time it is considered "in play" and therefore blocked by Power Plant.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-22)
Can I use Viridian Forest if I have no cards left in my deck, and just discard a card from my hand?
Yes, you can. The first sentence of Viridian Forest says to discard a card from your hand. Then if you can do that, you do as much of the rest of the card as you can, which in this case is draw no cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If Thunder Mountain {*} is in play, does Pikachu & Zekrom GX's "Tag Bolt GX" attack need 5 {L} attached or 6 {L} attached in order to get its bonus effect?
The base energy requirement of the attack is one {L} less for Thunder Mountain {*}, but it does not apply to the additional energy required for its bonus effect. You need 5 {L} attached in order to get the bonus when Thunder Mountain {*} is in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
What happens if I play Hapu with less than 6 cards in my deck?
You would put 2 cards (or 1 if you only have 1 card in your deck) in your hand and discard the rest.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Can I use Giant Hearth if I have no cards left in my deck, and just discard a card from my hand?
Yes, you can. The first sentence of Giant Hearth says to discard a card from your hand. Then if you can do that, you do as much of the rest of the card as you can, which in this case is draw no cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I use Blue's Tactics and then later KO an opponent's Pokemon, do I take prize cards and then draw until I have 8 or can I choose the order this happens in?
You take your Prize cards first, and then at the end of your turn you draw for Blue's Tactics.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Can I play Blue's Tactics if I have more than 8 cards in my hand?
Yes, because you could still have less than 8 cards in your hand by the end of your turn.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Say I play Blaine's Quiz Show and put Giratina Prism Star down, but my opponent just says "Giratina". Do I get 4 cards?
Yes, you do. Your opponent needs to name the full name on the card.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I play Blaine's Quiz Show and put down "Celebi and Venusaur GX", do I win if the opponent says "Venusaur and Celebi GX" instead?
As long as they get both Pokemon of the Tag Team correct and they include the "GX" part, you shouldn't get that nit-picky about which Pokemon is billed first.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Could I play Blaine's Quiz Show and put down Munchlax which has no attack?
No. You can only choose to put down a Pokemon that has an attack you can declare to your opponent.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Is the old print of Recycle Energy from Neo:Genesis legal for tournament play since it has slightly different wording that the latest version from SM:Unified Minds?
No, the wording is different in that the old version works after Recycle Energy has reached the discard pile, but the new version works even before Recycle Energy reaches the discard pile. You must use the newer version of the card in tournament play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Does Recycle Energy go back into your hand if it is discarded by your opponent's Giratina's "Dimension Breach" Ability?
Yes it would.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Does "Recycle Energy" go back into your hand if you discard it as part of a retreat cost? Does it go back into your hand if it's attached to a Pokemon that gets knocked out?
Yes in both cases. But don't be discarding it from your hand as part of an effect or Trainer cost and expect to get it back though. Also, if something sends Recycle Energy to the Lost Zone, you won't get it back from there.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
When using Froslass' "Spiteful Sigh" attack, can you put more damage counters on Froslass than it has remaining HP?
Yes, you can.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I use Froslass' "Spiteful Sigh" attack to put enough damage counters on Froslass to leave less than 40 HP on it, will its attack be prevented if Blizzard Town is in play?
No, its remaining HP is checked for Blizzard Town before you place the damage counters onto Froslass.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
When using Chandelure's "Spirit Burner" attack, can I place any discarded Stage 1 or Stage 2 Pokemon directly onto my bench?
Yes, you can. However, because of the order of this attack, you cannot put a Prism Star card onto your Bench.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
For Oranguru's "Sage's Riddle" attack, if I put down a Pokemon with more than one type does the opponent have to guess both of its types?
No, they only have to guess one of the Pokemon's types in order to get it right.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
When I use Naganadel GX's "Injection GX" attack, am I allowed to mix up my opponent's prize cards so they don't know which card I added to their prizes?
No, you may not. When Injection GX adds a card from the discard pile you must not disturb the placement of any prize cards the opponent still has in play.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I use Naganadel GX's "Injection GX" attack during a Tiebreaker game, do I win?
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I used Steelix's "Gigaton Shake" on my previous turn, would Channeler allow my Pokemon to attack this turn?
Yes, the effect of Gigaton Shake would be removed, and your Pokemon would be able to attack.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Can I use Garchomp & Giratina GX's "GG End GX" attack to remove all of my opponent's Pokemon from play?
Yes, if your opponent only has 1 (or 2, with the extra energy) in play, you could remove those Pokemon. Then you win the game!
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If my opponent has used Latios GX's "Clear Vision GX" attack, can I use a GX attack that ignores effects?
No, because you don't even get to start using the GX attack.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I try to use Munchlax's "Snack Search" Ability and flip Tails, is my turn still over?
Yes, it is. Even if you don't flip Heads, the Ability is still considered "used".
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Does Mr. Mime's "Scoop-Up Block" Ability prevent Recycle Energy or U-Turn Board from going back in to the hand?
Yes, it does.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If Aegislash with the "Durable Blade" Ability is Knocked Out by damage from my opponent's attack, do I put its underlying Doublade and/or Honedge cards into my hand or into the Discard Pile?
You put all the Pokemon in the evolution line into your hand. Any other cards attached such as Tools or Energy are discarded.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Mawile GX's "Captivating Wink" Ability says to put any number of Basic Pokemon you find in your opponent's hand onto their Bench. Does this allow you to put more than 5 Pokemon on the bench?
No, Captivating Wink does not allow you to exceed the normal limits of the game. You can put any number of Basic Pokemon onto your opponent's Bench up to the maximum size of the Bench.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Can you use Mawile GX's "Captivating Wink" Ability if your opponent's Bench is full?
No. It's public knowledge that you can't put down any additional Basic Pokemon on your opponent's Bench, so you cannot use the Ability.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
What happens if I use Steelix's "Gigaton Shake" attack, and then my opponent uses Mawile GX's "Captivating Wink" Ability during their turn? Would those Pokemon I put into play be able to attack on my next turn (since it was not during MY turn)?
No, they would not be able to attack.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I evolve my Shroomish into Breloom (which has the Spore attack), can I use Amoonguss's "Bursting Spores" Ability?
Yes, because you have played a Pokemon that has the Spore attack from your hand during your turn.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
Does Heatran GX's "Burning Road" Ability work if it becomes your Active Pokemon as a result of an attack like Archeops' "U-turn"?
As long as Heatran GX becomes your Active Pokemon during YOUR turn, it can use Burning Road.
Source: Unified Minds FAQ (2019-07-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-08-01)
If I have Focus Sash attached to Marshadow & Machamp GX and then use its "Acme of Heroism GX" attack, which one takes precedence if Marshadow & Machamp GX would be KO'd by damage from an opponent's attack?
You would choose, as they have the same effect, you choose the order of resolution.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-06-27)
If Reshiram & Charizard GX has the extra 3 Fire Energy for "Double Blaze GX's" bonus effect and attacks a Whimsicott GX with "Fluffy Cotton" Ability, does the Whimsicott GX get to flip for "Fluffy Cotton" or does the "Double Blaze GX" attack go through automatically?
Technically speaking you still flip for Fluffy Cotton, but regardless of the flip's outcome the Double Blaze GX attack ignores the effect and does the damage anyway.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-06-27)
If I use Raichu's "Evoshock" Ability to paralyze my opponent's Active Pokemon, does the Paralyzed status condition get removed if my opponent attaches a Stealthy Hood to that Pokemon on their next turn?
The Evoshock Ability's effect is to Paralyze the opponent's Pokemon; once that Special Condition has been placed it is no longer considered an effect of the Ability at the time your opponent attaches the Stealthy Hood. Therefore, your opponent's Pokemon remains Paralyzed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-06-06)
If I have Porygon-Z with "Crazy Code", but my opponent has Honchkrow GX with "Ruler of the Night" active, which Ability takes precedence?
Even though you're using an Ability to attach the Special Energy card, Honchkrow GX's Ability prevents you from playing it from your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-06-06)
Can you play Darkrai GX with "Restoration" Ability from your Discard Pile if Power Plant is in play? And if so, do you do all of its effects?
Since the Discard Pile is not considered "in play", Darkrai GX can use its Restoration Ability to put it onto the Bench and attach a Darkness Energy card from the Discard Pile to it. Once all of the Ability's effects are complete, then Power Plant shuts off the Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-06-06)
My Active Pokemon got Knocked Out between turns because it was poisoned and Weezing now becomes the Active Pokemon; does its "Detention Gas" Ability work?
No, because you wouldn't replace your KO'd Pokemon until the between turn phase is over. When Weezing comes up, it's too late for Detention Gas at that time.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-06-06)
If Weezing has 10 HP left and is Poisoned, would it be Knocked Out before its "Detention Gas" Ability takes place?
No. Even if a Pokemon receives more damage counters from Special Conditions, Abilities, etc. than its remaining HP, that Pokemon isn't Knocked Out until "between turns" is over.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-06-06)
Can I use Lycanroc-GX's "Bloodthirsty Eyes to target an opponent's Pokemon with Stealthy Hood attached?
Bloodthirsty Eyes can target a Benched Pokemon with Stealthy Hood attached, but its effect would be immediately blocked. However, if the Pokemon with Stealthy Hood is Active, Bloodthirsty Eyes can target a Benched Pokemon without a Stealthy Hood and the switch would take place.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-30)
Can a Pokemon with an attack that does damage to the opponent's Bench get through Mr. Mime's "Bench Barrier" Ability if the Attacking Pokemon has Stealthy Hood attached?
No, it does not get through. The Bench Barrier Ability is not "being done" to the Attacking Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-30)
Prior to the "Black & White" series, when a Pokemon refers to itself by name, interpret that card as though the text reads "this Pokemon". This has the practical effect of not including other Pokemon of the same name; if a Pokemon copies that text, it refers to itself, not the original Pokemon. Beginning with "Black & White", when a Pokemon refers to itself by name, this extends to other Pokemon of the same name; if a Pokemon copies that text, it refers to other Pokemon of the same name. Also, when a Pokemon refers to "this Pokemon", this has the practical effect of not including other Pokemon of the same name; if a Pokemon copies that text it refers to itself, not the original Pokemon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-04-17), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-16)
If my opponent has no Weakness and I use Meowstic's "Perplexing Eyes" attack, will I do extra damage on my next turn due to Weakness?
If a Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Perplexing Eyes will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness to Psychic.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-16)
If I use Welder and attach a Fire Energy to an Eevee that has the "Energy Evolution" Ability, do I draw the cards for Welder first or search for a Flareon due to "Energy Evolution" first (or is it a choice)?
Since they are simultaneous actions, it is the player's choice of which order they can do this.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-09)
Can I use Welder if there are no Fire Energy cards in my hand?
No, you cannot. You must be able to attach at least 1 Fire Energy card in order to use Welder.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-09)
Does Martial Arts Dojo stadium's +40 more damage apply to Benched Pokemon?
Although the secondary effect is missing the "to the opponent's Active Pokemon" phrase, the intent is for the +40 more damage to only apply to the opponent's Active Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-09)
If I play Lt. Surge's Strategy first, can I then play a second (or third) Lt. Surge's Strategy to play more than 3 Supporters?
Nope, that doesn't work. The second Lt. Surge's Strategy does not add to the number of additional Supporter cards you can play, so you can't play the second one at all because you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-09)
If I have Celesteela GX with "Force Canceler" Ability active, what happens if my opponent uses Venomoth GX's "Ten-Card Return GX" attack?
The damage portion gets blocked, but your opponent still gets to shuffle their hand into their deck and draw 10 cards because that part is not being done to YOUR Pokemon.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-09)
If I have Miltank with the "Moomoo Malt" Ability as my Active Pokemon and I use Welder to attach 2 Fire Energy cards to a Benched Pokemon, does it heal 90 or 180 damage?
Any energies attached from the hand would trigger Moomoo Malt, once for each energy card being attached. So in this case you would heal 180 damage.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-09)
If I have a Memory Energy attached to an Incineroar that evolved from a Litten with the "Caturday" attack, with Persian's "Gathering of Cats" Ability are all my Incineroar's attacks now free?
No, it doesn't work like that. Memory Energy lets you USE attacks from its previous Evolutions, but it doesn't GIVE it those attacks. Therefore, Gathering of Cats would have no effect on the Incineroar.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-09)
If Wondrous Labyrinth {*} stadium is in play, how many energy are needed for energyless attacks?
Any attacks that normally cost no energy now require at least one energy to be attached when Wondrous Labyrinth {*} is in play. However, if an effect like Persian's "Gathering of Cats" Ability sets an attack's cost to zero energy, Wondrous Labyrinth {*} does not add an additional energy requirement to it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I use Welder to attach {R} Energy to my Pokemon, do I still get to use my one energy attachment for the turn?
Yes, you do. Doing something via an effect does not use up the normal actions you get during your turn.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Can I play Red's Challenge and fail the deck search?
No, because you are not searching for a specific type of card. It is public knowledge that your deck does have cards in it.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I have already played a Supporter, can I then play Lt. Surge's Strategy since I would be able to play 3 Supporters in total?
No. You would have to play Lt. Surge's Strategy as your first Supporter in order to be able to play any additional Supporters during your turn.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I have Pokemon GX with Abilities in play and the Power Plant Stadium is also play, can I now play Green's Exploration since those Pokemon "have no Abilities"?
Yes, you would be able to play Green's Exploration in that case.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If my opponent uses Pokemon Catcher or Escape Rope while Dust Island is in play, is my new Active Pokemon still poisoned.
No, it is not. Dust Island only works when a Trainer card is used to switch your own Pokemon; it does not apply when the Trainer card is played by your opponent.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I use a Trainer card to switch my Active Pokemon that is affected by Poison from Muk & Alolan Muk GX's "Severe Poison" attack and Dust Island is in play, does my new Active Pokemon take the extra damage counters?
Yes, it does. Dust Island specifies that it is affected by "that Special Condition".
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I'm playing in a Prerelease with 4 Prize Cards, what happens if I have Beast Bringer attached to an Ultra Beast and I Knock Out a GX Pokemon as my first Knock Out?
Nothing happens. The card specifies that you must have exactly 6 Prize cards remaining but you only have 4.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Can I use Venomoth GX's "Ten-Card Return GX" attack if I have no cards in my hand?
Yes, but you must shuffle your deck before drawing cards.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
For Pyukumuku's "Surprise Fist" attack, what happens if Rock-Paper-Scissors ends in a tie?
You have to play R-P-S until there is a winner; you cannot end it in a tie.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I Switch my Active Pokemon that is affected by Poison from Muk & Alolan Muk GX's "Severe Poison" attack and Dust Island is in play, does my new Active Pokemon take the extra damage counters?
Yes, it does. Dust Island specifies that it is affected by "that Special Condition".
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I had used Muk & Alolan Muk GX's "Severe Poison" attack that places extra Poison damage counters and in the next turn use Koga's Trap, do they still place the extra Poison damage?
No, they don't. The new, normal Poison Special Condition replaces the old Severe Poison Special Condition.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
When I use Meowstic's "Perplexing Eyes" attack does it change my opponent's active Pokemon's weakness before I do damage?
No. Do damage first, then apply effects.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I use Nihilego's "Nightcap" attack to copy my opponent's Pikachu & Zekrom GX's "Tag Bolt GX" attack, does it need 6 {L} attached or just an additional 3 {L} attached in order to get the bonus effect?
Nightcap replaces the normal amount of energy required by the opponent's attack with a single Psychic Energy cost. So for Tag Bolt GX, Nihilego would need 4 total Energy (1 to pay for Nightcap + 3 extra Lightning) to get the bonus effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
When I use one of my opponent's Pokemon's non-GX attacks with Malamar's "Hypnotic Reign", do I need to have the energy required in order to use that attack?
No you do not, but you need to do any necessary effects such as discarding Energy.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Can the {R}{R} energy used for Volcanion's "High-Heat Blast" attack count as part of the "at least 4 {R} Energy in play" bonus damage?
Yes, it can.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Does Dewgong's "Dual Blizzard" attack let you do 60 damage each to two separate Pokemon, or does it do 60 total damage split between the two any way I like?
It does 60 damage to each of the two Pokemon separately. And don't forget to apply Weakness & Resistance where applicable.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I use Greninja & Zoroark GX's "Dark Union GX" attack, can I put Honchkrow GX or other {D} type Evolution Pokemon GX directly onto the bench?
Yes, you can.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If an Evolution Pokemon has been put directly into play by using Greninja & Zoroark GX's "Dark Union GX" attack can I attach Triple Acceleration Energy to it?
Yes, as long as the Evolution Pokemon says "Evolves from..." on it.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If one of my Pokemon has the least HP remaining and I use Greninja's "Bring Down" attack, would it Knock Out my own Pokemon?
Yes! And your opponent gets to take the Prize card(s) for it.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If Gastly with the "Swelling Spite" Ability is my last Pokemon in play and is Knocked Out, do I get to search for 2 Haunter and put them on my Bench or do I lose the game?
Yes, you get to use the Ability before you lose. Gastly is Knocked Out, the opponent takes a Prize card, and then you search your deck for 2 Haunter and put them onto your Bench. (Then you would have to promote one of the Haunter as your new Active Pokemon.)
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Can I use Melmetal's "Metal Eater" Ability to discard a {M} Pokemon from my hand if Melmetal is not damaged?
Yes you can. The first part of Metal Eater is to discard a {M} Pokemon from your hand, period. Then you do as much of the rest of the Ability as you are able to.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Does Sandile's "Intimidating Fang" Ability also reduce damage done to Benched Pokemon?
Yes, it reduces all damage done by the opponent's Active Pokemon. Damage to your Defending Pokemon, your Benched Pokemon, and even damage done to your opponent's own Pokemon!
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Can I use Caterpie's "Pupate" Ability or Metapod's "Emerge" Ability on the first turn of the game or the turn that the Pokemon came into play?
Yes. There is no restriction on the Ability.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
For Dedenne's "Dedechange" Ability, can I use it if I have no hand to discard?
Yes, you can. A hand of zero cards is still a hand, so you would discard nothing and then draw six cards.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I use Charjabug's "Battery" ability, is that an extra Energy card attachment or does it count as my one attachment for the turn?
It is an extra Energy attachment. You still get to attach one other Energy card as your normal attachment for the turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
Would Honchkrow GX's "Ruler of the Night" Ability prevent me from using Charjabug's "Battery" Ability to attach it to Vikavolt as an Energy card?
Yes it would prevent that because Charjabug would be a Special Energy card being played from your hand.
Source: Unbroken Bonds FAQ (2019-04-19), TPCi Rules Team (2019-05-02)
If I use Ditto's "Copy Anything" attack to copy one of my opponent's Tag Team GX attacks with a bonus effect for extra energy attached, do you count the extra energy starting at Energy #2, or after you take into account the "necessary Energy to use that attack"? For example, if it copies Pikachu & Zekrom GX's "Tag Bolt GX" attack, does it need 6 {L} attached or just 4 in order to get the bonus effect?
You count based on the required energy that normally has to be attached for the attack. So for Tag Bolt GX, Ditto would need 6 {L} energy attached to get the bonus effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-04-18)
When using Mr. Mime's "Pantomime" Ability, can I look at my prize cards when choosing which one to switch with the top card of my deck?
No, you cannot look at the prize card that you are switching out.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-04-18)
If a player earns a penalty for "failing to set up Prize cards at the beginning of the game", would playing Acro Bike or Great Ball count as a search for escalation purposes?
A search is classified as an action that occurs following the direction of card text "Search your deck...". It does not include "drawing cards" for things like Acro Bike, nor "looking at the top/bottom X cards" for things like Great Ball, due to the drastically reduced portion of the deck that is accessed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-28)
If Black Market {*} is in play, and an Active Darkness Pokemon with up to 3 Darkness energy and a Wishful Baton is Knocked Out by damage from an attack, can the player move all of the Darkness Energy from that Pokemon to another Pokemon and still get Black Market {*}'s effect?
Sorry, but no. Taking prizes is the last step when a Pokemon is knocked out; so after all the Darkness Energy is moved, the opponent would not take one fewer Prize card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-28)
What happens if I play Acerola or Super Scoop Up for a Pokemon with damage counters on it, but my opponent has Mr. Mime with the "Scoop-Up Block" Ability in play?
You can play the Acerola or Super Scoop Up, but its effect will be blocked and it goes to the discard pile without doing anything.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-28)
Can I use Unown's "Farewell Letter" Ability to discard it from my bench if there are no cards left in my deck to draw from?
No, you cannot. The order of operations for Farewell Letter should be to draw a card first, then discard Unown. If you are unable to draw a card, then you cannot discard the Unown.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-28)
Can I play Sophocles and discard two cards if there are no cards left in my deck?
No, you cannot. Discarding the two cards is a cost not the effect, and you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I play Plumeria and discard two cards if my if my opponent has no energy attached to any of their Pokemon?
No, you cannot. Discarding the two cards is a cost not the effect, and you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I play Mysterious Treasure and discard a card if there are no cards left in my deck?
No, you cannot. Discarding the card is a cost not the effect, and you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I play Lost Blender if there are no cards left in my deck to draw from?
Yes, you can. Putting cards into the Lost Zone is the main effect, so you can use this even if you have no cards in your deck. However, you cannot play it unless you can put 2 cards from your hand in the Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-03), TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I play Fiery Flint and discard two cards if there are no cards left in my deck?
No, you cannot. Discarding the two cards is a cost not the effect, and you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I use Zoroark GX's "Trade" Ability to discard a card from my hand if there are no cards left in my deck?
Yes you can. The first part of Trade is to discard a card from your hand, period. Then you do as much of the rest of the Ability as you are able to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I use Zebstrika's "Sprint" Ability to discard my hand if there are no cards left in my deck?
No, you cannot. Discarding your hand is a cost not the effect, and you cannot use Abilities for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I use Zebstrika's "Sprint" Ability if I have no cards in my hand?
Yes, since you can have a hand of zero cards you can use Sprint as long as there are cards in your deck to draw from.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
Can I use Swampert's "Power Draw" Ability to discard a card from my hand if there are no cards left in my deck?
Yes you can. The first part of Power Draw is to discard a card from your hand, period. Then you do as much of the rest of the Ability as you are able to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-03-21)
If I use Judge Whistle and choose to put a "Judge" card from my discard pile into my hand, can I put a "Judge Whistle" into my hand?
No, that choice only allows you to put a card named "Judge" into your hand; it does not allow you to get a card "with Judge in its name".
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
When using Ingo & Emmet, if I choose to draw 5 cards from the bottom or my deck, what happens to the top card that I looked at?
You put it back on top before you draw the 5 cards from the bottom.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
If my opponent Knocks Out my Active Pokemon and I promote my Zapdos to be Active after the attack, do I get the bonus 70 damage for "Thunderous Assault"?
No. In this scenario you promoted the Zapdos while it was still your opponent's turn. In order to get Thunderous Assault's additional damage it would have to become Active during YOUR turn.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
When I use Zangoose's "Head Hunt" attack, do I have to put all Pokemon I find into my hand, or can I choose to discard some or all of them?
Since you get to choose which Pokemon to reveal, you can choose to discard some or all of them.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, do I do 50 damage to their active Pokemon when I use Nidoking's "Drag Off" attack?
No. Damage is only done to the "new Active Pokemon". If there is no switch, then no damage is done.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
When using Hoopa GX's "Devilish Hands GX" attack, can I keep choosing a Pokemon that would already be Knocked Out by previous choices, or do I have to choose a different Pokemon once I have done enough damage to KO the first one?
You make all 6 choices before doing any damage; so if you wish, you can do more damage than you need to a Pokemon in order to knock it out.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
When I use Mimikyu's "Copycat" attack, do I need to have the same required energy as the opponent's previous attack?
No, you only need whatever energy is required on Mimikyu in order to use its Copycat attack. However, if the attack requires you to do something with a particular type of energy you don't have, you cannot use that part of the copied attack.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
If I use Charizard's "Roaring Resolve" Ability with only 10hp left, does he get KO'd when I place the 2 damage counters before or after I search & attach 2 {R} Energy cards?
You must finish all the text of the Ability before checking for knockouts, so yes you would search your deck and attach {R} Energy cards before KO'ing Charizard.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
Can I use Ninetales' "Nine Temptations" Ability if my opponent has no benched Pokemon?
Yes, you can discard 2 {R} Energy cards from your hand, and that's it.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
Does the extra Retreat cost placed by Absol's "Dark Ambition" Ability increase the damage done by Absol's "Shadow Seeker" attack?
Yes it does.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
If I only have one {L} Energy in my discard pile, can I use Tapu Koko {*}'s "Dance of the Ancients" Ability to put it on one of my Benched Pokemon?
Yes, you would do as much as you can.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
If I have Tapu Koko {*} and only one other Pokemon on the bench, can I use "Dance of the Ancients" to put 2 {L} Energy on that one other Benched Pokemon?
No, in this case, you can put only one {L} Energy on that Benched Pokemon. The second {L} Energy would have to go onto Tapu Koko {*}, but then gets discarded immediately anyway when Tapu Koko {*} goes to the Lost Zone.
Source: Team Up FAQ (2019-01-18), TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-31)
Say Ditto uses its "Transform" Ability to become a Klefki, then Klefki uses its "Wonder Lock" Ability to attach it to another Pokemon as a tool. When doing this what happens to the Ditto and Klefki cards?
The Ditto card gets discarded when Klefki is attached as a tool.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-24)
If Klefki with the "Wonder Lock" Ability is attached to a Pokemon as a Tool card, what happens if "Silent Lab" stadium comes into play? Does "Wonder Lock" shut off and Klefki get discarded, or does it remain attached to the Pokemon?
Once Klefki is attached as a Pokemon Tool card it retains its effect even when its Ability has been disabled. Once it's attached, it is essentially treated as a Tool with that text, so shutting off its Ability doesn't matter at that point. However, if something such as Lysandre Labs is in effect, Klefki won't be discarded at the end of your opponent's turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-03)
Can I play Lost Blender if I only have one card in my hand to put into the Lost Zone?
No, you cannot play Lost Blender unless you put 2 cards from your hand in the Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2019-01-03)
When using Shedinja's "Vessel of Life" Ability is the underlying Nincada discarded, or does it get attached as part of the Pokemon Tool?
The Nincada is discarded; only the Shedinja card gets attached as a Pokemon Tool.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-12-27)
If my Tyranitar GX knocks out an opponent's Glaceon GX with the "Freezing Gaze" Ability, does Tyranitar GX's "Lost Out" Ability turn on in time for it to send Glaceon GX to the Lost Zone?
Nope, Freezing Gaze is still active when Glaceon GX is KO'd, so Tyranitar GX does not get to use its Lost Out Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-12-27)
When I have seven cards in my hand, can I discard only one with "Sightseer"?
No, you cannot. You must discard until your hand has 4 or fewer cards when using Sightseer.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-12-06)
Say my opponent has a Sudowoodo with the "Roadblock" Ability on his bench, but it's currently disabled due to my active Alolan Muk's "Power of Alchemy" Ability. If I have five Pokemon on my bench when Alolan Muk gets KO'd and "Roadblock" becomes enabled, do I have to discard one of my five benched Pokemon before promoting a new Active Pokemon or not?
When you remove your Active Pokemon after resolving all effects that caused it to be KO'd, you must replace it immediately before resolving any other new effects that take place.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-12-06)
If my opponent used Gardevoir EX's "Shining Wind" attack to gain "no Weakness" and I play Pokemon Ranger when it is my turn, does their Gardevoir EX have a Weakness again?
Yes. The ruling about effects on Weakness and Resistance not being ignored has to do with damage calculations [see "General Gameplay -> Weakness and Resistance" section for reference], not about whether a Pokemon HAS Weakness or Resistance. Pokemon Ranger removes attack effects, including this one; so yes, Gardevoir EX would have Weakness again after using Pokemon Ranger.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-15)
If I use Sylveon's "Wink Wink" attack to have my opponent discard Ilima, can I use Victini's "Victory Star" Ability to force my opponent to re-flip their coins?
Yes, you can. If your opponent flips a coin as part of your Pokemon's attack, you can use "Victory Star" to force them to re-flip those coins; but keep in mind you will have to re-flip your coins for Ilima too.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-15)
How does Slaking's "Lazy" Ability or any other form of Ability denial that only applies to Pokemon "in play" interact with Abilities like Giratina's "Distortion Door" Ability that puts a Pokemon card from the discard pile onto your bench?
Since Distortion Door happens when Giratina is not in play, you can use it to put Giratina onto the bench regardless of Lazy or other similar Abilities. You also get to put the damage counters onto your opponent's benched Pokemon too, because you must complete the action of Distortion Door prior to it being shutoff due to Lazy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-15)
Is there any way to clear the effect of Lusamine {*}?
No, however any attacks that ignore effects on the Defending Pokemon would get through its effect.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
Can I play Kahili if there's only one card left in my deck?
If you can draw at least 1 card from your deck, you can use Kahili and do the coin flip part. But if you can't draw any cards, you can't use it.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
If Blacephalon GX uses its "Mind Blown" attack to discard a Beast Energy as one of the Fire Energy discarded, does it still get the +30 damage bonus from Beast Energy?
Yes, it does. The energy cards are chosen, then Damage is calculated before the cards are sent to the Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
Does using Lugia GX's "Lost Purge GX" attack count as KO'ing a Pokemon?
No, it does not. You are moving the opponent's Active Pokemon and all cards attached to the Lost Zone, and since it does not count as a KO you don't get to take any prizes for it.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
When I look at my face-down Prize cards with Poipole's "Eye Opener" attack, do I have to put them back in the same order?
Yes, you only get to look at them, you don't get to rearrange them.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
When using Blacephalon GX's "Burst GX" attack, does that count as "taking a Prize card" for the purposes of other attacks that do more damage "for each Prize card you/your opponent has taken"?
No, using Burst GX to put a prize card into the Discard Pile does not count as taking a prize card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
Can I scoop up Virizion GX as part of its own "Breeze Away GX" attack?
Yes, you can.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
Does using Trumbeak's "Mountain Pass" Ability count as playing it from the hand? If so, would it be blocked if my opponent used Chimecho's "Bell of Silence" attack on the previous turn?
No, it is not being played from the hand. You are revealing the Trumbeak and then putting it into the Lost Zone; that is not blocked by Bell of Silence.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
If you Knock Out a Pokemon using one of Tyranitar GX's attacks, do you get to take a prize card if the Pokemon is sent to the Lost Zone due to Tyranitar GX's "Lost Out" Ability?
Yes, you do. It is still Knocked Out.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
What happens to any damage counters on Skiploom when it uses its "Floral Path to the Sky" Ability? Do they go on the Jumpluff that takes Skiploom's place?
Any damage counters on Skiploom are removed when it goes to the Lost Zone; they do not transfer to the Jumpluff that takes its place. Special conditions are not transferred to the new Jumpluff either.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
What happens if I use Skiploom's "Floral Path to the Sky" Ability but fail to find a Jumpluff in my deck?
Skiploom stays in play, and since you searched your deck the ability is used up for the turn.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
Can you choose to not Confuse your opponent's active Pokemon if you attach Fairy Charm to a Tapu Lele that has the "Charmed Charm" Ability?
Yes, it is optional.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
If I have placed a Stage 1 Pokemon onto Ditto {*}, can I later evolve that into the corresponding Stage 2 Pokemon?
Yes, you can!
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
Can you evolve Ditto {*} into a Stage 1 Pokemon and then on a later turn place a new, different Stage 1 Pokemon onto it?
No, not unless you have devolved Ditto {*} somehow during a previous turn.
Source: Lost Thunder FAQ (2018-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)
Can I play Fiery Flint if I only have 1 card in my hand to discard?
No, you must be able to discard 2 cards in order to use Fiery Flint.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-09-27)
Can I use Dragonite GX's "Dragonporter GX" attack to place a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Dragon type Pokemon directly onto my Bench?
Yes, you can. Per the attack, you are not limited to Basic Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-09-27)
What happens if a Volcanion {*} with Splash Energy or Rescue Scarf attached is Knocked Out; does it go to the Lost Zone or to your hand?
You can return Volcanion {*} to your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-09-06)
What happens if you use Rayquaza GX's "Stormy Winds" Ability, but can only discard less than 3 cards from your deck? Do you get to attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to Rayquaza GX or not?
If you can discard at least 1 card from your deck, you can use the Ability and attach a Basic Energy card from your discard pile. If you can't discard any cards, you can't use it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-16), TPCi Rules Team (2018-09-06)
Does using Beast Ball count as "taking a prize" for the purpose of calculating damage for Stakataka GX's "Assembly GX" attack?
No, it does not. You are switching cards, not taking a prize.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-16)
Say I have taken 5 prize cards during the game, but then my opponent uses Naganadel GX's "Stinger GX" attack to bring both players' prize count back to three prizes remaining. So if I then use Stakataka GX's "Assembly GX" attack on my next turn, how many prizes would I count when calculating the amount of damage to be done?
Even though the Stinger GX attack added cards back into your prizes, you have still taken five prizes during the game. So Assembly GX would do 50 damage plus 250 (five times 50) for the prize cards you have already taken.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-09)
Sky Pillar says, "Prevent all effects of the opponent's attacks, including damage, done to Benched Pokemon (both yours and your opponent's)". So does this mean if I use an attack like Zapdos' "Raging Thunder" that I do not apply the bench damage to my own Pokemon?
No, only bench damage done from an opponent's attacks is prevented by Sky Pillar. If your attack does damage to your own Benched Pokemon it is not prevented.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-09)
Does Venusaur's "Jungle Totem" Ability boost the damage output of Rayquaza GX's "Dragon Break" attack since "each Basic {G} Energy attached to your Pokemon provides {G}{G} Energy"?
Yes, just because the Basic Energy card is now providing two units of energy doesn't change the fact that it's still Basic Energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-09)
If Voltorb is attacked by Blastoise EX's "Rapid Spin" which pushes it to the Bench after doing damage, do you still flip for Voltorb's "Destiny Burst" Ability or not?
Yes. Destiny Burst checks for two things: Voltorb was damaged by an attack while it was your Active Pokemon, and Voltorb was Knocked Out by that attack. So even though you don't check for a KO until the attack is completed, the criteria for using Destiny Burst has been met, so it can be used. This holds true for any similar Ability that triggers when the Pokemon is Active and gets damaged by an attack.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-09)
If I use Gladion and choose to put Jirachi {*} into my hand, can I use Jirachi {*}'s "Wish Upon a Star" Ability?
Sorry, but Wish Upon a Star only triggers when you are taking it as a face-down prize card, not when you are trading it with another card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
Can Apricorn Maker be used to search for the Trainer "Bursting Balloon"? Taking the card literally, Bursting *BALL*oon contains the exact same "Ball" as given on Apricorn Maker.
Of course not, don't be silly! You can only search for cards like Poke Ball, Ultra Ball, Beast Ball, etc.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
Can Apricorn Maker be used to search for "Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick" since it has the word "Ball" in its name?
Nope, Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick is a Supporter, not an Item card.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
What happens if I try to use Volbeat's "Pheromone Catch" attack, but Illumise was KO'd during my opponent's previous turn?
Volbeat's Pheromone Catch is a game state check; it doesn't matter if Illumise is even in play anymore. As long as one of your Illumise used Pheromone Signals during your previous turn, you get the bonus when using Pheromone Catch.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
If I use Metagross' "Meteor Mash" attack several turns in succession, does the damage keep piling up as 60, 120, 180, 240, etc.?
No, Meteor Mash tops out at 120. It only adds +60 to the base 60 damage, it does not accumulate on successive turns.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
If I use Seedot's "Harden" attack which prevents any attack damage that is 40 or less during the opponent's next turn, does that come before or after calculating for Weakness/Resistance?
Weakness & Resistance are factored in before determining whether Harden blocks it or not. So if a fire Pokemon's attack does 30 damage to Seedot and then +30 more is added for Seedot's Weakness, Harden would not prevent the damage. However, if the fire Pokemon's attack does 20 damage to Seedot and then +20 more is added for Seedot's Weakness, Harden would prevent the damage.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
If Dhelmise does "Giga Drain" and the Defending Pokemon only has 10 HP left, does Dhelmise still heal itself for 30 damage?
Yes, because the 30 damage is still done, even though it is more than enough to KO the Defending Pokemon.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
If my bench is full and I use Luvdisc's "Even Game" attack, does that allow me to exceed my normal bench size like Sky Field does?
Sorry, but no. You can't put more Pokemon on your bench than you are allowed to.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
For Blaziken GX's "Blaze Out GX" attack, can I choose to discard two DCE's if I want?
Yes, you can choose to discard one energy from each of the two DCE's, resulting in both cards being discarded.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
What do I do with Jirachi {*}'s "Wish Upon a Star" Ability if my bench is full?
If you cannot put Jirachi {*} onto the bench, you just put it into your hand but do not draw another prize.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
What happens with Jirachi {*}'s "Wish Upon a Star" Ability if Garbodor's "Garbotoxin" Ability or "Hex Maniac" are active?
Jirachi (*) is never in the zones mentioned by those cards when you use its Ability, so Wish Upon a Star will work.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
If there is more than one Banette GX in play can the player perform "Shady Move" more than once (i.e. perform Shady Move with active, then retreat, switch, etc., perform it again with the new active)?
Yes, you could do that. However, going to the bench does not allow the same Banette GX to do Shady Move again; you are limited to one Shady Move per Banette GX per turn, assuming you can get them into the active slot.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
What are the rules for using Banette GX's "Shady Move" Ability?
You can move 1 damage counter from any Pokemon in play to another Pokemon in play; it can be different player's Pokemon or it can be the same player's Pokemon (either you or your opponent).
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
Can Marshadow GX's "Shadow Hunt" Ability allow you to attack on your first turn using Pheromosa GX's "Fast Raid" attack if Pheromosa GX is in the Discard Pile?
Yes, it can because going first is part of the Fast Raid attack that is being copied.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
Can Choice Band be used to get around Mr.Mime GX's "Magic Evens" Ability that blocks even amounts of damage?
Yes, the Choice Band and all other effects that may adjust the attack total are factored into the amount of damage being done before Mr.Mime GX's Ability is checked.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
What happens if both Slaking with "Lazy" and Garbodor with "Garbotoxin" in play? Do they cancel each other out or what?
It depends on the order in which each Ability gets activated. Both Lazy & Garbotoxin require a condition in order to activate (either being the Active Pokemon or having a Tool attached), so when one of the abilities is active the other one is prevented. But if the ability gets disabled (like if Slaking is no longer the Active Pokemon or if Garbodor loses its attached Tool), then the other ability can activate even if it was previously prevented.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
Say I have Slaking with "Lazy" as my Active Pokemon and my opponent has Wobbuffet with "Bide Barricade" as their Active Pokemon; also my opponent has Garbodor on the Bench and currently "Garbotoxin" is disabling all other Abilities. If I play Field Blower to discard the Pokemon Tool from Garbodor so "Garbotoxin" is no longer in effect, does my "Lazy" or my opponent's "Bide Barricade" go into effect first?
In this scenario Lazy activates first. If Abilities activate at the same time, Abilities of the player whose turn it is activate first; therefore, Slaking's Ability activates first, since it's the player with Slaking's turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
If you move Metagross with the "Extend" Ability to your bench after playing Steven's Resolve, will your turn immediately end?
No, Extend only prevents your turn from ending as a result of playing Steven's Resolve, after which your turn simply continues as normal.
Source: Celestial Storm FAQ (2018-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-08-02)
Can I use Wally or Evosoda to search my deck for a card that is not in the current tournament format? For example, could I use it on Raichu to search for a Raichu BREAK after it rotates out?
Yes, you can. Even though a card may not be in the tournament format it still exists and can be searched for even though it is known to fail.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-07-26)
Can I use Wally or Evosoda on a Snorlax to search my deck, even though there is {currently} no evolution of Snorlax?
No, there has to at least be the possibility of a valid evolution in order to use this card. Sorry.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-07-26)
You cannot have more than 6 Pokemon in play, including Active and Benched Pokemon, unless the card specifically allows for it (e.g. Sky Field).
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-01-31), TPCi Rules Team (2018-07-26)
For Weavile's "Evil Admonition" attack, can I count Pokemon in the discard pile with Abilities too, or just the Pokemon in play on the field?
In this case the phrase "your opponent's Pokemon" refers to the Pokemon in play on the field, not to your opponent's Pokemon cards in the discard pile or elsewhere. Generally when referring to "your opponent's Pokemon" it means in play unless another specific game zone (like the Discard Pile) is mentioned; if they don't specify a zone, then "in play" is assumed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-07-26)
Does Mewtwo's "Pressure" Ability block all of Tapu Koko's "Flying Flip" Attack's damage, even to the bench?
Pressure says, "your opponent's Active Pokemon's attacks do 20 less damage." Since it does not specifically designate Active or Benched Pokemon it reduces damage by -20 to each Pokemon that would be damaged by the attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-07-26)
Say a player announced "double Afterburner" for his two Typhlosions in play. However his Discard Pile only has one Fire Energy card for him to use. Does that mean his second "Afterburner" Poke-POWER is used up, or can he use it later in the turn since nothing happened for the second one?
Since you cannot use an Ability for no effect, if the player only has one Fire Energy card in the Discard Pile the first Afterburner Poke-POWER may be used but the second cannot. So since it is not used up the player could use the second one later during the turn if a Fire Energy card somehow ends up in the Discard Pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-01-12), TPCi Rules Team (2018-07-26)
What happens if Shining Jirachi with Choice Band attached uses its "Stellar Reign" attack against an undamaged, evolved, Lucario GX with Focus Sash attached? Does Focus Sash save the Pokemon from a KO?
During the attack Stellar Reign would do 80 damage (10 for the attack plus 30 for the Choice Band, then times 2 for Weakness). Then the devolution part of Stellar Reign would return all Evolution cards to the opponent's hand. However, when KO's are checked the devolved Pokemon is not the same Pokemon that was attacked, so Focus Sash would not protect the newly devolved Pokemon. The original Pokemon took damage from the attack, and the lower Stage just happens to have enough damage on it for a KO.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-31)
If Lysandre Labs is in play and I use Primal Groudon's "Gaia Volcano" attack to discard the stadium and do enough damage for KO, what happens if the full HP Fighting-type Defending Pokemon has Focus Sash attached to it?
While Lysandre Labs is in play Focus Sash has no effect. However, Lysandre Labs is discarded as part of the attack before KO's are checked. So the Focus Sash would be in effect and if all of its conditions are met the Defending Pokemon is not KO'd but has 10HP remaining.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-31)
If I use Guzzlord GX's "Eat Sloppily" attack and discard a Beast Energy {*} card, would it get attached to the Guzzlord GX, or would it go straight to the Lost Zone because it was discarded?
When "discarding the top 5 cards of your deck", any revealed Energy cards get attached to Guzzlord GX immediately, before they reach the Discard Pile. Therefore, Beast Energy {*} gets attached to Guzzlord GX rather than going to the Discard Pile or Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-31)
I have 3 Pokemon on my Bench, and 1 of them has the "Omega Barrier" Ancient Trait. My opponent plays Cyrus {*}, and I choose to keep the 2 Pokemon that don't have "Omega Barrier". Does the Pokemon with "Omega Barrier" get shuffled into my deck?
Yes, it does. The effect of Cyrus {*} is on the player, not on the Pokemon with Omega Barrier.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-31)
Can I use Sudowoodo's "Watch and Learn" attack to copy an opponent's GX Attack used on their previous turn? If yes, does this count as my GX Attack for the game? And if I have already used my GX Attack for the game, does the "Watch and Learn" attack fail?
Yes, yes, and sort of. If you have already used your GX Attack you can still use Watch and Learn, but the effect of the copied GX Attack would fail.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-24)
What if both players have received a "Quad Prize Loss" or 2 "Double Prize Loss" penalties and one of the players uses Naganadel GX's "Stinger GX" attack?
In that situation both players win at same time. Play a sudden death game to decide the outcome.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-09)
If I attack with Naganadel GX's "Stinger GX" attack, how would it work if my opponent has received a "Double Prize Loss" or a "Quad Prize Loss" penalty earlier in the game?
For a "Double Prize Loss" you only need to take one more prize from the remaining three to win the game. If your opponent received a "Quad Prize Loss" you win the game because you have less than four prizes remaining.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-09)
If Lysandre Labs is in play, do effects that depend on the presence of Tool cards, such as the damage increase of Doublade's "Curse of the Blade" attack or the energy cost modification of Rotom's "Roto Motor" Ability still work?
If an effect depends simply on the presence of a Tool card in a certain location, the effect still works. It is the Tool card's effects that are cancelled, not effects based on the presence of a Tool.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
If I've already played a Supporter this turn and use Sylveon's "Wink Wink" attack, can I still use the effect of a Supporter I discard from my opponent's hand?
Yes. You are not playing a second supporter, but using its effect via an attack.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
If I use Sylveon's "Wink Wink" attack and discard my opponent's Diantha, can I get 2 cards from my discard pile even it 1 of my {Y} Pokemon was not Knocked Out on my Opponent's last turn?
No, you still have to meet the requirements of the card's text. You can discard the Diantha, though.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
If I use "Untamed Punch" with an undamaged Pangoro, does it still get the Confusion effect?
No, damage counters on your attacking Pangoro are required for both the Confusion and the extra damage.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
If I use Aegislash's "Ticking Knock Out" attack but my opponent moves the Defending Pokemon to the bench, on my next turn if I bring that Pokemon active and damage it or if I damage it on the bench is it knocked out?
Only if you do enough damage to meet or exceed that Pokemon's remaining HP. The effect of "Ticking Knock Out" is on the Defending Pokemon and is cleared when it moves to the bench, so you would have to knock it out by normal means rather than by simply doing any amount of damage to it.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
The wording of Exeggcute's "Multiply" attack is a little ambiguous. Does it mean you can only search for one Exeggcute, or as many Exeggcute as you want?
Just one.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
If I use Greninja GX's "Haze Slash" attack to shuffle it back into my deck and also Knock Out the Defending Pokemon, who promotes a new Active Pokemon first?
In this case you promote first. Greninja GX is shuffled back in as an effect of the attack before KO's are checked, so it must be replaced before either player checks for KO's.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
Does Araquanid's "Bubble Trap" attack get its bonus damage if the Pokemon that used "Bubble" on my previous turn was Knocked Out or is no longer in play?
Yes, you get the bonus damage. The effect of "using Bubble" is on the player, not on the Pokemon.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
Can I play Eneporter to try and fail to move a Special Energy onto a Pyroar that is protected by its "Unnerve" Ability, or would I not be able to play Eneporter at all?
The fact that its effect will be blocked by another effect such as Unnerve does not prevent an Item or Supporter card from being played. For example, your opponent may play Eneporter to try moving a Special Energy and Pyroar is a valid target, but Unnerve blocks the effect even though Eneporter was played. Playing a card for no effect happens when the game state itself prevents any effect from taking place and in that case the card would not be played, but that is not what this example is referring to.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
Does Goomy's "Sticky Membrane" Ability increase the attack cost of no energy attacks like Alolan Marowak's "Limbo Limbo" attack?
Yes, it does.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
Does Goomy's "Sticky Membrane" Ability increase the attack cost of attacks where the cost is ignored, such as when "Roto Motor" applies?
No, it does not.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
Can I discard a {W} energy card from my hand using Volcanion {*}'s "Jet Geyser" Ability if my opponent has no Benched Pokemon?
Yes, you may.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
Suppose I have two Scatterbugs in play on the second turn of the game and it's my turn; can I use "Abnormal Outbreak" twice?
Yes, you can use it once for each Scatterbug you have in play during that turn.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
When can I use Scatterbug's "Abnormal Outbreak" Ability?
It's pretty clear. If you are not taking the first turn of the game, then when you get your first turn (i.e. the second turn of the game) you may use Abnormal Outbreak. This is the only turn of the game when this Ability may be used.
Source: Forbidden Light FAQ (2018-04-20), TPCi Rules Team (2018-05-03)
If my opponent receives a "Double Prize Loss" penalty where the prizes remain on the table and I play N, do I draw cards for the two penalty prizes or do I ignore those cards?
For N you draw cards based on how many prizes are still on the table, not based on how many prizes are needed to win.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-26)
If my opponent receives two "Double Prize Loss" penalties and I only have four prizes left in a six prize game, what happens?
As soon as the number of prize penalties meets or exceeds the number of remaining prizes needed to win, the game is over. In this situation you win.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-26)
Can I decline to take the benefit of a "Double Prize Loss" or a "Quad Prize Loss" penalty given to my opponent?
No, it simply changes the number of prizes needed to be taken to achieve a win condition. You and your opponent MUST sign any required Prize Card Penalty Slips, keep track of the new number of remaining prizes needed to win, and anything else necessary to implement the penalty.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-26)
When an Active Pokemon is Knocked Out, does the opponent take their prize first or does player have to promote a new Active Pokemon first?
When a Pokemon is Knocked Out prizes are taken first. Then if there is no Active Pokemon a new one is moved up from the Bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-05)
In the case where both players have Pokemon Knocked Out simultaneously, which player takes their prizes first?
The player whose turn would be next takes their prizes first and then the other player takes their prizes. Then the player whose turn would be next promotes a new Active Pokemon if needed, followed by the other player if they need to promote a new Active Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-05)
If one of my opponent's Pokemon is Knocked Out in the middle of a turn before the attack, can I take my prize(s) right away or do I have to wait until the end of the turn?
No matter when a Pokemon gets Knocked Out during a turn, the opponent takes their prize(s) as soon as all triggered effects have finished resolving. You do not wait until the end of the turn to resolve KO's and prizes.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-04-05)
The correct order for Milotic's "Energy Grace" Ability should be this: 1) Attach 3 basic Energy cards from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-EX), 2) Milotic is Knocked Out. That means you cannot use "Energy Grace" if you have no basic Energy in your discard pile, and you can't use "Energy Grace" to get back any Energy that are attached to Milotic.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-03-08)
If I use Gladion can I choose Greedy Dice from my prizes and play it right then?
Greedy Dice can be played only if it's taken as a face-down Prize card. Gladion doesn't count as "taking a Prize card."
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-03-01)
What happens if my opponent failed a Confusion check last turn and I try to use Sudowoodo's "Watch and Learn" attack? Would Sudowoodo take 3 damage counters?
If the Pokemon failed its attack because of Confused, an attack was not used. Sudowoodo's Watch and Learn would simply do nothing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-03-01)
If my opponent used Zoroark's "Foul Play" attack their previous turn, could I play Guzma to bring up a benched Pokemon and have Sudowoodo's "Watch and Learn" attack use "Foul Play" to copy one of the new Defending Pokemon's attcks?
Yep, that works.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-03-01)
If I use Sudowoodo's "Watch and Learn" attack on the turn after my opponent's Mew EX used its "Versatile" Ability, can "Watch and Learn" copy the attack that Mew EX used?
Yes, that works.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-15)
If an opponent KO's my Unidentified Fossil do they get to take a prize?
Yes, that's part of being treated as if it were a "Basic Pokemon". Your opponent takes a prize when Unidentified Fossil is knocked out, but not if you discard it from play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-08)
Can I use an Ability to move enough damage counters onto my Unidentified Fossil to knock it out, but then discard it from play before it gets KO'd?
No, that won't work. As soon as you're done using the ability you would check for KO before being able to discard the Unidentified Fossil.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-08)
Can I choose to play Unidentified Fossil as one of my starting Pokemon?
No, you cannot. It's considered a Trainer while in your hand, so it doesn't count as a Basic Pokemon during setup.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-08)
If I have 3 or more Stage 2 Pokemon in play, can I attach Super Boost Energy {*} to any of my Pokemon (regardless if it's Stage 2 or not) and get the 4-Energy effect?
No, you only get the multiple energy and rainbow effects when it's attached to a Stage 2 Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-08)
If you somehow get 4 Missing Clover back into your hand, can you play them all again a second time to take another prize card?
Yes, you can.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
If I use Mars with only 1 card left in my deck, can I still discard a random card from my opponent's hand?
Yes, as long as you can draw at least 1 card you get the other effect. Of course if you can't draw any cards, you can't play Mars.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
Can I use Looker Whistle to search my deck for another Looker Whistle since "Looker" is part of its name?
No, you cannot. You can only search for the card named "Looker".
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
When using Cyrus{*} does my opponent shuffle in their Active Pokemon too?
No, your opponent only shuffles in their Benched Pokemon except for the 2 that were chosen.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
The "Prism Star rule" on the card says "you can't have more than one {*} card of the same name in your deck", but can I have more than one Prism Star cards of different names in my deck?
You can have several Prism Star cards in your deck as long as they are different names, but only one copy of each. For example, you can have one Giratina {*} and one Lunala {*} and one Super Boost Energy {*}, and so on. This rule is not ignored for Limited tournaments such as Prereleases, Drafts, etc.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
Can I have 4 Unit Energy {G}{R}{W} and 4 Unit Energy {L}{P}{M} in my deck?
Yes, you can. The symbols {G}{R}{W} and {L}{P}{M} are part of the name of the card, so they are counted as different cards. When adding Unit Energy cards to a decklist, be sure to include the symbols as part of the card name on your list; you may list them as "Unit Energy GRW" and "Unit Energy LPM".
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
When you use Dialga GX's "Timeless GX" attack does Poison still happen in between turns?
Nope, the attack says to "skip the between-turns step", so Asleep, Poisoned, Burned, and any other between turn effects also get skipped."
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
After time is called at the end of a match, what happens if I use Dialga GX's "Timeless GX" attack during the "plus three turns" part?
If you use Timeless GX when time is called during your turn, you would then get "Turn 1" instead of your opponent. Likewise, if you use it during Turn 1 you would also get Turn 2 and your opponent would get Turn 3, and so on... However, if you use it on the final turn of the match you do not get an extra turn.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
If my opponent has no benched Pokemon, does the current Active Pokemon become poisoned if I attack with Roserade's "Inviting Poison"?
No, it does not become poisoned. If there's no switch to the bench there's no "new Active Pokemon" to become poisoned.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
What happens during Drifblim's "Damage Transport" Attack if I have less than 4 damage counters on one or more of my Pokemon?
If there are 4 or less damage counters on one of your Pokemon you must move all of them.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
Can I choose to move less than 4 damage counters on one or more of my Pokemon when using Drifblim's "Damage Transport" Attack? Or can I choose to skip any of my Pokemon?
No, if you have 4 or fewer damage counters on any of your Pokemon you must move them.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
Can I use Lunala GX's "Psychic Transfer" Ability to move a {P} energy back to where I got it from on the same turn? How about if I move it between the same two Pokemon several times in a row?
You have to advance the game state with your actions. If your Psychic Transfers are mindless, then you are not advancing the game state and it could result in a penalty.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
If I have multiple Passimians in play, does each of their "Power Huddle" Abilities add 30 more damage to my Passimian's attacks?
Yes, Passimian's Power Huddle ability is stackable. Each Power Huddle does 30 more damage in addition to any damage Passimian's attack already does.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
If I have multiple Infernapes in play, does each of their "Flaming Fighter" Abilities add 6 more damage to my opponent's burned Pokemon in between turns?
No, Infernape's Flaming Fighter ability does not stack. You are simply placing 6 damage counters instead of 2, regardless of how many Infernapes are in play.
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
Does Shinx have to be in play at the beginning of the turn in order to use its "Evolutionary Advantage" Ability?
It doesn't matter whether it was already in play or not, as long as it's during "the first turn of the person going second".
Source: Ultra Prism FAQ (2018-01-19), TPCi Rules Team (2018-02-01)
The text on Cyrus{*} should say, "You can play this card only if your Active Pokémon is a {W} or {M} Pokémon". The original text says you can't play this card unless you have a {W} or {M} Pokémon in play, but the intended requirement is to have a {W} or {M} Pokémon as your Active Pokémon.
Source: Organized Play News (2018-01-24)
If I use Arceus' "Type Switch" attack and choose a type, what happens if I use Ninja Boy to switch Arceus for a Basic Pokemon of a different type? Does the new Pokemon become both types or does the new type supersede the choice from "Type Switch"? Or what if you Ninja Boy for a dual-type Pokemon like Volcanion EX that is Fire/Water?
The type chosen by Type Switch overrides the Pokemon's actual type, so the new Pokemon would become the type chosen rather than its regular type. And in the case of a dual-type Pokemon it would become the single type that you chose for Type Switch.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-12-21)
If your opponent used Sandshrew's "Sand Attack" on the previous turn, and you attack with Passimian's "Intentional Grounding" which requires you to discard a Tool from your hand or the attack does nothing, do you discard the Tool before you flip for the Sand Attack effect or after?
Flip for the Sand Attack effect first; if it's tails your attack ends immediately, or if it's heads you proceed with your attack as normal.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-12-14)
If my opponent uses Sudowoodo's "Watch and Learn" attack to copy the attack my Pokemon used last turn, what would happen if I use my own Sudowoodo's "Watch and Learn" attack on my following turn?
Your Sudowoodo would copy your opponent's Watch and Learn attack, not the attack your opponent copied. So unfortunately your Watch and Learn would do nothing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-12-07)
Zoroark GX's "Trickster GX" attack allows you to copy an attack from any of your opponent's Pokemon. Does this allow you to copy an opponent's GX attack or not? If so, what if your opponent has already used up their GX attack for the game?
Yes, Trickster GX can copy an opponent's GX attack, even if the opponent has already used up their GX attack for the game. It does not count as using 2 GX attacks.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-12-07)
If I use Xurkitree GX's "Lighting GX" attack to put a card from my opponent's hand face-down as one of their prize cards, should we mix up the prizes so he doesn't know which one it is or does it stay wherever I put it?
Rearranging the prize cards is not part of the attack, so wherever you put the new prize card is where it should stay until some other action causes the prize cards to be rearranged.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-12-07)
I'm confused by the text on Peeking Red Card. After the opponent shuffles their hand into their deck, who gets to draw that many cards, the opponent or me?
The opponent gets to draw that many cards.
Source: Crimson Invasion FAQ (2017-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
When using Nihilego GX's "Symbiont GX" attack, can you place more prizes than your opponent started the game with?
Yes, you can. The prize pile is not limited to any maximum amount.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
In a Sudden Death game, if I add prizes to my opponent's field with Nihilego GX's "Symbiont GX" attack, is the game won by the next player to take a prize, or the first player to take their last prize?
A Sudden Death match is complete when a player has taken all of their prizes, regardless of whether there is more than one or not. So adding prizes in this scenario makes it more difficult for the opponent to win.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
In a single-elimination match that goes to time and is tied during the final game, if I add prizes to my opponent's field with Nihilego GX's "Symbiont GX" attack on my turn, do I win?
Yes. After regulation time (plus any additional turns) is completed, once you have fewer prizes remaining than your opponent, you win.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
Gourgeist's "Pumpkin Bomb" attack says to "discard any number of Pokemon Tool cards from your Pokemon", but can I choose a different Pokemon other than Gourgeist for this attack?
The term "Pokemon" in the attack is plural, so you can choose any or all of your Pokemon and discard as many Tool cards as you like from them.
Source: Crimson Invasion FAQ (2017-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
When using Mamoswine's "Forceful Tackle" attack, can I put enough damage counters on Mamoswine to knock it out? In other words, can I put more damage counters on it than it has HP remaining?
Yes, you can put up to 9 damage counters on it even if it doesn't have that much HP remaining. The extra damage will be done, and at the end of the attack Mamoswine will be knocked out.
Source: Crimson Invasion FAQ (2017-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
Can I use Altaria's "Draco Melody" attack to place a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Dragon type Pokemon directly onto my Bench?
Yes, you can. Per the attack, you are not limited to Basic Pokemon.
Source: Crimson Invasion FAQ (2017-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
If Cinccino uses "Amazing Plea" and there are zero cards in the discard pile, do I automatically do 80 damage? Or what if I only have one card in the discard pile?
The answer is the same regardless of the number of cards in the discard pile. Your opponent decides whether you take the cards (even if it's 0) or do 80 damage.
Source: Crimson Invasion FAQ (2017-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
If there are two Gengar in play with the "Gnawing Curse" Ability, how many damage counters would be applied if the opponent attached an energy card to one of their Pokemon?
They would place 4 damage counters on that Pokemon.
Source: Crimson Invasion FAQ (2017-10-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
What happens if I have Miltank with the "Moomoo Malt" Ability and my opponent has Gengar with the "Gnawing Curse" Ability in play? Which Ability goes first? Or does it even matter?
The player that owns the affected Pokemon gets to choose the order that the two simultaneous Abilities are applied. However, keep in mind that you cannot go below zero damage done; for example, if you have 50 damage and you use Moomoo Malt first, you can't "go negative" and then have Gnawing Curse's counters simply disappear. Also remember, if you choose Gnawing Curse first and the damage counters put the Pokemon over its maximum HP you still get to use Moomoo Malt before checking for KO's.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-11-02)
If I have a Dark Energy, a Rainbow Energy, and a non-Fairy energy card attached to Zygarde, when I use Zygarde's "Core Enforcer" attack can I discard the Rainbow Energy first for the Darkness discard, and then without a Fairy energy attached I'm done?
No, since you have Rainbow satisfying the Fairy Energy condition you would have to discard both the Rainbow and the Dark Energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-09-21)
If I have Florges with "Calming Aroma" in play my attacks cost one Fairy Energy less. So I think I can use Zygarde's "Core Enforcer" attack without a Fairy energy attached, but what about the part of the attack that says to discard one Dark and one Fairy energy from this Pokemon?
You do as much of the attack text as you can, which in your situation means simply discarding one Dark energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-09-21)
Can I use Heavy Ball to search for Wimpod that has the "Wimp Out" Ability on my first turn?
Yes, you can. Abilities only work when in play (unless the card says otherwise), so Wimp Out is not active while Wimpod is still in the deck.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-09-14)
Weavile's "Rule of Evil" attack does damage to each Pokemon that has an Ability. But if Garbodor's "Garbotoxin" Ability is activated would "Rule of Evil" only damage Garbodor?
That's right, because Garbotoxin says each Pokemon (except those with Garbotoxin) have no Abilities.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-09-14)
If I use Guzma and choose my opponent's Primal Groudon-EX that has the "Omega Barrier" Ancient Trait, do I still get to switch my own Pokemon?
Since Omega Barrier prevents the first effect of Guzma, you do not get to switch your Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-31)
Can I play Guzma if my opponent doesn't have any Pokemon on their Bench?
No, you cannot. If the opponent doesn't have a bench there's no way to do the second part of the trainer, and you cannot play a Trainer card for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-31)
Can I use Diancie's "Sparkling Wish" Attack to search your deck for an Evolution card even if you have no valid targets to evolve?
Yes, you can, but only because it is an attack. You do as much of the attack as you can, so you can search through your deck but nothing more.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-31)
If I use Darkrai GX's "Restoration" Ability and then somehow it gets back into the Discard Pile (e.g. Parallel City, followed by Field Blower), could I use "Restoration" again to retrieve it from the Discard Pile?
Yes, whenever Darkrai GX is in the Discard Pile, you may use Restoration during your turn as long as its Ability has not been disabled.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-31)
If I play "Guzma", who chooses which Pokemon to switch for each player?
You make all of those choices.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
Can you play Captivating Poke Puff if your opponent's Bench is full?
No. It's public knowledge that you can't put down any additional Basic Pokemon on your opponent's Bench, so you cannot play the card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-11), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If my opponent has no Benched Pokemon, can I still use Alolan Muk-GX's "Tri Hazard-GX" attack?
You can use it, but it won't have any effect, and it will count as having used your GX attack for the game.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I use Bruxish's "Synchronoise" attack against my opponent's dual type Pokemon like Volcanion EX, and there are other Volcanion EX on the Bench, do they take 40 damage or 20?
They take 20 damage.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
Can I use Diancie's "Sparkling Wish" attack to evolve a Pokemon that I just put into play this turn?
Yes, you can do that.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I use Eelektrik's "Small Appetite" attack against a Pokemon with 90 HP but it has the "Bodybuilding Dumbbells" Pokemon Tool attached, do I do 50 damage or 0?
You do 0 damage. The HP from Bodybuilding Dumbbells counts toward the Pokemon's maximum HP, putting it out of range of the Small Appetite attack.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I move Wimpod to the Active position and then evolve it into Golisopod GX, would I get the bonus damage from "First Impression"?
No. Wimpod is not the same Pokemon as Golisopod GX.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I use Ho-Oh GX's "Eternal Flame GX" attack, can I place a Stage 2 Pokemon like Charizard GX from my discard pile directly onto my Bench?
Yes. The attack does not specify that the selected Pokemon have to be Basic Pokemon.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I use Palossand's "Dust Storm" attack against a Stage 2 Pokemon, do I discard the Basic and Stage 1 cards attached to the Stage 2 Pokemon?
No. The Basic and Stage 1 as well as the Sandygast are part of their respective Pokemon and are not discarded.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I use Araquanid's "Bubble Net" attack and my opponent switches in a new Active Pokemon, can they attach an Energy to it during their turn?
Yes they can. The effect was on that specific Defending Pokemon and was removed when it went to the Bench.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If my Active Pokemon evolves into Lucario and uses its "Stance" Ability, does its effect get cleared if it moves to the Bench?
No, its effect remains.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I have Darkrai-GX in my discard pile but no Darkness Energy, can I use its "Restoration" Ability?
Yes, Restoration only requires that Darkrai-GX is in the discard pile (and that you have space on your Bench for it).
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If my opponent used Turtonator GX's "Shell Trap" attack and I have Magearna EX with the "Mystic Heart" Ability in play, will my Pokemon with Metal energy attached get the 8 damage counters from "Shell Trap" if I attack and do damage to Turtonator GX?
No, it will not receive the 8 damage counters. Mystic Heart prevents all effects of your opponent's attacks, and Shell Trap's damage counters are an effect of your opponent's attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
Does Seviper's "More Poison" Ability stack if I have more than one of them in play?
Yes, each of your Pokemon with a "More Poison" ability will add an additional damage counter to your opponent's Poisoned Pokemon in between turns.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
Does Seviper's "More Poison" Ability stack with the effect of Toxapex GX's "Super Intense Poison" attack?
Yes, you first put 10 damage counters for the Super Intense Poison attack and then you get to add 1 damage counter for each More Poison ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I put a Charizard GX in play using Ho Oh GX's "Eternal Flame GX" attack, and my opponent evolves into Porygon-Z and uses its "Initialize" Ability, does Charizard GX go back into my hand?
No. Charizard GX is in play as an "unevolved Pokemon" and so is not affected by the Ability.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
If I have a Solrock in play so that Lunatone's "Heal Block" ability is activated, does it apply to all Pokemon in play or just the two active Pokemon?
It applies to all Pokemon in play.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
Can I play "Acerola" to return a damaged Pokemon and all cards attached to it to my hand when Lunatone's "Heal Block" ability is activated?
Yes, you can return the Pokemon and attached cards to your hand.
Source: Burning Shadows FAQ (2017-07-20), TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
Can you use Dusknoir's "Dark Invitation" Ability if your opponent's Bench is full?
No, you may not. It's public knowledge that you can't put down any additional Basic Pokemon on your opponent's Bench, so you cannot use the Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-08-03)
When searching my deck, at what point can I no longer change my mind on which cards I am choosing?
When something says to search your deck for cards you should search the deck, make your choice, and shuffle afterward. Once you begin shuffling you may not go back and change your choice unless your opponent allows you to do so.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-07-06)
Most Special Energy cards that provide a particular energy type do not provide that type when it is in the deck, the discard pile, or in your hand. Please read the text of the Special Energy card for clarification.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-07-06)
When using Drampa GX's "Berserk" attack, must ALL Benched Pokemon have at least 1 damage counter or do you only need 1 Benched Pokemon with a damage counter on it to add the +70 damage?
If any of your Benched Pokemon have damage counters it will add the +70 damage. If it required all of them it would have said "all" or "each" in the attack text.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-07-06)
When using Tapu Koko GX's "Aero Trail" Ability, can I choose to move zero energy cards and switch it with the Active Pokemon?
No, you may not. It says if you do move energy, and moving "zero energy" is not moving energy; therefore you do not get to switch Tapu Koko GX with your Active Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-07-06)
Can I use Brooklet Hill to search through my deck even if my Bench is full?
No. Since your Bench is already full it's public knowledge that Brooklet Hill won't have any effect, so you cannot search your deck.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-06-27)
Can I use Umbreon-GX's "Dark Call GX" attack to discard 2 Double Colorless Energy?
Yes, you can select 1 Energy of each Double Colorless Energy to discard both of them. This applies for discarding your own Energy for an attack and for retreating as well. So if you used Hoopa-EX's "Hyperspace Fury" attack or paid its Retreat Cost of 2, discarding 2 Double Colorless Energy would be legal options.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-01-26), TPCi Rules Team (2017-06-27)
Does Umbreon GX's "Dark Call GX" attack have to discard 2 energy from a single Pokemon, or can I discard 1 energy from two separate Pokemon? Or does it mean to discard 2 energy from each of my opponent's Pokemon??
The term "Pokemon" in the attack is plural, but it doesn't mean all of your opponent's Pokemon. You may discard 2 energy from one Pokemon, or you may discard 1 energy each from two Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-01-26), TPCi Rules Team (2017-06-27)
Say my opponent used Turtonator GX's "Shell Trap" attack last turn, then on my turn I attack it with Shaymin EX's "Sky Return" attack. What happens to the 8 damage counters effect from "Shell Trap"?
Sky Return puts Shaymin EX into the hand as part of its attack before the damage counters are placed for Shell Trap's effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-06-08)
Say my opponent used Turtonator GX's "Shell Trap" attack last turn, then on my turn I attack it with Tapu Bulu GX's "Tapu Wilderness GX" attack. Does "Shell Trap" place its damage counters before or after the healing part of "Tapu Wilderness GX"?
Tapu Wilderness GX heals Tapu Bulu GX as part of its attack before the damage counters are placed for Shell Trap's effect. So in the end Tapu Bulu GX will have 8 damage counters on it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-06-08)
Does Machoke's "Daunting Pose" Ability prevent my opponent's Decidueye GX's "Feather Arrow" Ability from placing damage counters on my benched Pokemon?
Yes it does. Decidueye GX can still use the ability against one of your benched Pokemon, but placing any damage counters would be blocked.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-06-01)
My opponent and I both have Sudowoodo with "Roadblock"Ability in play. I use Hex Maniac on my turn to shut off "Roadblock", and then I play 5 Pokemon on my Bench. My opponent plays 5 Pokemon on their Bench during their turn. At the end of my opponent's turn, Hex Maniac's effect ends, so "Roadblock" activates again. Who discards their Pokemon first? If the first player discards their Sudowoodo, would the other person need to discard a Benched Pokemon?
It's the opponent's turn, so their Roadblock goes into effect first. You would discard your Pokemon first, and then your opponent would discard theirs. Even if you chose to discard your Sudowoodo, your opponent would have to discard down to 4 Benched Pokémon because the Roadblock effects happen simultaneously.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-25)
When using Rough Seas, can I choose to heal only some of my {W} and {L} Pokemon or do I have to heal all of them?
If you choose to use Rough Seas you must heal all {W} or {L} Pokemon with damage counters on them.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-18)
When using Potion, can I choose to heal less than 30 damage from my Pokemon?
If the Pokemon has 30 or more damage on it you must heal 30 damage, but if it has less than 30 damage you do as much as you can and heal all of it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-18)
If Genesect EX uses "G Booster" to attack a Pokemon with Grass Weakness but that Pokemon has a Weakness Policy Tool attached, is Weakness applied or not?
G Booster isn't affected by "any effects on the Defending Pokemon", but the term "any effects" does not include effects that alter Weakness or Resistance. So in this case, Weakness is NOT applied.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-26), TPCi Rules Changes Announcement (2017-05-03), TPCi Rules Changes Announcement (2017-05-18)
The term "any effects" does not include effects that alter Weakness and Resistance.
Source: TPCi Rules Changes Announcement (2017-05-03), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-18)
Altaria has a printed weakness to Lightning, but it also has the "Clear Humming" Ability which creates an effect that gives it no weakness. What happens if it is attacked by Zebstrika with the "Zap Zone" Ability which makes its attack's damage ignore effects on the defending Pokemon? When Zebstrika attacks Altaria, is the damage altered by weakness or not?
Zap Zone refers to "any effects on your opponent's Active Pokemon", but the term "any effects" does not include effects that alter Weakness or Resistance. So in this case Zebstrika's attack will NOT be increased for Weakness, due to Clear Humming.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-03-24), TPCi Rules Changes Announcement (2017-05-03), TPCi Rules Changes Announcement (2017-05-18)
If Vileplume's "Allergy Panic" Ability is in effect, does Rayquaza's "Shred" attack consider a Defending Pokemon's weakness as x2 or x4?
Shred isn't affected by "any effects on the Defending Pokemon", but the term "any effects" does not include effects that alter Weakness or Resistance. So in this case the Defending Pokemon's Weakness would be x4 due to Allergy Panic.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-28), TPCi Rules Changes Announcement (2017-05-03), TPCi Rules Changes Announcement (2017-05-18)
Does Marowak's "Bodyguard" Ability prevent me from revealing my hand from an opponent's Trevenant's "Poltergeist" attack?
Yes, it does.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-18)
What happens to Gothitelle's "Tractorbeam" attack if the opponent has no benched Pokemon?
If you can't switch a new Pokemon, the attack doesn't do any damage.
Source: Guardians Rising FAQ (2017-04-22), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-04)
What happens if I use Politoed's "Roll Call" attack and cannot find a Poliwag, Poliwhirl and/or Poliwrath in my deck?
When performing an attack you do as much of it as you can. And since the contents of the deck are unknown you can also voluntarily fail to find one or more of the Pokemon you are searching for.
Source: Guardians Rising FAQ (2017-04-22), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-04)
What happens if I have less than three spaces on my bench when using Politoed's "Roll Call" attack? Or what if I don't have any room on my bench at all?
You can use the attack no matter how many Pokemon are on your Bench, but you can only get as many Pokemon as you have spaces on your Bench.
Source: Guardians Rising FAQ (2017-04-22), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-04)
If I have more than one Dhelmise in play, do I get to add 10 damage for Metal Pokemon attacks for each one of their "Steelworker" Abilities?
Yes, they will stack.
Source: Guardians Rising FAQ (2017-04-22), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-04)
For Chandelure's "Shady Move" Ability, am I allowed to move a damage counter from one of my Pokemon to one of my opponent's Pokemon?
Yes, you can.
Source: Guardians Rising FAQ (2017-04-22), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-04)
For Salazzle's "Hot Poison" Ability, can I choose to only Poison or only Burn the opponent's Active Pokemon? Or do I have to do them both?
No, you must either apply both Special Conditions (if you are able to), or not use the Ability.
Source: Guardians Rising FAQ (2017-04-22), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-04)
What happens if I try to use Chandelure's "Shady Move" Ability to move a damage counter from my Pokemon to one of my opponent's Pokemon while they have a Machoke with "Daunting Pose" Ability in play? And what happens if I try to move one of my opponent's damage counters from one Pokemon to one of their Benched Pokemon.
In both cases Shady Move would remove the damage counter from the first Pokemon, but the second Pokemon would not receive it because it is protected by Daunting Pose. If you try to move damage *to* something that blocks effects, the damage disappears; if you try to move damage *from* something that blocks effects, the damage stays there. But Daunting Pose only prevents putting damage counters ON your Benched Pokemon; it does not prevent taking damage counters OFF your Pokemon.
Source: Guardians Rising FAQ (2017-04-22), TPCi Rules Team (2017-05-04)
Can I play Ultra Ball if there are no cards left in my deck?
No, you cannot. Discarding the two cards is a cost not the effect, and you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-04-27)
Can you use Professor Juniper or Professor Sycamore with no cards in your deck, just to discard your hand?
No, you cannot. Discarding your hand is a cost not the effect, and you cannot play Trainer cards for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-04-27)
With "Archie's Ace in the Hole" and "Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick", does a Stage 2 Pokemon put on the bench count as a Basic Pokemon?
No, it is an unevolved Stage 2 Pokemon. It is still considered an "Evolution Pokemon", but it is not a "Basic Pokemon".
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-04-27)
Can I use Volcanion EX's "Steam Up" Ability on the very first turn of the game?
Yes you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-04-27)
Say I have an Active Pokemon with Energy Pouch attached and a Benched Pokemon with Exp. Share attached. If the Active Pokemon is KO'd, how do the effects of the tools resolve?
You may choose the order in which the tools' effects resolve. There is no preference of one tool over the other in this situation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-04-20)
Yveltal with "Fright Night" Ability knocks out Wobbuffet with the "Bide Barricade" Ability which was turning "Fright Night" off. Does Exp. Share on the Benched Pokemon behind Wobbuffet work?
Yes, since Wobbuffet was not yet in the Discard Pile, Fright Night remains off and Exp. Share works.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-04-20)
Can I play Target Whistle and choose a Basic Pokemon in the Discard Pile with the Omega Barrier Ancient Trait, or does Omega Barrier block the Target Whistle?
Yes, you can put that Pokemon from the Discard Pile onto the Bench. Ancient Traits are only active when that Pokemon is in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-03-30)
If I play Captivating Poke Puff and find a Pokemon with the Omega Barrier Ancient Trait in my opponent's hand, can I choose that Pokemon to be benched or does Omega Barrier block the Captivating Poke Puff?
Yes, you can put that Pokemon onto the Bench. Ancient Traits are only active when that Pokemon is in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-03-30)
If I have a Pokemon-EX with Head Ringer attached to it, what happens if I use Ninja Boy to swap it with a non-EX Pokemon?
Since it is no longer a Pokemon-EX the Head Ringer would get discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-03-16)
If I use Evosoda to evolve my Basic Pokemon into a Stage 1, can I then use Wally to further evolve it into a Stage 2 on that same turn.
Yes, but be careful of the order in which you play the cards. Wally says you can use it on a Pokemon that was put into play this turn, but Evosoda says you cannot use it on a Pokemon that was put into play this turn. So you can play Evosoda first then Wally, but you cannot play Wally then Evosoda (on the same Pokemon, of course).
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-03-16)
The Burned special condition has changed from Sun & Moon and onward. Now when a Pokemon is Burned in between turns you first put two damage counters on that Pokemon then flip to see if the Burned condition is removed (heads) or if it remains (tails).
Source: Sun & Moon FAQ (2017-02-02), TPCi Rules Team (2017-02-02)
If Magearna EX with the "Mystic Heart" Ability is in play, are all Pokemon with Metal Energy attached protected from Greninja's "Shadow Stitching" attack?
If Magearna EX has a Metal Energy attached to it, all Pokemon with Metal Energy attached are protected; however, if Magearna EX does not have a Metal Energy attached to it, its Mystic Heart Ability is shut off and no Pokemon with Metal Energy attached are protected.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-02-02)
On the turn after using Dragonair's "Dragon's Wish" attack, when I attach any number of Energy cards from my hand do I have to attach them all at once, or can I attach them whenever I want during my turn?
You do not have to attach them all at once. You can attach them from your hand whenever you like during the duration of your turn following Dragon's Wish.
Source: Sun & Moon FAQ (2017-02-02), TPCi Rules Team (2017-02-02)
If I use Dragonair's "Dragon's Wish" attack and then on the following turn evolve it to Dragonite, can I still attach the energies or not?
Yes, absolutely! The Dragon's Wish effect resides on the player, not on the Pokemon.
Source: Sun & Moon FAQ (2017-02-02), TPCi Rules Team (2017-02-02)
Can I have Clefairy's "Metronome" copy a GX attack, and if so does it use up my "one GX attack per game"?
Yes you can, and yes it does. Also if you've already used your GX attack for the game, then you cannot choose a GX attack with Metronome.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-01-05), Sun & Moon FAQ (2017-02-02)
If I have multiple Gumshoos GX in play, can I use each of their "Search the Premises" Abilities or am I limited to only one total per turn?
Each Gumshoos GX can use its own ability once per turn. So if you have two of them you can use the first Search the Premises to have your opponent reveal their hand, then use a Trainer card such as N to have the opponent shuffle their hand into their deck and draw new cards, and then use the second Search the Premises to have your opponent reveal their hand again.
Source: Sun & Moon FAQ (2017-02-02), TPCi Rules Team (2017-02-02)
When you use Tsareena's "Queenly Majesty" Ability, when the opponent reveals their hand do you get to choose which card to discard or is it random?
You get to choose.
Source: Sun & Moon FAQ (2017-02-02), TPCi Rules Team (2017-02-02)
Can I play Professor Kukui if I have no cards left in my deck?
Yes you can, because you still get to do the +20 bonus damage for your Pokemon's attacks.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-01-26)
If my Confused Pokemon tries to use a GX attack and flips Tails, does that use up my "one GX attack per game"?
No, if you flip tails the attack fails and you don't use up your GX attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-01-26)
Due to an error in the card text for Electrode's "Buzzap Thunder" Ability, the text on this card will be changed. The original text for this Ability says, "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may Knock Out this Pokémon and attach it to one of your Lightning-type Pokémon as a Special Energy card. This card provides 2 Lightning Energy only while this card is attached to a Lightning-type Pokémon." The original intention of this Ability was for Electrode to provide 2 Lightning Energy as long as it's attached to any Pokémon, not just a Lightning-type Pokémon. The new text will say, "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may Knock Out this Pokémon and attach it to one of your Lightning-type Pokémon as a Special Energy card. This card provides 2 Lightning Energy only while this card is attached to a Pokémon." Effective immediately, Electrode's Buzzap Thunder Ability will use this updated text instead of the original text.
Source: Organized Play News (2017-01-19)
Can I use Starmie's "Space Beacon" Ability to discard a card from my hand if there are no Basic Energies in my Discard Pile?
Yes you can. The first part of Space Beacon is to discard a card from your hand, period. Then you do as much of the rest of the Ability as you are able to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-01-05)
If my Yveltal with "Fright Night" Ability gets KO'd, am I then able to use Exp.Share on one of my Benched Pokemon to recover one of Yveltal's Basic Energy cards?
Sorry, but no. Fright Night would still be working so Exp.Share would not enable before Yveltal hits the Discard Pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2017-01-05)
If Darkrai attacks with "Abyssal Sleep", can Pokemon Ranger clear the effect of flipping 2 coins when Asleep?
Asleep, Poisoned, etc. are Special Conditions, regardless of how many coins you need to flip or how much damage the poison condition does. Therefore they are not altered by Pokemon Ranger.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-10), TPCi Rules Team (2016-12-08)
If I used Volcanion EX's "Volcanic Heat" attack last turn, then on this turn I play Marowak and use its "Bodyguard" ability that says to "remove any existing effects", does that mean I can use Volcanion EX's "Volcanic Heat" attack on this turn?
Sorry, but no. You can only remove effects that were done by your opponent's Pokemon, not effects done by your own Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-12-08)
If I used Mewtwo's "Barrier" attack last turn and this turn I play Pokemon Ranger, does that clear the effect so I can use "Barrier" again this turn?
No, Barrier does not "place an effect" to prevent its use on the next turn (unlike attacks such as "Volcanic Heat" which says "this Pokemon" cannot attack next turn). Instead, the attack does a Game State check to see if it was used last turn. Since there is no effect to clear, Pokemon Ranger won't allow you to use Barrier two turns in a row.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-12-01)
If my Active Pokemon has no Weakness and my opponent uses Porygon's "Conversion 3" attack to make its Weakness {F}, what happens if it is attacked by a {F} Type Pokemon next turn? How much extra damage is done?
If a Pokemon has no Weakness printed on the card, Conversion 3 will give that Pokemon a x2 Weakness of the chosen type.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-12-01)
If I have Volcanion EX in play and I use its "Steam Up" Ability, can I then use Ninja Boy to switch it with a different Volcanion EX and use "Steam Up" from the new Volcanion EX?
No, that won't work. Even though the new Volcanion EX is a different Pokemon than the first one, it remembers the Steam Up ability was already used this turn so you cannot use it again on that Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
Let's say I have Machop active with a Focus Sash attached, and my opponent's Mewtwo-EX uses "X Ball" for 360 damage with four Double Colorless Energy and a Muscle Band attached. The Focus Sash leaves Machop with 10 HP remaining. If I then use Ninja Boy to switch Machop with Pidgeot-EX and then use its "Mirror Move" attack, does Pidgeot-EX do 360 damage in return?
Yes, it would. When using Ninja Boy the amount of damage done last turn is remembered by the new Pokemon, so Mirror Move would do 360 damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
If an opponent's attack damages my benched Pidgeot EX, can it do "Mirror Move" during my next turn and attack for the amount of damage it received while on the bench?
Yes, it can.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
Can you do Pidgeot EX's "Mirror Move" attack if the opponent's last attack "placed damage counters" (as opposed to "doing damage")?
No. Placing damage counters is an effect. Mirror Move does not copy any other types of effects from the last attack either.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
If M Slowbro EX attacked with "Loll Roll Spin" last turn, then next turn attacks when it is Confused and flips tails, does it do 130 damage to itself?
No, a failed Confusion flip does not do damage, it places 3 Damage Counters. The 100 bonus damage is not applied to damage counters being placed.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
If Gastly attacks with "Little Grudge" and on the next turn is KO'd by Blastoise-EX's "Rapid Spin" attack, does the Energy get discarded from Blastoise EX or from the Pokemon that replaces it? Neither?
Blastoise EX was the "attacking Pokemon", so it loses an energy.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
When using Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Harmonize" attack, what happens if the song is not finished before my next turn?
No matter how long it takes, the damage placement is delayed until the song is finished even if it takes many, many, many turns.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
When using Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Harmonize" attack, what happens if I forget the words to the song?
As soon as you stop singing, the damage is done to the current Defending Pokemon.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
When using Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Harmonize" attack, can I just play a recording of a song?
You may have musical accompaniment as long as it is not disruptive, but you MUST actually sing the song. Lip-syncing and humming do not count.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
What happens if Imakuni?'s Doduo is KO'd or retreats with "Frenzied Escape" while singing for its "Harmonize" attack?
The singing continues and the damage is placed when the song is finished. Just because Imakuni?'s Doduo is not in play doesn't mean its attack stops.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
If the Defending Pokemon retreats while the song for Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Harmonize" attack is being sung, does that prevent the damage?
No, since the damage does not take place until the song is finished, the opponent's Active Pokemon at the end of the song will receive the damage.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
When using Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Harmonize" attack, if I'm still singing when it comes back to my turn, can I use "Harmonize" again?
The attack says "from the moment you use this attack you must begin to sing a song". So if you use Harmonize again you have to start a song over from the beginning (you may sing the same song if you wish) and the prior attack's damage gets placed immediately. It does not stack, sorry.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
If my Mewtwo attacked with "Barrier" last turn, and this turn I retreat it and use Switch to make it active again, can I attack with "Barrier" again?
No. The prohibition against using Barrier if it was used last turn is not an effect, it is a Game State check. So it can't be cleared by moving Mewtwo to the bench.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
When I use Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Frenzied Escape" Pokemon Power, can I put it onto my bench after throwing the card?
No, you cannot; it ran away, remember??? It is out of play for the rest of the game.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
Does Garbodor's "Garbotoxin" Ability shut off Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Frenzied Escape" Pokemon Power?
No, Frenzied Escape is a Pokemon Power, not an Ability.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
When I use Imakuni?'s Doduo's "Frenzied Escape" Pokemon Power, can I put the card into a top-loader to prevent it from getting damaged when I throw it?
No, that would cause a "marked card" situation and is not allowed. Besides, you could really hurt someone flinging a top-loader like that (shame, shame)!
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
Can I use Electrode's "Buzzap Thunder" Ability when I have no other {L} Pokemon in play?
No, you cannot.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
Can I use Arcanine's "Burning Road" Ability any time during my turn, or do I have to use it the moment Arcanine becomes Active?
As soon as Arcanine goes from the Bench to become Active you must choose immediately whether you're going to use Burning Road or not; you cannot delay the action until later in the turn. If you choose not to use Burning Road at that time, you could use it later if Arcanine somehow goes back to the Bench and becomes Active again. Also, if you use an attack like Growlithe's "Hind Kick" and Arcanine becomes Active, you could use Burning Road if you haven't already used it that turn.
Source: Evolutions FAQ (2016-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2016-11-03)
If a player with Exp. Share on a benched Pokemon has discarded their Active Pokemon and its attached energy due to KO from an attack and already promoted a new Active Pokemon, have they missed the opportunity to use Exp. Share?
Promoting a new Active Pokemon takes place after the knockout, so at that point it would be too late to use Exp. Share.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-10-27)
Can I play Pokemon Ranger if there are currently NO effects on either player or their Pokemon?
No, you cannot. You cannot play a Trainer card for no net effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-09-08)
Say I have an Yveltal with "Fright Night" Ability as my Active Pokemon with Bursting Balloon attached, then I play Hex Maniac. What happens at the end of my opponent's turn, when they attack and do damage to Yveltal?
Hex Maniac works until the end of your opponent's turn. At the end of your opponent's turn, you check to see if Bursting Balloon gets discarded. So Bursting Balloon places the 6 damage counters, Hex Maniac's effect wears off, and then Fright Night is reactivated preventing Bursting Balloon from being discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-09-08)
Pokemon Ranger says "remove all effects of attacks on each player and his or her Pokemon." Does that mean it gets to remove any Poison, Paralyze, etc. effects that were caused by an attack?
No, Pokemon Ranger does not remove any Special Conditions. It removes effects like "the Defending Pokemon cannot retreat", "the opponent cannot play any Item cards from his or her hand", and things like that.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-11)
When using Captivating Poke Puff can I choose to NOT put any Basic Pokemon onto my opponent's bench, or do I have to put at least one down if I'm able to?
No, you don't have to put any Basic Pokemon onto your opponent's bench if you don't want to.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-11)
Can you play Captivating Poke Puff if your opponent has no cards in their hand?
No, you cannot. You cannot play a Trainer card for no net effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-11)
Due to an error in card text, Galvantula's "Double Thread" attack has been changed. The original text says, "This attack does 30 damage to 2 of your opponent's Pokémon. Also apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon". The text has been changed to match the original intention of the attack, which is to affect only Benched Pokémon. Double Thread is updated to say, "This attack does 30 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. Apply Weakness and Resistance". Effective immediately, Galvantula's "Double Thread" attack will use this updated attack text instead of the original text.
Source: Organized Play News (2016-08-11)
When I use Ninja Boy to swap out a heavily damaged EX Pokemon for one that is not an EX, if there's enough damage to KO it does the opponent take one prize or two?
Since the swapped in Pokemon is not an EX Pokemon, your opponent takes only one prize card for the KO.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
If I use Captivating Poke Puff and put one of my opponent's Basic Pokemon on the bench that has an Ability (like Shaymin EX's "Setup"), does the opponent get to use that Ability right away?
No, Captivating Poke Puff does not trigger any coming into play Abilities.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
Captivating Poke Puff says to put any number of Basic Pokemon you find in your opponent's hand onto their Bench. Does this allow you to put more than 5 Pokemon on the bench?
No, Captivating Poke Puff does not allow you to exceed the normal limits of the game. You can put any number of Basic Pokemon onto your opponent's Bench up to the maximum size of the Bench.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
If I use Croagunk's "Poison Up" to attack the same Defending Pokemon on successive turns, does the amount of damage counters due to Poison increase? For example, the first time I use it the poisoned Defending Pokemon starts taking 3 more damage counters between turns, then if I use it again it starts taking 6 more damage counters (3+3), then 9 more damage counters (3+3+3), and so on?
Yes, each time you use Poison Up it increases the amount of poison damage by "3 more" than what the Defending Pokemon was already taking at the time of the attack.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
When I discard my Benched Pokemon for M Gardevoir-EX's "Despair Ray" attack, does my opponent get to take prizes for them?
No, you are discarding the Benched Pokemon, not knocking them out.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
Does Pawniard's "Change Order" attack only include Pawniard in play, or does it also include any Pawniard cards in the Discard Pile?
It only counts Pawniard in play, including itself. It does not include any in the Discard Pile.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
Can I use Klefki's "Wonder Lock" Ability if Klefki doesn't have any cards attached to it?
Yes, you may.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
Can I use Foongus' "Play Ball" Ability to retrieve any Ultra Ball, Great Ball, Dive Ball, Repeat Ball, etc. cards from the Discard Pile?
Nope, Play Ball only works for plain old Poke Ball cards.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
Talonflame's "Gale Wings" Ability says if it's in your hand when you are setting up to play, you may put it face down as your Active Pokemon. If your opening hand has no Basics but you do have Talonflame, you can choose to put it out as your Active OR show you have no basics and mulligan... YOU DECIDE.
Source: Steam Siege FAQ (2016-08-04), TPCi Rules Team (2016-08-04)
If Silent Lab stadium is in play and one of my Basic Pokemon evolves into a BREAK Pokemon, would it be able to use the Ability from the underlying Basic Pokemon or not?
When it evolves into a BREAK Pokemon it is no longer a Basic Pokemon, so Silent Lab no longer affects it and you would be able to use the underlying Basic Pokemon's Abilities.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-06-23)
If Bronzong with the "Metal Fortress" Ability is in play, are benched Pokemon protected from Greninja's "Shadow Stitching" attack? If so, does it also protect Pokemon that come into play on the bench during the opponent's turn?
If Bronzong is on the Bench, all benched Pokemon are protected, including ones put into play after the attack has happened (for example, Shaymin-EX's "Set Up" Ability will work in this scenario); however, the Active Pokemon is not protected, even if it goes to the Bench it will not get its Ability back. If Bronzong is Active and has its Metal Fortress shut off, the Benched Pokemon are not protected; even if it moves to the Bench, it will not get its Ability back. Finally, if Bronzong is on the Bench and becomes the Active Pokemon during your turn, it loses its Ability and the Benched Pokémon are no longer protected.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-06-23)
If you use Umbreon's "Shadow Drain" attack against a Pokemon with {D} weakness and a Bursting Balloon attached, what are the correct order of operations for placing and healing damage?
Umbreon's healing effect takes place within the context of the attack, so healing has to be completed before the attack is finished. Since Bursting Balloon is triggered by damage and you can't interrupt the attack's other effect (healing) to place those damage counters, you would heal Umbreon first and then place the damage counters for Bursting Balloon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-06-09)
What happens if I try to use Ho-Oh EX's "Rebirth" Ability but my bench is full? Is the Ability used up, or is it not used and I can try it again later after I have some space on my bench?
If you know the Ability will not affect the game state, you cannot use it. If your Bench is already full, you cannot use Rebirth.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-06-09)
Suppose that I have a Gourgeist with the "Gourgantic" Ability, with a Grass Energy and Heavy Boots attached and a Training Center in play. Would its max HP be 200 or 250?
Gourgantic essentially replaces Gourgeist's printed HP, so reductions and additions to HP work as normal. You can stack the additional HP effects of Heavy Boots and Training Center, so in this case the resulting HP would be 250.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-06-09)
If Marowak's "Bodyguard" ability is in effect, preventing the effects of attacks on me and my hand, does Greninja's "Shadow Stitching" attack turn off abilities of Pokemon in my hand or not?
Shadow Stitching turns off the Bodyguard ability, so until the end of your next turn none of your Pokemon will have Abilities.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-05-05)
If I have more than one Solosis on my Bench, does Solosis' "Mini Link" attack do +30 for each of them?
No, you only get a maximum of 30 more damage regardless of how many Solosis are on the Bench.
Source: Fates Collide FAQ (2016-05-05), TPCi Rules Team (2016-05-05)
If I have Solosis and Duosion and Reuniclus on my bench, does Reuniclus' "Link Fusion" attack do +180 more damage (30+60+90)?
Yes, the attack does additional damage for all three of them if they are on your bench. But you do not get to add the benefit multiple times if there are multiples of the same name; for example, if you have two Solosis, you don't get to add the +30 twice.
Source: Fates Collide FAQ (2016-05-05), TPCi Rules Team (2016-05-05)
If I have Solosis and Duosion on my bench, does Duosion's "Double Link" attack do +90 more damage (30+60)?
Yes, the attack does additional damage for both Solosis and Duosion if both of them are on your bench. But you do not get to add the benefit multiple times if there are multiples of the same name; for example, if you have two Solosis, you don't get to add the +30 twice.
Source: Fates Collide FAQ (2016-05-05), TPCi Rules Team (2016-05-05)
Glaceon-EX's "Crystal Ray" attack makes it immune to damage done by attacks from "Evolution Pokemon". This is a new term that means any Pokemon that is an evolution card. So a Stage 1 Frogadier brought to the Bench by "Water Duplicates" would be affected by this. Basic Pokemon and Restored Pokemon are not affected.
Source: Fates Collide FAQ (2016-05-05), TPCi Rules Team (2016-05-05)
If a Pokemon with Bursting Balloon tool attached is attacked by an Yveltal with the "Fright Night" Ability no damage is placed on the attacker, but is the tool discarded at the end of the turn as its text indicates?
The Bursting Balloon damage placement effect is turned off, but the discard text is also an effect, so the tool is not discarded at the end of the turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-03-24)
Can I use the effect of a Stadium like Rough Seas, then play Delinquent to remove the Stadium, then play another Stadium of the same name as the original and use its effect too?
Yes, that is permissible.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-25)
If Lucario with "Dual Armor" Ability has one Basic Metal and one Shield Energy attached, what happens if the Basic Metal Energy card is removed? Does Lucario remain a Metal type or would I have to discard the Shield Energy?
Once Lucario gains Metal typing due to Dual Armor it stays that way as long as a Metal Energy is attached. And Shield Energy provides a Metal Energy as long as it is attached to a Metal type Pokemon. So if only the Shield Energy remains, Lucario stays Metal type and the Shield Energy remains attached.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-25)
Can I attach a Shield Energy to Lucario with the "Dual Armor" Ability?
It depends on when the Shield Energy is being attached. If Lucario already has a Metal Energy attached to it Dual Armor makes Lucario both Fighting & Metal types, so you CAN attach Shield Energy at that point. However, if Lucario does not already have a Metal Energy attached or if its Dual Armor ability has been shut off, then you CANNOT attach a Shield Energy to Lucario.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-25)
If I play "Psychic's Third Eye", do I get to discard cards from my opponent's hand?
No. You look at their hand, but you discard from your own hand.
Source: BREAKpoint FAQ (2016-01-23), TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
If I have Floral Crown attached to my Active Pokemon, and my opponent does just enough damage to knock it out, can I use Floral Crown to reduce the damage so it is not Knocked Out?
No. You have to resolve all effects and triggered results from the attack first, including Knockouts and taking Prizes. After that, if the Pokemon with Floral Crown is still in play, then you would heal 20 damage. It will not save a Pokemon from a Knock Out due to an attack.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
If my Zebstrika with the "Zap Zone" Ability attacks a Pokemon with {L} Weakness, does the Weakness get ignored because of "Zap Zone"?
No, Weakness & Resistance are game mechanics, they are not effects that would be ignored because of Zap Zone.
Source: BREAKpoint FAQ (2016-01-23), TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
If I use Greninja's "Water Shuriken" ability first and then evolve to Greninja BREAK on the same turn, would I be able to use its "Water Shuriken" ability again?
No, you cannot. Even though Greninja evolved into Greninja BREAK and retains the Abilities of its previous evolution, it still remembers that it has already used up its once-per-turn Water Shuriken ability for that turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
If Greninja has Splash Energy attached and is Knocked Out by damage from my opponent's attack, do I put the Greninja card into my hand or to the Discard Pile?
No, you put all the Pokemon in the evolution line into your hand, including Mega and Break evolutions. Any other cards attached such as Tools or Energy are discarded.
Source: BREAKpoint FAQ (2016-01-23), TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
Say my opponent's Rattata used its "Dangerous Suspicion" attack which moves it to the Bench. On my next turn, could I use Sudowoodo's "Watch and Learn" attack to copy "Dangerous Suspicion"?
Yes, you can. A Pokemon being benched or leaving play does not keep the attack from being copied by Watch and Learn.
Source: BREAKpoint FAQ (2016-01-23), TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
If a Frogadier is in play by itself from the "Water Duplicates" attack, will Espeon-EX's "Miraculous Shine" attack return it to its player's hand?
No. In this case, Frogadier is in play as an Unevolved Stage 1, so there is no evolution to return to the hand.
Source: BREAKpoint FAQ (2016-01-23), TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
If I have Suicune with the "Wind Charm" Ability Active and my opponent attacks with Greninja's "Shadow Stitching", are all my Abilities turned off including "Wind Charm", or does "Wind Charm" prevent "Shadow Stitching" from disabling my Pokemon's Abilities?
Wind Charm prevents Shadow Stitching from disabling your Pokemon's Abilities. However, if Suicune goes to the Bench, Wind Charm's effect goes away and your Pokemon will no longer have Abilities that turn. Suicune also does not protect any Pokemon not already in play.
Source: BREAKpoint FAQ (2016-01-23), TPCi Rules Team (2016-02-11)
My Koffing used its "Smokescreen" attack on the Defending Pokemon which was already Confused. If that Pokemon attacks during my opponent's next turn, do they flip 2 coins and the attack fails if both coins aren't heads?
No, your opponent must flip each coin separately. First, flip a coin for the effect of Confusion. If the first flip is heads, then flip a second time for the effect of Smokescreen.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2014-09-25), TPCi Rules Team (2016-01-07)
If a Gloom Confused you, and next turn a Magmar Smokescreened you, do you flip for Confusion or Smokescreen first?
Checking for Confusion should be the very first thing you deal with after announcing what attack you want to use. So as soon as you announce your attack, the check for Confusion happens immediately. If that passes, then you flip for Smokescreen's effect.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-07-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-09-25), TPCi Rules Team (2016-01-07)
Will a multitype Pokemon such as Golurk with the "Double Type" Ability count for two different types of Pokemon for Xerneas' "Rainbow Force" attack?
Yes, Rainbow Force checks for the number of types of Pokemon on your Bench, not how many Pokemon there are.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-01-07)
Are colorless Pokemon considered a 'type' in regards to Xerneas' "Rainbow Force" attack?
Yes, Pokemon may be of a "Colorless" type.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2016-01-07)
If I have a Hard Charm attached to Talonflame and use its "Jet Shoot" attack, then next turn my opponent does a simple attack that does 20 damage, can I pick the order of when to apply the Hard Charm's -20 reduction and "Jet Shoot's" +40 recoil? If I use Hard Charm to reduce the net damage to zero (20-20), could I then negate the "Jet Shoot" recoil?
No, it doesn't work like that. The check for effects on the defending player's Active Pokemon, such as Hard Charm and Jet Shoot, both happen at the same step in the damage calculation process. So you don't stop damage calculations mid-step just because the calculation was less than or equal to zero. The net effect of Hard Charm & Jet Shoot result in +20 damage at that step in the calculation process.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-12-10)
Talonflame's "Jet Shoot" attack says, "during your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokemon by attacks is increased by 40 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." But what if on the next turn the opponent attacks with a Fighting Pokemon that normally only does 10 damage? Since Talonflame has -20 Resistance to Fighting, does the damage reduce to zero and then +40 for the "Jet Shoot"?
No, since the damage was reduced to zero there is no damage done for Jet Shoot to increase. The attack ends up doing zero damage, period.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-12-03)
Since a BREAK Pokemon "retains the attacks, Abilities, Weakness, Resistance, and Retreat Cost of its previous Evolution" can a Mew EX with the "Versatile" Ability use an attack of the Pokemon that the BREAK Pokemon evolved from (providing it meets energy requirements, etc.)?
Yes, it can. The underlying Pokemon's attacks are part of the BREAK Evolved Pokemon and are therefore able to be copied by Versatile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-12-03)
Can I play Unown onto my bench, activate its "Farewell Letter" ability to discard it, and then use Revive to put it back onto the bench and use "Farewell Letter" again?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-12-03)
If the Parallel City Stadium is already in play, can either player replace it with another Parallel City card facing the opposite direction?
No. Stadium cards can only be replaced by another Stadium card with a different name; direction of the card does not matter.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
Can I use Heavy Ball to search for Chesnaught BREAK since it has the retreat cost of Chesnaught?
No. While not in play, the card has no Retreat Cost.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
If I play "Giovanni's Scheme" and choose one of its effects, can I change to the other effect later in my turn as long as I haven't attacked yet?
No. You choose which effect to use when you play it and you're locked in with that effect until the end of your turn.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
If my opponent mulligans several times during setup, may I choose to take 1 card from the top of my deck, look at it, and then decide whether to continue drawing my next mulligan?
When drawing cards for mulligans you must announce how many cards you are going to draw, up to the maximum allowed. If you don't announce a number ahead of time, then you must draw the maximum amount. You don't get to look and decide as each card is drawn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
Can I evolve to a BREAK Pokemon while it is on the bench?
Yes. If follows the normal rules of Evolution.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
When constructing a deck, am I limited to 4 total Raichu, including Raichu BREAK?
Actually, BREAK is part of the Pokemon's name. So you can play up to 4 Raichu and up to 4 Raichu BREAK in your deck.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
For Swoobat's "Returning Echo" attack, if it is my only Pokemon in play do I have to flip a coin for the attack?
Yes, and if you get tails your Swoobat will leave play and you will have no Pokemon remaining on the field.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
For Xerneas' "Power Creation" attack, do I need to heal all damage from Xerneas in order for the attack to do +80 more damage, or can I just heal some damage in order to get the benefit?
As long as you have healed any damage from Xerneas this turn, you get the bonus damage effect.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
For Xerneas' "Power Creation" attack, does moving damage counters off of Xerneas to another Pokemon count as "Healing"?
No, moving damage counters off a Pokemon is not the same as healing damage (similar as to how moving damage counters onto a Pokemon is not the same as doing damage to it).
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
What happens to Piloswine's "Gathering Footsteps" attack if Mamoswine has a Float Stone attached to it?
Float Stone reduces Mamoswine's Retreat Cost to zero, so you would not get to add any damage from it for Gathering Footsteps.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
Does Staraptor's "Cyclone Slash" attack do any damage if the opponent has no Benched Pokemon to switch with their Active Pokemon?
Yes, it does the damage even if no Pokemon are switched.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
If I have more than one {L} Energy attached to Raikou, does its "Shining Body" Ability reduce the damage done to it by 20 for each {L} Energy?
No, you only get a maximum of 20 damage reduced from this Ability.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
For Haunter's "Gothic Fear" Ability, can I choose to confuse only one of the Active Pokemon or must BOTH of them be Confused?
It's either both or none; you cannot choose only yours or only your opponent's Active Pokemon to be Confused.
Source: BREAKthrough FAQ (2015-11-19), TPCi Rules Team (2015-11-19)
If I attach a Grass energy from my hand using M Sceptile EX's "Jagged Saber" attack to a benched Malamar EX, will I be able to use Malamar EX's "Hyper Hypnosis" Ability to put my opponent's Active Pokemon to sleep?
Yes, you can. An Energy is being attached from your hand to Malamar-EX, so Hyper Hypnosis can be used.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-10-29)
What happens if Zoroark uses its "Foul Play" attack to copy Haxorus' "Dragon Dance" attack? Would it apply to Zoroark or not (because its name is not Haxorus)?
Zoroark's Foul Play can choose Dragon Dance, but since its name is not "Haxorus" the attack will basically have no effect. Dragon Dance specifically refers to Haxorus, so any Pokemon not named Haxorus cannot receive the damage boost.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-10-29)
What happens if Mewtwo EX uses its "Damage Change" attack against a Pokemon that blocks effects of attacks? Does nothing happen, or does Mewtwo EX get to remove its damage counters?
Mewtwo-EX would remove its damage counters, but the opponent's Active Pokemon would not remove nor receive any. If you try to move damage *to* something that blocks effects, the damage disappears. If you try to move damage *from* something that blocks effects, the damage stays there.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-10-29)
Does a BREAK Evolved Pokemon such as Raichu BREAK or Marowak BREAK still have access to the type changes from Flareon's "Flare Effect" ability or Vaporeon's "Aqua Effect" ability or Jolteon's "Electric Effect" ability? Or do those Abilities no longer apply after the Stage 1 Pokemon becomes a BREAK Evolved Pokemon?
Pokemon BREAK are their own classification, so they are not considered Stage 1 Pokemon. Although BREAK Evolved Pokemon share many of the traits of the Pokemon it evolves from, it is no longer a Pokemon of the previous stage it evolved from. Since it is no longer a Stage 1 Pokemon, the Flareon's/Vaporeon's/Jolteon's abilities do not apply.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-10-29)
If I use Absol's "Cursed Eyes" Ability to move three damage counters from one of my opponent's Pokemon to another, what happens if I choose a Pokemon with the "Theta Stop" Ancient Trait?
Since Theta Stop prevents all effects of Abilities done by your Pokemon, if you choose to move the damage counters to a Pokemon with Theta Stop the damage counters would be discarded rather than moved onto that Pokemon. However, if you choose a Pokemon with Theta Stop as the source of where the damage counters would be moved from, they simply are not moved and the Cursed Eyes ability stops there.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-09-03), TPCi Rules Team (2015-09-24)
Can I use Sableye's "Bewitching Eyes" attack to copy my opponent's "Archie's Ace in the Hole" or "Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick" supporter?
Yes you can, as long as you meet the requirement of having no cards in your hand when doing so.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-09-17)
Must I have my Deck and Discard Pile on the right side of the field, or can I have it on the left side (it's easier for me on the left because I am left-handed)?
The standard play layout is to have the Deck & Discard Pile on the right side and prizes on the left side, but having them the other way around is also permitted.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-09-10)
Must I have my Deck above my Discard Pile on the field, or can I have it the other way around?
The Deck and Discard Pile must be on the same side of the field (either left or right), arranged one above the other. The standard play layout is to have the Discard Pile below the deck, but having the Deck below the Discard Pile is also permitted.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-09-10)
If I use Mega Sceptile EX's "Jagged Saber" attack against Giratina EX with the "Renegade Pulse" Ancient Trait, does Mega Sceptile EX's "Theta Stop" Ancient Trait prevent "Renegade Pulse" from blocking the damage? If not, then does "Renegade Pulse" prevent "Jagged Saber" from attaching any Grass Energy?
Renegade Pulse prevents all effects of attacks done to Giratina EX, but it does not "do anything" to Mega Sceptile EX for its Theta Stop to kick in. So the damage part is blocked by Renegade Pulse, but the effect of attaching energy is not being done to Giratina EX so that part of the attack does not get blocked.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-09-03)
If a Pokemon with an Ability also has the "Theta Stop" Ancient Trait, would it prevent Wobbuffet's "Bide Barricade" from stopping that Ability?
Yes it would because Bide Barricade is an effect that is targeting the Pokemon, so Theta Stop would prevent Bide Barricade from blocking the Pokemon's Ability.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-09-03)
With the "Forest of Giant Plants" Stadium in play, could I evolve from Oddish to Gloom to Vileplume all in the same turn?
Yes. Oddish can evolve into Gloom on the turn it comes into play, and since Gloom has come into play that turn the stadium would allow it evolve into Vileplume right away too.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
Do Primal EX-Pokemon count as Mega Evolved Pokemon? And will they take damage if the "Faded Town" Stadium is in play?
Yes. They have "Mega" printed on them, so they will receive 2 damage counters for Faded Town.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
If I play "Ace Trainer" does my opponent draw 6 cards and then draw 3 cards?
No. After you shuffle your hands in, you will draw 6 and your opponent will only draw 3.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
If I use an attack that says to "discard an Energy attached to your opponent's Active Pokemon" and I choose to discard their "Dangerous Energy" card, would I still receive the 2 damage counters from "Dangerous Energy" or not?
You would not receive the 2 damage counters.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
Does Golurk's "Superpower" attack apply Resistance to the +20 damage it does to itself?
Yes, as long as Golurk is Fighting Type at the time of the attack, Resistance would be applied.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
If Sceptile-EX has its Spirit Link tool attached, but Banette's "Tool Concealment" Ability is in play, what happens if you evolve to Mega Sceptile-EX with the "Theta Stop" Ancient Trait?
Theta Stop prevents the effect of Banette's ability against Mega Sceptile-EX in time for the Spirit Link tool to turn back on and not make you end your turn.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
Can I use Ariados' "Poisonous Nest" Ability if both my and the opponent's Active Pokemon are Grass type?
No, you cannot.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
If "Flare Effect" or "Aqua Effect" or "Electric Effect" has added {R} or {W} or {L} to my {G} Ariados' type, when I use its "Poisonous Nest" Ability to poison all Active Pokemon except {G} type, is Ariados poisoned or not?
Ariados is not poisoned, because it is still {G} type.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
If Flareon's "Flare Effect" ability or Vaporeon's "Aqua Effect" ability or Jolteon's "Electric Effect" ability adds Fire or Water or Electric type to a Darkness Type Pokemon, does Dangerous Energy get discarded since it says, "If this card is attached to anything other than a {D} Pokemon, discard this card"?
No, it is not discarded. Even with the addition of another type to the Darkness Pokemon it is still also a Darkness Pokemon.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
Does Golurk's "Double Type" ability which says "As long as this Pokemon is in play it is both {P} and {F} type" block Flareon's "Flare Effect" ability or Vaporeon's "Aqua Effect" ability or Jolteon's "Electric Effect" ability which adds {R} or {W} or {L} to any stage 1 Pokemon?
No. Golurk would have all 5 types if all of those Abilities were present.
Source: Ancient Origins FAQ (2015-08-13), TPCi Rules Team (2015-08-13)
Wide Lens says to apply Weakness and Resistance for attacks that do damage to the opponent's Benched Pokemon. This will not affect attacks that say "this attack isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects" or "ignore all effects including Weakness and Resistance"; Weakness and Resistance is still ignored for those attacks.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
If my opponent has a Robo Substitute on the bench, does that add 20 damage to Exeggutor's "Shake It Off" attack?
Yes, Robo Substitute counts as a {C} Pokemon while in play.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Can I use the effect of Mega Turbo on Primal Groudon EX or Primal Kyogre EX?
Yes. They do say that they are Mega Pokemon on their cards.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
The wording of Shield Energy is now as follows, "This card can only be attached to {M} Pokémon. This card provides {M} Energy only while this card is attached to a {M} Pokémon. Any damage done to the {M} Pokémon this card is attached to by an opponent's attack is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance). (If this card is attached to anything other than a {M} Pokémon, discard this card.)". Damage should be reduced *after* applying Weakness and Resistance. Templating changed to reflect the reduction of damage being taken.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2015-04-24), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Pachirisu's "Trick Sticker" attack says, "the Defending Pokemon's Weakness is now {L} until the end of your next turn". Does that mean the weakness is applied "now" before the damage is done for this attack?
Nice try, but no. Like all attacks that don't explicitly say otherwise, the effects of attacks are not applied until after damage is done.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
What happens with the "Homing Pidove" attack if I choose not to shuffle my deck?
Homing Pidove tells you to look at the top card of your deck. You don't get to keep that card, so you put it back onto the top of your deck. Then you can choose whether to shuffle your deck or leave it the way it is.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
My active Arbok uses its "Gastro Acid" attack against Weezing with the "Aftermath" Ability. Then on my opponent's turn he uses Weezing's "Smogbank" attack to do 20 damage to each of my Pokemon. If I have Latias-EX with the "Bright Down" Ability on my bench, would it take damage or not?
Since Weezing has no Abilities due to Arbok's attack, it would do 20 damage to Latias-EX.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
If my opponent used Banette's "Evolution Jammer" attack, can I use a Pokemon with the "Delta Evolution" Ancient Trait to evolve anyway?
No, Delta Evolution does not override Evolution Jammer.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Both players have 1 prize left. Player-A uses Jirachi's "Doom Desire" attack. Player-B attacks Jirachi with enough damage to KO it with the same Pokemon that got hit by "Doom Desire". Who wins? Or is it a tie?
The KO from Player-B's attack happens before the end of his turn, so the game is over before Doom Desire's effect gets to happen. Player-B wins.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Can I use Close Encounter after my first turn, or only during my very first turn of the game?
You can use it on any turn, including your turn if you go first (when you normally would not be allowed to attack).
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Banette's "Tool Concealment" ability means Pokemon Tool cards simply have no effect. They are still considered as Items and Pokemon Tool cards, so "Garbotoxin" still works, "Startling Megaphone" would be able to remove them, etc.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
If Banette's "Tool Concealment" ability is active, can I attach multiple Tool cards to my Pokemon?
No, you cannot.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Can I use Rare Candy to evolve a Basic Pokemon into a Stage 2 Pokemon with the "Delta Evolution" Ancient Trait on my first turn or on the Basic Pokemon's first turn in play?
No, you may not.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Can I discard a Pokemon with the "Delta Evolution" Ancient Trait to evolve ANY Pokemon in play?
No, that's not how it works. You can only play the Pokemon with the Delta Evolution Ancient Trait on top of a Pokemon it can normally evolve from.
Source: Roaring Skies FAQ (2015-05-07), TPCi Rules Team (2015-05-07)
Say the "Sky Field" stadium is in play and I have 8 Pokemon on my Bench. My opponent uses Salamence's "Shatter" attack to KO my Active Pokemon and discard the stadium. Do I promote one of my Benched Pokemon first, or do I reduce my bench size to 5 Pokemon before promoting?
When the Sky Field stadium is discarded during the attack, the bench size is reduced immediately before going any farther. So after promoting your new Active Pokemon there will be 4 Pokemon on your Bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-04-30)
Can I use a regular attack and Aqua Diffuser/Magma Pointer as well, for a total of two attacks on the same turn?
No, you cannot. The text just means that you also have this attack available as a choice for your one attack for the turn.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-04-23)
How many Team Magma/Aqua Pokemon need to be in play in order to attack with Team Magma's Groudon EX or Team Aqua's Kyogre EX with the "Power Saver" ability?
Five. If there are only four or less, it can't attack. But keep in mind that it counts Team Pokemon on both sides of the play field, including itself.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-04-23)
Can I use Team Magma's Claydol's "Magma Switch" Ability to move an energy from a non Team Magma Pokemon?
Yes, you may. Only the receiving Pokemon needs to belong to Team Magma.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-04-23)
If my opponent's Active Pokemon has the "Omega Barrier" Ancient Trait, can I use Lysandre to switch one of my benched Pokemon with it?
If your opponent's Benched Pokemon has "Omega Barrier", then Lysandre's effect will be blocked. But choosing a Benched Pokemon without "Omega Barrier" will cause it to switch with the Active Pokemon because the Benched Pokemon is the target of Lysandre.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-04-09)
Can I play "Archie's Ace in the Hole" or "Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick" if I don't have a Water/Fighting Pokemon in my discard pile?
No, you cannot. If you can't put one of those Pokemon onto your bench you don't get to draw 5 cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-26)
If I use Beedrill's "Allergic Shock" attack, and then on the following turn I use an attack that does damage and the Defending Pokemon is KO'd, can the opponent add extra damage if they use an attack like "Revenge" or "Retaliate"?
If damage from your attack on the following turn is enough to KO the Pokemon, then the opponent would get to add extra damage for Revenge/Retaliate because their Pokemon was KO'd due to damage. But if there wasn't enough damage to KO the Pokemon and it gets KO'd due to the effect of Allergic Shock, then the opponent would NOT get to add extra damage for Revenge/Retaliate.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-26)
Can I use "Teammates" if my Pokemon was KO'd due to Poison damage?
No, you cannot. You can only use Teammates if your Pokemon was KO'd *during* your opponent's last turn, but Poison damage takes place *in between* turns.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Does "Silent Lab" stadium shut off "Alpha" and "Omega" abilities?
No, those are considered Ancient Traits, they are not Abilities.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I play Repeat Ball and I have Kyogre in play, can I search for a Kyogre EX card?
No. The name has to be exactly the same.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I use "Archie's Ace in the Hole" or "Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick" to put a Mega Pokemon or Primal Reversion directly onto my bench, does my turn end?
No, it does not. The Mega and Primal Reversion rules say your turn ends "when one of your Pokemon becomes" that way.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Can I use "Archie's Ace in the Hole" or "Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick" to put a Stage 2 or Mega Pokemon directly onto my bench?
Yes, they're very sneaky like that.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Can I use Mr. Mime's "Trick" Attack to move a Team Flare Tool card from a Pokemon-EX to a non EX Pokemon?
Yes, and it would immediately go to its owner's discard pile.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I attack with Sceptile's "Power Poison" attack, do I have to discard an Energy card if I don't want to Poison the opponent's Pokemon?
It is not optional. Even if the damage would be enough to Knock Out the Pokemon, you still have to discard an Energy and Poison it.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Does Sharpedo EX's "Hunt" attack do 30 damage if the opponent cannot switch their Active Pokemon to the Bench or if the Bench is empty?
If you cannot switch the opponent's Pokemon there is no "new Active Pokemon" to be damaged, so no damage is done.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
For Milotic's "Aqua Swirl" attack who gets to choose which Benched Pokemon becomes the new Active Pokemon?
First off, since the attack says "you may" the attacking player gets to choose if any switching happens at all. Then if so, the opponent gets to choose which the Benched Pokemon becomes their new Active Pokemon.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
What happens if Mew EX uses its "Versatile" ability to copy Xerneas EX's "X Blast" attack? Can it use "X Blast" again the following turn or not?
When Mew EX attacks, Versatile uses the attack name specified. So when it attacks with X Blast, Mew EX cannot use that attack twice in a row.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Can I attach a Team Flare "Pokemon Tool F" card to my opponent's Pokemon-EX if it has the "Omega Barrier" Ancient Trait?
Yes, you can. The text of Omega Barrier says its effect excludes Pokemon Tools and Stadium cards.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I use Escape Rope but my opponent's Active Pokemon has the "Omega Barrier" Ancient Trait does he or she have to switch it? Or if they have a Pokemon with "Omega Barrier" on the bench can he or she choose that and not switch it to Active?
If your opponent has an Active Pokemon with "Omega Barrier", then Escape Rope's effect will be blocked. If a Pokemon with "Omega Barrier" is on the bench, choosing that Pokemon will not stop the effect as the Active was the target of Escape Rope.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
What happens for Omega Barrage if the Pokemon is Confused?
You need to flip for Confusion twice if you choose to attack twice. One flip for the first attack, then flip again if you decide to attack again.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I only have one energy card attached to Excadrill, can I use its "Omega Barrage" to attack with "Dredge" first to attach two energy cards, then attack a second time with "Mach Claw"?
Yes, that would work.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I attack using a Pokemon that has the "Omega Barrage" Ancient Trait, can I do things like attach an Energy or play a Trainer between attacks?
No, you would resolve all effects from the first attack and then either perform your second attack or pass. You don't get to go back into the main part of your turn again.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
If I use Sceptile's "Nurture and Heal" ability, is that an extra Energy card attachment or does it count as my one attachment for the turn?
It is an extra Energy attachment. You still get to attach one other Energy card as your normal attachment for the turn.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Can I use Sceptile's "Nurture and Heal" ability to attach a {G} Energy to a Pokemon that doesn't have any damage on it?
Yes, you can.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
The "Alpha Growth" Ancient Trait says "When you attach an Energy card from your hand to this Pokemon... you may attach 2 Energy cards." Does that mean I get to attach one additional Energy card or two additional Energy cards?
You only get to attach one additional Energy card, for a total of two cards attached at that time.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
Are Omega and Alpha effects considered Abilities? Will things that affect Abilities affect them too?
They are neither Attacks nor Abilities. They are something different called "Ancient Traits". Effects that apply to Attacks or Abilities don't apply to Ancient Traits.
Source: Primal Clash FAQ (2015-02-05), TPCi Rules Team (2015-02-05)
What happens if M Gengar EX uses its "Phantom Gate" attack to copy Xerneas EX's "X Blast" attack? Can it use "Phantom Gate" again the following turn at all or not? Or would it just not be able to copy "X Blast" twice in a row?
The X Blast attack puts an effect on Gengar that prohibits using that particular attack next turn. But M Gengar EX is using its Phantom Gate attack on the following turn, so yes it is able to copy X Blast twice in a row.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2015-01-22)
If my opponent KO's my Active "Robo Substitute", would I get the extra benefits from Terrakion's "Retaliate" Attack or Toxicroak's "Revenge" Attack?
Yes, you would. Even though Robo Substitute does not give up a prize card, it still counts as a KO'd Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-12-04)
What happens if Kecleon with "Color Change" and Wobbuffet with "Bide Barricade" end up as Active Pokemon opposite each other? Does Kecleon change to Psychic, or does Wobbuffet shut off its power and Kecleon stays Colorless?
If Kecleon starts out as Psychic and then Wobbuffet becomes Active, Kecleon stays Psychic. But if Wobbuffet is Active first, or if they both become Active at the same time (including as the starting Pokemon), then Kecleon stays Colorless.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-12-04)
The wording of Jamming Net is now as follows, "The attacks of the Pokémon this card is attached to do 20 less damage to each of the opponent's Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance). (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)" This tool should only impact the Pokémon belonging to the opponent of the attacking Pokémon.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2014-11-18), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20)
The wording of Fighting Stadium is now as follows, "The attacks of each {F} Pokémon in play (both yours and your opponent's) do 20 more damage to the opponent's Active Pokémon if it is a Pokémon-EX (before applying Weakness and Resistance)." This stadium should only impact the Active Pokémon-EX belonging to the opponent of the attacking Pokémon.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2014-11-18), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20)
When Dimension Valley is in play, if Mew EX uses its "Versatile" Ability to copy an attack from another Psychic Pokemon, will the attack's Energy cost be reduced by (CC)?
No. When Versatile copies the attack it uses the original attack cost regardless of the opponent's Pokemon's type, and then Dimension Valley reduces the cost by (C) since Mew EX is Psychic.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20)
If my opponent has Togekiss with the "Bright Veil" ability Active, does that prevent me from attaching Pokemon Tool F cards like Jamming Net or Head Ringer to their Pokemon?
No, Bright Veil does not prevent you from attaching the Pokemon Tool F card to your opponent.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20)
If I have an opponent's Pokemon Tool F card attached to my Pokemon-EX, does its effect stop working if I evolve into Togekiss with the "Bright Veil" ability and make it my Active Pokemon?
Bright Veil only affects the play of an Item. That means the act of playing it. If it is already in play, enabling Bright Veil has no impact on it. It will stay in play and keep doing what it is doing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-20)
Can you use Super Scoop Up or AZ on a Robo Substitute?
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Can you put Robo Substitute on your Bench or make it your Active Pokemon during game startup?
No, you cannot. This is an Item card before it is in play, so you cannot put this card out as a Pokemon when you are preparing for battle.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Can you attach Energy cards or Tools to Robo Substitute?
Yes, you can. For purposes of attaching cards you treat Robo Substitute as a Pokemon while it's in play.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Can Robo Substitute be affected by Special conditions or not?
Yes, it can.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Can you use Target Whistle on an opponent's discarded Robo Substitute?
Target Whistle says that it can bring back a Basic Pokemon card, but the Robo Substitute in the discard pile is a Trainer card, not a Basic Pokemon.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I play Lysandre's Trump Card and I have a Lysandre's Trump Card from a previous turn in the Discard pile does that card get shuffled back into my deck?
No, the wording on Lysandre's Trump Card that says "except for Lysandre's Trump Card" is referring to all Lysandre's Trump Cards in the Discard pile.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Is the damage bonus from Fighting Stadium applied to all Defending Pokemon-EX, or only the opponent's Active Pokemon-EX?
It will apply only to an opponent's Active Pokemon-EX, not to any Benched Pokemon-EX.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
When Dimension Valley is in play, if Mew EX uses its "Versatile" Ability to copy an attack from another Pokemon, will the attack's Energy cost be reduced by (C)?
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
When playing the AZ supporter, do I put all Pokemon stages into my hand, or just the Basic or highest stage?
You put all of the Pokemon cards into your hand, including all Stages and Mega cards.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Can you play Professor Juniper or Fiery Torch, or any draw Trainer, with no cards in your deck?
No, you cannot play a Trainer when it is known that it will have no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I have a Mystery Energy attached to an active Trevenant with a Retreat Cost of {3} could I pay for my one Retreat Cost using the Mystery Energy?
Yes, Mystery Energy will reduce the Retreat Cost, and you can discard it to pay for the final energy. The Pokemon is on the Bench before the Energy Cost returns to normal.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I move Yanmega from being an Active Pokemon to the Bench, and then back to Active again in the same turn, does it get the bonus damage?
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Does Mega Gengar EX have to have the correct types of Energy attached to it to do an attack that is copied by "Phantom Gate"?
No, it just needs the Energy required by Phantom Gate.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I used Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack and my opponent plays a Tool and flips tails, is it discarded?
Yes, even though it would not normally be discarded.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
I am playing a Robo Substitute from my hand to my Bench, but my opponent used Venomoth's "Dizzying Wind" attack last turn. Do I have to flip to play it?
Yes, Robo Substitute is a Trainer card when it is played.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I or my opponent have Goodra with "Slip Trip" in play, can I still attach a Team Flare Tool to my opponent's Pokemon?
Yes. It does not prevent a player from attaching a Tool to another player's Pokemon.
Source: Phantom Forces FAQ (2014-11-13), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
If I use Kyogre EX's "Smash Turn" or Celebi EX's "Wind Whisk" or Gengar EX's "Dark Corridor" attack, can I switch it with my benched Sigilyph that has the "Safeguard" Ability?
Since the attacking Pokemon is the target of the switch effect, Sigilyph can be moved in this situation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-01-31), TPCi Rules Team (2014-11-13)
Checking for Confusion should be the very first thing you deal with after you announce what attack you want to use. Contrary to the "Full Details of Attacking" steps found in some older rulebooks, it must be done prior to making any choices the attack requires (such as choosing an opponent's Pokemon), paying any costs (such as discarding energy), flipping a coin to see if the attack fails, etc. So as soon as you announce which attack you are going to use, you must check for Confusion immediately before proceeding with any requirements of the attack or effects on the attacking Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-09-25)
What's the proper way to play a Trainer like Ultra Ball?
When playing a Trainer you first put it onto the playing field (not directly into the Discard Pile). Then you do what the card says, such as discarding two cards (those go into the Discard Pile right away), searching your Deck, showing the selected Pokemon to your opponent before putting it directly into your hand, shuffling your Deck, etc. Finally, after everything is done, put the Trainer card into the Discard Pile.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-09-18)
In Unlimited, can I use Korrina to get old Trainer cards like Professor Oak, Item Finder, etc.?
Yes. If a card is not a Supporter or a Stadium card, it would be considered an Item card by a new card effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-09-04)
If Training Center is in play, do Mega Pokemon EX get the bonus HP?
No. Although they are Evolved Pokemon, they are not Stage 1 or Stage 2 per the text on their cards.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I only have one card to shuffle into my deck, can I use Maintenance on the principle of 'do as much as you can'?
In this case, the card specifically prohibits you from using it unless you have two cards to shuffle into your deck.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I search my deck for an Item and a Fighting Pokemon with Korrina, can I just take one if I don't have the other?
Yes. Do as much as you can. However, remember that you can fail any deck search for a specific card or type of card voluntarily.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I attach a Basic Energy to Eevee and trigger its "Energy Evolution" ability but choose an evolution belonging to Team Plasma, would I take the damage from Frozen City stadium or not?
The mandatory effect of the Frozen City stadium comes before the optional effect of Energy Evolution. If the Eevee is not a Team Plasma Pokemon before choosing whether to use Energy Evolution, you would take the damage from Frozen City.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If Eevee only has 10 HP left and Frozen City is in play, would it be KO'd before I have a chance to use its "Energy Evolution" ability by attaching a Basic Energy?
No, it would not. All triggered effects have to be resolved before checking for KO's, so you would take the +10 damage for Frozen City first, then use Energy Evolution to search your deck. Of course, if you fail the search and Eevee's damage is greater than or equal to its HP, then Eevee is KO'd.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If the Pokemon that Focus Sash is attached to is attacked with an attack such as Cobalion EX's "Steel Bullet" that ignores effects on the Defending Pokemon, is it Knocked Out?
No. The full damage would be done first, and then afterwards the effect of Focus Sash would reduce the damage counters to leave 10 HP remaining.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I have Strong Energy attached to a Fighting type Pokemon and use an attack that says to discard an energy, do I get the bonus damage from Strong Energy before I discard it or not?
Yes, you do.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Can I attach Strong Energy to a non-Fighting type Pokemon?
No, the text says you can't.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I have Strong Energy attached to a Trapinch and it evolves into a Vibrava, what happens?
When you evolve from a Fighting type Pokemon to another type (Dragon, in this case), the Strong Energy is immediately discarded.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Can I attach Herbal Energy to a non-Grass type Pokemon?
No, the text says you can't.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
For Electivire's "Tag Team Spark", do you count the energy on each of your Magmortar, or do you choose only one of them?
You count the energy attached to all of your Magmortar.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
I attack my opponent's Burned and Asleep Pokemon with Drowzee's "Sinister Suggestion". When my opponent flips for Burned and Asleep, are those flips automatically tails?
No. Those flips are between turns, not during your opponent's turn as required by the attack.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Does retreating get rid of the effect from Drowzee's "Sinister Suggestion" attack?
No. The effect is on the Player, not on the Active Pokemon.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I use Tornadus' "Push Down" attack, who chooses which Pokemon to switch?
Your opponent chooses.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I use Hypno's "Hand Control" attack and I find a Supporter that searches my opponent's deck, do I have to let my opponent see the deck while I'm searching through it?
Technically speaking it is the opponent who searches through the deck, but since you are the one making the choice you are allowed to see the deck contents while they are searching.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I use Hypno's "Hand Control" attack and I find a Supporter that searches my opponent's deck, can I choose to use it to search their deck, find a valid target in their deck, and fail that search?
Yes, you can have the opponent search their deck (within the game's time limits for a search) and you can choose for them to fail that search.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I use Dusknoir's "Sinister Hand" Ability to KO my opponent's Active Pokemon, can I wait until my opponent replaces his or her Active Pokemon before taking my prize(s)?
No, per the rulebook you must take your prizes first, and then the opponent replaces his or her Active Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Is Klefki's "Secret Key" ability stackable? Can you increase Resistance by -40 for each of them?
No, regardless of how many Klefki you have in play you only get a maximum Resistance of -40 from Secret Key.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I have more than one Machamp in play, do I get +20 damage for each one of them?
Yes, but only for each one that has the "Fighting Fury" Ability.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Will Eevee's "Energy Evolution" ability still trigger if it has an Energy attached to it while it's affected by a Special Condition?
There is no text on the card to say it's shut off, so it still works even when afflicted by a Special Condition.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Say I attach a Water Energy to Eevee and do "Energy Evolution". I want to find a Glaceon but unfortunately I only have a Vaporeon in my deck. Do I have to attach the Vaporeon to Eevee?
No. Any search for a specific card or type of card in your deck can be "failed" at your option.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
If I attach a Rainbow Energy to Eevee, what Energy type does it count as for "Energy Evolution"?
Rainbow Energy is not a Basic Energy card. It will not trigger the Ability.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
For Eevee, can you attach an energy and use its "Energy Evolution" ability and evolve on your first turn? How about on Eevee's first turn in play?
Yes. You can evolve on your first turn and also on the turn that you played Eevee via this Ability.
Source: Furious Fists FAQ (2014-08-28), TPCi Rules Team (2014-08-28)
Can I use Evosoda on a Caterpie the first turn of the game or the turn that Caterpie is played since "Adaptive Evolution" says it can evolve in those cases?
No, you can't use Evosoda to evolve in either of those conditions because the text on Evosoda specifically prevents it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-29)
When playing Lysandre, who chooses which of the opponent's Benched Pokemon get brought forward?
The card says "Switch one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon..." so the person playing Lysandre gets to choose.
Source: Flashfire FAQ (2014-05-08), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Does the effect of Iris occur when you play it or when you attack?
Iris' effect looks at the game state at the time of the attack, not at the time when you play it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-01-02), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Can you use Iris when your opponent has taken no prizes?
Yes, because it's possible for your opponent to take a prize during your turn if one of your Pokemon gets KO'd.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-01-02), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Can I search for Special Energy Cards like "Double Colorless Energy" or "Rainbow Energy" with Heliolisk's "Parabolic Charge" attack?
Yes, you can.
Source: Flashfire FAQ (2014-05-08), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
If my opponent has no deck and I use Luvdisc's "Heart Wink" attack and flip heads on my turn, does my opponent lose or does the game continue?
Regardless of whether Luvdisc's attack permits them to draw or not, if a player has no card to draw at the start of their turn they lose the game.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Emolga with a Grass energy attached is poisoned and uses its "Call For Family" attack to get Virizion EX with "Verdant Wind" ability. Does it take poison damage or not?
No, because Virizion EX is in play before the end of the turn and Poison damage is taken between turns.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-01-02), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Servine uses the attack "Wring Out" and flips heads against a Virizion EX with a single Grass Energy attached. It deals 30 damage, and the Grass Energy is discarded. Can the paralysis Special Condition be applied?
The Paralysis condition occurs within the attack text before discarding the energy. Since Virizion EX's Verdant Wind ability is still active the Paralysis is prevented, and then the energy is discarded.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-01-02), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Does Deoxys EX's "Power Connect" Ability add to damage done from G Booster?
Yes, the attacks of any Team Plasma Pokemon get the added bonus, including attacks from attached Tools.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Can I use Goodra's "Gooey Regeneration" Ability to discard attached Energy cards if there is no damage on Goodra.
Yes, you can.
Source: Flashfire FAQ (2014-05-08), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Is Floette's "Flower Veil" Ability stackable, such that if you have more than one in play it adds +20 for each "Flower Veil"?
Yes, that is correct.
Source: Flashfire FAQ (2014-05-08), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Does Drifblim's "Drifting Balloon" Ability affect the attacks from the Drifloon beneath it when Celebi EX with "Time Recall" is in play?
Yes, the attacks used from Drifloon will cost one less energy for each of the opponent's Team Plasma Pokemon in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
Can I use Caterpie's "Adaptive Evolution" Ability to evolve into Metapod, then immediately use Metapod's "Adaptive Evolution" Ability to evolve into Butterfree all on the same turn?
Yes, you can.
Source: Flashfire FAQ (2014-05-08), TPCi Rules Team (2014-05-08)
What happens if you play Super Potion for a Pokemon that doesn't have any energy cards attached to it?
You still remove 60 damage (or as much as you can), but that's all.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
When using Max Revive, if I choose Blastoise can I put Wartortle & Squirtle into my deck too?
No, you only get to choose one Pokemon card, not an entire evolution line.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
If a Basic Pokemon was put into play last turn, can I use Evosoda on it twice to bring it all the way to a Stage 2?
No, you cannot. When you evolve a Pokemon it is a new Pokemon, and since it was put into play this turn you cannot use Evosoda on it until next turn.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Can I use Evosoda to search for a Mega Pokemon?
As long as it evolves from the Pokemon you choose, yes.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Can you use Devolution Spray or Golurk's "Devolution Punch" attack against a Mega Pokemon, and if so what happens to the Mega Pokemon?
Mega Pokemon are evolved Pokemon, so the Mega Pokemon card is removed, but the underlying Pokemon and all other cards attached stay in play (unless the Pokemon is KO'd, of course).
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Arbok's "Gastro Acid" attack says the Defending Pokemon has no Abilities until end of your next turn. Is that referring to the opponent's next turn or the attacking player's next turn?
It refers to the end of the next turn of the player who used Arbok's attack.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Arbok's "Gastro Acid" attack says the Defending Pokemon has no Abilities until end of your next turn. Does retreating get rid of the effect so you can use Abilities?
Yes, it does.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
If I use Inkay's "Upside-Down Evolution" Ability, does it remain Confused after evolving?
No, it does not. The phrase "this counts as evolving this Pokemon" refers to evolution rules that remove Special Conditions on that Pokemon.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
Can I put Inkay into play, confuse it somehow, and use its "Upside-Down Evolution" Ability all on the same turn?
Yes, you may.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
When using Aegislash's "Stance Change" Ability, what do I do with the card after I switch it with an Aegislash from my hand?
The Aegislash that was in play goes into your hand.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
When using Aegislash's "Stance Change" Ability, do I have to switch the Doublade & Honedge underneath it too?
No, you only switch one Aegislash card for another Aegislash card.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
If I use Aegislash's "Stance Change" Ability, to switch for another Aegislash, can I then use the new Aegislash's "Stance Change" if I want to?
No, even though you have switched to a new Aegislash card you cannot use Stance Change again because the effect of using it remains on that Pokemon.
Source: XY FAQ (2014-02-06), TPCi Rules Team (2014-02-06)
The wording of Pokemon Catcher is now as follows, "Flip a coin. If heads, switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with his or her Active Pokemon." This card now requires a coin flip; making it functionally identical to Pokémon Reversal.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2013-10-01), TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
With the rule change effective November 8, 2013 about performing the coin flip before each player draws their starting hand, how does First Ticket work now?
You can still use First Ticket in your deck, but it essentially becomes ineffective since the coin flip has already taken place before the point when First Ticket can be played.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
When using Cedric Juniper, my opponent asks for the height of a Pokemon in play on the field. Is it legal for him to cover that card up?
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
For Cedric Juniper, can the opponent look at any face up cards around them to figure out the height of a Pokemon. Can he/she look at an open binder nearby?
You could look at other Pokemon that are in play but not at a binder. Just on the field, in your hand, or in the Discard Pile for either player.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
When my opponent fails to draw a Basic Pokemon in their opening hand do I have to draw my card right away, or can I wait to see if there are more Mulligans before drawing my cards?
The Advanced Rules section of the current rulebook indicates the player who did not start over may draw a card for each additional time his or her opponent took a mulligan *after* the player with no Basic Pokemon finally draws a Basic.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-01-03), TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
While there are no functional changes to these cards [Professor Juniper and Professor Sycamore], you may not include both of them in your deck. That is, you may have up to 4 copies of Professor Juniper or up to 4 copies of Professor Sycamore - but if you have any Professor Juniper cards in your deck, you may not put any Professor Sycamore cards in your deck, and vice versa.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2013-10-01), TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
Ninjask's "Night Slash" attack has an effect where it may switch with a Benched Pokemon. If it switches, would the Defending Pokemon's Rock Guard effect take place on Ninjask or on the new Pokemon?
Rock Guard references putting counters on "the Attacking Pokemon", so Ninjask would still take the damage counters even if it goes to the Bench.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
Is Rock-Paper-Scissors played by pumping my arm 2 times then throwing my choice, or pumping 3 times then throw?
According to the current "Play! Pokemon TCG Tournament Rules and Formats" document, the procedure is a three-count priming and then the simultaneous throw of the choice, for example, "Rock-Paper-Scissors-Shoot" with the choice thrown on "shoot".
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-10-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-11-21)
What happens to the opponent's Energy if I use Krookodile's "Piston Headbutt" attack, but my opponent's Pokemon has Silver Mirror attached to it?
If Silver Mirror is attached to the Defending Pokemon and it is not a Pokemon-EX you cannot move an Energy off of it. If the Defending Pokemon does not have Silver Mirror attached, a Benched non-EX Pokemon with Silver Mirror is a valid target for the choice of where to move the Energy to, but since Silver Mirror prevents all effects of attacks done by Team Plasma Pokemon the Energy would be discarded rather than attached to the Benched Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-10-09)
Say you have Silver Mirror attached to one of your non-EX Pokemon, and it is the only remaining Pokemon. If your opponent's Beheeyem tries to attack with "Damakinesis", the six damage counters obviously don't get moved to the Pokemon with Silver Mirror since Beheeyem is a Team Plasma Pokemon; but do the damage counters get removed and then discarded, or do they not move at all?
The non-EX Pokemon with Silver Mirror attached is a valid target for the choice of where to move the damage counters to, but since Silver Mirror prevents all effects of attacks done by Team Plasma Pokemon the damage counters would be discarded rather than attached to the Defending Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-09-26)
Can I attach Silver Bangle or Silver Mirror to a Pokemon-EX?
Yes you can, but it won't do anything other than count as an attached tool.
Source: Plasma Blast FAQ (2013-08-15), TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
Where do I put the Supporter card revealed with Random Receiver?
Read the Random Receiver card and you'll see it goes from the revealed cards into your hand before you shuffle. You do not put the card aside face up on the field nor shuffle before putting it into your hand. This applies to other cards that use the "reveal... put it in your hand... shuffle" template like Ultra Ball, etc.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
In a prerelease or booster draft tournament where each player starts with only 4 prize cards, will Iris add 20 damage even if no prizes have been taken?
No, it does not. Limited format tournaments may start out with fewer prizes than the standard six, but that does not mean those fewer prizes count as being taken.
Source: Plasma Blast FAQ (2013-08-15), TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
Would Genesect EX be able to attack with "G-Booster" if the Defending Pokemon has Silver Mirror attached?
G Booster gets through because it ignores all effects on the Defending Pokemon, including Silver Mirror.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
Can you use Computer Search and fail to find a card in your deck?
No, you cannot. When searching for a Pokemon, Trainer, or other particular type of card you can voluntarily fail the search because the contents of the deck are unknown; but when searching for "a card" of any kind the game can tell whether there are cards in the deck and you must take one if instructed to do so. Although the contents of the deck are unknown, the quantity of cards in the deck is known.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
For Cradily's "Lifesplosion" attack, do I need to have the corresponding Stage 1 Pokemon in play in order to put the Stage 2 Pokemon on my bench?
No, the Stage 2 Pokemon card goes directly onto the bench, even though it does not count as a "Basic Pokemon".
Source: Plasma Blast FAQ (2013-08-15), TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If I have Virizion EX on the bench and my Active Pokemon has a Grass Energy attached, would my opponent be able to play Hypnotoxic Laser since the Pokemon with Grass Energy attached "can't be affected by special conditions"?
The opponent can play Hypnotoxic Laser, but its effect would be blocked.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If I have Virizion EX in play and use Hydreigon's "Dark Trance" ability to move a Blend Energy GPRD onto a Pokemon affected by a status condition, will Virizion EX's "Verdant Wind" Ability remove the Special Condition?
Yes, it does. Any time a Grass Energy card becomes attached to a Pokemon while Verdant Wind is enabled causes Special Conditions to be removed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If Sigilyph with the "Toolbox" Ability gets attacked with something that discards a Pokemon Tool who gets to choose which tool gets discarded?
If an attack says to discard a Pokemon Tool it will discard all tools attached to that Pokemon, not just one. So poor Sigilyph would lose all of his tools.
Source: Plasma Blast FAQ (2013-08-15), TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
Can you attach more than one tool of the same name to Sigilyph with the "Toolbox" Ability? And if so, do the effects of the tools stack?
Yes to both questions.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
If Sigilyph with the "Toolbox" Ability has Plasma Badge and Reversal Trigger attached, do I get to search my deck for a card when it is KO'd by an attack?
Yes, you can. The tools are still present on the Pokemon when it's KO'd (assuming the attack does not discard the tools first), so you would get to use the effect of Reversal Trigger since Plasma Badge makes Sigilyph a Plasma Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-08-15)
What happens if you play Ghetsis but your opponent does not have any Item cards in their hand?
Your opponent shuffles their deck (even though they did not put any cards into it) and you do not get to draw any additional cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-06-20)
If I use Deoxys-EX's "Helix Force" attack against a Pokemon with a DCE attached, does it do 30+60 damage?
If Deoxys-EX has the required Plasma Energy attached, it does 30+60 damage. The extra damage, as the card says, is 30 for each energy attached to the defending Pokemon, and DCE provides two energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-06-20)
If I use Victini-EX's "Turbo Energize" attack but choose to attach the two Basic Energy cards from my deck to Sigilyph with "Safeguard", what happens?
Sigiliph is a valid target for the choice of Benched Pokemon, but since Safeguard prevents all effects of attacks done by Pokemon-EX the energies would be discarded rather than attached to Sigilyph.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-06-20)
If I already have four Fire Energy cards in my Discard Pile, can I use Superior Energy Retrieval to discard two Fire Energy cards from my hand and retrieve the other four from my Discard Pile?
Yes, you may retrieve the other four. The restriction is you cannot return any of the cards to your hand that you used to pay this card's cost.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
How does the stadium card Frozen City interact when a player attaches Double Colorless Energy to a non-Team Plasma Pokemon?
You only place 2 damage counters because there was just one attachment, even though the attachment provided multiple energies.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
With Raticate's "Transfer Junk" attack, what if I don't have all 3 types of Team Plasma cards, Pokemon, Trainer & Energy in my discard?
Take one of each type that you do have.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Can I use "Signs of Evolution" to get two of the same cards that evolve from Eevee if I don't have 3 different ones in my deck?
No. Each one you take out of your deck must be a differently typed evolution of Eevee; you may not retrieve more than one Pokemon of the same type.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Can I use "Signs of Evolution" to get a Vaporeon and a Glaceon from my deck?
No, you may not. Vaporeon & Glaceon are both Water types, and the three Pokemon retrieved by Signs of Evolution must all be different types.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
If my opponent used Steelix's "Metal Defender" attack on his or her turn, then I send it to the bench and bring it back out on my turn, can I apply weakness to Steelix with my Fire Pokemon's attack?
Yes, you can. Benching Steelix ends Metal Defender's effect.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
If I use Cofagrigus' "Six Feet Under" Ability and Cofagrigus is either my last Pokemon in play and/or is my opponent's last prize, but the three damage counters placed onto my opponent's Pokemon allow me to KO their last Pokemon and/or take my last prize, what happens next?
If both players arrived at a win condition at the same time but one player has more win conditions than the other (like KO'ing the last Pokemon AND taking their sixth prize), the player with the most win conditions met wins the game. However, if both players have the same number of win conditions, the game is declared a Draw and a one-prize Sudden Death game takes place to determine the winner.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
If I use Weavile's "Vilify" attack to discard one or more Exeggcute, can I use Exeggcute's "Propagation" Ability to immediately retrieve it back into my hand?
No, you cannot. Propagation can only be used on your turn before your attack, not during your attack nor afterward.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
If I use Exeggcute's "Propagation" Ability to retrieve it from the Discard Pile into my hand, then use something like Ultra Ball or Computer Search to discard Exeggcute, would I be able to use "Propagation" again to retrieve it from the Discard Pile?
Yes, whenever Exeggcute is in the Discard Pile, you may use Propagation during your turn as long as its Ability has not been disabled.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Is Deoxys EX's "Power Connect" Ability stackable?
Yes, it is.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Deoxys EX's "Power Connect" Ability refers to "your Team Plasma Pokémon's attacks (excluding Deoxys-EX)". Does that mean to exclude ALL of your Deoxys EX in play, or just one with the "Power Connect" Ability?
It refers to all of your Deoxys EX in play.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Is Glaceon's "Freeze Zone" Ability stackable?
Yes, it is. Your Team Plasma Pokemon's Retreat Cost is two less energy per each Pokemon with the Freeze Zone Ability you have in play.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
Is Umbreon's "Dark Shade" Ability stackable?
Yes, it is. Your Team Plasma Pokemon get +20 HP per each Pokemon with the Dark Shade Ability you have in play.
Source: Plasma Freeze FAQ (2013-05-16), TPCi Rules Team (2013-05-16)
If my opponent has no cards in their hand, and I only have 1 Colress in my hand, and neither player has any Benched Pokemon, am I allowed to play Colress or not?
Yes, you can. You would shuffle your "hand of zero cards" into your deck and draw nothing.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-03-07)
If a Pokemon has a poison condition that places more than one damage counter per turn, like from Crobat's "Ultra-Toxic Fang" attack, does Virbank City Gym work or not?
Yes, it works. You place 4 damage counters for Crobat's "Ultra-Toxic Fang", then you place 2 more for Virbank City Gym making a total of 6 counters placed.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-28)
If I have two Clefables in play, can I use "Moon Guidance" twice on the same Pokemon assuming I flip heads for both?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-28)
If my Lugia EX knocks out an opponent's Garbodor with the "Garbotoxin" Ability and a tool attached, does Lugia EX's "Overflow" Ability turn on in time for it to take two prizes?
Nope, Garbotoxin is still active when Garbodor is KO'd, so Lugia EX does not get to take 1 more prize card for Overflow.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-28)
If the Defending Pokemon is already Asleep & Poisoned, can you use Hypnotoxic Laser or not?
No, you cannot.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-21)
If the Defending Pokemon is already Asleep & Poisoned with a condition that places more than one damage counter in between turns, can you use Hypnotoxic Laser to change the number of counters to be placed?
Yes, the new single-counter Poison condition replaces the multi-counter Poison condition.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-21)
Can I use Junk Arm, discarding something + 1 Item card to get that 1 Item card back into my hand?
No, you cannot return cards to your hand that you used to pay this card's cost.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-11-03), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
Can I use Dowsing Machine, discarding something + 1 Item card to get that 1 Item card back into my hand?
No, you cannot return cards to your hand that you used to pay this card's cost.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
The attack cost for Scorching Fire [from Plasma Storm] was misprinted. It should be {R}{C}{C}{C}{C}, as opposed to the printed {F}{C}{C}{C}{C}.
Source: TPCi Errata Update (2013-01-28), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
This version of Exp. Share [from Dragon Vault] was printed without the Pokémon Tool rule box. This card should have that rule box, matching Black & White - Next Destinies #87/99.
Source: TPCi Errata Update (2012-10-17), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
Do the six damage counters for Beheeyem's "Damakinesis" attack have to all come from the same Pokemon, or can I move a total of six from multiple Pokemon I have in play?
You can choose as many Pokemon as you have in play, moving a total of six damage counters. If you have less than six damage counters on all your Pokemon in play, you move all of them.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
Can I choose to move less than six damage counters for Beheeyem's "Damakinesis" attack?
If you have six damage counters in play, you must move six of them.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
If I have two Magnezones in play with the "Dual Brains" Ability, does that mean I can play 4 Supporters during my turn?
No, you cannot. Dual Brains says you may play 2 Supporters, period; it doesn't say "an extra supporter" for each Magnezone.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
If my Active Pokemon is Togekiss with the "Bright Veil" Ability, do I bring up one of my benched Pokemon when my opponent plays an Escape Rope?
No. Bright Veil prevents your part of the "Each player switches his or her Active Pokemon" part of Escape Rope, so your Active Pokemon stays put and you can't bring up a benched Pokemon. However, your opponent does switch.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
If my opponent's Active Pokemon is Snorlax with the "Block" Ability, what happens to my Active Pokemon if I play Scramble Switch?
Scramble Switch causes your Pokemon to switch, but Block only prevents Retreating. You can switch your Active Pokemon when Scramble Switch is played.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
If my Active Pokemon is Snorlax with the "Block" Ability, what happens to my opponent's Active Pokemon if I play Escape Rope?
Escape Rope causes the Pokemon to switch, but Block only prevents Retreating. The opponent switches their Active Pokemon when Escape Rope is played.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
When Braviary uses its "Big Wing" Ability, who chooses which of the opponent's Benched Pokemon get brought forward?
The ability says "have your opponent switch..." so the opponent gets to choose.
Source: Plasma Storm FAQ (2013-02-07), TPCi Rules Team (2013-02-07)
Say I have Liepard active and Raikou-EX and Victini on my bench. I attack with Liepard's "Assist", flip heads and choose to copy Raikou-EX's "Thunder Fang" attack but flip tails for "Thunder Fang's" paralysis part. If I then use Victini's "Victory Star" Ability to re-flip the coins, assuming I get heads for "Assist" could I choose a different benched Pokemon's attack or would I have to choose "Thunder Fang" again?
Since Victory Star rewound all the coin flips it's as if the Assist attack never happened. So yes, you could choose a different benched Pokemon's attack, if you flip heads for Assist of course.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-01-31)
If I have 6 cards in my hand including a Hugh, and my opponent has 5 cards, can I play Hugh or not?
No, you cannot. After playing Hugh both players would have exactly 5 cards in their hands, and you cannot play a Trainer card for no effect.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2013-01-03)
If I have a Liepard with 3 Darkness Energies on it and I use "Assist", can I use Charizard's "Scorching Fire" attack despite not having a Fire Energy to discard?
Yes, you can. The damage amount is done regardless of whether Liepard has any Fire Energy attached to it or not, but if you do have a Fire Energy attached to Liepard you must discard it.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-29)
Since Skyla says "Search your deck for a Trainer card", does this allow me to search for any kind of Trainer including Supporters, and Stadiums?
Yes, it does. The current definition of "Trainers" includes Items, Supporters, and Staduims.
Source: Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08), TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-08)
If Crystal Wall is attached to Black Kyurem-EX, can anything raise its maximum HP beyond 300 (ike if it were somehow made Colorless and Aspertia City Gym is in play)?
Crystal Wall essentially replaces Black Kyurem-EX's printed HP with 300, and anything to add or reduce HP would work accordingly.
Source: Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08), TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-08)
If my opponent has Celebi-EX with "Time Recall" in play, can I use Golduck's "Amnesia" attack to prevent the Defending Pokemon from using one of its previous evolution's attacks?
No, you can only use Amnesia on the attacks that are present on the opponent's card at the time of your attack.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-03-10), Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08) Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08)
If I have Ditto with "Transform" in play this turn, on my next turn can I put a Basic Pokemon from my hand on top of Ditto and then immediately evolve it into a Stage 1 or use Rare Candy to evolve it to Stage 2?
Yes, you can. Ditto says "Any cards attached to this Pokemon, damage counters, Special Conditions, turns in play, and any other effects remain on the new Pokemon"; so as long as Ditto has been in play for more than a turn it satisfies the evolutionary requirement, and the Basic Pokemon card placed on Ditto can be evolved or used with Rare Candy immediately.
Source: Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08), TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-08)
If a Pokemon normally has no Retreat Cost, does Jellicent's "Stickiness" Ability give it a Retreat Cost of (*) instead?
Yes, Stickiness adds +1 to each of the opponent's Pokemon's Retreat Costs. However, if the Retreat Costs are set to zero by an effect such as Darkrai-EX's "Dark Cloak" Ability, they cannot be increased by Stickiness.
Source: Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08), TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-08)
If I use Cresselia-EX's "Psychic Protection" attack, does Vileplume's "Allergy Panic" Ability override and give it a x4 Weakness instead?
No, since there is no longer a weakness there is nothing for Allergy Panic to multiply.
Source: Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08), TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-08)
If a Pokemon normally has no Weakness, does Vileplume's "Allergy Panic" Ability give it a x4 Weakness instead?
No, if a Pokemon doesn't have Weakness, you cannot *apply* any Weakness multiplier to it at all.
Source: Boundaries Crossed FAQ (2012-11-08), TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-08)
If you have Flygon with "Sand Slammer" active, but the opponent has Serperior with "Royal Heal" in play, which Ability goes first? The one that places damage or the one that heals damage?
In this situation, the player whose Pokemon are being affected gets to choose the order of when the abilities take place.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-01)
Can you use Audino's "Busybody" Ability if there is no damage and no Special Conditions on your Active Pokemon?
No, you cannot. You have to heal something in order to use Busybody.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-11-01)
Does Giratina EX's "Shred" attack ignore effects such as Weakness and Resistance?
No, Weakness and Resistance are not considered effects; they are basic game mechanics and are not ignored by Shred.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-10-04)
Can I use Empoleon's "Diving Draw" Ability if I have no cards left in my deck, and just discard a card from my hand?
Yes, you can. The first sentence of Diving Draw says to discard a card from your hand. Then if you can do that, you do as much of the rest of the Ability as you can, which in this case is draw no cards.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-10-04)
If I use Random Receiver and the very first card revealed is a Supporter, do I still have to shuffle my deck?
Yes, you must shuffle your deck regardless of how many cards were revealed for Random Receiver.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-09-13)
If I use Quick Ball and the very first card revealed is a Pokemon, do I still have to shuffle my deck?
Yes, you must shuffle your deck regardless of how many cards were revealed for Quick Ball.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2007-10-25), TPCi Rules Team (2012-09-013)
Would Emboar's "Inferno Fandango" Ability trigger Ampharos' "Electromagnetic Wall" Ability? Or does "Electromagnetic Wall" only apply to the opponent's normal once-per-turn energy attachment?
Any energies attached from the hand would trigger Electromagnetic Wall, regardless of whether they're attached due to an Ability or the normal once-per-turn energy attachment.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-09-13)
If my opponent has Ampharos with "Electromagnetic Wall" in play, when I attach a Double Colorless Energy to one of my Pokemon, do I place 3 or 6 damage counters?
You place 3 because there was only one attachment, even though the attachment provided multiple energies.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-09-13)
If an evolved Pokemon is Knocked Out with Rescue Scarf attached to it, do you get to put all of the evolution stage cards and Basic Pokemon card back into your hand, or just the highest stage Evolution card?
All of them go to back into your hand.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
When I put Shedinja onto my bench using Ninjask's "Cast-off Shell" Ability, can Eviolite help protect it from damage?
No, because Shedinja is not a "Basic Pokemon"; it is an unevolved Stage-1 Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Can you evolve a Pokemon then use Devolution Spray on it during the same turn?
Yes, you can.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Can I use two Devolution Sprays on the same Pokemon in the same turn, to devolve from a Stage 2 to Stage 1 and then to Basic?
Yes, you can.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Can I have 4 Blend Energy {G}{R}{P}{D} and 4 Blend Energy {W}{L}{F}{M} in my deck?
Yes, you can. The symbols {W}{L}{F}{M} and {G}{R}{P}{D} are part of the name of the card, so they are counted as different cards.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Does Blend Energy count for 4 types with regard to Ho-Oh EX's "Rainbow Burn" attack?
The Rainbow Burn attack only uses Basic Energy cards to calculate the amount of damage done. Since Blend Energy cards are not Basic Energy cards, they would not add to the amount of damage for this attack.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Can you use Terrakion EX's "Pump-up Smash" attack if you don't have 2 basic Energy cards in your hand?
Yes, you can. You do the 80 damage then attach either one or no Basic Energy, depending on what you have in your hand.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
When using Sableye's "Junk Hunt" attack, do I have to show my opponent which 2 Item cards I put from my discard pile into my hand?
Yes, you do. The Discard Pile is a public zone, and you can't do anything to it that your opponent isn't fully aware of.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
When Manectric attacks with "Flash Impact", can you choose to put the 20 damage onto Manectric or does it have to be put onto one of your benched Pokemon.
The recoil damage from Flash Impact can be placed on any of your Pokemon, including the one performing the attack.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Can you discard a Blend Energy card when using Rayquaza EX's "Dragon Burst" attack to do extra damage?
No, you cannot. The Blend Energy cards are not Basic Energy cards, so they cannot be discarded for this attack.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
What happens if Golurk uses "Devolution Punch" against a Basic Pokemon without any evolution cards attached?
Devolution Punch will do the damage but will not put a Basic Pokemon back into the opponent's hand.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
If my Wailord uses "Giant Wave" this turn, can my opponent's Mew EX's "Versatile" Ability use that attack on the turn following mine?
Yes. The effect of "this Pokemon can't use Giant Wave next turn" applies only to the Pokemon that attacked with it.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
For Mew EX's "Versatile" Ability, do I need to have the same energy types as the attack I'm copying, or will any type of energy work as long as I have the correct number of energies?
You must meet the energy requirements as to both type and number for the attack Mew EX is copying. So if the attack requires two Water energy, you will need to have at least two Water energy attached to Mew EX.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2006-02-16), Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23) Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23)
If I have two Ho-Oh EX in my discard pile and flip tails for "Rebirth", can I flip a second time?
You can flip once for each Ho-Oh EX in your discard pile, but each coin flip is treated individually.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
If I flip heads for Ho-Oh EX's "Rebirth" Ability, if I only have one Fire and two Lightning energy cards in the discard pile, can I take all three of those?
No, you can only take one of each different type of energy, up to three total. So in this case you could only take one Fire and one Lightning.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Does "Garbotoxin" prevent "Bright Look" on Ninetales coming from your hand, "Electromagnetic Wall" on Ampharos in play and "Rebirth" on Ho-Oh EX in your discard pile?
Yes, Garbotoxin makes it so that each Pokemon in play, in each player's hand, and in each player's discard pile has no Abilities.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Is Altaria's "Fight Song" Ability stackable so attacks from Dragon type Pokemon can do an additional +20 damage for each Altaria in play?
Yes, it does.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Would Giratina EX's "Shred" attack allow my opponent to knock out my Shednija (with "Empty Shell") and take a prize since the attack says its not affected by any effects on the Defending Pokemon?
The damage done by Shred is not affected by Empty Shell, but that has nothing to do with whether you take a prize or not. You still get no prize because of "Empty Shell".
Source: PUI Rules Team (2006-01-12), Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23) Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23)
If Garbodor's "Garbotoxin" is present when Shedinja with the "Empty Shell" Ability is KO'd, do you take a prize?
Yes, Empty Shell is turned off by Garbotoxin.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-06-23), Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23) Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23)
Would the two Basic energy cards attached by Terrakion EX's "Pump-up Smash" attack trigger Ampharos' "Electromagnetic Wall" Ability twice or only once (or not at all)?
Any energies attached from the hand would trigger Electromagnetic Wall, once for each energy card being attached.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
When I use Ninetales' "Bright Look" Ability, which player chooses which Pokemon becomes active?
The player using the ability chooses which of his or her opponent's Pokemon becomes active.
Source: Dragons Exalted FAQ (2012-08-23), TPCi Rules Team (2012-08-23)
Can I use Vulpix's or Zorua's "Ascension" attack on the first turn of the game?
Yes. This attack can evolve a Pokémon, even during the first turn of the game.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-06-17), TPCi Rules Team (2012-05-10)
Does Espeon's "Solar Revelation" Ability prevent the flipping of coins for an attack that does damage times the number of heads flipped?
No, it does not. Flipping coins in this context is used to calculate how much damage is to be done. Since "doing damage" is not prevented, the flipping is not prevented either.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-05-10)
Does Espeon's "Solar Revelation" Ability prevent moving or placing damage counters?
In the steps of resolving an Attack, moving or "placing Damage Counters" counts as an Effect of the attack; it is not part of "doing damage". Therefore, as an Effect it would be prevented by Solar Revelation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-05-10)
Does Espeon's "Solar Revelation" Ability prevent damage done to Benched Pokemon?
No, it does not. Unlike placing damage counters, doing damage to a Benched Pokemon is not prevented by Solar Revelation.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-05-10)
Can I use Heavy Ball to look for a LEGEND Pokemon half?
No, you cannot. The Retreat Cost is only printed on one half of the LEGEND Pokemon. If it is printed on both cards, then it is a common attribute for both pieces; but since it is printed on only one half it only applies to the LEGEND Pokemon when both pieces are in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-04-05)
If Cinccino with the "Smooth Coat" ability also has "Rocky Helmet" attached to it, can I choose to activate Rocky Helmet first, and then flip for Smooth Coat?
You would need to know whether Cinccino takes damage or not in order for Rocky Helmet to work, so in this scenario you would have to flip for Smooth Coat first.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-03-15)
If I attach a Rainbow Energy to Shuckle with "Fermenting Liquid" Poke-BODY that has 5 damage counters on it, would it be knocked out prior to its Poke-BODY being applied or would I get to draw the card before it's knocked out?
It is a Poke-BODY that is automatically triggered, so you would get to draw the card.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-03-15)
Can you use Max Potion on a Pokemon with Energies attached but no damage on it?
No, you cannot. If you don't have any damage, you cannot use Max Potion on that Pokemon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-16)
Do you have to draw [a] card when your opponent Mulligans?
No, you don't. You MAY draw [an]extra card.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-03-02), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-16)
If Skyarrow Bridge is in play, can I still use Heavy Ball to search for a Basic Pokemon with a Retreat Cost of 3?
Yes, you can. The Retreat Cost reduction only applies to Basic Pokemon in play, and cards in your deck are not in play.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
Is the effect of Jellicent's "Vengeful Wish" attack cancelled if the damage from last turn was done while it was on the bench, or if the Pokemon that damaged it retreats or is KO'd?
Vengeful Wish is not an effect that can be cleared; it simply looks to see if damage was done to Jellicent by an attack last turn then does that amount of base damage to the current Defending Pokemon.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
If I use Nuzleaf's "Surprise Punch" and my opponent has no Benched Pokemon, what happens to the Energy on the Defending Pokemon?
If there are no Benched Pokemon you just do as much as you can. You do 20 damage but no energy is moved or discarded.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
Pinsir's "Power Pinch" attack says "flip two coins; for each heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon". If I flip two heads, can I discard two Double Colorless Energy (DCE) cards from the Defending Pokemon?
Yes, you can.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
Pinsir's "Power Pinch" attack says "flip two coins; for each heads, discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon". If I flip only one heads, can I discard a Double Colorless Energy (DCE) from the Defending Pokemon?
Yes, you can.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
If I use Beartic's "Daunt" attack, but then Beartic is KO'd by Poison, does the effect of Daunt reducing damage done by attacks from the Defending Pokemon go away?
No, the effect of Daunt resides on the Defending Pokemon, not on Beartic. However, if the Pokemon that was attacked by Daunt evolves, goes to the Bench, or leaves play then the effect of Daunt goes away.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
Can I use Emolga's "Bounce" attack if I have no bench?
Yes, you do as much of the attack as you can. First you do the damage, then you perform the switch if Emolga is able to go to the Bench.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
Is Cinccino's "Smooth Coat" Ability checked to prevent damage done by your own Pokemon's attacks?
Yes, it is.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
Can I use Vanilluxe's "Slippery Soles" Ability to make my opponent switch Pokemon if I don't have any Benched Pokemon?
No you may not. Slippery Soles requires you to switch your Active Pokemon with one of your Benched Pokemon first.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
If I have Bronzong with the "Heal Block" Ability in play, can Pokemon Center stadium be used to heal any Pokemon in play?
No, you may not.
Source: Next Destinies FAQ (2012-02-09), TPCi Rules Team (2012-02-09)
If my opponent used Scyther's "Afterimage Strike" last turn, and on my turn I use an attack like "Double Slap" to flip two coins and do 30x the number of heads, if the opponent gets heads on "Afterimage Strike" to prevent the damage, can I use Victini's "Victory Star" Ability to reflip my coins for "Double Slap" and start the process all over again?
No, you cannot. Victory Star must be invoked prior to determining the amount of damage being done, which in turn is prior to the opponent performing the flip for Afterimage Strike.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-01-12)
If I use Grumpig's "Bench Manipulation" attack to have my opponent flip a coin for each of his or her Benched Pokemon, can I use Victini's "Victory Star" ability to force my opponent to re-flip those coins?
Yes, you can. If your opponent flips a coin as part of your Pokemon's attack, you can use "Victory Star" to force them to re-flip those coins.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-01-12)
Say a player calls Magnezone's "Magnetic Draw" Poke-POWER, but then realizes they already have six or more cards in their hand. Does that mean his "Magnetic Draw" Poke-POWER is used up, or can he use it later in the turn since nothing happened?
Magnetic Draw says "you may draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand"; if you have too many cards you cannot "draw zero" so the Magnetic Draw Poke-POWER is not used up.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-01-12)
If I have less than 7 cards remaining in my deck, can I use Electrode's "Energymite" Poke-POWER or not?
Yes, you can use Energymite even if there are zero cards left in your deck.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2012-01-05)
If Rocky Helmet is attached to a Pokemon with an effect such as Donphan's "Exoskeleton" Poke-BODY or a Defender attached, will an attack that normally deals 20 or less damage trigger the effects of Rocky Helmet or not?
If the net effect of the attack results in zero damage done to the Defending Pokemon, Rocky Helmet does not trigger.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-12-15)
If I copy Swanna's "Feather Dance" attack to add 40 damage to each of this Pokemon's attacks for example with Mew's "Lost Link" Poke-BODY, and then the following turn it copies an attack like Tyranitar's "Darkness Howl" that does 20 damage to each Pokemon in play, would the +40 damage be applied to Benched Pokemon or only to the Active Pokemon?
Swanna's Feather Dance applies to all damage done. So the attack would do 60 damage to each player's non-Darkness Pokemon, but you ignore Weakness & Resistance on the Benched Pokemon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-12-15)
How and when would you use Victini's "Victory Star" Ability to reflip coins when using Mamoswine's "Ramming Strike" attack?
Anytime during the course of Ramming Strike, you can use Victory Star once to start the attack over from the beginning. Any damage counters placed on Mamoswine during the course of the attack would be erased, even if it is enough for Mamoswine to be KO'd, and Mamoswine basically gets one more chance at using the Ramming Strike attack.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-12-15)
When using Chandelure's "Cursed Shadow" ability, if I place one damage counter and KO a Pokemon, would all the normal KO procedures (take a prize, opponent promotes, etc.) occur before or after you place the remaining two damage counters?
Each action must be completed before you move on to another action. In this case, placing a damage counter is not the action; the action is the triggering and use of the Cursed Shadow Ability. So you must place all three damage counters and then check for any Pokemon that are KO'd.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-12-08)
When using Chandelure's "Cursed Shadow" ability, can I place more damage counters onto a Pokemon than it takes to knock it out?
Yes, you can.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-12-08)
My opponent used a Recycle but I didn't see the card they put on top of their deck. Do they have to show it to me even though it does not say that on the card any longer?
Yes, even when it is not printed on the card, you must still clearly indicate which card you are moving because your Discard Pile is open to all players.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2011-12-01)
Can you use Cover Fossil or Plume Fossil if your Bench is full?
No, since your Bench is full you cannot play Cover Fossil or Plume Fossil.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2011-12-01)
Effects that prevent you from healing or from removing damage counters do not affect moving those damage counters between Pokémon.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2011-12-01)
Attacks and Abilities on a Pokémon that refers to itself now use the phrase "This Pokémon" instead of the name of that Pokémon. This should clear up confusion during any situation where Abilities can be copied.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2011-12-01)
Whenever any cards move from a Zone anyone can see (such as the Discard Pile) to one not anyone can see (such as your Hand), that card must be revealed to all players.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2011-12-01)
Karrablast's & Shelmet's "Mysterious Evolution" attacks say "if Shelmet/Karrablast is in play, search your deck...". Does this mean that Shelmet/Karrablast can be in play on either player's side, or does it have to be in play on the side of the attacking player?
Mysterious Evolution will work if either player has the corresponding Shelmet/Karrablast in play.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2011-12-01)
Does Rare Candy override evolution-preventing effects such as Archeops' "Ancient Power" Ability?
Ancient Power does not allow you to use a Pokemon's attack or play a Trainer card to evolve your Benched or Active Pokemon, unless the Evolution card you would be putting into play comes from somewhere other than your hand. So Rare Candy cannot be used while Archeops' Ancient Power Ability is in effect.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-21)
If Eviolite if attached to Zekrom, would its "Bolt Strike" attack do 40 or 20 damage to itself?
Eviolite reduces any damage done to the Basic Pokemon by attacks from either player. So Bolt Strike's self-damage would also be reduced by -20.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
Does Conkeldurr's "Chip Away" attack ignore effects such as Weakness and Resistance?
No, Weakness and Resistance are not considered effects; they are basic game mechanics and are not ignored by Chip Away.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
Can I use Victini's "Victory Star" ability to reflip the flips from a trainer such as Xtransceiver or ability like Carracosta's Solid Rock?
No. Victory Star applies only to flips from attacks.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
Can I use Victini's "Victory Star" ability to reflip just the tails flips from an attack?
No. You must reflip all of the flips for an attack if you use Victory Star.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
Can I use Victini's "Victory Star" ability to reflip for a failed Confusion check?
No, Victory Star only applies to flips that are done as part of the attack. You cannot use it for checking status effects.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
What happens to Rainbow Energy when it's attached to Hydreigon? Does "Dark Aura" Ability change it to ONLY produce Darkness Energy rather than all energy types simultaneously?
Since Dark Aura replaces the attached energy's original types with Darkness type, Rainbow Energy would lose its effect to produce all types of energy while Dark Aura is in effect. However, Rainbow Energy is still considered a "Special Energy Card" in this situation.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
Does Hydreigon's "Dark Aura" Ability override the original type of attached energy, or is it in addition to the energy's original type?
Dark Aura replaces the attached energy's original type or types with Darkness type. In other words, a Fire Energy card no longer provides fire energy when Dark Aura affects it.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
Does Archeops' "Ancient Power" Ability stop attacks that evolve Pokemon, such as Karrablast's "Mysterious Evolution"?
Ancient Power only prevents you from playing Pokemon from your hand to evolve other Pokemon. Mysterious Evolution's effect is not stopped because it evolves the Pokemon from a card in the deck, not a card in your hand.
Source: Noble Victories FAQ (2011-11-17), PUI Rules Team (2011-11-17)
Pidgeotto's "Twister" attack says to discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon for each heads flipped. Does that mean if I only flip one heads I cannot discard a Double Colorless Energy?
Actually, you can discard a DCE with a single heads. It's like paying a Retreat Cost with an Energy Card that has more energy than required to retreat. Total the number of flips, then discard Energy Cards one at a time until the condition has been met. So if you flip one heads you can discard a single Energy Card with one or more energy on it. But if you flip two heads you can either choose a card with one energy then another card with one or more energy, or you can choose a single card with two or more energy on it.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-11-03)
If I have only Special Energies attached (no Basic Energy) and use Tornadus' "Hurricane" attack, do I have to discard an energy or what?
If you don't have any Basic Energy cards attached to Tornadus, you simply ignore that part of the Hurricane attack.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-11-03)
If Magnezone has Special Energy cards attached and discards all of them when using its "Lost Burn" attack, can it do damage to a Scizor that has the "Red Armor" Poke-BODY?
No. First choose which energies to put into the Lost Zone, then do the damage (before any other effects), then you actually put the energy into the Lost Zone at the end of the attack. So it will still be attached at the point when damage would be done, but the damage will be blocked by Red Armor.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-11-03)
Whether a card's effect is optional or not is determined from the card text. If there is no explicit indication that you have a choice, then you don't have one and the effect is mandatory.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-09-29)
Can I choose to put the Pokemon Rescue Energy is attached to in my Discard pile instead of back to my hand?
No, Rescue Energy states that you have to put all Pokemon cards back into your hand when it's KO'd by damage from an attack.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-09-29)
If Pidgeot attacks with "Headwind" against Yanmega with the "Insight" Poke-BODY, will "Headwind" increase Yanmega's attack costs or will "Insight" reset them to zero?
If an Attack Cost is set to zero by an effect, it cannot be increased. Note this is different than an Attack Cost that was reduced to zero by subtraction. Once a Pokemon's Attack Cost is set to zero by an effect, it stays at zero until that particular effect wears off.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-09-29)
Can I use Professor Elm's Training Method if there are zero cards left in my deck?
No, you cannot search through your deck if there's nothing there to search. If there are cards in the deck you can fail to find a Pokemon because you don't know what may be in a deck, but since you do know whether there are ANY cards or not you cannot search through an empty deck.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-09-22)
In Germany we have two different Trainer Cards with the same translation for the name. Both Energy Retrieval and Energy Returner are called "Energie - Rückgewinnung". How would this be handled in a Decklist? Can I have 4 of both?
In Japanese and English those are two different cards with completely different actions. You may have up to 4 of each in your deck, but on the decklist you should list them on separate lines and include the set and card number on each line for clarity.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-09-15)
Can I have 4 copies of each Alph Lithograph card in my deck?
No, you may not. Each variant of Alph Lithograph does something different, but they all have the same card name. Just like you can have no more than 4 Pikachu in any combination, you can only have a maximum of 4 Alph Lithograph cards in your deck. When entering onto a decklist, make sure to list them on separate lines and include the set and card number on each line for clarity.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-09-15)
Can you use Magnezone's "Lost Burn" attack and put 0 energy into the Lost Zone in order to do 0 damage?
Yes, that is permitted.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-09-15)
When using Pokemon Catcher, who chooses which of the opponent's Benched Pokemon to bring Active?
The person playing Pokemon Catcher gets to choose the Benched Pokemon.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
Can you use Max Potion to heal a Pokemon that doesn't have any energy attached to it?
Yes, you can.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
When using Boldore's "Smack Down" attack that does 60 more damage if the Defending Pokemon has Resistance to Fighting, does that mean it gets to ignore the Resistance altogether?
No, it does not. You do the Base 20 damage first, then add the +60 damage, and then subtract for the Fighting Resistance amount.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
If Sawsbuck attacks with "Push Down", who chooses which benched Pokemon to make active?
It says "your opponent switches", so the defending player chooses.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
Can I use Leavanny's "Nurturing" attack to evolve a Pokemon that was just played or evolved that turn?
Yes. Since the evolution is from an effect, it can be evolved that same turn.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
If I have no Benched Pokemon and attack with Tornadus' "Hurricane", do I have to discard an energy?
No. If you have no Benched Pokemon there is no place to move an energy card, so you would not do that part of the attack.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
The version of "Gyro Ball" attack on Forretress says "you may switch..." as an optional action, but the version of "Gyro Ball" on Ferrothorn indicates the switching part of the attack is mandatory. Which way is correct?
The effect may vary from card to card, so you should play each attack as it is written on its card. So for Forretress the switch is optional, but for Ferrothorn it is mandatory.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
If I have a Rainbow Energy attached to Simisage, would its "Fire's Power" attack put a Burned Special Condition on the Defending Pokemon?
Yes, Rainbow Energy counts as all types of energy when in play, so it would count as Fire for that purpose.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
If Gothitelle is Active, does its "Magic Room" Ability prevent the opponent from playing older pre-BW Trainer cards that don't say Item on them?
Trainer cards from Diamond & Pearl through Call of Legends should be considered "Trainer–Item" cards. So the older Trainers would be blocked, but not Supporters or Stadiums.
Source: Emerging Powers FAQ (2011-09-01), PUI Rules Team (2011-09-01)
If the Broken Time-Space stadium is in play, can I use Rare Candy on a Basic Pokemon that just came into play this turn?
No, the wording of Rare Candy specifically says "you can't use this card during your first turn or on a Basic Pokémon that was put into play this turn". Broken Time-Space does not allow you to override that.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-06-09)
Machoke's "Knuckle Down" attack says the amount of damage is "not affected by Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon". Does that mean it ignores Weakness & Resistance too?
Weakness & Resistance are not considered as effects on the Defending Pokemon, so they are not ignored.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-06-09)
If Zoroark uses "Foul Play" to copy Blastoise's "Hydro Launcher" attack, do I have to be able to return 2 Water Energies to my hand in order to do the 100 damage?
No, the attack does not say "in order to" so you do as much of the attack text as you can.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-06-09)
If Pachirisu's "Self-Generation" Poke-POWER is used to attach two Lightning Energy to Pachirisu, and the opponent has 4 Ampharos Primes with "Conductivity" in play, what is the result?
Pachirisu would be have 8 damage counters placed on it due to Conductivity.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-06-09)
Can I use Rare Candy on a Pokémon's first turn in play? For example, can I place down a Wurmple and then use Rare Candy on the same turn to evolve it into Dustox or Beautifly?
No, this is no longer permissible [per BW rules changes].
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-11), PUI Rules Team (2004-07-22), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-11), PUI Rules Team (2011-05-05)
Can I use Rare Candy on [my] first turn of a game (when Pokémon are not normally allowed to evolve)?
No, this is no longer permissible [per BW rules changes].
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-07-22), TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), TPCi Announcement (2011-05-05)
Can I play Rare Candy on a Basic Pokémon to evolve it into a Stage 1 even though that Pokémon could evolve that turn normally?
No, this is no longer permissible [per BW rules changes].
Source: PUI Rules Team (2006-01-05), TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), TPCi Announcement (2011-05-05)
The wording of PlusPower is now as follows, "During this turn, your Pokémon's attacks do 10 more damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance)." This card no longer attaches to a Pokémon when used.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), PUI Rules Team (2011-05-05)
The wording of Rare Candy is now as follows, "Choose 1 of your Basic Pokémon in play. If you have a Stage 2 card in your hand that evolves from that Pokémon, put that card on the Basic Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) You can't use this card during your first turn or on a Basic Pokémon that was put into play this turn." So now it can't be used on your first turn, and it can't be used on a Pokémon played this turn.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), PUI Rules Team (2011-05-05)
The wording of Potion now heals 30 damage from 1 of your Pokémon instead of 20 damage.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), PUI Rules Team (2011-05-05)
The wording of Great Ball is now as follows, "Look at the top 7 cards of your deck. You may reveal a Pokémon you find there and put it into your hand. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck." This card works very differently now; it can no longer search the entire deck for a Pokémon and put it directly onto Bench.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), PUI Rules Team (2011-05-05)
The wording of Defender is now as follows, "Attach Defender to 1 of your Pokémon. Discard this card at the end of your opponent's next turn. Any damage done to the Pokémon Defender is attached to by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)." Defender now protects against all attacks, even ones not made by the opponent.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), PUI Rules Team (2011-05-05)
Unown's "CURE" Poke-POWER should read, "Once during your turn, when you put Unown from your hand onto your Bench, you may remove all Special Conditions from your Active Pokémon." Use of this Poke-POWER is optional.
Source: TPCi Announcement (2011-04-11), PUI Rules Team (2011-05-05)
Can I use VS Seeker to retrieve a Supporter that was played during this turn or do I have to wait until my next turn?
You can use VS Seeker whenever a Supporter card is in the Discard Pile, even if it was played during this turn.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
Can I play Professor Juniper if it is the only card in my hand, and then draw 7 cards?
Yes, you basically discard your remaining hand of zero cards, then you draw 7 cards from your deck.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
When Liepard attacks with "Taunt", who chooses which of the opponent's Benched Pokemon get brought forward?
The attack says "Switch the Defending Pokemon..." so the attacking player gets to choose.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
Can I pick up old pre-Black & White style Trainers, Supporters, or Stadiums with Lillipup's "Pickup" attack?
You can get pre-Black & White "Trainer" cards, but not "Supporter" nor "Stadium" cards.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
If Zoroark uses "Foul Play" to copy Reshiram's "Blue Flare" attack, what happens if I don't have have any Fire Energy attached to Zoroark?
The damage amount is done regardless of whether Zororark has any Fire Energy attached to it or not, but if you have one or two Fire Energy attached to Zoroark you must discard them.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
Do I have to meet the energy requirements for the attack I choose with Zoroark's "Foul Play"?
No, you do not have to meet the energy requirements for the attack. However, if the attack says you must do something or the attack does nothing, that part still has to be done.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
Maractus' "Constant Rattle" attack says what to do if you flip 1, 2, or all heads, but what happens if you flip no heads?
If you flip no heads, the attack does nothing.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
When Throh attacks with "Circle Throw", who chooses which of the opponent's Benched Pokemon get brought forward?
The attack says "Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon..." so the opponent gets to choose.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
For Mandibuzz's "Blindside" attack, who chooses which of the opponent's Pokemon receives the damage?
The attacking player chooses which of the opponent's Pokemon receives damage from the attack, but remember the opponent's Pokemon must already have damage counters on it first.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
Do I have to use Serperior's "Royal Heal" ability if I don't want to?
Royal Heal is not an optional ability. You must use this ability at some point in between turns.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
Can I use Reuniclus' "Damage Swap" ability to move all of my damage counters onto one Pokemon and then knock it out?
You can only move one damage counter at a time with Damage Swap (even though you can re-use the ability many times), so as soon as the number of damage counters on the Pokemon equals its HP, it would be KO'd immediately. In other words, you cannot move ten damage counters onto a Pokemon with only 50 HP and then knock it out.
Source: Black & White FAQ (2011-04-28), PUI Rules Team (2011-04-28)
If I use Smeargle's "Portrait" Poke-POWER and find "Engineer's Adjustments" in my opponent's hand, do I have to use it if I have an Energy card in my hand?
Yes, if you have an energy card and you choose Engineer's Adjustments, you have to discard the energy and draw 4 cards.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-12-09), PUI Rules Team (2011-03-17)
Can I place all 4 cards that I looked at with the Trainer card "Research Record" at the bottom of my deck? Or can I place all 4 cards on top of my deck?
Yes, you can put as many of the four cards on the top or on the bottom any way you like (except face-up).
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
Let's say I have no cards left in my deck when my opponent's turn ends, the "Lost World" Stadium is in play and my opponent has 6 Pokemon cards in the Lost Zone. Can I declare myself the winner at the beginning of my turn, before drawing a card from my deck?
No you can't. You can only declare yourself the winner with the effect of Lost World during your turn, but since you can't draw a card from your Deck you cannot start your turn, and therefore you lose.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
If my opponent has 6 or more Pokemon cards in his or her Lost Zone after my Pokemon uses its attack, but prior to the start of my opponent's turn, can I declare myself the winner with the effect of the "Lost World" Stadium?
No, you can't. You can only declare victory with the effect of Lost World prior to your Pokemon using an attack. Once you begin your attack, you cannot use Lost World's effect.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
If an Unown-Q is put into the Lost Zone while it is attached to a Pokemon as a Tool, would it count toward the 6 Pokemon needed for a player to declare themselves a winner when "Lost World" is in play?
Yes. Once it is no longer in play, it reverts to being a Pokemon card again.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
If a Stage 2 Pokemon or Leveled Up Pokemon is put in the Lost Zone, does that count as one Pokemon towards the 6 Pokemon needed for a player to declare themselves a winner when "Lost World" is in play?
No. Each Pokemon card counts toward the 6, including Basic, Stage 1, Stage 2, and Level Up Pokemon cards.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
Do the individual pieces of LEGEND Pokemon count toward the 6 Pokemon needed for a player to declare themselves a winner when "Lost World" is in play?
Yes, each LEGEND Pokemon card counts as one Pokemon toward the requirement.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
If I have a Double Colorless Energy attached to Tangrowth, will its "Grind" attack do an extra 20 or 40 damage for that energy card?
It will do an extra 40 damage. Grind looks at the total amount of energy attached, not energy cards.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
If I don't have any cards in my hand, can I use my Mr. Mime's "Trick Reveal" Poke-POWER to look at my opponent's hand?
Yes. You still have a hand, it just has no cards in it. Show your (empty) hand when your opponent shows their hand.
Source: Call of Legends FAQ (2011-02-10), PUI Rules Team (2011-02-10)
When using the Lost World stadium in Team Gameplay, can you check if the entire opposing team has 6 Pokemon in both of their Lost Zones combined? Or does it have to be 6 Pokemon in either of your opponent's individual Lost Zones?
Since each player has their own individual Lost Zone, you would have to have all 6 Pokemon in one opponent's Lost Zone in order to declare your team the winner.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-02-03)
If I use Bronzong's "Legend Ceremony" attack, can I search my deck for only one Pokemon LEGEND half?
No. If you cannot find both halves, you can't get any Legend pieces. It's both halves or nothing.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-02-03)
If I use Bronzong's "Legend Ceremony" attack, can I choose halves from different Pokemon LEGENDs?
No, both halves must be from the same Pokemon LEGEND.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-02-03)
If I have more prizes remaining than my opponent and I play Black Belt, but then I KO one or more of my opponent's Pokemon before I attack, would I still be able to use the effect of Black Belt if I'm no longer behind on prizes?
Yes, you can. The requirement of being behind on prizes is just for playing the card, and once it's in play you can use its effect even if you are no longer behind.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2011-01-27)
When using Smeargle's "Portrait" Poke-POWER, can I choose a Supporter that will have no effect?
You cannot pick a supporter you couldn't normally use; for example you can't choose "Twins" unless you are behind on prizes at that time, nor Aaron's Collection if you don't have anything in your Discard Pile. You would have to choose a different Supporter if one is available.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-12-09)
What happens if I use Smeargle's "Portrait" Poke-POWER, but I cannot satisfy the conditions of any of my opponent's Supporters?
You get to look at the opponent's hand, and that's all.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-12-09)
Can I use Murkrow's "Switcheroo" attack to move an opponent's "Energy Gain" to a non-SP Pokemon?
Yes you can, but if the Pokemon you move the Energy Gain to is not a Pokemon-SP then the tool would be discarded after it gets moved.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-11-18)
Can I use Machamp's "Fighting Tag" Poke-POWER to switch him with the Active Pokemon if the current Active has no Fighting Energy attached to it?
No, if you don't move any Fighting energy you cannot switch Machamp with the Active Pokemon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-11-18)
When Yanmega tries to attack, do you evaluate the number of cards in your hand for the "Insight" Poke-BODY before or after discarding a card for Giratina Lv.X's "Invisible Tentacles" Poke-BODY?
The Insight Poke-BODY is evaluated before your attack even begins; therefore it is checked before discarding any cards for Invisible Tentacles.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-11-11)
Do I have to choose 2 cards when I play Twins and search my deck?
Yes, since the card says "any 2 cards" and not "up to 2 cards". And if you only have 1 card remaining in your deck, you must take that card.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
Can I use Seeker if either player has no Benched Pokemon, or do both players need to have at least one Pokemon on the Bench?
If there's a Pokemon on either player's Bench, Seeker can be used.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
When the Junk Arm trainer says "you can't choose Junk Arm", does it mean any Junk Arm already in the Discard Pile, or just this specific card?
It means you can't get any Junk Arm cards from the Discard Pile.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
Can I rearrange the order of my prize cards after using Alph Lithograph (number 4)?
Yes, you can.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
What happens if a Pokemon with Rescue Energy attached is Knocked Out by an attack that normally sends cards to the Lost Zone?
The order of resolution for the effects can be decided by the owner of the Pokemon with Rescue Energy attached to it. So the Pokemon can either go to the Lost Zone and stay there, or use Rescue Energy to return the Pokemon to your hand. Any other cards such as Energy, Tools, etc. would still go to the Lost Zone if the attack specifies.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If an evolved Pokemon is Knocked Out with Rescue Energy attached to it, do you get to put all of the evolution stage cards and Basic Pokemon card back into your hand, or just the highest stage Evolution card?
All of them go to back into your hand.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
When using Palkia & Dialga LEGEND's "Time Control" attack, can you place more prizes than your opponent started the match with?
Yes, you can. The prize pile is not limited to any maximum amount.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
In a Sudden Death game, if I add prizes to my opponent's field with Palkia & Dialga LEGEND's "Time Control" attack, is the game won by the next player to take a prize, or the first player to take their last prize?
A Sudden Death match is complete when a player has taken all of their prizes, regardless of whether there is more than one or not. So adding prizes in this scenario makes it more difficult for the opponent to win.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If the opponent has already drawn 2 prizes in the game, and then I use Dialga & Palkia LEGEND's "Time Control" attack to add two more prizes, how much damage would my Mismagius [GL]'s "Grudge" attack do on the following turn?
Even though the Time Control attack added two prizes to your opponent's pile, they have still taken two prizes during the game. So Grudge would do 20 damage plus 10 more for each of the prize cards they have already taken.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
In a game that goes to time and is tied, if I add prizes to my opponent's field with Palkia & Dialga LEGEND's "Time Control" attack on my next turn, do I win?
Yes. After regulation time (plus any additional turns) is completed, once you have fewer prizes remaining than your opponent, you win.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
When using Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND's "Moon's Invite" attack, can you put more damage counters on a Pokemon than it has HP left?
Yes, you can put as many on a Pokemon as you want to, as long as you have enough to move, of course.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
When using Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND's "Moon's Invite" attack, can you move damage counters to/from more than one Pokemon?
Yes. Basically the attack let's you rearrange your opponent's damage counters any way you want, as long as other effects, Poke-POWERs, Poke-BODYs, etc. will allow.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If I use Gengar's "Hurl into Darkness" attack, can I put a LEGEND Pokemon card (the top or bottom half) in the Lost Zone?
Yes, you can. Each half of a LEGEND Pokemon is treated as 1 Pokemon card.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If I use Gengar's "Cursed Drop" attack, can I put damage counters on more than one of my opponent's Pokemon, or do I have to put all four counters on one Pokemon?
You can put the 4 damage counters on their Pokemon in any way that you like.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
Can Mew's "Lost Link" Poke-BODY use the attack of one half of a LEGEND Pokemon if its card is in the Lost Zone? Or what if both halves of the LEGEND Pokemon are in the Lost Zone?
No, you cannot. If a LEGEND Pokemon's cards are not in play, you cannot reference its attacks, Poke-POWER, Poke-BODY, etc.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If my Active Pokemon does an attack that Knocks Out an opponent's Pokemon, but also switches my Active Pokemon to the Bench, would the Knocked Out Pokemon go to the Lost Zone if I bring up Gengar with the "Castastrophe" Poke-BODY?
Yes. Gengar is active at the end of the attack when Knock Out conditions are evaluated.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If I use an attack that Knocks Out a defending Gengar with the "Castastrophe" Poke-BODY, but it also knocks itself out, does the attacking Pokemon go to the Lost Zone, or is "Catastrophe" no longer in effect when Gengar is KO'd?
Since both Pokemon are KO'd at the same time, Gengar's Catastrophe Poke-BODY is still working at the point when Knock Outs are evaluated. So the attacking Pokemon would go to the Lost Zone.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
If an opponent's evolved Pokemon is Knocked Out while Gengar is Active, does the "Catastrophe" Poke-BODY put all of the evolution stage cards and Basic Pokemon card in the Lost Zone, or just the highest stage Evolution card?
The evolved Pokemon and any of its pre-evolved stages and Lv.X cards go to the Lost Zone, and all attached Energy, Tools, etc. go to the Discard Pile.
Source: Triumphant FAQ (2010-11-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-11-04)
What happens if I attach a Rainbow Energy to Roserade with the "Energy Signal" Poke-POWER? Do I get to use both effects?
If the Energy card you attached provides all types (for example, Rainbow Energy), then both effects would trigger. Energy Signal would both Confuse and Poison the Defending Pokemon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-09-30)
On the part of Legend Box where it talks about "you can play only 1 Pokemon LEGEND in this way", is that just for the play of the card, or for the entire game?
It only lasts for as long as the Trainer is being used. It just means that if you reveal two or more complete Pokemon LEGENDs that you can only put one of them onto your bench for that trainer card played.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-09-23)
When using "Flower Shop Lady", do I have to put all 3 Pokemon and all 3 Basic Energy cards into my deck, or can I choose to return only 1 or 2 (or none) of each?
You must return all three of each if you are able to (or as many as you can if you have less than three). The card does not say "up to 3".
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I use Energy Exchanger to trade a Basic Energy for a Special Energy card?
Yes, the Trainer does not restrict its effect to only Basic Energy cards.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
What happens if one of the players doesn't have a benched Pokemon when using Drifblim's "Take Away" attack?
There is no restriction on using the attack if there is no benched Pokemon. If a player has no Benched Pokemon, that player loses. If neither player has Benched Pokemon, then it is a tie and a game of Sudden Death must be played.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When using Espeon's "Solar Suggestion" attack, do I have to move all four damage counters from one of my Pokemon to one of my opponent's Pokemon, or can I split the damage counters from multiple different Pokemon on each player's side?
You can choose up to 4 counters from as many of your own Pokemon as you like, and can split them up on your opponent's Pokemon in any way you want.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
If I choose 4 damage counters on my Pokemon with Espeon's "Solar Suggestion" attack, can I then place 3 or fewer damage counters on my opponent's Pokemon?
No, you can't. You must place the same number of damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon as you removed from your own Pokemon.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can Espeon's "Solar Suggestion" attack place damage counters onto a Jolteon that can't be hit by effects due to a successful coin flip during its "Agility" attack, or onto a Toxicroak [G] with its "Anticipation" Poke-BODY enabled? If I can't place them, what do I do with the damage counters I removed from my Pokemon?
You cannot place damage counters onto that Jolteon or Toxicroak [G], but you can still remove damage counters from your own Pokemon. If you select a Pokemon under the status of not receiving effects, the damage counters that would be placed onto that Pokemon simply disappear from play.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When Muk attacks with "Sludge Drag", who chooses which of the opponent's Benched Pokemon get brought forward?
The attacking player gets to choose.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I use Slowpoke's "Rambunctious Party" attack if my Bench is full?
Yes you can perform the attack, but all you get to do is look at the top 5 cards and then shuffle them all back into your deck.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When using Slowpoke's "Rambunctious Party" attack, can I choose no Basic Pokemon even if some are in the top 5 cards I drew?
Yes, you can choose as many or as few (including zero) as you like.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When using Rotom's "Plasma Arrow" attack, I get to choose one of the opponent's Pokemon and do 20 damage for each Energy attached to it; but do I do the damage to the Defending Pokemon, or to the Pokemon I chose?
To the Pokemon that was chosen. If the damage were to be done to the Defending Pokemon, there would be a "20x" value in the damage field of the attack.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
If the damage dealt by Gliscor's "Ninja Fang" attack is reduced to 0 by damage-reducing effects like Special Metal Energy or the Trainer card "Defender", does the Defending Pokemon become Paralyzed or not?
No, it does not. The Defending Pokemon can only be Paralyzed if Ninja Fang does 10 damage or more after all other affects have been evaluated.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
If my opponent uses "Mirror Shot" on my Active Pokemon, would I still have to flip a coin for my attack if I retreat?
No, retreating would clear the effect of Mirror Shot.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
A Vespiquen that used its "Mach Wind" attack on my previous turn was hit by Grimer's "Sticky Liquid" attack during my opponent's turn. In this instance, what is Vespiquen's retreat cost during my next turn?
It has no Retreat Cost. When effects that increase something like Retreat Cost by a particular amount are stacked on top of effects that make something like Retreat Cost vanish, the vanishing effect takes priority.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When using Misdreavus' "Dual Draw" attack, do the players have to draw all 3 cards, or can they just draw 1 or 2 (or none)?
You must draw all three if you are able to (or as many as you can if you have less than three). The attack does not say "up to 3 cards".
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When I use Smeargle's "Portrait" Poke-POWER to look at my opponent's hand, can I terminate the power's effect without choosing a Supporter card?
No, you cannot. You must choose a Supporter card when you use the effect if the opponent has one in their hand.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I use Smeargle's "Portrait" Poke-POWER if I have already used a Supporter this turn?
Yes, you are not playing a second Supporter, you are just using the Supporter's effect as the effect of the power.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When using Slowking's "Opponent's Choice" Poke-POWER, do you have to show your opponent what the cards are since it says 'you may reveal the top 2 cards'?
Of course you have to show the opponent what the cards are. The "you may" refers to using the power, not to being able to use it without showing them the cards.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
When I switch a Prize card and a card from my Deck with Rotom's "Mischievous Trick" Poke-POWER, can I look at either card?
No, you cannot. Keep both cards face-down when you switch them.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I use Rotom's "Mischievous Trick" Poke-POWER when I have no cards in my deck, to put a Prize card into my deck?
No, you can't. That would be far too mischievous.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
Can I still play Supporters or Stadiums while Vileplume's "Allergy Flower" Poke-BODY is in effect?
Yes. They are not Trainers.
Source: Undaunted FAQ (2010-09-09), PUI Rules Team (2010-09-09)
If I attach Memory Berry to Mareep, evolve it to Ampharos, then attack with "Static Electricity", would I search my deck for energies based on the number of Mareep or the number of Ampharos in play?
In the latter part of the Static Electricity attack Where the English card says "attach them to Mareep", the Japanese card actually says "attach them to this Pokemon". So, you would count the number of Mareep in play and attach that many Lightning energy to Ampharos.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-07-15)
Can I play "Pokemon Circulator" if my opponent doesn't have any benched Pokemon?
Since Pokemon Circulator requires your opponent to switch with a benched Pokemon, you can't play it unless your opponent has a Pokemon on the bench.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
What happens if a player has no hand when "Judge" is played?
The player shuffles his or her deck and draws 4 cards (or as many cards as possible if the deck contains less than 4 cards).
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
When I use "Interviewer's Questions" and I don't want to choose some or all of the energy I find, do I show those energy cards to my opponent?
Show only the energy cards you chose to your opponent. Don't reveal any cards you will shuffle back in.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If you don't have a Pokemon or a Trainer in your discard pile, can you play "Good Rod"?
No. You can't play a trainer or supporter if it's public knowledge that it won't have any game effect. If you have at least one Trainer or Pokemon in your discard pile, you can play Good Rod.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If I don't discard an energy, can I play "Engineer's Adjustments"?
No. You must be able to discard an energy to play the card.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If I have less than 4 energy cards in my discard pile, can I play "Energy Returner"?
Only if you have at least one energy in your discard. If you have less than 4 energy, return all of them to your deck.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If I flip two heads with "Dual Ball" can I choose both halves of a LEGEND Pokemon?
No, because LEGEND are not Basic Pokemon, you cannot choose them with Dual Ball.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
Do the LEGEND cards with two Pokemon on them (i.e. "Entei & Raikou LEGEND", etc.) count as two Pokemon while in play?
No, they only count as a single Pokemon when in play, even if your opponent takes 2 Prize cards when they are knocked out.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If "Raikou & Suicune LEGEND" attacks "Suicune & Entei LEGEND", how is weakness calculated?
Since "Suicune & Entei LEGEND" is weak to both of "Raikou & Suicune LEGEND's" types (Electric and Water), you would multiply the damage x4.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
Can I apply Jirachi's "Time Hollow" attack to a Stage 2 Pokemon and also the Stage 1 underneath it?
No. You only remove the highest stage evolution from the Pokemon you choose at the start of the attack. You cannot choose the same Pokemon more than once in order to remove additional Stages.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
Can I use Weedle's "Speed Evolution" attack to search my deck for Beedrill and place it on Weedle?
No, you can't choose Beedrill from the deck. Beedrill states it evolves from Kakuna, so it is not a card that evolves from Weedle.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
Can I use Weedle's "Speed Evolution" attack on my first turn of the game or the turn it comes into play?
Yes. An attack can override the normal rules for evolution.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If Spearow has less than 4 damage counters can I use its "Roost" attack?
Yes. You do as much as you can to perform the effect of the attack; in this case remove all the damage counters.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
Can I use Dunsparce's "Return" attack with 6 or more cards in my hand?
Yes, it will do 10 base damage and you will not draw any cards.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If I have no bench, what happens when I use Lanturn's "Reflect Energy" attack?
Since there is no bench, you can't move the energy, but the damage is still done.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
The damage from Tyranitar's "Power Claw" attack isn't affected by Poke-POWERS, Poke-BODIES, or any other effects on the Defending Pokemon. Would you apply weakness and resistance to its damage?
Yes, weakness or resistance to Tyrantitar's type would be applied where appropriate. These are game rules and not considered effects on the Defending Pokemon.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
My Larvitar is poisoned with 10 HP left. My opponent has one prize remaining and no cards in the deck. Can I attack with "Mountain Eater" and win the game?
You can attack, but if you can't discard the card you don't get to remove two damage counters. Larvitar will be KO'd between turns and your opponent will take the last prize.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
What happens if I have no cards in my hand and use Manaphy's "Deep Sea Swirl" attack?
You always have a hand, even it you have zero cards in it. So you shuffle your deck and draw 5 cards.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
If I have multiple Cherrim in play, can I use more than one "Sunny Heal" Poke-POWER?
Yes, you can.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
When I use Shaymin's "Celebration Wind" Poke-POWER, can I move my energy cards in play around to any and all of my Pokemon that I want, or just to one Pokemon?
You can move the energy cards from more than one Pokemon and move them to more than one Pokemon, as desired. However, once you have taken another action, like playing a Pokemon card onto your bench, attaching an energy card from your hand, retreating your Active Pokemon, etc. you can no longer move any energy cards around.
Source: Unleashed FAQ (2010-05-13), PUI Rules Team (2010-05-13)
Three cards have been added to the list of errata for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. [...] The text below reflects what the card should say, not what was originally printed. "When the Pokémon this card is attached to is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack and put into your discard pile, draw cards until you have 7 cards in your hand." If the Pokémon does not go to the discard pile (for example, if it goes to the Lost Zone, etc.), you do not get to draw the cards.
Source: TPCi Errata Update (2010-05-07)
Three cards have been added to the list of errata for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. [...] The text below reflects what the card should say, not what was originally printed. "When you attach an Energy card from your hand to Onix, remove a damage counter from Onix." This Poké-Body only works when you attach an Energy card to Onix.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-05-06), TPCi Errata Update (2010-05-07)
Do I need to have a current version of "Moomoo Milk" outside my deck if I'm playing the older versions of the card in Modified Format?
Technically speaking the "Heart Gold/Soul Silver" version is a different card and it does not do the same thing as the older versions used to (it removes more damage counters now). So you cannot play "Moo-Moo Milk" from "Neo Genesis" nor "Expedition" in the current 2009-2010 Modified Format.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-02-18)
How do we play Team Galactic's Wager in Team Battle, when it says, "Each player shuffles..."?
For this card, treat the text "each player" like "you and your opponent". Under POP team play rules, this means: pick someone on your team and someone on the other team. Then only each of those players shuffle their hand, etc.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-02-18)
If Primeape's "Top Drop" attack reveals a LEGEND Pokemon card with no HP printed on it, how much damage does it do (if any)?
No damage is done regardless of which LEGEND half is revealed by Top Drop, because even the half with HP written on it is not considered "a Pokemon" while in the Discard Pile.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-02-04), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-18)
Can I use Mew's "Re-creation" attack to choose a Lugia LEGEND card with the attack "Elemental Blast" written on it from my opponent's discard pile, and use that attack?
No, you can't use any attacks from a Pokemon LEGEND unless both pieces are in play.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-02-18)
Can I use "Pokemon Collector" to choose Pokemon LEGEND cards as part of the 3 Basic Pokemon I search for in my deck?
No, because Pokemon Collector only lets you choose Basic Pokemon. Pokemon LEGEND are considered "Unevolved Pokemon" when in play, but they are not considered "Basic Pokemon".
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I use cards that search for a Pokemon, like "Bebe's Search" or "Poke Ball" to get a Pokemon LEGEND card from my deck?
Any effect that lets you search your deck or discard pile or do something from your hand with "a Pokemon" will let you use that effect on one half of a Pokemon LEGEND set, but not both halves.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
When I use the Supporter "Fisherman," can I put less than 4 Basic Energy cards from my discard pile into my hand?
If you have 4 or more Basic Energy cards in the discard pile you must put exactly 4 of them into your hand. But if there are less than 4 Basic Energy cards in the discard pile, you must take them all.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I use the Supporter "Copycat" when my opponent has no cards in his or her hand?
Yes, you can. Shuffle your hand into your deck, but don't draw any cards.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I play the Supporter "Copycat" when it's the only card in my hand?
Yes, you can. Shuffle your deck, then draw cards equal to the number of cards in your opponent's hand.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Is LEGEND part of the Pokemon name? Can I have 4 Lugia and 2 Lugia LEGEND sets in a 60 card deck?
LEGEND is part of the name, similar to past sets that contained Pokemon with "Dark" or "-ex" as part of their name. They are not considered the same as their normal counterpart, so yes you can have 4 "Lugia" and 4 "Lugia LEGEND" halves in your deck.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Do Pokemon LEGEND count as one Pokemon or two for purposes of bench space, prizes taken, attack effects, Poke-POWERs, Poke-BODYs, and calculating damage?
A Pokemon LEGEND is made up of two Pokemon cards each consisting of 1 half of the Pokemon, but it counts as a single Pokemon while in play; one bench space, one prize per KO [unless noted otherwise on the card] , etc.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I put three halves of one Pokemon LEGEND card and one of the other half in my deck?
Yes, that is legal if you wish. You do not need to have the same number of each half in your deck.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
How many of each half of the Pokemon LEGEND cards can I have in my 60 card deck? Is it 4 total or 4 of each half?
You can put up to 4 total halves of each Pokemon LEGEND in your deck (e.g. 4 Ho-Oh LEGEND halves and 4 Lugia LEGEND halves), but you cannot put 4 of each half of a Pokemon LEGEND in your deck (e.g. you couldn't have 4 Lugia LEGEND top half and 4 Lugia LEGEND bottom half). (GS:Heart Gold/Soul Silver FAQ; Feb 11, 2010 PUI Rules Team)
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
What if during setup the only Pokemon cards in my hand are Pokemon LEGEND halves?
Since you have no Basic Pokemon to place Active you will let your opponent look at your hand, then shuffle and redraw your hand as described in the rulebook.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I play a Pokemon LEGEND as my Active Pokemon or on my Bench during setup?
No. Since a Pokemon LEGEND is not a Basic Pokemon you cannot play it during setup, even if you have both halves.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I put 4 each of the Unown with the "RETURN" Poke-POWER and the Unown with the "FLASH" Poke-POWER in a 60 card deck?
No, you can't. In the case of cards like "Unown G" and "Unown R" where the Unown's letter is in its name, they are considered different names, and you can have 4 of each in your deck. When only "Unown" is written these are cards with the same name, so you can only put up to 4 copies of any with that exact name in a 60 card deck.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
If the Defending Pokemon is currently protected from effects of attacks, do I apply Resistance to Donphan's "Rock Hurl" attack or not?
No, because the phrase "Don't apply Resistance" is part of the damage calculation, not an effect of the attack.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I use Jynx's "Mimic" attack to shuffle my hand into my deck when my opponent has no cards in his or her hand?
Yes, but you won't draw any cards after you shuffle it in.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I use Jynx's "Mimic" attack to draw cards from my deck when I don't have any cards in my hand?
Yes, but you must shuffle your deck first before you draw.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
If Ariados' "Leech Life" attack does 30 damage but the opponent's Active Pokemon has only 10 HP remaining, how many damage counters will be removed from Ariados?
Leech Life does 30 damage, which is not affected by the fact that the KO only required 10 damage. Therefore, Ariados will remove 3 damage counters, or all if there are less than 3.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I use Mantine's "Group Swim" attack to put one half of a Lugia LEGEND card in my hand?
Yes. Either half of the Lugia LEGEND card is still considered "a Water-type Pokemon", so you can search for it with Group Swim.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
When I use Typhlosion's "Flare Destroy" attack, which player chooses the Energy card to discard from the Defending Pokemon?
The player that used the attack gets to choose which Energy cards get discarded from both the Active and Defending Pokemon.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
If the Defending Pokemon doesn't have any Energy cards attached to it, does Typhlosion's "Flare Destroy" attack still require Typhlosion to discard an Energy from itself?
Yes, if the attacking Pokemon has any Energy cards attached, it must discard one of them.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
If my opponent has less than 3 cards in his or her deck, so that I can't reorder the top 3 cards, can I still use Slowking's "Second Sight" Poke-POWER to look at the remaining cards in the deck?
Yes, you look at your opponent's remaining cards, then put them back in the deck in any order.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can I use Ninetales' "Roast Reveal" Poke-POWER when I have no cards in my deck?
Yes, you do as much of the power as you are able; discard 1 Fire Energy card from your hand, then the Poke-POWER's effect ends, without drawing any cards.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
Can Typhlosion's "Afterburner" Poke-POWER be used if there is no Energy in the discard pile, just to place a damage counter on one of my Pokemon?
No. Since you can't attach an Energy from your discard pile to one of your Pokemon, you can't use the rest of the power.
Source: HeartGold & SoulSilver FAQ (2010-02-11), PUI Rules Team (2010-02-11)
If I use Pokemon Communication to put a Pokemon into my deck, am I allowed to voluntarily fail and choose to take no Pokemon out of my deck?
The contents of your deck is not public knowledge so the deck search can fail, even if you've just put a Pokemon into the deck.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-02-04)
If my opponent uses Pichu's "Playground" attack on the first turn of the game, and I am going second, can I evolve the Pokemon I put onto my Bench with "Playground" since I did not put them in play on my turn?
It is a basic game rule that neither player can normally evolve any Pokemon on their first turn of the game, even if they are going second.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-02-04)
May I use Ambipom [G]'s "Tail Code" attack if my opponent only has an Active Pokemon and no Benched Pokemon?
Yes you can, although it won't move or discard the energy. There must be a Pokemon on the bench or you can't move the energy off the defending Pokemon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-01-28)
If I use Ambipom [G]'s "Tail Code" attack to move an energy card from the Defending Pokemon to one of my opponent's Pokemon that has an Unown-G attached to it, what happens?
While Unown-G prevents the attachment of the energy to the protected Pokemon, it does not prevent the removal of the energy card from the Defending Pokemon. The energy card is discarded.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-01-14)
Poké-Powers that end your turn are receiving errata to make it clear that you still end your turn if the Poké-Power is canceled, such as with Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray or by Alakazam's "Power Cancel" Poké-Power. Blastoise's correct card text should read: "(Poké-Power) Waterlog - Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. If you do, your turn ends. Attach as many basic {W} Energy cards from your hand to any of your Pokémon in any way you like. This power can't be used if Blastoise is affected by a Special Condition."
Source: Organized Play News (2009-05-01), PUI Rules Team (2009-05-07)
Poké-Powers that end your turn are receiving errata to make it clear that you still end your turn if the Poké-Power is canceled, such as with Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray or by Alakazam's "Power Cancel" Poké-Power. Unown V's correct card text should read: "(Poké-Power) VACATION - Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. If you do, your turn ends. Remove 2 damage counters from each of your Pokémon. This power can't be used if Unown V is affected by a Special Condition".
Source: Organized Play News (2009-05-01), PUI Rules Team (2009-05-07)
Some abilities referring to "Stage 2 Evolved Pokémon" are receiving errata. These cards do not care if the Pokémon is evolved or not, only if it is a Stage 2 Pokémon. So, Stage 2 Pokémon put into play with abilities like Garchomp LV.X's "Restore" attack still count for these abilities. Alakazam's correct card text should read: "Psychic Guard (50) - During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to Alakazam by attacks from your opponent's Stage 2 Pokémon is reduced by 30 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)."
Source: Organized Play News (2009-05-01), PUI Rules Team (2009-05-07)
Some abilities referring to "Stage 2 Evolved Pokémon" are receiving errata. These cards do not care if the Pokémon is evolved or not, only if it is a Stage 2 Pokémon. So, Stage 2 Pokémon put into play with abilities like Garchomp LV.X's "Restore" attack still count for these abilities. Staraptor's correct card text should read: "(Poké-Body) Protect Wing - As long as Staraptor is your Active Pokémon, any damage done by attacks from your opponent's Stage 2 Pokémon is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)".
Source: Organized Play News (2009-05-01), PUI Rules Team (2009-05-07)
Some abilities referring to "Stage 2 Evolved Pokémon" are receiving errata. These cards do not care if the Pokémon is evolved or not, only if it is a Stage 2 Pokémon. So, Stage 2 Pokémon put into play with abilities like Garchomp LV.X's "Restore" attack still count for these abilities. Glalie's correct card text should read: "(Poké-Body) Craggy Face - As long as Glalie is your Active Pokémon, any damage done by attacks from your opponent's Stage 2 Pokémon is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance)".
Source: Organized Play News (2009-05-01), PUI Rules Team (2009-05-07)
How many Shellos/Gastrodons of the East Sea or West Sea variety can you have in a deck?
You may have four of each. "Shellos East Sea" and "Shellos West Sea" are different Pokemon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2009-04-30)
If the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out by Dialga-G Lv.X's "Remove Lost" attack, is a coin still flipped to see if the Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon will be sent to the Lost Zone?
Yes, you calculate the damage dealt first, then flip for the energies to go to the Lost Zone, and finally remove any Pokemon that are knocked out.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2009-04-02)
If I have no hand, can I use Sableye's "Impersonate" attack to get & discard a Bebe's Search? I can't use the effect of Bebe's Search because I can't put a card on top of the deck before I search, Does this also mean that I can't select Bebe's Search to begin with?
You can use Impersonate to search for the card, discard it, then shuffle your deck. But since you don't meet the requirements for using Bebe's Search you cannot use its effect.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2009-04-02)
You cannot play a card if it is public knowledge that it will have no game effect. Paying a cost does not satisfy the requirement that the card has a game effect.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-01-31), PUI Rules Team (2009-03-12)
Shaymin LV.X is receiving errata for its "Seed Flare" attack. Seed Flare does additional damage for each Grass Energy card attached during the attack, rather than each Grass Energy attached during the attack. The correct card text should read, "Choose as many Grass Energy cards from your hand as you like and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like. If you do, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each Grass Energy card attached in this way."
Source: Organized Play News (2009-02-26)
Skuntank is receiving errata for its "Evolutionary Gas" Poké-Power. Evolutionary Gas's effect ends when the Defending Pokémon is no longer the opponent's Active Pokémon. The correct card text should read, "Once during your turn (before your attack), when you play Skuntank from your hand to evolve 1 of your Active Pokémon, you may choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon. If that Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, that attack does nothing. (If the Defending Pokémon is no longer your opponent's Active Pokémon, this effect ends.)"
Source: Organized Play News (2009-02-26)
Dialga from the Platinum expansion is receiving errata to address an incorrect card template for the parallel holo version of the card. Dialga (Platinum, 23/127) should use the Metal-type card template, rather than the Colorless-type card template.
Source: Organized Play News (2009-02-26)
Effects on the attacking Pokemon are applied before weakness and resistance. Effects on the defending Pokemon are applied after weakness and resistance.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2009-01-15)
Can I use Shedinja's "Vessel of Life" Ability to attach it to a Pokemon that already has another Pokemon Tool card attached?
No, you cannot; the rulebook states "each Pokemon can have only 1 Pokemon Tool attached at any time". However, if there's an effect that overrides that rule, such as Genesect GX's "Double Drive" Ability, then you would be able to attach Shedinja to a Pokemon that already has another Pokemon Tool card attached.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-12-27), TPCi Rules Team (2009-01-03)
If I have an attack that says to discard a Fire Energy and a Water Energy, may I discard a single Rainbow Energy card or Multi Energy card to satisfy that requirement?
No, even though Rainbow and Multi provide all energy types simultaneously, they only provide one unit of energy. You can discard it for either the Fire or the Water, but you would still need to discard at least one additional card of the required type.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-12-11)
If Gengar uses "Shadow Room" against a Lv.X Pokemon that has no Poke-POWER, but the card underneath the Lv.X *does* have a Poke-POWER, does "Shadow Room" place three or six damage counters?
The Lv.X Pokemon has the Poke-POWERs and Poke-BODYs from the card underneath it, so Shadow Room would place six damage counters in this situation.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-11-20)
If I intend to use a Poke-POWER [or Ability], do I have to announce its name or can I just take the action specified?
You have to clearly communicate your intent to use a Poke-POWER [or Ability] by some method other than just performing its game effect. Show or tell your opponent which Pokémon is going to use what Power.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-11-13)
Roserade is receiving errata for its Poke-BODY, "Hidden Poison". Hidden Poison affects your opponent's Attacking Pokemon, not your Defending Pokemon. The correct card text should read, "If Roserade is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Roserade is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokemon is now Poisoned."
Source: Organized Play News (2008-11-07)
Gengar is receiving errata for its Poke-POWER, "Fainting Spell". Fainting Spell affects your opponent's Attacking Pokemon, not your Defending Pokemon. The correct card text should read, "Once during your opponent's turn, if Gengar would be Knocked Out by damage from an attack, you may flip a coin. If heads, the Attacking Pokémon is Knocked Out."
Source: Organized Play News (2008-11-07)
Can I separate my discard pile in two stacks to make it easier to count energy?
No, you have to have a single neatly stacked discard pile. You may sort or turn cards neatly in that pile if it helps the game go more quickly, but they must all be touching.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-10-16)
I like to keep my deck and discard pile sideways to help me keep them separate from my bench. Is that OK?
Your deck must be oriented vertically, to avoid revealing information during handling or cuts. You may turn your discard pile 'sideways', to help you distinguish it from your bench.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-10-16)
Is it OK to roll a dice to randomize my Rock-Paper-Scissors choice?
No. R-P-S is a game of strategy. You must not appear to be randomizing your choice by any method.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-10-16)
Can I use dice or cards to indicate my throw in Rock-Paper-Scissors?
You may not use dice to indicate your choice, as it is too easy to manipulate the dice while it is covered. The requirements for R-P-S cards are that they must have identical backs, that they clearly say "Rock" or "Paper" or "Scissors" on the front and that all themes on the cards be appropriate for a Pokemon Event as determined by the Head Judge.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-10-16)
Can you have 4 Electivire and 4 Electivire Lv.X in the same deck?
No, Lv.X Pokemon are considered the same as other pokemon with the same name. You may only have a maximum of 4 combined in your deck (i.e. 3 Electivire, 1 Electivire Lv.X).
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-09-25)
Does special Metal Energy reduce damage done to me from attacks by my own Pokemon?
Yes, as long as it is attached to a metal type Pokemon. But keep in mind that Metal Energy does NOT prevent the "placing of damage counters" (not same as "damage done").
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-09-11)
Forretress's "Iron Shell" Poke-BODY is not optional; you *MUST* flip a coin whenever attaching a Basic Energy Card to Forretress.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-08-28)
Can I have 4 Deoxys Attack Forme and 4 Deoxys Speed Forme in my deck?
Yes, the "Forme" is part of the name, so you can have 4 of each.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-08-07)
Can I use Eevee's "Call for Family" to search through my deck if I already have four Eevee in play or in the discard pile?
You can use the attack, but you cannot search your deck since it is public knowledge that you won't find an Eevee because all four copies of the card are already in known areas.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-07-17); TPCi Rules Team (2023-03-23)
Can I use Rare Candy to evolve from Dome Fossil to one of the Kabutops from older expansions that evolve from Mysterious Fossil?
Since Kabutops can evolve from Kabuto of any expansion, you may use Rare Candy to evolve either Dome Fossil or Mysterious Fossil into any Kabutops, regardless of expansion.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-05-22)
The contents of your deck are technically unknown. If an effect calls on you to search your deck for a specific card or category of card, you may choose not to find a card, even if it is present in the deck.
Source: Worlds 2006 PCL Announcement (2006-08-18), PUI Rules Team (2008-05-08)
Combusken's "Bulk Up" attack says "during your next turn, each of Combusken's attacks does 30 more damage to the Defending Pokemon". Does that mean the effect of "Bulk Up" only works if both Combusken AND the Defending Pokemon remain active?
The effect of Bulk Up only resides on Combusken's attacks. If the Defending Pokemon retreats, evolves, etc. the effect still remains on Combusken.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-05-08)
The game has no knowledge of the contents of your deck. For example, if you search your deck for something and fail, you can still use other cards or effects to search for the exact same thing.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-04-17)
A player must always have an Active Pokemon. There is no time in which they don't, not even after a KO. Replacement must be done immediately.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-04-17)
Benching a Pokemon removes all Special Conditions on that Pokemon including Poisoned and Burned, and all Attack effects on that Pokemon that do not place a Marker (such as Imprison).
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-04-17)
An attack that copies another Pokemon's attack can only copy attacks printed on that Pokemon, not other attacks that the Pokemon may use due to Poke-POWERs, Poke-BODYs, Stadiums, etc. (with the exception of Lv.X Pokemon since they are considered "extensions" of the original Pokemon).
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-04-17)
Manectric's "Lightning Twister" attack should say, "Does 20 damage times the amount of Energy from basic Energy cards attached to Manectric."
Source: Organized Play News (2008-02-28), PUI Rules Team (2008-03-13)
Exeggutor's "String Bomb" attack should say, "Flip a coin for each Energy from basic Energy cards attached to Exeggutor and to the Defending Pokémon."
Source: Organized Play News (2008-02-28)
If I have an Ariados with "Sticky" Poke-BODY on the bench and another one as my Active Pokemon, does the Active Ariados have +1 added to its Retreat Cost or not?
Ariados' "Sticky" Poke-BODY should say, "The Retreat Cost for each player's Pokemon (excluding any Ariados) is {C} more". So Sticky prevents adding +1 to *ANY* Ariados' Retreat Cost, including your opponent's Ariados. Keep in mind that this does NOT include "Dark Ariados", just any Pokemon named "Ariados".
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-02-21), Organized Play News (2008-02-28)
Wormadam's "Sandy Cloak" Poke-BODY should say, "Prevent all effects of attacks, excluding damage, done to Wormadam Sandy Cloak by your opponent's Pokemon".
Source: Organized Play News (2008-02-28)
Tangrowth's "Power Whip" attack should say, "This attack does 10 damage for each Energy from basic Energy cards attached to Tangrowth to that Pokemon."
Source: Organized Play News (2008-02-28)
Does Unown G's "GUARD" Poke-POWER prevent effects from attacks that the Unown G is attached to?
No, the Poke-POWER only prevent effects from an opponent's attacks, not your own. Unown-G's "GUARD" Poke-POWER should say, "As long as Unown G is attached to a Pokemon, prevent all effects of attacks, excluding damage, done to that Pokemon by your opponent's Pokemon".
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-02-21), Organized Play News (2008-02-28)
If I use Caterpie's "Pupate" Poke-POWER to successfully evolve into Metapod, can I then immediately use Metapod's "Emerge" Poke-POWER to attempt to evolve into Butterfree, all on the same turn?
Yes, you can.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-02-21)
Placing damage counters is not the same as doing damage. Things that add to or subtract from damage done do not affect placing counters.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-01-31)
Mandatory game actions cannot be forgotten or missed; they must be done. Examples: Drawing a Prize card, checking for Asleep, etc.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-01-31)
If a Retreat Cost is set to zero by an effect, it cannot be increased. Note this is different than a Retreat Cost that was reduced to zero by subtraction.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-01-31)
An attack has to do "some" damage before an effect can add "more" damage to it.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2008-01-31)
Banette is receiving errata for its first attack, Ghost Head. Ghost Head can't cause Banette to Knock Out itself ... the attack has to leave Banette with at least 10 HP. "Put as many damage counters as you like on Banette. (You can't Knock Out Banette.) Put that many damage counters on the Defending Pokémon."
Source: Organized Play News (2008-01-29)
Electrode is receiving errata for the card to reflect that its Poké-Power can trigger when any attack Knocks Out Electrode, not just during its owner's turn. "If Electrode would be Knocked Out by damage from an attack, you may use this power. Electrode isn't discarded. Instead, attach it as an Energy card to 1 of your Pokémon. While attached, this card is a Special Energy card and provides every type of Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time. (Has no effect other than providing Energy.)"
Source: PUI Rules Team (2007-12-06), Organized Play News (2008-01-29)
Magmortar LV.X's "Flame Bluster" attack should say "discard 2 Fire Energy CARDS" rather than just "discard 2 Fire Energy".
Source: Organized Play News (2007-11-16)
Electivire's "Discharge" attack should say "for each Electric Energy CARD" rather than just "for each Electric Energy".
Source: Organized Play News (2007-11-16)
Entei's "Blaze Roar" attack should say "discard 2 Fire Energy CARDS" rather than just "discard 2 Fire Energy".
Source: Organized Play News (2007-11-16)
Team Gameplay was restored as a Fun Format, for both Limited and Constructed tournaments
Source: Organized Play Tournament Formats (2007-09-01)
Empoleon LV.X from Diamond & Pearl contains an error. Its Poké-POWER symbol was printed with the Poké-Body symbol. In all cases, play Empoleon's effect as a Poké-Power. The game play of the effect remains unchanged.
Source: PUI Announcement (2007-05-25)
If an attack has an *optional* effect triggered by a discard, a Pokémon copying that attack must be able to do that discard in order to get the additional effect; if they cannot perform the optional discard, it still gets the base effect and damage.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2007-03-15)
Once you have declared an attack, you cannot leave the attack step without your opponent's permission. If you declare an "illegal" attack (e.g., you don't have the proper energy required to perform the attack), you may ask your opponent's permission to back out of the attack step. If he or she says "yes", you can go back and take any actions that you could have taken prior to the attack step. If he or she says "no", you may either select an attack that is legal or you may pass.
Source: Organized Play Announcement (2007-03-14), PUI Rules Team (2007-03-15)
If an action is mandatory (e.g., draw a card at the beginning of your turn, take a prize for knocking out a Pokémon, place damage counters for an attack, etc.), and you forget to take that action, you do not need your opponent's permission to do it. However, you should immediately call a judge so that things don't get muddled.
Source: Organized Play Announcement (2007-03-14)
If an action is *optional* (e.g., playing a Trainer, attaching an Energy, attacking your opponent's Pokémon, etc.), and you forget to take that action, you may ask your opponent for permission to take that action. For example, if you attach a Grass Energy to your Pokémon, and you wanted to attach a Fire Energy, you may ask your opponent's permission to take back the Grass Energy and attach the Fire energy instead. If he or she says no, you're stuck with the Grass Energy.
Source: Organized Play Announcement (2007-03-14)
When using Absol-EX's "Cursed Eyes", do I have to move all three counters or can I choose to move less than three (like if I only need to move one counter to KO another Pokémon and wished to leave the other two where they are)?
You must move 3 from that Pokémon if there are 3 that can be moved.
Source: Power Keepers FAQ (2007-02-01), PUI Rules Team (2007-02-01)
If my opponent has more than one Pokémon with damage on it, can I use Absol-EX's "Cursed Eyes" Poké-POWER on one that has less than 3 damage counters even if they have another Pokémon with 3 or more damage counters on it?
You may choose to use Absol-EX's power against any Pokémon with damage counters, but if it has less than three you would move all of the damage counters off of it.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2007-02-01)
If my opponent has a Pokémon with only 2 damage counters on it, can I still use Absol-EX's "Cursed Eyes" Poké-POWER on it?
Yes, you can. If you use this power, you move the 2 damage counters to another one of your opponent's Pokémon.
Source: Power Keepers FAQ (2007-02-01), PUI Rules Team (2007-02-01)
My opponent MUST put their basic down first before they draw 1 card for my mulligan, right? Say my opponent draws a better choice starter Pokémon when I mulligan, are they allowed to switch it out with another from their hand?
They must place their active Pokémon and their prizes before optionally drawing a card for the mulligan. Once placed, the active cannot be changed during setup; but you are allowed to add a new Pokémon to your bench, if there is room.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-06-16), PUI Rules Team (2006-02-09), PUI Rules Team (2006-07-27)
Holon Energy WP and Ancient Technical Machine [Ice] only prevent effects that come from attacks, not all effects in play. Trainer cards, Poké-Powers, and Poké-Bodies are not prevented by those cards.
Source: PUI Announcement (2006-07-25)
Blastoise-EX and Articuno-EX each have an attack that discards an Energy card from the Defending Pokémon. The player using those attacks is also the player who chooses the Energy card to be discarded.
Source: PUI Announcement (2006-07-25)
Can you attach multiple copies of the same TM to the same Pokémon?
Source: PUI Rules Team (2006-02-23)
Before starting the game, Player-A has a Basic Pokémon but Player-B does not. On Player-A's draw 1 card for mulligan, say they draw a better choice for starting Pokémon; are they allowed to switch it out with the one they chose to be their 1st active before the mulligan? And if they choose to switch, must it stay on the field and not allowed to be put back into hand?
Player A continues his or her setup and can choose to draw an extra card after setting aside his or her Prize cards. Once placed, the active cannot be changed during setup, but a mulligan card can be placed onto the bench.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-05-05), PUI Rules Team (2006-02-09)
I have never had this come up and I can't find anything saying you can't, but can you attach 2 Technical Machines to the same Pokémon at the same time?
There are no restrictions on TM's that say you cannot, so yes you can.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2006-01-26)
In a sanctioned Tournament, does the player have to show his hand in the event they have no Basics at the start of the game? The Floor Rules don't explicitly say that they have to.
Yes, you still reveal your hand before you shuffle it back into your deck. The rules from the rulebook still apply unless specifically stated otherwise.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-10-16), PUI Rules Team (2006-01-26)
Is it required to have a Basic Pokémon in your deck? For example, could I make a deck with just the fossils and no other Basic Pokémon in it?
Starting with EX:Delta Species, there is now a requirement to have at least 1 Basic Pokémon in a deck in order to be considered a legal deck.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2006-01-12)
Could I use a Poké-POWER, Poké-BODY, Attack, or Trainer to search through my deck for a particular card if I already know that card is not in my deck (i.e. using Energy Search if you know there are no basic Energy left in the deck due to previous unsuccessful searches)?
Yes you may, but if done repeatedly a judge may evaluate whether it's being used legitimately or merely as a stalling tactic.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-12-08)
Can you "Energy Trans" or "Dark Trance" a Rainbow Energy, Multi Energy, or any other special energy cards?
As long as they are providing the proper energy type and don't violate any other restrictions written on the card, then yes you may.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-05-06), PUI Rules Team (2005-11-17)
Could I play a trainer if it's obvious that it will have no effect (i.e. Life Herb on a Pokémon without any damage and with no Special Conditions on it)?
No, you cannot play a card if it is obvious that you cannot do what the card is supposed to do at that moment.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-09-22)
Can you use Strike and Run, or Call for Friends type attacks to retrieve Fossils from your deck? What about using Pokémon Retriever to get them from your discard pile?
No, you cannot search for a Fossil trainer with any Pokémon searching technique.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-07-07)
The Poké-BODY "Knockout Gas" found on Koffing should read, "If Koffing is your Active Pokémon and is Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack, the Attacking Pokémon is now Confused and Poisoned." So only attacks that do damage (not "place counters") would cause Knockout Gas to be invoked.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-06-23)
If you use Rare Candy to evolve a Pokémon, and the evo card has a "Coming into Play" Pokémon Power (such as Dark Crobat), does that coming into play power get activated?
Using Powers, Attacks, or Trainers that let you put a Pokémon in the game from your hand will allow coming into play Powers to activate. This is a reversal from previous rulings.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-10-23), PUI Rules Team (2005-04-14)
While in play, Mysterious Fossil, Claw Fossil, and Root Fossil, count as both Trainer cards and as Pokémon. Previous rulings did not consider them to be "Trainer cards" while in play.
Source: PUI Announcement (2005-04-05), PUI Rules Team (2005-04-07)
The Poké-BODY "Buffer" found on Hoppip, Skiploom, and Jumpluff should read, "If Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff would be Knocked Out by damage from an opponent's attack, flip a coin...". So only attacks that do damage (not "place counters") would cause Buffer to be invoked.
Source: PUI Announcement (2005-04-05), PUI Rules Team (2005-04-07)
I have Hidden Legends Electrode and use "Mass Destruction" to knock out Electode and the defending Pokémon. If I have only one prize left and my opponent has more, but I have no bench and my opponent has a bench, do I still win?
No, in this situation it would go to Sudden Death. However, if the opponent did not have any Pokémon on their bench, the Electrode player would have two win conditions vs. one, and would therefore win the game.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-03-10)
If I have Quagsire and my opponent has Ampharos-EX in play and I attach an energy card to my Quagsire from my hand, which Poke-POWER gets applied first, Saturation or Conductivity?
Conductivity and Saturation happen at the same time, so the player attaching energy would get to decide which effect to apply first.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-03-03)
Can I evolve Dratini in play to Dark Dragonite by using Rare Candy?
Yes. [This is true as long as there is a normal evolutionary path between the basic and the Stage 2 "Dark" Pokémon.]
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-02-10)
Can a World Championship deck card be used as a local language reference?
Yes, it can be used. The card is not being played in a deck, it is being used as a reference.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2005-02-03)
Mantine's Poké-POWER only works when it is the player's Active Pokémon. Official Wording: Once during your turn (before your attack), if Mantine is your Active Pokémon, you may remove 1 damage counter from 1 of your Pokémon (excluding Mantine). This power can't be used if Mantine is affected by a Special Condition.
Source: PUI Announcement (2004-12-16)
Electrode-EX's "Crush and Burn" attack does extra damage based on the number of Energy cards discarded, not the amount of Energy provided. Official Wording: You may discard as many Energy cards as you like attached to your Pokémon in play. If you do, this attack does 30 damage plus 20 more damage for each Energy card you discarded.
Source: PUI Announcement (2004-12-16)
Strength Charm should read: "Whenever an attack from the Pokémon that Strength Charm is attached to does damage to the Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance), the attack does 10 more damage. At the end of the turn in which the player attacks with the Pokémon that this card is attached to, discard Strength Charm." This errata replaces text of "after applying Weakness and Resistance" with "before applying Weakness and Resistance" [in the Team Aqua vs Team Magma print]. It is also clarified that it is removed after ANY attack that the Pokémon makes, not just attacks that do damage.
Source: PUI Announcement (2004-10-01)
Steven's Advice should read: "Draw a number of cards up to the number of your opponent's Pokémon in play. If you have 7 or more cards (including this one) in your hand, you can't play this card." This errata replaces text of "more than 7" with "7 or more". If a player has 7 cards in his or her hand (including Steven's Advice), they cannot play the card.
Source: PUI Announcement (2004-10-01)
Mt. Moon should read: "Any Pokémon (both yours and your opponent's) with maximum HP of 70 or less can't use any Poké-Powers." This errata replaces text of "less than 70" with "70 or less". If a Pokémon has a maximum HP of 70, that Pokémon cannot use a Poké-POWER while this Stadium card is in play.
Source: PUI Announcement (2004-10-01)
Double Rainbow Energy should be applied *before* applying Weakness and Resistance. This brings it in line with the Japanese version of the card.
Source: PUI Announcement (2004-10-01)
Damage effects applied by the attacker (i.e. Nidoking's "Power Gene" adding +10 to Nidoqueen) are handled before weakness and resistance. Damage effects applied by the Defending Pokémon are handled after weakness and resistance.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-09-23)
For purposes of proper Pokémon names, treat all cards referring to "Drowsee" as "Drowzee". For example, you cannot have four "Drowsee" plus four "Drowzee" in your deck.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-09-02)
EX Hidden Legends Machamp is receiving errata for its "Brick Smash" attack to bring it in line with the Japanese version of the card. Weakness should be applied to the damage that Machamp deals. It should read, "This attack's damage isn't affected by Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon."
Source: World Championships Announcements (2004-08-21)
Evolution effects may take place on the first turn of the game, unless specifically stated on the card. This will affect Trainer cards, Poké-Powers, and effects of attacks. In the past, it was ruled that such an effect would have to state "This may be used on the first turn of the game." The correct usage is the card would have to specifically state "This may not be used on the first turn of the game."
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-07-22), PUI Rules Update (2004-07-30)
Does Rare Candy override evolution-preventing effects such as Fossil Aerodactyl's "Prehistoric Power"?
Yes, you can use Rare Candy when Aerodactyl's Prehistoric Power is in play.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-18), PUI Rules Team (2004-07-22)
EX Hidden Legends Feebas is receiving errata for its "Ascension" attack to bring it in line with the Japanese version of the card. It should read, "Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a card that evolves from Feebas and put it on Feebas. (This counts as evolving Feebas.) Shuffle your deck afterward." Please note that this only affects Feebas; Vulpix's "Ascension" attack does not require a coin flip.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-07-22)
Does Darkness Chant require the owning player to count either Basics OR Evolutions in the discard pile, or can both be counted together?
The attack is intended to count both Basics AND Evolutions, not one or the other.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-06-17)
Can I use Junk Arm if there aren't any trainer cards already in the Discard Pile?
No, you cannot play Junk Arm unless there is at least one Trainer card other than Junk Arm already in the Discard Pile beforehand.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2010-12-09), PUI Rules Team (2004-06-16)
Can I use Rare Candy on a Pokémon that was devolved on that same turn (i.e. Devolution Spray, Hyper Devolution Spray, etc.)?
No, you cannot. A Pokemon must be in play since the beginning of the turn in which you are using Rare Candy. A devolved Pokemon counts as just coming into play.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-06-03), PUI Rules Team (2004-06-09)
The new modified rules state you may only retreat once per turn. If you use a trainer to Switch your Pokémon, can you still retreat that Pokémon? Or does the Switch count as your one retreat per turn?
Switch does not count as your one retreat per turn. If it did affect it, I would imagine it being written as "(This counts as retreating your Pokémon)".
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-06-03)
At a recent tournament, the TO ruled that if a Pokémon has resistance to a particular type, and a dual-type Pokémon is that type and something else, it doesn't affect that Pokémon's attack at all. Is this true?
No. If a Pokémon has more than one type, each type still counts against the Defending Pokémon's Weaknesses or Resistances.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-05-20)
Is a player allowed to count the number of cards in his/her deck during a game, provided he/she doesn't change the order of the cards? And if so, is it permissible to count your opponent's deck as well?
Yes, the number of cards in both your and your opponent's deck are public information. Although it is recommended that the player counts his or her cards during their opponent's turn, in a manner that doesn't disrupt or slow down the game.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-05-06)
The wording on the "Pokémon Reversal" trainer changed significantly between the Expedition version and the EX:Ruby/Sapphire version. How should we play this card? Do we play each one "as written", or should we play them all the way the latest (or older) version of the card says?
It should read like the Expedition version, with a slight tweak to make it 2-on-2 applicable. "Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent switches that Pokémon. with 1 of his or her Defending Pokémon." The opponent chooses the defending, but the person playing the card chooses the benched.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-04-08)
The [default or normal] amount of energy an Energy card provides is equal to the number of energy symbols in the upper right or left corner of the card, regardless of how many different types of energy is provided.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-04-08)
I play an Oracle, and search for two cards. While I am searching, I find that I have a HUGE energy pocket coming up. So I break it up and add some trainers in between them. I then shuffle and put 2 cards on top. Is that legal?
As long as you shuffle sufficiently afterward.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-03-25)
If I flipped heads on Seadra's Agility attack, would that prevent Cradily's Spiral Drain from removing damage counters?
Agility only prevents damage and effects done to Seadra, not other effects that may extend to other Pokémon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-03-25)
Team Aqua Hideout increases the Retreat Cost for certain types of Pokémon - how does this affect a Pokémon that has a Poké-BODY that reduces the cost to zero, or a Pokémon that doesn't have a cost to retreat?
If a Pokémon doesn't have a Retreat Cost, it now has a cost of one. If a Poké-BODY reduces the cost to zero, the cost remains zero.
Source: Team Magma vs Team Aqua FAQ (2004-03-04)
Can you mix Team Magma and Team Aqua cards in the same deck?
Yes. There is no rule preventing you from playing rival teams in the same deck. The cards generally work better within the same team, but it's up to the player how they build their decks.
Source: Team Magma vs Team Aqua FAQ (2004-03-04)
I have an Italian-language Sharpedo, and its Poké-BODY says it puts 1 damage counter if it's hurt in an attack. English-language Sharpedo's say 2 counters. How do I play the card?
Play the Sharpedo as if it did 2 damage counters. It didn't get weaker as it swam the Atlantic.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-02-26)
Would Flygon's "Energy Shower" attack set off Ampharos-EX's "Conductivity" power? Like if I set down 6 energy, it would do 60 Damage (however I set down the energy)? And if yes, would the damage be done to Flygon or to each separate Pokemon. that I attach an energy to?
Yes, Flygon would indeed trigger Ampharos-EX's Conductivity; it also works the same way for Azumarill's "Drizzle" attack. And the damage would be done to each individual Pokemon that gets an energy attached to it.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-01-29)
If you use an Energy Search and don't find any Basic Energy, can you then play another Energy Search even though you know it will fail?
Yes, you can search for energy cards even if you know you won't find them. They exist as legal cards, therefore they can be searched for.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-01-15), PUI Rules Team (2004-01-22)
If you use an Energy Search and don't find any Basic Energy, do you still discard the Energy Search?
Yes, you would still discard it.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-01-15)
If Shiftry uses "Feint Attack" against a Pokémon that used "Smokescreen" the previous turn, would it have to flip for Smokescreen or not?
Yes it would have to flip. The effect of Smokescreen lies on the Shiftry, and Feint Attack only ignores effects on the DEFENDING Pokémon
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-01-08)
If Shiftry uses "Feint Attack" against a Pokémon that successfully used "Agility" the previous turn, would Agility prevent the Feint Attack or not?
No, the Feint Attack ignores any effects on the Defending Pokémon, including Agility, Wonder Guard, etc.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-01-08)
If Shiftry uses "Feint Attack" against Whiscash with "Submerge" Poké-BODY on the bench, which one prevails? The attack or the Poké-BODY?
Feint Attack ignores ANY effect on that Pokémon which attempts to prevent its damage; the attack itself specifically states that the attack's damage isn't affected by Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies (and other things as well).
Source: PUI Rules Team (2004-01-08)
Could you Rare Candy a Pokémon and NOT play an evolution on it just to get rid of the Rare Candy?
No, you cannot discard a card for free. You must be able to attach the Stage 2 card, or you cannot use the Rare Candy.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-10-30), PUI Rules Team (2003-12-04)
I got a Reverse Holo Magnemite, and the resistance symbol is an empty white circle (like the colorless symbol without the star in the middle).
It's just a grey circle (means nothing) where the foil is normally cut out for Resistance. However for clarification, there should not be any Resistance on that particular card - the non-foil of that version doesn't have a Resistance either.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-11-20)
In the Japanese card, there is a text saying "If Balloon Berry is attached to one of your Pokémon, the Pokémon.'s retreat cost is 0". So, you should play Balloon Berry as if it negates the Pokémon's retreat cost while attached to that Pokémon, not just when it actually attempts to retreat. For example, Muk-EX's "Slimy Water" attack damage will be reduced to only 40 against a Pokémon with Balloon Berry attached to it.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-11-13)
Could I use the effect of a Stadium card already in play, then play a Stadium card from my hand to remove the old stadium, and still be able to use my new stadium's effect?
Yes, provided you have not already played a Stadium card that turn [and the new one has a different name].
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-11-06)
A guiding rule for evolving Pokémon... If it's not in play at the start of that player's turn, it can't be evolved normally. And effects that say "this counts as evolving the Pokémon" count against being able to evolve a Pokémon normally afterward. So, you can use Wally's Training after evolving normally, but you can't use Wally's Training then evolve.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-10-30)
Can I use Rare Candy on a Pokémon that has already evolved normally that turn?
No you cannot, because Rare Candy can only evolve Basic Pokémon If you evolved a Pokémon already this turn, it would not be a Basic any more.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-10-23)
Can you use Rare Candy to evolve a Mysterious Fossil into an Omastar or Kabutops, or use it on a Root/Claw Fossil to evolve into Cradily/Armaldo?
It can. It counts as a basic Pokémon while in play. Omastar, Kabutops, Cradily, and Armaldo are Stage 2 Pokémon; you could use Rare Candy on the Fossil trainer to skip to them.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-10-16)
In the new Tournament rules, it is said that when time is called, the active player is allowed to finish his or her turn. After this, do players still check for Burn, Poison, and other relevant Special Conditions, or is the game over before the Special Conditions can take place?
When time is called, the end of the game would trigger at the end of the current player's turn after resolving all of the effects that occur during that player's turn, but before addressing any actions that happen between turns such as Special Conditions.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-10-16)
What does "This counts as evolving that Pokémon" mean, in game terms?
It counts towards the one evolution per turn for that Pokémon (with exceptions for Trainers and Pokémon Powers that break that rule) and removes Special Conditions on that Pokémon.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-26)
The wording on Darkness Energy from the EX Ruby & Sapphire expansion says: "If the Pokémon Darkness Energy is attached to attacks, the attack does 10 more damage to the Active Pokémon". Does this mean that you get to add +10 even if an attack does no damage at all to the Defending Pokémon (i.e. EX Sandstorm Murkrow's "Surprise" attack)?
No, it still applies only if there was initial damage to add to. So in other words, you still have to do some damage in order to have "10 more" done.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-18)
I've noticed that some cards say "Does 10 damage to the Defending Pokémon", whereas others say "Put 1 damage counter on the defending Pokémon". Is there any reason for the different wording? I've spoken to someone who says that you do not apply weakness or resistance for attacks where it specifies Damage Counters; is this the case?
There is a difference. As you mention, weakness and resistance are not applied when placing counters. Also, things like Defender and Metal Energy will not block Placing Damage Counters. It will not trigger things like Base Set Machamp's Strike Back. In the steps of resolving an Attack, "placing Damage Counters" counts as an Effect of the attack, it is not part of "doing damage".
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-18)
Can you have 4 Electabuzz and 4 Electabuzz-EX in the same deck?
Yes, you can play 4 Electabuzz and 4 Electabuzz EX in the same deck, as they are considered different cards (similar to the ruling for Trainer Pokémon).
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-11)
In the EX:Sandstorm set, there are 2 identical versions of Marill, but one has a retreat cost and one does not. Which one is the correct version and how shall the 2 different versions be played?
This appears to be a fairly common mistake in the set. Play the card as written; if you have the Marill with the free retreat you may play it as such.
Source: PUI Rules Team (2003-09-11)
We cannot attack our partner in Team Battle - I had somebody try that at Worlds while I was judging team. They didn't want to flip to use an Eeeeeeek attack so they aimed at their patner.
Correct, you cannot attack your teammate.
Source: WotC Chat (2003-06-12)
A Judging question -- a Pokemon that has 5 or 6 cards attached to it is on the table. A player throws a six sided dice and it lands half on the table and half sitting on this big stack of cards at about a 25 or 30 degree tilt. Is this similar to the "flat coin ruling where the coin flip counts even if it lands in the damage counter or half on cards. What do we do? An experienced player gently pushed the cards out from under the dice to see if they stayed put. Two new players started debating just where the dice actually landed -- under a lot of cards or just a few???
Anything less then a 45 degree angle is fine.
Source: WotC Chat (2003-02-20)
Can you play 2 TM's together on your active Pokemon?
Yup. One attack per turn, doesn't matter if you have two copies of it. You can only use one cube to attack. You don't have two attacks.
Source: WotC Chat (2003-02-13)
When both Active Pokemon are Asleep, who tries to wake up first?
Umm, we have no idea why it would matter. Usually you do them at the same time. If for some future reason it would matter, then the player whose turn is next would flip first.
Source: WotC Chat (2002-11-21)
In TMP, if I play a Supporter on my opponent...since it's played on him I cannot use any more supporters my turn...but he can use them on his turn correct?
Correct. [Ed. Note: Just for clarification, the supporter action itself must be played during the current turn; it cannot be held over until the opponent's turn. The answer here indicates that the other player may play a Supporter on their turn if they wish.]
Source: WotC Chat (2002-09-19)
When you play a Warp Point in Team Multiplay, how does it work?
Play the card as written. The player who uses the card gets to decide which opponent it affects and which member of his or her team it affects. Each of those players gets to choose which Pokemon they switch up from their own bench.
Source: WotC Rules Team Update (2002-09-16)
When the text for a previously released card changes in a new set, how are the older cards played?
You will need to start using the new text as soon as the set is released.
Source: WotC Chat (2002-09-05)
When using Agility in Team Play, can you specify which of the opposing team's Active Pokemon is affected by the Agility effect, or does it HAVE to be the Defending Pokemon that you are attacking with Agility?
It does have a you or your in it, so you would be able to select which opponent's active Pokemon it affects.
Source: WotC Chat (2002-07-18)
In Team Battle, can I use my Venusaur to switch Grass Energy between my teammate's Pokemon (not moving them between owners)?
Source: WotC Chat (2002-06-27)
In Team Play, when an attack like Kakuna's "Secrete Poison" or "Agility" specifies the phrase "during your opponent's next turn", does that count for both opponents or do you have to choose one of the opponents to have the effect during their turn only?
You would have to specify which opponent.
Source: WotC Chat (2002-05-23)
ANY Pokemon attack or Power that can only be used once per turn, is reset if that Pokemon evolves or devolves or leaves play and that power or attack could be used again if that Pokemon came into play again that same turn. The "can't use this attack next turn" sets up a status effect that can be ended through the normal means: benching, leaving play, evolving or devolving. With Pokemon Powers though, you can't get around the once per turn by benching. Benching a Pokemon does NOT get around these effects as they are still the same Pokemon and still in play. [Ed.Note: This does not apply to Tentacool Lv.10 (Fossil) which specifically states in the text of the power that it cannot be used on the same turn it comes into play.]
Source: WotC Chat (2001-09-27), WotC Chat (2002-02-14), WotC Chat (2002-05-23)
Can Pokemon be Knocked Out partway through completing the Trainer card?
A Pokemon cannot be Knocked Out partway through the Trainer card. You must complete all of the actions of a Trainer card BEFORE you check for game state checks (to see if a Pokemon is Knocked out for example).
Source: WotC Chat (2002-03-06), WotC Chat (2002-03-07)
A Special Energy Card remains a Special Energy card regardless of what happens to it. A Fire Burned Rainbow Energy may only produce Fire energy but it would still be considered a Special Energy card as well.
Source: WotC Chat (2002-02-14)
If Porygon2 has changed a Grass energy to Lightning, would it be fair to say that Venusaur could not Energy Trans it (for the rest of the turn)?
Source: WotC Chat (2002-01-17)
If an attack says to discard a specific type of Energy card to use that attack, can a Rainbow Energy be used to pay that cost?
Yes, you can.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-10-11)
Can you over pay retreat cost? I mean like if you wanted to get rid of a Darkness Energy from a free retreat pokemon, could you discard the darkness anyway when you retreat?
Source: WotC Chat (2001-08-09)
If a Raichu (or whatever) does Agility and flips heads, does an attack that would do damage to benched pokemon, or some other effect that does NOT do damage or something to Raichu work?
Yes it would, while all attacks are considered against the defending Pokemon (which is why something that prevents attacks would stop it in this case), Agility only prevents the effects of that attack if they affect Raichu only.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-07-19)
What's the exact definition of "Defending Pokémon"?
It is your opponent's Active Pokemon when you are attacking.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-07-19)
Can people have more then one card in a sleeve, I have caught people trying to cheat this way. Will you get DQ'ed for it ?
Having 2 cards in a sleeve counts as a marked card. There are rules and punishments for this infraction listed on the tournament floor rules.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-06-14)
It has been ruled that W/R does not apply to the bench unless specifically mandated by the card. Period. That is a meta-game rule. It was never intended that the W/R would apply to the bench unless specifically stated. Yes we do know that some Pokemon say not to apply W/R to the Bench. [But] if it doesn't say then you wouldn't apply Weakness and Resistance (the default for benched Pokemon is to NOT apply Weakness and Resistance). This has been verified.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-05-03)
If Wooper uses Amnesia on Scyther's Slash, then Scyther retreats for another Pokémon, then that Pokémon [is Switched] for Scyther again, can Scyther use Slash?
Amnesia references the defending Pokemon, when that Pokemon is benched the effect ends.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-04-12)
If your Pokémon has been Smokescreened on the previous turn, and you choose an attack that requires you to do something (such as discarding Energy) in order to use the Attack, do you pay the attack costs before you flip for the Smokescreen Effect?
Yes before, you still attempt the attack; the Smokescreen might just stop it from having any effect.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-13), WotC Chat (2001-04-05)
When you use a Trainer that requires you to shuffle your hand into your deck does that Trainer get shuffled back into the Deck too or does it go to the Discard Pile?
No, the trainer that you play doesn't go back into your deck. {When you played it, you put it down on the table. It is no longer in your hand]
Source: WotC Chat (2001-03-29)
Can you use Pokémon Powers [or Ability] that can be used "anytime" while the effect of another power is in progress?
Source: WotC Chat (2001-01-25)
Is it allowable for a player in a tourney to refuse to let someone use their randomizer (coin)?
Nope. This is done to keep players from gaining an edge with a possibly unbalnaced randomizer.
Source: WotC Chat (2001-01-11)
Do Pokémon Tools stay attached to the Pokémon when it evolves?
Source: WotC Chat (2000-12-21)
Can a Pokémon Tool be attached to a Pokémon that already has another trainer card (Defender,Plus Power,etc...) attached to it?
Yes you could attach a tool to a Pokémon that had another trainer on it (as long as it isn't a Tool as well).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-12-21)
Can you have more than 4 Metal [Special] energy cards in a deck legally?
No. [Ed. Note: Same rule applies to Darkness [Special] Energy too.]
Source: WotC Chat (2000-12-21)
Last week you said that many cards (Lass, etc.) don't require shuffling their deck if they don't have any cards in their hand (Nov 30, 2000, Q4 & Q15). But, a previous ruling for Gambler said that you DO have to shuffle (May 11, 2000, Q131). Please clarify & confirm. Thanks.
Read every card...on Gambler it specifically states 'shuffle your hand into your deck'. Since your 'hand' can be a 'hand' of zero cards you could shuffle if you had no cards in your hand in this case. However, cards that say trade a card in your hand for one in your deck, and you don't have one to trade; you can't shuffle in that case. Lass says 'shuffle all Trainer cards in your hand back into your deck. If you have no trainers, you can't shuffle your deck.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-12-07)
When both active Pokémon are knocked out, who places a new active first?
The player whose turn would be next.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-11-30)
Certain attacks & powers (like Erika's Clefairy's Lunar Power attack, Koga's Kakuna's Emerge Pokémon Power, or TR Magikarp's Rapid Evolution attack), can break the standard "can't evolve turn 1 or the turn it was played" rule. You CAN play them on the first turn and you can sometimes even choose a Pokémon on your Bench that you just played this turn. To make it easier to understand, the standard evolution rules ("can't evolve turn 1 or the turn it was played") deal with the standard means of evolving; meaning taking the next Stage Pokémon from your hand and placing it on a Pokémon. Since these attacks and powers have you take a card from your deck and place it, they are NOT stopped by the standard evolution limits. This also falls under the term "played". Aerodactyl's Pokémon Power "Prehistoric Power" says No more Evolution cards can be played. The above attacks and powers would NOT be affected by this as those cards are not "played" (meaning played from your hand).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-11-30)
Does Rainbow Energy count as Darkness and Metal energy?
For the purposes of paying the cost of an attack, yes. Though the additional effects will not be provided.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-11-09)
Scenario: It's down to one prize each, your turn with 10HP left, and you're poisoned. You attack and KO your opponent to draw your last prize. But you take poison damage and would be KO'd now too. Do you win or does it go to Sudden Death?
You win, you must complete the rest of the combat sequence, but then if you win BEFORE the end of the turn, you win, period. Poison doesn't happen until after the end of your turn.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-10-05)
I was playing with this guy and he rearranged the order of the cards in his deck prior to shuffle it, would this be allowed in a tournament?
Yes but you would have the right to shuffle it yourself or cut it as well if you were uncomfortable with his shuffling method.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-09-15)
Do you apply Pokémon Powers before status effects?
Check under 'How do you figure damage' in the Pokémon rules. Existing status effects are applied first, then Pokémon powers, then damage is assigned, then lastly new status effects from the attack are applied (basically).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-09-07)
When a Pokémon is put to Asleep who flips the coin at the end of the turn?
The person whose Pokémon is asleep.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-31)
Is it illegal to randomly shuffle your deck, and if yes what are the penalties from doing so?
Yes it is illegal. The penalties depend on the tournament rules.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-31)
If Gastly (Fossil) uses Lick and Knocks Out the other Pokémon, does your opponent bring out another Pokémon and then you do the status effect?
No, a Pokémon is SLATED to be removed when it has sufficient damage assigned to it. Attack effects resolve BEFORE a replacement Pokémon is brought up.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-31)
Is there any penalty for accidentally seeing your opponents hand?
As long as you both agree it was accidental, then no.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-31)
During a game is it legal to count your Discard pile? Is it also legal to count your deck as long as you do not look at the cards front?
Sure, though if you do it too often during a timed tournament it could be deemed stalling.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-31)
Say you are using a Golduck (from the Fossil set) and you use his Psybeam. Would this be a Psychic or Water attack?
A Water attack as Psyduck is a Water Pokémon. [Ed. Note: This answer can be generalized further: When a Pokémon attacks, that attack is considered to be an attack of that Pokémon's type; it's not dependent on the energy requirement.]
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-31)
If I use Pokémon Trader or Energy Search and there aren't any Pokémon or Energy in my deck, do I have to show my deck to my opponent? If there isn't any in my deck, do I get to put the Pokémon Trader or Energy Search back in my hand either?
You don't have to show your deck and you don't put the trainer back in your hand [Ed. note: It goes into the discard pile].
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-17)
This is probably an incredibly silly question, but I can't find the answer to it anywhere. If an opponent knocks out one of my Pokémon, and they forget to draw a prize, are they entitled to it if they remember later?
Technically yes. It is the responsibility of BOTH players to make sure everything is done correctly. If you spot it and he forgets you can BOTH get a warning in a tournament if you don't catch it.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-17)
Can players mark the Energy cards in their deck by turning them all upside-down?
No, all cards should be facing the same way.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-17)
What happens if I use Professor [Juniper] and have less than 7 cards left in my deck? Do I lose immediately, or do I draw out the remainder of my deck and lose at the beginning of my next turn (if I don't do anything to replenish the deck like Recycle, Mr.Fuji,
You only lose when you don't have any cards to draw on; the card draw you must do on the start of your turn. So you would lose on your next turn if you didn't somehow get some cards back into your [draw] deck.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-03)
What is a marked card?
A card that you can tell what it is by a glance (without seeing the front). It might have a different back, be scratched or written on in some way, be more worn out than the other cards, etc."
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-03)
When a card's attack "does damage to itself", is this damage considered to be an ATTACK against the Defending Pokémon? Let's say you had an Electabuzz versus a Team Rocket Porygon and Team Rocket Porygon switched Electabuzz's Weakness to Lightning. You Thunderpunched with Electabuzz and flipped tails. Would Electabuzz receive 10 or 20 damage? Furthermore, would Defender prevent this damage? (Defender prevents damage from attacks).
1) 20, it is considered an attack. 2) Well, assuming it was an attack that did damage to itself, then Defender would help with that damage.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-08-03)
What is an opaque card sleeve?
An opaque card sleeve is one that has a backing you cannot see through...common opaque [sleeves] are red and/or black
Source: WotC Chat (2000-07-27)
You ruled that Team Rocket's Magikarp's Rapid Evolution can be used the turn those Pokémon come into play [Ed.Note: see also "Rapid Evolution" (Jul 13, 2000 WotC Chat Announcements)]. Does that mean that if I had played TR Magikarp down on the first turn of the game, I could evolve him (I know that this is not possible, i.e., I cannot get 3 [W] Energy on Magikarp but if we ignore this limitation) ... would it be possible since Rapid Evolution ignores the normal evolution rule?
Yes, *if* you could get three water energy on Team Rocket Magikarp.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-07-20)
If you "Paralyzed" your opponent's Active Pokémon and then use an attack that says "Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Confused.", is that attack a forced check or optional?
It is a forced check.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-07-13)
Can I retreat my Active Pokémon if my bench is full?
Yup, when you retreat you are switching your active for one on your bench.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-07-13)
Any card that provides Energy is considered an Energy card of the type it provides. So if you were to Energy Burn a DCE, it counts as a Fire Energy card that provides 2 fire Energy until the end of the turn. So it could be Gathered by Team Rocket Charmander but would only provide 1 coin flip for the Continuous Fireball attack on Dark Charizard.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-07-06)
Can I lay a Double Colorless Energy and another Energy down on the same turn?
No, you can only attach 1 Energy card per turn.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-10), WotC Chat (2000-06-30)
If my Pokémon uses Agility and get heads then on my opponent's next turn he benches his Pokémon, does that [Ed. Note: Agility's effect] end? If that Pokémon was Knocked Out, would Agility still be on the next Pokémon that he sends up?
Since the Agility Attack references Rapidash, only Benching or Evolving him ends the effect. Also since it only refers to Rapidash it would still be in effect if the other player benched.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-30)
At any time during a battle, are you or your opponent allowed to shuffle your deck?
NO! [Ed. Note: This references shuffling at random times, not when appropriate]
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-29)
Can I have say 4 Blaine's Arcanine and four regular Arcanine?
In one deck? Sure, they have different names.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-22)
If Mewtwo "Energy Absorbs" a Rainbow Energy and then Venusaur "Energy Trans" it, does the receiving Pokémon take damage?
Nope, it only does [places] the damage [counter] when you play the card from your hand.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-22)
If I have two Rainbow energy attached to a Dark Charizard and I flip two heads, can I discard the Rainbow Energy or do I have to have Fire Energy cards?
You could discard the Rainbow Energy as they do count as all basic energy types.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-22)
Can you Rain Dance Rainbow Energy?
No. Because it does not count as any type while in your hand.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-22)
Can you Energy Trans a Rainbow Energy?
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-22)
If you use a PlusPower on a attack that does 0 damage, will it do 10 damage? Like for example, Kangaskhan's Fetch will it do 10 damage with a PlusPower?
No, PlusPower will only add 10, *if* damage is done. Fetch doesn't do damage.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-01)
When using Raichu's Agility attack it states that if heads, Raichu will not receive damage until after the opponent's turn. If Raichu is poisoned and then gets heads, will he take damage from poison at the end of his turn?
Yes, Agility is referring to effects of attacks on Raichu during your opponent's next turn.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-06-01)
Can you [play] more than one PlusPower[?] 2, 3, 4?
Well you can have up to 4 in your deck, so if you had all 4 in your hand you could use them all at once yes.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-18)
Can you explain the process of Paralysis for me?
I paralyze your Pokémon on MY TURN. On YOUR TURN its Paralyzed, and at the end of YOUR turn it is UNPARALYZED. Back on MY TURN, it is NOT PARALYZED, comprendez?
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-18)
In the Team Rocket set does a Stage 2 Dark Pokémon have to evolve from a Dark Pokémon or can I put it on a plain one?
It has to evolve from a Dark Stage 1 Pokémon (unless you use Breeder of course).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-18)
Does a PlusPower work with Hitmonlee's Stretch Kick attack?
It does not. Pluspower only adds to the total if the attack does damage to the [Active] Pokémon only.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-11)
If the Defending Pokémon has a status change (like Poison) but an attack requires you to flip to see if the same condition is afflicted, do you still have to flip? (Eg - Weedle's Poison Sting reads "Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is Poisoned.")
Yes, you have to though I can understand why you would consider it redundant.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-11)
If my Pokémon fell asleep and it wakes up next turn, will it be able to attack on that turn or the next?
You flip at the end of each player's turn. If it wakes up after the other players turn, BEFORE yours then it would act normal on your turn.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-11)
If I have Zubat (no retreat cost) as my Active and retreat him, can I bring him back as Active or do I have to bring up another Benched Pokémon?
When you retreat a Pokémon, you are swapping it (a switch) with another on the bench. So in this case, Zubat goes to the bench, and you bring up a different Pokémon from your bench.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-17), WotC Chat (2000-05-11)
Can I evolve a Dratini from the rocket set into a Dragonair from the first set of Pokémon?
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-11)
Can Venusaur put other energies on Fire Pokémon?
Only other grass energy.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-11)
If I have 2 of the same Pokémon in play that have a Pokémon Power [or Ability], can I use that power twice? What powers wouldn't be useable twice, or more for that matter?
Sure, depends on the particular power though. If you had two Muks for example, then only one power is necessary.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-11)
Can I have an English Dark Blastoise on the side while having a Water Energy with Dark Blastoise written on it in my deck and play it in a tournament?
No, you'll have to use the Dark Blastoise.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-04)
When Smokescreen stops an attack, does it stop all effects of the attack, even those that might be done to the attacking Pokémon?
Yes, it stops all effects.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-04)
What about cards that do not state when the effect ends? Like Fossil Magmar's Smokescreen? I think for only one turn (the opponent's next turn), but some Apprentice people say it lasts until Magmar is Benched!
The effect says tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, so it only works on the next turn after you use the attack.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-05-04)
In the rules it states that when a Pokémon evolves it becomes free of Poison, Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, or anything else that may be the result of an attack. Does this mean that damage is also taken off of it when it evolves?
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-27)
If an opponent already has Nidoking's Toxic double Poison, then next turn I use a "normal Poison" attack, does the opponent retain Toxic's double Poison condition or does it now become a single Poison condition?
It would gain a single Poison effect (the new effect replaces the old one).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-27)
Dark Dragonite's Pokémon Power does not have the "you cannot use this Power if your bench is already full" text like most other Bench-building powers and attacks do. Does this mean that by using Dark Dragonite you can bypass the normal five-Pokémon limit to your bench?
C'mon. That's silly. There isn't room to put the reminder text on every single card. The rule is the bench can only have 5 max (EVER).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-27)
Can the First Movie promo Pikachu use Recharge to get a Rainbow Energy from the deck, or does it have to be a basic Lightning Energy card?
That would not work. Rainbow Energy only counts as all-basic energy types WHILE IN PLAY. This is not the case when it is in the deck.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-27)
If your Active Pokémon is Asleep, do you have to flip at the end of each turn, or can you stay Asleep if you wish?
You have to flip.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-20)
Does benching ALWAYS 'reset' the Pokémon completely?
Benching always reset attack effects.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-13)
Dark Pokémon evolve from Basic Pokémon. Once you evolve a Basic Pokémon into a Dark Stage 1 Pokémon, it CANNOT evolve into a non-Dark Stage 2 Pokémon, only a Dark Stage 2. "Once you walk down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny" - Yoda the non-Pokémon.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-13)
Can you have more then 4 Rainbow Energy cards in a deck, since it changes into a basic Energy?
No, since it's not a basic Energy card you can only use 4 in a deck.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-13)
Some players freely examine their own discard pile (or their opponent's) whenever they want. Is this allowed? Or can a discard pile only be examined when you have official business there (like after playing Item Finder).
Discard piles are open knowledge (either player could look through them).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-06)
If you use Smokescreen then retreat the Pokémon that is Smoke screened or if Magmar Retreats is it still in effect?
Smokescreen references the defending Pokémon, so if you bench that Pokémon the effect ends. If you bench Magmar then Smokescreen is in effect.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-04-06)
How long does Poison last?
Until the Pokémon is Benched, Evolved, or Knocked Out.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-03-30)
If a card gives off Energy of any type then that card COUNTS as an Energy card of that type. This means a Buzzap'd Electrode that was chosen to give 2 Grass Energy COUNTS as a Grass Energy Card and can be Energy Transferred by Venusaur's Pokémon Power.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-03-30)
If my opponent had 3 cards left in his deck and I used Wildfire to discard the three cards, on his/her next turn do I win?
Yup, you would, if someone cannot draw a card at the start of their turn like they are supposed to, they lose.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-03-09)
When you use a Trainer card, first you pay the cost (if any), then you resolve the effect of the Trainer card, then you discard that Trainer card. So you could NOT use Item Finder to bring itself back from the discard pile (you would discard 2 other cards from your hand, then pull a Trainer card from your discard pile to your hand, THEN you would discard the Item Finder).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-03-02)
Can I play a PlusPower then a Gambler, and play another PlusPower I got from the Gambler?
Yes, you can.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-24)
If I draw my last card. It is an Electric Energy so I use Raichu's Gigashock and it kills all of my opponents. Who wins?
You do, because you won't actually lose for being out of cards until the beginning of your next turn.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-24)
My opponent attacks my Active, which causes 20 damage and Poisons it. Her turn is over. Do I then have to put 1 more damage [counter] on it because it is still Poisoned?
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-24)
If Magmar's Smokescreen Knocks Out the Defending Pokémon, does the new Active have to flip to see if its attack is effective?
No, it only effects the Defending Pokémon the attack was done against.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-24)
Do you have to add Energy to a Pokémon and attack with your active Pokémon if you have Energies in your hand?
No, you don't have to.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-17)
Can Pokémon Powers [or Ability] be used all the time?
Each Power [or Ability] tells you specifically when or how often it can be used.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-17)
If you use an attack that puts your opponent's Pokémon to Sleep (like Haunter's Nightmare), and the Defending Pokémon was already Asleep before you attacked, do you still have to flip a coin after the attack to see if it wakes up?
Yes, they get to flip at the end of each player's turn.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-10)
If one of your Pokémon was Poisoned, and a few turns later it is KO'd by the Poison, does your opponent take a Prize card although the Poison KO'd the Pokémon, and not your opponents Pokémon?
Yes, he would still draw a Prize card. Whenever a Pokémon is Knocked Out, the other player gets Prize cards -- even if you Knock Out your own.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-10)
Would Magmar's Smokescreen stop Kangaskhan's Fetch?
Yes, it would, since Fetch is an attack.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-10)
Can the Switch card be used to retreat a Paralyzed, Confused, or Sleeping Pokémon?
Yes, you can use a Switch card to retreat a Confused, Asleep or Paralyzed Pokémon.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-03)
Does Magmar's Smokescreen effect end if the Defending Pokémon evolves?
Since Magmar's Smokescreen attack references the Defending Pokémon, by it evolving, it removes that effect.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-03)
Does Fearow's Agility attack block Kangaskhan's Fetch?
Actually it does not; Fearow's Agility says stops damage done to Fearow, and the Fetch just draws a card. This is the new ruling from R&D.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-02-03)
When you Knock Out more than one of your opponent's Pokémon in a turn (i.e. using Selfdestruct or Raichu's Gigashock attack) do you receive a Prize for each Knocked Out enemy Pokémon?
Yes you do. And if you knock out some of your own, your opponent gets to draw prizes as well.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-01-27)
Are you allowed to have as many DCE as you want in a deck like normal Energy or only four like any other card?
Only 4 maximum, it is NOT a basic Energy card (the only type you can have more than 4 of in your deck).
Source: WotC Chat (2000-01-27)
Are Promos legal in tourney and league play?
Promo cards are legal in tourney and league play [As long as they have been released in the local area].
Source: WotC Chat (2000-01-27)
Do you have to attack if you have enough Energy cards attached to your Pokémon?
No, you always have the choice whether to attack on your turn or not.
Source: WotC Chat (2000-01-27)
At the end of a long match, I Selfdestruct Magneton. My opponent and I both take our last Prize cards. Who wins?
Well, if one of you has a Benched Pokémon to replace your Active Pokémon and the other player doesn't, then the person who can replace his or her Active Pokémon wins. Otherwise, you play Sudden Death. This is explained in the Pokémon rules in the Expert Rules section under "What Happens if Both Players Win at the Same Time?"
Source: WotC Chat (1999-10-04)
Can I play more than one Trainer card on my turn?
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
How do I win?
You win when you draw your last Prize or when your opponent loses his or her Active Pokémon and doesn't have a Pokémon on the Bench to replace it. You also win if your opponent can't draw a card at the beginning of his or her turn because his or her deck ran out of cards, but this doesn't happen very often.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
Do I flip a coin to see if my Asleep Pokémon wakes up at the end of the same turn that it fell Asleep?
Yes. You also [place] Poison damage at the end of the same turn a Pokémon got Poisoned.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
When I retreat my Pokémon, do I discard the Energy from my hand or from the Pokémon?
From the Pokémon.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
If my Active Pokémon has taken damage and I retreat it, does the damage go away?
No. Retreating does not remove damage. (But it does remove Poison, Confusion, Sleep, or anything else that's the result of a Pokémon's attack, including special attacks like Porygon's Conversion.)
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
If I Knock Out my own Pokémon, does my opponent still get to take a Prize?
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
How many cards can I have in my hand?
You can have as many cards as you draw. There is no limit to hand size.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
How do I evolve a Pokémon?
You just play the evolved version of that Pokémon on top of the Pokémon you want to evolve. In other words, you have to have the unevolved version already on the table and the evolved version in your hand, and then you just put the evolved version on top of the unevolved version. You can evolve an Active or a Benched Pokémon.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
Can I still use the abilities of the Basic Pokémon after I've evolved it?
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
Can I attach Energy cards to Benched Pokémon?
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
If I attack with Venonat's Leech Life and do 10 damage, how many damage counters do I remove from Venonat?
You remove one damage counter, which equals 10 damage.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
When I attack, do I discard the Energy card(s) I used to power the attack?
Energy is not used up by an attack. Unless that attack specifically says to discard an Energy, it stays attached to the Pokémon.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
Can I attack with a Pokémon if I just played it?
Yes, as long as it's your Active Pokémon (only your Active Pokémon can attack) and as long as it has the required amount of Energy for the attack.
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)
Can I use the "Pokémon Power" [or Ability] of a Benched Pokémon?
Source: WotC Chat (1999-09-30)